Sunday, April 08, 2012


Happy Easter thread.


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Judie said...

Thank you Steve for the Easter Sunday gift. Wishing you and your family a lovely day.

Had checked earlier and saw flugg being delivered and everyone was at home. Now, babes are preening with a parent keeping watch.


Lynne2 said...



Safe travels for Dana, Sandi, Lori and all who may be traveling today!

Judie said...

doing a Margy,

Isla is putting on a wonderful show this morning. Someone is at Lock Garten but I don't know which one.


Hi Lynne.

Costume Lady said...


paula eagleholic said...

Finally eating time...chicks sitting up for breakfast and snatching it right out of Belle's beak!

paula eagleholic said...

::: (\_(\ ...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*
*: (=' :') :::::::** HAPPY EASTER! **:::::::::::
•.. (,('')('')¤...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks have had a good meal...

Off to work on mine...

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks have had a good meal...

Off to work on mine...

glo said...

Happy Easter everyone.

Lynne2 said... sun shining at the nest. Bright here though!

Lynne2 said...

poop shoot!

Lynne2 said...

Big 'un can't POSSIBLY be comfortable sitting like that!

Lynne2 said...

LOL! Such an awkward stage of eaglet development!

Mema Jo said...

May the Blessings of this Easter morning be yours forever - Peace to all

It's a beautiful morning and all your card and Easter wishes are received with a happy heart!

paula eagleholic said...

Shep in...with a fish, I think...eagle talk from Belle

Lynne, they are so awkward and cute!

Skinny fish! Belle hops over to claim it...its fresh check out the tail!

paula eagleholic said...

Shep up on the 10 branch...can see his shadow.

paula eagleholic said...

Shep flies out over noon

paula eagleholic said...

Belle has the fish at 6...still wiggling :)

That chick cannot be hungry!...Biggie move over to Mom

paula eagleholic said...

Great view of feeding...feeding at the pantry

paula eagleholic said...

That molting feather of Belle's is still hanging on...wind catching her in the tail feathers!

Sandi said...

Shutting down the laptop and see there is a new thread. Thanks, Steve!! Need to get subscribed so I can keep up with the blog on my ancient cell while Denny is driving. Again, have a great day - will check in tonight!

hedgie said...

Have a great day, Sandi!

Love your cake, Paula!

No bunny cake here this year, but Carolyn has made poke cake!

Judie, what menu are you planning today?

stronghunter said...

Yay, I am not a robot. Sometimes have trouble proving that to the blogs.

Love the cake, Paula.

stronghunter said...

We have a birthday cake here for Susan's boyfriend James.

Lolly said...


Good morning! Just time to peek in. Need to eat breakfast and get ready for church. Family will be here early afternoon. Dinner will be around 5.

I just might have time to peek in after church. Gotta check on the peaglets and my friends!!


Lolly said...

Jacob story.....

Every year Laurel's next door neighbor (who has grown up kids) decorates all the driveways in the neighborhood (those with kids) with colored chalk. She did a beautiful pic with three crosses and wrote "He is Risen...Happy Easter"..They also scatter chocolate eggs on the drive way. Jacob says "You can tell the Easter bunny really did this."☺

NatureNut said...


Lovely day in the neighborhood! Off to do some vooking. Have safe travels and a wonderful day! ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Have another Walmart friend working today as that friends GF is coming for dinner. Yay!

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks lazing in the sun, one in the bowl, the other at the pantry....oh, they are moving around a bit.

DanaMo said...

Thanks Steve for the Easter thread. Happy Easter to you! Will we be meeting you face to face on April 21st? Sure hope so to thank you in person!

Estimated time of departure is about a half hour.

CarolAnne said...

EASTER THANKS to all for ecards & snail mail Easter blessings.

Heading out to in-laws for Easter meal.

Unfortunately it will be a lot of "drink & talk stupid time".
Ahhh . . .but this too shall pass.

Wrap your arms around yourself and have a hug from me!

DanaMo said...

I hope everyone has a great day spent with family and reflecting on what this day means. Mass was beautiful as always on Easter! Loved singing Gloria again after 40 day of Lent!

Kay...I hope you are feeling well today? Are you spending it with Julie? I will call you when I get to the campground.

Mema Jo said...

Love the Jacob Story! I am awaiting before the others the older grandsons to hide eggs out in the yard for the 4 young ones. I sure hope they feel the same as Jacob!

hedgie said...

See that my kindle post showed up on it, but not on here. Go figure!

Got the deck blown off in between gusts but the redbud blossoms keep coming down. Possibility of shower later....ugh! Kids will just have to take off their shoes inisde the door if it comes before them!

hedgie said...

