Friday, April 06, 2012


NEw thread.


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JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

the picture of my avatar is todays I think I will change it daily that way we will have a record on the blog what they look like daily SILLY HUH

Lolly said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks, Judy for the call over. Have finished yard work and now need to clean up.

DanaMo said...

WOW chilly out there tonight. Just was chatting with a neighbor. I'm done with this chilly weather. Bring on the heat.

Those little ones are going to need to snuggle this evening. Definitely cool.

Heading to the couch!

Hoda said...

Gracious me Shep poofed while I was away from the screen but the two little munchkins were sitting up with full crops about to burst!!! In comes Shep as I was typing and they are in the cup in the soft flugg that MOMA brought them

Hoda said...

Something is upsetting Shep he is hopping aroung all over the nestfrom six to eleven from eleven to nine and then to three...he is trackig someone...

stronghunter said...

Hoda, Canada is the only foreign country I have ever visited. We had a grand time in Montreal.

Hoda said...

Low chirp and in comes Belle on the nest. Looks at the chicklettes and landed at nine

stronghunter said...

The whole family is now in the nest.

Hoda said...

She too is watchig something out there and also picks left over fish away from the cup...vocalizing and Shep takes off

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

I am glad you came up to Canada SHIRLEY...Québec has a different feel than the rest of North America. Different from Western Canada too. I am glad you enjoyed Montréal

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

Thinking of you LYNN♥

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for a new thread and thanks, Judy for the call over. I should have known there was a new thread b/c I stopped hearing the sound of new emails hitting my inbox!

Judy, I like your idea of updating your avatar every day with updated pics of Frick and Frack! They ARE changing right before our eyes! Right now, it looks like they're trying - unsuccessfully, I might add - to fit under Belle. Must be chilly for them this evening!

magpie said...

Me too Hoda
Thinking of Lynn ♥

Me too Shirley, Canada is the only foreign country I have been to....
Torono, Montreal, Quebec City, and Vancouver !

Thanks Steve for the New Thread
and Thanks Judy for the call over


magpie said...

Torono, new city

I am wearing gloves while I tend to housework, Fat Fingers !

magpie said...

I loved Montreal, was there in a September of a year....
took the train up from Washington DC - a sleeper car,
it was wonderful...

Hoda said...

Oh MARGY sleeper car from DC to Montréal woud be a great trip...
So much I plan to do when I get my Canada pension and Old age securtiy cheques. I would like to have a sleeper car trip from Vancouver to Montréal...stop by in places in between...I have a friendin Jasper, Alberta that would like to do that too...good to dream...

Hoda said...

A friend...WHO would like to do that too, not that...sorry blame it on excitement...

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

Please come visit British Columbia
I dream sometimes that you would all come and visit.

Hoda said...

The delete was mine, the link did not take the first time.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the call over, JudyE

Belle is already tucked! Chicks in the cup.

Hoda said...

Most Torontonians say they come from Torono MARGY so you were right in there with the big city folk...

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, would love to see your area of Canada. I too, have been to Montreal, quite some time ago.

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta get something to eat, then head to the grocery store to get stuff for Sunday's dinner!

stronghunter said...


I would love to visit British Columbia.

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening Evening All - It is chilling down!
Thank you Steve for the new thread!!

Going to be watching a 9:00 show this evening..

We had IHops pancakes again - being it is Good Friday and no meat they hit the spot.

magpie said...

man oh man have you all see THE MOON?
I watched it as it rose and it is big and bright and round!
all night light for the nest....once it climbs just a wee bit higher !

xoxo ☺

magpie said...

somehow I came up with a little money at that time to make that trip, and my traveling companion....was pretty generous also...
The drive from Montreal to Quebec City (rental car) was, so lovely

magpie said...

iHop Jo
I am Jonesin to get there....and plan to see that it happens sooner than later !!

magpie said...

Jewels is due in to work at midnight tonight

Friday night on a full moon night, could be busier than busy, but I hope she can hop on and chitty chat for a little bit sometime or another

magpie said...

And she said she would be taking Easter Candy to the office tonight!
might be a totally chocolate breakfast in the morning ☺

stronghunter said...

We rented a motorhome to make the trip to Canada. It was our family of six and our beagle Snoopy.

magpie said...

I am glad my typo was fashionable!
Okay back to some decluttering here

be back before bedtime ....

xoxo thinking of all, seen and unseen here tonight ♥ ☺

magpie said...

back when gas prices were reasonable, probably, Shirley....
I bet it was cozy....

magpie said...

the ospreys are in the nest at
Lake Washington

it's a still cam only

Osprey Nest at Lake Washington, Washington

Hoda said...

