Thanks, Steve, for a new Sunday thread. Thanks MARGY for the call-over! Amen to windy - I keep turning the sound up to hear any eagle talk, then turning it down again b/c the wind sound gets so annoying! Belle up, turning herself, rolling the gglets, now wiggling back down facing 12ish.
fish is gone...she flutters her wings and off to the right she goes....Shep stands up over the eggs, looks where she went, then takes off right out of the egg cup
With dear thoughts of our Hedgie, and Tori, Nila, and so many....
I'd like to offer this prayer for our Dear Friends and Family in Need of Healing: From The Catholic Book of Prayers...
God our Father, source of all health, be near those who suffer in the time of weakness and pain; relieve them of their burden and heal them, if it be Your will. Give peaceful sleep to those who need rest for soul and body, and be with them in their hours of silence. Bless those who know not what another day will bring Make them ready for for whatever it may be, Whether them must stand, or sit, or be confined, grant them a strong spirit. Inspire with Your love those who bring healing and care to the suffering. May they bestow Your gifts of health and strength wherever they go. Grant this Prayer, through Christ our Lord, Amen.
fine and frosty here in nashville....winter woke up and has paid us a visit. when i got up yesterday snow flurries were flying everywhere....and it never got out of the 30's. i don't htink it will be much warmer today. however, we are supposed to be in the 60's by mid week. WEIRD WEATHER!!!! ;I
i was busy yesterday, wonderful Reiki share in the morning. had a lovely woman come by; kind of the real reason i started this share....a person with a real need...not just my students to practice (while it was cold, none of them showed up! wimps, lol). i was able to give her a full Reiki session and when she asked what she owed me, i was able to say nothing; be well. I love that feeling. i know we have to make aliving, and its okay to charge/barter for work, but sometimes its nice just to GIVE.....freely and honestly GIVE. I love practicing metta (compasion, love, caring giving) for another person, sort of like agape love.
then i had a client @ 2. she is a lovely lady....that was a 90 min massage session. pays well too. :) as cold as it was, not only the reward of helping another person to facilitate healing in their lives, but the money will fit nicely into my bank account as massage envy has been SLOW for a few weeks.
and then last night, my best gal pal and i took this partner yoga/thai yoga massage class. a three hour class facilitated by a friend of my who is a fantastic massage therapist and a yogi. what cheryl and i found out (beyond being the OLDEST two in the class) that we are very very stiff , but we sure had a lot of giggles trying to get partnered into these yoga poses!!!! we had tears streaming down our faces at one point! what fun! thankfully the instructor, julia, has a grand sense of fun and humor and thought it was good...and snapped pix! lol
no teling where THOSE will show up.
then the thai yoga massage..THIS i can do. i would love to learn the whole thing someday, but i can do some basics! it was a give and recieve, so i gave cheryl (my buddy) the massage first, and then she gave to me. i have to admit i've been having some nasty back spasms again lately and my hips and low back are guarded and tight, so i was in quite a bit of pain, but julia just had us flip to our bellies to recieve and that helped so much. it was a grand and fun class. i would love to do it again sometime!
got me to thinking about maybe trying to make time in my life to take a VERY BASIC yoga course...HODA would you have any words of widsom concerning this?
i mean super basic. i have to rearrange some things...and am process of doing that..but it will happen.
all righty, off to fix breakfast. making beef stroganoff for dinner, bowling tonight and i think laundry maybe calling me name. i wish it would forget my name, lol. and sigh, work on my Reiki Level 2 electives class, which needs to be 10 hours.
have a super fabulous day. I will check in later! smiles...
Yes, Shep still has the dark spot, he just switched places with Belle a few minutes ago....
Windy all day for us hereabouts...
Hope you are well..
Good Morning CarolAnne... your cottage sounds all nice and cozy - I could use some of those ladybugs for my tomatoe plants come springtime ♥ your words of inspiration from prior posts will sustain me in the days to come...I like your "take" on things.
Margy, basement waterproofing project was finished late yesterday - Hallelujah! Now three days for the concrete they put in to dry and it's complete...well sort of. Then we have to redo all the outside walls because they cut the drywall/paneling up 12 inches from the floor in order to put in all the new anti-water stuff. Never ending. Don't even want to think about how much the re-do will cost! Thank God I don't like basements and rarely go down there.
Magpie, it is indeed cozy here. Goal is someday to live here. Wood stove in the corner keeping us toasty. Beautiful sun shiny view out the window, peeks of the lake through the thinned out woods, deer at the feeder last night (even a little buck), birds at the window feeder this morning. Truly God's country.
Fortunate this year that hubby has 3 1/2 weeks of vacation days to use up before Mar 31, so lots of long weekends here.
Yes, Margy, I'll get a certificate of "dry basement" really, now that this part is finished. Maybe it should be "dry unfinished basement." lol I am grateful we could have it done since it was a must do.
Thistle feeder outside my office/sunroom window is full of goldfinches! =) They had disappeared for a bit and I was only seeing juncos on the feeder, but they're back!! Still wearing their winter colors, but even so, they are one of my favs! Am having brunch with neighbors at 11:30 - BBL!
Margy, the eyeball is doing fine. It is still very red. I am putting my drops in on time!! And wear my shield at night.
The daffodils will do great in this weather. We have had snow on them in the past and they survived. Tough flowers guess that is why they are the first to bloom.