Hi Shirley and Loretta! Busy day for you all, too, I bet.
Shirley, enjoy your trip to the beach Weds. Hope it is nice weather.

Mema Jo said...

I agree about the Gloria, Dana. Our choir of 11 had such volume - I love men's voices in the music.
Happy to hear from you Lynn and I love Poke cake! Give your girls and their family a hug for me. Our ham is heating in the oven and the green beans on top of the stove with ham bits are cooking. Mac and cheese is next to go into the oven and the buttered corn will be turned on. Hubby went for the forgotten rolls and Au Gratin potatoes are being brought in by family. Festivities should begin around 1:00 as others went to church this morning. That will be my day! A very Blessed day I should say. Sandi, Dana, Dana and all others have a safe journey ♥

Mema Jo said...

I mean to say Sandi, Dana and LORI have very safe travels - Wave to me when you fly over BUT you were to early and I missed you! Everyone traveling local to their dinning sites - safe journeys

Mema Jo said...

Happy Easter to Belle and Shep - you two have certainly made these last weeks very rewarding for all of us. The two little ones and their heads down hiding from the winds!

Signing off - need to make final preparations for the guest.

Jesus has risen to set us free ♥

Lynne2 said...

Been exploring across the street at the old house. Lots of addition deterioration.

Well I sent an ecard to the momster addy but I see it hasn't come. UGH.

Lynne2 said...

Going down to the pond now....then to friend Dave's for dinner.

Lynne2 said...

To be quite honest, I'd rather stay home and enjoy the day here. Does that make me a bad person?


Judie said...

Okay, I get it Lynne. Prefer to stay home as well but can surely appreciate family gatherings to celebrate any occasion.

Beautiful sunshiny day. Nothing special planned except I may just read for pleasure this afternoon. Not doing traditional Easter food. BBQ ribs, slaw at regular dinner time.

Lynn, leaves can wait. Please don't make yourself feel puny again by doing too much. Need to look up Poke cake -- must be a Mountaineer thing. Enjoy and hello to Carolyn and Christie.

Babes look wonderful and so does Belle.


Judie said...

Okay, got it. Poke cake because it gets This is going to be a must try this summer.


Lynne2 said...

SO, Puddles runs out the door. Makes a beeline to the neighbors yard (they moved out to the new farm 2 weekends ago but still have much stuff laying around) does a circle, finds nothing, runs to the porch, grabs something and runs to our front door. SHE STOLE A BUNNY SLIPPER!!!!! Happy Easter Puddles!

DanaMo said...

Finally on the road. An hour behid schedule. My OCD is in overdrive, but I am trying to remain calm!

Lynne2 said...

darn, need to postpone Pond Walk due to incoming phone calls. Will hopefully go tomorrow when I get home from work.

paula eagleholic said...

You go Puddles! Most appropriate Lynn!

Lynne2 said...

Saw groundhog in the yard from the Nature Room...and a RS hawk circling. Was hoping I didn't have to see something nasty. The hawk flew off. Thinking a GH might be a bit large for a RS. Got some pictures though...he waddled back and forth for a while!

paula eagleholic said...

Been in OD here as well, time to take a shower, kids said they'd be here at 2...then can work on last minute dinner items...turkey is cooking away...rolls are fairly clean ☺

Hoda said...

Blessed and Happy EASTER to you all

Another delicious cake for easter LYNN. I, like JUDIE, googled it and think it is very creatve.

Safe travels LORI and DANAMO.

For the first time in over a month I woke up without a tightness in my chest. Good feeling.

Belle seems to be watching someone fly in the skies...

Lynne2 said...

I'll have to get a picture of her with her stolen Bunny Slipper! That dog....she is OBSESSED with stealing things!

Dana, at least you are ON the road now...don't panic!

Lynne2 said...

That's good news Hoda!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and made the kids Easter carrots! Put some cheese popcorn in a gallon baggie..shape to triangular carrot, finish off with green ribbon for the top. I'm ready!

paula eagleholic said...

Is the poke cake the one that you put the jello on top and let is soak thru the holes? I've been craving that!

paula eagleholic said...

Ah, it is!!

Judie said...

Hi Hoda. So glad you are feeling better. Still, see the doctor, please.

Yes, Paula. The jello cake. Hoda and I learned something new today.

hedgie said...

Howdy, Hoda! So glad you are feeling better!

Yep, poke cake is jello: Is made Lemon with Lime jello! Yum! Refreshing.

DMo, glad you are on the road. Be safe. HUGS big time to our Kay from all of us!

Jo, not leaves this time, blossoms!!! Redbuds blwoing off fast.

