Thursday, August 18, 2011


New thread.


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Lori O. said...

Hello Steve!

Thanks for the NEW THREAD.

I'll go get the others.

I hope all is going well for you.

Any word on when the CAMERAS will be up again? We all appreciate any info. Thanks!

Judie said...

Good morning, again.

Thank you, Steve. Have a lovely day, please.

We're off for our day trip and free lunch. Be back sometime late late afternoon.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day and that all colds, strep, aches and pains will depart.

stronghunter said...

Have fun, Judie.

Lolly said...

Wow, that old thread was barely used! LOL Thanks, Steve!

Have posted a precious picture of new little Reece on my family pics blog.

Lolly said...

Thanks for the call over, Shirley!

Are you beginning to feel really retired now?

stronghunter said...

Was concerned that you might not find your way over here, Lolly, since there was a split after Lori announced the new thread. You were marching right along on the old one. Good to see you here.

Lolly said...

Oh, I usually can stumble around in the dark and eventually get where I need to be. LOL

Lolly said...

If I am going to run the errands I better get with the program. See you all this afternoon. Have a great day!

Lynne2 said...

this is too funny.....on my FB page off to the side, there is a thing that says On This Day in 2010 and has my status from that day. It was the day I THOUGHT I put the meatloaf in the oven and forgot!

Mema Jo said...

Good Good Morning Everyone - I am out of bird seed - now that is not being a good Momster is it? lol Funny how many different species of birds will accept peanuts...
I must go back a thread to see what is
happening. I wish Lori would get an
answer from NCTC about cameras being up
It's killing our coffee clash in the morning.

Haircuts today - me and my Bragg girls. I really had a Big Blast yesterday with my girls! Hope to do it again this evening at dinner with all family invited.

Judie - enjoy your day trip and hope all goes well - especially lunch!

Mema Jo said...

Happy Happy Birthday to our Momster Candy! Hope you enjoy your day
and have a very happy year ahead ♥

Lynne2 said...

Glad you had so much fun Jo! Haircuts with the girls....sounds like someone should take some pictures of that event too!!!

Lynne2 said...

these are some amazing memories you are creating with your family!

Lori O. said...

Glad everybody made it over.

Have a great trip Darth and JUDIE!

LOLLY I saw your pics on FBook last night. Your grandsons are very cute. Photogenic! It was nice to put the pics with the blog postings. Glad all is well at Camp Hawkwood.

SHIRLEY, glad you got some sleep.

LYNN, you should rest today - you did so much yesterday. We'll have to call you Energizer Bunny. :)

Hi THELMA - saw you checked in on the old thread.

I'm headed for home. Hitting the highway, all that stuff. Have a great day all. Be safe...we need you here. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lynne2 said...

well folks, time to get ready for WORK. I'll lurk a bit while I'm there if I have time!

Have a good day everyone!

T-Bird said...

Sharon ran some virus and bug "programs" on my computer. I hope that was the problem, it's running better. Keep your fingers crossed.

hedgie said...

Okay, Thelma....they are crossed!

I heard some chatter on scanner when I was up during the night, but Carolyn posted on FB an online newspaper item about a townhouse fire locally around 3AM. 2 units lost---heavy damage as in destroyed. No one was home, luckily. They are part of one of the "projects"---and it appears suspicious.
Sure has been a bad week for our fire departments and EMS in the tri-county area.

hedgie said...

For all heading out, be safe!! And for those staying home---remember accidents DO happen at home, too!

Lynne, so funmy about the status thingy on FB----that sure was a FUNNY one for you!

hedgie said...

I keep refreshing cam page.....argh! Don't know why Steve won't tell us what is happening.

hedgie said...

Got the decks blown off before the rain comes. I think the cutleaf worms are at work.....messy!

hedgie said...

Jo, I am out of corn again! Will swing by Tractor Supply if the traffic isn't TOO bad and have it ready---Frank will be here tomorrow to put up the trim boards, so he can pour it into the feeder for me.

Mema Jo said...

Sounds like a good plan
Peanuts are great especially for 2
little girls who like to crack/eat them!

Getting ready for 'do's' Need to leave shortly..

Take care!!!

movin said...




mORE fog this morning, and more heat and humidity later today.

C(°?°)3 Jim

movin said...




C(°?°)3 Jim

hedgie said...

Graduation pics are up on my blog!!

hedgie said...

Hi, Jim!! How are you doing?!

stronghunter said...

What a handsome pair, Lynn. And smart, too!

stronghunter said...

Hi Jim.

stronghunter said...

BBL. Time to accomplish something around here.

Hoda said...

Good morning all.

THANKS STEVE for the new thread.We are spoilt.

Happy Birthday CANDY

Hoda said...

It is a busy day for me, but I also see it is busy for MARGY as she had to go in to work.

Safe Travels JUDIE, look forward to hearing about the islands.

LORI I was not up this morning, if I was I would have been on the blog with you all. I hope the coffee was good.

LYNN I have so much RESPECT and ADMIRATION for your story...You are indeed a strong woman, God Bless you...I was touched by your words this morning about your ex's expectations of you...He did not know much this chap!!!

Hoda said...

LOLLY I love the picture of REECE and his MOM. What a precios little soul he is, ADORABLE simply ADORABLE. I hope his lungs are better and do let us know what the doctors are saying. He looks healthy in his picture.

