Thursday, September 01, 2011


New thread.


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Lori O. said...

Thanks Margy for locating WANDA post for me. Remember I'm navigationally challenged! ♥

JudyEddy said...

My thoughts exactly on the way to get rid of human remains

stronghunter said...

Alaska Quake

Big one.

JudyEddy said...

Facebook Peeps I found a cool page on face book that also rescues our friends LIKE the page


JudyEddy said...

WILDLIFE DUH not wildlige

JudyEddy said...

Well got to go get Jordyn BBIALW

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the Alaska Quake link, SHIRLEY! Too many quakes lately. You don't need to be reading about need your sleep. :)

stronghunter said...

Oh, not sleep time now, Lori.

stronghunter said...


JudyEddy said...

Happy Early Labor Day
EarlyLaborDay greeting

stronghunter said...

Scheduled an appointment for a check-up this morning. I am thinking I should maybe join a gym or get involved in some activities. Just want to make sure I am fit.

stronghunter said...

As much as I enjoy it, I can't spend the whole day blogging.

Lori O. said...

Sounds like a great idea, SHIRLEY. Your pics look like you are fit. I'm such a homebody I would need to make a room in my house a gym! I get off work and just want to get home.

stronghunter said...

Lori, that is the way I felt when I was working. I would come home and crash. There were times when I could not even make it upstairs. I crashed on the sofa or the recliner. Sometimes I did not find the energy to fix supper--at least until Hunter and Kathryn moved in.

I think I could have fallen asleep in the car in the garage, but thought I should not do that!

Lori O. said...

LOL. Now I don't feel so bad, Shirley! Thanks. Glad you never fell asleep in the car. Whew!

stronghunter said...



T-Bird said...

Good morning my friends.

T-Bird said...

I haven't been around-I got lost.
: )

T-Bird said...

Good to see you.

T-Bird said...

Busy-catch up with you all later.

paula eagleholic said...

DanaMO, the first couple of weeks away from home are the toughest...Aric will find his crowd...encourage him to keep up with his school work...check out the on campus study groups and social him...send him a card...a care package. I imagine he is probably a little homesick as well.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Good advice, Paula. Dana...tell Aric that what appears the others find it easy. might not be the truth. He just may be more conscientious. Paula had good advice!!!

Shirley,can not understand why you ate Crispex for breakfast when Lori had Danish pastries!!!!

We are out to mow! Great way to welcome home Jack. lol

I am so habby to have my jubby home. I missed him!!!

See ya later!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - sure looks like rain is
coming in. Good to see all of you here
but sorry our Eagle Couple didn't show

Today I just need to prepare some foods
for the picnic tomorrow. Nothing elaborate but it will consume some time

Well everyone get on with your day..♥

movin said...




C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

ROFL I was trying to figure out what
language you were speaking, Jim.
You have a good Holiday weekend also!

movin said...

Hi, M. Jo. I guess I should have said "FRISATSUNMON" this time.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

I hope you people enjoy them all.




C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Have not even attempted to catch up yet. Lots of stuff happenin' here.....funny, sad, good, tearful.....

Got home from breakfast, let Liesl out, and saw Myrtle in the dog kennel. Liesl did after a couple of minutes....and she didn't know what to think. She was only a little inquisitive, mostly scared, and barked a little. Myrtle apparently was NOT impressed---she didn't even close up!!!

hedgie said...

Angst from my cousin over a rift with her brother......but it all has worked out. COMMUNICATION is the key!

Found out that Mai has finally been adopted.....I wasn't even notified. Her YouTubes are all gone off the web. I'm happy for her, but still feel guilty and inadequate: hence the tears.

Hoda said...

Goodmorning/ Good afternoon everyone.

DANAMO, I second PAULA'S post as to ARIC. GREAT words PAULA and they resonate with knowing from experience.

hedgie said...

Stopped at grocery store to [pick up an item I forgot and saw a new dog toy I thought that Liesl would like. She's stuffed bone shaped squeaky toy with WVU logo! I told her she could tear it apart if she wanted!!! Sorry fans. The devil made me do it!

stronghunter said...