Going to shut down now and clear table and get it set. Have a fun afternoon and I'll see y'all this evening sometime.

Lynne2 said...

Puddles Pics on my blog!

Lynne2 said...

Need to get ready and outa here....Hope everyone has a great Easter Day and see ya later!

Hoda said...

Thank you...I will go for my lung stress test on Tuesday and make a docotrs appointment this week to find the results and I have a heart blood pumping test in May...LYNN'S words are very strong in my consciousness and I hope it is all good in the long run.

DanaMo said...

Glad you woke upfeeling good today, Hoda.
Boy I don't like going up and down thses mountains with this camper! Makes me a nervous wreck. Thankfully, Monte is calm!

Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

That was my delete.

Adorable pictures, Lynne. What a coincidence. May Puddles enjoy for days and weeks to come.

Hoda said...

Belle poofs

Hoda said...

Camera shakes noise of landing in the attic.

Hoda said...

In comes Belle with a lump of something...I can not tell what it is.

Hoda said...

In comes Shep

Hoda said...

Poof Belle.

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and find a Easter thread THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD STEVE +
When I saw only 27 cooments in email I knew there was a new thread

JudyEddy said...

What is that laying in front of the gray looking thing

JudyEddy said...

MARGY wouldn't you think people would be happy and joyous today but NOT mad because we have hardly any Easter stuff left as if its our fault they waited till the last min I just smile and go one

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

JUDYE this ias something Belle brought in at 2:21 PM EDT and no one seems to know what it is...I checked the Hancock site and they can not ID it either...

JudyEddy said...

THANKS HODA I have zoomed and still can't figure out what it is maybe a Easter bunny LOL

JudyEddy said...

odd it looks like it moves or I think its just the shadow on it that make it look like it moves the Gray matter in the nest

Hoda said...

NO JUDYE it is an inanimate does not move on its own...maybe the wind...some sort of plant matter it came in with a bunch of grasses...

Hoda said...

It is windy at the nest, seems to be picking up stronger than before...
Chicklettes zonked and Shep brooding in the cup area!!!

JudyEddy said...

LYNN the slipper theft is cute My friend had a dog that did that went in to the neighbors yard and one day brought a phone in Their dog I guess would take thing out side and her dog would steal stuff daily Ususally she just threw it back in to the yard but the phone she ended up calling her and everyone got the biggest kick out of it

JudyEddy said...

ok got to get back to work see you after 6

Lolly said...

Home from church. Did a little more food prep, but really nothing to do until 3:30 when I put the ham in and start last minute prep. Hid cookies and cream bunnies around the house. It has sprinkled and hear thunder. Prayer for the folks with holes in their roofs or no roofs at all. They do NOT need more water damage.

Lolly said...

Cute cute pictures of Puddles. Just wanted an Easter fuzzy!!

Church was really full this morning. Wish it was that way every Sunday! Fun to see kids that grew up and moved away...back home to see family.

Hoda said...

Shep up and eating and the chicklettes are nowawake also looking for some food? No just scratching...Shep at ten, they are in the cup

Hoda said...

Headed out for groceries at the health food store... BBL

Mema Jo said...

Spread the flugg that Belle just brought in - not expecting rain but looking a little like it could. Shep is eating and feeding one of his hungry little ones,

Judie said...

Just wondering if Walmart CEO/Human Resources approves of management asking for access to social network accounts of employees they supervise. I could be wrong, I think it is against the law to ask for access to such accounts. Will you be able to access his account activity in return? I don't use Facebook or other social networks but do suggest much caution giving access to someone who may have the power to use information to your detriment no matter how innocent your activities may be.

DanaMo said...

Just stopped for a quick bite to eat and $111.00 worth of gas! And we still have 3 hours to go!

DanaMo said...

Wow you all have been pretty quiet. Guess everyone is with family or napping on this Easter Sunday.

Hoda said...

JUDIE You are very wise in regards your answer to JUDYE...I agree. yes with facebook she woud be able to access his account but it is like you say the relationship is not equal. Tough position to be in...if she says no that in itself is a statement!!!

Hoda said...

I see Belle is back and there is a fresh green twig since I left and I also believe a small fish at seven that was not there when I left.

Hoda said...

Someone is riding quads and dirt bikes near the nest...loud noise!!!

Hoda said...

This from Robyn today:

I would like to extend from my family to all of yours a Happy Easter and Happy Passover.

We are home now 3 days and each day Tori grows stronger. Soon we will be feeding 12 to 15 people for dinner, yes as many have asked, so soon after finally getting home having so many people over for dinner? It is normal for us to have family and friends for the holidays and it is no different now.Â

Tori is in the living room with the girls watching Netflix and laughing so loud it fills my heart with Joy, Yes there has always been laughter but not like I hear it today, loud and infectious :).

