Sunday, April 08, 2012


Happy Easter thread.


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Sandi said...

Now Belle arrives to supervise breakfast. Maybe a family feeding? Belle is vocalizing. She snatches that fish away from Shep!!

Sandi said...

Shep poofs. Big is up on her feet and trying to take a step but, not quite! Belle is now feeding the kids.

Sandi said...

Shep returns with fresh fluff. He is standing at 11, Belle is eating and feeding.

Sandi said...

Shep is off again. Let's see how long he's gone and what he brings back.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....☺
Sandi, Thelma...
Oh Welcome Home Thelma! ☺ ♥
Soooo good to SEE you again here...

Yes, to see and hear the birds, and that chomp chomp chomping at the nest during breakfast...

Gloriously Sunny ☼ but also breezy hereabouts

Thinking of Lynn ♥

magpie said...

You've done some great Nest Reporting Sandi, Thank You...
and Enjoy your Freedom from School to the MAX !

magpie said...

Breezy all right at the nest, will be most of the day, and maybe rain later on, but only 30% chance according to the weather channel...

Wondering how Lori is doing in the Bahamas !


magpie said...

Nice to catch up on the Bunny Tail End of the Comments about the Easter doins' amongst us...Wanda, Andrea, Loretta....

just sorry to read that Denise had a %#!%$ headache and had to miss out :(

magpie said...

Oh we Split of course, hope everyone realizes that

ttfn got a few things to attend to here

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Every One
xo ♥

DanaMo said...

Good morning from Ohio!

Thelma! You're back! We are so happy to have you here with us again, we missed you!

I slept in because we are missing a piece to the coffee maker and I didn't want to get out of bed!! I can't believe it's not in this camper somewhere, but my parents used the camper when they were between houses and for all I know it went into their current house and got washed or something, or it's just buried here and I can't find it. I guess we are going to buy a new one today. Can't live without coffee.

DanaMo said...

If you are on Facebook and you "like" WASH FM you can see pictures of Loo and Lori in the Bahamas. Beautiful!!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the headsup on the WASHFM page I went and said hey to them and she commented back to me

Hi Judy! Eve, of course we have our shorts and flip flops on! - Lori"


JudyEddy said...

LOOKS LIKE THE WIND HAS ROCKED THE CHICKLETS TO SLEEP Almost everytime I see them they are asleep lately

Sandi said...

DanaMo, thanks for the heads-up on Lori! I just said "hey" to her! Sounds like you had a nice visit with Kay last night - how great for you!!

Morning Judy and Margy!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I got up awhile ago to find the dishwasher running. It wasn't Luna this time. Kathryn had put in the second load.

When I called, she said she didn't remember what time she got up, but said it wasn't terribly early. I did not hear her shower this time. Usually, I do. I must have been sound asleep this morning.

Hunter is still asleep. He was up very late last night.

So happy that Kay, and the Hilmore ladies got together.

Great to hear from Thelma this morning.

Really have to get started on my tax stuff today. I still do not have the W-2 information from my teaching job, but will need to wait a bit.

They went over to putting it online the last year I was there, and I don't remember how to retrieve it. They are on spring break right now, so I don't know that anyone is in the office to give me the information until later this week.

The nest is swaying in the breeze this morning. I see Belle with the kids. Some pretty greenery is next to them.

DanaMo said...

Yellow fog season does not sound good at all!

Posted a picture of me and Kay! We had a very nice visit.

Thanks so much for the hospitality Kay and the wonderful cake, Julie! And I will try those sugar free brownies tonight after dinner ☺

magpie said...

Great picture, DanaMo, and the other ones also....

magpie said...

I'm headed out to to Winchester Medical Center, to visit a very ill family member, my brother in law, he has head injury from a fall, organ failure, heart attack, and is in very criticl condition...he is my late sister Katherine's husband...
my nieces are nephews are in from Hong Kong, Michigan, California,
Annapolis and Norfolk....we might be saying our good-byes to this good man...father, husband, brother in law...and he has many siblings here also...

I would appreciate your prayers for whatever outcome the Lord will choose
Please and Thank you in Advance....
Love you all, Please Take Care

xoxo (( All-Day Hugs ♥ ))

JudyEddy said...

Remember I said I was going call WMT today well I just got of the phone and reported the incident I called the 1800walmart number and got another independent # to call under ethic rules I asked to remain anonymous and can call back after 16th to find the answer It is a independent agency not affiliated with WMT it said Global Appliance is the name and I think it was PEGGY sounded like Peggy anyway LOL
I was nervous talking on the phone ODD HUH I even did *67 before I called

JudyEddy said...

Loved the pic DM
YELLOW fog my turck also looks orange because of our yellow fog

JudyEddy said...

MARGY so sorry about you BIL

DanaMo said...

OMGosh Margy that is awful! I will definitely pray for your BIL and all of your family during this difficult time.

Sandi said...

Margy, my prayers go out to you and your brother-in-law and his family.

Judy, I was FB friends with my previous principal, even while he was still my principal. I never felt that he would allow anything I said on FB to influence his evaluation of me as a teacher. Don't think I would accept a friend request from my current principal, even though I like him - just don't get the same vibe about him. I'm also friends with 2 former principals from Balto. County schools.

I am very careful what I say on FB about the school system where I'm working. I have several teacher friends who have been reprimanded by their principals b/c colleagues shared FB posts. That said, if you feel the least bit uncomfortable accepting anyone's friend request, then don't accept it.

JudyEddy said...

I so hoping to grab a picture of our chicklets but they do not want to sit up for me DRAT I guess will have to wait till lunch time to get a today pic

JudyEddy said...

SANDI I am on FB with my Co mgr and abot 4 asst mgrs but I have known them for years and years and before they were mgmt and I requested them Them not me I just think it odd being he is new and down't know any of us except as a store mgr The issue will be addressed to Wmt in general did not tell store mgr name or store number but have a phone number to call back to find what the answer is I think it should be allowed in general OK enough dwelling on it time for me to to go work look at the time

paula eagleholic said...


DanaMo said...

I don't think I would friend my principal on FB. I am very careful because I have several parents that are friends. We are a very small community so it's hard not to be friends with them. We were friends before I was a teacher in many cases. I watch what I say on FB and always check with the parents whose children I have posted pictures of on my page. I even worry on here about saying too much because something I say could come back and bite me!!
YOu know what you feel comfortable with and it you don't feel comfortable I say don't do it.

DanaMo said...

I'm waiting for Monte to bring back some coffee then we need to get moving. Having trouble getting the boys to get moving!!!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Margy, so sorry about your brother-in-law and sending prayers for recovery.

Welcome Thelma. Didn't even hear you sneak in the door. So nice to have you home with us.

Sandperson attacked last night so need to catch up. Did see the video Hoda posted from Hancock and enjoyed watching. Also see Shirley has found a good reason to put off taxes (inferior memory).

Glad JudyE made a phone call. Hope PEGGY finds the answer.


paula eagleholic said...

Both parents on the nest, chicks in the middle

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, thinking of your BIL and his family...

grannyblt said...

New Thread--come on over to Monday

paula eagleholic said...

Off went Belle to the right, and Shep followed.

paula eagleholic said...






Mema Jo said...

.reading back

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...