I changed my avatar to now show you a picture of my great nephew in Egypt. He is with my sister, his grandmother. Her name is Samia, and his name is Hamza.

Today I go to yoga nad then spend the after noon volunteering for the BC SENIORS GAMES. I wilkl check in after I come back...I will be lurking for most of the morning till I leave for yoga. I hope you all have a GREAT DAY...

Hoda said...

LYNN Thanks for LIESL'S graduation pictures. Handsome boyfriend she has got!!!;^)!!! What else do they need to teach her in College, the next phase of training...what did she learn in high school?

Hoda said...

DANAMO, I think of ARIC everytime I hear the news from Spain, and I love your attitude about what is going on there...I am sure he will come back with wonderfu stories about his experience over seas...Good for you for jogging in the heat and the humididty. you so look well after your self with the exercise...are you at school this morning/today?

Lori O. said...

LYNN, Leisl and Stonewall make a handsome couple. I'm very proud of both of you.

Hello HODA. Don't know who is busier, you or LYNN! I love old folks. Give the 75 and over crowd a hug from me. Guess I'd have a great time there! :)

JIM - nice to see you today. Can't believe So Cal gets so humid these days.

hedgie said...

Wish I could teach Liesl to put her toys away! They are ALL dragged out into the kitchen again! Just tripped over an alligator!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Hoda! Appreciate your kind words.
I'm not sure what college lessons will be, Hoda. HS was reinforcing everything from kindergarten and then adding time endurance and distractions to all of the commands (sit, stay, down, leave it, wait; increased socialization, as well).

Love the pic of your Sister and little Hamza. He's a cutie! And your sister is lovely!

Looly, Reece is also a cutie!

T-Bird said...

Later alligators.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Lynn, I have given up trying to put Nick's toys away!

hedgie said...

LOL, Paula....don't TRIP!!
Do you think we spoil them???

hedgie said...

TIme to log off and get ready to head out. See all y'all later this afternoon or this evening.

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

HAVE A GREAT DAY LYNN...yes you and PAULA spoil your LIESL and NICK and they love it and so do we...they are wonderful and with great stories...

JudyEddy said...

Happy Birthday CANDY I hope you have a good one

Jordyn is down for a nap I got her to eat lunch YEAH me Angies said she hasn't eaten since the day before yesterday She ate half my lunch and some of her's She wouldn't eat breakfast yesterday or today and no lunch at school yesterday or dinner last nite I tried giving her pancakes this am ate only 3/4 of a mini one so I was sooooo happppppy when she ate lunch

JudyEddy said...

I know I took a shower this morning but did I put deodorant on is that why everyone is gone LOL So I guess I will find something to keep this feeble mind occupied LOL

JudyEddy said...

The eagles are in tub so cute

T-Bird said...

LOL Judy, I'm here, does that count. : ))

Lori O. said...

Me three!

DanaMo said...

another muskrat in the pool!

paula eagleholic said...

Heading to John and Ajay's for dinner tonight! No alert needed, LOL.

OH did I tell you I saw a SILVER ALERT on the way home from the beach last week? They are for REAL!

paula eagleholic said...

♫♫ Happy Birthday to you, Dear Candy! ♫♫

Lolly said...

Home from the movie! Now to rest for the remainder of the evening. Hamburgers for dinner so I do not even have much cooking to do. Yea!

Lolly said...

Liesl's graduation picture as well as Stonewall's are precious! Way to go Liesl!!!! Now on to get your higher education!

Mema Jo said...

Another Muskrat Rumble! Did you just
fish him out and off he went?

I am waiting for my 'get together' folks
6:00 dinner - didn't tell my cats yet that Chloe (Eng.Bulldog) will be with us
They just came in sooooo They will be able to head into the one bedroom for the evening to stay cool!
Should 3 3 little ones and 12-13 big ones eating and funning around this eve.

Mema Jo said...

Dana Mo - You didn't knock any of your teeth loose did you?

Time for me to go


Lolly said...

Wow, I have had my computer to myself for a while. Have caught up on fb and the current thread. Boys are playing cooperatively in on the computer.

hedgie said...

Hello---I'm home---finally. Liesl is fed, my pizza is in the oven and I am sipping on a "maggie" as Paula calls them!!
What a day! Hairdresser broke her ankle so she is moving slowly and talking more----she can't work and talk at the same time! Paving the highway, so sat in traffic for 15 mins. o my way there.
Then on to the shopping......mission accomplished---except I forgot postage stamps!
Oh, well. At least the school supplies are DONE!

hedgie said...

Oh, DanaMo---die you save this musky, too? Guess they are pretty good swimmers.

Jo---bet you are in heaven with so many family members there!


Paula---yep, silver alerts are very real!! Hope they found the poor missing eldster.

hedgie said...

Thelma---you asked "do I count?" YES, MA'AM, you most certainly do!!!! Love ya', gal!

DanaMo said...

The Catholic Review has tons of pictures on their Facebook page. My avatar is Aric in Madrid!! :) Big smile!

DanaMo said...

They are good swimmers. He was latched onto the bolt on the side of the pool where we attach the rope to differentiate the low and deep ends. But we don't use the rope, he was just on the hook.

DanaMo said...

Yes, I saved him and put him back into the bushes and I'm sure he will find his way back into the pool another day!

DanaMo said...

mema Jo-No I didn't shake any teeth loose thank God! My chin looks pretty nasty though!

stronghunter said...