I will continue to post here.

He is Risen!

Kay said...

Good afternoon ! Can't tell you how excited I am at this moment. Per e-mail the Hillmoe's have had dinner and will soon be arriving at the RV park. As soon as they've settled a bit Dana will head this way. Julie will join us. I've been resting this afternoon and keeping the pain at a minimum. The adrenaline I'm now pumping will be a help, too ! Hope you all had a wonderful Easter Day !

Looks like our eagles have had a nice day, though a bit windy right now.


Judie said...

Hoda, you certainly got my reason for the response to JudyE. The relationship one of inequality of power and, yes, to now refuse is also awkward.

JudeE, maybe you should unfriend all work-related individuals with some reason that makes sense to Facebook users. I am uncomfortable with your situation. Sorry, you really pinched a nerve.

DanaMo, nearly fainted when I read the gasoline expense. Then remembered you are not in a car. Duh! Continued safe travel.

What wonderful news from Robyn. Cannot imagine a more blessed day for that entire family.

Hoda said...

OH How so very AWESOME!!! Two Momsters and a momster to be will soon meet. Maybe they are already meeting and Julie will be there too which makes it TWO momsters to be...I find this very exciting. I am glad you rested KAY and that pain is to a minimum. Don't forget pictures please...

Kay said...

Hi HODA ! Haven't had that call from DANA yet, but should be any minute. Julie just called to say she's going to the dog park and will just come on over from there, so she may well beat Dana. Dana is the photographer in the bunch and I feel sure she's coming prepared. It's so much fun that you sound as excited as I feel ! ♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE I am going to call 1 800 walmart and ask I thought it was against policy fraternization etc after ours and especially with the situation I had with mgmt just is odd

and NO I am not excepting his request there are 17others at work that did He is not a friend of mine so to speak I think it is just wrong I will find out for sure one way or another may take a few days I just keep thinking will he hold it against me if I don't expect it His page is public so I can see is stuff now mine is private have to be a friend to see my pic etc

JudyEddy said...

wow the wind is bad at the nest OK now to finish reading

not too many comments everyone busy with family I sure wish I could say that sort of bummed out having to work on a holiday and missing alll the fun etc oh well

JudyEddy said...

thanks for bring the Tori info over gives me tears HODA a happy tears

JudyEddy said...

I am sitting here all excited about Kay and Dana meeting can't wait for detail I am so happy that i got to meet a few of you when I was there OH is there going to be a open house next year A real one LOL just curious wanted to plan ahead

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

United States
Palm Harbor, Florida iS THIS TRACEY

JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

Good evening. Festivities over here. Carolyn had to be at work at 6 and Christie had worked 6-2:30so all were tired. Meal was delicious and I did NOT overstuff so I am very comfortable.

Hope everyone else has had a great day. Tori sure sounds surrounded by lots of love and support. WHOO HOO!!!!

JudyEddy said...

I changed the pic again this is from 830 this am they almost look the same size in the pic

JudyEddy said...

Glad you had a great time LYNN you deserve it

hedgie said...

JudyE, do not accept his friend request, period end!!

Kay, SO excited that you are seeing Dana any time now!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Steppin away from the puter for a bit I wish they would wake up I want a better pic of them atleast sitting up they sure are growing amazing right before our eyes

JudyEddy said...

LYNN I have no intention of excepting I was shocked all toghther when he did it but I do want to call HO and asked but not say who I am or where I live this was if it is against policy they can send a memo to all states What do you think of that that will work I think ok bye again

Hoda said...

I can not wait to see the pictures KAY...good on you both for keeping with it to actually meet...such an awesome example...WAY TO GO KAY and DANAMO

Hoda said...

LYNN I was thiking of you and I am so very pleased that your celebration was a success and that you are comfortable with it is a cause for joy and gratitude indeed.

Hoda said...

I was going to say Belle is so still at ten and then she decided to move!!! Chicklettes zonked out...Big girl at seven and Little chap in the cup...

DanaMo said...

Getting close...

DanaMo said...

Probably will be close to 8:30 before I actually get to Kay. We have not arrived yet at the campground. Then I think it's 20-30 minutes from there.

Hoda said...

Poof Belle I see...

Both chicklettes are awake and wiggiling their bums!!!

Hoda said...

Drive safely DANAMO and MONTE...
Let us know about the very exciting indeed...

Hoda said...

Both Belle and Shep in...Belle is doing the siren routine. She took a fish that Shep brought in and he has gone to the other side of the nest, up to ten, and she is still doing her siren...the chicklettes are back to being zonked out...Belle is standing on the fresh fish

Hoda said...

