Thursday, February 09, 2012


New thread.


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Linda said...

And there it is.....

JudyEddy said...

from my to your



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


hedgie said...

Linda, glad things went well, and Hurray--no headache!! Glad that Denny behaved!!

FuzzleMT said...

So many "ills" with so many folks. My heart goes out to all of you! Goodnight, my friends - well, not me - it's only 8:15 here.

magpie said...

watching for the Split and finding the other side remains the challenge...

That sounds magical, Linda, what took place with you, your friend, the twins, and Denny...

grannyblt said...

Evening folks. Nest seemed pretty dark a while ago. Maybe it will show up more in the morning.

This day was better than yesterday for me. Mom is doing all right.I spent several hours with her at the hospital today. Her appetite is so poor I was hoping to encourage her to eat, but she thinks I'm a nag (I am). The nurses got better results than I did. I got her old car started and am using that while my truck is ailing.

Thinking good thoughts for you all. Thank you for your concern.

paula eagleholic said...

DanaMo, the swimming eagle link was on the BW FB page the other day as well...pretty cool, eh?

You can probably catch the eagle segment later on the WJZ website!

And Karma, baby, Karma!!

Linda said...

It really was, MARGY. I often thought about working with deaf or handicapped children. For some reason I love working with and helping them.

Of course I was covered with drool from one of the boys who was making silly noises while I kept him entertained!!

My heart just goes out to people like that, especially children....

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne1, glad Mom is eating...maybe take her a favorite food?

Time for an egg roll from Belle.

Love seeing those two beautiful egggs!

magpie said...

You're so right on the clouds around the Moon, Lynn, at least we got a few Eagle peeks in.
Belle is awake now

Hi Irene, Good Night, Irene, I'm right behind you !! Judie and a few others are ahead of us....
...don't guess I'll miss an egg-laying I did last night !

Prayers for all our needs...
there are many of them, each and every one dear and precious...

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Linda said...

That was an awesome video. One determined Eagle!!

magpie said...

just missed you Lynne1...
the ones we care for the most sometimes think we are the biggest nags, it just seems to go with the territory....

hope your Ma keeps improving....

'Nighty-night again....
for real this time

(( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

PS Thanks Paula for all your communicating with the OC and the NCTC folks....
you've got us spoiled !

Mema Jo said...

Split has been here and gone

Over I go

Linda said...

From Robyn Again....

Thursday, February 9, 2012 10:03 PM, EST


Tori is now holding her phone, it must bring her some kind of control which is good, hopefully she will be able to start reading her messages and eventually reply.

Linda said...

That is funny - those kids and their cell phones. They HAVE to have them at all times.

For is another great sign!!

Mema Jo said...

I have a feeling that I am going to close up shop early.
Lots of good things happening today..
Praying for healing and well being for all
Good Night my Friends
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Linda said...

Night JO!!

Wishing you peaceful sleep.....


magpie said...

Almost forgot this...

RED FRIDAY on the way...
...don some Red on Friday for our Military Folks ♥

Mema Jo said...

Good night, Margy

and Linda

and whomever else is headed to the


hedgie said...

Ditto that, Jo. To all turning in, restful sleep.
Lynne1--glad your Momma is doing better. Kids can be such nags, huh??? Wonder where we learned that from??

Irene, hope you are getting some moisture into your house and head!!

Mema Jo said...


Linda said...

I think I am headed for the shower and pillows, too!!

Enough working for one day. My neck and upper back are screaming at me!!

Sweet Dreams to all............

Prayers for all in this roost and beyond.....


Night ♥

Hoda said...

I am back and had a very good yoga practice.
I read the blog. Sorry for experiences with people who know no boundaries...I am thinking of LYNN'S ex for one and sending messages...

Hang in there everyone...the irritation will soon go awat I hope.

WVDANA, I do not know about medicaion in general or a sinus medication that starts with a Z maybe...If you have a sinus infection maybe you should go see a doctor...

Sounds good at your house LINDA. Blessings.

I had a scrambled eggs and melted cheese supper and am hoping it does not keep me awake.

Belle is tucked in nicely...