Back from appointment. All is well. Have to have blood work and a stress test, but no problems found.

Paula's advice sounds very good, DanaMo.

Lynn, no need to feel guilty. Just be happy that she has been adopted.

Mema Jo said...

Funny that Liesl bark didn't have Myrtle
hiding. Liesl needs to practice her
bark more! lol

hedgie said...

Okay....reading back:

Lolly, I bet Jack's homecoming was very special!!! Know how happy you are!

Andy.....are you left-handed??? When you mentioned being right-brained, I just assumed that's the case. If that IS the problem with math comprehension...very interesting! Anyone else????? Let's do a survey!!

We had rain during the early morning--sometime between 2:30'ish and 6:30AM. Has been dreary ever since.

Lori---good news on Kate's reports!!! Wonder what the Dr. will do next.
And hurray for the FLEDGE! I bet you gals were like excited parents watching their eldest go off to school!! Hope he flies high and free for a very long time!

hedgie said...

So glad the kitties are going to get permanent homes, Lori! Will you maybe keep the little girl??

Hoda....if you paddle until our Columbus Day, bet you WILL be wearing socks!!

DanaMo----poor Aric. Please reaasure him that it's not at all unusual to feel overwhelmed. And if the others aren't struggling a bit, then they aren't applying themselves! The long weekend can afford him some breathing room with extra study time. Just remind him how very smart he is, and that he is just going through an adjustment period. Suspect that homesickness has also come into play. Cyber hugs to Aric and you---BTW: it IS okay to cry, Mom!

hedgie said...

JudyE---yep, I think there wouldbe definte ecology issues with flushing a mess like that down the drain. YUCK!

Which deposition is Casey giving now? For "Zanny-the-Nanny-NOT" lawsuit?

hedgie said...

I guess 7.2 isn't all that much for Alaska---hardly even amention on the news! Hoda---might your area have felt anything from that??

hedgie said...

Speaking of MATH----I need to learn how to convert UTC time to ED/ST!!!

Hoda said...

JUDYE good audio of the eagle song.

I expect so in regards the socks LYNN!!LOL!! I wonder if we will have enough people show up to push it that far. We will wait and see.

See LORI already calls are coming in for for volunteering!!! I just agreed to be on the publicity committee for the Grans to Grans group. I must monitor so I do not get overbooked.

Hoda said...

LYNN BC sometimes feels the residue of the Alaska quakes, yet not inland where I am. Usually areound the Queen Charlotte Islands and sometimes Vancouver Island...I have not picked anything on the news about the after effects here in BC

LYNN you can convert Universal Time to local time by figuring one hour to each meridian, fifteen degrees longtitude...Greenwich is at zero. I minus eight hours from Universal time to get the correct time and I am on Pacific time. So this means you minus five hours from Universal Time to get East Coast Time.

hedgie said...

The Bears were all safe after the first day of season yesterday! Whew!

T-Bird said...

Okay, what's up with the human remains you are all talking about getting rid of? Does someone need to tell us all something? : )

hedgie said...

Thanks, Hoda!!!! SO if they say 5 UTC, it would be 12 here, right??

hedgie said...

Hoda, giving of your time is so very charitable!!! Just remember when it is time to say Enough and No!!! Don't over-extend!

JudyEddy said...

LYNN funny she barks at a turtle small as it is but not at a big deer
LOLLY so glad you are not alone anymore Have husband will travel is not good HUH

I got 1 1/4 inch of rain while I was at Angies last nite It was pouring all the way home from her house It was only lite rain at hers and hit it big time on the interstate then checked and saw the rain gauge as we pulled in today I moved it from back yard to side yard tooo many trees in back now

I'm right handed and not good in math but good and fixing and doing things Everyone teases me at work the way I can fix stuff

Yep it for Zany the nanny she is in hiding and she is trying to get her year probation moved out of state

I have never heard of UT in times something new to me

Mema Jo said...

I just posted on the Momster email site
the September Birth dates with email addresses.
If you didn't receive the email,
please contact me so I can get your
name and email address.