Watched Shep come in with the fish. I think that we can be quite confident that he will provide grandly when the the eggberts become eaglets!!
Brought this over. Missed the new thread. CA tried to post this to your blog, but blogger won't let me prove that I'm not a robot. WOW I wish I had a nest in my backyard. I guess I sorta have a nest in my kitchen! LOL!
Lynn has had a rough night....her daughter Christie and Christie's mother-in-law have asked Carolyn to bring Lynn to Jefferson Memorial in Ranson (where Christie works) to she can get I-V fluids and have a cat scan done... Carolyn will pick her Mom up at Noon, and will post from the hospital sometime after 1:00 pm
God Bless Our Angels Christie and Carolyn and Lynn on this Mission...
Hello, gang. At the insistance of Christie and her MIL, I am heading for their ER for hydration, etc. Carolyn is coming to get me. See you all who knows when. Thanks for prayers. Love you.
Thanks for the update on Lynn, Margy. I'll be keeping an eye out for the 1:00 update. Thanks so much! Please tell Jewels how much we appreciate the information.
oh Lynn, sorry you are not feeling well. Certainly glad that you have good people taking care of you and making sure you are taking care of yourself. Prayers and ♥
Margy, I am thankful your prayer was answered as quickly as it was. Hopefull Lynn will get that CT today and something can be determined as to the cause of her feeling rotten. Sure doesn't sound like a flu bug - it's been there too long.
Lynn, we will see you very soon I am sure. Carolyn and Christie - thank you for your caring actions!
Good luck Janet with yoru yoga basics. I hope there is a good teacher who knows how the body works and teaches about the yoga poses as a gateway to health...I looked for these two things when I was starting. Yoga is not just physical exercises...there is the bigger picture meaning to it...
I am so happy that Lynn is getting taken to where Christie works. Being checked out. b/c I am like you all. I don't feel this is a bug. Hopefully something easy to take care of. ^j^ ^j^ Angels surround and are with you Lynn♥
I'll be away from the computer..going to see James.. and cannot send messages from my phone...slipped Carolyn that message...possible she will be able to send a post herself - or send a message to someone who can relay she has done before....told her not to be stressed about it, know she will be busy...but I am sure she will get messages to us as she can, and also told her the Momsters are sending Healing Hugs and Prayers....
Too many loose twigs, one close to the cup area almost under Shep now and the other at seven goig tpowards the cup area too...Shep finally gets up struggling with them...careful SHEP of the eggs do not step on them...BELLE eats on...
Hello Eaglebuds! Been watching cam and Shep (I still want to call him Spot!)was nibbling fish and his tail was pushing a twig toward Belle. She wrestled it away!
Been working on Saturday's "Eagle Recess" pics.Up to the aerial antics now! BBL
well I sure saw the stick delivery, bless their hearts, they are still fortifying the Crib, can't say about the fish I was too far away from the computer, piling on layers of clothing...
Be Careful Shep! Watch where those Talons are going !!
thanks for the update, Jo on Mason..will check that out upon returning...
Intended to add earlier: Carolyn had asked me to post the information I did....she was hustling trying to get out the door...
Belle has a voracious appetite today. Hopefully because she knows she's in for some heavy duty laboring with a third egg. Wishful thinking here !
So distressed for LYNN, but thrilled that her dear and stalwart daughters are taking charge and taking such good care of her ! Thanks, too, to Christie's mil, she must be a gem as well ! Prayers, prayers and more prayers.
MARGY, we thought of you as we listened to PHC last night. I did some thinking back on the "good ol' days", pre-TV when Mother, Daddy, Karen and I spent our Sat. evenings listening to The Grand Old Oprey". So glad we still have some fine entertainment that does not require "viewing" thanks to NPR. There is something magical about using ones imagination when listening !
HODA, what a beautiful wedding party ! Hope you'll soon have more to share. The bride is a beauty !
Going into LM, but will be keeping a close eye on our Regal Eagles and watching for JEWELS to post the lasted on our LYNN. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Good afternoon, we are all checked in at JMH and waiting to get seen. No fever. Was 98.1, so that is a plus. Think they will be doing bloodwork and a cat scan. Wil update as soon a we find out more. Thank you very much for all thoughts, prayers and well wishes. Xoxo
Just read in my email that LYNN is at the hospital OH No I hope they can help her out She has a great family there for sure So I went ahead and looked for her comment Now to start to read the blog page
Dr Lee, an oriental man was very nice. He came in and looked at her incisions. Feels what could be a hernia at the surgery site where the drain was. Ordered bloodwork, catscan, nausea med and pain med.
SIS what a odd AVATAR you have Explanation Point so nice of you to help the lady with no charge remember what goes around comes around and you will seek reward someway
DANAMO on posted comments to the blog the words are down you have to scroll down they are now hiding it odd I found it the other day some blogs are ok but some you have to scroll down in the box area
Healing thoughts to LYNN one of the momsters had said before we will pray you through his I don't remember who So who ever it was Speak up Benny is trying his mightiest to open the front door when I came in it was not closed all the way so he was sitting there looking out the glass screen door and now he wants it open I guess to do it again He is determined to open it Sorry guy no outside world for you He meows and me and begins again to paw at the door Funny cat I am so afraid they will be at the door when I come in and try to get out
Christie just hand delivered moms blood woek to the lab. She is off work now so she can't process it herself. But I know she wil put it in the hands of the best tech working. MTD....