MARGY you raised my hackles as the saying goes!!! "No sometimes means no" you posted in one of your is this a sensitive point with me. NO always means NO!!!It drove me nuts with students who thought it did not and I find adult men who think it not to be so in danger of breaking the laws in regards sexual harrassment and worst. Adult women who do not understand it tend to have a difficult time with boundaries.I am clear on this one...Sorry, I felt it important enough to speak to it.HUGS MARGY♥ I am glad you gave GRANSIN space as he asked for it tonight, it is so awesome to teach them they matter always.

FuzzleMT said...

HA HA, Lynne! Moisture in my head? Well, humidifier uses TWO gallons a day - now at least my bedding - and nose hairs - won't start a fire with all the static sparks!!!! My bedding actually CRACKLED when I would make it up -

hedgie said...

Time to close up this roost. Apptmt. at 11 means leaving no later than 10:30, so alarm will be set for 7. Yuk!!!

Prayers for all in need. Hope everyone gets a good sleep after last night's eggcitement. Think we are good to go for another day or two! Belle and Shep, you are doing your jobs well.

Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.

paula eagleholic said...

I'm beat too! Time for bed. Nite all, sleep well friends.

(((Hugs for all)))♥

Lolly said...


Hoda said...

HI LOLLY we are goes it at your roost and how is your eye?

Lolly said...

Watched AI, Grey's, and PP. Watched all three with my eyes closed a lot of the time. LOL Now, I am so ready for bed. I think I should sleep good as I had only one nap.

Just realized that Christian on AI is the one discussed from WV. Poor kid was sick as were several.

Heading to bed....nite all! Sweet dreams!

Lolly said...

Whoops.....Howdy Hoda!

Jack is a great fact tonight he heated Marie Callenders Chicken Pot Pies beautifully. LOL

Lolly said...

I am okay, just disappointed that for a second time having a cataract removed leaves my eye looking terrible. Guess that is just me.

Lolly said...

Heading to the shower. (((hugs)))

NatureNut said...

Trying to jump the Split!
Been fooling w/'puter and watching some TV. In email, was deleting some older mail & they all must have gotten highlighted & EVERYTHING disappeared! Had to go back thru a year's worth of mail and save some from the "recently deleted" file. AARRGGHH
Linda, glad your headache is gone!
Time to hit the hay, so Pleasant Feather Dreams;>) and Prayers for Good Health for Lynn, Tori, Bev,Nila, Fred and all others in need ♥

NatureNut said...

Healing wishes for Lolly's eye and Wanda's knee!! ☺

Gotta check Belle and egglets~~

Hoda said...

Belle is tucked in nicely. She wakes up regularly and turns the eggs and goes back to sleep. All is well at the nest.

Good night,
Sweet Dreams,
God Bless.

PattiO said...

Belle is sleeping soundly. Sounds like so many of you are dealing with health issues, etc. My prayers are with all of you. :)

Costume Lady said...

I have been feeling so good and sleeping so long...must be due to the pain meds and I will miss them when they are gone. Especially for a good night's sleep...I don't sleep well, normally. Who knows, maybe slight knee pain kept me waking throughout the night, before surgery...MTBR

DANAMO...loved the video of the Swimming Eagle. I'm wondering what it was that it brought with it out of the water??

So good to read Robyn's comments about TORI, sweet things, they were!

Yes, LOLLY, I expect to be dancing very soon:) We love to dance and it has been far too long~
Now, where was it that SANDI said she saw some pretty dancing shoes;)

Sleepy eyes are creeping up on me...time to get so sleep.


Costume Lady said...

Thanks, LORETTA for your prayers and all of you who have said a prayer for me...I'm telling you, those prayers have worked. I have just felt like I had strong arms holding me up during my days after surgery and during my therapy♥

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Sharon I am very sorry for your friend that was attacked in her home. Has now passed on to the Lord. Hope her journey was peaceful^j^.

Hoda it is not me that has a sinus problem. It is a lady friend of mine. I am sending her a email. I know there ae lasies on here that take the stuff for sinus. I think it is called Zicam. I wanted when I sent her the email to have the correct spelling of the medication.

Lynn prayers for your appointment tomorrow♥

Lynn what you said at the bottom of your comment at 11:13pm is so very ture. I just recently ran into a wolf in sheep's clothing. I HAVE BEEN PRAISING GOD FOR THE PROTETION HE GAVE ME. Now I have to pray for others the "wolf in sheep's clothing is talking to and is around them sometimes".