This list runs through the Eaglet_
Momsters membership list and some of you may not have joined.
Also if there are others with birthday
or wedding anniversary let me know who that would be.

Hoda said...

Off to Yoga and a stop at the lawyers to pay for the Will and the Health Care Directive as we call the Living Will here.Talk to you later...Have a wonderful afternoon.

Lolly said...

Yard is mowed and pots watered. Have bathed and ready to be lazy the rest of the day. ☺ I want you to know that Annie is really feeling great. She is here on the arm of my chair purrihg away as I pet her. She is also telling me how good it feels, talking away! Last night we were sitting here when all of a sudden she attacked my hand. She was on the floor and wanted to play. So play we did, with me moving my hand around on the arm of the chair and her "attacking" from below. Jack and I were both smiling!

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I love they way cats and kittens want to play I'm thinking about getting another cat or kitten when I get back from VACA in OCT

Lolly said...

I do hope everyone has a great weekend. Laurel and family are coming Sunday afternoon. We are doing nothing Monday as Laurel wants to enjoy the day at home. They were going to the Rangers game last night, but Jacob is sick. Looks like he is getting a cold. Yesterday he told his mom "I have never felt so bad in my life." LOL Drama king!

Lolly said...

Can not live without a cat! Annie is now over 16 and not well, so it is great to see her feeling like playing.

JudyEddy said...

They got all four camera running yesterday at OK nest

T-Bird said...

Okay Mema Jo. What did you cook?

Lolly said...

LOL Just read the comments on Jack's picture. He was so cute last night. He talked and talked about the trip. And still is! He really had a great time. Yes, we do indeed have a very caring son. When he was little, really little, he would go into his closet and secretly wrap presents, his toys and things he made. He really likes to give gifts...he puts a lot of thought into the gifts he buys. However, he waits to the last minute to do it...that drives me crazy and now his wife. LOL

Jack brought me a gift...a bottle of perfume. He said he planned to looks for something for me when Michael brought it up and started helping his Dad shop. Too funny!

stronghunter said...

Right-brained here, as if you did not already know.

JudyEddy said...

I posted something on Know Issue on Facebook How since they have changed the status bar with the picture and video uploading or downloading that is just as bad and slow as Blogger process that the thing that would show you the progress no longer works and the notification thing on the box doesn't show either HEY and they THANKED me for info and will look in to it So if anyone has issues that is the place to go to THEY LISTENED but will anything be done LOL

JudyEddy said...

check out this eagle rescued
Baled Eagles Rescued

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, glad your Jack is back and had a wonderful time! Happy to hear Annie is feeling good!

stronghunter said...

Lolly, I know how worried you were about Annie. Maybe she did, too. She is letting you know that she is just fine.

hedgie said...

JudyE---I have no idea what you just said about Facebook and blogger and know(n) issues since I don't do videos, but glad you got a response!!!

Nice video! Gotta tell my Mom about that place!

hedgie said...

Lolly, so glad that Annie is feeling better and acting more liek herself.
Sorry Jacob is sick---too early in the school year for that!! Keep an eye on symptoms....."worst" headache, stiff neck, etc. really could be the WORST.

JudyEddy said...

Hey LYNN they have a Facebook Page its
Suncoast Primate Santuary I use to take Angie there when she was little It was the Chimp Farm I think that what it was called

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn is still asleep need to start making noise to get her to wake up she went down when we got home at one- she feel asleep in the car and I had to carry her in Boys is she heavy. and she didn't even wake up

JudyEddy said...

I have to have her at Angies at 430

Lolly said...

Football tonight!☺ TCU vs Baylor


Judie said...

Lori, so glad Kate's tests were negative. May have been a stress reaction. How's your Mom? Good luck to the vulture.

Alaska earthquake? Maybe just S. Palin spouting off.

DanaMo, hugs for Aric. New students often feel lost and confused and most are seriously home sick. So very much to absorb. I agree with Paula's suggestions. Have this to add: tell Aric that students who do not seem to have school work are those that become overwhelmed the night before an exam or an assignment due date. Those students typically do not earn high grades. Making a study plan and sticking to it will be his new BFF.