Sure hope there is nothing more than TIRED BLOOD from LYNN'S blood work!
Had a good morning at church...Pastor made me stand up and put my arms out to the sides to show that I am able to stand WITHOUT a cane! Hoping that I can encourage others to have this surgery who needs it!
Jewels, thx SO much for update on your Mother! Extra Special prayers today for our Lynn ☺ ♥ And thank you, wonderful daughters and MIL for taking care of her.
WOW! Looks like Shep is still on the eggs. I'm pleasantly surprised by his mature behavior!! Maybe Belle taught him well!
Put yesterday's Park Eagle pics on blog. Most are from far away, but you'll get the idea! LOL My buddy, Doris, is working there today, too, & wrote me that the juvies are flying around again.
I am PRAISING GOD for Lynn finding out the problem and getting medicine and not having to remain in the hospital...BLESSING TO GOD FOR CHRISTIE AND CAROLYN AND MIL. Thank you God.
Just had some hot tortilla soup and Jack has turned up the heat. I was just so cold, but I think he must have been cold too. LOL Had a few nibbles of goat cheese, too. Crave that stuff!!!
We were watching the bird feeders during lunch. The birds are thick out there today. Guess they know bad weather is coming.
Nope, it got the best of her. She's joining him. Ha, he gets crafty and takes off with a good chunk. Apparently leaving her with some to munch on, however. ☺
Good afternoon to one and to all: brownies baking. stroganoff in the crock pot. watching birds on the feeder. and taking a break from writing this class; my brain went into overload!!!
MAGPIE; yes, i loved the look on her face when i said no charge. she asked if she could hug me and of course, since i am a hugger, it was a yes. she felt as if noone had hugged her in years. i encouraged her to continue to find her way; gave her info for other Reiki Shares and invited her back to mine. we shall see. :)
MEMA JO: yes the yoga was fun! in massage therapy school we had several weeks of yoga, which i loved. i just haven't ever taken the time to really learn it, per se. i think it would be most beneficial to my back and help me to continue my own healing journey.
HODA: i do know people who practice yoga on a regular basis and kind of understand a small bit about the "bigger picture". thanks for the advice...i think i will talk to a couple of friends that i do have who are yogi's and proceed from there to find something that fits my time schedule. i really do need an extra hour or two in a day; maybe give up sleeping, lol.
JUDYE: my avatar (pix i guess) is odd? Its me! Not sure what else i would put....
well, let me skeedaddle. will try to touch base this evening. dinner in about 45 min and i would like to get some more writing done....i hope to complete my level 2 class by next weekend....
sending healing to lynn and to all in need.....
have a safe warm afternoon, ya'll.
Before you speak, ask yourself, is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve on the silence? - Sai Baba
JUDYE: oops, i think i see what you see, a ? in a black box. i didn't do that, hmmmm, will see waht i can do. thought you were teasing me earlier! lol :)
Ladies, remember "nesting," that time shortly before you went into labor when you had this huge burst of energy and ran around frantically cleaning and straightening everything in sight?? Boy, I do! That's what Shep reminds me of today! Bringing in food and sticks simultaneously, moving big sticks here and there, flying in with talons full of flugg! Shew - makes me tired just watching him!! Also makes me happy!! =)
LOL, SANDI, I remember those burst of pre-birth energy, too. You are right, that's the way Shep is behaving today. Maybe he thinks another egg is on the way.
Urine test shows blood and white blood cells, so antibiotic is necessary. Uti I guess... Went for scan now. Its a red punch stuff.. She had two cups, almost drank both. Kept it down, yea!!
Yeah, JEWELS ! I wondered if she could keep that punch down. Hope they can get some antibiotic flowing through the IV right away. Watching, waiting, praying. ♥
Awaiting news has been said you and your sister are true jewels...God Bless your MOM and you for looking after her so well. Thank you for keeping us in the loop. PRAYERS.
I need to go do my groceries ad will be back shorlty... I had an excellent yoga practice at home and feel well with the poses I chose to do... PRAYERS. BBL
I am so pleased that Lynn is getting herself taken care of today. She has been miserable ever since this has started with her not being able to eat and keep it down. Our gal has to be one weak feeling gal!
Paula I did start to black out but I started yelling at myself don't black out....don't black out!!!!! I've had too many falls plus hitting my head on things or falling out of bed since Ed passed where I have blacked out. Thought this was going to be another.
1 – 200 of 447 Newer› Newest»Good Morning Steve,...Wild and Windy is Right!
And all day today too...
I'll round up the others....
Thank You for the New Thread !
The cams are holding up wonderfully with this weather, Thank You !!
Oh, and more importantly, Steve...
The Eagles seem to be holding up Wonderfully in this weather also ☺
Thank you, Steve, for the new thread! We appreciate it!
Thanks for the call over, Margy!
I saw some of my tulips popping up through the mulch yesterday!
Thank you Steve for the new thread and Margy for the call over.
Steve mu=y daughter lives in Colorado.
Belle turning herself around
Thanks, Steve, for a new Sunday thread. Thanks MARGY for the call-over! Amen to windy - I keep turning the sound up to hear any eagle talk, then turning it down again b/c the wind sound gets so annoying! Belle up, turning herself, rolling the gglets, now wiggling back down facing 12ish.