Linda that you for posting about Tori. Still asking God to be withRobyn and Tori.

No Lolly you are not the only one. When I had the catracts removed I had infections in both eyes. I could see better before they were removed. They said they were "rip" and I had to have the surgery. I did not have problems with colors, cloudiness, floaters or anything that I have heard people talk about with catracats. I see worse after they have removed them.Colors are NOT brighter now.For me I wish I had never had either eye done.
With you the one eye finally turned out good. so I believe after awhile this eye of yours will alos turn out in the long run better too.

I am very disappointed with my 2 surgeries.

wvgal_dana said...

The only thing that keeps me going with my eyes is. God said, He would not give you more than you can handle. I apply that to my eyes.

Lori O. said...

Caught up to 200 now I'll jump in and read the rest.

I miss you guys!

Lori O. said...

LYNN, I hope you get some FAST relief and an answer from the doctor FAST! Sorry that your afternoons are tough, but happy you've found a good solution with the early bath! ♥

LINDA, I bet those twins just thrived in all your loving attention. So happy you were there for them!

LOLLY, Won't be long and you'll be seeing as well as Jim, again! I had eye surgeries for vision 25 yrs ago - best thing ever to see!

WANDA, You're moving on to the next phase! HooRay! Don't over do it.

DanaMO, Glad the big essay is over. Hope AnneMarie feels good about how she did. :)

SHARON, So sad about your friend, Pete. My heart breaks for the fear she must have felt during that attack. RIP Pete.

Prayers for BEV that this ordeal for her is over very soon and she is pain free again, with a diagnosis, FAST!

Prayers for TORI that her remarkable progress continues. Robyn does sound more relaxed, too.

So sorry for the super long post - exceeding the reading limit here - just trying to catch up with my eagle family. I love you ALL!

Lori O. said...


wvgal_dana said...

Well Hi there Lori!!!!!♥

Lori O. said...

More SNOW coming to the NEST tonight:

A slight chance of rain showers after 4pm, with a high near 47.

Rain & snow, becoming all snow after midnight.
Low around 30.
Chance of precipitation is 80%. New snow accumulation of around an inch possible.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, or is it Good Night, WVDana?!

Lori O. said...

Gotta go and finish getting ready for a RED FRIDAY! Sure helps with the decision of what to wear.


wvgal_dana said...

I am just getting ready to go to bed.

Prayers for Bev, Nila, Lolly, Wanda's new PT, Lynn's appointment tomorrow, Sharon for the loss of her lady friend, Robyn and Tori, Linda who I know goes through a lot of pain, Diann with the pain she has, Margy who never speaks of her pain, Lord Jack i met at the library, the other lady I met a library, Lynne1's Mother, Mary Sellers, Rosie my cousin, My Mother, Kay, Linda's Brother, Class friend of Michaels that has breast cancer, lady name Donna that just passed with breast cancer left behind two or young children and a loving husband, and other family members. JudyE's friend Cathy G., Sandi's son to fine his niche in life and move out on his own, Julie that just had her surgery, the man today that left his cart in the grocery section and went all the way to the front and got me a cart God you know him and his needs, the older lady I met at the library, and anyone I may have forgotten Lord please add them. Also your creatures that have health and other nees. My Mother, Wanda and Gene's Soup Kitchen and many that don't mention for us to pray for something for them because they know of others worse off then them.
Lord Most of all the wolf I met in sleep's clothing first and formost PRIASES TO YOUR HOLY NAME FOR THE PROTECTION YOU GAVE TO ME but thee are others coming into contact with this wolf. Father pput your SHIELD OF PROTECTION AROUND EACH ONE OF THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT OF THE TRUE SELF OF THIS WOLF. Father Thanl YOU for hearing and taking care of these prayers. Hoping everyone gets a good nights sleep.

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

It's F-R-I-D-A-Y!!!

Good Morning Early Birds - DanaMo, Sandi, JudyE, DanaWV, Margy and sUSAn...and anyone else who wants to join in!

Kay posted that she was going to sleep early last night, so maybe we'll be blessed with a KAY visit this morning!

Lori O. said...


wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Hi Lori did I beat everyone but you here this morning?

DanaMo said...