Feeding now...Belle approaches the chicks and they are ready to eat...

Hoda said...

Shep comes back close to them eating and Belle starts her siren again...big one is certainly gobbeling it down...Shep goes back to ten...

Hoda said...

Little one goes to dad for food, not getting much from Mom...each feeding a chicklette at this point...

Hoda said...

Both asleep in the cup right now. Shep poofed and came back with flugg and then poofed again. Belle standing guard at seven facing two

DanaMo said...

At the campground and put Kay's address into the GPS!

DanaMo said...

At the campground and put Kay's address into the GPS!

Judie said...

Lynn, so happy you had such a nice time today. Rest, please.

Going to be such fun to hear about the DanaMo/Kay meeting. Looking at the time, bet they are already just having a great ole get together.

Dinner over. Kitchen presentable. Headed to do like Jo and put my feet up.

No word from Margy today. Wish she would stop by.


Hoda said...

YEAY DANAMO and trip...
I hope MARGY is having a great time with JAMES the WISE...

Hoda said...

I see Belle has poofed and Shep is in the nest eating. In comes Belle to the cup area and off goes Shep. Belle brought in more flugg with her this time.

Hoda said...

Belle at the rim of the cup and both chicklettes in the cup asleep. Belleis facing four and awake.

Kay said...

I see that DANAMO has been keeping you up to date. Hopefully she'll arrive very soon. I'm afraid Julie had to go home--she was reluctant to do so, but I insisted because she must be up very early in the morning. Her original reason for being here was because a couple of days ago she could not imagine my being able to be a proper hostess. I have improved a lot since then and assured her DANA and I can manage ! More news to follow, of course......

magpie said...

Good Easter Evening Eagle Pals...
some wonderful, cheerful, uplifting posts, and might I say especially from Robyn about Tori, and
Lynn about her family afternoon

and all the other good people (and pet : Puddles) news here


stronghunter said...

Hope everyone had a good day. We had 10 for dinner this evening, so we've been pretty busy.

Tired now. Kathryn and Hunter put away the last of the food. There will need to be another load of dishes done, but I think they will wait until tomorrow. It was two-load dinner.

magpie said...

hoping the "girls" are together now....Kay, DanaMo and Annemarie...
☺ ♥

Hoda said...

Light a Candle

paula eagleholic said...

Jumping in to say hello...need to get caught up!

magpie said...

I can imagine so, Shirley, with ten people there...
I am late in the day wishing Susan's James a Very Happy Birthday !!

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, I managed to do it with one load...still working on the pots and pans....down to 2 pans...and have to finish slicing up the turkey, want the carcass to go into the trash tomorrow!

magpie said...

no, no James time today, he and his Dad were away for the week-end...
I spent the day with a friend in the woods in Hardy County WV a few counties west/south of here, saw many beautiful things, and oh, the fragrance of the woods in the afternoon warmth....intoxicating

magpie said...

Sounds the Easter dinners and desserts and Everything has been just great, and now for some leftovers....

I had a few pieces of chocolate, and breakfast for dinner...

Mema Jo said...

This is wonderful that DMO and daughter will meet with Kay & Julie. Very excited to hear about it all.

Lynn I am very happy for this day you have had. I also feel blessed with this day. Family Easter dinner was enjoyed by about 18. It was a beautiful sunny day and egg hunt was enjoyed as baskets were filled with colorful eggs.

Hoda said...

KAY thanks for the update...JULIE is a loving and caring person and so are you. I am sure you will be a wonderful host to DANAMO and ANNEMARIE.

Good to see MARGY and PAULA. Sure there is lots of excitement at LOLLY'S too...PAULA how did the Grandkids react to the cake? Any pictures of them eating it?

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY it sounds like a terrific supper. 10 people is a gathering I would say. Good on KATHRYN and HUNTER for doing the dishes... I am glad you enjoyed yourself.

magpie said...

so happy to see: first time in a month you have awakened without tightness in the chest...
may that continue for you every day

Jo, Sounds perfectly Wonderful, and what a great weather day it has been !

magpie said...

Happy Easter Evening to my pals at 9-1-1: Thanks once again for taking care of us with your devotion to duty ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like everyone has had a nice sorry you had to work JudyE

Peep cake was a hit, as was dinner. Kids played outside with their Dad after dinner.

Sat outside for awhile talking to my neighbors after the kids left around 6:30...I think! Afternoon went by way too fast!

Hope Kay, DanaMo and AnneMarie have fun!

Janet said...

