Thursday, February 09, 2012


New thread.


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DanaMo said...

It would have been poor Boomer had he swallowed it. I don't think this would have come out easily!

Lori O. said...

I'm sorry, DanaMo. I meant "Poor Mommy!" We canine parents have to stick together. :)

DanaMo said...


DanaMo said...

Belle is up!

DanaMo said...

I can see the eggs.

DanaMo said...

Oh BTW interesting article whoever posted it. Wow can't believe we have that many eagles in Maryland, and to think they were once endangered. Such beautiful birds.

Hope everyone with pains are feeling okay this morning. Any new word on Bev? Last night it looked like there still were no answers.

Kay I hope you had a restful night.

DanaMo said...

Egg roll

DanaMo said...

A little chatter

DanaMo said...

On the rail looking around

DanaMo said...


Lori O. said...

Okay, I just shoveled the deck since the waterproofers are coming back at's crisp out there!

Lori O. said...

Do you enjoy your morning quiet time as much as I do, DMo? :)

DanaMo said...

oh yes Lori, I do enjoy it. The dogs are all back to sleep. Monte is up at Camp Sinoquipe with the Scouts. And the 3 "kids" are sleeping as well.

Lori O. said...

WOW, six kids, DMo! LOL

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
I see Lori and DanaMo...
sure we won't be the Three Musketeers for long ☺

DanaMo...guss you aren't going to say WHAT Boomer found are you ?

yes, Belle pulled the overnighter..she'll be ready and rarin' to go when the time comes..

Lori, I thought about NOT reading that forecast, but I did...thanks for the warning !

magpie said...

guess my Blazer doors are going to be stuck-shut this mroning...

Where is that camp, DanaMo, that Monte is at ?

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Margy! Today is your Friday! YAY!

DanaMo said...

It's a Boy Scout camp in Ft. Littleton Pa. About an hour from here. Up past Mercersburg, PA. It's actually very close to the breeder where we bought Boomer and Java.

magpie said...

Righto, Lori...☺

I'm looking forward to plopping by the radio "with Kay and Seth and Malcolm" for Prairie Home Companion at 6 pm... ☺

Want to bring this over for the "dayshift" regarding dear Tori; it's a touching article in our daily newspaper, The Journal:

Student Has Double Lung Transplant

DanaMo said...

Thankfully, they are doing cabin camping, not tents. ☺ And Adam didn't go which PO'd Monte. I hate when he goes on a Scout outing and puts in all that time and one of our kids isn't even there. I wish Adam would just get his Eagle so we can be finished with Scouts. He is so close. Just has to push through and get a project going.

Sandi said...

Looks like LORI, DMO, and MARGY here this AM - morning! Hope I didn't miss anyone - eyes are still fuzzy and I was just glancing. Morning Miss Belle, morning egglets!

DanaMo said...

Well I'm going to go ladies. Have a great morning!

magpie said...

Tent-camping ? or Cabin-camping...?
Wow, that's pretty neat....
Bet they have snow there too !

Here's a toucgh one , or not, for the local High School Students,
ACT tests cancelled for Saturday morning "

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Sandi! Any snow at the beach?

magpie said...

you answsered my question before I fould ask it Dana

Good Morning Sandi...snow up your way ??
Happy No-School day today !

Busload of high school kids from Keyser, WV (Mineral County - about four counties West of us....)
showed up at McDonalds in Berkeley 9 pm last night...they were no doubt going to have a ratjer dicey trip back home...and, they lost their basketball game to Berkley Springs HIgh School...

Belle is all tented out..doing a wonderful job on those Royal Eggs....

magpie said...

Paula posted a terrific picture of the Whopper Fish on the E-M album, and there are many other very good pictures on there...Thanks to all...!!!

Sandi said...

LORI, today is all rain in Bethany, temps will be in the 40s, then tonight, the rain may turn to snow and we MAY get a dusting.

magpie said...

I bet it's warm as toast underneath Belle...

simply amazing Royal Parenting going on at the Sycamore Palace....♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

SANDI, I've never seen snow at the beach. I bet it's beautiful!

Sandi said...

MARGY, thanks for the article on Tori. Funny to see the outline of where Belle was tenting and now isn't. When Shep takes over, he will look so small sitting in Belle's "shadow."

magpie said...