New comments still not showing up.

Good morning everyone!

Sandi said...

Morning Lori, DanaWV, and DMo - can you say ,"TGIF!!??" Morning Belle! Morning egglets!! Love being able to say good morning and good night to someone in the nest!!

DanaMo said...

Oh yeah Sandi. I am saying TGIF. Why does it feel like the week was so long?

Lori O. said...

This day already feels long, to me! lol :)

DanaMo said...

You've been at it for a while Lori.

Sandi said...

Belle is awake and rolling the eggs!

Sandi said...

Wiggling back down facing 5ish and she's all tucked in again. What a great mom - I NEVER went into my kids' rooms and rolled them while they were sleeping ... ;)

Sandi said...

Then again, they weren't shaped like eggs! OK, off to get ready for my FRIDAY!! Sorry Margy, I can't wear red today b/c I only have one red sweater and I need to save it for next Tuesday, ♥♥Day! Have a good one friends!

WV sUSAn said...

Good Morning Sycamore Palace. I see Belle is still tucked. I have sound now and all I hear is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :-)

DanaMo said...

Little bit of snow again tonight. Only an inch.

WV sUSAn said...

Belle is awake

WV sUSAn said...

And up to reveal two lovely eggs. A little call out to Shep.

DanaMo said...

I'm waiting for Adam to get out of the shower so I can get in.

Belle talking to Shep, guess he is coming in to take over. Belle is off the eggs.

WV sUSAn said...

Her song it so pretty in the morning. Nice wing flap.

WV sUSAn said...

POOF Belle to the right.

WV sUSAn said...

POOF Belle to the right.

magpie said...

Mother Belle is UP
Calling For Dad...

Good Morning Eagle Pals xoxo

DanaMo said...

Annemarie just said, "They're lucky they're not mammals so they can do that". Never really thought about it. I wouldn't have minded Monte having some of the pregnancy duties! LOL! I am one of those women who did not like being pregnant (crazy since I did it 4 times).

magpie said...

did you hear the distant Eagle calls as she flew farther from the nest
yay for sound

DanaMo said...

I love hearing them call out, I really do!!

magpie said...

That's okay Sandi..
it's what's in your Heart that matter what color you wear...

WV sUSAn said...

Shep arrives

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning (again Lori), DanaMo, Sandi, WvsUSAn, and Margy (:

Yes Belle calling as she was flying. That is a sound "YOU WANT TO HEAR" (:

magpie said...

and Belle is probably about to scarf up some fish for breakfast...

Moon looked great this morning, is still out.....
Mars was pretty close to it, the orange-ish planet.
Saturn is out there somewhere too..

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone

Sandi said...

Shoot, missed the switch and the eagle talk. Oh well, tomorrow is the weekend so I can just sit and watch!! Headed out the door - DMo, I LOVED my pregnancies, very easy ... the deliveries were another thing!! TTFN!!

wvgal_dana said...

GUESS WHAT EAGLE FAMILY?????1 guess anyone

WV sUSAn said...

Have a great day everybody. I have an early morning and need to hit the road.

Sandi said...

Morning MARGY and SUSAN! Now I AM outta here!!

Lori O. said...


magpie said...

I'm guessing you saw a Robin, Dana....

or better yet, a baby Blue Jay aka Tufted Titmouse ♥

wvgal_dana said...

I spoke with Steve on 2/9/2012 yes he is traveling. I told him about the "Live Feed Sound". Steve's words to me " TO:WV_gal Message flagged Thursday, February 9, 2012 12:47 PM Thanks. I am on travel, I'll see what is up with the sound." Then the sound was fixed so we ALL can thank Steve for getting the Live Feed sound back on.
Next I talked with him about the lighting at night being so poor and ask what would it take to get back the "infrared"? Steve words back to me, "We cannot do
anything with the IR until after the season is over. I'll do my best on that."

I am going to talking with him again. I want to wait until he gets back though. I want to know how much would it cost for the infrared and the truck and Nuk to get it up there?

magpie said...

Ok, I see I guessed incorrectly....

time to get the red duds on...

See you all later, maybe from work

xoxo (( Hugs to All ♥ ))

Wellness Prayers all around...

wvgal_dana said...

I probably spelt Nuks name wrong.

JudyEddy said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody.

