Tuesday, August 16, 2011


PM thread.


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JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread STEVE I will call the others over

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Judy and Steve.

Wanda, know you are proud of Karla and Jillian. How nice that they can work together like that.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011 7:22:00 PM

stronghunter said...

Time to put the hens in the oven.

DanaMo said...

Someone asked how many students I have this year, I think it was Hedgie. I have 20. St. Mary's is a small school.

DanaMo said...

I'm having Special K for dinner.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, looks like the cam is down again.

We are not on solar panels this year...we were initially, but they had to switch to straight electric because the cam was using too much of the solar power running and kept going down...so they switched to straight electric, also in effort to get the infrared to run.

stronghunter said...

I did that lots of times when it was just me, DanaMo.

hedgie said...

Lynne, shoulder blade is doing very well. thank you! But I haven't done hardly anything today!!

Shirley, I love Cornish game hens! Haven't had any in a long time. Late dinners can be problematic.....I endure it whenever I visit my mom and sister!

Jo, you're right about the solar panels...I thought this year was solar, too----we've all seen how well that's worked out...LOL!

stronghunter said...

I will be playing bridge with Midge at her house tomorrow. Of course, the others will be there, too. But it was too good to resist.

hedgie said...

Ok--see Paula explained further.

DanaMo---20 is a nice-sized class!! Especially of little ones!!

Special K, huh??? What did everyone else have??!! Are you dieting?

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals....
Oh I was pretty excited to see the image had changed on Still Cam also...then noticed the tell-tale rainbowy things at the top :(
and have read the ups and downs on that

Headed to work soon, (9 pm to 7 am )

Lynn it's a change-up to cover a shift for someone on vacation
glad to read your shoulder pain has eased up.
I still have some blog-post catching up to do...
maybe from work if we are not too busy ☺

I know there are things to be praying for...and I am !

Best wishes for a Good Evening, Everyone

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

DanaMo said...

I just found out that I am diabetic. I am having trouble at times figuring out what to eat. I had a big breakfast, a good lunch, but didn't know what to make for myself for supper. The kids had fried chicken so that was out for me...I ended up just going with the special K

DanaMo said...

20 is the perfect size. We can break into pairs or groups of 4, 2 groups of ten, you get the picture. Which is nice.

DanaMo said...

Probably should have just had a big bowl of veggies.

Reforming this junk food junkie isn't going to be easy!

Lynne2 said...

New thread, new avatar....Elvis Presley died 34 years ago today.

Lynne2 said...

Glad your shoulder is better Lynn...keep resting it!

WOW DanaMO....type 2? Are you taking insulin? I sure hope the Dr gave you some sort of meal guide! I know there are plenty of good meal plans on the internet and lots of books, too.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, my, DanaMo...I could NEVER fry chicken and not eat it. It is one of my favorite things to eat! What a good girl you are!
Do you have to give yourself shots or just meds?

Costume Lady said...

GG's doctor called (receptionist)and gave me the time to have her at the hospital/clinic...7:20am! Lord, have mercy...hope I wake up in time. I haven't set an alarm in over 20 years!
Going to say Nite, Nite, now and turn in early.
Hope we all sleep well and wake up with a smile on our faces and a song in our hearts...yah, right!!

Lynne2 said...

Sad day for Dr Baker today....one of their cats will go to the Rainbow Bridge this evening. A couple of months ago, they thought he just wasn't quite right, but blood and rads revealed nothing and he was acting normally. This morning he collapsed. Blood work reveals lymphoma, and end stage kidney failure. Nothing to be done. Damn those cats and how they hide illness....and just a week after Mitzi, she'll loose on in almost the same way.

Lynne2 said...

Prayers for GG tomorrow Wanda!

Lynne2 said...

Hope you have a good night at work Margy!

hedgie said...

Good luck tomorrow, Wanda. Getting up, that is! I know the procedure will go fine.

DanaMo....sorry to hear that you have been dx. with the diabetes. Is there a family history? Yes, you DO need to adjust your diet....and skimping on meals isn't the way to do it!!! How often are you checking your blood sugar? I strongly encourage you to enroll in a diabetes and nutrition education class at the hospital. PLEASE????

Lynne2 said...

I second that Lynn!

JudyEddy said...

I can't wait to hear some fantastic stories about your class of 20 kids I commend you and all other teachers out there you all mold our future I salute you and all retired teachers also

JudyEddy said...

So sorry about the cat.

