Friday, April 06, 2012


NEw thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Our little ones are going to have bunged up beaks for as many faceplants that they due...

Lolly said...

I just went out and took several pictures of the roses on the fence. Also took a picture of the cardinal eggs. They have not started hatching yet. Pictures are on my Hawkwood blog.

Hawkwood Pics

Lolly said...

Okay, enough playing...back to work.

Hoda said...

Hoda said...

Camera shakes in omes Belle watching someone fly in the skies

Lolly said...

Oh, that was cute. Belle landed in the nest from near the cam, both peaglets looked up at the exact same time.

stronghunter said...

Will is busy moving in today. He has applied for a job in Richmond, and will be looking for a new roommate here if the Richmond job doesn't happen.

But, he will be here to take care of the collection of critters for awhile. That will make the VA Beach and Nest Visit trips much easier for us.

George gets two kinds of medication twice a day and Luna gets eye drops twice a day in addition to the usual cat and dog care.

I was in the bathroom upstairs when I heard an odd cat sound. Found that George had entered Lucky's territory. He scampered back downstairs when I hollered at him.

Clunk, shake.

Eagle parent appears. I thought it was Shep, but not sure now.

stronghunter said...

Okay, it is Belle. That explains why I don't see a spot.

Lolly said...

Poop shoot...glad he did not get Mom.

stronghunter said...

Will's roommate is moving back to Colorado where his family lives.

Hoda said...

I would like to hear from SHARON...

Lolly said...

Shirley, Issabelle virtually lives upstairs in Laurel's bedroom. She does not venture down very much because of PC and now Luke. So, they take her downstairs so she can immediatly run up the stairs. That is her excercise. She is getting so fat! Yikes!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for sharing your pictures, Lolly. I always enjoy your lovely gardens.

Lolly said...

Sharon and Bev are having a busy weekend with family!!! May not hear much from her.

stronghunter said...

We have a window screen across the top of the stairs to prevent cat fights. Of course, if they really wanted to get at one another, that wouldn't stop them, but it seems to be enough. I had left a cat-sized space that George went through.

Hoda said...

SHARON is at ANDREW and KELSEY'S Shower...I went to her facebook page...

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and didn't find a new thread

Hoda said...

Belle has been feedig the chicklettes for a while now...

JudyEddy said...

this pic I just grabbed didn't get any earlier this am were sleeping as always love their little peeps

JudyEddy said...

looks like Belle is also eating along with them

JudyEddy said...

the one chick went up to get the bite and she ate it LOL

Hoda said...

Little one is certainly getting his fill!!! Big one is contented to wait her turn and get some every once in a while...she must be full too.

JudyEddy said...

My cats are trying to chase a lizard up the wall toooo funny

JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

Oh, phooey, I've missed way too many posts to catch up on. Thursday morning through to Friday afternoon is just a blur as I was hit with the worst pain I've ever had in my life. The doctor couldn't get me in any earlier for the cortisone injection, but did prescribe something new for pain and it's working. DANAMO may have filled you in on our plans, but if not, I'm expecting her and AnneMarie to join us here for dessert tomorrow evening. Counting the hours and so glad she's willing to make the drive from their RV park to my home since I just can't get out and about at all.

Here's hoping LYNN is doing better ! My prayers continue !

Happy to hear via Caring Bridge that Tori is home in time for the holiday ! Hallelujah !

Pleased to see that our regal eagle family is fine and dandy !

Thanks to those of you who've been praying for me. Much appreciated ! I'm praying for any needs and so sorry if I've missed something very important. I'll let DANA catch me up.


Lynne2 said...

I'm like a Whirling Dervish around here today! Boy am I gonna pay for it. Only thing I'm missing is my DUSTER!! My grandmother had many. Shapeless, snap down the front, hung to the knees, many colors and patterns. Wore one all the time around the house!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly your gardens are beautiful! I asked on your blog if you have the Yellow Rose of Texas in your yard.

Lynne2 said...

Oh Kay, so sorry about all that pain! NO FAIR. What have they given you that is working now?