Still no answers for Sis this morning. Please keep her in your prayers.

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE1 so glad your mom is better

LOLLY hoping your eye is better with each passind day

WANDA Hoping it isn't the pain med helping you sleep hope that the painless knee will let you sleep later on better Pain and disconfort can keep someone from restful sleep

ZICAM WVAGALDANA is to help stop getting a cold to be taken on the onset of a cold

Up comments at 1:53 I will catch up

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep is on the lovely eggs this morning.

JudyEddy said...

ON NO more snow the only good thing about the snow LORI is we can see the eagles at night but I still don't want it for the eagles and we can't storp mother nature DRAT

SHARON keeping fingers crossed that they find out what is wrong with BEV

Caught up it was a breeze this morning not as many to read

Sandi said...

Checking in at school. DANAWV, I meant to post this yesterday and JUDY's comment just reminded me. Could you be thinking of Zithromax (z-pack)? It's an antibiotic that is frequently given for bacterial infections. Seems to me it's something you only have to take for 3 days or so rather than the 14 days required for other antibiotics to do their thing.

SHARON, prayers for BEV that today brings some answers.

LYNN, you have to get up at 7 to be out the door by 10:30?? What's up with that??

Morning JUDY!

stronghunter said...

Good morning.

JudyEddy said...

We have a cold front heading our way high tomorrow only in the 60s and rain rain

DanaMo said...

This is kinda funny but maybe TMI. I have to get an appointment at my "womens health center" only problem is the one doctor has 2 kids at St. Mary's, I have the physicians assistant daughter in my class this year, another one will have a child in my class next year, and another is a neighbor and graduate of the same hs as me. Thankfully there are numerous people in the office, but it's funny how many I won't be seeing because of my association through the school!

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you JudyE I will get right back to her email and get it out to her...Thank You.(:

JudyEddy said...

OK gonna go to the couch Almost time to get Jordyn

DanaMo said...

yeah...,I don't want the snow either JudyE, it's not suppose to come on a Fri, Sat., or Sun. those are just wasted snow!!!

DanaMo said...

Heading out. Will check in from school.

Judie said...


Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Nest and Shep look nice this morning.

Wishing each of you a lovely day.

magpie said...

Will Do Sharon...was looking for any updates about Bev....
((Prayer Hugs ♥ ))

Blackwater cam has not restarted for the morning....

God Bless Our Military, Today, Every Day
ttfn xo

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks but no Sandi it was Zicam.

Good Morning Shirley (:
How are all the cats laying in bed with you between your legs ---that you don't have lol

I am a little surprised that the comment I made about talking with Steve. He made a call and got the "Live Feed Sound Back Up". No one said about the comment I made. Thank you Steve.......what is up with that???????

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We already knew why the sound was out. They were doing training at NCTC and knew when it was over, they would turn it back on.

hedgie said...

Good morning all.

LOL, Sandi---1: I am NOT a morning person. Takes me a long time to get awake. 2: I feel awful if I have to close Liesl up in the crate right after she's been in her bed all night. NOT FAIR to my pup! 3: I am NOT a morning person. I am in slo-mo until at least 10 , so it takes me a long time to get ready to head out.
#4: Did I mention I am NOT a morning person??? Ha, ha,
I primarily worked 2nd shift, but even when I worked 1st, I needed 3 hrs. to get ready and to travel!!!

Lori O. said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning Hedgie! How are you feeling today? I heard an ugly rumor that you are not a morning person? I don't believe that.

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

I still think it would be nice to thank Steve b/c it was even off at night time!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Dana, you cannot force people to say or do things they don't feel.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am out for a few minutes. Have a great day everyone!

DanaMo said...

at school...

DanaMo said...

Sandi-my pregnancies were easy, but I didn't like surrendering my body. I couldn't wait to have it back. My kids were 8#10, 8#11,7#6, and 9#12 and not one of them was a hard delivery.

CarolAnne said...

Morning all,
Snowing here, temps dropping to single digits – brrrr

Gratefulness for the continued progress for those w/recent surgeries. Prayers for Lynn and Tori, always, plus Bev for some answers.

“NO” is a complete sentence.
Some need to learn that. Some need to stop talking after they say that, no excuses, no clarifications, just “NO”.