JudyEddy said...

I third that!!

Lynne2 said...

we also had 2 dogs come in this morning after the owner discovered they had gotten into a bottle of medicine. Not a happy day for those two! But after much induced vomiting and anti toxins, they are going to be fine!

Lynne2 said...

Tink I'll go read for a while....or maybe sit outside. Such a beautiful night!

Good night and prayers for all!

DanaMo said...

Thanks Hedgie. I already have met with the nutritionist and the "educator". I'm not on meds and I only need to check my blood sugar 3 x per week. I am just into the range, and I wasn't really trying to skimp. There just wasn't anything I wanted. I added a cheese stick to it for protein. LOL! I'm keep ing a food log and making sure I get the targeted number of carbs that I am suppose to get.

DanaMo said...

I'm going up to read. I don't have to worry about the left over cookies or brownies. Boomer or Java just ate them all off the counter!! Well that temptation is gone...Not so good for the dog, but I think they have steel stomachs.

Mema Jo said...

I just watched 2 hrs of reruns (never seen before) so my evening has gotten
away from me.
Special K - sounds like a bowl of late Cheerios for me later! I √ my sugar twice daily - I really think I could do it a lesser amount of times. My A1C is 6.6 so I'll wait for the Dr to guide me.
I really miss my Breads!

Thanks for picking up Paula about the
solar panels..

Mema Jo said...

I am 6.5 Don't know how 6.6 got typed.

Kay said...

LYNN, death of WVU girl so sad and mysterious. Keep us posted.

SHIRLEY, love Cornish Game Hens, kids used to ask, "can we have those little chickens ?"

LYNNE, yes, DANAMO and I will have lunch together, RED FRIDay, August, 26th. Maybe Monte, too, unless he has a client to see. Columbus is part of his territory.

DANAMO, I hope the doc loaded you down with material on Diabetes and set you up for classes as well. LYNN is spot on ! I got that diagnosis in the Fall of 2008 and found the changes very easy to make. Check your e-mail for some hints on living with the malady.

hedgie said...

Two summer show season finales tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for a fresh thread on
such a cool evening of beautiful


JudyEddy said...

Are we sure the cam is working shouldn't it be dark there already??????

Lynne2 said...

well, you know I'm still here....LOL!

Kay that is so cool that you and Dana are doing lunch!!

I must confess (again) that I was diagnosed with hyperinsulinanemia 2 years ago, a pre diabetic condition. I am sorry to say that I have not taken this seriously. I am such a sugarholic.....

OK, shutting down now.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, Lynn posted that the cam went down at 6.09pm tonight

JudyEddy said...

Oh I thought the live cam It looks like is updating the leaves do move I wonder why??

JudyEddy said...

Ok then I will call it a day or night


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Mema Jo said...

It is pitch dark at the nest JudyE
The Still cam is clicking away the time BUT not the picture.

JudyEddy said...

I figured that one out I'm a little slow sometimes LOL

JudyEddy said...

I won't be home for lunch tomorrow gonna have lunch with Angie and give her all the bubbles I bought for Jordyns school She had bought some also and have already taken them up and they went over so great

JudyEddy said...

Does anyone remember these
Remember these

Checking in before powering down Nite nite

Kay said...

LYNNE, I do hope you'll think about taking that pre-diabetic diagnosis seriously. The consequences can be very serious. Splenda can become a good friend ! Doesn't take long to adjust to it.

DANAMO's mention of the dogs eating sweets made me want your opinion. Am I wrong in thinking dogs have no pancreas and cannot tolerate sweets ? Cats, too, maybe ? I seem to recall a co-worker long ago who gave her diabetic cat insulin shots daily ????

DANAMO, so glad the open house went well ! Did the kids swim ? You are a great teacher !!!!

LOLLY, you had a great day with kids, too ! Grandparenting is such fun !

LORI, can't promise to be with you Early Birds, cause I draw the line at setting an alarm clock. I want to get an early start on the day because Seth and Malcolm will be with me from 10 to 5. Julie has to oversee an orientation for a group of incoming Freshmen who won Biology scholarships. When do your Mom and Niece arrive ? Yes, I'm really getting psyched for the kids to begin to arrive for our family reunion !

Judie said...

DanaMo, sorry about the diagnosis. Please just keep up on the correct diet and checking blood sugar levels. Nothing wrong with Special K. Easy cleanup, too. 20 children? Wow! Piece of pie. I have 100 just in the crime class.