Just chiming in:

Hello to all. Sounds like everyone has been busy and well today. :)

Same here....cooked a LARGE brisket, green beans, salad, taters, and chocolate covered strawberries and had my normal crew over...we sat on the deck outside, ate and relaxed as the kids played in the yard! :)

Now it is quiet....a relaxing evening. Thinking about a soak in the hot tub, as the outside temps are really good; not too hot, not too cold....could use a good soak.

Another week full steam ahead. Eagle babes growing like little is good.

JUDYE: i would not accept that friendship request. I am with everyone else on this. What did you find out about the policy on this? It gets sticky in such situations....

Smiles to all!

paula eagleholic said...

No pics Hoda, too busy! And my camera, I think, is history. Couldn't get it to come on at the beach last weekend. All I have is the camera phone.

Linda said...

He is Risen indeed!! What a glorious event to celebrate!! What better gift could we ever get?

Ours was a quiet day! Dennis and I went to church early and enjoyed Sunday School and a celebration at church!!

We came home to watch the stadium service at our Calvary church in Ft. Lauderdale. They had the service at FAU!! The music was so awesome and the message was great, too!

Dennis and I opted to stay home and have a quiet day today!! It's been a nice day.

I'm missing my family in FL!

stronghunter said...

George and I are enjoying some recliner time. The day's activities did me in.
will need to go to bed early.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh and the peeps aren't too sweet when you eat them with the cake! The cake was orange cake.

paula eagleholic said...

John and Ajay brought down eggs for the kids to find...they love egg hunts! The did it 3 times in the backyard.

paula eagleholic said...

Going to go watch the Good Wife....bbialw

Lolly said...

Hellooooo! Family has departed, dishwasher is running and I am sitting here with feet up and having a last glass of wine.

The boys were wild...three rather large boys. Oh, my...going to be interesting to see them grow. Uncle Michael does well at stirring them up. LOL Joseph and Jacob LOVE Uncle Michael, lots of rough housing.

Linda said...

Happy to hear all the stories of your Easter Day!! Sounds like lots of fun, family, friends and food was enjoyed by all!

Lynn - glad to hear you're feeling pretty good today. Please rest and don't overdo it!!

Hoda - good to hear you feel your chest congestion is clearing up.

Excited for Kay and DanaMo's meeting this evening! I am sure it will be fun!

Lolly said...

Both families drove through hard rain to get here. No egg hunts outside but they found the few choc rabbits I hid.

stronghunter said...

I fixed a standing rib roast today. First time in a long time I have cooked that. It turned out fine, and didn't take too long. We had carrots with cinnamon, asparagus with hollandaise sauce, and mashed potatoes. There was birthday cake for dessert.

hedgie said...

Paula, TGW is a repeat!

Margy, glad you had a great time!

Watching Army Wives....finished my bath just in time. BBIALW.

paula eagleholic said...

Geesh the Good Wife is late again.

Showed the kids the eaglets in the nest...but it was an outside kind of day!

paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Oh, it is...good, I have stuff to do! Kids were climbing in my's a mess... bbialw.

paula eagleholic said...

Yum, asparagus and hollandaise...thought about doing it...but too much with the taters and gravy and such. Next dinner!

stronghunter said...

Sitting here yawning. I am going to say good night.

So good to see you here, Lynn.

Too tired to type very much.

Rest well, everyone.

Hoda said...

Sounds like a delicious and fancy meal SHIRLEY...Doo on you and I sure all enjoyed it a great deal.

Sounds like a good day for you too LOLLY woth your family. I enjoyed reading about PAULA'S easter with the family too.

DANAMO and KAY have to be together right now...a day full of reasons to be grateful.

Hoda said...

I am listening to a CBC news broadcast where they are saying the Titanic sank because the coal they had on board caught on fire shortly after it was loaded, too hot in the holding bins. They were racing to New York to have the fire put out, it had been burning for a while...they did not stand a chance.

magpie said...

I hope YOU also have had a good day, and the number of days until you cross the border is less now!
Your enthusiasm for all the things we are doing and writing about, is very dear and precious
Happy Easter xoxo

magpie said...

Love it Paula, the kids playing in the closet !

Lynn, glad you are setting in to watch some television

The Red Bud in Hardy County was absolutely stunning...springtime is just a little bit behind what we are having here

magpie said...

Oh, and all the dogwood trees also..

Kay said...

Hi All! Annemarie and I are at Kay's house. We've had a nice visit and now I'm getting ready to head back to the campground.

Hi! We had a great time and yummy food! -Annemarie

magpie said...

Lolly: great report on your family day....☺♥

Linda: Sounds like a lovely, spiritual, and wonderful day you and Dennis have had...