☼HI☼ Kay. when you arrive:
I read all about your MRI results...and hope and pray there is Relief in the Future for you...
I'm thinking, Chiropractic care, therapeutic massages, addition to the Medical Care...
((Healing Hugs ♥ ))
I'll be "fireside" with you and boys tonight, come 6 pm
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

right on that one will be beautiful to behold

Light Increasing at the Nest...time for me to start being quiet !

magpie said...

Hope work is fast and time with the Grandchildren is stellar...
I read where you and Nick shared some of Nugz's Chicken Soup...
what a special treat....
♥ Hugs ♥

Sandi said...

LORI, I posted a photo of snow on the beach that Denny took 2 years ago. I LOVE to see snow, and not just b/c I'm a teacher. It looks beautiful, when it's falling, when it sticks to the branches, when everything turns white! SO pretty!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds thats a lot of snow in the nest

magpie said...

It's only about an inch and a half probably JudyE...
it was light but steady snowfall for several hours...

hear the "snow plows" I think...
waiting to hear the Geese, but more importantly, the Eagle Calls....

Lori O. said...

SANDI, gorgeous photo! I want that house with the double decks right there on the water! :)

Sandi said...

Would love to know how to have the reminder sent to my inbox about voting for Nick's shelter. I wasn't able to get on the site last night and reading posts from others is usually my reminder to vote each day.

JudyEddy said...

Snow at the beach that just sound so wrong doesn't it Have caught up and hated reading the new forcast with more snow in it Makes me sad to think about it Then I think about all the eagles in Alaska so just need to get over it

JudyEddy said...

ealge call

Sandi said...

LORI, you CAN have a house just like that, right on the Atlantic ... IF you have a couple extra million laying around!!

Belle making a little noise!

JudyEddy said...

still cam is poopy for pic

Lori O. said...

AND, the good news is . . .

Hip Hip HooRay!

JudyEddy said...

squeaky eagle call

Lori O. said...


Sandi said...

Had the blog open full screen so I heard Belle but didn't know that Shep had arrived. SWITCH! GO FLY, MISS BELLE!

JudyEddy said...

nice and dry

JudyEddy said...

belle has the fish

JudyEddy said...

took it to 5 to eat and shep is getting ready to get on the eggs come on sit down fella keep them warm he is picking at a stick now going to eggs looking at them roll tooo cute

JudyEddy said...

ealge squeak again

Sandi said...

Interesting that Belle took the fish from where Shep dropped it to where she ate last night's fish. Is that a favorite spot for her in the nest? Shep is settling on the eggs. Happy eagle family! happy me!

JudyEddy said...

Belle is still eating at 5 and Shep is on egg picking aound him Wow the area around him is nice and free of snow when she tented it

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


grannyblt said...

GM all, I see s*** on the nest and where I live. Somewhere among my papers I saved a picture of a dog playing on the beach in the snow at Galveston, TX on Christmas morning 2004. That was a once in a lifetime event.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Blue snow - woo hoo!!

Sandi said...

Bella is nagging me for breakfast. Rain has started here. =(

JudyEddy said...


wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Lori, Sandi, JudyE, maybe DanaMo is there too and others ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Margy (:

Sandi said...

JUDY, I took 2 pics, one when both were off the eggs and one with the blue tint. Will put them in the album. But all you need to do is hit the Print Screen button on your keyboard and then paste it to a program like Paint, which is probably installed on your computer. Very easy!
Morning DANAWV!

wvgal_dana said...

Beautiful 2 eagle both Shep on eggs and Belle Eating. They are both such a good pair♥♥

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Hi Sandi (:

JudyEddy said...

I hit screen print and nothing happens I don't have a program that I downloaded at all I always use the still for pics and its yuky

JudyEddy said...

that was beautiful with her wingersizing

JudyEddy said...

I do have the video running with her doing it I can grab pic from the video POOF BELLE

Lori O. said...

Judy. I've grabbed several. I'll put them on my blog for you. Give me a few min. They are so pretty.

Sandi said...

I got a pic of Belle exercising and Shep off the eggs, so you can see Mom, Dad, and kids! It's in the album!

JudyEddy said...

I am going to the couch will be LM MODE I am going to upload the video now I have two one of the switch and the eggs showing with belle taking fish and the other of her wingersizing probably unthawing her wings before she flys away Odd how much flugg is showing with Shep he doesn't tent like her HUH

wvgal_dana said...

