Saturday, February 18, 2012


Weekend thread.


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CarolAnne said...

THANKS STEVE - Enjoy your weekend!

Called the others over.

magpie said...

Thanks Steve !!!

Thanks, CarolAnne !!

Now I can be busy at work, therefore quiet on THIS thread

xoxo (( Hugs, Pals ♥ ))

NatureNut said...

Holy Moley. There IS a new thread.
TY, Steve. Have a nice weekend!
Thx Carol Anne! I couldn't find it--had to close out & reopen!

JudyEddy said...


NatureNut said...

MOM BW off of nest bowl!!!! Will put caps on blog!

Lolly said...

Oh. Cool!!! We are in traffic but I was watching BW and saw the bobble head! I love my new phone!!! Still raining!!!

CarolAnne said...

As I mentioned, we are at cottage. Big Fish-o-rama (ice fishing) weekend. We have not had much cold weather/or snow this winter.

I would not be out on the ice, but there are fisherman w/trucks, snowmobiles & ATV's. And believe it or not, one group even has a small BONFIRE going right on the ice. Duh!!

Hoping everyone has a chance to enjoy their weekend.

Take care!!

NatureNut said...

Got 2 BW chick pics in Nook!

Lori O. said...

Thanks STEVE for the new thread!

CarolAnne, thank you for the call over!

NatureNut said...

My gosh, Carol Anne! Fires on the ice???? Hope they have lots of rope!

Lori O. said...



Lori O. said...


magpie said...

That's great news Loretta !
Thanks, wow, twins ??
how cool same day of hatching for them

eggs uncovered at NCTC also

stronghunter said...

Wow! Send us some pictures if you can, CarolAnne.

Lolly said...

Almost home!! Having discussion with jubby about driving and fires on ice. :)

NatureNut said...

Margy, I meant I got 2 pics of chick---other is still an egg!

Mema Jo said...

Loretta GREAT Pic of feeding the chick at BWE

Send them in to Lisa............

OK I was about to ask you about the 2nd one still being an egg.......
He is sooooooooo cute - big black eyes

Mema Jo said...

CA - sounds like tailgate parties
on Ice........ I hope the ice is frozen
deep down........

stronghunter said...

Well, good grief. It is 61 degrees here now. The weather forecast has been changed from a mixture of rain and snow to 1-3 inches of snow.

Mema Jo said...

Sure sounds better then 4"

Mema Jo said...

Robyn Ann Schonhans
2 hours ago

Heading to ummc with Mark,

tori may get voice today

hedgie said...

C/A----how deep is the ice estimated to be? YIKES!

Heading out for an early dinner with my blind friend. Since weather may intefere with our meeting tomorrow, we decided to at least get our dinner time in!!!

Later, gators.

stronghunter said...

Good news from Robyn, Jo. Thanks for sharing!

Yes, 3" is 1" better than 4"!

magpie said...

Oh my very dear, at BWE....

Mema Jo said...

Are you looking at Loretta's pics

Lolly said...

We are home and expecting Laurel in about half and hour. Jack has gone to the grocery store....we need marshmellows and choc grahams. Our version of smores. Fire soon! It is 49 and still raining, really a miserable winter day, BUT I am NOT complaining!!☺

Lolly said...

Shep is really looking up, well he was!

Lolly said...

I loved looking at the little bobble heads with my phone. I had a fantastic picture and can zoom in. Love it!

Lolly said...

Oh, no...have lost our cam!

Lolly said...

Oh, got it back! Whew!

stronghunter said...


Linda said...


stronghunter said...

Intruder alert!!

Linda said...


Mema Jo said...

Getting ready - Going to Mass

I'll check in as soon as I return.


Linda said...


stronghunter said...

Oh, I hope the eggs are okay.

Linda said...



Linda said...

I wondered why he was so agitated when the eagle flew into the nest. I thought it was Belle, but obviously it was the intruder.

Did you see the eagle hanging off the side of the nest under the 9 o'clock position?

Hope we don't see more of that kind of nonsense.

stronghunter said...

I see one egg. I think it is okay.

Oh, my gosh, that was awful.

Was that the same intruder we saw before?? I could not tell.

Mema Jo said...



Did anyone get the pic???????

stronghunter said...

I saw it, Linda. Then it came into the nest and then Belle came in and there was a huge fight right on top of the eggs.

stronghunter said...

I did not get a pic.

Mema Jo said...