Lynn, no guilt. You did more than most any other person would have done or tolerated. Wish her well and play with Liesl the vamp.

Jo, what DID you cook? Do I need to head toward MD?

Kay said...

THELMA, just caught up on the blog and happy you are no longer "lost". I've missed you ! LOL your human remains question---we need to get JUDIE to work on this Whodunit !

DANAMO, Paula pegged it where Aric is concerned and others have added great comments, too. Been there, done that, with 3 kids and now 3 out of 5 grands. He is as normal a Freshman with about 10 days under his belt as he can be ! The long weekend with fewer around can be a blessing---a good time to explore every square inch of the campus. He'll find that many have not gone away for the weekend after all. Does he have a roommate---are there any other Hagerstown kids there ?

DanaMo said...

Yes, that's basically what I told him. He will be all prepared for the first exam, and the others may not be prepared. He has some hard courses, Physics and Calculus. I also suggested that he talk to kids in those classes and his engineering classes and suggest that they get together somewhere and do work together. Hopefully those suggestions will help! It's hard being so far away and not being able to be there for him, but at least with technology today we can communicate a lot more easily.

Kay said...

LYNN, it's good that Mai has a new home and you should have no regrets. You and she were just not a match for each other. You needed some time to get ready for Lady Liesl---you were meant for each other !

LORI, it had to be a kick to see the fledgling take off ! "Look out world, here I come !" Without you and Kate he'd never have made it ! Good show !

JO, thanks again for the September celebrants list ! Like the others, I want to know what cha' got cookin' ?

Son called today--his wife is in Seattle for a Poly-Sci conference--his 20 year old, Lauren, is safely on the Beijing University campus where she'll spend the next four months. So, he and 16 yr. old Cooper are batching it--they're having BBQ ribs and corn on the cob for dinner. Hmmmmm, my mouth is watering !

Lolly said...

I meant to say something earlier to Lynn. Lynn, do not feel inadequate concerning Mai. You two were not a match. You went to your limits and beyond trying to succeed with her. You know that!

So happy Mai in a new home. We can all wish her the very best! Now, go love on Liesl for me!♥

Lolly said...

I still think Liesl needs a cow costume for Halloween. LOL

Lolly said...

I have a neice who dressed her dog up for every month and took a picture. She then made a calendar with Alleys picture on each month. The dogs name was Allison, Alley for short. She was named after my mother. lol Mother loved it! Danna made her a calendar. Alley is now my sisters dog. When Danna had her house for sale she asked Sharon to keep her. Sharon had her for months and then refused to give her back. Danna now has two other dogs...a rescue and a stray she adopted.

DanaMo said...

Yum...Kay I want some ribs and corn!

paula eagleholic said...

DanaMO, Michael loved the study groups made up of classmates...really helpful and you meet new people!

ALso, technology...I meant to comment on your post about talking to AmmeMarie on AOL IM...that's how my kids used to check in with me when they got home from school!! Loved it!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, very glad that Mai has a new furever home. Not all matches are made in heaven!! NO guilt for you, lady.

JudyEddy said...

the liquefy process has been around in Europe I google it and found stuff from 2009 this is the the latest 2011
YUK is all I say
in Belgium

in Canada 2009

They say its better for the environment the first is in St Pete right here they do it Yikes I say

JudyEddy said...

The Ft Desoto eagles were spotted today on North Beach a picture on facebook someone put BBL gonna watch the news and hang out

JudyEddy said...

The USS Independence is docked here for a couple of days really neat its HUGE

JudyEddy said...

Todays court day on Casey was about if she has to pay the state back all the money for the trial and pay all the money involved in the search for the nanny and Caylee the judge will have his answer in a couple of weeks Casey didn't have to be there today.

and the meter reader is suing newspapers trash magazines for putting the meter reader did it in the 2009 edition

no other news yet on them back to the news

JudyEddy said...

Tracking NX here is a link that was on face book with a map
Wildlife Center of Virginia
Where is she now? Well ... click on the link and find out! Tracking NX.