Good Morning Lynn1, Sandi (if I missed you), Margy and Lolly. Hoping I did not miss anyone...if so Good Morning (:
Is the Basement Project still underway ???
Good Morning, Again ☺
Nick didn't stay out long this morning, either.
Eagle calls.
Landing on that nest has to be a challenge this morning. Hitting a moving target is not easy.
Shep in the nest, Belle eating...Shep heading for the eggs
Good Morning Paula and Nick (:♥♥
Please give Nick a hug for me.
She is wolfing something down, that I assume Shep brought
Shep has arrived.
Belle is eating.
Shep settling in on the eggs.
Guees the fishing is still good for today!
Eagle sweet-talk.
Shep is being such a Royal Dad !♥
Both poofed.
Sure must be, Paula...
Bet that is one cold fish...
Whoever taught Shep to fish, deserves an A+++++++
fish is gone...she flutters her wings and off to the right she goes....Shep stands up over the eggs, looks where she went, then takes off right out of the egg cup
Shep back. Two eggs. He is settling on them.
I think he wants dessert!
He is back...up at the 11 spot, hops down and wiggles over the eggs.
Watching those Eagle Flying Shadows approaching the nest is Something Else !!
It really is something else, Margy.
When are we going to IHOP????
good morning Eaglet Ladies and Gents!
cold at the nest, huh? just better not snow alot......PLEEEEEEZE!
With dear thoughts of our Hedgie, and Tori, Nila, and so many....
I'd like to offer this prayer for our Dear Friends and Family in Need of Healing:
From The Catholic Book of Prayers...
God our Father, source of all health, be near those who suffer in the time of weakness and pain;
relieve them of their burden and heal them, if it be Your will.
Give peaceful sleep to those who need rest for soul and body, and be with them in their hours of silence.
Bless those who know not what another day will bring
Make them ready for for whatever it may be,
Whether them must stand, or sit, or be confined, grant them a strong spirit.
Inspire with Your love those who bring healing and care to the suffering.
May they bestow Your gifts of health and strength wherever they go.
Grant this Prayer,
through Christ our Lord,
whoever is sitting on the eggies is moving twigs around. OH, the sun is out? I see a shadow?
Does Shep still have a dark spot on his head?
The tree is swaying but nothing like NBG! I got seasick from that cam!
Geula, that is Shep. The shadow next to him is from the tree trunk at the 9 spot.
good morning eagle people!
fine and frosty here in nashville....winter woke up and has paid us a visit. when i got up yesterday snow flurries were flying everywhere....and it never got out of the 30's. i don't htink it will be much warmer today. however, we are supposed to be in the 60's by mid week. WEIRD WEATHER!!!! ;I
i was busy yesterday, wonderful Reiki share in the morning. had a lovely woman come by; kind of the real reason i started this share....a person with a real need...not just my students to practice (while it was cold, none of them showed up! wimps, lol). i was able to give her a full Reiki session and when she asked what she owed me, i was able to say nothing; be well. I love that feeling. i know we have to make aliving, and its okay to charge/barter for work, but sometimes its nice just to GIVE.....freely and honestly GIVE. I love practicing metta (compasion, love, caring giving) for another person, sort of like agape love.
then i had a client @ 2. she is a lovely lady....that was a 90 min massage session. pays well too. :) as cold as it was, not only the reward of helping another person to facilitate healing in their lives, but the money will fit nicely into my bank account as massage envy has been SLOW for a few weeks.
and then last night, my best gal pal and i took this partner yoga/thai yoga massage class. a three hour class facilitated by a friend of my who is a fantastic massage therapist and a yogi. what cheryl and i found out (beyond being the OLDEST two in the class) that we are very very stiff , but we sure had a lot of giggles trying to get partnered into these yoga poses!!!! we had tears streaming down our faces at one point! what fun! thankfully the instructor, julia, has a grand sense of fun and humor and thought it was good...and snapped pix! lol
no teling where THOSE will show up.
then the thai yoga massage..THIS i can do. i would love to learn the whole thing someday, but i can do some basics! it was a give and recieve, so i gave cheryl (my buddy) the massage first, and then she gave to me. i have to admit i've been having some nasty back spasms again lately and my hips and low back are guarded and tight, so i was in quite a bit of pain, but julia just had us flip to our bellies to recieve and that helped so much. it was a grand and fun class. i would love to do it again sometime!
got me to thinking about maybe trying to make time in my life to take a VERY BASIC yoga course...HODA would you have any words of widsom concerning this?
i mean super basic. i have to rearrange some things...and am process of doing that..but it will happen.
all righty, off to fix breakfast. making beef stroganoff for dinner, bowling tonight and i think laundry maybe calling me name. i wish it would forget my name, lol.
and sigh, work on my Reiki Level 2 electives class, which needs to be 10 hours.
have a super fabulous day. I will check in later! smiles...
Hi Geula, yes Shep still has the spot on his head, but he is acting more like and adult than a juvie these days.
Hello Geula...Good Afternoon to you ♥
Yes, Shep still has the dark spot, he just switched places with Belle a few minutes ago....
Windy all day for us hereabouts...
Hope you are well..