I have never had a vacation in a Motor home but see the mon the highway and wonder what it would be like...comfortable I bet.

Wouldn't it be awesome if we all met here in British Columbia...we would have so much to do...did you see the bald eagle in the video I posted we could go nest hopping...

Dream Big Dream Strong
and so I dream.

I wish that CAROLYN comes on and says a bit about LYNN'S day.

Lolly said...

Hoda knows we have been in her area of Canada and we plan to go back. Watch out Hoda, what you dream for. LOL What you get may not be your dream. It is beautiful there and we want to see more.

I am fed, bathed and in my pjs. Ready to relax for the evening. Have a new book to get started on. Yea!

Hoda said...

LOLLY bring the Grandchildren and come up...I think they would find lots to do here...It would be wonderful to meet you and Jack and often when thre is a report about Banff or Kootenay Provincial Park I say Lolly has been there...

Jewels said...

Hello dear sweet ones. Mom's chemo today was a little different. It is normally 1600mg and rosary she opted to have 1000mg. Also had a dose of halidol to help ward off nausea. She went home and was in bed early. Her potasaium is veryow, so she is on a pill for that now. Will do chemo next week and skip the busy momster weekend.
Getting ready for work. I have chocolate too ! Margy will be hyper at work tomorrow!!
Much love, xoxo

Jewels said...

Hoda your wish is my command!!

NatureNut said...

Good Evening! A New Good Friday Thread.
Happy Easter to Everyone.
Got eggs boiling, clothes in the dryer. and gotta do the do! Yikes
Drag myself to Park in AM!
My boss at Park had me change my computer password yesterday, as he got notice that everyone had to switch in a few days. Worked there, of course I didn't sign out. Couldn't get on at all at Chelsea today!!Had to call Help desk & they called Techies who called me back in "15 minutes"~~~2 hours. Better work tomorrow!
Gotta finish my chores, so to all
Pleasant Feather Dreams and Prayers for Good Health, esp. our Lynn ;>)

Hoda said...

THANK YOU CAROLYN God Bless you and your MOMMA and your sister too

Jewels said...

Excuse my typos. This auto correct is so dumb!!!! Margy, I pray we are not sooo busy!!!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the information about your mom, Carolyn.

I hope she has a good night.

Jewels said...

Hope to check in from work. Gotta get busy. Xoxo

Hoda said...

We'll be here CAROLYN...yes do check in from work...Thank you again.

Mema Jo said...

Jewels thank you for giving us an update for your lovely mom. I missed her a lot today. I wasn't sure if she went for chemo or not. The pill should bring her potassium up to par. I pray her nausea doesn't come near her! You have a quiet evening at work - full moon or not! Love ya ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the update on Lynn, Carolyn. She needs to eat more bananas!!

Margy, I saw that lovely moon too! Gorgeous. Oooo, chocolate breakfast!

paula eagleholic said...

Grocery shopping is done (Nick enjoyed the ride :) ), got laundry in the dryer, kitchen cleaned up, refrig cleaned out...time for some relaxtion...

Hoda said...

Prayer Candles for LYNN

Mema Jo said...

Loretta, DSL with Verizon had internet problems this morning in my house. Took an hour plus some on the phone getting things going.

I think that Sandman has come through here or was it that Silly Wabbit...? I am going to slumber land. Just tired in my mind tonight. I did get a new white pair of sneakers- Keds and then I got a new Easter Outfit! As a child I always got a new outfit for Easter Sunday Church. In my mind I can still recall some of them. Do any of you remember the 'Duster'.. Heavens sake I am reminiscing to far into the past.

paula eagleholic said...

Nest is oh so bright, Belle is tucked in, kids are in the bowl.

Mema Jo said...

I had just seen my mom in a photo and I am sad. I miss her. Going to say my prayers and try to sleep.

Good Night My Friends
Rest well and awaken refreshed
Love you all ♥
** (((HUGS TO YOU))) **

Hoda said...

You will look beautiful in your new outfit JO...HAPPY EASTER to you and sweet dreams, good night.

stronghunter said...

I am getting ready to head upstairs for the night. Rest well, everyone.

I see our little eaglets sleeping next to an adult, I assume Belle. One is moving around quite a bit.

stronghunter said...

I remember the duster, Jo. It was a loose lightweight coat. I had a pink one.

stronghunter said...

Oh, my, all kinds of duster coats--for men and women on the Internet.

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night for real.

Hoda said...

I did the same like you SHIRLEY went to the internet to see if I knew what a duster coat was...cowboy clothing Australian clothing is what I found!!!
I guess with the cowboy TV show called the Virginian there must have been cowboys in Virginia...somehow I do not see that!!!Southern Plantations is what I see...any one clarify for me please????