So excited you and DanaMo will meet tomorrow!! PICTURES....we'll need LOTS of pictures!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - I was mainly talking about a dressy ladies' coat - no buttons BUT you are correct that the housedresses worn were called dusters!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

I was on the yellow pages after I trashed my last comment and at the bottom I clicked newer and there was the page I wanter to be on When I clicked on Post A Comment I was right back on good old 200

Lynne2 said...

OH, OK Jo, I think I know what kind of coat you are talking about....I just didn't know they called them Dusters, too!

Mema Jo said...

Kay hope the pain pill does well by you

Hoda said...

So sorry KAY that you were not well. I am glad the new medication is taking away the pain.
I am very excited about you meeting DANAMO and ANNEMARIE for wonderful. I agree with LYNNE pictures, pictures and more pictures please.

Hoda said...

Belle is back...

Hoda said...

poof Belle again from three and the camera shakes also...chicklettes at nine and seven. In comes Shep

Hoda said...

Shep is eating.
In comes Bells and the chicklettes are awake...looking for food???

Hoda said...

Poof Belle from three again

Lolly said...

Deviled eggs are done. Taking a break.

Oh, Kay....I am so sorry!!! (((Gentle hugs))) Like Lynne said, No fair!!! They have to take care of this and fast! So happy they have given you something that is helping. Enjoy your time with Dana and her daughter.

Jack has run out to do some shopping. Said he would go by the grocery store for me, so I do not have to go out.

Now to go clean bathrooms.

Ta Ta!

Lolly said...

Jo, I do have a yellow rose on the arbor over the gate going into the garden.

Judie said...

Okay, basic exam is finished AND finished exactly one month early to the day. Now just some tweeking with answer choices to make it more challenging.

Kay, sorry the pain was so severe but glad the new med is helping. Enjoy the visit with DanaMo and AnneMarie.

Costume Lady said...

KAY, I am hoping so much that your pain has eased by the time you and Dana meet. You will enjoy her sweetness and exuberance!

I don't know what kind of pain reliever your doctor gave you, but hope it's a good strong one!
GG's doctor had her on 5 mg of Oxy. and when he discovered she had a spinal fracture, he gave her 15 mg of Oxy. Haven't seen her today, so I don't know how it has affected her. Praying for relief for her, finally!

Fixing dinner for our FRIDAY FAMILY for tomorrow~

WVJerry said...

Hi Momsters. Sorry I haven't checked in lately. I got the info for nest visit. I think now I will be able to make a visit to the nest unless my schedule changes. We have a man on vacation that week and my schedule could change but I won't know until next Saturday. I will miss the dinner and lunch however. Just watching the cam...seems like the little ones have gotten bigger and maybe trying to "flex their muscles" so to speak. I guess it' Natures way to make them a little clumsy/awkward so they don't fall from the high nest. I assume they will just pretty much develop quickly and be able to fly before being able to leave the nest by walking out and not being able to fly quite so well. I'm gonna try and post some more this weekend in between chores and maybe a fishing trip. Take care all.

Sandi said...

Have been outside weeding - I think we're all going to pay for a warm winter with more weeds in our gardens! It was warmer in the sun than I thought - very pleasant, though not warm enough to turn off the heat and/or open the windows!

Kay, I am so sorry you're in so much pain! I hope that visiting with DanaMo and Annamarie will take your mind off of it. Will see my mom tomorrow and am anxious to find out if the TENS has helped her.

Shirley, my crape myrtles have buds but no leaves yet. Also, the buds on my Zelkova tree (the one I was worried about) are larger than a week ago, though they haven't started to open yet.

Lynn, hope your day has continued to be a good one!

Jerry, glad you will be able to make the nest visit! I have only been on the blog since Thanksgiving and am very anxious to meet everyone for the first time.

Lynne2, I haven't seen any hummers yet - maybe this upcoming week.

Wanda, is there a new baby in the family yet?

Costume Lady said...

No new baby, yet, SANDI. I was so sure it would come the day of the full moon, seeing as how she was already starting to dialate. She really is not due til the 21 or 24th.
JERRY, we will be happy to have you join us on the 21st. Do you know that we are having a dinner at 7pm at the Rumsey Tavern in the Clarion on April 20th? It is a Meet & Greet time for all of our newbies. Always a fun evening!
Can you join us then?