Went out into my backyard to see if I had killed the poison ivy. It is looking very ill. Yay!

While I was there, I saw this butterfly.

DanaMo said...

Glad you are getting rid of your poison ivy, Shirley...nasty stuff!

hedgie said...

Oh, DanaMo---Aric looks SO handsome!!
Get some Mederma for your chin---will help lessen the scarring! It really works!

Shirley, have you ID'd the beautiful flutterby?? When does the fence work begin?

DanaMo said...

Why thank you Hedgie!

stronghunter said...

Fence guy has never called me back with his figures. I think he doesn't want the job. I am going to find someone else.

stronghunter said...

Female tiger swallowtail, Lynn.

hedgie said...

Very disappointed that we still don't have a cam....:(

hedgie said...

Your welcome, Dana!

Shirley--it sure is "purdy!"
Yep----scratch that guy off the list!

stronghunter said...

Yeah, I could call him, but I do not want to hire someone who isn't eager enough to call me with the information. I called him once. Now he should call me.

stronghunter said...

Also got this picture. A double treat.

stronghunter said...

And I believe it is milkweed they are on.

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY a stunnig avatar...double treat is right.

Lynn I am glad your busy day went well, forgetting the stamps is minor the other stuff got done.

DANAMO, ARIC is handsome and what a lovely picture of him taking in history as it unfolds.Thanks for posting.

My day was long but worht while. I found that I am able to do poses that were difficult in yoga and also to decide to modify others as they were not what I needed to be doing.

I thought of JO when I saw the teams Dragon Boat compete with the dragon head and tail and took a picture which I will put on my blog when I rest a bit...I will post when I do so.

The Nelson Seniors team came in first in the first race, they came in second in the second race and they have some more races to do tomorrow. They are looking good and have a chance to finsih in the medal round.They all looked very well as they raced and we are all very proud of them...every single woman on this team is a cancer survivor...WAY TO GO LADIES, WAY TO GO!!!

I am tired so I will go and rest. It was good to read the blog.

LOLLY I saw a Volkswagon Bus today from TEXAS, I also saw an SUV from New York...

DanaMo said...

Goodnight everyone! One week from tomorrow Kay and I get to meet!

hedgie said...

WhooHoo, dana! Can't wait to hear that report from you both!!! So exciting!
I am looking forward to my next trip to visit Mom even more cause I will get to do the same!!

Shirley, you really did luck out--two of them!!!

Hoda, congrats to the Nelsom team!
Did they have a special chant? "We Beat the Beast!" would be appropriate!!!

hedgie said...

Severe storm in area--sme reports of hail. All I have is thunder.....keeping ears open.

Severe warnings a little while ago for Judie's area.....

Linda said...

Evening All!

Thought I'd check in to see how everyone is doing.

WANDA - I forgot to mention how touching your story of your day with GG was yesterday. How wonderful that you have such a loving relationship and that she has you to take such amazing good care of her. I'll bet everyone just loves her, as everyone loves you, too. Thanks for sharing those precious moments that will be etched in your brain and heart forever!

LOLLY - Little Reese is just precious and adorable. May he be blessed with good health and happiness all the days of his life.

Happy Birthday Candy!! Hope you're day has been every bit as special as you are!! Wishing you many more!! ♥

Had a bad night last night, but hopefully tonight will be better. It just has to run its course. Thanks for all your well wishes!!

Mema Jo said...

I am back to my normal! Had a marvelous
evening - Just the right mix! Food was
well received and enjoyed by all.

Trying to do some pick up (very little to do)


magpie said...

Jo: 33 kids?
Did I read that right???
There was a 3 then a space then another 3
and 12-13 adults...
Wow !!

Hope the course IT's running, gets "smoother and weller" Linda ♥
for you and Dennis both...
Send me your Germs....☺

Hello Eagle Pals!

magpie said...

and remember, Linda,
Germs HATE rest, so try to get as much of that as you can xoxo

magpie said...

Great avatars, Hoda, both Nathaniel, earlier, and now Samia and Hamza
Great report of the Seniors' Races earlier
God Bless YOU and all the teams !

magpie said...

let me figure this out, when you go to visit your Mom, you get to do "more of the same"
does that mean you are meeting up with Kay ?
Help me out ! ☺
I'm having a senior moment

magpie said...

Hope Nick is going to Ajay's with Paula...for some kid-lovin'
and ball-playing ☺

Mema Jo said...

Margy - lets removed one of those 3's...
Actually there were 4 little ones! We
added a visitor.... Samantha, Izzy, Ally and Nathan! Nathan is almost 1 yr
old and keeps those gals stepping!

Very happy for you DanaMo and Kay to be
meeting each other! Great sense of

magpie said...

That is a wonderful picture of Aric -
What a Glorious Adventure for Him....

Mema Jo said...

Some things to do

magpie said...

"Copy that" Jo...
too funny, the picture I had in my mind of 33 little ones

Nathan is...Ally's little brother ??
sorry, I probably should know by now

Judie said...

Good evening everyone.

Hoda, such a really nice picture of Samia and Hamza. Very sweet. Congratulations to the Nelson Seniors. They are truly amazing.

Judy, hope Jordyn's appetite continues to improve. A little worried about the number of days she's be sick.

Paula, hope you're having a great time with John, Ajay, and little ones. Did Nick get to go with you?

