HODA, just you enjoy the waxing you just got ? ☺ I can assure you Momsters do not snitch. Your secret is safe with the few of us who know it ! LOL Envy all you knitters, crafters---goodness knows my dear mother tried, but my sister and my daughter, Julie are the only ones who got her sewing, quilting, knitting.... gene ! In my teen years she sent me to "sewing and crafting camps" in the summer---put on by a dept. store in downtown Tucson. To no avail !
Oh, dear, Tropical Storm Lee is dumping it's rain too far East. No relief outta him for drought stricken TX and OK. :(
YEAH DANAWV....what Kay said. What would ED tell you to do? and Lynn is absolutely correct in YELLING at you. WE DON"T NEED ANYTHING OR ANYONE IN ANY PERIL ANYMORE!!!!!
Kay, your grandchildren and DanaMo's kids are certainly blessed to get these great opportunities in foreign lands. They will never forget their experiences, and their horizons will be greatly expanded/broadened by the varying cultures.
Well, going out for dinner......Frank & Irene and I are heading for Berkeley Springs later to eat and discuss things! Hoping that a firm decision is in the offing.
Kay if you notice I have been off the blog for a bit and that is because of the wax expereince...did my face and my do I look prettier!!!LOL!!! Life is funny for me today...I keep having to stop and wonder why I just did that, started with the morning when I was having my yogurt and cereal and I spilt cereal on the kitchen floor...did manage the laundry without a mishap and a bit of vacuuming solved the cereal situation...
Hope it's a good Saturday afternoon for Everyone! ☺
Very grey outside here, but only some drizzle awhile ago. I should go to work for a couple hours--leaning towaerd Maxine mode! Somewhat depressed ---someone here TRIMMED Sweetbay magnolia--a few branches that face you when you're sitting on deck. Now there's a hole above railing to see neighbor houses. NOT condusive for critter photos!!! It will grow I hope in a few years! LOL Later~~~
Hello Loretta, Sorry about the tree. Not fun when you value your privacy. Can you strategically hang a pot or windchime there to cover it? Wallpaper? LOL
Loretta, thanks for straightening out the hubby details! I honestly thought you started it!! But now that oyu tell it, I do recall JUBBY because II thought of those candies folks here call jujubees. I still don't know what they are!!
Dana.....it's one thing to wait for a chronic medical problem. But when it's trauma...that COULD be life threatening....you should always seek immediate attention. Remember my dear friend Ric? He is little more than a vegetable now after suffering a stroke after a skull fracture and concussion when he fell and hit his head on a coffee table. And he was younger and basically healthier.
Have a nice dinner, Lynn. Um, you three might consider NoVa and I would be happy to hold the garden hose for "pretend" ocean.
Speaking of ocean, I am so sorry for the people in New Orleans. They just cannot seem to recover from one disaster before another arrives.
Interesting, I thought Lowreeda started the jubby thing, also. Can't think why but I did. Really hate the magnolia situation. We lost one of our two but for natural causes. Hope the leaves on other limbs will fill in quickly.
Lori, don't know what you're looking for in a desk but hope you find one soon.
Hoda, I spend most of my time wondering why I'm doing anything. Will you be paddling today?
JUDIE Paddling was cancelled this morning as most paddleres were out of town for the long weekend. It was called off on Thursday. I look forward to being on the water on Tuesday. I enjoyed your post...off now BBl...♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Wahooooooooooo! Hope has been collared!!! They say she has pawed at it and rubbed against trees trying to remove it. Sure hope she gets used to it and leaves it on.
Oh, my. I'm glad they were able to "collar" Hope. At the same time I feel sorry for her angst over something so foreign to her. It's for your own protection as well as our interest, little one !
HODA, I won't tell a soul about the cereal spill ! I love keeping secrets with you ! This upcoming Holiday is one we share, eh ? Happy Labour Day to YOU and Happy Labor Day to U.S. !
To some kitchen labor for this grandmother--time to get the pasta water boiling ! Perhaps I'll check in after Seth's lights go out tonight. If not, know I'm praying for those who are truly in need and saying thanks for all blessings of the day !
♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
P.S. to JUDIE, I need to ask Max if he met Peggy Sue in India ! LOL
Kay, enjoy your time with Seth and Malcolm! We are going to an Italian restaurant---hope it's good; I haven't been there before. I had all the making for jambalaya....but it will keep 'til tomorrow.
Time to sign off here. See you all later this evening.
Angie took Jordyn for her first tap, tumbling, jazz, ballet class today Jordyn had a blast Angie said and you could tell from the videos there was one other kid her age there others are older and they have been in the class for sometimes so she is a newbie. Gonna step away for a few go get something to eat or make something still got some to read
DanaWv we are driving a pretty hard bargain with you...please take it seriously. Agree that Ed might indicate that all the other doctors could "Mess You Up," but, waiting, could be even worse...
Thinking about Jo...and fried chicken, crabs...jello salad with cream cheese topping...and well, daggone it I am getting downright ravenous right now ! I've had about ten tomato sandwiches in the last few days, think that might be on the menu again today! But they are not from my garden. Maybe I should tried Fried Green Tomatoes...also the title of one of my favorite movies!
Loretta: I noted you talked about fried plantains the other night...I have never tried that, but want to do so someday
Hope everyone is having a razzle-dazzle evening tonight... too bad we can't sit here and talk to the Eagles tonight, unless there is a miracle cam fix very soon
Prayers for you to make the best decision, DanaWV. Remember to take care of yourself. They cannot turn you away at the emergency room, even if your insurance does not pay very much.
Sometimes we stay away because we are afraid to hear what we think they might say, then it turns out not to be so bad.
Someone on here mentioned seeing a lot of young cardinals earlier today. I saw lots of them, too. We have always had at least one cardinal pair coming to our feeder.
This afternoon I saw lots of cardinals, some female, some male, and some with feathers turning red. Then later this evening, I saw an adult feeding a little one.
I went for my camera, but by the time I got it, they were gone.
I saw a cardinal going into one of the trees near the house this summer, and I looked for a nest, but never did find one.
Shirley: wonder if we shall have clear skies to see ISS fly over.... you, would be at 7:59 rise time 8:02 transit time at a -4.0 that's about as bright as it gets! but, it won't be quite dark enough to really get the brightness from the WNW at max elevation 88-degrees It's nearly the same times and brightness here I can't tell if the skies here will be clear or not but I'm going to check it when the time comes
Kathryn just called and said that she had dinner with her friends and Rus is having dinner with the model airplane group. She figured I had eaten my dinner by now. Yep, some leftover pizza.
Rus might stay over again tonight. Would be nice to have Sunday dinner with Rus and Kathryn. Maybe even Will. We often do things on the spur of the moment.
yes, things are looking a little cloudy here too Shirley...
Hope you get your Sunday Family Wish, Shirley ♥
I'm Martinsburg-bound for the next 7 days....have to be on call with the beep beep beeper this week, which means about a 20-minute response time "leash"...hence, no visits with James the Wise until next Saturday....WOOF!!
MARGY I beg to differ with you!!! I actually think it takes an awful lot to thrill you when you think of what energy it took to get the ISS up there, then again you also like to enjoy the creek and look at the energy there too!!! This is what I love about you, you see the REAL in life and get enthused about it and celebrate it by observing it...WAY TO GO MARGY...
Hoda It's the [Eaglet Momster and Dadster} company I keep! but thanks.... I am fortunate to have been able to enjoy these kinds of things for many many years
well good Judy - you will have much more darkness than we will "up here"
Paula in the first days of telling us about it, always reminded us to look for something that does not blink! I sometimes will see something and see There It Is, then it starts blinking...so naaaah, that's an airplane !
You all seem to have a good collection of International Restaurants. Tonight LYNN goes for Italian...I hope it is good LYNN.
SHIRLEY have you heard from RUSS did he manage to go flying or did the weather get in the way?
I see PAULA has not checked in today yet...I hope it is a satisfying busy that is taking her time.
Yoga was good and I took some things to the Salvation Army store and picked up some things from the store as one of the health food stores is closed for two days the other is closed on Monday...
KAY HAPPY LABOR DAY to you too...Your stories bring joy and I am glad you are enjoying the grandkids so much.International travel affects the youth for a life time...I left Egypt on my own for the first time when I was 16 years old and have loved the USA since then I'll be 63 my birthday God Willing.I learnt so much.