Shep on the eggs
Belle possibly chasing the intruder away

stronghunter said...

Shep is watching.

Linda said...

I sure hope that someone got a video of that confrontation of 3 eagles fighting in that nest.

Now I hear those same fox like screams.

Lost the video, but still have the audio at the moment.

stronghunter said...

Lost the video for a moment, but got it back.

CarolAnne said...

OMG - checking back in and find horrible happenings. Hope we see two intact eggs soon!

stronghunter said...

Some on OC saw the fight, too.

Checking around.

Mema Jo said...

I think eggs are ok
Belle is the 'fighter'

JUDYE we need video
No on on WOW site seems to have been
aware of this happening........

Linda said...

CarolAnne - It was really bad. The intruder flew into the nest twice, (right Shirley ??), and Shep got up and attacked the Intruder and scared it off the nest.

Then it came back again and Belle did as well and all three of them were a tangled mess of wings right over the nest cup.

We DO NOT need this kind of drama in our nest this year.......

Linda said...

Maybe on Hancock's site. I will check there.

stronghunter said...

People on Hancock saw it, but I am not sure if they got a video.

Linda said...

I emailed Lynne2, as she asked for updates if anything happens, just to let you know......

stronghunter said...

Your description of the events sounds pretty good to me, Linda. It all happened so fast. I did call Hunter over to look at it with me.

stronghunter said...

From Hancock:

OMG will insert scaps looked like two intruders attacking nest but one could have been Belle helping Smitty
going to do my scaps now. Eggs could be lost that was brutal.

345 to 350 pm
Smitty is caring for the eggs; he moved some branches
out of the way but is incubating the eggs.

Dear Lord I hope the family is okay and that these
eggs survived that fight it was so brutal.

Scaps coming I am still shaking.

NatureNut said...

OMG! I missed that FIGHT!
Hope eggs are OK. Maybe that's the same bird that kept Belle up in the tree the other night.

Lori O. said...

OMG! I missed it - thank God Belle and Shep are okay from what I have read. Thank you LINDA and SHIRLEY for your reports! Sorry you had to see that.

Lori O. said...

Linda and Shirley are you okay? Your hearts are probably still pounding!

All is quiet in the nest at the moment. Shep sitting on eggs facing 12.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - what does Hancock mean

Scaps coming Is that video?

stronghunter said...

I am wondering the same thing, Jo. I do not know.

stronghunter said...

Lori, I am okay. Was in the middle of a FB game when I heard Shep calling. That game music is bugging me now.

Mema Jo said...

Two of the gals on OC witnessed the
whole thing... You all may want to
sneak a Read.......

Lori O. said...

Sure wish we had someone there who could tell us where Belle is.

stronghunter said...

They talk about "caps" an "scaps"--captures, maybe.

Here is where I am reading:


Linda said...

Thanks, LORI!! ♥

My heart is still pounding!! It is totally different watching it live than a video!

I have a pic on my blog of when three of them were in the nest, but it is blurry and you can't tell who is who.

Mema Jo said...

I don't think we have seen or heard Belle since she took off.

Others think the Intruder due to size
could have been female.... It was all
so fast and so unexpected that unless
you have the ability to remember we
won't know until maybe a video pops

I have to leave now - I'll say prayers
that when I return all will be well..♥

Mema Jo said...

I hate the wind sound........

Check out BWE Egg and eaglet uncovered


NatureNut said...

I just checked Hancock captures that got posted and a couple of pics that show intruder in nest w/Shep hanging on left side sure do look like the same intruder we had. Has dark spots on head.

Lori O. said...

Safe travels, JO. See you soon.

LINDA, thank heavens you were thinking to grab a picture! Hard to believe there's three eagles in that tangled mess. They were right on top of the nest! Thank you for posting the pic! ♥

stronghunter said...

There are some pictures on Hancock:

Fight in Nest

Linda said...

I wish I knew how to video!

I am here at my desk often, but usually someone else who does videos or pics is here, too, so I don't want to double up on videos and pics.

I will have to ask Paula again how to do the video. I think she told me once.....

Mema Jo said...

Thank goodness for Hancock

Now I am walking out the door..

Just hoping to see Belle come back...

Lori O. said...

Shirley, I found these pics of the fight and Shep hanging off the side of the nest on Hancock just searching around ...

More Fight Pics on Hancock

Linda said...

Here we go again.

Calls from Shep.....

Lets hope it is just Belle

NatureNut said...

Shep squawking!!