Eggs in the nest, how great is that. Recently we were just wishing for Eagles in the nest.
Still marvel at the size of eggs and the size of the future eagles they contain.

Hope everyone has as great a day as possible.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Totally agree CarolAnne! NO!!!!

FuzzleMT said...

Good Morning!

magpie said...

It was on this date about this time on Feb 10, 2006
that my friend Rocking Circle R of our Momsters now...
sent me the email about the Eagle Cam at NCTC... ☺

Thanks again Jenny, , hop on and have a look and chitty chat with us again....

magpie said...

Blackwater Eagle still on "last night time"

am sure there will be either a refresh, or a comment about it before too long...

magpie said...

Oooh look at those beautiful Royal Eggs !

magpie said...

Now being coddled by a Royal Parent....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep just flew in with flugg and Belle took some out of his beak and placed it where she wanted it.

hedgie said...

Just about time to head out the door. See you all later. Have a good day---or as Thelma says, Make a good day!

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

wvgal_dana said...

SharonI believe when someone makes a comment on here. I don't think any of us are trying to "FORCE SOMEONE TO DO SOMETHING".


Thank you for you opinion Sharon. Just like I wrote my opinion.♥

stronghunter said...

I see our Belle in the nest now.

Snow again? Oh, my. I checked the forecast here, and it says rain mixed with snow for us.

stronghunter said...

Must check the Scrabble games.

Lolly said...

Good morning! ev Looks like Belle did not want to go flying. She did not budge when Shep flew in.

Hi Sharon! (((Hugs))) for you and prayers for Bev. Still no word? What have they eliminated?

My eye still looks pretty bad. Good thing I have my shield, would scare people. LOL It is still dialated so my vision is still sensitive and blurry. Can see what I am typing. Have enlarged to 200. LOL Jack takes me to the doctor at 1 today.

Lynn, guess you have gone to your appointment. What doctor do you see today?

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning!

paula eagleholic said...

Time for an egg roll

DanaMo said...


Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday Morning to all!
Our nest is beautiful with our incubating eagle.
All my meds are in me and I am ready to start my day
I'm going to JUMP right in here and
land right in there with you all......

Lolly said...

Egg roll! Look at those loverly eggs!

SANDI, thanks for my morning laugh. Loved the thought of having to roll our infants. Too funny. Made me think of when we took Michael for the first time to my home. First time for family to see him. He was 2 or 3 months old. My brother came in to my parents and said "Where is he?" I replied.."Shhhh...he is asleep." He ignored me, went to the bedroom, rolled him over, and said "Look, he is awake!" Grrrr! But really kind of funny and very happy that Larry was anxious to see Michael.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They have done stress tests and blood tests and echos and nothing shows. The surgeon came in and said they would order an EGD from the office next week which means they aren't even going to try to find out what is happening while she is in the hospital. Going to talk to her doctor in the morning about a transfer maybe to Charleston. We need answers.

Lolly said...

Good morning Paula and Jo.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?

Lolly said...

That sounds good, Sharon, the transfer. How severe is the pain? Oh, and thanks for answering my questions.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The pain gets pretty intolerable and she has to get meds for it.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello Paula and Jo!! ♥♥♥

magpie said...

no live, but still back again..
I'm behind a few posts

Lolly said... should stay, do not go!!!!!♥

magpie said...

sorry 3rd refresh and I have live feed and Still cam./...

Thanks NCTC and OC

Lolly said...

You jumped right in, Jo. But where did you go? Oh, no! Did you miss us when you jumped?

Sharon, please relay to Bev our love and our hugs.

magpie said...

God Bless Our Military....
Hope they can see some eagles and beautifuil wildlife from time to time....

think of how many are away from their loved ones.....
doing what they do to secure and maintain our precious freedoms...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I love the lyrics to that song!

Lolly said...

Going to take off my shield, put on my glasses and attempt to read the paper. Wish me luck! However, Jack is complaining about why do we get the paper. We hear news on TV and the computer and then it hits the newspaper!

Mema Jo said...

I have often considered stopping the newspaper delivery - True I hear all the news on TV or in New Flashes from
the papers - Creature of Habit
is the only reason I can think of!

wvgal_dana said...

