Thursday, February 09, 2012


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Two beautiful eggs in the nest! They look like twins! :)

JudyEddy said...

I put pic in album of both in nest with eggs exposed and a pic of the nest empty OK How long will they live it unattended now I worry why did they both leave I wish we had sound we could hear if someone was in attic

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon everyone. Sissy is still pretty uncomfortable. They are still running tests to see if they can get to the bottom of this.

JudyEddy said...

/sharon is it normal for them to leave the eggs alone

JudyEddy said...

I know they can't get up and leave LOL but what about preditors

JudyEddy said...

BACK I feel better

JudyEddy said...

Shep is just sitting there I guess the warmth of the sun is ok on them

JudyEddy said...

POOF SHEP leaving the eggs alone again

PattiO said...

And, gone again!

JudyEddy said...

EGG RS need to be called NOT HRS LOL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The eggs will be okay for a little bit.

JudyEddy said...

I put a couple of pic in ablum for evidence LOL

JudyEddy said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle is back.

JudyEddy said...

must of had errands to run and left the children unattended shame on them

JudyEddy said...

camer issue is anyone els lost live feed

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And our sound is back!!!

PattiO said...

So where is Shep today? Has he taken a turn yet?

magpie said...

Sound is back and the Still Cam is Blue...

Hello Happy Eagle Watching Pals

magpie said...

Refresh Judy, it worked for me

I don't have sound here, at work
but I take your word for it Sharon...

ttfn xoxo

magpie said...

Shep was on roost for quite some time PattiO
I think they switched about 90 mins ago

I'm busy at work but I'm pretty sure it's all recorded on the OLD Thread....

PattiO said...

Ahhh, I see... late thread today. :) Got it!

magpie said...

You Go Girl, Patti...

hard to do when that 200-post dead-end is in place sometimes, Patti

Good Evening Wishes to all of you...

going to see "Grinson" (Grandson) after work

xoxox ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm, maybe they were doing HP out of the nest ♥

magpie said...

good point, Paula...
sure could be...
Afternoon Delight...

DanaMo said...

There was actually a notice up explaining that the sound was turned off. I'm surprised it's back on.

paula eagleholic said...

Egg roll in process.

Did anyone see Shep bring in food around 2ish?

paula eagleholic said...

DanaMO, they told me it would be today or tomorrow in an email....glad it was today.

Lolly said...

Have had a nap. Half hour to go and then I get to take the pad off and put drops in my eye. Must wear the shield for two days. I can not wear my glasses with the shield. Have enlarged the type to 200 per cent and can barely mangage that way. Did see an egg roll just then. I think I can make out a spot, so it must be Shep in the nest. Right?

Lolly said...

Why did they turn the sound off? Interesting,

DanaMo said...

Some training exercise and I guess there was going to be alot of noise.

DanaMo said...

Didn't seem to affect Belle and Shep.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am going to say it was government training not for our ears to hear!

hedgie said...

Duh.....I was lost on the old thread. Thanks, Margy!

hedgie said...

Yep---sound on last refresh!

Sandi said...

Hi all, haven't caught up on today's happenings at the nest and elsewhere so off I go to change clothes and then do some reading! BBL!

DanaMo said...

I thought that too, but I think the message at the bottom said noise.

Mema Jo said...

Great to have a fresh thread upon returning from the doc. Got a fluid pill instead of any BP medicine.
Try that for awhile.

Need to read - BRB

Sandi said...

So, LOLLY's surgery went ok, she's home, has eaten and had a nap, and is now trying to read the blog and type and watch the nest, all with one eye and no glasses! YAY LOLLY!

Not so good news on BEV that she's still in the hospital with no answers yet!

LYNN, read that you are going to the doc tomorrow but didn't catch what for - must have been speed reading and missed it. What's up?

Sound is back for me - can hear the daycare kids!

Costume Lady said...


I was realeased from my Home Therapy today. Nothing more can be done for me here at the house. I have been been graduated to the MACHINE ROOM at the Health Fitness Center. Anxios to see which machines they will put me on.
I do have an appointment with Mel, tomorrow...don't know if she will still come here or not...need to call her.