Wanda, not to worry about tomorrow and GG. She is one tough lady and the procedure is not scary or difficult. All will be just fine.

Well, how cool that the eagle cam is going green! Does that mean the eagles will bring in recycled nestorations?

Need to get some sleep and the sandperson is lurking outside the door. The night light is on for anyone who may need to arise in the dark or for anyone coming in late from the West coast. Restful sleep for all.

Kay said...

WANDA, how proud you must be ! I'm so glad there is no restriction against Karla and Jillian working together. I'm sure they make quite a team. Thanks for adding the photo of Jillian and all her gear to your blog, by the way ! We'll all be waiting to hear how GG's test went and how you liked your bunny suit !☺

Calling it a night now. Will pray for all in need and hope you each have a good, restful night !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y ! ! ! ! ! ! !

hedgie said...

Funny Hope

Hoda said...

I am back from this very busy day. Enjoyed the stories for the autobiography class and paddling was good. Ducks and Geese on the lake.

Thanks for the information on the student from Shepherdstown who died in Australia. Do keep us posted as I have not found anything about her on the news.

The cameras are down again I read, and the information on Solar powered cam is interesting. I do not know enough about the technology.

To keep your sugar level balanced you will need to eat more than a bowl of cereal for supper DANAMO. My sister was diabetic and she needed to follow a very balanced diet.

Paula thank you for contributing to the conversation as to solar power and the cam experiences.

I will go prepare supper and be back later. I am a bit tired I have to admit.

hedgie said...

Lynne, so sorry about Dr. Baker's cat....:( Glad that the two canine patients will ne okay.

DanaMo---glad that you are managing everything with just diet. And that you have a good handle on it!

JudyE---you said it perfectly about teachers!!

hedgie said...

Horrible EMS night in this area.....tuning in to Hagerstown news at 11 to see if they have anything.....bad wrecks everywhere....

Lolly said...

LOL Give Judie 20 5 year olds and see if she still says "piece of pie". roflmbo Wish I had had only 20. Every year I had approx. 44, 22 in the AM and 22 in the PM. It varied, but 22 was the limit. My last year I had 22 in all day kinder...my best year ever!

Dana, so sorry about the diagnosis. Good they think you can control it with diet.

Wanda, will keep GG in my prayers tomorrow. Know what you mean about getting up in the morn.

Both boys in bed. Today was the best! Loads of fun! Then tonight Jacob was really funny. Love it when kids belly laugh and we had a lot of that tonigh.

Lolly said...

Shared a picture on fb of Joey. He actually did not get a burr, but a flat top. Still strange to see him with black hair!

If you are on fb and want to see more pics go to Elvis on the Square on fb and a lot of pics have been posted. I am in a few.

hedgie said...

Margy and Carolyn and crew are having a seriously busy night.
Worst situation is in Jefferson Co. 3 choppers, one has made two runs. A couple of fatalities.
ARGH! Why can't people drive safely???

Mema Jo said...

Good to see mostly all have √ 'd in and
are in their beds or preparing to go there. Tomorrow is going to be another
beautiful day - I just say, Keep them coming!

Fun tomorrow with all 3 ggd and Alexis'
dad... He voiced his opinion that we
would be well to take care of them at
the house as opposed to taking them
somewhere. Samantha, the oldest, is hoping we can go to a creek and throw stones! Trouble is that to get to the creek from here you need to now pass through a few new backyards of new homes..... I'll need to look for a new creek!

hedgie said...

Blogger cop----grrrr.

DanaMo--sent you an email. Think you need it at the rate those crazy dogs are going!

Mema Jo said...

Going to close down and wind down.

Good night everyone
God Bless and Keep you in His
loving arms....

Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, dogs and cats do have a pancreas, but they can become diabetic just like people.

Turning in,

(((Hugs for all♥)))

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - EMS:
Two believed dead in Charles Town Bypass accident
CHARLES TOWN, W.Va. — Two people are believed to be dead as a result of a vehicle accident on the Charles Town Bypass just west of the exit for Hollywood Casino at Charles Town Races, a 911 dispatcher said. It is believed two vehicles were involved in a head-on collision, the dispatcher said.
Prayers for all

stronghunter said...

Have to be in Culpeper by 10 tomorrow. will be taking Hunter. He will get to sit though a presentation on insurance.

hedgie said...

JudyE---those are what we call recorders.....I think all kids start out with them in elementary school around here!!

stronghunter said...