Costume Lady said...

Early to bed for me, tonight.
Gave GG her first new pain pill tonight (strongest she has had).
Patch was not working for her. Will see tomorrow how this new pill works~

Grateful that Tori is back home and doing very well on her first day!


magpie said...

I remember dusters
and muu muu's
and I also saw some pictures of both of my parents tonight, very much nostalgia....

my heart about fell apart, first thought that Lynn herself would miss the busy Momster week-end, but I NOW realize Jewels meant that Mom will skip the CHEMO on that week-end. Okay, I am recovering from my misunderstanding

Prayers for Lynn, Strong prayers... xo ♥

magpie said...

Hoping that Pain Pill works for GG...
more than hoping, Praying for it !

magpie said...

daggone computer stuff...can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em

well, hopes for a better day at work for Loretta also on Saturday....!

magpie said...

Shirley added up above there a few posts:
duster, a loose lightweight coat, like what we might call a housecoat maybe, not a bath robe

I was looking for that Ma You're Singing Swell item, no luck yet, but came across so many other things....including golden locks from my father's first haircut, perfectly preserved....
he was born in 1909 - so those curls are about 102 years old.
Simply amazing

magpie said...

Jewels...thanks for your loving care and devotion to your Mom and our dear friend Lynn....
comforting to know you and Christie are here and close to help out
Hope your night is not so bad and that you'll be back under the covers in no time flat ! ♥

magpie said...

like Jo, I remember those new Easter outfits, shoes, hat,, what special feelings those were getting all gussied up for Easter Sunday Mass....then back into regular clothes and bring on the Easter Egg Hunt!

Hoda said...

Thanks MARGEY...102 year old curls are pretty amazing indeed.

magpie said...

sounds like a fun and successful outing and "kitchening" night for you....
and for Nick !

Time for bed here...
because the clock says so !
Missing some pretty (and handsome) faces tonight....
hope everyone is doing okay!

Beautiful sight on the nest, the sleeping eagles....
Prayers for Wellness and Comfort for all
(( All-Night Hugs ♥ ))
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Good Night Hoda ♥

Hoda said...

Night MARGEY sleep well

Hoda said...

Canadian news reports THREE missing from the site of thr F-18 Crash in Virginia Beach. PRAYERS.

Hoda said...

Now they say unaccounted for which means different from missing tom me...Hopefully they are staying with relatives or something...

NCSuzan said...

Hoda, seems like they would let authorities know their location and that they are ok.

NCSuzan said...

Hello, everyone. Just catching up on today's blog. Lynn, hope you are having a peaceful evening.
Good night all!

Hoda said...

If they are old and confused maybe they all have different priorities. I do not know Suzan...In my heart of hearts I am hoping that there are no deaths...the pilot and the student pilot will feel awful...they were apologizing when they got out of the chutes...sad very sad...

Hoda said...

Belle is awake and is on the railing.only her shadow is in the nest. I know it is Belle because I saw her move and every once in a while she puts her head in the nest. The chicklets leave the cup and inch closer to where she is...they like being in her shadow.

Robyn said...

I would like to wish all a Happy Easter and Passover.

Since being home I am finding it hard to be here or even online, I am running around while my nephew is here to hang out with Tori so I can run errands or just take a break.

It is great to be home and I look forward to seeing those going to the nest and dinner on the 21st

Hoda said...

Happy Easter to you and to TORI ROBYN. we are all very proud of you and pleased for you both...HUGS♥

Hoda said...

Well I hope CAROLYN and her co-workers are doing well with htis shift. I hope you are busy but not stressful busy.
I am about ready to log off.

Nest is well lit and Belle is awake but the chicklets are asleep in her shadow. She is at ten position.

Good night,


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Carolyn, thanks for posting an update on your mom! Lynn, hope you are sleeping well, and will feel refreshed in the morning, with no nausea. Prayers continue!
Love and (((HUGS))) coming your way!

Gosh, the moon is gorgeous tonight!
Shining brightly through a bit of a haze here.

Got our grossery shopping done. Do have to find a couple of things, though, that Walmart was out of. Will have to go tomorrow morning.

Getting tired tonight, so think I'd better hit the hay. Have said prayers for everyone, especially Lynn, Kay, Thelma, Sharon, and Tori. The porch light is on. Both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

Jewels said...

Good early morning!! Just getting the chance to check back in. We were busy at the beginning of the shift. I was on police. So of course, full moon... friday night, bars open = I am ready to go home!! LOL
Margy sorry for the confusion...she is is skipping chemo that weekend.

Sandi said...

Morning Jewels - looks like you're the only one on right now? Morning soon-to-be-on DMo, Lori, Margy, and Judy!