Lolly said...

Bandage is off. Eye looks like h..
Why is it some folks can have this surgury and their eye looks fine. Mine is blood red! Have the shield back on. Will be glad when I can see again. LOL Seeing out of the operated is blurry. Right eye no good for reading without my glasses. Help! Margy, come quick!!!

JudyEddy said...

back from the park with Jordyn and taking her to Angie I have sound and live feed and a pretty blue still cam AND I have no phone only a busy signal and if you call me it says call failed odd huh got to use cell phone to call the company I guess I will be back

Lolly said...

Go to see the doctor tomorrow afternoon. I wear the shield for two days, then after that wear it at night to protect the eye.

JudyEddy said...

I have cable and TV so the box must be ok The cats got behind earlier I check all connections and all is fine so need to call

Lolly said...

Wanda, you have done so well! You will be dancing in no time!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle up for an egg roll....pretty wing stretch! Now facing 11 ish

DanaMo said...


paula eagleholic said...

Way to go Lolly....glad so far so some TV, listen to some music...maybe a radio program...

paula eagleholic said...

And yay, Wanda is hitting the gym, you go girl!

Mema Jo said...

WJZ TV Baltimore is stating that tonight
at 11:00 there will be an eagle special on TV ?????

paula eagleholic said...

You'll have to check it out Jo, I can't get the Baltimore stations.

Mema Jo said...

Update from Tori's Caring Bridge:
So many ups and downs, we were informed tori would be extubated last week, it didn't happen. Then Monday of this week's then Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday now they are talking a trache seems her first run on pressure support brought her co2 up son they went back to a low vent setting, hence the possible trache. Tori's blood pressure was up to over 210/114 but cuff showed 130/75. Her oxygen was 100 while on support not bad.

The nurses have been keeping her sedation to a minimum and hopefully off and on to pain management. The SCICU staff has been wonderful, it all boils down to instant gratification and realistically we need to take each day as it comes.

Tori is strong, she even got a bit upset with me and pulled her hand out of mine, telling me she wasn't happy with me at that moment but it passed.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle up for an egg roll, doing some digging...and wiggle wiggle facing 9:47 :)

Sandi said...

Thanks for the info. JO. here's a link about the special. Guess I'll have to DVR it!

WJZ eagle special

Mema Jo said...

Sounds like a big step ahead for you, Wanda. Whoo Hoo!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the update on Tori, more of a balancing act...and it has to be right....

JudyEddy said...

phone is back working what a PIA not forsure if its loose wires but behind the couch where the cats went earlier is a loose wire I have apptbetween 2-4 tomorrow for it He reset the modume and is now working he thinks that is what was wrong with it Saw both eagles at the cell phone tower Jordyn gets so excited when she see them ok gonna go read now the blog I will be back and have to upload pic of today of jordyn and angie gave me a sd card with the seaworld pic on it

SUSAN I emailed my sister your email you sent me you should be hearing from her Later gator

Sandi said...

I can only imagine how difficult and frustrating it is for Robyn and Tori to be patient! WANDA, congratulations on your graduation!! Get those dancin' shoes ready!!

JudyEddy said...

WOW 369 pictures to upload of their three day excursion It may be a while video also

JudyEddy said...

at todays parent switch at 2"13 the eggs were left unattended two times I have pictures that I put on the album and on the blog with a video here">Left alone

JudyEddy said...

someone is in the attic

WV sUSAn said...

Sounds like Shep has a snack up in the attic.

Sandi said...

Maybe Belle is ready for a break??

WV sUSAn said...

Belle is up walking around, working sticks. Is Shep about to fly down with a treat?

DanaMo said...

eagle swimming

Someone shared this with me today. Pretty cool. Maybe you've seen it before.

WV sUSAn said...

Oh she's working on a nestover.

Leona said...

Has Shep been on the nest today?

WV sUSAn said...