Hoda said...

A big loose branch/ twig at moves with the wind facing into the nest.

Shep Poofs

Hoda said...

In comes Belle from seven...she is watching something

Hoda said...

She will soon lose that loose feather on her left wing

Hoda said...

It is getting very windy at the nest and I wished Belle would fix that branch sticking out in the coudl put someone's eye out!!!

stronghunter said...

I must feed the critters. They have told me so.

It is not good to have restless critters about.

Hoda said...

I wouldn't think so SHIRLEY!!! I hope they settle down.

I think I am going to try to go to yoga today...I miss it and have not been able to do it this week, but feel I could today so I will try it...


hedgie said...

Kay, so osrry your pain got so bad. :( Hope the new med is the RIGHT one for you until the injection Weds. Prayers for relief, STAT.

Shirley and Lynne, you gals are working too hard! You are the whirling dervishes for the day, for sure.

Judie, congrats on finishing the exam! Know it's a good feeling to have it done well in advance.

Sharon also has the Cantata tomorrow that Andrew and Kelsey are performing in....what a treat that would be to hear.

hedgie said...

Lolly and Sandi are working hard, too!

So anxious to hear about DMo and Kay hooking up! Don't get lost, Dana!!!

Jerry, good luck with your fishing, and ask Shep if you need pointers!! Cool if you can make it to the nest visit!

Wanda, hope the higher dosage of Oxy helps GG without zonking her!

Lynne2 said...

No hummers here either Sandi. I just read yesterday on the Journey North sight that due to the push of cooler air in these parts, migration has slowed a bit.

Hoda, are you sure you are REALLY up to Yoga today? I know you know your limits after being so sick. But on the other hand, it may do some good, too!

Lynne2 said...

oh and Sandi....I like to say "there are no weeds in the garden...only misplaced wildflowers!"

Lolly said...

I think the house is totally clean and ready for tomorrow. I really do not have much more to do today. The rest of the cooking is done tomorrow. Think I will make it buffet and eat in the dining room. Our dining room table is the only table big enough to hold the 9 of us. I have another leaf to put in the dining table and then it will hold 12. Guess I need 3 more grandchildren. LOL Not going to happen. Sigh......

paula eagleholic said...

Had to stop in and watch that poop how it almost knocks them off their feets!

Some wing stretching going on by the chicklest

paula eagleholic said...

Time for me to hit the chores, laundry, cleaning, cooking, baking. Took some time first to play with Nick in the backyard when I got home.

Kay, surely hope the new pain med helps!

Wanda, hope GG is feeling better with her pain as well.

Love to see the chicks picking at sticks!

DanaMO and Kay, have a wonderful visit! Glad AnneMarie is going along too!

Lynne2 said...

Corny, but I intend to watch the 10 Commandments at 7! Not like I haven't seen it 40 times or so....

Lynne2 said...

I have a question. There is an old house across the street...I think there are pictures on my blog from my trek over there one day. Anyhow, it's very old, abandoned, grown over. No address. How would I go about finding out about this house?

JudyEddy said...

Home from work Just realized I didn't put the pic in the EM album yesterday need to go do that I try to put pictures in it daily

JudyEddy said...

more greens for the nest

Lynne2 said...

I see some new greenery is being fussed with. Must be a garnish for dinner.

JudyEddy said...

they look good with the green decorations LOL looks like its nap time huh ok now to go do what I said I was LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, you can go to Maryland department of assessments and taxation and look at the property record to see who owns it and their address. You can look this up by county, and then street address

paula eagleholic said...

You want the real property data search

paula eagleholic said...

Thaink that was Shep that poofed, not sure which one is where

Lolly said...

Ya, thaink, Paula? ☺

Mema Jo said...

Our dinner is finished and a trip to the grossery store accomplished.. Now we are getting ready to get ourselves to Mass - The Easter Vigi8l.. It will be long but I just can't get to morning Mass and also be prepared for the family members to come for lunch.

I'll see you fine feathered friends much later..

Mema Jo said...

I thaink I meant to type Easter Vigil

paula eagleholic said...

Thaink is exactly what I meant! ☺

Lori O. said...

Good evening Eagle buds!