Recorders. Yes, I think Hunter had one. I think he got docked some points in music class once because he forgot his recorder.

hedgie said...

Jo, actually 3 vehicles. At least 7 total passengers.....serious entrapments. Possibly a third won't survive....they were doing CPR en route to hospital. :(

stronghunter said...

Twenty kindergarten children would be a sufficient challenge for me. So would 100 college students. I did have 100 students in a study hall once. I was subbing and did not even finish checking attendance. It was a mess.

Never had 100 students in a class. The college classes I taught for Germanna were limited to 25 students. I think the teacher has to give permission for more. Of course, I had to grade essays for them.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, so sorry about the accident and all of the serious problems.

Hoda said...

This is a video of the Dragon Boat Practice. I am sitting at the very last seat to the rightKootenay Rhytm Dragon Practice

stronghunter said...

I expect I will find myself volunteering at Hunter's school this year. They were very interested in having a retired teacher, and it would be nice to get to know the people at his school.

Maybe I will get to spend time with some of those kindergarten children.

stronghunter said...

I was a volunteer at the elementary school when Rus and Kathryn were small.

And I have taught Sunday School and Vacation Bible School classes many times.

Also did subbing from high school down through fifth grade.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here late again today. Got a lot of laundry & housework done today, and the bedroom that Jay will use is ready to go.

Have tried to catch up on the blog.
Sorry to hear about the student that died. Prayers for her family & friends. Hope they can figure out what happened!
Lori, I'm so sorry to hear about the baby vulture that didn't make it. Amazing how attached we can become, isn't it? Looks like you've given the other one the best chance to be OK, though. Prayers for the little rascal!

Lolly, I BET you and the boys had a great time today! What an adventure!

DanaMO, congratulations on the success of your Kindergarten open house! What a great idea! Glad that Aric is keeping in touch with you.

Lynn, GLAD you squished the evil 8-legger! Gosh, I just found out about 3 years ago that we have BROWN widows out here! Must identify them by shape, by the web, and--yes, by the red hourglass.

stronghunter said...

When I was director of the Vacation Bible School, I was checking on classes, and one teacher told me that one of the little boys was misbehaving.

So I tried to fix things by talking to him. I told him that I had a place I could put him if he couldn't behave. I didn't hear about any more problems.

People told me that I might have just scared him straight because it was in a church and he might have thought . . . Hmmm, I hadn't thought of doing anything except putting him in the office with me.

Ms Bookworm said...

Wanda, that's great that Karla & Jillian work together! You can be very proud of them!

Lynne2, so very sorry to hear about Dr. Baker's cat. It IS frustrating that cats are so stoic, and hide how lousy they feel so well. Prayers for Dr. Baker, for you, and for your co-workers. Happy to hear that the 2 dogs will be OK. BTW, how is Dr. Baker?

Wanda, prayers for GG & you for tomorrow. Hope the alarm works well for you, and that you enjoy your "bunny suit"!

hedgie said...

Hoda, love the video! What position are you in?? Do you have a view of the lake from your home?

Ms Bookworm said...

Lolly, glad that you & the boys had such a good belly laugh tonight! Had lots of good times like that with my Grandma--what wonderful memories!

Lynn, saying some heavy-duty prayers for Margy, Carolyn, and their crew. Also for the people in all those accidents, and their families!

Mema Jo, so glad that you and your family are having such good times! Enjoy to the max!

Shirley, I can't begin to imagine what correcting exams for 100 students would be like! Yikes! Judie, how DO you manage?!

hedgie said...

Shirley, that's a cute story!!! Wonder what that little guy told his momma??!!!
How did your hens turn out? Two of the best parts is that they cook fast, and everyone has their own!!

Andy, hope you can get some rest and relaxation before Jay arrives! Don't work yourself to death!

Lolly said...

Zzss LOL Annie just walked across the keyboard!

Hoda, loved the video and such beautiful country!!

Heading to bed. Too pooped to pop!

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, think I will call it a night. Will be up and at 'em early tomorrow, so better get some rest. Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Prayers are said for everyone, and every creature. Sleep tight, everybody! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

Hoda said...

Lynn I am sitting in the last seat to the right wearing a black baseball cap...we are all paddlers and I am not aware of a special name for the seat I am in.

I live in a flat, so yes I have a view of the lake but not in a fancy house like those you see in the clip.When I open my front door I do see the lake, but there are some of those fancy homes ahead of me to the shoreline.There is some crown land very close by so I do have access to the lake without going on private property.

stronghunter said...