Parent on the nest just poofed (not sure which one) and babies are alone and snoozing. Saw movement on the cam before the parent flew out, so I suspect the other is in the tree.

Jewels said...

Morning Sandi... Yes, now I am at home. Will try to sleep for my 12 hr shift tonight. I slept a good 7 1/2 hrs last evening for my 6 hr shift and now am not really sleepy. But I did just take my three benadryl. So it won't be long.

Jewels said...

You all are so welcome. I have to keep you all up to date on Mom. May not always be exactly up to the minute or hour, but I will not let you down.

Sandi said...

Babies are awake. Dad arrives with fish for breakfast!

Sandi said...

Shep dropped the fish next to the cup. No one seems interested in eating. Shep is standing at 3 and kids are scratching and dozing.

Sandi said...

Shep poofs! Kids are sitting up facing one another.

magpie said...

Good Night Jewels....Sleep Sweetly

Good Holy Saturday Morning, Eagle Pals xoxo

Thinking of Lynn♥

magpie said...

That is pretty funny, Sandi,
the drop and go...

guess no one's appetites are awake yet there

Well there's Shep back with some nesting material- Sticks!

magpie said...

too funny one of the eaglets is trying his beak at nestorations

Jewels said...

Awwww Margy, check your mail box this morning! Thank you for my note card! Have a good day today!

magpie said...

Don't know if anyone saw the full moon as it was "setting" but it was enormous and gorgeous...all gone now

Sandi said...

Lynn, I hope today is a good day for you and the after effects of the chemo aren't too bad.

Kay, don't recall hearing from you yesterday, but I hope your pain is manageable.

Sharon, I'm wondering how Thelma is doing?

Shep has returned with something - not fluff, but also not big sticks - long and straight.

magpie said...

Thanks in advance, Jewels!
I miss you....xoxo ♥
Love to all the peeps at your roost xoxo

magpie said...

I'd really like to not have to go to work today. Oh well, such is life

Best Wishes for a Blessed Day, Every One - filled with many enjoyable and joyful things, I hope

ttfn xoxox (( All-Day Hugs ♥ ))

Jewels said...

Saw that gorgeous moon. Your welcome Margy! Hope you get to see James this weekend. Maybe someone else. Thanks for the love... Will tell then when I awake. Hehe, funny how my day ends and everyone else is just beginning. Sorry too!!

magpie said...

Okey Dokey Jewels, that benadryl might start kicking in soon!
For many years I was on the night, waaaaah, my special friend - YOU - is on nights, and me days
Sleep Tight there Sweetness II

Okay I guess, this is 'Bye now
♥ ☺

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Hoda, interesting that you should bring up The Virginian. Somewhere in the far distant past, I was required to read that book. It was set in Wyoming. The main character is a man who came from the eastern U.S. I do not really remember if he was from Virginia, but he must have been, given the title.

stronghunter said...

Two little ones in the nest alone. Looks like they are sound asleep.

stronghunter said...

In addition to cowboys wearing dusters, I think people who rode in Model-T cars wore them. I would have to think it was to keep the dust from settling on their clothes as well as to keep them warm.

stronghunter said...

I woke up this morning and looked out the window to see that beautiful moon through the trees in the back.

Lori O. said...

Good morning everyone!

I hope you had a great evening and morning, so far.

I did my typicial wiped-out-end-of-the-week sleep-a-thon!
I hate waking up after the sunrise!

Sandi said...

I just saw the MOST amazing thing!!! When I opened the curtains on the front sliding glass door, I could see ripples in the canal, over in the corner where we sometimes see a heron standing and waiting for fish. So I got the binoculars and started watching. Watched the heron completely submerge itself in the water for a few seconds (out in the middle of the canal) and come up with a decent size fish crosswise in its beak. He/she wrestled with the fish for a minute to get it turned lengthwise, then stretched its neck upward and swallowed that fish whole! I could see it wiggling as it was being swallowed and at one point, just the fish's tail was sticking out of the heron's mouth, flipping back and forth. Then the heron shook its head and flapped its big wings and then it SWAM down the canal and out of sight! I didn't even know herons COULD swim - thought they only waded in shallow water. But this one swam away! WOW and WOW!

On another note, one of the kids has flugg stuck in its beak - keeps head shaking to try to get rid of it! Funny!

stronghunter said...

Sandi, I have a video on FB of an eagle swimming, using its wings. I got the video from my daughter Susan. Later on, I read that that's normal for an eagle. Who would have thought it? But they do spend a lot of time in and around water, so I guess it makes sense.

Sandi said...