Think I'll leave blog for awhile and spread my wings. Love my relaxing excerises. They really make you feel GOOD !! (:

movin said...


good morning, everyone.


When I tried to open Blackwater's site this morning, I got a "Danger Site" warning, full-page, from Google. Seems they have gotten trojans and miner cookies when they visited the site. Has anyone else seen what I'm talking about?

[:~D] Jim

magpie said...

Jim I didn't get or see all that...just see that the cam is not up today....

Sharon...hoping all works out for Bev....and that she keeps feeling better all the time

ttfn, pals...

Mema Jo said...

Jim - I got the same thing and then clicked on the comment Get Me Out Of Here Fast! Hope I am ok

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break - street clothes time

magpie said...

I keep losing live feed, it stops
6 times in last 15 mins

Lolly - decorate your eye patch with someting purty....☺

CarolAnne said...


1.Out of gift wrap? Foreign newspapers are great for this but even your regular, daily paper will do. Find a thematically related story and use coordinated ribbon to finish off.

2.Is your gift breakable? Shred newspaper to use as packing material. Cheaper and more environmentally friendly than Styrofoam peanuts.

3.Dirty windows? Try your favorite cleaner and newspaper instead of a roll of paper towels.

4.General cleaning: Newsprint, sprinkled with white vinegar and water,can tackle many household jobs, from glass to floors.

5.Housetraining your puppy? Layers of newspaper work as well as expensive pads.

6.Pet cage liner: Use newspaper to line the cages of pets, from hampsters to birds. And check with your local SPCA. Many need donations of newspapers to line the beds of their homeless animals.

7.Spills? Newspaper absorbs just as well as the average paper towel.

8.Floppy boots? Keep ‘em upright with a roll of newspaper.

9.Wet boots? Fill ‘em with newspaper to absorb the moisture
12.Messy dinner? Newspaper’s a classic tablecloth when boiled shrimp, lobster or watermelon’s on the menu.

10.Shucking corn? Spread out newspaper to catch the silk.

11.Compost material. Use newspaper to balance out the vegetables in your compost pile and get the carbon/nitrogen mixture just right.

12.Germinating seeds for your spring garden? Spread ‘em between damp sheets of newspaper.

13.Fake log: You can do it yourself or purchase a log roller to roll your papers up tightly and use them in place of, or in addition to, wood logs.

14.Smelly fridge? Line a shelf with newspaper overnight. The newspaper will absorb the odours. A piece in the vegetable drawer will keep your produce dry.

15.Got weeds? Place overlapping layers of wet newspaper around your plants. If you want to place decorative mulch on top, wait 24 hours.

16.Smelly Tupperware? Leave a balled up piece of newspaper inside overnight to absorb the odours.

17.Cold climate? Place on your windshield to prevent icing.

paula eagleholic said...


Yes, for some reason Google cleared us for a few hours, but now the warning is back. So we're going to resubmit our site for review. Thanks for your patience.
2 hours ago ·

paula eagleholic said...

Hey CarolAnne, they left out eating crabs :):)

I didn't know about them absorbing frig smells or in the veggie drawer...thanks!

Belle up for a it when she stretches those wings.

Lolly said...

C/A too funny! Yes, have wrapped presents in newspaper using the Sunday comics.

Loved that right wing stretch!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, thanks for the heads up on the still cam!

Oh, the eagle swimming video...that was a nutria or a muskrat that the eagle swam out of the water with.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you CarolAnne for all those hints. I enjoy you putting them on the blog for us. (: JMO

Belle in nest was stretching. Beautiful how the white in the wing "fanned out".♥ JMO

Lolly said...

I have my shield back on. Actually feel better with it on. My eye is still so dilated and the shield blocks a lot of light. Has holes so I can still see. Reading the paper was a challenge so skimmed it fast reading mostly the titles to articles. Did read a long article about Kelly Clarkson.

movin said...

I'm sure you are alright, Mema Jo. I e.mailed Lisa about the warning, but I haven't gotten a reply yet.

[:~D] Jim

paula eagleholic said...

JIM Lisa at BW is aware of the issue.

movin said...

Lolly, what's with the 'shield' on your eye? What did you have done?

[:~D] Jim

paula eagleholic said...

Think Shep might be in the attic...just saw a downy feather float down from above.