Linda said...

Lori, you could see his talons on the side of the nest and he was hanging with his wings spread out for a few seconds.

I don't see that picture anywhere, but it was amazing to see the wing span just below the nest on that right side.

Linda said...

Yes, Lori, some of the more recent additions over at Hancock clearly show the three eagle heads in the shot

FuzzleMT said...

I can't get the nest AT ALL - keep reporting please!!

Lori O. said...


I heard a loud noise on the cam a few minutes ago. Hope it's Belle up there.

NatureNut said...

Have to do some research about female eagles trying to take over a nest. I thought just males did that territory fight!
Going for coffee~~~

Maybe Belle landed up in the tree and that's why Shep called. Hope so & she'll probably hop down when I go away!

CarolAnne said...

Good grief - guess Mother Nature doesn't want us to get complacent. Keeping us on our toes as to how it really works in nature.
* * *
Will get cottage pics on blog soon. Ice ranges from melted/paper thin along the edges, up to 8 or so inches where some of the holes have been cut thru the ice.

Walked down to lake to get some pics,and we ended up helping push a truck up the incline (old truck/nearly bald tires).
Got our fresh air & exercise.

Lori O. said...

There is all kinds of noise up in the attic/cam and SHEP is not phased at all, so it must be Belle.

She just took off. Big noise off the cam then could see SHEP following her with his head.

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...


PattiO said...

Is the sound working? I can't hear anything.

PattiO said...

Shep up for an egg roll. They both look good. :)

CarolAnne said...

Just saw 2 eggs. Yeah!!

Lori O. said...

PattyO, sound is okay on my cam.


stronghunter said...

I could see the just now. They look okay.

stronghunter said...

the eggs

Lori O. said...

CA, glad is wasn't your truck you had to push up the hill! :)

FuzzleMT said...

got the cam back, but it stops and spins every two seconds - there must be an incredible amount of people on -

Lori O. said...


Sorry, PattiO for the "y" instead of "i." Glad you're here.

stronghunter said...

I hear wind blowing. I have had to restart the pic several times today, though.

FuzzleMT said...

the eggs might be ok?????? THANK GOD - with this spinning circle, I didn't even know he got up!

NatureNut said...

Baby BW is getting fed!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, this has just made me nauseous!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

OMG!! I have reading the goings on! Praying for our precious Belle! Linda, that pic was wild! They were right over the egg cup! Hope the eggs are okay!

We are ready for the storm, hope it stays south of NCTC for sure! I would give anything if Belle would come home!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Shep is on red alert!!

DanaMo said...

What the H$LL did I miss?

DanaMo said...

That picture in the album is of 3 eagles in our nest??? I can't tell at all! I went over the Hancock group pictures but I can't hardly see the eagle at the 9 hanging on. Was anyone watching? Has there been a written record that I can read?

PattiO said...

Dana ... the reports and pictures are what we have ... and those who were watching. Seems a 3rd eagle came right onto the nest. Belle took off after it and hasn't been back yet.

Linda said...

DanaMo - Shirley and I were both here watching in shock!!

I gave a pretty good description in my post at 4:00pm

This is what I said:
It was really bad. The intruder flew into the nest twice, (right Shirley ??), and Shep got up and attacked the Intruder and scared it off the nest.

Then it came back again and Belle did as well and all three of them were a tangled mess of wings right over the nest cup.

PattiO said...

Shep seems to be intently watching out to the 11 O'clock position.

Lori O. said...

DanaMo, I know on the Hancock link I posted the first picture has a red arrow to show where Shep is hanging over the side. You can see his beak.

CarolAnne said...

DanaMo - see Linda's 4:00 post to me - explained it well.

Linda said...

DanaMO - Also check LORI's most recent link to the Hancock site where they have descriptions and many screen shots. Her post is @ 4:36pm

Lori O. said...

I have heard two noises that sound like eagle calls, but could be a kid screaming in the background, but Shep got very alert and when he heard it.

DanaMo said...

Is there anything on the WOW site?

DanaMo said...

Geez...that's about the time I turned my computer off and went over to the couch. Oh I can't believe this is happening. Poor Belle and Shep!

Lori O. said...

Oh, there's no school today so doubtful it's kids.

PattiO said...

Dana ... no, I think I'm the only one watching right now from WOW.

PattiO said...

Someone, somewhere had to be recording!

Lori O. said...

That was three quick calls. Did anyone else hear it?

Linda said...