Hoda When there are different planets making an appearance, like a line-up together, I have also gone out to a dark field somewhere to see it better, get a better horizon for it Jupiter right now is the biggest and the brightest in the night/early morning sky, but Venus is my favorite... LOL - the Planet of L♥ve... not sure when it comes back out again, but hope it is SOON
well, my chores for the day are done. WHEW! It turned into a full out didn't miss a single detail, window washing, curtain washing event in the kitchen.
Missed the ISS. Need to pay better attention. Margy, it's so cool when it just disappears! I took Dr Baker's kids out to see it last winter and the older one kept asking where it was going to land! Oh, the imagination of a 4 year old! That time it did one of the disappearing acts, too.
Good report on the ISS sighting MARGY. The lying down on a sail boat feeling is almost completely gone also infrequent now. The middle ear medication seems to be helping. It makes me a bit thirsty, but that is OK.I have an appointment to see my doctor on Wednesday after yoga class. I finish the medication on Monday and she wanted to see me after that was done, so Wednesday it is...She will let me know about the other tests but since they did not phone me I know they are OK.I'll find out the details on Wednesday.
oh, and one more sign of autumn. The SBBC so far today is 22. UGH.
I have been setting up my trap at night but haven't caught a single one. They see to congregate on the ceiling above where the LED light shines up. Think I'm going to have to revamp it. Maybe a cardboard piece on top with a hole, and cover the outside of the bottle so the light only appears in the hole.
Glad your "lying down on a sailboat" feeling is improving Hoda!
I had a boyfriend once, and we had a friend with a sailboat. We used to go sailing most summer weekends. I loved that rocking feeling as I laid in the bed at night. And the first couple of weekends after getting home to my own bed, I'd still have that same feeling! But after a while it didn't happen any more.
All your plottinng LYNNE 2!!! I know the goal is the demise of the SB...make sure you check in with JUDIE so you would not leave any traces behind!!!LOL
Lynne: discovered a GIANT sized Praying Mantis on my tomato plant tonight! Neat, what you said about taking Dr Bakers's kids out skywatching! Hope you can get more experiences like that...
Going to finish my second BLT of the day, surround myself with my favorite books and a magazine or two...and Sail the Night way in the World of Words and Pictures
Prayers, that all things will be well with our Health Needs... Especially tonight for DanaWv.
LOL Hoda! Oh I hate them. I mean, I don't hate them, but what a dang nuisance they are. There were days last fall and winter where we killed a hundred or more a day. I pray they won't be as bad this year.
I know what you are saying about the real sailboat feeling LYNNE 2 I enjoyed it too...yet since I had not been sailing I thought the message was something else...I was considering renting a sail boat had it not gone, I prefer the real thing!!!
Goodnight MARGY. Happy reading and sleep well. God Bless to all those who have already headed to bed. I wonder if DANAMO has finished her painting? Did I miss a post? I do not think she has said much about it since the first time.
no Hoda, sadly this isn't going to help Texas at all. So SO very sad. And then there is the (surely it won't happen again) Katia hurricane that could impact the east coast.
Parts of TEXAS very little rain, most of OKLAHOMA also very little rain. I do nt think it will go to LOLLY's part of TEXAS.Its mostly in the Panhandle...
It's just heartbreaking, the drought out there. I pray and pray for the farmers and the wildlife, and feel just awful for Lolly who loves her gardens so much. And for the monarchs migrating now, and the hummers. I pray that this will not be one of those horrible droughts that goes on for....well, I'm not even going to say it.
We have finished dinner and I have been running out and changing a sprinkler. Today is our watering day. The system ran, but some areas get dry faster and I am soaking them.
No rain is predicted. We are getting sort of numb. Rain? What is rain?
Have I told you how many birds we are seeing. I think our yard is sort of an oasis. We have the two ponds and the stream that runs between them, plus 5 birdbaths and my feeders. Also, we water the yard so we have some moisture there and green. Anyway, it is fun to sit and look out the window and see all the birds. It is amazing. Definitely see more birds than usual.
I'm back...and comfortably out of my clothes. Dinner was AWFUL! Margy, DON'T go to Maria's Garden--nice decor and atmosphere....but Italian was a joke.
well, if I were a bird, I'd be hanging out in YOUR yard Lolly! You may never know how much help your little oasis will be during this drought to the wildlife.
WOW...so many topics discussed! Of ocurse, no ISS here, as the foliage is too dense. WOW again at that rainfall prediction, Lynne. Is that due to Lee??? Knock on wood...no more SB's here since the 4 dead ones last week....maybe they found someplace else to go???!!!! Hoda, so glad your vertigo is leaving. I love the motion of a boat, too, but don't think I could abide it in the house!!!!
I taped the Baltimore Grand Prix qualifying, so am watching it....Ceil's Jim was going to watch today, and Ceil is going to MM's aprtment tomorrow to watch the race from her balcony! It's been quite a production in that city....not all good ramifications as far as the citizens are concerned.
HELLO... I have been reading the blog, off and on, for about 2 hours. Very entertaining, interesting and down right crazy, sometimes:)
Lolly, we have been seeing some new and unusual birds at our feedin station, too. Probably migrating. Gene had been seeing an interesting one, but, everytime he called me to look at it, it was gone by the time I got there. Finally saw it yesterday and we determined it was a cuckoo. Maybe even the one that has been seen at the Sycamore Palace:)
Where is Maria's Garden, LYNN?
Dana, sorry about your fall! Have to tell you about GG's fall...She was napping on her glider on the porch and fell off of it. She did not hurt herself (it's not very high off of the floor), but she laughed so hard when she told us about it. She sleeps in a queen sized bed and is used to a lot of room when she rolls over:)
LYNN, I am RIGHT HANDED and I am very good with a calculator:)
MARGY, how was your day...very busy?
JUDIE, I'll have to check and see if my comany still sells Darth costumes:) I didn't get anything done in the shop today...spent too much time at GG's:)
It's been so long since I've been on here. I need to try harder to check in each day. Margy mentioned that I was being wished a Happy Birthday back on July 23rd. Thank you to all who took the time to to so. I'm sorry I wasn't here to respond. I wasn't aware that you all knew about my border collie's passing. Thanks for your kind words. It's been hard. If you click on my name, I updated my blog with a video I did honoring my Lacee. Although hard to do, it was something I needed to do to. Hope everyone is well.
Good Evening all you E_Ms!! I'm getting here so late, went to work & finished all I wanted to do! Pal, Kathy, came in at 10 AM! Then picked up dinner at Wendy's WOW, watching some of Nationwide race(mostly hearing it argh)& finally trying to read most of today's blog. Sorry I didn't get here sooner & seen Margy's message or would have tried to see ISS. Cloudy, tho here.
DANA WV --PLEASE GET YOURSELF TO AN ER!!!! After so many hours, it won't be considered an emergency & there wouldn't be compensation. I know you wouldn't do it, but FIB if you have to on date of the fall.
Sorry about your dinner, Lynn! You never know. Glad Hoda is feeling better--now you won't be sailing when you're off the boat!!
BTW, my distress over tree will ease, I hope. There is no privacy problem, it's just if I might have a critter in a certain place that I want to photograph, the background might be bricks & windows, not leaves! Those branches were also shading St. Francis who is really not supposed to be too exposed to weather.And that's enough about that.Fubby does so many valuable things around here, I shouldn't get grouchy.☺
Lolly, I was hoping some of the Gulf rain might get to you! We must continue the ditch!!
Good Evening! I just don't think I'll catch up before I have to turn in, but wanted to say Hi to all!
Canning.....was a bit of a mess, but I got through it. Had 12.5 lbs of tomatoes and wanted to make a tomatoe puree, which is what I like to make my sauce with. I had about 80 Roma tomatoes and 6-8 of some other variety, and after blanching, getting the skins off, coring, putting them through the food mill and cooking them down to the right thickness, it made a whopping 2 quarts!!!
So I decided to put it in the fridge and make a nice sauce tomorrow. Dennis has been asking for lasagne, so I will make that tomorrow or Monday. It does smell so good, though....
Lynn, so sorry you dinner was less than enjoyable. Next time: Pizza Hut?
Wanda, Darth says he is concerned about not having his attire available but a visit to the shop would be great fun. We are also very excited about the anticipated new addition to your amazingly wonderful family. Congratulations.
It is time. The sandperson has arrived. The night light is on for anyone who may need to arise in the darkness and for Andy and Hoda arriving late from the West coast. Restful sleep for all.