OMGosh DanaMo, that was crazy. An eagle doing the breast stroke, quite effectively I might add. WOW

WV sUSAn said...

Belle POOF

Sandi said...

DMo, someone had posted that video on my FB and I watched it a few days ago. It was amazing!! Leona, not sure of the times since I haven't been watching all day long but YES, Shep is doing great with egg sitting!! He's been on the eggs today.

Linda said...

Belle's Back!

Very Short Break

Sandi said...


WV sUSAn said...

There's Belle back. Think Shep is still in the attic?

Linda said...

And.....Good Afternoon from Lurk Mode!!

Hope everyone is doing well this evening.....

Sandi said...

Oops, my bad! Assumed (without really looking) that this was Shep!

WV sUSAn said...

It's too quiet upstairs. I think Shep poofed, too.

stronghunter said...

Stopping by to say a quick hello. I am getting ready to cook dinner. Will try to return later.

So nice to see the two eggs in the nest, and the sound has been turned back on. I heard eagle talk awhile ago and now I hear a dog barking.

WV sUSAn said...

Sandi, easy to do. They are on a pretty good schedule but sometimes they surprise us :-)

DanaMo said...

Wish her luck. We are heading out!! Pray for the words/grammar/inspiration come to her.

Kay said...

A quick check in before I crash---I'm tired ! All is well with Julie, had one small polyp, doc thinks it's benign and that today's procedure should bring the bleeding to a halt. She's eaten a couple of light meals and has had some nice long naps. Thanks to all who prayed for my dear girl !

Happy news about LYNN's garage door fix, WANDA's PT change and TORI's progression.

Unhappy that LOLLY is distressed over the way the eye looks, but think that happens to a lot of people and is of short duration. Also wish we had some definitive news about BEV ! Hard to be patient waiters !

JUDY, don't worry about these brief periods when Belle and Shep are both off the nest. They have to have time for HP just in case another egg is possible as well as time to poop n' stretch, etc. At the nests where wide views are available you can easily see one parent or another is always very close by and watching those precious eggs. I think we're understandably skittish due to the 2011 experience, but thank God that isn't the norm.

Costume Lady said...

Prayers for AnneMarie to do her very best and to bless her Mommy and Daddy with a $$ break:)

Kay said...

DANAMO, I second WANDA's motion ! Good luck AnneMarie !

Now time for some recouping for this ol' gal.


WV sUSAn said...

Somebody's in the attic.

JudyEddy said...

Thanks didn't even think of HP they certainly can't do it in the nest as rough as rude boy gets would scramble the eggs LOL

JudyEddy said...

I wonder what happened to the Still Cam make sure you guys that have the programs grab pic of the eggs I don't have any programs downloaded at all I always used the still for that I put pic in todays album and on my blog under the nest visit Did you all see my pretty hawk video soooo pretty she was I took a couple of video at the park of egrets and great herion flying away I made the fly mean me they were waiting for a fish from a man that was fishing he thanked me I said I just wanted a fly away pic ok caught up now to get a shower BBL BELLE IS looking up at Shep

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Ya know, some people are just plain rude and nuts!

NatureNut said...

Good Evening! Juyst got on here---been on bvear site. Jewel is partly out of den eating ice or snow, covering camera, & cubbies are screaming! Hope she didn't knock it out of place again!

Sandi said...

SHARON, how about the rest of the story?? Who was rude and nuts?

Linda said...

SANDI - I was just going to ask Sharon the same thing......

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just some people! Can't give details but . . .

paula eagleholic said...

I hear ya, Shar...

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is already tucked in :)

Good Luck AnneMarie...

WV sUSAn said...

Loretta, Jewel can knock that cam out fast! Read we may have a girl and a boy. Great news.

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO loved the swimming eagle video I have seem quite a few like that in the past really cool its amazing that they can swim

SHARON you got all our interest peaked now

JudyEddy said...

Belle is retiring early tonight huh already tucked in like Paula said How is the moon tonight MARGY will we be able to see with no snow in the nest may be harder to see

Sandi said...