It was absolutely beautiful Belle doing spreading those wings/wing at different time. I did see the two (2) eggs.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh DanaMo so glad you found Boomer with whatever it was he wasn't suppose to have. Before he swallowed it. Thank God!!!

Lori O. said...

Blue Snow in the Nest pics are on my blog now, JudyE.

JudyEddy said...

I keep trying to do the print screen thingie and nothing happens waiting to the video to upload in the puter to put on youtube before I head to the maybe doesn't work with a desk top puter Are you all still crappy also or is it just mine?????

wvgal_dana said...

Lori are they putting 2 sump pumps in or are you having the other type of thing done to the basement. Where they I think spray it with something or paint it on?
It is a has been used for years now and people are so very thrilled with it.

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Judy, when you hit print screen, it takes a picture of your screen, like using COPY. But then you have to PASTE the image somewhere. For example, you could open a Word document, then right click and paste the image there. But Word won't allow you to save the image as a .jpg file; it will save it as a Word doc. Paint allows you to save the image as a .jpg. I thought Paint was a program that came installed on all computers, like Notepad - maybe not.

wvgal_dana said...

Margy thank you so very, very much for putting the link to the article about Tori and Fundraiser.

((((((hugs)))))) I hope you have a good day at work. Has any candy been put under your tree at work?

Sandi said...

JUDY, in the bottom left of your computer (you're running Vista, right), click on the Microsoft icon, then on All Programs, then on Accessories. See if you can find Paint.

wvgal_dana said...

DanaMo my father was a boy scout leader. Mother and me or maybe I. Wee looking through pictures the other day of Scouting. I will never forget when my brother made Eagle Scout. Afterwards all Dads scouts said to him, "Sir did you make Eagle Scout"? My Father reply was no. They all wanted him to get his Eagle. Dad was sick later when he was in Scouting. He knew how much this meant to the boys. It would also set a "good example" for some of the boy. So I'll never forget being around that camp fire waiting for his return run. Dad made Eagle Scout!!!!! It really made some of he troubled boys that Dad took into his troop. Come around and work to become and Eagle Scout.

wvgal_dana said...

DanaMo is Adam the one going to colleg now?

Lori O. said...

SANDI, you should open your own online business as a Windows help desk! You're great at it.

magpie said...

That was truly a Royal Presentation this morning...
think Shep was waiting for Belle to get well out of the way so he could position himself Just Right on those Royal Eggs...oh so delicate...

DanaWV: only I, have put candy under the tree.....cherry flavored Orange slices if that makes sense...

xoxo Good Morning Morning More Eagle Pals ♥

magpie said...

car doors not stuck shut, guess I have to go to work...
time for that now...

(( Healing Hugs ♥ )) as needed, wrap around yourselves...

xoxo ttfn See You from Work...
Best Wishes for a Good Day ☺

wvgal_dana said...

I also read that Margy about Paula giving Nick soup she found that had been for Nugz. I didn't cry b/c I knew Nugz would be happy that Paula has Nick to give it too.
Nick and Paula♥♥

wvgal_dana said...

Shoot I thought you had left earlier Margy. I had something I wanted to tell you.

Someone told me to tell you HELLO!!

wvgal_dana said...

Sandi beautiful picture of snow at the beach. Thank you for posting it (:

Sandi said...

Belle's back!! In the tree!

wvgal_dana said...

Shep is looking towards the left b/c I just seen wings flapping. Belle must be on a limb to the left. Now as I'm comment she flew off that limb into the tree somewhere b/c she flew across the nest.

Sandi said...

LOL, Shep started to get up right away, then must have thought, "Oh, can't leave yet!" Belle still in the tree - I can hear her up there.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

wvgal_dana said...

Lori beautiful captures of Belle exercising her wings. I also got them too and some blue pictures.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Thelma (:

Hoping that can figure out what is going on with Bev ^j^

wvgal_dana said...

Oh sorry Grannyblt Lynne1 was in and commented. I missed her coming in. So very sorry .....Hi Lynne1. So happy your Mother is doing better. ^j^

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Thelma! How is Buddy, Lily and the gang?

Sandi said...