Crazy, busy, cleaning day here and trying to
get ready to leave for the Bahamas tomorrow. I wish this
wasnt such a fast trip, but when it's for work, it's their dime. Plane leaves early tomorrow morning and
I'm just praying I get some kind of free wifi service! Otherwise, this blog addict will be going crazy!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle in the nest with the chicklets...see their fuzzy white heads in front of her

paula eagleholic said...

Bahamas!! You lucky dog you!

JudyEddy said...

Bell is digging at cup chicklets are up

JudyEddy said...

I think she want them to move she dug inbetween them

JudyEddy said...

Belle is now eating a tail sticking out of mouth

JudyEddy said...

Light on

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Gonna go see what on the boob tube

hedgie said...

Lori, how lucky you are! How long will you be gone? Will Loo be going and will you be broadcsting from there??? Have a safe trip and make it as fun as you can!!!
I'm envious!

paula eagleholic said...

Bedtime snack for the kiddos

JudyEddy said...

OH LORI I hope you get service and wow how lucky I envy you LOL

JudyEddy said...

PAULA did you get the newspaper article yet?????

Sandi said...

WOW - Lori is going to the Bahamas - how lucky!!! Have a great time!

Just finished watching last night's episode of Blue Bloods and Thursday night's premiere of Scandal. Didn't think from the previews that Scandal would be good but I liked it!!

Lynne2, I looked back on your blog til I found the old house you were talking about. When you said old, I didn't think you meant OLD!!! Bet it was a gorgeous place at one time! Wouldn't you just love to find some pics of it (inside and out) back in its heyday?

stronghunter said...


paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, I did get the article! So sorry I forgot to email you...I'll try and scan it tomorrow for everyone! Thanks for sending it!

Lolly said...

Wish we were going with Lori! Bahamas sound pretty good right now!

Think I will be reading again tonight. I promise I will come back to say good night. LOL I was so surprised to see my laptop sitting open this morning. Duh!!! Thaink I was sleepy

Linda said...

Good Evening.....

Just finishing up my day at my desk and wanted to say Hello to all!

I'm frustrated that I have soooo many returns waiting on information from clients!! It would be so nice to just get them done already!

I was looking for a picture of me in my navy blue duster with a white collar for Easter.......but don't know where that picture is. I was going to put it on my blog!!

Happy to see Lynn ♥ feeling somewhat human today and pray that continues into tomorrow and the days ahead!

Kay - So terribly sorry you have suffered with so much pain lately. I hope you are feeling great for your visit with DanaMo and AnneMarie tomorrow evening. How exciting!! ♥

Time for me to shower and wind down for the night. I hope to be back!

What a wonderful day tomorrow will be as we celebrate the Risen Christ!! We are so incredibly blessed to live in this Age of Grace! ♥

Hoda said...

Where in the Bahamas LORI. I sailed around the ABACOS Islands and it is beautiful there...they are so laid back I do not think you will have time to miss the blog...go to the beach...see the wild life and let us know how it was for you there.
How is KATE'S MOM? Is she still in the Seniors place or did they take her back home?

Yoga was good LYNNE I was ready to go back...I am still coughing but not as badly as before and my chest is not as tight...getting better I would say.

stronghunter said...

Lori is going to the Bahamas? How nice.

I am sitting here with my feet up. Going to the grocery store did me in. I was pleased to see Will's car when I pulled into the driveway. He brought in the bags for me.

As I was checking out, a bottle of ginger ale fell off the counter and landed on the floor. I told the clerk that I would like a different one, and I would like for someone to get it for me.

He took care of everything very nicely.

I really thought Kathryn would be here when I got back, but she is still gone. One thing about Kathryn. When she goes out, she just keeps going.

My poor toe is complaining that I mistreated it today.

A bowl of cereal makes a nice supper. I hope Will can find food. I do not worry too much about my adult children. They have been taking care of food-finding for a long time now.

Lynne2 said...

LOL Sandi...wish I knew HOW old!

Paula, thanks for the link. For some reason, the properties listed on the "old" side of the road here don't have any house numbers in the listings! WTH?? Has owner names and other details. When I click on the map link, it just keeps coming up unable to connect. GGRRRRRRRR!!!!