SHARON, I'm sure you'll tell us what and when you can but, for the record, I agree with you completely!!

JUDY, I took a picture of the 2 egglets in the MT nest this evening and have made it my new avatar - they looked so cute sitting there looking at us, like eyes in the nest!

Vet called to say that Bandit's urinalysis was good - no crystals to indicate bladder stones. He seems to think Bandit's grouchiness is due to cold weather and his arthritis. He said to give the Dasuquin another 3 weeks to see if his temperament continues to improve; if not, we'll add an anti-inflammatory to his daily regimen. I may have to go out and buy one of those pill holder things that you fill up once a week for the upcoming week!!

Looks like Belle is sleeping peacefully. I'm sure she and the eggs are being watched over carefully!

Lolly said...

Amen, Sharon!!!!!

Lolly said...

Have turned off the cam for tonight. Can not see it. Thank you , Belle for laying an egg last night.

Have had a couple of naps and listening to the news.

JudyEddy said...

Jet saw the eagle move and decided she wanted to blog about it silly cat

JudyEddy said...

Love your avatar Sandi proud grandmomster you are LOL

JudyEddy said...

ok now I do have to take a shower I know I said before but was on the phone
didn't know my phone was down most of the day

hedgie said...

Got my desired chores accomplished. Cleaned out filing cabinet and got "keepers" in the storage box upstairs. Have a PILE of stuff that will need to be burned. wish I had a GIANT shredder!!!

Always seem to start feelin bad in late afternoon....and hot bath almost always seems to help, so have had my bath. Have some leftover chicken noodle soup so I think I'll crack an egg into it and make it egg drop soup a little later.

Nest looking loving in the current lighting.

NatureNut said...

Hooray, Hooray!
TWO EGGS!!! I got a pic about an hour before last night, just to show moonlight, & konked in chair as usual.
Hope the wintry weekend weather does no harm.
Best Wishes for Lolly & hope Lynne's troubles disappear ☺.
Had one of those TWO hour oncology appts. today. At least they have new large screen TVs w/CNN news. Better than nothing! Don't have to go back until 1 year.

hedgie said...

Reading back....
Sandi, apptmt. for yesterday was cancelled because doc had a death in the family. I told the nurse that I had some serious concerns so please let me know as soon as he was ready to see pts. I just have a constant discomfort--much worse at times-- next to wear the drain was, and I suspect that I've either popped a little hernia or could have a mild abcess.

Hoda said...

I am back for an hour and a up on the blog.
Thanks for the reports all is well in the nest.

LOLLY is well and is back...Yay JACK for preparing you do lunch and dinner also?

Sorry someone was rude and nuts SHARON.

I hear you on the frustrations with the process TORI is undergoing ROBYN...PRAYERS.

The nest sure is I enjoyed the moonlit nights...


I had a delicious Cream cheese cake with blueberry sauce...both home made and out of this world.

I will head to yoga in an hour or so, so will wait to get my protein and veggies after yoga...I hope it does not make it too late to sleep tonight...

hedgie said...

Jo, fluid pill sounds like a good approach. Hope it does the trick!

Lolly, bet your eye will look MUCH better in the morning. Really best not to strain to try to see anything. Just hit the recliner, close BOTH eyes and rest!

Hoda said...

OH MY!!! A little hernia or an abcess does not sound good LYNN!!! I am glad you will go in and see the doctor tomorrow...

hedgie said...

I don't find anything on any of my PBS stations, Jo.... :( and I can't get Baltimore network channels. Hope you find it and it's a good show.

hedgie said...

WhooHoo, Wanda! Bet they'll have you on a bike for one thing! And probably some weight lifting activity, along with stair-stepping. Don't overdue!!

hedgie said...

Good video, DanaMo. He was one determined eagle. He thought it through, and came up with the right solution!! Smart bird!

hedgie said...

Sound gone again here.

Kay, so glad that everythign went well with Julie. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to HUGH! I hope she rests well tonight....and you, too!

hedgie said...

You got that right, Sharon!!

hedgie said...