Sad that, with all the females hanging out with Dad Norfolk, there are no eggs yet. I seem to recall from the 3 years I've watched that cam, that egg laying there is around the same time as this nest, maybe even a little before (would make sense since Norfolk is further south and warmer). It seems to me that losing the female of an established pair would be far more "complicated" than losing the male. We worried about Shep knowing how to do all the male stuff, but the female has a lot more responsibility with regard to incubating and caring for eaglets, not to mention just being mature enough to produce viable eggs.

magpie said...

Hi T, and Buddy, and all the household pups and Sharon !
Hope to hear Bev is feeling better today,...

Sandi said...

Morning Thelma! Maybe I should already know this for sure, but are you, Sharon, and Bev ALL sisters? Sorry to have to ask but I'm still learning all the players here and how they're connected.

JudyEddy said...

time for me to leave see you at lunch I posted on video on facebook no time left to put on blog but it is on youtube and fb the other is still uploadnig the blue snow on not done yet BBL

magpie said...

for Lynne1

my NY Naturalist friend says, maybe because the lakes have not frozen as usual, the birds at Dunkirk might be less plentiful...BUT, when spring migration starts....Watch Out !

anyone seen a
"new season Robin " yet ?

I know some over-winter

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Lynn even though I went with lunch bunch yesterday in town. I stil had to taken Mother to Wendy's. I was talking to Mother and said, "I am not happy with them not showing all that gets through and what they sang on American Idol". I don't care if they don't show the ones that did not make it.

A man across spoke up about Christian. I say that a lady on our blog. Her daughter or daughters older not of school age knows Christian pareent.

We talk about them showing him in the group of people waiting to sing. But not showing him singing. He said he is unhappy and so is his kids that go to school with Christian.

Sorry I did not think of getting the gentleman's name. He has 2 school in the same school.

Sandi said...

Shep rolling eggs. Wiggling back down.

BEagle said...

Shep is doing an egg roll.

BEagle said...

Good morning to all.

Shep didn't move off the egg much. He is devoted.

CarolAnne said...

Morning all,
Packing up to go north & spend time w/grandson.

Hope everyone has a good day.

SANDI - know how you love snow - have posted a short video of the snowscape at the lake up north.

Take care all - ENJOY!

BEagle said...

I haven't seen a robin yet.

I have seen tons of crows in the neighborhood.

Why do they do that? Hundreds of them in the neighborhood but only in the mornings! ?

T-Bird said...

Sandi-I am Bev and Sharon's sister-in-law.

magpie said...


been waiting to see you...
loved your post with all the uses for newspapers.....

have done many of those things...

including, rolling the newspaper logs....years ago, we had a great newspaper log roller....we were poor, newspapers were plentiful....I was semi-employed..know it was not always the best thing for the woodstove pipe...but...they sure got the fire going !!
it greatly supplemented the Real Fire Wood we had...

also used to make little bow ties out of smaller sections of the paper, as fire starters....


T-Bird said...

Doing good Lori, thanks.

magpie said...

Enjoy your triop North and time with the Grandson, CarolA.

Good Morning more Eagle Pals...

must get to work here...

magpie said...

see you there BEagle, no robins yet...
won't be long...

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Beagle and CarolAnne.

@CarolAnne where north are you heading?

wvgal_dana said...

Margy someone I met yesterday and talked to while. Say's to tell you HELLO!!!

BEagle said...

hi WVgal.

There is something pinkish next to Shep's head.

Janet said...

Just a quick good morning to one and to all!

Peeked in to see Shep all snuggled down on those eggs! :D Amazing how they know to switch out; help each other. So wonderful!

Busy day ahead here, but thinking it will be a good day. I think Reiki Share (this is where we offer mini Reiki sessions free to is also an educational time where people can ask questions and find out about classes) will be small today. It is cold this morning. This wouldn't be an issue I don't think, except that its been so blasted warm before now. It is 29 right now and snowing. Not enough to accumulate beyond a patch here or there, but 29 and windy, if I weren't facilitating, I might stay home too, lol.

And I have a 90 min massage across town in Franklin @ 2. Then there's this partners Yoga/Thai Yoga massage class tonight. That will be interesting and fun I think. Wish Tom would join me in such, but just not his cup of tea. Good thing my friend is up for it! :) Of course, I'm not sure she knows exactly what she is getting into. he he he. :D

Anyway, hope everyone has a snuggly warm day. Hopefully we will have a 3rd egg, but if not, there ARE two and what a joy it will be to watch them as they grow into great eagles....