WV Dana - Do take care of yourself. I, too, worry that you should be seen by a doctor. Keep checking in with us, or we'll have to put out a "silver alert" on you! Keeping you and Ed's family in our prayers and Happy 23rd Anniversary. It will always be a special day in your life!
Lori - Hope you get some ideas for a desk that work for you. Decisions, decisions.......
I never learned to crochet or knit. Didn't have anyone in my life to teach me! My grandmothers didn't, My Mom didn't and I don't have any sisters that may have learned. I do have friends here that are so artistic and do all that stuff if I wanted to learn.
Jo - Glad to hear your family gathering was fun-filled and that the weather was good!
WANDA - Congrats on the news of another grandchild on the way!! Who is that precious baby on your avatar? I just love babies!!
I'm pretty exhausted and will be heading to bed momentarily! I had forgotten that we had agreed to watch my sister-in-law's dog today, too. We had them stay for dinner when they came back to pick up their dog. The dog is a HUGE Newfoundland Retriever.....
Wishing everyone restful sleep and sweet dreams.
May God Bless and Keep Each of Us in His Loving Arms.....
Diane, nice to "see" you, Wonderful memorial of your special pet. ♥
Wanda, how wonderful about new little family member!!☺
Glad Jo had a great picnic! Chicken & crabs sounds so yummy. I've been thinking about getting some crabs this weekend. Used to get them every other Sat.But guy w/truck opened a new restaurant & they don't come up here anymore.
Lynne, would like to get some of your energy to clean this place! Do you want another job! LOL That's one reason I went to work---didn't know where to start here & can't run vacuum when someone is watching TV.
Lolly, think I saw a Dallas score the other night & I didn't say a word!
LYNN, GG's roll of the glider was on Thursday, I believe. She said she didn't hurt herself, but I checked her out anyway...nothing broken, cut, but she does have s bruise on her arm. She said that has been there??
LINDA, the avatar baby is JAYDEN'S cousin, NEVAEH HOPE. She is a beautiful baby:)
Diane, so good to see you pop in. Sorry agian about LAcee. Will watch your video here in a little bit. Don't be a stranger!!
Loretta, glad you had a good day at work. Aha--now we know who the trimming culprit was! I guessed that one right, too!
Judie, will have to make my own chicken cacciatore REALLY soon to counteract tonight's awful experience! I have already bought all the ingredients needed except the green peppers---they were less than desirable at the farm market this week.
Linda, that is TOO much work for such little result!!! It owuld have been easier just to slice, cook, sieve and blend for tomato juice!!!
LYNNE - It was a lot of work, but it was good to go through what needs to be done when Dennis brings in a larger crop. Better to start with a smaller batch to be sure I know what I am doing.
I could just blanch, peel, core and slice the tomatoes and put them in jars and process them, but then I would have to cook them down for a sauce whenever I am ready to make sauce then. I may do them both ways depending on my workload!
Lynn - But I wanted it like a puree and not a tomato sauce, so I could make a good spaghetti sauce later. I guess we'll see how the next batch goes.
There are as many ways to can tomatoes and tomatoe sauce as there are stars in the skies......when you look through the internet. Had fun looking at some of the you tube videos, too!
I always think every fall that I'll make some Quince Jelly. I have my GG's recipe. LOVED it when my grandma made it! But I have no idea how to do it!
Speaking of Grandparents.....next Sunday is not only the anniversary of 9/11, but it's grandparents day. Maybe it would be cool this week to have pictures of our grandparents as our avatars!
Meant to say Linda, you have a lot of patience to do all that work involved w/.canning! My Grandpa had a garden and Grandmother in PA and Aunts (when they were there) did some canning.They were also experts at crocheting! I could only do the chain stitch! They made whole tablecloths. Wish I had one now! I really got into embroidery, esp. in 70's. Still have some pieces! In 90's I think I embroidered the "Barney Barge" on front of memorial T shirt I got at Park. Will be wearing it a lot next year! My daghter learned how to knit from a neighbor--she's left-handed, too!
I am heading to the shower and then to bed. All these false accusations have really hurt my feelings. LOL I can not help it that Lynne posted something about an unmentionable team. All I said was "Yuck".
Going to bed with a grin on my face. Love you all! (((hugs)))
Trying to find out why Lolly was so falsely accused, but I think I know. I could not read back but so much because my brain is fat wore out.
Rus is staying over again tonight. Hooray! It is nice to have him here. He had fun at the fly-in and shared his videos. Someone crashed a model jet plane. Rus said $2,000. A rather expensive hobby for the jetters.
Hi, Everyone, Wow, I should've started trying to catch up way sooner than I did! Took FOREVER!
WV Dana, Sorry to hear about Mrs. Shoom and Ed's aunt! ((HUGS)) for you, and prayers for the family!
I'm afraid I'm going to bug you too, along with Lynn and others. You should get thee to a doctor! The longer you wait, the worse it will be, if there is a cracked or broken bone involved. It could start to heal incorrectly, and may then require surgery to repair! A head injury is nothing to mess with. sorry to be a PIA, but I love and care about you! PLEASE don't wait!
Oh, my! Little Miss Emma was SO cute today! We got her a stuffed mallard with a long neck, that quacks. She was actually afraid of it at first, but we laid it on the living room floor, and after a while she stopped barking at it, and tried sniffing and nipping at it, before running around in circles. She gradually got more used to it, and now carries it around and chews on it. Can't wait to see what happens when she chews the spot where the "quacker" is!
Well, I'm pretty tired, so think I will go watch the late news on TV and then call it a night. Haven't made a complete prayer list, but prayed as I was reading to catch up. Please know that prayers have been said for everyone, and for all creatures. Will try to get here earlier tomorrow so I can actually chat with all of you! Once again, thanks to Judie for the night light! I'm making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep tight, everyone! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]
LINDA, you got to have a Newfy for the day. That's like having a pony in the house! I bet he's a load of fun! And, did I read right, that you have more than 12 pounds of tomatoes and got only 2 quarts of puree? That's crazy!!! May it be the best tomato puree you've ever tasted! ♥
DIANN, we have missed you! Your tribute video is wonderful. It's obvious Lacee was the light of your life. Those dogs are SO SMART and I'm sure she was you constant companion. A toast to Lacee! Diann, you had wanted to see the kittens...click on my avatar for my blog...I put them on yesterday. Bobby and Leroy. Sure hope they get a home quick. I hate that they're not here but can't miss a chance of a new home seeing them.
Does anyone else think that a certain pair of eagles, heard the last week CLUNKING AROUND ON THE CAMERA, has anything to do with it suddenly being broken now?
I was thinking the same thing about the eagles and the broke cam but if you remember the cam was still working till I went to be about 11 that nite and we heard them a little before 8 and being it has happened before I doubt it and if they go to the cam to fix the loose wire wouldn't they have trimmed the branch I thought it was fixed but not at the cam I thought at the base computer Just a thought
Well, if there's a loose wire at the cam causing the problem, between the eagles and a little bit of wind that could have done it. Oh well, speculation does no good. I hope you're right and it's just something they have to flip at the base computer if they're not going into the tree...and if they do climb the tree, please, please take off that limb that's covering the nest view.
I loved reading about Jordyn taking her tap, jazz, ballet, tumbling class. I took them when I was little until I was 17, then again just tap lessions for a few years. But as you get older each class becomes a concentrated class, just tap, just ballet, etc.
Did you look at the video of her doing the tap, jazz and others on the facebook I posted a bunch of little short videos Some are soooo funny At least she is trying Angie thinks she is going to be the class clown There is only one other kid her age and the mother had to carry her through most of the class so I am proud of her trying it
I had put something on facebook shepherdstown fan page about the branch about take a sling shot and some shooting it down Steves made a cute comment about it I was hinting that it needed taken down I don't think he took the hint I should have just asked WHEN YOU FIX THE CAM DO YOU GO TO THE NEST and DO YOU CLIMB THE NEST and if so WHY wasn't the offending branch cut out
Please pray for my best friend and her family. I received a call at 1:00 this morning that her daughter was in a serious car accident up in Buffalo and her child was in the car with her. Unfortunately, this is a drunk driving situation which in some ways makes it so much worse. My friend took off to go to Buffalo, they need to operate on her daughter, but couldn't because of the level of alcohol in her system. She has multiple fractures, brain and liver bleeds.
Prayers for your friend and her family DanaMo. What's your friend's name? I hope she gets there in time and there's a happy ending somewhere. How old is the child who was in the car? I believe that's your friend's grandchild?
Enjoy the morning with your family.