Shirley, I kept thinking I was seeing a duck (with the sun coming up on the canal there was a lot of glare and ducks are what we always see), but the beak was not that of a duck - it was pointed like a heron. And the neck was way too long for a duck, plus I've never seen a duck swallow a fish like that! I just can't think of another water bird that eats fish the way this one did - swallowing them whole - yet, I have never seen a heron swim.

JudyEddy said...



I see chicklets are alone

paula eagleholic said...

Big shake rattle on the cam

Sandi, that is amazing! Have never heard of herons swimming!

CarolAnne said...

Good Morning all!

Hope its a good day all around.

Sandi - Sounds just like the heron that discovered our koi pond. Reach into the water, grab a fish, flip it around so its straight, swallow it whole.

Sending prayers for all in need that this weekend has special moments.

Lori O. said...

Sandi, I love herons. Got a lot of pics of a blue one in a tree on the canal when I was at the beach last summer. They're beautiful!

Sandi said...

OK, I have been Googling since I saw what I saw this morning and I'm thinking maybe what I saw was a loon, not a heron. It didn't have the coloring that I see in pics in my bird books but the sun was creating quite a glare. But, looking at pics and Google images and reading about them, the size and neck length seem to better match what I saw, they have the pointed beak, they're good at diving underwater to catch fish, and they swallow them whole. Of course, I'll never know for sure, but it was very cool to watch!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Carolyn, thank you for the update on Lynn. I hope she had a restful night and will have an easy day today.

Ah yes, the Duster. Mine were sort of A shaped and light weight. Even if Easter Sunday was chilly, I HAD to wear my new Duster. Would certainly be a flattering (concealing) design for me now.

Some of the people reported as unaccounted for may be on vacation with children and grandchildren and may not realize they should notify anyone -- although one would think they would check to see if they have something to come home to. Will hope that is the situation.

Looks like the babes are sleeping soundly in the early sunlight.

Jordan Lake is taking down their camera on Monday. Looks like the two eaglets are headed toward fledgling status.

Derek and Savannah's eaglet will be moved to the hack tower next week.

RTH forum had a tension this morning.Someone was asking questions and wanted to know "real" names. Moderator told him no, person kept asking, etc. and was finally told to go away. Then the question asker revealed he is only 7 years old. Was then told to just quietly watch the birds.

Okay, off to find the coffee pot and newspaper. Then on to creating a final exam (ah, tedious but such joyful anticipation).

Have a good day everyone. BBL

JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

Sandi, I was wondering that when you posted. You need to go by size then! Herons are way bigger than loons! Oh, we heard a loon at the beach last weekend!

Judie said...

Found this: shows a Simplicity sewing pattern for a Duster coat. Simplicity 4875 Vintage 1960. The ones I wore were earlier - mid-50s - but the style is almost exact.


paula eagleholic said...

Eagles 4 Kids has their first hatch today! Congrats Larry and Lucy!

paula eagleholic said...

chicks are awake, preening, poop shooting

stronghunter said...

Vintage 1950s coat

Judie, I could not find the duster you mentioned, but I found this one from the 1950s. Mine was pink with big patch pockets made from a very light material.

BEagle said...

Hello Eagle Fans!

On my way to check out the hatch at Eagles 4 Kids.

The vintage coat is awesome.

Prayers for Lynn.

BEagle said...

I was wondering how the fish got in there with the chicks.


hedgie said...

Good Sat. AM after my "lost" day. Once I got home, I slept most of it away. Feeling ok so far today.

I remember my Mom wearing a duster coat occassionally, but usually not at Easter---we didn't have many cold ones!

Thanks to my kid for keeping you all updated yesterday.

Time to read the papers.

Sandi, I don't believe that loons are long-legged, are they????

BEagle said...

The big chick looks like she's wingercizing this morning, off and on.

She is robust.

DanaMo said...

Busy day. Already have gone for "pre-op"bloodwork, had the tire repaired (found a nail in it), made the camper beds, putting food in refrigerator.
Need to go do a little shopping for Easter (Annemarie needs shoes).
Monte is at the grossery store.
Love it when busy is because we are going on a trip.
Monte made lists of chores for the kids...can't wait to see how that goes! LOL!
Missed you guys this morning, but this is just a quick check in! I hope I'm on the right thread!

stronghunter said...

Hi Lynn!

So good to see you on here this morning.

Both parents in nest.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Pardon my manners last night. Went to bed without saying good night. I just left my laptop on and away I went. Did not realize it until this morn and there was the blog, right there where I had my last comment. I am sorry!

I want to hear a loon!!! That is so cool, Paula. Loved your story this morn, Sandi. I guess you keep the binocs ready all the time. We do!

Jewels, I know you are asleep right now but do appreciate the update on your mom.

Oh, big fish in.

Lolly said...