Good Morning CarolAnne...
your cottage sounds all nice and cozy - I could use some of those ladybugs for my tomatoe plants come springtime ♥
your words of inspiration from prior posts will sustain me in the days to come...I like your "take" on things.
xoxo ♥
whoops. somehow i posted the same comment twice. deleted one. sorry ya'll. :)
All sounds good, Janet...
especially the session for no fee to the woman in need ♥
Enjoy your day...xoxo
Going into silent mode here...will be watching for
Lynn's Bright Light
to appear...and many others that mean so much to all of us
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥
Margy, basement waterproofing project was finished late yesterday - Hallelujah!
Now three days for the
concrete they put in to dry and it's complete...well sort of.
Then we have to redo all
the outside walls
because they cut the drywall/paneling up 12 inches from the floor in order to put in all the new anti-water stuff.
Never ending.
Don't even want to think
about how much the re-do will cost!
Thank God I don't like basements and rarely go down there.
I'mglad to hear that Shep is living up to his fatherly duties! WTG, Shep!
there are 2 eggs? I didn't see.
I see you there, Lori...
Woof..that is a very extensive AND expensive project....but sounds like a good investment...
Magpie, it is indeed cozy here. Goal is someday to live here. Wood stove in the corner keeping us toasty. Beautiful sun shiny view out the window, peeks of the lake through the thinned out woods, deer at the feeder last night (even a little buck), birds at the window feeder this morning. Truly God's country.
Fortunate this year that hubby has 3 1/2 weeks of vacation days to use up before Mar 31, so lots of long weekends here.
Yes, Margy, I'll get a
certificate of "dry basement" really, now that this part is finished. Maybe it should be
"dry unfinished basement." lol
I am grateful we could have it done since it was a must do.
Yes, we have two eggs.
When are the eggs due to hatch?
First egg laid Feb 5, second on the 8th Guela...
exactly the same days as last year.
Belle's 20th and 21st eggs in recorded history for her.
incubation typically is 35-38 days I think
sure many others will give you that information...
Thistle feeder outside my office/sunroom window is full of goldfinches! =) They had disappeared for a bit and I was only seeing juncos on the feeder, but they're back!! Still wearing their winter colors, but even so, they are one of my favs!
Am having brunch with neighbors at 11:30 - BBL!
Paper is read.
Margy, the eyeball is doing fine. It is still very red. I am putting my drops in on time!! And wear my shield at night.
The daffodils will do great in this weather. We have had snow on them in the past and they survived. Tough flowers guess that is why they are the first to bloom.
Watched Shep come in with the fish. I think that we can be quite confident that he will provide grandly when the the eggberts become eaglets!!
Guela, 35-38 days would be March 11-14 for the first egg and March 14-17 for the second egg
Awww, Shep must be tires, he has his head tucked!
OH, Shep is taking a Nap ♥
a Royal Egglets and Dad Nap
Brought this over. Missed the new thread.
CA tried to post this to your blog, but blogger won't let me prove that I'm not a robot. WOW I wish I had a nest in my backyard. I guess I sorta have a nest in my kitchen! LOL!
Is Shep taking a snooze?
How cute ♥
I was just emailing with our Jewels/Carolyn
Lynn has had a rough night....her daughter Christie and Christie's mother-in-law have asked Carolyn to bring Lynn to Jefferson Memorial in Ranson (where Christie works) to she can get I-V fluids and have a cat scan done...
Carolyn will pick her Mom up at Noon, and will post from the hospital sometime after 1:00 pm
God Bless Our Angels Christie and Carolyn and Lynn on this Mission...
Prayers and (( Hugs ♥ ))
Hello, gang. At the insistance of Christie and her MIL, I am heading for their ER for hydration, etc. Carolyn is coming to get me. See you all who knows when. Thanks for prayers. Love you.
See you there, Lynn...
Carolyn asked me to I was on just before you
We Love you, and have you Encircled with our Love and Prayers....
Thanks for the update on Lynn, Margy. I'll be keeping an eye out for the 1:00 update. Thanks so much! Please tell Jewels how much we appreciate the information.
oh Lynn, sorry you are not feeling well. Certainly glad that you have good people taking care of you and making sure you are taking care of yourself. Prayers and ♥
Thank you Margy.
Sorry to learn that Lynn had such a difficult night, but good that she has someone taking care of her.
We love you, Lynn, and you know Momster prayers kick buns, so keep the faith. We're with you in spirit! {{BIG HUG}}
Oh, hi, Lynn. Will be thinking of you today. Hoping that you will be much better by this evening.
Blessing and relief for Lynn.
So glad she has advocates to intervene when things aren't right.
Prayers for those without someone to "insist" on their behalf.
Good Morning on this wild and windy thread. Thank you Steve
Both eagles in the nest
Eggs uncovered and Beautiful
Shep flew out (with grace)
Belle chowing down
Lynn, hope the trip helps you to feel better. Glad your girls are there for you ♥
Love the way they rock to settle in.
Belle on the eggs,
Phoebe hatched her second chick in the night.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Good morning, Jim,
That Phoebe is something else.
Hi, Stronghunter...
How goes it with you??
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Cannot find my link to Phoebe cam anymore.
Will someone please post?
Found the link!
Richmond eagles have 2 eggs now.
Margy, I am thankful your prayer was answered as quickly as it was. Hopefull Lynn will get that CT today and something can be determined as to the
cause of her feeling rotten. Sure doesn't sound like a flu bug - it's been there too long.