Where is NX

Wildlife Center of Virginia
Where is she now? Bald Eagle NX has moved a bit farther afield and is near the water. Still near Berkeley/Westover, but off the property.

Hoda said...

Well We in Canada are known for our TORONTO Bashing!!! when I read the link from JUDYE and the message from LYNN about liquifying corpses, I thought to myself, "What do you expect it is Toronto after all!!!" They are ahead of the times or at least like to think so...some of their ideas are very strange and they do not particularly take off in the rest of the country...perhaps this is going to be one of those ideas...I want to be cremated and scattered in a lake or top of a mountain. The idea of going to the seage does not appeal to me. So I will not change my Will or my Health Directive to become like Toronto...or Toranta as they prounounce it!!!LOL!!!

JudyEddy said...

HODA I will join you in the cremation that is my wishes also and I want to be put in NC mtns on the parkway I the viaduct is nice and Grandfather Mtn Oh camera is going bonkers

JudyEddy said...

commercial over

Hoda said...

Our papers are now featuring much about September 11th and the courage of the American People. From the following article I share

Kent said “we are reminded of the strength and resilience of America and Americans.”


Mema Jo said...

Out to get something to eat.....

hedgie said...

Thanks for kind comments about Mai!

LOL---Liesl already looks like a cow! She just needs a face mask!!

Kay, is that the NJ son who is batching it with his son??

Personally, I don't care what Jo is cooking (I know it will be good!)---I just want some of Jenny's crabs!

hedgie said...

I will also be cremated, with some scattered on top of a ridge near here, and the rest in the ocean at Cape Hatteras.

Cool link for tracking NX!

hedgie said...

There will be a temporary bridge erected within a month to het back to Hatteras!!! Hope their efforts match their optimism!!

JudyEddy said...

the wind is blowing just nice enough to keep the leaves pulled back they look wet really shiny right now

JudyEddy said...

going to full screen and back to the news

paula eagleholic said...

Heading to the beach...will check in later!


hedgie said...

Dinner done...cukes, onions, tomatoes w/ corn-on-cob and popcorn shrimp. Quite tasty!

hedgie said...

Drive safely, Paula....traffic might be a nightmare! Check in when you arrive, please!

Hoda said...

Supper sounds delicious LYNN.
PAULA have a safe trip.Look forward to hearing your adventures when you arrive. Is any family joining you at the beach?

magpie said...

Hello Eagle Pals

My body goes to Cadavar School here in WV for a year, then comes home in a small box...think I would like some ashes scattered at Swinging Bridge...maybe, ALL of them

Paula: Happy Trails to the Paradise....any company besides Nick this week-end ?

magpie said...

didn't get my post on in time before Paula left...and awaaaaay she goes !
Beach-Bound !

magpie said...

Happy New Home to Mai...
and you just keep on giving your loving to Liesl, Lynn...
Liesl and Myrtle that is !
It's all good
(( Hugs ♥ ))

hedgie said...

Strange occurrence: apparently different rainstorms have different chemical components (acid rain?).
My patio light covers in front of the house were a horrible mess with the junk from the house washing. Rains had not washed them off at all.....I went out to take them apart today so I could scrub them....and they were clean! So overnight rain must have been full of magic!

JudyEddy said...

MARGIE got my curiosity up why go to the school for a year Research?? Donating to science?

hedgie said...

There's Margy!!!! Did you have a crazy day at work? Sounded like it might have been...

magpie said...

It had its busy moments, Lynn
some officers spent a long time looking for a metal thief
AND, an deserter from the military, was found here working at a store...rather sad story there, he is in custody and will go back to Kentucky I guess.

JudyE -
Yes, science....I think I might still be able to donate organs first, but originally that was not allowed, the whole body and nothing but the whole body
have to check on that

magpie said...

It's sort of a single person's plan, Judy...rather uncomplicated in its own way.

hedgie said...

Sofa time for a few quick winks! Just like a hog!!! Eat, nap....

hedgie said...

But I WAS up early today!

magpie said...