When are you taking off, Dana? We will take our time getting our trailer loaded this week. We take off Friday.

Lolly said...

See you snuck in, Lynn, while I was typing. You were missed yesterday. Glad the day is starting out well and hope it continues!

DanaMo said...

We are taking off right after Easter Mass. We are having dinner with my parents tonight.

I hope to be on the road no later than noon, but hoping we will take off earlier.

DanaMo said...

The trailer is so different from when we had the pop-up, I really don't find that I have much to do. Everything stays in the camper except for food, personal items and clothes so it really isn't too bad.

Lolly said...

Speaking of dusters....I do not remember every having one. However, we had western day every January in kinder. Kids wore boots, western shirts, hats, holsters. (no guns) Had this one preciouse little red headed boy, small but grown up looking. Know what I mean? Anyway, he came in full gear, complete with a floor length duster. He was so cute. He would pose with his duster pulled back with his hands on his hips....ready to pull his "guns". LOL

Sandi said...

Hi Lynn, glad you are up to checking in this AM!

Shep arrives - with a fish of course!

Lynn, I never saw the bird wading in the water so never saw its legs. I frequently see a heron standing in the corner where I saw the ripples, so I assumed the heron was there. Then, when I saw it dive under the water and come back up with the fish, I couldn't tell if it was standing or not, though the canal isn't that deep so it could have been. I could see a pointed beak so knew it wasn't a duck, yet ducks and herons are the only birds I've ever seen in the canal. It looked small for a heron but I thought maybe it was a different species than I have seen, or maybe a younger bird. But when I saw it keep swimming after it ate the fish, I was suspicious b/c I've never seen a heron swim. Based on lots of reading and recalling what I saw, I'm pretty sure it was a loon of some kind, though, in 6 years, I've never seen a loon in our canal. Regardless, it was very cool to watch!

Lolly said...

Same here, Dana. When we return and I clean the trailer, I also make the beds....they are ready for the next time! We love our trailer!!

Lolly said...

Time to read the paper. Funny, I said Shep had a big fish. LOL It looks small now, but when he came in with it I could only she the tail. Oh, well.....

BEagle said...

Lucy on Eagles 4 Kids won't get up for a good view of her chick. She is also totally ignoring the flopping fish right in front of her.

Shep is on the nest with a mess of fish and chicks.

Gotta scoot!

paula eagleholic said...

OK, Lolly, now I have a visual on the cowboy duster!

My Mom wore dusters, but they were the light kind, not coatish...household...patch pockets, snap or zipper front. She only wore them around the house.

Judie said...

You found it, Shirley. I think I had a navy blue one and a pale pink one. Memories for sure.

DanaMo, safe travels and tons of fun.

Sandi said...

Both parents currently in the nest. One chick (Big?) keeps trying to stand on his/her feetsies, but keeps falling.
Belle is now starting on the freshest fish. Shep poofs.

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi, that does sound like a loon. Cormorants don't have pointed beaks.

paula eagleholic said...

DanaMO, have a wonderful trip with your family. Sure hope you and Kay can still meet up!

Sandi said...

Chicks are being fed.

paula eagleholic said...

Big chickie tried to stand on feetsies this morning, and fell back..put her wings out to catch herself...sat there on her tail with feets and wings out...too funny.

They pretty much are walking around on the hocks (lower ankle/leg) until they can stand on those big feet.

paula eagleholic said...

Artist Thomas Kincaid, "painter of light" died today at appears from natural causes. Boy that's young.

Lolly said...

Oh, that is sad!! I love his paintings. Usually of gardens and houses with interior lights.

Lolly said...

Today involves more house cleaning and cooking, also have already started laundry.

I need to get out and peek into the cardinal nest. Yesterday when in the kitchen, I heard the cardinal singing from the nest. Thought that interesting. Maybe announcing a hatch?

Mema Jo said...

Good Holy Saturday Morning To All!
Great chatter this morning by you Momsters. Sandi, no matter that fish diving-swallowing bird turns out to be, it really gave you a good start for the day. Safe travels Dana - hope you and Kay have an emotional visit! It is really special when you meet up with someone whom you've befriended on this blog.

Lynn - you are so loved!
Carolyn- so are you!

Lolly said...

Now, what is peaglet at the front doing? Nestorations or looking for a snack in the pantry?

Lolly said...

Yes, it is very special to meet up with a momster. The hugs come so naturally!!!

Mema Jo said...

Glad I brought up the Easter Duster to find you remember them! Mine was navy and always worn over a pretty dress and your Easter corsage pined onto it. Easter bonnet, new shoes and purse were necessities along with Gloves! Quite the lady like attire.

Lolly said...

I loved the Easter hats. Never wore hats much, but always at Easter.