Lynne2 said...

Glad you are getting better Hoda!

Shirley, maybe you should pain the nail on your poor complaining toe blue to match it's mood.

Lynne2 said...

Regarding the house, my former landlord, who grew up 2 houses down from here, has no recollection of that house or who was in it. He was born in the 50s. So I guess it's way older than that!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, sometimes the map links don't work...send me the address and I'll try it as well...or send me your address again...

hedgie said...

Hoda, glad you are starting to feel better.

Lynne, you should be able to look at old county maps at the courthouse and maybe get some leads that way.

Linda, so sorry that you are still having to wait for the info you need. People are so inconsiderate!
Time is winding down, and you should be able to as well!!

I am going to take a shower---ugh. Don't feel up to the tub tonight--it takes energy out of me sometimes and it feels like one of those times. Will check back after I'm done to say goodnight.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I got the address Lynne

Costume Lady said...

If you haven't seen it already...go look at the moon!

Lynne2 said...

ME TOO!!!! Now I know who owns it!
How did you find it Paula? I found an interactive map!

paula eagleholic said...

What do you think the street number is, Lynne?

Oh cool, where is the interactive map?

Hoda said...

I will when it gets dark here WANDA.

Thank you LYNN. I will go to the hospital on Tuesday for my lung stress test and I will keep you posted.Belle is tucking in facing eleven

Hoda said...

I like it very much how you find things PAULA and how practical yoiu are LYNN in regards court house records and awesome.

Lynne2 said...


hedgie said...

Okay, I'm done, and ready to head upstairs. An early Easter Blessing for all. Prayers going up for so many in need of them. If you plan on sunrise service in this area, wear a WARM coat, not a duster....another freeze warning in effect.
Goodnight all. See you tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, you might want to look at Hernwood rd...

paula eagleholic said...

gotta get back to work!

magpie said...

I see the Moon, Wanda
on one side of the sky and
Venus the Planet of L♥ve on the other....

Sorry I missed saying Good Night to Lynn ! Good Night Lynn ! ♥

Good Evening Eagle Pals....
xoxoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Saying good night. Kathryn has returned home. Will is in his abode downstairs, and I am tired.

I will see you tomorrow.

Lynne2 said...

Paula, it goes from Hernwood to our road...big piece of land. You have mail!

magpie said...

I understand about dusters and other dusters now....interesting, I never knew the buttonless coats were called that!

I know how long those Easter Vigil Masses can be: hours! Many new folks make their entrance into the Catholic Faith at this Mass, many sacraments celebrated....
Will look for Jo's "Honies I'm Home" greeting later on

magpie said...

so very sorry to read of Kay's intense pain, but happy for the anticipation for her meet and greet with Annemarie and DanaMo...
Wanda is so right, DanaMo is sweet as a sweet pea and cute as a button!

magpie said...

Congrats to Judie for being one month exactly ahead with the exam, and:

I have enjoyed all the other posts of the day, especially the good happy newsy ones ♥

magpie said...

Good Night to you....
I enjoy the way you say things...
I still hope you are going to write a book someday.
xox (( Hgus ♥ )) and Welcome Home, Will!
(and keeps-going-Kathryn also)

magpie said...

new word, Hgus, now to THAINK on how to pronounce it ! ☺

(( Hugs ! ))

Glad you got to Yoga, Hoda, and that you are feeling somewhat better, hope it's 100% better soon as possible ! Like, Tomorrow for example

magpie said...

Time for me to start signing off ...

Best of the Best Wishes for Good, Sweet Solid Sleep, and
for everyone's activities of the day, on Easter Sunday, right around the corner

Prayers for Wellness....Please, Soon, and Complete

Jewels: to you and your co-workers, thanks for taking care of the 9-1-1 world tonight for us!

Love you, Precious Pals
and Good Night

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxox ♥

Lynne2 said...

time for me to hit the sofa. Never going to make it to the end of the 10 Commandments!

Been playing with my new interactive map thingy...finding out all kinds of interesting information!

Good night on this most Holy Eve of Easter, prayers for all!

Jewels said...

Hello and goodnight, Margy you are welcome!! It is our pleasure.IT has been busy once again!

Hoda said...