All the suggestions for Dana's son Aric...seem great!
Maybe Aric can organize a Coffee/Tea Club group combined with sociability

When I read "A Beautiful Mind," there were narrative in there of some of the mathematicians and engineers having those kinds of gatherings - at Princeton the days when Albert Einstein was there

magpie said...

young man had joined the army, realized it was a mistake...and that was the only way he knew to get away from it I guess....over two years ago.
I hope things will go okay for him
I found it all very sad...he was very cooperative

magpie said...

what's Lynne up to for the week-end...Lynne?
staying home or going over the Mountain and through the Woods ??

magpie said...

enjoy your nap, Lynn

I'm taking a pile of my "New-Old" Books to the bedroom, and expect to fall asleep for awhile myself....

Best wishes for a Good Evening, Everyone...

ttfn xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

All I hear is the hum of the speakers if I take the volume control on the cam it doesn't affect the sound can some one else try it just thought odd not to hear anything but the hum its windy and don't hear it Thanks for checking

JudyEddy said...

ok seems to be working I think NEVER MIND the check but I still don't hear any wind or other beside the hum but the volume control on cam does make it go up and down same sound

JudyEddy said...

Ok I now hear a truck or something with a engine so I guess it ok I feel better LOL

magpie said...

People Magazine, features stories of the ten children that were born AFTER their fathers died on Sept 11 2001
I did pick that up to read also

Kay, my The Wildlife Detectives, How Forensic Scientists Fight Crimes Against Nature
by Donna Jackson
photographs by Wenday Shattil and Bob Rozinski
copyright 2000
Houghton Mifflin Company...
is quite informative,
has a chapter in there entitled
"Under the Microscope, Wild File: Eagle Express"
Going to look at that also tonight.
It's not very big, is paperback...
You had asked about it, so here is that information for you

magpie said...

heard that putt-putting engine noise also, and now just a jet, Judy

Mema Jo said...

This annual picnic is for Crabs and
Fried Chicken - both of which are ordered from local establishments...
They always ask me to make the jelled
pineapple carrot salad with cream cheese
topping. I get off easy but when the next picnic comes along I need to make
the potato salad. So it's no big to do
for tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I played with three of your pictures of the melting candles I will go put them on blog right not BB I did put on Facebook on your wall

Hoda said...

This blog is NOT very good for my diet!!! LOL!!! I read about the menus and mouth waters and then I want to eat!!! AGAIN!!!... So wait up JO I am on my way for your picnic tomorrow the salad is delicious sounding and yum yum for the crabs...Wish you the best of weather...

JudyEddy said...

Lolly Melting candles in Texas I put three pictures I played with on my blog

Hoda said...

JUDYE Great job on the comparison photos on LOLLY's FB wall...Striking really...

I hear a dog barking on the live feed.

Oh Where oh where have the eagles gone?

Hoda said...

OK what was that sound? Talons scrapping???

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

get ready I HOPE

Hoda said...

I heard that and it repeats...Oh I wished they would come down...and again the clunking!!!

JudyEddy said...

come on eagles please

JudyEddy said...

if you don't come down we are going to ground you

JudyEddy said...

it is reassuring that they are there above the cam

JudyEddy said...

The ☼ is setting and I want to see a eagle please

JudyEddy said...

JudyEddy said...

that was just for the eagles to read LOL I click with the symbols again on the screen waiting to fill in between

Hoda said...

I am sitting here laughing my head off!!! Here are these rather sociable, well adjusted and healthy women sitting here talking to eagles who seem to be elusive and we are glued to a screen!!! I hope this is never a question on anyones sanity test!!! LOL !!!

JudyEddy said...

I wish we had a camera like OK does two on at a distance OH wait they changed the camera today they were totally different got all 4 up

Hoda said...

OK the colour is changing and me fears they are not going to show themselves!!! :( !!!

JudyEddy said...

I was thinking the same thinkg But there is atleast a group of us LOL we will stick together and get the story straight if we are ever busted LOL

JudyEddy said...

lite on darn it

Hoda said...

JUDYE E would you post the link to the OK webcam? Please.