Lynn, we will see you very soon I am sure. Carolyn and Christie - thank you for your caring actions!
Janet - loved reading the event of your day. Yoga must have been the highlight
of your day!
CA I looked at all you photos on your
blog - God's Country is right!
Margy Glad you'll have more James Time today
Shirley - hoping that Hunter is getting around well with the toe injury. Good reason to Sit and Play vid games!
So is it going to stay at the count of 2 eggs
do we get a 3rd egg today?
We are okay, Jim. It is pretty cold around here this afternoon, and we are dealing with Hunter's broken toe.
Phoebe Cam
Prayers for LYNN's tests today...
Good morning all
Thanks for the reports on the goings on.
Good luck Janet with yoru yoga basics. I hope there is a good teacher who knows how the body works and teaches about the yoga poses as a gateway to health...I looked for these two things when I was starting. Yoga is not just physical exercises...there is the bigger picture meaning to it...
I am so happy that Lynn is getting taken to where Christie works. Being checked out. b/c I am like you all. I don't feel this is a bug. Hopefully something easy to take care of. ^j^ ^j^ Angels surround and are with you Lynn♥
Belle is calling out.
Eagle cries: "Come now! Give me a break!!"
Or is there something out there that is threatening?
Belle is singing or calling about something.....
maybe Shep and Chow are near again
hope that is it.
I'll be away from the computer..going to see James.. and cannot send messages from my phone...slipped Carolyn that message...possible she will be able to send a post herself - or send a message to someone who can relay she has done before....told her not to be stressed about it, know she will be busy...but I am sure she will get messages to us as she can, and also told her the Momsters are sending Healing Hugs and Prayers....
Enjoy your time with James, Margy.
Belle didn't really sound like she was alarm calling. Maybe ready for a bite and a flyabout.
Some hot fish stew would be good. :-)
Enjoy your time with James, Margy.
Belle is up for some digging and rolling.
Egg roll. Two beautiful eggs still.
Back down and wiggle wiggle.
Thanks Shirley....
it's pretty much a guarantee ☺ ♥
Enjoy your time with Hunter...
and he, with doubt...
Nice idea, Susan...think there's a little warming stove somewhere?
Maybe they should roost on the fish before they eat it...
God Bless Your Day, Eagle Pals...
trfn xoxox ♥
ta ra for now...LOL
Glad Lynn is getting checked out today. Bless her, she's been through so much.
Lynn, hope you are feeling better soon. We miss ya, girl!
HAGD Margy
Update from Mason!
Two eggs visible. Belle munching on nestovers, I think. Shep settling onto the eggs.
Oh thank goodness. Shep brings in a fish AND takes a seat so Belle can eat. She is one hungry girl.
Kathryn and Hunter off to get crutches.
Susan on the way down for a visit. I need to get into my street clothes, as Jo would say.
Did he bring in that fish? I thought he had a stick, but maybe I was mistaken.
Sticks sure are blowing around in the nest!
Good to see them both there!
Be careful of the eggs!
Too many loose twigs, one close to the cup area almost under Shep now and the other at seven goig tpowards the cup area too...Shep finally gets up struggling with them...careful SHEP of the eggs do not step on them...BELLE eats on...
Shep really really wiggled down on the eggs
Danged stick is in the way. Shep is trying to move it. Geesh. Sometimes it can be tough when you have to do this work with your beak.
And Belle is in the way. And she ain't moving.
Hello Eaglebuds! Been watching cam and Shep (I still want to call him Spot!)was nibbling fish and his tail was pushing a twig toward Belle. She wrestled it away!
Been working on Saturday's "Eagle Recess" pics.Up to the aerial antics now!
well I sure saw the stick delivery, bless their hearts, they are still fortifying the Crib, can't say about the fish I was too far away from the computer, piling on layers of clothing...
Be Careful Shep! Watch where those Talons are going !!
thanks for the update, Jo on Mason..will check that out upon returning...
Intended to add earlier:
Carolyn had asked me to post the information I did....she was hustling trying to get out the door...
Shep's up moving a big stick, egg roll and back down. Belle continues to devour the fish. She's not playing around.
aren't they just supposed to pile on the fluff [not big unwieldy] upon one another when they want to make a switch ☺
NOW, I am TTFN.....
and I'll check Lowreeda's pics later also...some things to look forward to when back home later on
Now, Shep is finally settled into the nest cup. Belle is still munching away. Wonder if she is eating to make another egg?
See there was a changing of the guard! Shep on eggs and Belle eating lunch! What a great system ☺
not big unwieldy STICKS...
But Shep plies Belle with food bribes !
MY GOD !!! She sure can eat this Miss BELLE!!!...
Belle is going to clean out the pantry
Shirley, Maybe an egg!
Home for lunch to find two eagles in nest and a new thread SWEET♥
Belle is going to EXPLODE if she keep whoofing down the food like that!!! It can not be that she is hungry!!!
poof belle
Sorry to read that Lynn was still feeling poorly. So glad she's going to ER. Bless her family♥
Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !
Belle has a voracious appetite today. Hopefully because she knows she's in for some heavy duty laboring with a third egg. Wishful thinking here !
So distressed for LYNN, but thrilled that her dear and stalwart daughters are taking charge and taking such good care of her ! Thanks, too, to Christie's mil, she must be a gem as well ! Prayers, prayers and more prayers.