DanaMo, Aric is so handsome. Please send him to my class at GWU. I won't do weird old lady stuff. I'll just look at him.

Jo, put your feet up and smile and enjoy the memories of tonight. So nice the memories you are helping to create.

Judie said...

Now for the Solomon's update: my bag is packed and I'm ready to go...

Solomons Island really isn't an island now. A peninsula. The retirement community is called Asbury-Solomons and my first impression is very, very favorable. Now that's saying a bunch as most everyone knows, native Virginians are not favorable toward living in MD. We looked at several floor plans. There are 64 different floor plans and many apts./cottages are those that have a view of the Patuxent River. A river view is, of course, required. Residents we saw were not spring chickens but we didn't really see a population of decrepit and dying. Ratio is about 2 staff to every 1 resident. Very expensive. A life-care community. Initial outlay 1/2 million +. So, we will continue to discuss options, look around locally, and decide about being on a wait-list which is about one year.

Absolutely beautiful area. The drive alone, after leaving the beltway, made me realize how much I have come to dislike the intense speed, angst, density of the DC area.

Okay, that's more than you wanted to read. Sorry.

magpie said...

How was YOUR outing?

Weird old lady stuff....too funny!
That's how I feel about my thoughts sometimes ! I even give in to it sometimes

Judie said...

Headed for the big school house tomorrow for some classroom technology training. Then headed south to get my new spectacles.

Night light is on for anyone arising in the dark and for anyone arriving later from the West coast. Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

Oh you wre ready for my question Judie
Hvae been to Solomon's on some fishing is soooo dreamy!
anywhere neasr the Aberdeen Proving Grounds?
Did you hear any boom boom booms?

magpie said...

wow blue screen on the cam
still cam that is
had not seen that earlier
maybe I didn't look LOL

Lolly said...

The boys are excited about going home tomorrow. That is good!! We are taking them home early afternoon to avoid the traffic. Then meet the teacher is at 5:30. We are ordering pizza for supper and then coming on home. Certainly will be quiet around here! I think I will be ready for quiet. LOL

Judie said...

No No Margy. Cannot give in to weird old lady stuff with college kids. Fantasy only!

Get some rest, please.


Lolly said...

I like to go look at that particular picture of Reece. It is spectacularly sweet and loving.

magpie said...

I've beeen checking out some of your photos, including some from the Springtime that I totally missed

Reece and his mother, that's lovely! Is he doing okay now?
I'm a bit out oof touch on the latest news

Sounds like a week for the Record Books for Camp Hawkwood ☺

hedgie said...

Eagles in Peoria

hedgie said...

Robyn had this on FB---too cute not to share!

Put this cat and dog on
..../\„,„/\......... //^ ^\\ your wall
...( =';'= ).......(/(_•_)\) to show
.../*♥♥*\........._/''*''\_ that you are
..(.|.|..|.|.).....(,,,)^(,,,) against animal cruelty

hedgie said...

Lots of lightening and some thunder....still no rain.....

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy and Linda!
Yes, Margy, I will be passing through Kay's city on the way to and fro---and we plan to hook up! Cool, huh?

Linda, hope you sleep much better tonight. Hope you are taking some good meds for your cold.

Lolly said...

Yes, Reece is doing fine. They are home and Jana's mother is with them. Sandy, my SIL, and Blaine's mom. will help after she returns home.

hedgie said...

Jo, what did you feed the troops???

Judie, sounds idyllic!!! How is the real estate market now in Fairfax Co.??? Good enough that you could do it if you decide to?? Gee, I did some peeking and only saw 2 floorplans for the "cottages"....but I liked them both!! So 64 choices?? COOL!
You have lots of food for thought! Know what you mean, tho', about taking the VA gal out to MD!!! But it is still CLOSE!

Hoda said...

Thanks LYNN for the eagle link.I am glad the home schooled kids got to go on this hike...

JudyEddy said...

Just home from Angie and Carls long day Amazing Jordyn doesn't even act sick now eat a good dinner tonite Angie will take her back to the Dr Sat for a reevaluation to do another throat swab Heading to the news and then bed just wanted to say goodnight

We now have a pretty shade of blue screen huh


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


hedgie said...

Satellite is messing up....thinking maybe I should shut down soon as I do, it will all blow away! Will monitor situation a few more minutes....

Linda said...

Phone calls........and now I am finally back!

MARGY - Wish I had a bit more time for that rest, but will take that advice and rest as much as possible.

And why on earth would you want me to send you my germs??

hedgie said...

The good guys triumph!
800 pot plants seized locally!

Heard scanner traffic yesterday and wondered what was going on....picture of somebeing burned on right side of page.
Wonder if anyone got high?

Kay said...

LYNN, I'm so looking forward to the day I hear you're Missouri bound ! Coming or going, one or tother we have to have a meal at the "Sqaudron" ! Oh, Liesl, Stonewall is a Hottie, you lucky girl, you ! I hope he's going to college with you. Oh, and LYNN, I buy my stamps on line from USPS--I literally hate going to the P.O. !

DANAMO, I share your excitement and I think your hubby is pretty special for being willing to put up with a couple of gabby Momsters for a little while ! I do so appreciate you're including me in what will be a marathon traveling day, Indy, Columbus, then home. What a special pic of Aric, as he intently watches something interesting. Awesome !

The welcome mat is out for all you Momsters, Dadsters, Kidsters !