Good to see you CAROLYN. Sorry it is busy, but I hope not stressful.

Jewels said...

not too stressful as of yet.. lol

Linda said...

One last post to say good night to all.

Prayers for healing and wellness for all our dear eagle family!

Wishing everyone peaceful rest.

Looking forward to Ressurection Day, to sing praises to our Lord and Savior!! We have much to be thankful for,

Praying especially for healing sleep for Kay and Lynn tonight!! god Bless you both. xoxo


paula eagleholic said...

OK got my peep cake done...Pic on Paula's Prints

Lolly said...

I see I have missed Lynn and others who have said good night. Jack has been working on computers and loaded some programs on to my laptop. Now he has a disc stuck in the PC. Problems problems!

Lynne and Paula, sounds like you have been having fun searching for info. I love technology, when it works!

Going to head to the shower now.

Love and (((hugs)))! Have a blessed Easter Sunday with your families.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Lolly said...

Paula!!!! The cake is fantastic!

Mema Jo said...

Coming in to say Good Evening - and then to say Good Night!
Pray all is well for everyone!
Enjoy your work trip Lori!

I think all have settled down in the nest as Belle has head tucked and little ones are just sleeping lumps.

Our Easter Vigil mass was very nice and the music made it so meaningful.

Mema Jo said...

Love the cake you made - kids will want to eat all the decorations1

Mema Jo said...

Missed saying good night to lots so I better catch them in the morning.

Prayers for all to have a Blessed Easter

** (((HUGS TO ALL))) **

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks's all edible ☺

Costume Lady said...

Sandman is on his way, I can feel it in my bones...better get out of here before face-plants start:)

Meal for tomorrow is all cooked and ready to pack up. Now for a good night's rest.


Hoda said...


Good night.


Lori O. said...

Getting ready to shut down so I can pack my computer. I'm almost ready to go...Bahamas here I come! Too bad it's only for three days, barely! I'll try to get on as much as I can. Stay well, be safe. Prayers for Lynn, Kay, Thelma. Hope I didn't miss anyone. You're all in my thoughts and prayers, always! I love you all!

DanaMo said...

Happy Easter!!!!

Lorik-you're going to the Bahamas??? For work??? Lucky you!!!

DanaMo said...

Just saw it on FB now I see it here, have a wonderful, safe, albeit short, trip!!

DanaMo said...


Sandi said...

Morning all! Happy Easter! Guess Lori is in an airport or on a plane.

DanaMo, enjoy your trip, your family (minus 1, right?) and your meeting/visit with Kay!

Sandi said...

I can't get the cam page to load this morning. DMo, are you seeing the nest?

DanaMo said...

Good morning Sandi!
Yes, Andrew is home to take care of the dogs and go to class (I pray, he goes to class!).

I will meet Kay tonight, and bring Aric back to UD tomorrow. After we leave UD we will continue on to KY. Looking so forward to it!!

I have wi-fi and a wireless card for in the car so I will be on. I will give me something to do on the long ride. As much as I like to go places, I do not like riding int he car. I'm not sure what time we will get on the road, hopefully by noon.

DanaMo said...

Yes, I have the nest, keep trying. ☺

DanaMo said...

They are snuggled in the middle trying to keep warm I guess.

Sandi said...

Had to restart the computer and clear out the cache - then the cam page loaded fine. I see the kids are alone and Big is occasionally pecking at Lil! S/he has learned to put that head down and lay low!

How has this semester gone for Andrew? I sense some concern on your part.

DanaMo said... seems that 2/3 classes are going okay and he might be blowing one off! I told him he needs to at least try to pull a C in it. I don't know what he has done/hasn't done, so it's hard to know how hard he has to work to get it up. He just isn't into it. I told him I didn't care if he got a degree (at least for now, but that's not what I said), but told him if he is taking classes then he should do the work, if he's not going to take the classes, he should ask for full time hours. That may have motivated him enough to get through this semester, but who knows.
He works for a company putting numbers into the computer. It's an 8 hour shift of looking at a computer screen and envelopes. I can't imagine he wants to do that for the resto of his life...

Sandi said...

DanaMo, my prayer for you is that Andrew figures things out, maybe at the same moment that my Kevin does - how's that?!