MARGY, we thought of you as we listened to PHC last night. I did some thinking back on the "good ol' days", pre-TV when Mother, Daddy, Karen and I spent our Sat. evenings listening to The Grand Old Oprey". So glad we still have some fine entertainment that does not require "viewing" thanks to NPR. There is something magical about using ones imagination when listening !
HODA, what a beautiful wedding party ! Hope you'll soon have more to share. The bride is a beauty !
Going into LM, but will be keeping a close eye on our Regal Eagles and watching for JEWELS to post the lasted on our LYNN. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Good afternoon, we are all checked in at JMH and waiting to get seen. No fever. Was 98.1, so that is a plus. Think they will be doing bloodwork and a cat scan. Wil update as soon a we find out more. Thank you very much for all thoughts, prayers and well wishes.
The latest on our LYNN, of course.
Fingers so often get way out of sync with the brain ! ☺
JEWELS, thank you soooo much. You have our thoughts and prayers with you. Please give your Mom a big hug for all of us. We love her much !
Just read in my email that LYNN is at the hospital OH No I hope they can help her out She has a great family there for sure So I went ahead and looked for her comment Now to start to read the blog page
Dr Lee, an oriental man was very nice. He came in and looked at her incisions. Feels what could be a hernia at the surgery site where the drain was. Ordered bloodwork, catscan, nausea med and pain med.
Bless you JEWELS for updating us...THANK YOU.
Keep looking after your MOM and GOD BLESS our LYNN
Up to 11am comments still more to read
SIS what a odd AVATAR you have Explanation Point so nice of you to help the lady with no charge remember what goes around comes around and you will seek reward someway
DANAMO on posted comments to the blog the words are down you have to scroll down they are now hiding it odd I found it the other day some blogs are ok but some you have to scroll down in the box area
Healing thoughts to LYNN one of the momsters had said before we will pray you through his I don't remember who So who ever it was Speak up
Benny is trying his mightiest to open the front door when I came in it was not closed all the way so he was sitting there looking out the glass screen door and now he wants it open I guess to do it again He is determined to open it Sorry guy no outside world for you He meows and me and begins again to paw at the door Funny cat I am so afraid they will be at the door when I come in and try to get out
Shep is playing with a stick there I guess trying to pass the time HUH
Ok time for me to head back will have to read when I get back from work
Home from church. Everyone had to check out the eye. LOL
It is cold, I need to get socks on my feet and try to warm up.
So very thankful Lynn has two wonderful, caring daughters who are really taking care of her. Prayers, Lynn....they are continuous and full of love.
I am going to get my electric lap blanket. First time I have needed it this winter, I think.
I see Shep in the nest and read that he brought in yet another fish. Wow, he is doing so well!!!
Christie just hand delivered moms blood woek to the lab. She is off work now so she can't process it herself. But I know she wil put it in the hands of the best tech working. MTD....
JEWELS, hope they put a rush on it ! Thanks for keeping us up to the minute. Has your Mom been admitted to the hospital or still under ER care ?
LOLLY, glad you felt up to going to church today ! Yes, Shep is really coming through. I think he's going to be a great dad !
Sure hope there is nothing more than TIRED BLOOD from LYNN'S blood work!
Had a good morning at church...Pastor made me stand up and put my arms out to the sides to show that I am able to stand WITHOUT a cane! Hoping that I can encourage others to have this surgery who needs it!
Mom is drinking contrast.. Half cup down.
Jewels, thx SO much for update on your Mother! Extra Special prayers today for our Lynn ☺ ♥
And thank you, wonderful daughters and MIL for taking care of her.
Kay, Er care..... How she is fine and no admittance necessary.
WOW! Looks like Shep is still on the eggs. I'm pleasantly surprised by his mature behavior!! Maybe Belle taught him well!
Put yesterday's Park Eagle pics on blog. Most are from far away, but you'll get the idea! LOL My buddy, Doris, is working there today, too, & wrote me that the juvies are flying around again.
Amen, JEWELS, that's what we'll be praying for, too. I want to hear she's going to sleep in her own bed tonight ! ♥
LORETTA, beautiful Eagle pics ! Thank you for sharing the beauty that surrounds you !
Back from the grocery store, Nick had to ride along, LOL
Thanks, Carolyn for the updates on your Mom are a JEWEL to keep us posted. Bless you! You know we are lurking here just waiting for every post.
I am PRAISING GOD for Lynn finding out the problem and getting medicine and not having to remain in the hospital...BLESSING TO GOD FOR CHRISTIE AND CAROLYN AND MIL.
Thank you God.
Just had some hot tortilla soup and Jack has turned up the heat. I was just so cold, but I think he must have been cold too. LOL
Had a few nibbles of goat cheese, too. Crave that stuff!!!
We were watching the bird feeders during lunch. The birds are thick out there today. Guess they know bad weather is coming.
Belle just flew in.
Shep is up and off. Here Mom, your turn!!
Belle has tiptoed to the egg cup, rearranging the flugg and wiggle wiggle back on the eggs.
I am thinking of napping.
JEWELS, thanks for the frequent updates on your mom! Praying for answers for her!
In case you weren't able to find the Mason video...
Mason playing Heart and Soul
Jewels - thank you from the bottom of my heart ♥
I am assuming the 'contrast' is for a
CT maybe..........