Family ties, doncha' just love em' ?! JO enjoying a wonderful evening with her big and lovely family. HODA sharing the joy she has in two adorable little boys, Harry and Hamza. LOLLY winding up the week with her terrific grands and realizing it's healthy for them to be ready to go home as well as for her to be ready for some quiet !!!

SHIRLEY, gorgeous Flutterbys ! Glad the poison ivy is dying out.

JUDIE, you can't possibly write "more than we want to read". Sounds like you found another bit of Paradise !

ROBYN's cat and dog are cute, LYNN ! Thanks for sharing. Has she told you FBer's anything about the trip to CO and what it may mean for Tori ? Gosh I hope everyone knows I mean Facebooker's---FBer's leaves room for interpretation.;o)

Linda said...

Lynn - Not really taking much more than aspirin as needed. Decongestants keep me up at night and I'm already not sleeping. I did take a decongestant the first day, but my nose is running like crazy the past couple days, so I don't really feel like I need one.

Linda said...

Lolly - Sounds like you had a great week with the boys! I'm sure everyone will be happy to be back together tomorrow night as you and Jack will be happy to get back to your normal pace! You're such awesome grandparents!

Linda said...

Going to join my hubby watching a netflix movie for a while!

If I don't make it back.........

Sweet Dreams to all, Prayers for all that need and want and Lots of Love and Hugs to you all........♥

Lolly said...

Ahhhh....boys are in bed. Excuse me while I quietly collapse in a heap! LOL

Next year we are thinking of taking the trailer just across the hwy to a RV Park. It is a Jellystone Park and they are putting in a water park. Might be easier to stay there a couple of days instead of running around to everything. Just minutes from the house. We could come home to tend to yard and cat.

PA Nana said...

Good evening everyone.

"Allowed" Jimbo to make his preference of tv viewing, but I now have the remote and will watch the second half of E.PA (Eagles) vs. W.(Steelers)PA.Glad there are no other PA steams. Go Steelers.

I know it's just pre-season, but it gives me time to get to know the players, both old & new. It's been a while....


magpie said...

Heavy duty lightning and thunder, it is CLOSE

Prayers for Wellness....
Better shut down here before I get electrocuted

God Bless Us, Every One

PA Nana said...

... teams!

Kay said...

LYNN, that was quite a haul and from multiple residences ! You wonder if anyone got high over the burn. Have you noticed an inordinate number of police cars at the donut shop ?

Lolly said...

I know what I have been forgetting to tell you. Three times this week we saw Red Shouldered Hawks in the yard. Today around noon one was really low a Red Bud Tree. They must have known it was Camp Hawkwood!!☺

Kay said...

Okay, JUDIE's sandman stopped off here a few minutes ago, so it's off to bed for me.

Praying, as always for all in need and asking that you pray for safe travel for all my younguns' as they arrive by auto and air for our reunion. Seth called this evening with news of local friends, family of four, having been in an accident on the PA Turnpike as they headed home from a vacation. They were plowed into by a man who admitted he was texting and lost control. Their van was totaled, but no one was hurt ! They say the guy has insurance that will pay for everything, thank God !

Have a good night all ! LINDA, I hope you get some good sleep for a change !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y ! ! ! ! ! ! !

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Had a nice dinner, got to play with the grandkids. I swear Brensin has grown 2 inches this summer!

Lots of lightening and thunder here, and it brings a gentle rain.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Kay, I remember traveling the PA Turnpike when we lived in Columbus. Good that he family involved in the accident is okay. Being in an accident like that does leave you really sore, though. Prayers for your family and for the family in the accident, too.

What an exciting week you have provided for you grandkids, Lolly. Going to a campground with a water park would provide a nice change for next summer.

hedgie said...

Lightening is all-sky kind...not streaks. Prettty.

Big fire on road that NCTC is on--have not heard what the structure is, but down a narrow lane driveway, so probably a house or barn.

Kay, I usually buy stamps at the grocery store. PO hours stink! Not to mention long line and only one clerk!

hedgie said...

Kay, donut shop is too far away from me to know!!! LOL!
Do your youngun's arrive tomorrow? You BETTER sleep tonight! No catting around at 2 or 3am!!! S=L-E-E-P!!!

Bye, MArgy---don't believe this is going to amount to anything for us.

Linda, feel better!

hedgie said...

Lolly, those hawks saw the open sign!! They know a good motel when they see it!
Hope you get rested after tomorrow!
I'm sure the boys have had a blast.

hedgie said...

Kay, praise the Lord that Seth's friends were uninjured.

Diann.....enjoy your game! Do you have your terrible towel out? Wonder if Lynne and DanaWV are watching, too??

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, neat to know the hawks showed up, LOL. The Jellystone park sounds like fun for the boys! Glad to hear Reece is doing well.

Linda, wish that cold would soon be on its way!

Margy, Solomans is way south of Aberdeen, but Judie and Frank might hear some boom boom out in the's across from the Pax Station in Lexington Park...Solomans is at the tip of Calvert County, where the Patuxent meets the Chesapeake Bay

Judie, you would certainly love the Southern Maryland pace! And it is a lovely area.

Oh, and yes, Nick went along :)

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Jo, what a crowd at your house

Lynn, cute graduation pic of Liesl and Stonewall

Lolly, Reece is adorable and Laurel's windows look really good!

Dana, glad the muskrat was OK!

hedgie said...