JUDYE, see you at lunch! Sorry my minute became an hour!
My friend's name is Vickie, her husband is Greg, daughter Erin (24), granddaughter Ella (4?). Im' not sure what is going to become of Erin. She already has a DUI and now this, there was another car involved so there could be injuries to others as well.
So sorry about Vickie and child. Hope things turn out well for them. Alcohol is so addictive.
Well, I fixed bacon and eggs yesterday. This morning, we are out of eggs and milk. Rus and Kathryn are off to purchase breakfast. I had figured they might buy milk so we could have cereal. I think they are hitting a fast food joint. That works too.
I put some mixed fruit out to thaw and made some coffee.
Oh dear, a man was arrested for biting a snake. Good grief.
Shirley, I have a friend and an ex-BIL who finally gave up their model flying because of the expense!! They realized that since they were both real pilots, why waste money on the radio-controlled when they needed it more for their shares in the real thing!
Good Morning Eagle Pals... have been up awhile, but reading...some 9/11 books I have gathered over the years.
DanaMo, so very sorry to hear of the accident Vickie and her daughter were in, and pray for healing and recovery for all involved, including spiritual healing
Rus took flying lessons when he was in high school and loved it. I can see him resuming it at some point.
His planes are not as expensive as the one he was talking about. Model jet planes are very expensive and require certification from the FCC. Rus is flying propeller-driven planes.
learned this morning that my brother Fred and his wife Maryalice in Guilford, Ct...along the Long Island Sound and not too far from New Haven CT, have been without power this entire week and still are... thanks/no thanks! to Irene
that's very intersting about the model airplanes Shirley... and an expensive loss for Rus's friend with the 2K jet... hope he resumes flying lessons, maybe he could fly you up to Martinsburg Airport sometime ! ☺
I can't get to Megan's Market but am intoxicated with the beauty of the flowers I have gotten earlier in the season...they continue to bloom beautifully: lisianthus, Stella D'Oro, and the Flowering Tobacco
Oh, DanaMo...so tragic. Definitely praying for that whole family. How awful that she would drive under t he influence...especially with her little one in the car. If she survives, and recovers, she will be surely be in big legal trouble.
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 875 Newer› Newest»Lynn did you hear they got kids for stealing the A/Cs?????
HODA, just you enjoy the waxing you just got ? ☺ I can assure you Momsters do not snitch. Your secret is safe with the few of us who know it ! LOL Envy all you knitters, crafters---goodness knows my dear mother tried, but my sister and my daughter, Julie are the only ones who got her sewing, quilting, knitting.... gene ! In my teen years she sent me to "sewing and crafting camps" in the summer---put on by a dept. store in downtown Tucson. To no avail !
Oh, dear, Tropical Storm Lee is dumping it's rain too far East. No relief outta him for drought stricken TX and OK. :(
HODA, me to ask did you enjoy the waxing.....
What is wrong with my fingers and/or brain today ? "Meant to ask" !
YEAH DANAWV....what Kay said. What would ED tell you to do? and Lynn is absolutely correct in YELLING at you. WE DON"T NEED ANYTHING OR ANYONE IN ANY PERIL ANYMORE!!!!!
Ed would tell me to wait until my doctor was at the office because all the other ones mess me up!!!
Kay, wouldn't expect India to have any electronic restrictions -- that's where Peggy lives.lol
Kay, your grandchildren and DanaMo's kids are certainly blessed to get these great opportunities in foreign lands. They will never forget their experiences, and their horizons will be greatly expanded/broadened by the varying cultures.
Well, going out for dinner......Frank & Irene and I are heading for Berkeley Springs later to eat and discuss things! Hoping that a firm decision is in the offing.
Kay if you notice I have been off the blog for a bit and that is because of the wax expereince...did my face and my do I look prettier!!!LOL!!! Life is funny for me today...I keep having to stop and wonder why I just did that, started with the morning when I was having my yogurt and cereal and I spilt cereal on the kitchen floor...did manage the laundry without a mishap and a bit of vacuuming solved the cereal situation...
Just logged back on. I saw that there are connections from Kelowna, British Columbia and Fredericksburg, VA. Must be you and me, Hoda.
Hope it's a good Saturday afternoon for Everyone! ☺
Very grey outside here, but only some drizzle awhile ago. I should go to work for a couple hours--leaning towaerd Maxine mode!
Somewhat depressed ---someone here TRIMMED Sweetbay magnolia--a few branches that face you when you're sitting on deck. Now there's a hole above railing to see neighbor houses. NOT condusive for critter photos!!! It will grow I hope in a few years! LOL
BTW, Lynn, as to the Hubby names, Helen, Mits, started it when she typed Jubby for her Hubby, Jay. I liked it, so started using it, too!
☺ ☺ ☺
Hello Loretta,
Sorry about the tree. Not fun when you value your privacy. Can you strategically hang a pot or windchime there to cover it? Wallpaper? LOL
There's my HIDEY! Loved that baby.
Sunny here now, hoping JO has great picnic weather still in an hour.
MARGY your Friday is almost over and your weekend is almost here!!!
HODA your math experiences and mine were identical! Still joke at work that "I don't do math."
Getting ready to shower, go for dinner and spend walking time looking for a new desk - yes, still looking.
Hello Sunshine! Off to pickup the
fried chicken and then off to Jenny's
Thanks for the sunshine prayers!
Enjoy your Labor Day everyone
Loretta, thanks for straightening out the hubby details! I honestly thought you started it!!
But now that oyu tell it, I do recall JUBBY because II thought of those candies folks here call jujubees. I still don't know what they are!!
Dana.....it's one thing to wait for a chronic medical problem. But when it's trauma...that COULD be life threatening....you should always seek immediate attention. Remember my dear friend Ric? He is little more than a vegetable now after suffering a stroke after a skull fracture and concussion when he fell and hit his head on a coffee table. And he was younger and basically healthier.
Lynne-ie.....you never said if you got your camera to work or not....??? What kind do you have?
Have a nice dinner, Lynn. Um, you three might consider NoVa and I would be happy to hold the garden hose for "pretend" ocean.
Speaking of ocean, I am so sorry for the people in New Orleans. They just cannot seem to recover from one disaster before another arrives.
Interesting, I thought Lowreeda started the jubby thing, also. Can't think why but I did. Really hate the magnolia situation. We lost one of our two but for natural causes. Hope the leaves on other limbs will fill in quickly.
Lori, don't know what you're looking for in a desk but hope you find one soon.
Hoda, I spend most of my time wondering why I'm doing anything. Will you be paddling today?
Wishing Jo and family a terrific picnic.
Paula and Nick must be having one terrific day.
Well I hope PAULA's bedding is getting dry at the beach house and that the roof problem is manageable.
JO have a wonderful picnic and I am glad the sun is out...HAPPY HAPPY DANCE!!!
Off to Yoga and a few errands, laundry dry and folded and fresh bed made and LIFE IS GOOD.
BBL {{{{HUGS}}}} to all.
JUDIE Paddling was cancelled this morning as most paddleres were out of town for the long weekend. It was called off on Thursday. I look forward to being on the water on Tuesday.
I enjoyed your post...off now BBl...♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Loretta.....do WE know the culprit who cut the magnolia????? Are his initials F.L.????? Sorry it happened....:(
Hoda, enjoy your yoga, and don't worry about your morning befuddlement. Happens to all of us!!
Wahooooooooooo! Hope has been collared!!! They say she has pawed at it and rubbed against trees trying to remove it. Sure hope she gets used to it and leaves it on.
Oh, excellent news, Lolly. Sure hope she doesn't get it off!!! R-e-l-i-e-f!!
The news was pasted on fb. Do not know how long ago but when they posted they said it had been on an hour!
Oh, my. I'm glad they were able to "collar" Hope. At the same time I feel sorry for her angst over something so foreign to her. It's for your own protection as well as our interest, little one !
HODA, I won't tell a soul about the cereal spill ! I love keeping secrets with you ! This upcoming Holiday is one we share, eh ? Happy Labour Day to YOU and Happy Labor Day to U.S. !
To some kitchen labor for this grandmother--time to get the pasta water boiling ! Perhaps I'll check in after Seth's lights go out tonight. If not, know I'm praying for those who are truly in need and saying thanks for all blessings of the day !
♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
P.S. to JUDIE, I need to ask Max if he met Peggy Sue in India ! LOL
Kay, enjoy your time with Seth and Malcolm! We are going to an Italian restaurant---hope it's good; I haven't been there before. I had all the making for jambalaya....but it will keep 'til tomorrow.