CarolAnne said...


One Easter celebration over (pics on my blog). Off to Easter at the in-laws later today.

Hope everyone awakens with a renewed spirit and a positive outlook.

Wishing safe travels to those who will be out and about.

Take care and God Bless us, everyone!

CarolAnne said...

Talk of our offspring and their futures makes me wonder, how many of us are doing now what we thought we'd be doing when we were in our early 20's?

magpie said...

Good Happy Easter Morning to All...

xo ♥

And Safe Traveling Wishes to all on the highways and byways today

Thinking of Lynn♥ Kay♥ and all in most need of comfort today

magpie said...

Bunny in Bibs,
compliments of Lynne2 and Paula who helped me to resize it ☺
(last year at Easter time)
Thanks, Ladies !

magpie said...

And Big Happy Easter wishes to Steve and all his family,
and the NCTC Staff, and of course:
to Belle, Shep, and the two Royal Babies

magpie said...

when I was in my early 20's
I think I had NO IDEA what I was
going to be all about doing

I think I might be still trying to figure that out sometimes !

Sandi said...

CarolAnne - great pics, thanks for sharing! Love the homemade Easter cards!! I expected to still see snow outside at your house rather than tulips and people with short sleeves - I guess Wisconsin isn't exactly like the frozen tundra! =)

Career-wise, what I am doing now is exactly what I saw myself doing when I was in my 20s. Dennis didn't see being in business for himself, but at least knew the field he would be in and has stayed in for 40 years. I don't want/need Kevin to have it "all figured out." I'd just like to know that he has a goal, and an idea of a game plan to reach it.

Lynn, hope today is a great one for you!

Kay, hope your day is good even before you and DanaMo meet up!!

Hoping that Thelma is getting the wellness she needs.

Can you imagine what a great Easter this is for Tori?? Saw this quote on Robyn's FB wall:
"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love."

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

stronghunter said...

Two little eagles alone in the nest.

magpie said...

Babies are waiting for their Easter Fish...they have their Easter outfits on...

Glorious it is, Sandi, the post on Tori's FB page, thank you for putting that on here...

Good Morning Shirley !

DanaMo said...

CarolAnne-I am not doing what I thought I would be doing. My undergrad degree is in Social Work, then I was a stay at home mom for 14 years of 4 children (another thing I never saw myself doing, 4 kids!), then, me, a lousy student in my younger days, went on to get a Masters degree in teaching. Nope...not at all the path I had planned. Although I never did like social work it was just something to get a degree in.
And I agree with Sandi, I just wish Andrew had some direction...

JudyEddy said...


CarolAnne said...

DanaMo and Sandi,
I agree, it is difficult watching our children grow, knowing what we know, and what will have lasting effects.

I was sure my son would have a "get your hands dirty" type of job. Instead he has an office job. Go figure!

On the other hand, I would never imagine my pretty, high maintenance, high strung, daughter would go on to run a successful business. With a very casual, laid back attitude of "whatever", just going with the flow.

Ahhh, what do mothers know! LOL

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

some one is in attic

JudyEddy said...

aww he picked up the green thing

JudyEddy said...

peaking at each other now

JudyEddy said...

poop shoot

JudyEddy said...

parents in attic making noises

JudyEddy said...

Lil is picking at flugg on cup then they peak each other

JudyEddy said...

both are picking at flugg in nest now

JudyEddy said...

wow what a big peice of flugg that big moved

JudyEddy said...

reminds me of Shep can't sit in nest with out fidgiting with something

JudyEddy said...

small bird on out edge of nest soooo small

hedgie said...

Easter greetings and Blessings to you all!! ♫ ♪ Christ the Lord is Risen Today...Hallelujiah! ♪ ♫

hedgie said...

It's sunny but a chilly 44 here, and the winds are supposed to start again later. Hold onto your Easter bonnets!!

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the card LYNN Hope you are feeling somewhat better today

Now its time for me to go to work We use to be closed on Easter but you know Walmart wants that last almighty dollar I know Sam wouldn't like it but that is life

magpie said...