Lolly said...

Guess I should have said bonnets.☺

Mema Jo said...

In the nest it looks like they ate the whole thing!

Lolly said...

When you go to the nest you are going to have such a show!! I bet you will be able to see the peaglets. Wahhhhhh! I wanna be there.

Mema Jo said...

Paula said the other day that 'the good die young' How true with the announcement that Thomas Kinkade is dead at the age of 54. To me his painting were serene and so peaceful. His lighthouse painting was my favorite.

magpie said...

I think i had a different idea about Dusters.....
must go see more pictures

Good Morning Many More Eagle joyous to see you here !!

magpie said...

My totally chocolate breakfast is about to approach lunchtime

Mema Jo said...

The whole family has gathered again!

Sandi said...

When I taught 5th grade, I had my students do an end-of-the-year project where they made timelines and wrote an autobiography. I made my own timeline, up to the age of 10, as a model - the kids LOVED seeing pics of me as a baby and a child! Several of the pics that I used were taken at Easter. I have now put them on my blog. I don't recall the 2 early ones but very clearly recall the photo that was taken of the Easter when I was almost 11. The dress was a hand-me-down from someone and smelled like mothballs! It was a lilac color with a white patent leather belt and a white fake fur collar - hideous!! My mother did my hair in Spoolies the night before, and I looked like Harpo Marx - equally hideous!! I'm laughing as I'm typing but that's probably why I'm not smiling much in that pic - I HATED the thought of having to go out in public looking like that!!! Note: no Easter bonnets in any of the pics! Enjoy!

Sandi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

I love the pics, Sandi! Your brother is a hoot with those high rise pants and suspenders.

I have a picture of myself and mother had just given me a permanent. Oh, how I hated that picture.

Lolly said...

Time to start my day! Time to put the laptop down and get with it!

Have a great day!

Oh, Margy....I forgot to tell you. The other day when you put up the link to the ferry cam...well, I clicked on it, went to the cam and there was the ferry! (I caught it just in time to hop on!) LOL

paula eagleholic said...

My "hate" picture is my 8th grade school pic...Mom thought she could cut my hair like the hairstylist did...ended up chopping it really short, the day before pictures....she never touched my hair after that!

Judie said...

Oh, be still my heart! Though Shep was going to knock that babe right over the edge. Needs to practice babe control.

paula eagleholic said...

Shep 10, eaglets at 9 and 6. Look at those crops!

hedgie said...

Big girl has something hanging out of her beak. And she's sure moving around a lot near the food pile. Shep seems to be comfy!

Judie said...

Margy, look at Shirley's post at 9:17am.

Hi Lynn, so glad you stopped by. Wishing you a day without problems.

Hi Jo and Paula.

It is sad that Thomas Kinkade died so young. I also enjoyed his paintings.

magpie said...

thanks Judie
I did see that, was not what I was thinking .. am going to go bck and try to check YOUR link

Judie said...

Margy, the sewing pattern I found is the same style as what Shirley found.

Okay, I really have to stop watching the babes and work on the exam.


Mema Jo said...

Loved your pics Sandi!

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break - lunch time for me

DanaMo said...

My 6th grade picture sounds like yours Paula. My mom had me get my hair cut pixie style right before moving from Long Island to Hagerstown. Mouth full of braces, eyes bulging out of my head and short, short hair. EEEEK GADS! My husband carries it around in his wallet!

Lynne2 said...

Good afternoon all!

Absent yesterday due to a Good Friday good deed surprise for Mother Carolyn. Steve and I went to her house armed with gardening tools and made a huge dent in the backyard!We got about 2/3 of it done...hauled out 3 huge black trashbags full of yard debris. A LOT for a tiny Baltimore City rowhouse back yard! As she left for the senior apartment last April, the yard had only had the grass cut while she was gone, so there was a lot of weeding and trimming to be done. She was tickled! Next we'll go get some new plants for her. I hate to admit it, but I really think that going back to her own home has helped her tremendously both physically and mentally. And while she is still very functional, the worry is the stairs. Up to bathroom, down to laundry. I do wish her son, friend Dave, would do SOMETHING (I suggested a portable toilet for the downstairs) but as of yet has not. He SAID he was even going to put one of those ride on chair things up the steps for her....but Dave gets nothing done in a timely fashion.

Lynne2 said...

On the subject BAD childhood haircuts....I think it is my second grade picture...Pixie, but with a pile of curls on top. EWWWW!! Will have to see if I can find it later and put on my blog!

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, so glad you are here and seem to being fairly well today after yesterday's chemo! ♥

stronghunter said...

The day before school pictures when Kathryn was in first grade, she decided she did not want to have bangs, so she chopped a big hunk out of her bangs at school when there was a sub teaching.