Time to sign off here. See you all later this evening.
HLN is showing Casey Anthony stuff that happened today didn't know if you all wanted to see it I just stumbled on it a bit ago
a little over 536 thousand is what the state is asking her to pay back
Angie took Jordyn for her first tap, tumbling, jazz, ballet class today Jordyn had a blast Angie said and you could tell from the videos there was one other kid her age there others are older and they have been in the class for sometimes so she is a newbie. Gonna step away for a few go get something to eat or make something still got some to read
Aaaah, Lynn is going to my stomping grounds: Berkeley Springs...
hope to hear a good report of the Italian restaurant...
Hello Eagle Pals...
well with the fubby and jubby talk, I had to chuckle when Paula said she was having Chubby leftovers the other night. LOL
I don't have an -ubby to joke about
Kay. know you are working with the Pasta about to settle in for an evening with Seth...Enjoy !
we are driving a pretty hard bargain with you...please take it seriously.
Agree that Ed might indicate that all the other doctors could "Mess You Up," but, waiting, could be even worse...
Thinking about Jo...and fried chicken, crabs...jello salad with cream cheese topping...and well, daggone it I am getting downright ravenous right now !
I've had about ten tomato sandwiches in the last few days, think that might be on the menu again today! But they are not from my garden. Maybe I should tried Fried Green Tomatoes...also the title of one of my favorite movies!
Loretta: I noted you talked about fried plantains the other night...I have never tried that, but want to do so someday
Hope everyone is having a razzle-dazzle evening tonight...
too bad we can't sit here and talk to the Eagles tonight, unless there is a miracle cam fix very soon
a New thread wouldn't disappoint me...
ttfn xo
Prayers for you to make the best decision, DanaWV. Remember to take care of yourself. They cannot turn you away at the emergency room, even if your insurance does not pay very much.
Sometimes we stay away because we are afraid to hear what we think they might say, then it turns out not to be so bad.
Tap, Tumbling, Jazz and Ballet for Jordyn, sounds absolutely wonderful, Judy!
sewing, crocheting, knitting, needlepoint...I can't do any of these things!
but I do like math
Okay, be back later on to see what everyone is up to again
Helloooooo Shirley...how is the quietness ?
Someone on here mentioned seeing a lot of young cardinals earlier today. I saw lots of them, too. We have always had at least one cardinal pair coming to our feeder.
This afternoon I saw lots of cardinals, some female, some male, and some with feathers turning red. Then later this evening, I saw an adult feeding a little one.
I went for my camera, but by the time I got it, they were gone.
I saw a cardinal going into one of the trees near the house this summer, and I looked for a nest, but never did find one.
The quietness is fine, Margy. The doorbell rang a little while ago. There was a little boy looking for Hunter. Hunter will be back tomorrow.
wonder if we shall have clear skies to see ISS fly over....
you, would be at
7:59 rise time
8:02 transit time at a -4.0
that's about as bright as it gets!
but, it won't be quite dark enough to really get the brightness
from the WNW at max
elevation 88-degrees
It's nearly the same times and brightness here
I can't tell if the skies here will be clear or not but I'm going to check it when the time comes
Saturday night date night with ISS ☺
doesn't take a whole lot to thrill me
also maybe the waxing crescent Moon will be there to see
Thanks for the ISS info, Margy.
Kathryn just called and said that she had dinner with her friends and Rus is having dinner with the model airplane group. She figured I had eaten my dinner by now. Yep, some leftover pizza.
Rus might stay over again tonight. Would be nice to have Sunday dinner with Rus and Kathryn. Maybe even Will. We often do things on the spur of the moment.
I see some clouds here at the moment.
WHAT TIME IS YOUR viewing of the ISS
yes, things are looking a little cloudy here too Shirley...
Hope you get your Sunday Family Wish, Shirley ♥
I'm Martinsburg-bound for the next 7 days....have to be on call with the beep beep beeper this week, which means about a 20-minute response time "leash"...hence, no visits with James the Wise until next Saturday....WOOF!!
mine is 7:59 rise time
transit time 8:02
I start watching at the rise time...and then sometimes it just magically appears a few mins later
I have something else to pass along, give me a minute
ISS travels at 17,227 mph and orbits the earth 15.7 times daily.
tonight is the last visible flyover hereabouts until at least late next week
The other night James thought we were being stood up - LOL
but then, it magically was just THERE
sometimes you can see it approaching and make a long sail across the sky
other times, Pop! It is there, and then Poof it goes out like a light bulb...
sounds like tonight's will be a long sail but it's hard to tell until it happens!
MARGY I beg to differ with you!!! I actually think it takes an awful lot to thrill you when you think of what energy it took to get the ISS up there, then again you also like to enjoy the creek and look at the energy there too!!! This is what I love about you, you see the REAL in life and get enthused about it and celebrate it by observing it...WAY TO GO MARGY...
Mine is 936 939
It's the [Eaglet Momster and Dadster} company I keep!
but thanks....
I am fortunate to have been able to enjoy these kinds of things for many many years
well good Judy - you will have much more darkness than we will "up here"
Paula in the first days of telling us about it, always reminded us to look for something that does not blink!
I sometimes will see something and see There It Is, then it starts blinking...so naaaah, that's an airplane !
You all seem to have a good collection of International Restaurants. Tonight LYNN goes for Italian...I hope it is good LYNN.
SHIRLEY have you heard from RUSS did he manage to go flying or did the weather get in the way?
I see PAULA has not checked in today yet...I hope it is a satisfying busy that is taking her time.
Yoga was good and I took some things to the Salvation Army store and picked up some things from the store as one of the health food stores is closed for two days the other is closed on Monday...
KAY HAPPY LABOR DAY to you too...Your stories bring joy and I am glad you are enjoying the grandkids so much.International travel affects the youth for a life time...I left Egypt on my own for the first time when I was 16 years old and have loved the USA since then I'll be 63 my birthday God Willing.I learnt so much.
When there are different planets making an appearance, like a line-up together, I have also gone out to a dark field somewhere to see it better, get a better horizon for it
Jupiter right now is the biggest and the brightest in the night/early morning sky, but Venus is my favorite...
LOL - the Planet of L♥ve...
not sure when it comes back out again, but hope it is SOON
we would be hearing a thud or two about now
MARGY and this is why you have an unlimited MAGIC in your life, Loving Venus and knowing the eternal mysetery of the planets...
Well guys I'm heading to the rocker and some mind numbing TV and some ice tea so I will bid you all a good day
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
True JUDYE and then we would wonder which one it is and if one or both are going to pay us a visit...
Night JudyE, me too! Turning the computer off. Maybe a nice hot bath and a beer!
Yes indeedy, this blog and our real and cyber-associations are the embodiment of
We Came for the Eagles, but We Stayed for the Friendship
Hoda...how is the lying in the sailboat feeling these days?
Good Night for now, Judy...
going out soon to check the skies...not quite dark enough to suit me, but the Moon IS out
Wow..that was nice. ISS.
right on schedule...
sailed high and waaay across the sky then faded to red and poof, out!
seems to do a little side-stepping in its path, that is interesting
also saw some bats and heard some cat birds and Canada Geese
well, my chores for the day are done. WHEW! It turned into a full out didn't miss a single detail, window washing, curtain washing event in the kitchen.
Missed the ISS. Need to pay better attention. Margy, it's so cool when it just disappears! I took Dr Baker's kids out to see it last winter and the older one kept asking where it was going to land! Oh, the imagination of a 4 year old! That time it did one of the disappearing acts, too.
Good report on the ISS sighting MARGY. The lying down on a sail boat feeling is almost completely gone also infrequent now. The middle ear medication seems to be helping. It makes me a bit thirsty, but that is OK.I have an appointment to see my doctor on Wednesday after yoga class. I finish the medication on Monday and she wanted to see me after that was done, so Wednesday it is...She will let me know about the other tests but since they did not phone me I know they are OK.I'll find out the details on Wednesday.
oh, and one more sign of autumn. The SBBC so far today is 22. UGH.
I have been setting up my trap at night but haven't caught a single one. They see to congregate on the ceiling above where the LED light shines up. Think I'm going to have to revamp it. Maybe a cardboard piece on top with a hole, and cover the outside of the bottle so the light only appears in the hole.
That is a lot of work LYNNE 2 "Good on you" as they say in Canada's Northern communities.
Glad your "lying down on a sailboat" feeling is improving Hoda!