Did you know that the MN DNR has banned Lynn and gang from visiting the dens more that once a week, regardless of cam difficulties????
I call that a form of harrassment, too.

hedgie said...

Hurray, Loretta! Glad it's an excellent report!!!!

hedgie said...

Almost time for Jeopardy. To sofa WE go!!!

hedgie said...

Speaking of rude....a former co-worker, who has been through 3 cancer bouts herself and KNOWS what it's like....called yesterday and I told her I was not up to talking and would call her when I was. She has called 5, count 'em FIVE, times since. ARGH!!!!!

stronghunter said...

Watching Jeopardy, too, Lynn.

Hoda said...

OK...Off to yoga...see you all later.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle is not tucked anymore.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lynn, some people just don't get it. When you don't feel like talking to somebody, they shouldn't try to force the issue.

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn, I just wish you good health and much happiness. I'm so sorry that you are not feeling well and hope doc can give you some answers and peace of mind. Hugs to you.

Belle is awake and looking around.

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn-- So true about talking, you have to be ready. Can't be forced. But appreciate the efforts. They wouldn't be calling if they didn't care. They are thinking about you.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Where is that moon when you need it?

Sandi said...

Well, shoot!! We get 2 of the 3 Baltimore news channels - guess which one we DON'T get! Guess I won't be recording the eagle show after all! =( Signing off for the night to hop in the tub and then watch Grey's.

LYNN, hoping that tomorrow's doctor appointment gives you some answers.

LOLLY, hoping your eye looks better tomorrow! Just focus on how wonderful the world is going to look a month from now!

Prayers and patience for Tori and her family!

G'night eagle friends. G'night Belle and egglets!

WV sUSAn said...

The moon is MIA tonight. Belle is tucked again and resting.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, your co-worker is very worried about you! Probably thinks you don't
want her as a friend anymore..... She
likes you and cares about you.

I am watching a Cold Case repeat and then my Person of Interest! Maybe the
Mentalist I'll watch

To The TV I go

stronghunter said...

Well, so much for American Idol. Ch. 5 is not coming through.

stronghunter said...

So we are watching Swamp People.

magpie said...

The Moon rises later each will be be up pretty soon

Blackwater moon link says it's still at 94% when it gets here, it'll be good, good for the Night Owl-Watchers especially

Hello Eagle Pals...

Lolly I'd be there in a minute if I could be
((Hugs ♥ ))...
Bet you're the Prettiest Pirate on the Planet xoxo

magpie said...

NO sometimes means NO...
Lynn, I hope your co-worker understands and gives you your time to return the call...I agree...she must care very much
but you need your time....
I hope your doctor can explain what is going on with your discomfort....

Good News about Kay's Julie...

Hope that Tori can move into the next comfort phase goodness, what a journey this has been

Lolly...and Wanda... hoping that YOUR healing and recovery is right on target....

JudyEddy said...

OH MARGY thanks for the good information on the moon tonight some have signed off thinking it would be dark We know we can always count on your for our info on the moon You are the best gal Shower was heavenly I stayed in there for 4 timers bad me and I still can't seem to use but muminun in water go figure Watching Idol till GA and PP come on nothing else on right now I have a couple of beggars instead of cat what ever I decided to eat they seem to be there must have good ears huh to hear me eating They do love string cheese funny thing is today Jordyn was shocked that they ate it

JudyEddy said...

OH MARGY thanks for the good information on the moon tonight some have signed off thinking it would be dark We know we can always count on your for our info on the moon You are the best gal Shower was heavenly I stayed in there for 4 timers bad me and I still can't seem to use but muminun in water go figure Watching Idol till GA and PP come on nothing else on right now I have a couple of beggars instead of cat what ever I decided to eat they seem to be there must have good ears huh to hear me eating They do love string cheese funny thing is today Jordyn was shocked that they ate it

stronghunter said...

George and the dogs like string cheese, too, Judy.

magpie said...