Shirley, we no longer have to mess with the PA turnpike. 68 heads west from 70 at Hancock, MD to Morgantown, and then there's a great route north to 70 that eliminates the trnpk and the Wheeling tunnel! Make much better time, too!

Lolly said...

Thankful the family in the wreck are all okay. Scarry!

On our news tonight...more grass fires. 107 today and 108 predicted for tomorrow. Having the boys here has beenm sort of a distraction from the weather. You know it is hot when the boys do not play outside. They go out a little in the morning and that is all!

Hoda said...

MARGY, I am glad you saw the Dragon Boat video...Thanks for your email.

Fire at NCTC road LYNN it close to them? Are they in danger?

Mema Jo said...

Paula, one or two of the families could not make it - I love family crowds.
Hope you had a good evening.

Storming here in the valley now.
Will be good sleeping with the sound of rain and thunder....... Close my eyes & won't see the lightning!

Good Night Friends
Prayers for each and every one of you and all your family and friends!
((hugs)) to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Paula, you mean the sonic booms from PNAS?

Hoda said...

Goodnight JO I am glad you had a great day with your family.

LINDA I hope you have a good sleep also, and I send healing thoughts your way.

Costume Lady said...

Looks like this storm is in Jo's area, now.
Lightning struck something twice on the south side of our house...guess we will see in the morning...skeered me:)

Hoda said...

Tomorrow is promising to be very busy. From 8:45 to 10:45 in the morning I help with Dragon Boat launches at the park. From noon to 1:30 I do yoga. From 3:00 till 9:00 in the evening I visit with Dawn who is my colleague whom I have not seen since the mid eighties!!! OH MY where will I find the energy??? One event at a time and breathe in between.

hedgie said...

Robyn has not shared the outcome of Tori's consultation.....she has made one FB entry about researching some meds....seems to me they are ones given post-transplant......but no verification from her......:(

Scott has some absolutely amazing lightening pictures on FB that he took tonight (Front Royal, VA).

hedgie said...

Megan got hammered.....I guess Margy did, too. Wonder if Wanda got it, too. Geesh----we need rain here, too!!!

hedgie said...

Robyn got it, too!! She's closer to Wanda than any of us.

Costume Lady said...

Yep, we got some really hard rain. I didn't look out to see if we had a river running down the drive-way...feared the lightning. Lights went out glad it was temporary!

PA Nana said...

Game is over and catching the late news.

Getting sleepy and want to take advantage and catch some zzzzs. Too sleepy to comment more tonight, but my thoughts and prayers are with you.

God bless and a goodnight to all.

Lolly said...

Just let me say....there ain't no justice!!!!

hedgie said...

Hoda, enjoy your busy day!! Yep, deep breaths!! So glad you'll have some good time with Dawn!

No, I don't think NCTC is in any danger, Hoda.

Wanda--hope the strikes weren't on any of your trees. Thunder is gone from here, and only occasional flash of lightening now. Maybe another storm will find US.

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY, many years ago, when Jillian and Brandon were, maybe 7 and 9 yrs. old, we stopped at a Jellystone campgroun on our way home from Florida. We stayed there 3 days because the grandkids enjoyed it so much! There was activities off and on all day for the younguns...Snipe Hunt, swimming (pool and a lake) paddle boat, all sorts of games and a night-time picnic at the lake with entertainment and a band.

hedgie said...

Di---are you a happy camper? Waiting to hear scores. Hope VICK and his eagles lost!

Costume Lady said...

What a full day HODA has, and sounds like fun!

DIANN, sleep well!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, sounded like the lightning hit a tree, twice! Probably at the edge of our garden and neighbors trees. What a scary sound that is !

hedgie said...

Hurray! Pittsburgh won after Vick self-destructed with 3 interceptions! Congrats, Di and Lynne and DanaWV!

Saying goodnight now. Prayers for all. See all y'all tomorrow!

Hoda said...

WANDA I am glad you are safe from the lightning.

LYNN thanks for the assurances about NCTC not being in danger.

It is a quiet evening for me, doing my prayers and checking periodically with the blog.

I am glad PAULA had a good evening with family.How were the Grand kids with Nick PAULA?

Hoda said...

WANDA Thank you for your email. I tried to answer it but my message was returned as delivery was not possible to the return address from your message. I do not understand it.I appreciate your kind words about the Dragon Boat video.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, the kids love Nick! He had a blast, he was running around outside with them. John liked to snuggle with him :)

Hoda, yup, breathe! And enjoy!

Lynn, yup PNAS or Pax as we called it. They actually practice further out in the bay, but we did hear some sonic booms down there. Hear jets flying over where I am now, across the bay.

Gotta go finish the laundry, then heading to bed.

(((Hugs for all♥)))

Lolly said...

Sounds good, Wanda! This RV park is about 5 minutes from our house. We could actually come home to sleep and just have the trailer there. Though they love sleeping in the trailer. We have watched it grow and improve...really nice. When we have friends and family visitng and they are in their RV that is where they stay.

Time to get some sleep. Do not know how I have stayed up this long. Have been doing the boys laundry.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

paula eagleholic said...

Still a little bit of lightening and thunder, but the storm is finally leaving...

Gnite, all!

stronghunter said...

Looks like the storms are passing north of here.

Time for me go upstairs. See you tomorrow. Rest well, everyone.

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

Goodnight PAULA and SHIRLEY sleep well. Sweet dreams and God Bless.