Light changed on nest!!! No Eagles...

JudyEddy said...

little teases I have a good mine to go to the nest HAHA If I lived there I just might Well then I am going to go watch some TV first a shower was so sweaty today visiting the monkeys

magpie said...

well I heard the clunks too
and I STILL hear them
but I sure don't SEE anything

Well, the Toddler Moon IS out, West, South West

Hoda said...

Clunk and camera shakes slightly.

JudyEddy said...

OK nest they are also on Facebook Friends of Ponca

and more clunking I hear big teases


hedgie said...


JudyEddy said...



WHAT A WONDERFUL way to begin the DAY ˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★
˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★
˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★

Hoda said...

Now a HUGE shake

MISS BELLE has arrived

magpie said...


hedgie said...


hedgie said...


JudyEddy said...

under the leaf rright away and poof

hedgie said...

Big silly minute!

Linda said...

Well that was a short visit!!

Hoda said...

She lands below noon and looks around and now is under the canopy of leaves.

JudyEddy said...

not begin the day was end the day and she came and left just as fast

Linda said...

At least we know she is doing well!!

Hoda said...

Gracious me I think she is gone

JudyEddy said...

I turned on cam just as she went under the stupid leaf I got a tail and a peice of her head LOL but at least she was there HAHAHAHAHa

magpie said...

That stupid Durable Oil thing keeps crossing my screen !
IN and OUT that Eagle
pure white looking head
so..was it BELLE ??

stronghunter said...

Shucks, I missed it.

JudyEddy said...

Where would she have flow to above the cam again

JudyEddy said...

somebody has to teach her manners not to leave so quickly

Hoda said...

Well at least HRH, Her Royal Highness made an appearance!!! Short as it was!!! I am glad

JudyEddy said...

you didn't miss much Shirley a quicky I don't like them

Linda said...

And.....good evening all!

Hope everyone is having a good Friday evening on the beginning of this 3 day weekend.

LOLLY - Loved all the comments about how excited you were to have Jack back!! It's heartwarming to see!

DANA MO - Sorry Aric is having difficulty. You know this will pass, but as a Mom, you just want to be there for him. Hopefully your words of wisdom and encouragement will be comforting to him and he'll use the time this weekend to catch up and get ahead of what is going on thus far in his classes.

LORI - So happy to hear your little vulture fledged today. How exciting!! You've done so good with that young one! Kudos to you!

JudyEddy said...

HODA I put three pictures of LOLLY candles on my MIS picture and video blog I posted link a few post back there were 4 pictures put I couldn't find a frame for all 4 to see good

hedgie said...

Jo, what kind of jello do you use for your salad? I have used lemon, lime and and orange. Like lime the best!!! Neither of my kids like jello salads... :( Bill didn't, I haven't made one in a very long time! Too much for one person! YUMM for you!!

Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...

Better make sure I log the short visit in my journal

Mema Jo said...

Well darn it all! I missed seeing our
eagle - :(
Yes, Hoda others unknowing about our
relationships with the eagles would brand us crazzzyy Especially when we
send blog comments to them...

Well good for all of you that saw our
feathered friend. My mind is at ease.
All is well at the nest!


Lolly said...

Watching the TCU game.

Judy, so funny about the candles. You did a great job. Was going to leave a comment but it would not let me. Grrrr!

Sko, Belle visited the nest. Great!

Hoda said...

THANKS JUDYE I did see the pictures from the post you put on the blog...good work.

magpie said...

Yours and My pic are seconds apart Lynn

The E-M album says it is
already 9-3-11
and YOUR pic says 9-3-2001 Lynn ☺

Mema Jo said...

I usually mix lemon and orange jellos
My girls however use the jello salad as
an excuse to eat the cream cheese

hedgie said...

ROFL, Judy! Security word for comment on your candle pics (cute!!) was SHAGAMMU!!!
They come up with some weird ones, funny ones, dumb ones!

magpie said...

I like your pic, Lynn...Belle peeking out

Linda - YES!!!
James and I saw ISS last night !
Tonight, a rather dim viewing I think
and low, around 9 pm hereabouts, might try to have a peek anyway

hedgie said...