Smiles to all!

Before you speak, ask yourself, is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve on the silence?
- Sai Baba

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn love you ending of comment Friday 10:15am

"There are none so blind as those who will not see."

Sandi said...

Thanks, Thelma. My cheat sheet didn't include that info. I've added it!

I have a property owners assoc. meeting at 10am and a haircut and highlights at 11:30am( all the very light blonde from last summer has grown half way out and my natural blonde is so blah that my hair needs a pick-me up), so I've gotta get moving soon. Keep hoping to see the next switch before I go.

wvgal_dana said...

So glad you dropped in Janet. Sounds like you have a "busy" day (:

OK Sandi see you when you get back. Check in..

Sandi said...

BEAGLE, the big fish that Shep brought in last evening was headless. That's where he dropped it and it stayed there til this morning, when Belle moved it and ate it. So I suspect the pinkish is blood from the fish.

Sandi said...

You can see exactly where the fish was laying b/c there is no snow on the rails right there. OK, I've gotta get moving! Have a great Saturday, eagle friends!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I see Shep in a very snowy nest this morning.

hedgie said...

Morning all. Caught up with your posts, but now that I came to comment I see that we still have to 200 problem. ARGH!

Slo-mo here such a quandry about this afternoon's outing......just have to play it by ear and see what develops, I guess.

BEagle said...

Oh. thanks for the fish explanation.

hedgie said...

Liesl seems to be chasing a bug in the sunroom....have not gone to look, but suspect probably an SB---ugh!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Shirley (:

How is Hunters toe?

DanaMo said...

Just read back...
Glad to see so many pop in this morning. Now I need to go off to the grossery store since Monte is out camping.
Andrew is (almost) 21 and at Hagerstown Community College
Aric is 19 (next week) and is at University of Dayton
Adam is 16, junior in HS, once you turn 18 you are no longer eligible to become an Eagle scout so he has just over a year as he turns 17 in June.
Annemarie will be 14 in July and is in 8th grade

hedgie said...

Shirley, how is Hunter this morning????

wvgal_dana said...

Yesterday when I came out of a store. I noticed they were selling things. Did not see it when I went in due to a lot of people around the table.

So I stopped they were selling Veterans things. Raising monies for the Verterans. People were asking how much does this cost. How much does that cost. Lady said, "We are asking for a donation of $5.00 and you pick what you want." Since Ed was in the Marines and so was our Jim. I got the ribbon magnet says, "Marines". Put it on back of car right beside, "Support Our Troops. On the other side I have our Eagle, "Land of the Free".

stronghunter said...

Hunter is doing okay this morning.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for asking. Hunter is enjoying the recliner today.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Shirley for answering my question about Hunter. I thought of him as soon as I woke this morning. Said a amall prayer for him while I set on edge of bed.

stronghunter said...

Thank you, Dana.

wvgal_dana said...

lol so his injured toe makes him take over the recliner. I know keeping the foot up helps with keeping swelling down. Just thought that was cute though lol

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Lynn see you popped in (:

Are you feeling any better?

stronghunter said...

I told him to get into the recliner yesterday when he was so upset and in pain. Not a big problem for me. I might lie down on the sofa for awhile. Kathryn has errands to run.

stronghunter said...

For some reason, I am still sleepy this morning.

hedgie said...

It's snowing.....ARGH!!!!!!!!! I hate it.......

BEagle said...

TH nest has two eagles on it.
WE nest has one eagle.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn snow will be gone in no time. Enjoy the changing beauties of the different seasons. Some folks live where they don't get to enjoy seeing snow. Each season brings with it its own mixture of colors, things we like and things we don't like.

You did not say how you are feeling??

Sandi said...

Just walked past the computer on the way to throw laundry in and my cam page was frozen. Now I've lost the live cam - anyone else having problems!! GRRRR!!

BEagle said...

My cam window is running fine. Did you refresh?

Costume Lady said...

I just got up a few minutes ago and had no trouble getting the Nest Cam. Usually, I am the one who can't get it up.
So wonderful to see Shep sitting there, doing his duty. I might never LOVE him, but I LIKE him:)

movin said...