The second time the intruder flew into the nest (mind you this was all within seconds) Shep got up immediately again and fought with it and they both bounced off the nest about 11-12 position.

One of them came back. The Hancock site is saying it was the Intruder and I believe they were right. Shep was on the branch just below the nest on the left at the 3 o'clock position trying to get back up on the nest.

At the time, I thought Shep was on the nest and the Intruder was hanging from the left side, but I think it was the other way around.

Then Shep got back on the nest and was fighting with the Intruder and Belle flew into the mix and all three of them entangled for about 10 seconds. Belle got the Intruder off the nest and Shep stayed.

When it was over, the nest material had covered the eggs and my heart dropped, thinking they were gone, but they were buried.

By the Grace of God, they look to be okay!!

Lori O. said...


NatureNut said...

Well, I'm back and guess Belle did not hop down to the nest. She must be on guard duty. Too bad NCTC isn't open.We need a Live report!
DanaMo, think only witness reports you'll get are a few from here and some at Hancock. They have at least 2 pages now on event.

In a lighter vein, I added more pics of sweet Blackwater bobblehead to group in the nook.
Enjoy ☺

Linda said...

I sure hope so, Patti! It was WILD!!

Hoda said...

Incredible day at the nest!!! The "caps/scaps" on Hancock Foundation mean pictures.
On their site page 580 on is where the pictures are located.

Thank you for the reporting and the impressions.

I am still looking for video but so far nothing...

I respect MEMA JO's statements in regards the Prayer comments on our blog...I am with LYNN and MARGY and I do not think it could just be dismissed as "some people".Out of respect for MEMA JO I will say no more.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Linda, I thought it was the intruder hanging on the side of the nest. But I think that is when I first started watching. I heard the cries and came over from FB.

PattiO said...

I'm going to make dinner .. but will keep checking the cam.

Hmm ... maybe they could come up with a small laptop that you could wear around your neck! LOL

NatureNut said...

Wow, Shep's head really whipped around & then I saw something smaller,black go under the nest from 8:00 gap. Probably a grackle or something.

magpie said...

Sure didn't expect to return to home computer and read about the battle at the nest....
will check pictures, and thank you for posting, many of you...

and I see I thought I saw two eaglets at BWE but know now it is only far...the other maybe in hatching mode....

magpie said...

Shirley and Linda, I am glad you had each other for company...

DanaMo said...

OMGoodness! Not good. Thanks for all the reports. I can't tell a thing from the picture even with the big red arrow! LOL! But I believe it because I know all you folks saw it first hand. Oh my...will be anxious to see Belle come back to the nest at some point. Wonder if Shep will stay in the nest all night like he did the other night.

magpie said...

and I'm not seeing too well, I thought Lolly was going to home to make SNORES.....
know now it is S'MORES

magpie said...

wonder in a human way, if Shep feels any of the anxiety that Liberty and Belle experienced last year when Shep...was the Intruder...this is so sad and worrisome

God Bless This Nest

magpie said...

looks like some food has been delivered to BWE...or else an illusion, but it looks like something feathered
with feet....a duck perhaps

DanaMo said...

He's really not settled in and comfortable on those eggs. Doesn't seem to be "in" the egg cup.

NatureNut said...

Hear comes a train, so we know mic is working. Some wind is back, too.
Now, Belle, can you chirp us a little Hello???

magpie said...

definitely a large waterfowl critter for dinner breakfast and lunch at BWE

DanaMo said...

I wonder too Margy. I always want to attach those human feelings to the eagles since we are so much a part of their lives. Who know if they even remember what happened last "season". Do they have a "memory"? If so do they "recognize" one of their own offspring. More questions and no answers.

DanaMo said...

Just a side note, my husband is in the kitchen making bread...

DanaMo said...

DanaMo said...

He is looking intent!

Linda said...



Hoda said...

Shep cricks neck, something flew over him. He is vocalizing

stronghunter said...

More calls from Shep.

Linda said...

Boy wouldn't you love to be able to have a wide angle view of what is going on around the nest and above??

NatureNut said...

Shep calling again. Belle, come on down! PLZ

stronghunter said...


DanaMo said...

Yes, I would love to be able to see MORE!

Lolly said...

OMG!!! Jack came in and said there was something on the email about 3 eagles. Have been reading the blog. Noooooooooooo!!!!!

Now I am watching, and just heard Shep making calls. Nooooooooooo!

NatureNut said...