Grinson decided he wanted "his own private space" tonight...maybe we'll get our things done Friday...
I'm okay with it, we talked by phone before I left Martinsburg...I have been blessed with an incredibly fun journey with him these 12 years, and expect another 12 and then some to follow ♥

DanaMo said...

Thanks everyone. Glad it's over. Out of her hands now, I'm sure she did her very best and if we are meant to get a break she will get a scholarship!

Sharon-Rude people are awful.There is nothing worse than a rude adult, and unfortunately many children have rude adults as examples.

I told my principal about my visit and she was not happy. She actually said we probably don't want them. WOW that shocked me. Of course we would have them if they choose us, but still. Maybe a "rule" should be put into place. A teacher at the high school suggested it when I was telling her about what happened. Maybe a 30 minute visit where they get escorted to the classroom and at the end of the visit someone comes to get them to take them back to the office. Hmm...sound like a plan to me! I think I will suggest it.

Lolly sorry for your eye issues. I sure hope you are able to see better soon. When my mom had her first cataract surgery it was awful, she didn't go back for the other eye until 3 years later. She went to a different doc and the results were so much better. Not as many issues for sure. Will say an extra prayer for quick healing.

Wanda, nice to see you here. You have graduated very quickly. Glad it is going well for you.

Sorry Bev isn't getting any answers. That is so difficult.

Prayers of everyone I missed. I am very behind on the blog. I hope I caught most needs.

Glad to hear Tory is making progress.

Now...let me go take a look at the nest.

JudyEddy said...

I stuttered I guess I wonder why that does that sometimes silly blog

magpie said...

I have sound by the way, Lynn...hope you get it back too...sure miss the Still Cam, my old standby....It's blue, I'm blue...

magpie said...

When I see the Moon rising, I'll Howl...

Well! La-di-da - it is clearing the Eastern Horizon now !


magpie said...

probbaly going to be a 30-45 mins hour before it sheds much light on the nest though....
I see a little light already

magpie said...

Big Best Wishes on DanaMo's Annemarie on her $cholar$hip endeavor !!

Hope she $trike$ it Rich

ttfn xoxo hungry and tired and doing laundry xoxo

(( Hugs ♥ ))

stronghunter said...

DanaMo, a thirty-minute limit on visits sounds like a good plan.

Egg roll.

JudyEddy said...

Belle seems to be moving and I have sound tooo

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle just did an egg roll and now wiggle, wiggle!

JudyEddy said...

MARGY I will open my windows so I don't miss you howling LOL

WV sUSAn said...

Belle is up for fluggwork and a stretch.

magpie said...

Nothing wrong with YOUR eyes Shirley I can't see much at the nest yet, maybe YOU should go to Lolly's.
I hear Jack's a great cook ☺
And Lolly too...but I hope she is getting a cooking break for a few days...all the things Paula suggested sounded like good, radio, television, rest....

thinking of grannyblt Lynne1 - sure hope today was a better day !

Also hoping to read more about Bev soon...

away I go for now though

JudyEddy said...

Maybe its my camera but I just see a white head not much else can't see a wiggle wiggle did see her move but can't make out much more waiting on the moon the trunk is well light

WV sUSAn said...

Margy, I'm on board for that moon. Thanks for the info.

DanaMo, agree, the children can only learn from the adults around them. Also, I understand putting a limit on visits but, consider it a compliment that you had someone to stay so long. You had to be very impressive to hold their attention and interest.

hedgie said...

LOL---when SHE was sick not only did she NOT answer the phone or messages, but she would remain totally incommunicado for months at a time with her closest friends.
Sometimes I just want to turn the phone OFF, but then I'd miss the important calls from the Dr. or the insurance co.!

MOON is on the rise! We should see a big difference very soon!

magpie said...

You are about 15 minutes behind us on rising times....

Oh had a laugh as I'm throwing socks and little sockie things into the washer:

hedgie said...

To top it off, her last message was a message from a former lover who has not contacted me one single time since I got sick 7 yrs. ago. Like I care what he has to say now. NOT!

hedgie said...