This Bunny in Bibs is headed for the pillows and blankies also,
early morning Monday for me...

Thinking of all Seen and Unseen here today....with much love and gratitude for blessed friendships

Prayers for Wellness, Comfort, and Peace

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, EVERY One
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Super! DanaMo, Annemarie, and Kay....our Ohio Highlights of the Day ! Bravo! You Did it !!
Momster Hugs all around xoxo

Hoda said...

AWESOME simply AWESOME and ANNEMARIE chimed in too...
I am glad you all had a great visit DANAMO and thanks for reporting in. I hope the GPS works for getting back to the campground.
Continue to travel safely.

I had a very good day also MARGY thank you.

LINDA your day sounds wonderful and ofcourse you are missing the Florida family...this is a big Easter for all the losses you have experienced together...HUGS to you and them ♥

Kay said...

The Hillmoe girls left about 10 minutes ago. What a dynamic duo--both have Personality Plus--which some of you already know ! I love them for making a special point of seeing me during their Spring Vacation.

Check out DANAMO's avatar--that beautiful Resurrection scene is now sitting in my house ! Thank you so much for your thoughfulness, DANA ! ♥♥♥

Annemarie took a couple of pictures of DANA n' me. I'm sure they'll be shared on the blog when they get home.

So happy to hear about the many Momster Easter celebrations and feasts ! It was certainly a grand day for me !

Time for p.j.'s n' beddy bye, but will be saying prayers for those with physical needs and those traveling and all of you, just because ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Happy Easter. Just wanted to let you all know that T-Bird is back home tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Kay, I bet you feel sooooo special being able to meet DMO and AnneMarie. They have to be 2 very wonderful gals. This visit I know made you feel very blessed this Easter..

Hoda said...

For those who have not had a chance to view the nest much today here is a video from yalildevil of Hancock Foundation. Remember Shep is known as Smitty on their site.
A View of Easter Sunday At The Nest

Mema Jo said...

Hello Sharon and thanks for the news that T-Bird is home. I am sure your weekend with the wedding shower and Easter Cantata performance made the highlights of your Easter weekend.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Hoda for bringing that link over. I am thinking that in 2 weeks time we are going to be able to see some hoping little eaglets as we view the nest. They should be wingercising really well.

Mema Jo said...

Margy I am happy to hear you were with a friend to enjoy your Easter Sunday.

All in all I think we, as Momsters/Dadsters, had a Blessed Day. I can only pray that this happiness will continue to be with us as we go forward.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, glad to hear Tbird is home! Yay!

The kids did a number on the closet...all cleaned up now, it needed it anyhow. Gonna fold just a little more laundry, and will make an early night of it...Turkey will have to wait till tomorrow, as will the last pan!

Kay, glad ya'll had a nice visit!

hedgie said...

Wonderful news all around. SO glad that the Ohio meet'n'greet went well...and actually happened this time! BRAVO.

T-bird, hope you are feeling mmuch better and on a more even keel. I'm sure Buddy was ecstatic to see you. Sleep well in your own bed.

I am heading to mine now.

Enjoyed all reports of days activities with family and friends.

Goodnight, sweet friends. God Bless all and prayers going up.

Hoda said...

SHARON This is GREAT News. Thank you for sharing.

Welcome home Thelma. Missed you and look forward to seeing you on here soon

You are welcome JO. It will be very exciting to see the chicklettes hop around and wingserzing? Do you think they will fledge before I leave in June to the USA? I do not want to miss this event...

KAY thank you very much for your post on your visit with DANAMO and ANNEMARIE. It will be terrific to see the pictures. Thanks ANNEMARIE.

Hoda said...

Goodnight LYNN Sleep well. See you tomorrow.

NatureNut said...

Looks like it was a great day!
Good to hear T-Bird is home!And how special that DanaMo & AnneMarie visited Kay!! ☺
Margy did the most special thing of all--a walk in the woods! That's where I'd love to be!
Lots of big family dinners, too!I sure miss those w/grandparents in PA. They were the Polish side of the family & wonderful food.I think Jo said something about putting hardboiled eggs in pickled beet juice!I've done that!Always have pickled beets.
I got a small leg of lamb which Fubby doesn't like, so he had ham.

Don't know if I'll stay awake, so to all hitting the hay Pleasant Feather Dreams and Prayers for Goopd Health, especially our Lynn ;>)

paula eagleholic said...

Night to all and pleasant dreams

(((Hugs for all )))♥

Lolly said...

Very happy to hear our T-bird is home.

I fell asleep sitting here in my chair. Need to get up and go shower. I am too pooped to pop!!

Kay, really anxious to see the pictures. I know you really enjoyed the visit and hope you are feeling okay.