You can't keep a good woman down
Like Belle, I mean
Up eating again.........
Nope, it got the best of her. She's joining him. Ha, he gets crafty and takes off with a good chunk. Apparently leaving her with some to munch on, however. ☺
ROFL If you pay attention to detail
On the one twig/limb is hanging a
Royal Palace Sycamore Ball !
BELLE BACK ON THE EGGS. KAY, I didn't see Shep leave with any food - good for him!! =)
Paula, thank you for finding that..
It's been 4 years for Mason..
He sure is coming around! ♥
Such interactions for 2 eagles...♥
I saw that
Kissy Kissy
Good afternoon to one and to all: brownies baking. stroganoff in the crock pot. watching birds on the feeder. and taking a break from writing this class; my brain went into overload!!!
MAGPIE; yes, i loved the look on her face when i said no charge. she asked if she could hug me and of course, since i am a hugger, it was a yes. she felt as if noone had hugged her in years. i encouraged her to continue to find her way; gave her info for other Reiki Shares and invited her back to mine. we shall see. :)
MEMA JO: yes the yoga was fun! in massage therapy school we had several weeks of yoga, which i loved. i just haven't ever taken the time to really learn it, per se. i think it would be most beneficial to my back and help me to continue my own healing journey.
HODA: i do know people who practice yoga on a regular basis and kind of understand a small bit about the "bigger picture". thanks for the advice...i think i will talk to a couple of friends that i do have who are yogi's and proceed from there to find something that fits my time schedule. i really do need an extra hour or two in a day; maybe give up sleeping, lol.
JUDYE: my avatar (pix i guess) is odd? Its me! Not sure what else i would put....
well, let me skeedaddle. will try to touch base this evening. dinner in about 45 min and i would like to get some more writing done....i hope to complete my level 2 class by next weekend....
sending healing to lynn and to all in need.....
have a safe warm afternoon, ya'll.
Before you speak, ask yourself, is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve on the silence?
- Sai Baba
Thanks gals, for sharing Mason and his amazing recovery story with us !
So much for serenity ! Flugg fight, beaking, these two are a riot !
JUDYE: oops, i think i see what you see, a ? in a black box. i didn't do that, hmmmm, will see waht i can do. thought you were teasing me earlier! lol :)
yes contrast for ct scan.... One cup down the hatch... Ekg done as well... Still waiting....
Thank you Jewels for keeping us up to date on our lovely Lynn ^j^
JEWELS, is she drinking the 3 cups of Crystal Lite type stuff ? Hope so, it's a lot easier to take than the barium milkshake goop.
Ladies, remember "nesting," that time shortly before you went into labor when you had this huge burst of energy and ran around frantically cleaning and straightening everything in sight?? Boy, I do! That's what Shep reminds me of today! Bringing in food and sticks simultaneously, moving big sticks here and there, flying in with talons full of flugg! Shew - makes me tired just watching him!! Also makes me happy!! =)
Carolyn - sound like she is moving right along on schedule.....
So very thankful you girls are there
for her.
LOL, SANDI, I remember those burst of pre-birth energy, too. You are right, that's the way Shep is behaving today. Maybe he thinks another egg is on the way.
Missed the fish and the flugg fight! Glad there are many eagle eyes around!
Continued PRAYERS for LYNN and CHRISTIE and CAROLYN YOU ARE THE BEST!!! Thanks a million...what awesome daughters you are...
Urine test shows blood and white blood cells, so antibiotic is necessary. Uti I guess... Went for scan now. Its a red punch stuff.. She had two cups, almost drank both. Kept it down, yea!!
Yeah, JEWELS ! I wondered if she could keep that punch down. Hope they can get some antibiotic flowing through the IV right away. Watching, waiting, praying. ♥
Awaiting news has been said you and your sister are true jewels...God Bless your MOM and you for looking after her so well. Thank you for keeping us in the loop. PRAYERS.
Good you found part of the problem. Now to see up else. Thanks for up date. Waiting to hear......thanks all of you ((hugs))♥
I need to go do my groceries ad will be back shorlty...
I had an excellent yoga practice at home and feel well with the poses I chose to do...
Belle Calling OUt !!!
Oh Miss Belle is not happy, someone flew over her nest and she was not pleased, cricked neck and vocalized.
Oh dear Lord just went torefrigerator to get water. Raised my head hit it hard on door knob of freezer. Man the tears!!! OUCH!! Ice bag on head.
Belle up, pretty wing stretch....working on the frozen sushi now.
She's back down incubating, facing noon
Careful Dana - you can knock yourself out doing that! OUCH!!
I am so pleased that Lynn is getting
herself taken care of today. She has
been miserable ever since this has
started with her not being able to eat and keep it down. Our gal has to be one
weak feeling gal!
Shep just floated in and landed at the 10 spot
Shep landed on the 11 rail awhile ago.
Belle wasn't moving, so Shep took off the right over the launch pad
Cute avatar Lowreeda!
Paula I did start to black out but I started yelling at myself don't black out....don't black out!!!!!
I've had too many falls plus hitting my head on things or falling out of bed since Ed passed where I have blacked out. Thought this was going to be another.
Yes Loretta it never looks like two eagles making a heart until you go in and enlarge it...beautiful!!!♥♥
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