Oh, dear, our Christian Lopez is sick for the group auditions.......they've had a bug going around.......fingers crossed!

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn, THANK YOU for talking with us. You know there's always an ear here. Everybody has something going on and this is a great place to share.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Willa Mae "Pete" Gabris

This is the obit for my friend, Pete, who used to go to church with my mommy. Mattie and I went to visit her several times last year. She was a very independent woman, volunteered at hospitals, for the Red Cross, etc. Someone broke into her home, drug her from room to room looking for money, broke her ribs and got $20. Shortly thereafter she had a stroke and ended up in a nursing home. She passed away this week. They never found her attacker. :(

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn, Shirley, Lolly, Paual or anyone that knows. What is the medication I think starts with a Z
for sinsus infection?

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is up and rolling again

magpie said...

Remember, those egglets have to catch up to each other during sometimes the "unattendedness" is for that reason....and as you all have mentioned, the Adults are always very near or the other, or both

remember in 2006, the first NCTC nest-watching year... when the Eagles were off the three eggs for about an hour between about 7 and 8 am ?? Well, they made it through just fine though.....
I wasn't blogging then but I was scared silly!
The temperatures and the sun were friendly today ☼

wvgal_dana said...

Kay glad Julie had that taken care of. Prayers for healing.

Wanda glad you are so well that you have graduated to the next step up.

Prayers for Tori and Robyn.Lolly praying that you find out from the dr. wha is up with the discomfort.^j^

DanaMo hoping best of luck for Annemarie to get that Scholarship.,

Hoping lynne1 I think it is her Mother. I hope she is feeling better.

hedgie said...

Belle up, twisting and turning....tilk screen--it helps a little.....round and round she goes.

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn, that's why we call them exes. haha

Idol is crazy tonight.

Belle has an egg roll and some digging, a look around, and settling in at 11:30.

DanaMo said...

Can't see much at all especially when she has her head down.

hedgie said...

Guess she's wiggled back down now. Head at 11-12, but looking around toward 9.

DanaMo said...

Oh new Greys tongiht

DanaMo said...

Not sure if I can stay awake for it. Wish I could do DVR but I don't have one.

wvgal_dana said...

Is it Zicam?

Mema Jo said...

40 comments to read
Watched Without a Trace (Rerun I hadn't seen)


magpie said...

Sharon, very sad story about Willa know WHO knows who the attacker and where he is....

From Hebrews 10:30
For we know the one who said, "Vengeance belongs to me; I will pay them back," and again, "The Lord will judge his people"

There is too much of this kind of tragedy occuring.....we've had it here in our area...too many times

magpie said...

I've pulled about half a dozen Margys here

ttfn xo back later on

Lynne2 said...

SO, my husband went fishing today. He came home with a story about seeing a Bald Eagle flying over 795 near Owings Mills mall. Then he had a story about catching a record (for him) Bigmouth Bass that was 23". No photo documentation of either of these phenomenons, but his fishing buddy witnessed the fish. Hmmmmm..... I think he is telling the truth, though. He wouldn't lie to me about an eagle siting, and he's been dancing around on cloud nine yammering away about the fish. LOL!

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

Just popping in to say hello, very busy day at work today.

Judie said...

Good evening everyone.

I posted earlier today but it seems to have been devoured by the blog cop. Anyway, it is an early night for me.

Congratulations to Belle and Shep.

The night light is set to turn on at 11:00pm for anyone who may need to arise in the dark or arrives late from the West coast. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to wind down for the night. I will see you tomorrow.

Rest well, everyone. Good night.

WV sUSAn said...

Lynne3 -- all the fishing stories are true. lol

Judie, thanks for the light.

Belle has moved around a little and back to 11:30 and facing 9:30, resting.

Lynne2 said...

Susan, he put it back, it was VERY fat, and likely a female getting ready to lay eggs. It's getting to be that time of year for the Bass!

WV sUSAn said...

Lynne2 - I LOVE to fish and just being there is half the story. So glad it was a good day at the water. Will be fishing next wkend at Canaan.

Mema Jo said...