Good Easter Morning to More Momsters...maybe we'll see a few DADSTERS pop on today also ☺

JudyE - sorry you have to work....
but I do hope that all the people you come in contact with today are happy and joyful

Good Morning Lynn♥ and I hope this is a a Beautiful Day for you.....


magpie said...

why there's a an Easter Bunny Parent at the nest ☺

magpie said...

Will be Thinking of all you, my friends, through the day....
Hope there are many joyful moments.

lots of hugs, laughter, and some good eat treats !

I'll be spending the day "out in the country" in another county with a friend....
James and his Dad went away for the week-end....
so, ta ta for now...
have some phone calling and emailing to attend to
xo (( All-Day Easter Hugs )) xo ♥
God Bless Us, Every One

Sandi said...

Morning Lynn - thanks for the Easter card! ♥

Judy, you have to work TODAY???? Stores should not be open on Easter!!! No, no, no! I refuse to patronize any store that feels the need to BE open on Easter!

Sandi said...

Belle arrived with fresh flugg this AM. Now Shep has arrived with some. But so far, no morning fish!

Sandi said...

Belle fed the kids, then poofed! Now Shep has poofed!

Sandi said...

Guess I should get ready for my day. We are driving to Elkridge to visit and spend the day with an ice skating napkin and a future NHL star! My mom, sister, and brother-in-law will also be there. Kevin and Kenny will join us for dinner. Lisa(sister) said to bring the dogs so we can stay longer. Could be interesting - we will be taking multiple gates and Lisa will set up Daisy's crate so we can keep grouchy Bandit and boisterous Daisy apart.

Have a wonderful day, my eagle friends! Easter/Passover blessings to all!

Belle has returned with even more flugg - maybe she's making Easter baskets for the kids!? =)

Sandi said...

And Shep returns with more fresh flugg! Boy are they going to have a fluffy nest!!

Sandi said...

Parents keep going and then returning with new nesting material. Definitely fixin up the house this AM! OK, gotta go!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!


Belle in with some greenery.

paula eagleholic said...

I see some fressh fluff too

Belle and Shep both working on the flugg

paula eagleholic said...

Have a wonderful day Sandi!

paula eagleholic said...

Hope Lori is traveling safely and finds some wifi!

paula eagleholic said...

Safe travels to DanaMO, and anyone else hitting the road today!

paula eagleholic said...

On kids...John struggled for quite some year I think he had 7 jobs! Never imagined him doing what he is doing and supervising other employees!

Michael knew he wanted to go to college, and found out he liked social work...not what I thought he would be doing, but it is really a part of his being, now that I think of it...he loves it!

paula eagleholic said...

Love Robyn's post, kinda says it all!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle at noon taking a couple of bites...getting ready to feed the kiddos?

grannyblt said...

Happy Easter/Passover to all who celebrate.
Today I am missing my hot cross buns I usually make on Good Friday . This year Friday was my birding friend's birthday so we went to lunch then a couple of hours birding at our favorite spots. Then yesterday we went to another favorite area and saw more FOS migrants.

Carole Anne, even 10 years ago I didn't have the remotest idea I would be here doing what I am today.

Judie said...

Good morning and Happy Easter to one and all.

Nebraska Kestrel nest has 3 eggs. Decorah has three adorable bobble heads. Phoebe has two growing hummers. Cornell RTH beauteous in the morning sun. Savannah and Derek's babe is looking darker by the day.

Wishing Lori safe travel and a little fun.

DanaMo, please remember to give hugs to Kay from all of us.

College? The new high school diploma. For too many students I see, it might have been better to let them wait until the decision is their own. They are not yet prepared for the commitment.

Lynn, hope you have a good day and Paula's peep cake should be a huge success as will family night Easter and Jumpin' Jo's jamboree.

Hoda, glad you seem to be feeling a little better. Take care.

Margy, are you home today? James time?

Shirley, have a lovely day with all the family.


Judie said...

Fresh thread. Y'all come on over. Door's open.

paula eagleholic said...

Finally eating time...chicks sitting up for breakfast and snatching it right out of Belle's beak!

hedgie said...

Big girl was actually walking!!!! Not far but a few steps! Anyone else see it?

DanaMo said...

Estimated time of departure is 1/2 hour.

Ms Bookworm said...


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1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...