Lolly said...

Thought for sure I had been left behind at the 200 mark, but no...I was wrong.

Heading to bed now. Night all! Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

I didn't mean to miss you, Lynn ♥
Hoda, I think they will be starting to think about fledging in June - we'll need to wait and see how well they branch!

Good night to all my friends
Prayers for you and yours
** (((HUGS))) **

Hoda said...

Good night.


Costume Lady said...

I'm pleased that the Hilmoe girls were able to meet with Kay, finally:)
How sweet of Dana to give Kay that wonderful Easter Centerpiece. A lot of talent in that young woman!

Thelma back home, Tori back home and laughing so much with her friends...sound so heart warming~

We had a fun day at GG's. Denise was suffering with a migraine and stayed at home in bed:( Brandon did come along with Karla and her Jayden. He was with his Momma and Daddy. Karla will bring him over one day this week, before she leaves for the beach.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Hope you all had a blessed Easter!

We spent lots of time talking to the kids on the phone, and sending messages back and forth. They had just enough time to do an Easter egg hunt before rain started there!

Last night we went to Jen's BFF Cari's 40th Birthday party. Had a wonderful time, and it was so good to see her family and many mutual friends again!

Today Kubby and I went out to dinner. It was delicious, and neither one of us had to slave in the kitchen! Not exactly the traditional thing to do, but it was nice.

I'm feeling so tired tonight! My grass allergies are going nuts, and I'm all stuffed up. The antihistamines are making me feel really worn out!

Lynn, I'm so happy that you felt reasonably human today. Hope you haven't overdone it blowing leaves!
Love & ((HUGS))!! Prayers, too!

Hoda, glad you are feeling better!
Healing prayers continue.

Well, prayers have been said for everyone. The porch light is lit.
Both security systems are enabled.
Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--YAY!!!! Thelma is home!!! So glad to hear that! OK, goodnight now. :o]

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle momsters and dadsters.

T-Bird said...

I must say you all are miracles.

T-Bird said...

The love and prayers felt by you all proves that miracle. Thank you all for your prayers, thoughts and cards.
That sounds mushy doesn't it? : ) Well sometimes you've just got to be mushy, huh?!

T-Bird said...

Hearing the birds for the first time in 11 days is simple an amazing sound.

T-Bird said...

I sure did miss you all.

Sandi said...

WOW!!!!! GOOD MORNING THELMA!!!!!! WELCOME BACK TO THE BLOG!!!! I sure have missed you in the mornings!! Bella insisted that she absolutely HAD to go outside and pee at 5:55, even though this is my week off!

T-Bird said...

I sure did miss the nest, and our eagles and eaglets, of course.

Sandi said...

Thelma, Lori is in the Bahamas and DanaMo is camping so it may just be you and me this AM til Margy and Judy and then the others hop on!

You mentioned miracles, so I'll repost what I read on Robyn's FB page yesterday morning. I just LOVED this thought:

"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love."

I know what you mean - the nest, and the folks on this blog, sure are addictive!!

T-Bird said...

Great Sandi, thanks for sharing again. Thanks Robyn for sharing.

Sandi said...

Lisa at Blackwater posted a video on FB of one of the nests with 2 eaglets in it. They were standing and exercising those wings! Our 2 should be up on their feet and moving and flapping by the 21st - will we be able to see them in the nest from where we're standing? Big has dark spots - looks like she's getting her feathers.

Sandi said...

Sun is coming up on the nest. Kids are alone - Belle flew out a while ago.

Sounds (and looks, from all the photos on FB) like everyone had a wonderful Easter! Bet it was especially wonderful for Robyn and Tori!

So glad that DanaMo, Annamarie, and Kay got to do a face-to-face!! I'm anxious to see some pics!

Lynn, glad you were feeling well yesterday and were able to enjoy your family.

My mom admitted to my sister on Saturday that she knows she won't be able to stay in her house with steps much longer. Acknowledging is one thing - starting things in motion to make a change is quite another. And my mom is the world's worst procrastinator. Yet, when Lisa and I made arrangements to take Mom to check out a senior living community, she shut us down and said we were overstepping!

Margy, I hear a pileated calling at the nest - and I recognize it!! =) I also hear it hammering away! And of course, I recognize the mourning doves.

Sandi said...

"Yellow fog" season is just starting here - don't know what it's like for folks in other parts. When we lived in Balto., I recall the cars being covered with tree pollen in the spring but NOTHING like here! Once it starts, no one opens their windows for about 3 weeks. When you're outside and the wind blows, it's literally like a yellow fog and it coats everything!

Shep arrives with a fish and the kids are hungry!!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...