Good Morning, aLL iN
EagLe LaND.

Cloudy and warmer in the night, much cooler today in So Cal ... 61-62°

I see you got snow again, and Belle must have been tenting through it. My live cam is working well, but the still looks like nothing but electronic snow this morning.

I'm hoping you all have a great weekend.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Costume Lady said...

I cannot find where Shirley told us of that rascally HUNTER'S accident. Is it not broken, was there a wound, stitches?

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda good morning (:

When do you start PT out?

Wanda I have learn't to love Shep.
Since no one can prove that Shep
killed Liberty. Watching him bring food for Belle and sitting through a snow storm on the eggs. Has helped to really improve my feelings for him. I now think of them as a special couple ♥♥ raising
those eggs to become chicks. Now please remember I am NOT trying to get you to change your mind or anything like that....this is JMO

Costume Lady said...

Morning, Jim...32° here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown, going up to 39°. Not snowing here, at present.

BEagle said...

Egg roll.

Costume Lady said...

DANA, I start at the McCormick Fitness Center, Monday.
Also, my therapist showed me how to massage the incision to get it to a minimum of scaring. Can't do it for a while yet...not til the staple holes close up tightly.

hedgie said...

Fire is going.
See it's snowing at the nest now, too. Mantle, Shep!!!

Hate to say it but I feel like C--p again today. Just want to dig a hole and climb in.

Costume Lady said...

Now, it is snowing here. Trees look so pretty. Roads are ok.

hedgie said...

JIM----meant to ask you yesterday when you were talking about your eyesight: are you ready to drive again?????

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Sorry Jim did not see you come in. Yes when Belle lays and tents then Shep comes in and switches with her. There is quite an area around the egg cup that is bigger he he

Jim I thought of you yesterday. When I came out of a store there was a table set up for raising monies for Veterans. You just give a $5.00 donation and pick an item.

I got the magnetic ribbon that says "Marines" on it. Put it on the back of my car beside the yellow on tha says, "Support Our Troops". on the other side of license plate is the Eagle magnetic that says, "Land of the Free".

Also good Morning Irene(:

Costume Lady said...

Do you hurt somewhere,LYNN or do you have THE BLUES?
I went through the "blues" period last week, only lasted about 3 days. Lasted much longer with my other surgeries.

Sandi said...

Cam is running for me now, but I don't have 15 minutes to sit here to restart it when it stops so ... I DO see that Shep is still egg sitting. Belle is enjoying her time out and about. I thought of Kay's comments about stiffness getting out of bed when Belle was exercising her wings before her take-off. Guess Belle was really stiff after sitting all night! I see snow at the nest now. OK, I'm outta here!

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda I am SMILING about the massaging the site where the incision is after staples holes closes up to reduce scaring.(:
That makes me HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY for you♥

DanaMo said...

No plows needed in Hagerstown for last nights dusting, but these flakes now look like they just might stick.

movin said...

Phoebe hatched one chick yesterday, and she just fed it.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

movin said...

Eagle on the nest at Norfolk.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Good Sat Morning
Wow we are headed for 1000
Nest looks good with Shep & some melting

movin said...

That sounds great, Dana. I sure hope we can avoid all that homeless nonsense following the Viet-Nam war.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Costume Lady said...

DANAMO, looking at your comments, giving the ages of your children, made me realize that you had 3 BOYS before you had Annemarie. You must have been in 7th Heaven:)

magpie said...


How do you feel about:


Mema Jo said...

Sandi - link for Click to Give

Saw your request
There are 8 different areas to click
I know there is a place to check to
receive this daily in your email.
Open Animals - click to give - new screen comes up and at the very top is where you Vote Now. Type in the WV state and Almost Heaven Golden Retriever - then confirm your vote
HOPE it works for you and for all!

hedgie said...

Sissy is going home with no definitive answers except that her heart is fine! She's to see surgeon later in the week, which apparently was already scheduled.

magpie said...

Well...hope that helps her feeling-better-ness, glad Bev's heart is okay, thanks Lynn...

Don't forget there is a NEW THREAD, Pals

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

.. want to read back

WV sUSAn said...

Poor Belle, she builds her fluggwall and Mother Nature huffs and puffs and blows it down.

WV sUSAn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ms Bookworm said...


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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...