Moon is a little brighter...
More snow on Saturday they are saying..
We could get a third egg on Saturday!

Still watching a show - Person of Interest

WV sUSAn said...

Jo, bring on #3! Will be wathing.

Lynne2 said...

Me too Susan. Just love being outdoors! I'm not hard core like Steve, though. I rarely use shiners because I feel sorry for them. LOL! I really hate catching one that is very damaged in the process if it's too small to keep. Wimpy, that's me! but I do like it, my way!

WV sUSAn said...

Norfolk nest is MT with no snow and not windy. Playing the field is not working for Pa. Can't blame a boy for trying, huh.

Belle facing 9 and resting.

Linda said...

Another Post from Robyn:

5pm visit

Let Tori rest a while then went back to see her, she looked great and very relaxed. Tori is finally off the fentanyl and was quite aware, still can't understand thru the tube she was holding BFP aka Pikachu.

I miss our conversations and her wit, I hope we all to hear her real soon. I can't wait for the staff in SCICU get to know her for they are going to love her.

It was a good evening her numbers looked good, she was more at ease, a little frustrated but manageable and as beautiful as ever, especially when she yawned and a HUGE yawn, something Tori was always afraid to do because it hurt her to inhale so deeply, now she does it with ease and grace :).

Damien was also happy with how she did when he got back to her room.

Robyn is sounding so much better and relieved, too.

Praise God for all these Blessings!!

WV sUSAn said...

Lynne2 Glad you enjoy. That's what it's all about.

Lynne2 said...

I caught a 15" White Perch at Liberty Reservoir 2 summers most impressive fish!

Heading to bed, good night and prayers for all!

WV sUSAn said...

Thrilled with the words from Robyn. Tori ia progressing. I can't imagine the journey but am so glad to hear of her progress.

Belle is working, rolling, digging and wiggling in facing 5:45. Tucked.

Linda said...

Happy to see 2 posts from Robyn tonight. Through her words, you can feel the relief, joy and happiness in her heart. It won't be long.....

WV sUSAn said...

5:00 comes early. Must give it up. Sweet dreams to all at the Sycamore Palace.

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

geese are having a honking fest

G'Night Susan

Thanks for that post from Robyn, Linda...that's beautiful and touching, and encouraging

OH shucks we are headed to the 200 post dead-end pretty soon...

Lynn: Glad thre was some good news about the garage door !!

magpie said...

amazing how much trouble a bent bold or a loose screw can cause !

magpie said...

bent BOLT

magpie said...

I take it you helped Denny to NOT OVERDO it, the helping thing that I cannot remember which day it was...
And I hope you have NO migraine tonight

hedgie said...

That's a shame about your friend, Sharon. May she RIP. He can run but he can't hide. SOMEDAY he'll get what's coming to him. Like Margy says, it happens too often here, too. :(

hedgie said...

Lynne2---didn't Steve bring the fish home?????

Moon has lots of clouds around it...not as bright on nest as we hoped.

JudyEddy said...

WOW was GA good tonight now PP time Moon makes the nest somewhat easier to see tonight Belle is tucked in and asleep for a bit

Mema Jo said...

Tori Update:Notifications

Tori is now holding her phone, it must bring her some kind of control which is good, hopefully she will be able to start reading her messages and eventually reply.

JudyEddy said...

Great news about Tori One day at a time like they say

Linda said...

Lynn - I did go with Denny and he did good!! I was upstairs with the twin boys trying to keep them busy. Bless their hearts - they are both autistic and partially blind. One of them can't walk due to a stroke on one side. They are only 13 and don't speak, but they can understand things you say.

This woman with four kids is amazing, in what she deals with.

We got all three floors moved out and loaded in the truck, then we all went to dinner.

No migraine today!! Yipee!!

A day without a migrain is quite a joyous one!!

JudyEddy said...

Hope the find out what is wrong with Bev soon and she get relief Wanda hope your therapy comes along smoothly LYNN hope you are feeling better

Linda said...

Watch for the Split!!!!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...