I had a boyfriend once, and we had a friend with a sailboat. We used to go sailing most summer weekends. I loved that rocking feeling as I laid in the bed at night. And the first couple of weekends after getting home to my own bed, I'd still have that same feeling! But after a while it didn't happen any more.
Glad you checked in Lynne!
I was just about to post about it, that you must still be at the housework!
Now go relax and do something you like !
good news...about you...
yes, medications make one thirsty, the main cause of "Dry Mouth" -
glad you did not get any phone calls ☺
oh, it was far more than I had intended at first for sure, but once we got started, it was "well, let's do this one more thing" syndrome.
All your plottinng LYNNE 2!!! I know the goal is the demise of the SB...make sure you check in with JUDIE so you would not leave any traces behind!!!LOL
discovered a GIANT sized Praying Mantis on my tomato plant tonight!
Neat, what you said about taking Dr Bakers's kids out skywatching!
Hope you can get more experiences like that...
Going to finish my second BLT of the day,
surround myself with my favorite books and a magazine or two...and Sail the Night way in the World of Words and Pictures
Prayers, that all things will be well with our Health Needs...
Especially tonight for DanaWv.
Oh, Good Night an hour or so ago, DanaMo!
Good Night, Precious Pals
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥
LOL Hoda! Oh I hate them. I mean, I don't hate them, but what a dang nuisance they are. There were days last fall and winter where we killed a hundred or more a day. I pray they won't be as bad this year.
I know what you are saying about the real sailboat feeling LYNNE 2 I enjoyed it too...yet since I had not been sailing I thought the message was something else...I was considering renting a sail boat had it not gone, I prefer the real thing!!!
Did they give you an antihistamine for it Hoda? I know those can make one thirsty.
OK folks, keep an eye on the weather this upcoming week. MUCH MUCH MUCH rain predicted for areas west of here.....watch and prepare!!!
Goodnight MARGY. Happy reading and sleep well. God Bless to all those who have already headed to bed. I wonder if DANAMO has finished her painting? Did I miss a post? I do not think she has said much about it since the first time.
hope this link works...
Rainfall predictions
Will the rain go far enough west to get to LOLLY in TEXAS LYNNE 2?
no Hoda, sadly this isn't going to help Texas at all. So SO very sad. And then there is the (surely it won't happen again) Katia hurricane that could impact the east coast.
Parts of TEXAS very little rain, most of OKLAHOMA also very little rain. I do nt think it will go to LOLLY's part of TEXAS.Its mostly in the Panhandle...
Oh my goodness! Our clever Paula! Head over to facebook and LIKE Paula's Paradise!
It's just heartbreaking, the drought out there. I pray and pray for the farmers and the wildlife, and feel just awful for Lolly who loves her gardens so much. And for the monarchs migrating now, and the hummers. I pray that this will not be one of those horrible droughts that goes on for....well, I'm not even going to say it.
Thank you, Lynne!!!(((Hugs)))
We have finished dinner and I have been running out and changing a sprinkler. Today is our watering day. The system ran, but some areas get dry faster and I am soaking them.
No rain is predicted. We are getting sort of numb. Rain? What is rain?
Have I told you how many birds we are seeing. I think our yard is sort of an oasis. We have the two ponds and the stream that runs between them, plus 5 birdbaths and my feeders. Also, we water the yard so we have some moisture there and green. Anyway, it is fun to sit and look out the window and see all the birds. It is amazing. Definitely see more birds than usual.
I'm back...and comfortably out of my clothes. Dinner was AWFUL! Margy, DON'T go to Maria's Garden--nice decor and atmosphere....but Italian was a joke.
well, if I were a bird, I'd be hanging out in YOUR yard Lolly! You may never know how much help your little oasis will be during this drought to the wildlife.
WOW...so many topics discussed! Of ocurse, no ISS here, as the foliage is too dense.
WOW again at that rainfall prediction, Lynne. Is that due to Lee???
Knock on wood...no more SB's here since the 4 dead ones last week....maybe they found someplace else to go???!!!!
Hoda, so glad your vertigo is leaving. I love the motion of a boat, too, but don't think I could abide it in the house!!!!
I taped the Baltimore Grand Prix qualifying, so am watching it....Ceil's Jim was going to watch today, and Ceil is going to MM's aprtment tomorrow to watch the race from her balcony! It's been quite a production in that city....not all good ramifications as far as the citizens are concerned.
Liesl is making sofa indications....bbialw.
I have been reading the blog, off and on, for about 2 hours. Very entertaining, interesting and down right crazy, sometimes:)
Lolly, we have been seeing some new and unusual birds at our feedin station, too. Probably migrating. Gene had been seeing an interesting one, but, everytime he called me to look at it, it was gone by the time I got there. Finally saw it yesterday and we determined it was a cuckoo. Maybe even the one that has been seen at the Sycamore Palace:)
Where is Maria's Garden, LYNN?
Dana, sorry about your fall! Have to tell you about GG's fall...She was napping on her glider on the porch and fell off of it. She did not hurt herself (it's not very high off of the floor), but she laughed so hard when she told us about it. She sleeps in a queen sized bed and is used to a lot of room when she rolls over:)
LYNN, I am RIGHT HANDED and I am very good with a calculator:)
MARGY, how was your day...very busy?
JUDIE, I'll have to check and see if my comany still sells Darth costumes:)
I didn't get anything done in the shop today...spent too much time at GG's:)
Well the picnic is over and it was a very large success with everyone.
Ended up with guitar picking!
I really am blessed with a wonderful
family! I am ready to relax a little &
then head for the pillows.
Good night my friends
God Bless you and yours
Hugs to All ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Oh, Jo...glad it was a fun time for all of you. Your family is as special as you are♥
My avatar is another photo of Nevaeh. She is so precious:)
We have recently learned that Jayden is going to have a brother or sister around March. I am so excited and praying for a girl!
Yes Lynn....from Lee.
Sorry dinner was so awful!
HELLO000...did everyone leave to prop up with JO?
some COWBOYS fan in harassing me over on Facebook.
Well, hi, Lynne...glad everyone didn't leave:)
I'm here Wanda!!!!!! See my post above yours
Glad you had a good time Jo, and glad there was no more rain today!
I need to go see what Paula has on facebook~
Lolly, are you being mean to Lynne? Behave yourself!
well, I posted the Steelers as my fav team on FB and it's been downhill with Lolly ever since! LOL!
It's been so long since I've been on here. I need to try harder to check in each day. Margy mentioned that I was being wished a Happy Birthday back on July 23rd. Thank you to all who took the time to to so. I'm sorry I wasn't here to respond. I wasn't aware that you all knew about my border collie's passing. Thanks for your kind words. It's been hard.
If you click on my name, I updated my blog with a video I did honoring my Lacee. Although hard to do, it was something I needed to do to.
Hope everyone is well.
When you click on my name, you will need to click on The Flanagan Clan to see the video.
Good Evening all you E_Ms!!
I'm getting here so late, went to work & finished all I wanted to do! Pal, Kathy, came in at 10 AM! Then picked up dinner at Wendy's WOW, watching some of Nationwide race(mostly hearing it argh)& finally trying to read most of today's blog.
Sorry I didn't get here sooner & seen Margy's message or would have tried to see ISS. Cloudy, tho here.
DANA WV --PLEASE GET YOURSELF TO AN ER!!!! After so many hours, it won't be considered an emergency & there wouldn't be compensation. I know you wouldn't do it, but FIB if you have to on date of the fall.
Sorry about your dinner, Lynn! You never know.
Glad Hoda is feeling better--now you won't be sailing when you're off the boat!!
BTW, my distress over tree will ease, I hope. There is no privacy problem, it's just if I might have a critter in a certain place that I want to photograph, the background might be bricks & windows, not leaves! Those branches were also shading St. Francis who is really not supposed to be too exposed to weather.And that's enough about that.Fubby does so many valuable things around here, I shouldn't get grouchy.☺
Lolly, I was hoping some of the Gulf rain might get to you! We must continue the ditch!!
☺ What???? Me???? I would never harrass anyone!!!
Just fell asleep here in my chair. I would not bother anyone!
Good Evening! I just don't think I'll catch up before I have to turn in, but wanted to say Hi to all!
Canning.....was a bit of a mess, but I got through it. Had 12.5 lbs of tomatoes and wanted to make a tomatoe puree, which is what I like to make my sauce with. I had about 80 Roma tomatoes and 6-8 of some other variety, and after blanching, getting the skins off, coring, putting them through the food mill and cooking them down to the right thickness, it made a whopping 2 quarts!!!