OMG, just checked BW and might be a whole duck or other waterfowl in there!

Which reminds me, I have to check on din din!

Lori O. said...

Margy, interesting thought about what Shep is thinking or feeling. I was wondering the same thing!

Lori O. said...


stronghunter said...

Belle, it is good to see you.

DanaMo said...

Looks like he went up in the attic

Lori O. said...


Hoda said...

Camera shakes twice. In comes Belle...she vocalizes after Shep gets off the eggs. He stands next to her and vocalizes and hops to nine branch and on to camera area from the sound of the clunk. Egg roll time by Belle.

Lori O. said...

So HAPPY that BELLE is back!

DanaMo said...

aw looked cute the two of them in the nest looking at the eggs like concerned parents. I hope the other eagle is out of there!

color off!

Lolly said...

Jacob and I just saw the eagles change place. ☺ Eggs looked okay, at least I hope. Shep is upstairs.

Now have to leave. Jacob wants the computer. BBL

DanaMo said...

Might need to check that email box and set the gmail account up on my phone so I have it at my bedside. that obsessed, oh who am I talking to? You all have the email boxed checked already! LOL

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Wow! I am so grateful! Me and my laptop were having a parting of the ways and I missed her coming in! Lord, I wish that intruder would go find another nest to invade!!!

FuzzleMT said...

I restarted computer and FINALLY the nest is running and I saw Belle fly in - actually, it scared me how she was looking at the eggs and crying - but she rolled them and they look ok -

Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...

Just got home was reading and wow I should have stayed home

I just turned on the camera when bell landed I checked out the pictures already and WOW is all I can say

I guess the gal from Hancock wasn't recording either

Paula recomends the program SNAGIT for recording Just with my puter being a PIA I haven't downloaded I think its Norton being the issue with my circleing windowns not responding all the time I am thinking about getting another sec system Carl thinks that may be my issue also

Linda said...

I guess it is the wind that is constantly shaking that camera.....

JudyEddy said...

Right now the thing is still being a pain ghost writing etc and sluggish I was blaiming facebook also cause when I am on it it does it worse

stronghunter said...

Posted a picture on my blog of the two of them looking at their eggs in the nest.

JudyEddy said...

Maybe the intruder want a three some like the NBG nest LOL a little humor is needed after reading all your comments the other nite with the horrific noise and now this again

CarolAnne said...

Another deviation from "As the Eagle Turns". I put a few new pics on blog of the ice fishing, etc. :o)

NatureNut said...

Hooray, see Belle is on the eggs.
I just got 2 brain cells together to answer my previous ?? about female eagles invading. Years ago, the bad female, Floozy, attacked Martha at the Wilson Bridge nest.Poor Martha spent a long time in rehab,was released, then later perished from some kind of accident. Don't know if George took up w/Floozy or not.

stronghunter said...

Okay, I have downloaded Snagit. I still have to learn how to use it. I really was wishing I had it when all of the action was going on.

Sandi said...

Hi all! Have been home for a little bit and just finished reading the events of this afternoon! Cannot believe this is happening!! Shirley, I was SO happy to see your post that you had put a pic of both eagles and the 2 eggs on your blog. I had to see for myself that the eggs looked OK, which they do!

JudyEddy said...

I am uploading the video from where Belle returns this evening

PattiO said...

Hopefully the other Eagle will stay away now. I still don't seem to have sound. And how come it gets so dark at night ... I thought we had a night light?

magpie said...

WE haven't had a night light for the second year now, PattiO

have you updated your Adobe Shock Wave and Flash Player things- then reboot...might help.....
with the sound

magpie said...

but we get Moonshine for a few days each month.....
or Snowshine if there is any....

NatureNut said...

What's the new PIA when making blog picture comments? Now they want you to write TWO squiggly words! argh

Sandi said...

MARGY, Momsters get moonshine??? Must just be the WV Momsters - no one has ever offered me moonshine! =)

stronghunter said...

Just finished putting the picture in the Momster Album. It is good to see that both Belle and the eggs are intact. Expect those eggs got a good roll in that altercation.

magpie said...

Hope you had a good outing Sandi...
Blackwater has its first hatch, and the second might be in progress...also one large duck in the nest now...dinener-snack-breakfast and lunch size...
NatureNut Loretta has some good pictures in her blogspot

stronghunter said...

Probably better that there were eggs and not babies in the nest.

Lori O. said...

I remember that Loretta. George and Floozy were together.

stronghunter said...