JudyE and Hoda----at least we are crazy together and having fun!!!! Yep...we'll get it straight and stick to our story!!! worked, because Belle showed herself!!

magpie said...

never mind what I said Lynn about your pic...
I see it says 9-3-11 2001 - that is 8:01 pm ...I get it NOW
just not the 9-3 part
You are pulling Judie on us !
LOL xoxox ☺

hedgie said...

I DID get a pic and posted it in the album!

magpie said...

I love jello salad Jo
and the one you are making sounds ESPECIALLY GOOD !!!

magpie said...

I saw it Lynn

that's what I'm talking about ...
it's a nice one !

Linda said...

MARGY - I knew you were out there watching it go by!! Felt like I was with you!!

I actually went out and laid down on the driveway to watch the sky because my neck was already bothering me. It was a perfect view!!

Glad James got to see it with you, too!

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said... DOES say 3----I typed 2.....I'll fix it! Sorry, MArgy....I don't know why it did that---I copied and pasted from my title!

hedgie said...

Fixed it. Our puter clocks aren't in sync, are they Margy??

magpie said...

I thought maybe it was the UCT ?
time thing Lynn - LOL

magpie said...

I take the time off the still cam, which is two mins different from my computer time
and I never try it from the live cam
don't mind me, I'm not picking...
important thing is that BELLE was there to get pics of !
It's 9-3 across the pond anyway!

hedgie said...

LOL, Margy...nope. UCT would have been 0101!!! 5 hrs. ahead of our clock, per Hoda's teaching!!

hedgie said...

Went back and looked in My Pictures.....I DID fat-finger it and typed 3 while I thought 2. DUH!

magpie said...

James is about as crazy about ISS as I am

and once again, I give credit to PAULA for introducing the flyovers to us....three+ years ago

JudyEddy said...

I posted her wonderful visit LOL on the blog Just to record her visit for the day it with this morning audio of her chirping I loved it that I got that

Linda said...

It is neat, Margy, to watch. Our local weather guy always brings it up the day before and the day of the fly over!

Linda said...

Margy - How old is Wise James?

magpie said...

and that would make it Sept 3
that's what I was thinking ! ☺

like the crazy time difference that sometimes shows up on our picture blog comments...
ever notice that?

Sure hoping the GG Gang is getting some Jayden time tonight !

back to what I was doing, just not sure what it WAS now
ttfn xoxo

magpie said...

James is 11, Linda
turns 12 on Dec 17
He likes Wild and Wonderful things...

Linda said...

So awesome that you're in his life! I know you love having him in your life as well!!

magpie said...

first time I went to see ISS Linda
I drove out to the country and parked in a farmer's field!
But then I realized I could see it pretty well HERE
so, no more trespassing

magpie said...

Thanks Linda....
it does seem to "cut" both ways ♥ ☺

well, SPLIT coming up soon,
I just checked for new thread but is NOT here.

back later on....

hedgie said...

Linda, how is Dennis? Is he out of his mood??

I can't see a thing on the cam much for a night-light, huh?

magpie said...

will re-post this for anyone that might like it:

just punch in your zip code...

ISS Flyovers and other Satellites

magpie said...

LOL whoops I have my zip code in there
forgot to clear it out before I blue-linked it

JudyEddy said...

I just fixed the first picture on the blog I noticed I had clicked on the xlarge when editing and the one candle didn't show so I just re edited it to see all of the candle in the picture

Still learning the picture thing on the blog didn't realize could make the pictures bigger of littler but now I do

JudyEddy said...

cool thanks for re posting I can see one tonight at 8 9 in a few min THANKS I wonder if I will be able to see it if not also tomorrow nite

JudyEddy said...

There isn't anything on TV just now so I will go out side and look to see what I can see I

JudyEddy said...

Well that is a bust its raining Darn it

JudyEddy said...

Think I will take my Tylenol PM early and hit the sack early I can't wait for the new season Ok its nite nite this time I am powering down here I go

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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...