The poor lady was horrified and so apologetic, but it only took one quick chop with the blunt little scissors. I could not blame her.

When the picture was taken, the light reflected off her hair at exactly the right spot an you can hardly see the missing bangs.

She looks like a little angel, halo and all.

stronghunter said...

And, Susan--well, she wanted a perm. So we worked late into the night on what turned out to be a hair explosion for her picture. I think that was sixth grade.

Lynne2 said...

LOL! I SHAVED my band off with my dad's razor!! My sister also cut hers off, and Dr Baker's oldest climbed up on to her Grammy's kitchen counter on day about a year ago or so, and gave her little sister AND her cousin Luke new hairdos!!!! There sure are a lot of BAD childhood hair episodes!

Lynne2 said...

I shaved my *bangs, not band.

magpie said...

this is rich!
Perfect time for some easygoing humor
xoxo ☺

stronghunter said...

Loon Call

Lolly, this is for you. I always played the loon call for my students when we read Thoreau's "Walden."

Lynne2 said...

Sandi, does indeed sound like you saw a Loon! We saw 2 and heard another last weekend. Pic on my blog, but zoom not so good so hard to tell from picture. But it was a Loon! He was diving away...every time I tried to get a picture the sucker went under! They are migratig northward right now.

Lynne2 said...

Love the loon call! I have one of those little machines that plays all kinds of sounds. I have a loon setting. For 15 years, I thought that setting didn't work. DUH! I tried it again just the other day and still only heard one call. it turns out, the calls are spaced kinda far apart in the beginning...I discovered this only because I forgot to turn it off, and then started to hear the sounds! I went to sleep that night to Loon calls!

magpie said...

Nice ministry of love from you and Steve for Carolyn, Lynne ♥

stronghunter said...

Hunter is with his dad, and Kathryn is off with a girlfriend. I need to use the time to fix up things around here a bit.

It takes some doing when I have to shampoo the carpets so often. I have now done all of the downstairs ones in the past few days.

Now to do some other stuff.

We will have Rebecca and Rus, Susan and James, and, of course, Hunter, Kathryn, Will, and me.

Just made reservations for Wed-Fri at the Holiday Inn in VA Beach. Will is going to take care of the critters and hold down the fort here.

paula eagleholic said...

Son John has done the chop on his bangs when he was little too...1st grade or 2nd grade I does all that always happen before picture day!

Lynne2 said...

LOL Shirley....I just steam cleaned our living room this morning! But it's small, only 15' x 17'. Not a big project. That's the only carpet down here as there is no dining room or any thing. Upstairs in next...small bedroom (really storage) and teeney weeney hallway. Good day for it. I have the windows all open, the ceiling fans on and it is just beautiful with the breeze coming in!

Lynne2 said...

of course, the morning's breeze is quickly turning in to a gusty wind.

Lynne2 said...

our babies look much like I did last night after dinner...feel asleep on the sofa!

Sandi said...

Margy, that hideous lilac dress DID have a scratchy crinoline attached to the skirt - I had completely forgotten about it until you commented!!

DanaMo, Dennis carried my 2nd grade picture in his wallet for the longest time - pixie haircut with too-short bangs (my mom cut them, not me - she was a hairdresser back in the day so all of my horrible hairstyles when I was little were her doing) and a big, gap-toothed grin!

Lynne, you have windows open?? It's only in the 50s here with a stiff north wind! I have the fireplace on!!

Lynne2 said...

yep, it's about 62 here with lots of sunshine coming in the windows!

DanaMo said...

Someone call Social Services those children have been alone for a while!! Glad they are sleeping.

paula eagleholic said...

Chicklets hanging out at the launch pad

Lolly said...

78 here and bright sunshine! House wide open and I have cleaned some of the windows. Time to start cooking now. Trying to decide on a salad. Going to have ham, potatoes, squash, green beans, deviled eggs and fruit pizza for dessert. We may not need a salad. Hmmmmm????

Oh, the squash is my new recipe for butternut squash. I love it, hope the other do as well!

Hoda said...

Good morning/ good afternoon everyone.

Camera shakes, social services not needed parent close by!!! LOL DANAMO.

Sorry about Kinckaid. Young indeed.

The Virginian was in Wyoming...THANKS SHIRLEY...So Southern Plantation image prevails for Virginia and West Virginia. Very interesting what JO;S mention of the duster brought up.

Very curious what you saw swimming in the water SANDI...Loon sounds about right.

Hoda said...

Kinkade not my previous spelling of it!!!

Mema Jo said...

Still cam is up/running but you all may know that already.....

Our little ones are taking a snooze

Mema Jo said...



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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...