Costume Lady said...

Good Night everyone...sweet dreams
Prayers and Blessings~

Hoda said...

I think I am bringing up the rear, last one on th e blog tonight...

I will join you all in saying Goodnight and thanks for your support and your friendship.God Bless.

Hoda said...

This is my friend Dawn with whom I will visit tomorrow. The chair is part of a series of BIG chairs they have on the trails in Whistler BC, Whistler is a very fancy up scale ski resort north of Vancouver.

Lori O. said...

HODA that is a very funny picture of Dawn in that huge chair! LOL

Soloman's sounds wonderful JUDIE! I moved from LA for the same reasons you decided you don't like the DC area congestion, etc. Love my little place of peace in the woods.

YAY for all the Steelers fans!

LOLLY, hawks at Camp Hawkwood - a good sign! The boys must have loved that.

Lori O. said...

MOM called last night and her visit will be delayed a few hours, hopefully that's all, because she needs to go to the hospital. She has a big lump under her incision on her thigh where they took the vein out to do the bypass part of her surgery. Her surgeon wants to be sure it's nothing serious. Me too.

I've read all the posts, just not enough time to comment on all the great things happening with this wonderful group. I want to get to work early today, so I can leave early! IT's RED FRIDAY!

Prayers for safe travel for all the visiting kin!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here SO late tonight that it's EARLY! We have been on the run since early this morning (Thurs.).
Jay arrived from Dallas!! Picked her up at John Wayne Airport. Her flight arrived at 8:50 a.m. It is so, so good to see her after all this time!
She looks great--she's gained a bit of weight, so she now weighs a whopping 115 lbs.! That's exactly what I weighed when I was her age. She has a cute hairstyle, too. Oh, my! Emma just LOVES her! She has been stuck to Jay like velcro!

We took Jay out to breakfast, since they didn't feed her on the plane, and a little while after we got home and settled in, Jay's longtime friend, Allie, came over with her little boy, Noah, who's about a year-and-a-half old. Noah is a darling little cutie, with big blue eyes and blond hair. Allie looks wonderful. She used to look almost anorexic, but has gained some weight in all the right places, and she looks really happy. It was so nice to see her again, too. She and Jay have kept in touch after H.S. graduation in spite of Jay's move to Texas.

We went to Downtown Disney this afternoon, and had fun just walking around and checking out the many shops. We got some really good boneless BBQ chicken wings and some cold drinks at the ESPN restaurant & Sports Bar. It has been REALLY humid today, and in the low 90s. Yuck! Still better than Dallas, though--they had predicted 107 to 109 there!
Tonight, Jay is at a gathering planned by a bunch of her CA friends who haven't seen her in a while. I am, like the typical grandma, waiting up for her.
We called and talked to Sierra, Jay's daughter (5 yrs. old), and she had another swimming lesson today. She is a genuine natural swimmer! She was jumping off the diving board today. Her swim teacher says she has no fear, and a real talent for swimming. She has progressed to a level where she is with much older kids in her class, and she's holding her own with them. Look out world, here she comes!

I see that there are still quite a few Momsters & Dadsters on the sick list! Prayers continue! Also, special prayers for Jordyn--hope that miserable infection goes away QUICKLY!

Well, going to go watch some TV until Jay's home. Prayers have been said for everyone, and for every creature.
Sweet dreams! Turning on the porch light, and enabling both security systems. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Lori O. said...

If you're getting up early to check the nest, THE CAMERAS ARE STILL KA-PUT!


DanaMo said...


But good morning Lori!

DanaMo said...

Ms. Bookworm-sounds like you are having a fun filled visit with Jay. We loved downtown Disney when we were there for a visit. So nice for her to be able to gather with old friends, that's wonderful. You will be exhausted by the time she leaves.

DanaMo said...

coffee is finally ready. Forgot to push the auto button last night!

Man speaking of last night, we had some unbelievable thunder and lightening! It sounded like it was going to hit it was so close.

Lori O. said...

DANAMO, Excellent coffee. Thank you! I needed that.

That Aric is a cutie. :)

DanaMo said...

Thank you Lori!

DanaMo said...

I was so excited to see the pictures posted on the Catholic Review blog.

magpie said...

G☺☺D Morning Eagle Pals...
DanaMo, we had the same kind of storm here in Martinsburg last night! Hope all things with Aric are going well and the traveling back to Stateside and your time in Ohio, will go well.

Best wishes for all the Family and Friends visits coming up today and this week-end

Morning GLori :
I hope things will be OK with your Mother, and that she can still make the trip to your place with Kilee...will be praying for a good outcome

And Prayers for Wellness amongst us where it is needed !

Time for Work....

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone, and yes, it is RED FRIDAY ...God Bless Our Military ♥

xoxox ♥

Lori O. said...

Thanks. Do you have big plans with James this weekend?

magpie said...

Hi Lori!
I will go see James for a little while tonight after work, then Sunday we need to get out and get some school things....
He starts 5th grade Monday....

Well, it's time to pull the plug will take a nap while I am at work

Take Care, Love you all, Precious Pals xoxo ♥ ☺

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle Buds just a hi and bye before I go get Jordyn She hasn't had a fever since Wed and we have not given her any analgesics for it Wanting to see if it returned which it didn't YEAH that is a good sign I think because Angies caught it again early really helped

JudyEddy said...