I have trouble with those squiggly words. Sometimes I just cannot make out what they are supposed to be.

magpie said...

Yes, Loretta, found that out...and one of the two words is very hard to read, took me two tries....
and leave a space between the two words, found that out also...

Righto Sandi....but we share,
especially during nest-watching seasons....

Sandi said...

MARGY, read the posts about Blackwater's new arrival AND looked at Loretta's pics - that's why it took me so long to get to the part of the blog with the drama at o9ur nest today!

We had a nice afternoon - eventually - though we didn't see any eagles. Denny got some great shots of the bald cypress trees in the swamp and a waterfall. When he emails them to me I'll put them on my blog.

I say eventually b/c getting my printer software installed became a 3-hour ordeal! I wasn't able to make the stop in Rehoboth I wanted to make before going to Trap Pond but tomorrow is another day!

magpie said...

LOL Lori, I thought you were talking about the two verification words there for a minute...
George and Floozy

Lori O. said...

Welcome to your weekend, Margy!

magpie said...

Okay there Sandi...but at least you have it in your mind's eye....
Yep, always grateful for those 'nother days...

Hate to see we are headed to the inimitable 200-post dead-end zone....

so I'll be quiet to slow this down a little...

Glad to read that Hedgie was going to have an outing with a friend for dinner this afternoon....

(( Hugs Eagle Pals ♥ ))

CarolAnne said...

NATURENUT - I think the double word thingy is when the pictures are really special. LOL

Yes, definitely black bear country. Had one on the cottage roof for over an hour one night.
Have seen eagles & located a nest.

Life is good!

NatureNut said...

CA~~Tee Hee ☺
You might find a den up there and you can put up a cam like Dr. Lynn! LOL

CarolAnne said...

NN - eagle anxiety is bad enough.

I will just read Dr. Lynn's daily update. They've had enough bear drama to last me a lifetime. At least there is no eagle hunting season!

Sandi said...

Though we'll never know for sure, it seems more likely now that the "creature" bothering Belle the other night when she kept calling out and Shep spent the night on the eggs, was this same eagle. Sounds like it was a she from the size description.

Lori O. said...

I didn't realize how loud I had the sound on the's deafing with that wind. It's so strangely quiet, now.

magpie said...

Nice post from Jo earlier,
(3.07 pm) from Robyn....
that Tori might get voice today,
that would be magical

Thanks Jo for passing that along

magpie said...

sure could have been Sandi.....I think in our hearts we just did not want to be thinking that it was :(

magpie said...

Bear on your roof, CarolAnne....that is pretty awesome...

how long ago was that ?
Big Bear of baby bear...?

magpie said...

temperatures are going to drop like rocks overnight
was 58-degrees when I left work at 4:30

JudyEddy said...

I posted the one pic of all three in the nest on the FB fan page I am waiting for the video of Belles return to finish and will post to

HEY PAULA can you make a album on the fan page of the pic from Hancock instead of one pic at a time Just a thought

JudyEddy said...

I have to turn down the sound of the windy nest tooooo loud

CarolAnne said...

MAGPIE - Happened 2 years ago - Memorial weekend. Dogs let out a bark about 3 am, and then we heard this scraping on the roof (squat little cottage) and moaning. Sat for an hour peaking out windows trying to figure out what it was.
finally this big ole bear crawled down the tree thats right next to the cottage, went over to the deer feeder, took out some corn on the cob and laid down in the yard & ate it. Went back to the feeder a few times until all the cobs were eaten, then ambled out of the yard.
We think the dogs barking startled it which sent it up the tree and onto the roof.

magpie said...

Debs on the Hancock forum seems to be working on putting all the pictures she got captures of, together in order with a summary

Hoda: thank you for the link to Hancock....I've been there reading and looking....
very frightening, they, and Shirley and Linda here, gave good reports...of a bad event.....

magpie said...

wow CarolAnne....that sounds very exciting...thanks...
the cottage roof, has such a nice cozy sound to it

JudyEddy said...

I put the video of Belle returning on the FB page and the blog

Belle returns eggs look ok

CarolAnne said...

Magpie - the cottage is my heaven on earth. And the animals we get in the yard: deer in velvet, fawns, black squirrel, wild turkeys, raccoons, not to mention the bear, and even a wolf in broad daylight. Doesn't get much better than here.

Mema Jo said...

I have just returned
See eagle on the eggs -

I sure need to read fast......

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...