DanaWV, you are talking about fanning her tail, correct? Mature eagles don't have any white in the wings.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly had a cataract removed yesterday Jim.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Paula I did mean white in her wing- when she stretched. Her wing fanned out so white and beautifully.

wvgal_dana said...

bbl lunch group at 12:30 in town

Lolly said...

Jim, I had cataract surgery yesterday. Had my rt eye done almost 4 years ago and had an infection, so I postponed the left eye. It looks awful, blood red and praying I do not get another infection.

Lolly said...

It eventually cleared and definitly could see better, but it took a while for me to say that. I am just jealous that some can have the surgery and come home with a clear eye.

CarolAnne said...

Aww Lolly - you're just stylin' for Red Friday with that eye - very original!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Beautiful egg roll and then a wiggle wiggle.

Hoda said...

Good morning/ Good afternoon everyone.

LOLLY thanks for the report about your patient. I hope JACK prepared breakfast again this morning???

Good luck with your appointment at the Doctor's LYNN

Thanks PAULA for keeping "information" straight on this blog.

BELLE is up and fixing the rainling...good to see her balancing act so she would not step on the eggs.Back incubating again.

JudyEddy said...

she just fot up to stretch and mess with stick on rail at 10

Lori O. said...

I see 160 posts in two hours, I sure hope nothing is wrong. I'm stuck behind the 200 dead end, but coming through!

JudyEddy said...

back from park I hear geese

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


JudyEddy said...

Saw two hawks when we were there

JudyEddy said...

I see still cam is back also yEAH

JudyEddy said...

Only habe about 68 to read but cats want petted too

JudyEddy said...

Interesting facts about the newspaper CA they things we learn on the blog

JudyEddy said...

I have a appt between 2-4 for my phone line I see wires loose have a heavy phone book on top of it to keep phone connected till they get here I wonder if the cats did that when they ran behind the couch

Lori O. said...

Whew, glad to see everything is okay and Belle is calm in the nest on the eggberts, as Lynn calls them. Cute name. :)

JudyEddy said...

I see all the snow is now gone in the nest I see a little of the gound up upper part of screen

Lori O. said...

Hello everyone! Guess I should have said that first. ♥

Lolly, glad you're on the mend now. I remember walking around with a black eye after my eye surgeries! That was fun for some stories at the market.

JudyEddy said...

Silly girl decided to kiss the statue today at the park

Lori O. said...

There's been little change in the forecast with up to 2" of SNOW now expected at the nest. Here's the latest:

A chance of rain after 4pm. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 47.

TONIGHT: Rain and snow likely before 10pm, then snow.
Low around 30.
Chance of precipitation is 80%. New snow accumulation of 1" - 2" possible.

Lori O. said...


JudyEddy said...

That is not the news we wanted to hear LORI make it go away PLEASE LOL

JudyEddy said...

Belle just was up again and now back down

JudyEddy said...

Lets just hope it stays with rain and not snow we can always hope for the best

Lori O. said...

Hello JudyE! Sorry, I can't change the weather, but always wished I could program it for just one summer!

Hoda said...

All is well LORI...we are just a chatty bunch.
Thanks for the weather report...

I am off for my morning adventures, morning here that is.
ENJOy your day and I will check in the evening. It was good to spend time watching Belle and how beautiful she looks...Sharon I heard the "gooses" too!!!LOL!!!

JudyEddy said...

Have all the cat owners ever notice when you have to go to the bathroom that the cats want to follow you I guess they figure since you are sitting down you might as well pet them HMM

Hoda said...

Four more posts and it is the S-P-L-I-T. Don't get lost.

Lori O. said...

No, HODA, not that chatty. My math was way off! Good thing I don't have to do anything for a scholarship anymore! :)

Lori O. said...

That is true of cats and dogs following to the restroom, Judy. You are a captive audience.

JudyEddy said...

Isn't Shirely the one that got Bomebay cats??? Does anyone else cat want to sleep with them Benny now sleeps at the end of the bed I think I toss and turn to much for him now I found him at the bottom this am when I go up

Linda said...

Good Afternoon!!

JudyEddy said...

I need to by a self feeder and self waterer they both drink lots of water almost a whole bowl in a day right not I am just using some corningware bowl that I have

JudyEddy said...

Belle is up again egg roll

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...