So I decided to put it in the fridge and make a nice sauce tomorrow. Dennis has been asking for lasagne, so I will make that tomorrow or Monday. It does smell so good, though....
hee hee hee
Ice cream time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Checking in before turning on the night light.
Lynn, so sorry you dinner was less than enjoyable. Next time: Pizza Hut?
Wanda, Darth says he is concerned about not having his attire available but a visit to the shop would be great fun. We are also very excited about the anticipated new addition to your amazingly wonderful family. Congratulations.
Jo, so glad the picnic was fun. Sleep well.
It is time. The sandperson has arrived. The night light is on for anyone who may need to arise in the darkness and for Andy and Hoda arriving late from the West coast. Restful sleep for all.
Thanks, Judie...I will be arriving, later, with Hoda and Andrea:)
Okay, Liesl is asleep. Such a rough life!!! I know I am spoiling her rotten! Just like always rocking a baby to sleep can come back and haunt us!!!
JUDIE, you are welcome in my shop anytime, but, tell Darth that if I'm on the ladder, not to shake it;)
Wanda, Mfaria's Garden is on a side street of Washington in Berkeley Springs. :(
Next time it WILL be Tari's!!
ROFL---glad your right hand and a calculator work well!!!
Was GG's roll off the glider recent?
WV Dana - Do take care of yourself. I, too, worry that you should be seen by a doctor. Keep checking in with us, or we'll have to put out a "silver alert" on you!
Keeping you and Ed's family in our prayers and Happy 23rd Anniversary. It will always be a special day in your life!
Lori - Hope you get some ideas for a desk that work for you. Decisions, decisions.......
I never learned to crochet or knit. Didn't have anyone in my life to teach me! My grandmothers didn't, My Mom didn't and I don't have any sisters that may have learned. I do have friends here that are so artistic and do all that stuff if I wanted to learn.
Jo - Glad to hear your family gathering was fun-filled and that the weather was good!
WANDA - Congrats on the news of another grandchild on the way!! Who is that precious baby on your avatar? I just love babies!!
I'm pretty exhausted and will be heading to bed momentarily! I had forgotten that we had agreed to watch my sister-in-law's dog today, too. We had them stay for dinner when they came back to pick up their dog. The dog is a HUGE Newfoundland Retriever.....
Wishing everyone restful sleep and sweet dreams.
May God Bless and Keep Each of Us in His Loving Arms.....
Jo, so glad you had a fun day! Is Aaron the guitar picker???!!!
Wanda, so neat!!! Congrats to the whole family! Hope it's a sister for Jayden, too!
Lynne....can I assume we KNOW who the harasser is???!!!!
Diane, so nice to see you again! So sorry about Lacee....I saw your tribute and commented. Hope your pain is easing a bit by now.
DIANE - I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you, but I just love those border collies on your avatar!! Have had a couple myself over the years.
We have one that is 10 right now and such a gem!
Well, Lynn, I won't name any names of course....but YOU KNOW WHO!
Diane, nice to "see" you, Wonderful memorial of your special pet. ♥
Wanda, how wonderful about new little family member!!☺
Glad Jo had a great picnic! Chicken & crabs sounds so yummy. I've been thinking about getting some crabs this weekend. Used to get them every other Sat.But guy w/truck opened a new restaurant & they don't come up here anymore.
Lynne, would like to get some of your energy to clean this place! Do you want another job! LOL That's one reason I went to work---didn't know where to start here & can't run vacuum when someone is watching TV.
Lolly, think I saw a Dallas score the other night & I didn't say a word!
LYNN, GG's roll of the glider was on Thursday, I believe. She said she didn't hurt herself, but I checked her out anyway...nothing broken, cut, but she does have s bruise on her arm. She said that has been there??
LINDA, the avatar baby is JAYDEN'S cousin, NEVAEH HOPE. She is a beautiful baby:)
I am for hire Loweeeeeeeda!
oh Linda....all that work for TWO QUARTS???? UGH!
SBBC is up to 28 now.
LOL---I called that right---it WAS Lolly!
Diane, so good to see you pop in. Sorry agian about LAcee. Will watch your video here in a little bit. Don't be a stranger!!
Loretta, glad you had a good day at work. Aha--now we know who the trimming culprit was! I guessed that one right, too!
Judie, will have to make my own chicken cacciatore REALLY soon to counteract tonight's awful experience! I have already bought all the ingredients needed except the green peppers---they were less than desirable at the farm market this week.
Linda, that is TOO much work for such little result!!! It owuld have been easier just to slice, cook, sieve and blend for tomato juice!!!
LORETTA, since I discovered crab legs, I haven't had a Blue Crab. I used to love them. I will try them again when they come down to $25 a bushel;)
WANDA - She sure is precious!!
LYNNE - It was a lot of work, but it was good to go through what needs to be done when Dennis brings in a larger crop. Better to start with a smaller batch to be sure I know what I am doing.
I could just blanch, peel, core and slice the tomatoes and put them in jars and process them, but then I would have to cook them down for a sauce whenever I am ready to make sauce then. I may do them both ways depending on my workload!
I'm probably too maticulous on the process, too. Just the type A person I am......
Lynn - But I wanted it like a puree and not a tomato sauce, so I could make a good spaghetti sauce later. I guess we'll see how the next batch goes.
There are as many ways to can tomatoes and tomatoe sauce as there are stars in the skies......when you look through the internet. Had fun looking at some of the you tube videos, too!
LOL Linda!
I always think every fall that I'll make some Quince Jelly. I have my GG's recipe. LOVED it when my grandma made it! But I have no idea how to do it!
Speaking of Grandparents.....next Sunday is not only the anniversary of 9/11, but it's grandparents day. Maybe it would be cool this week to have pictures of our grandparents as our avatars!
Diane, what a heartfelt tribute to Lacee. (((HUGS)))
Remember, too, I'm a city girl....learning the country life. It's going to take me a while to figure this stuff out. I can make anything difficult!!
Meant to say Linda, you have a lot of patience to do all that work involved w/.canning! My Grandpa had a garden and Grandmother in PA and Aunts (when they were there) did some canning.They were also experts at crocheting! I could only do the chain stitch! They made whole tablecloths. Wish I had one now! I really got into embroidery, esp. in 70's. Still have some pieces! In 90's I think I embroidered the "Barney Barge" on front of memorial T shirt I got at Park. Will be wearing it a lot next year! My daghter learned how to knit from a neighbor--she's left-handed, too!
Oh, Lynne, grandparent avatars sound great! Will do that the next time I turn on desktop!
My granny that died just after I was born did a lot of embroidery. I have a pillow case that she did and I am so proud to have it!
Going to get an ice cream sandwich & watch TV, so to all hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
well folks, I'm heading to bed. Good night and prayers for all!
I am heading to the shower and then to bed. All these false accusations have really hurt my feelings. LOL I can not help it that Lynne posted something about an unmentionable team. All I said was "Yuck".
Going to bed with a grin on my face. Love you all! (((hugs)))
Oops.....didn't I already say good night??
Well.....good night, my dear eagle family!! Sweetest dreams!!
xoxo ♥♥♥
I see that Paula started a Paradise FB page...but only the avatar pic....is that all you saw, Lolly??
Trying to find out why Lolly was so falsely accused, but I think I know. I could not read back but so much because my brain is fat wore out.
Rus is staying over again tonight. Hooray! It is nice to have him here. He had fun at the fly-in and shared his videos. Someone crashed a model jet plane. Rus said $2,000. A rather expensive hobby for the jetters.
Kathryn came home from her time out and about.
Good night, one and all!! My turn, too. God Bless us everyone.
. . . my brain is flat wore out . . .
Good night and God Bless.
I'm outta here, too, HODA!
Hi, Everyone,
Wow, I should've started trying to catch up way sooner than I did! Took FOREVER!
WV Dana, Sorry to hear about Mrs. Shoom and Ed's aunt! ((HUGS)) for you, and prayers for the family!
I'm afraid I'm going to bug you too, along with Lynn and others. You should get thee to a doctor! The longer you wait, the worse it will be, if there is a cracked or broken bone involved. It could start to heal incorrectly, and may then require surgery to repair! A head injury is nothing to mess with. sorry to be a PIA, but I love and care about you! PLEASE don't wait!