This is unbelievable stupid people in the world This was just on the news so I found it

Stupid babysitter

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

Judy Glad to hear about Jordyn.

Hoda said...

Goodmorning Tea is good I hope you are enjoying your coffee too.
Too bad the camera is still down.
JUDYE Very glad Jordyn is better. Good thing Angie caught it early.

LORI I hope the swelling is not serious on your mother's leg. Wise to be cautious.I wish her a safe trip to your place and I look forward to reading your posts about her visit.

Hoda said...

DANAMO I heard the Pope's welcome speech to the Youth Delegates.It will be wonderful to hear what ARIC had to say about the experience.

Linda said...

Good Morning Eagle Family!

LORI - Praying that the lump in your Mom's leg isn't anything serious. Glad to hear she is acting right away on it, though. I hope she and Kilee can still make the trip to see you. I know you must be excited for their arrival.

Once you leave work and start the rest of your day, may it be a wonderful day anticipating the visit of your Mom! What great news that she is feeling so well.

For me......woke up earlier this morning with coughing......grrr
That is just all part of this darn cold. Don't feel horrible, so that is good.

Hoda said...

I think I am the only one on...I hope LORI is having a good time at work and that JUDYE has JORDYN'S day all planned out. DANAMO what were your plans for today?Let us know when you hear from ARIC.

Linda said...

ANDY - You sound so happy to have Jay visiting! Sounds like she is well liked, too! Glad you had a good day with her and that you're enjoying her friends, too.

HODA - Love the BIG CHAIR! Sounds like you are looking forward to your visit with Dawn tomorrow. Wishing you a joyous time!

Hoda said...

NOOOOOOO!!! LINDA is here...Goodmorning LINDA. Sorry about the cough and it is good that you do not feel horrible this morning...Are you rested from your sleep. I woke up early too and I am rested from my sleep.

Linda said...

HODA - I'm here, at least for a little while!

We've always heard so much about Whistler and almost went their one year. My son was going to go with a group to ski there last year, but ended up not going. He had already visited us over Christmas and couldn't afford another 10 days off work.

Linda said...

Good Morning to you, too, HODA.

I'm doing okay, just not feeling like I am sleeping. I'm up 15 minutes of every hour throughout the night. It is so weird. I hope it passes soon.

I'm a little tired, but not as wiped out as I though I would be from this going on for almost 3 weeks. I must be getting some sleep!

Hoda said...

LINDA I hope the waking up at night passes soon.You have gone through a lot and your body is telling you to slow down....Is Dennis healing from his cold too?How are things at your beautiful place? I think your son made a good decision to spend his holidays with you instead of a trip to Whistler. I used to like it in the early eighties, now it is too much of a hype as a ski resort and a tourist destination...

Linda said...

Dennis is doing much better. Thanks for asking. He still has quite a bit of congestion, but he is "working through it."

Too bad that Whistler is such a hyped up ski resort now. So many of the better places to ski have become too popular. I am NOT into large crowds!!

I am sure the sleep will come. Like I said, I feel pretty good, so something must be going right!

Hoda said...

I think healing is underway LINDA...Are you eating well and getting some exercise too...I think of the incredible projects you and Dennis were working on and how much you enjoyed helping each other out...

Linda said...

Eating well, Yes! Exercising well......haven't been since my brother died. Haven't gotten back into that routine just yet. I may get on my exercise bike for a while to day to start. It is hard when you feel lousy!

Hoda said...

LINDA, It is true that it is hard when we don't feel too good to get back to exercising but it is exactly when we need to do so...It helps loosen things up take it easy and start with your bike is a good idea.

Hoda said...

OK I am off to do some meditation practices before I start with my busy day...{{{HUGS}}}LINDA and it was good to chat this morning...Talk to you later...

Linda said...

You, too, HODA! Have a wonderful blessed day!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Not much going on here. Just learned from Megan on FB that the plant the butterflies are on is Joe Pye weed. Thanks, Megan.

Linda said...

Morning Shirley! Everyone is busy starting their Friday!! Isn't it nice not to have to worry about getting prepared for another year of teaching?

T-Bird said...

I'm also here Hoda. However, I'm off. My plan is to get some serenity today.

Judie said...

Good morning!

Paula is correct. We did drive over the bridge and checked out the NAS. That was of less interest to me than the marina with all the boats and seafood restaurants. The area is lovely. We'll see. Wouldn't be for at least a year.

Lolly, very happy Reece is doing so well.

Wanda, if lightning struck, better a tree than your home. Glad there was no fire.

Wishing a fun day for Hoda and Dawn, Lori and Mom (mom's leg is just protesting), Andy and Jay.

Judy, good news that Jordyn is feeling better and that Linda is better (hope the cough disappears and you get some sleep).

Hey Thelma.

Judie said...

Off to the big school house again today. Classroom technology update. Then headed south for my new glasses. Need to avoid the motorcyclists in terms of congestion but I do support their efforts. Just hard to shut down major arteries in DC.

Think they are headed near/through Hagerstown.

Be back this afternoon. Wishing everyone a super nice day.

Linda said...

Hi Thelma! Hope you find that serenity today!

Hello Judy! Thanks for the well wishes. I'm pluggin' along. Hope you have a fantastic Friday!

Linda said...

I slipped....Judy - Judie!! Wishing you both a fantastic Friday!!

Don't work too hard!

paula eagleholic said...

OK, I'm taking the plunge to the other side, LOL

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...