Oh, my! Little Miss Emma was SO cute today! We got her a stuffed mallard with a long neck, that quacks. She was actually afraid of it at first, but we laid it on the living room floor, and after a while she stopped barking at it, and tried sniffing and nipping at it, before running around in circles. She gradually got more used to it, and now carries it around and chews on it. Can't wait to see what happens when she chews the spot where the "quacker" is!
Well, I'm pretty tired, so think I will go watch the late news on TV and then call it a night. Haven't made a complete prayer list, but prayed as I was reading to catch up. Please know that prayers have been said for everyone, and for all creatures. Will try to get here earlier tomorrow so I can actually chat with all of you!
Once again, thanks to Judie for the night light! I'm making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep tight, everyone! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]
LINDA, you got to have a Newfy for the day. That's like having a pony in the house! I bet he's a load of fun!
And, did I read right, that you have more than 12 pounds of tomatoes and got only 2 quarts of puree? That's crazy!!! May it be the best tomato puree you've ever tasted! ♥
DIANN, we have missed you! Your tribute video is wonderful. It's obvious Lacee was the light of your life. Those dogs are SO SMART and I'm sure she was you constant companion. A toast to Lacee! Diann, you had wanted to see the kittens...click on my avatar for my blog...I put them on yesterday. Bobby and Leroy. Sure hope they get a home quick. I hate that they're not here but can't miss a chance of a new home seeing them.
Does anyone else think that a certain pair of eagles, heard the last week CLUNKING AROUND ON THE CAMERA, has anything to do with it suddenly being broken now?
I was thinking the same thing about the eagles and the broke cam but if you remember the cam was still working till I went to be about 11 that nite and we heard them a little before 8 and being it has happened before I doubt it and if they go to the cam to fix the loose wire wouldn't they have trimmed the branch I thought it was fixed but not at the cam I thought at the base computer Just a thought
Good Morning ... Could be JUDYE.
Well, if there's a loose wire at the cam causing the problem, between the eagles and a little bit of wind that could have done it. Oh well, speculation does no good. I hope you're right and it's just something they have to flip at the base computer if they're not going into the tree...and if they do climb the tree, please, please take off that limb that's covering the nest view.
I loved reading about Jordyn taking her tap, jazz, ballet, tumbling class. I took them when I was little until I was 17, then again just tap lessions for a few years. But as you get older each class becomes a concentrated class, just tap, just ballet, etc.
Did you look at the video of her doing the tap, jazz and others on the facebook I posted a bunch of little short videos Some are soooo funny At least she is trying Angie thinks she is going to be the class clown There is only one other kid her age and the mother had to carry her through most of the class so I am proud of her trying it
I haven't been to FB yet. Is it on your blog here?
Oh JUDYE! I just enlarged your avatar and can pics of Jordyn dressed in her tutu! How adorable!
I had put something on facebook shepherdstown fan page about the branch about take a sling shot and some shooting it down Steves made a cute comment about it I was hinting that it needed taken down I don't think he took the hint I should have just asked WHEN YOU FIX THE CAM DO YOU GO TO THE NEST and DO YOU CLIMB THE NEST and if so WHY wasn't the offending branch cut out
Oh, it's almost eagle's in the nest time and we won't be able to see it! GRRRRRrrrrrrr.
Angie put on YOUTUBE and I still need to bring over I did FB last nite and will do blog tonite
Here is the youtube link there are alot of small ones on the rightside of the page also
Jordyn first day at class dance tap jazz and ballet FUNNY
Cofffee is ready. Would you like some Judy? We're also serving Blueberry Pancakes this morning. ;)
Oh Lori, blueberry pancakes are my favorite!!
Good morning!
Yep at this time we may have heard the chirping like we did the other day Lets use our imagination LOL and a s we know we are good with it
OK, let me get coffee and I'll see the video. Thanks for the link, Judy. Lazy Lori off to the kitchen.
That sound so good but its just about time for me to head out can you put in a to go styrofoam container and I can eat on the way to work
M☼rnin DANAM☼
wow our blog is gonna blow almost 777 comments
Didn't see the ISS last nite to overcasty from LEE
8 min and counting to leave for work so I will say my TA TA for now HAGD see ya at lunch
Have a great day! Don't work too hard!
Please pray for my best friend and her family. I received a call at 1:00 this morning that her daughter was in a serious car accident up in Buffalo and her child was in the car with her. Unfortunately, this is a drunk driving situation which in some ways makes it so much worse. My friend took off to go to Buffalo, they need to operate on her daughter, but couldn't because of the level of alcohol in her system. She has multiple fractures, brain and liver bleeds.
Time to wake the crew and get ready for church.
Prayers for your friend and her family DanaMo. What's your friend's name? I hope she gets there in time and there's a happy ending somewhere. How old is the child who was in the car? I believe that's your friend's grandchild?
Enjoy the morning with your family.
JUDYE, see you at lunch! Sorry my minute became an hour!
Good Morning to SHIRLEY, LYNN, PAULA, DANAWV, LOLLY, JUDIE, MARGY and those who are usually the next to jump on here.
MARGY, I believe yours would be TUBBY! ♥♥
Good morning!
Very sad about your friend's daughter, and presumably, granddaughter. May they heal quickly.
Linda, canning tomatoes takes time but should not produce so little from so many. I have use an easy process if you want it.
Off for coffee and newspaper. BBL
My friend's name is Vickie, her husband is Greg, daughter Erin (24), granddaughter Ella (4?). Im' not sure what is going to become of Erin. She already has a DUI and now this, there was another car involved so there could be injuries to others as well.
Good morning,
So sorry about Vickie and child. Hope things turn out well for them. Alcohol is so addictive.
Well, I fixed bacon and eggs yesterday. This morning, we are out of eggs and milk. Rus and Kathryn are off to purchase breakfast. I had figured they might buy milk so we could have cereal. I think they are hitting a fast food joint. That works too.
I put some mixed fruit out to thaw and made some coffee.
Oh dear, a man was arrested for biting a snake. Good grief.
Good Sunday morning, my fine fowl friends!
We are enveloped in fog which has just rolled in....eerie!! A few drops of rain a little while ago...humidiuty is HIGH!
Shirley, I have a friend and an ex-BIL who finally gave up their model flying because of the expense!! They realized that since they were both real pilots, why waste money on the radio-controlled when they needed it more for their shares in the real thing!
Good Sunday morning my eagle peeps.
Good Morning Eagle Pals...
have been up awhile, but reading...some 9/11 books I have gathered over the years.
DanaMo, so very sorry to hear of the accident Vickie and her daughter were in, and pray for healing and recovery for all involved, including spiritual healing
Rus took flying lessons when he was in high school and loved it. I can see him resuming it at some point.
His planes are not as expensive as the one he was talking about. Model jet planes are very expensive and require certification from the FCC. Rus is flying propeller-driven planes.
learned this morning that my brother Fred and his wife Maryalice in Guilford, Ct...along the Long Island Sound and not too far from New Haven CT, have been without power this entire week and still are... thanks/no thanks! to Irene
We're not far away from a
Lori: Tubby! That's pretty funny ! ☺
that's very intersting about the model airplanes Shirley...
and an expensive loss for Rus's friend with the 2K jet...
hope he resumes flying lessons, maybe he could fly you up to Martinsburg Airport sometime !
I can't get to Megan's Market but am intoxicated with the beauty of the flowers I have gotten earlier in the season...they continue to bloom beautifully:
lisianthus, Stella D'Oro, and the Flowering Tobacco
T-Bird and Buddy! Good Morning !!!
What's on your dance card, today, T-Bird ?
done any flea-ing lately ?
Well, Buddy has been replaced by the Redskins avatar, I know..but I know he is nearby
going to put some Clothes Closet things on hangers...
Wanda...sent you an email with a question if you have time
Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone
xox ♥
have you checked FinFerry lately?
Quite a different view...
poor nest is all frazzled looking
but the ospreys have been visiting
Hello THELMA and BUDDY! Just ho ping the Redskins can sustain your enthusiasm T-Bird!
DANAMO, prayers for healing and a quick all around recovery for Erin and Ella. What a tragedy. So sorry for your friend Vickie.
That's "hoping" T-Bird. :)
Oh, DanaMo...so tragic. Definitely praying for that whole family. How awful that she would drive under t he influence...especially with her little one in the car. If she survives, and recovers, she will be surely be in big legal trouble.
Yuck, the mixed fruit was a mess. I do not know if it had been thawed and refrozen or not, but I could not eat it.
Enjoyed the sausage sandwich.
Whee, a split!!
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