Looks like a beautiful place to live, Hoda. And what a great way to spend time with friends.

stronghunter said...

The hens were very tender and moist, Lynn. They were already seasoned and put in little cooking bags. I made rice and gravy to go with them, and we had broccoli and green peas. (Kathryn doesn't like broccoli.)

The hens were large, and one was actually enough for all three of us. There was even enough for Kathryn's lunch tomorrow.

We still have one untouched hen left over. Probably will be dinner tomorrow night when I am at bridge.

This week, Hunter has football practice Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. No practice on Saturday this week. But it really makes for late dinners.

stronghunter said...

Good night all. I have to be up and about tomorrow morning.

hedgie said...

You're very lucky to have a view like that, Hoda!!! Okay, I'll look at video again to pick you out!!!

Going to say my goodnights also, and head for the tub. Prayers for all.
And peace.

stronghunter said...

The little boy might not have told his mother anything, since he was being bad.

I did not hear anything else. Maybe he told him there was a mean woman at the church, although I really wasn't mean and tried to let the children have fun.

Hoda said...

Itis 54 degrees and lovley weather...during practice tonight they said there was snow in the higher elevations!!!It is still summer however and tomorrow is again in the 80's.

Goodnight, sweet dreams and God Bless.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Family!

I haven't even checked the cams yet, but I'm hoping to read on and find out they are working again. Please be working by daylight! I need an eagle-in-the-nest-fix.

WANDA, prayers you get up on the first alarm bell and GG gets to the hospital on time for a successful visit. Is this a shot visit? Is Captain Father Gene with his 90% mobility going to be along to help you? So glad he's doing much better. ♥

YEAH, HODA has a video of her rowing last night! I'll look at it now. :)

Kay said...

Hey, gLORI ! I can't sleep, are you still here ? I posed a question or two to you at 10:29.

Lori O. said...

HODA - awesome video presentation, with the stills, the zooming and the video. Very cool! I'm so proud of you.
Now, that I know you live on a lake I'm making my reservations for a visit!!!
Can you waterski on it? I used to be able to single ski behind a jet ski, when I was much younger and certainly more agile. Maybe I'll really have to get into yoga to solve that problem.

Kay said...

LORI, can you tell which one is HODA ? Does she have a black shirt or is she next to the lady with the black shirt ?

Kay said...

HODA, it is an impressive video, you gals work hard at that ! The scenery is absolutely gorgeous. How wonderful it has to be to look at that lake and those mountains every day ! The thing I miss about Tucson, is the mighty fortress created by having mountains on all four directions.

Lori O. said...

I read about the UWV student found dead in Australia. Said she had spent some time in Los Angeles working for LA Magazine before heading down under where she advertised online for modeling jobs. Could be some scary stuff. Prayers for her family and the investigators on her case to find the cause of her death.

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

Good Morning KAY. I'm sooo not used to anybody being up at this time and here you are. Are you having trouble sleeping or haven't gone to bed yet?

I absolutely understand the rule a few of you mentioned last night, oh Wanda and Kay about NO alarms! I have a no alarm rule on weekends.

Lori O. said...

Kay, I'd have to go back and look at the video again, but you can tell which is HODA - last one on the right - both of the last positions have on orange vs. pink vests.

HODA, you must have great upper body strength. How did you day of 3 classes go the other day? Inspirational indeed!

Kay said...

I just can't sleep. Did so for a couple of hours and then began to toss n' turn n' watch the clock. Decided to get up and come here to check on the late night chat. What do you know, LORI is here. I know you're getting ready for work and can't stay long, but it's good to "see" you !
{{{{{{{LORI}}}}}}}} !!

Lori O. said...

KAY, Mom and Kilee arrive Friday morning. I'm very excited. Mom will come back another time when she can stay longer and we'll have time to quilt and for me to learn her latest crafts. Kilee really wanted to come so she's coming with her since she was such a great help to Mom after her surgery.

Kay said...

Okay, so you have a wonderful weekend ahead, too. It has to be so much fun for you to have a 12 year old girl around ! And, I'm thinking you must look at your Mom with renewed wonder after all you've been through together recently. It's grand that she can come back so you'll have some good crafting times together.

Lori O. said...

Prayers this morning for Dr. Baker after the loss of her cat. Knowing no one loved them like you did is usually the best antidote. So sorry.

DANAMO, how could you have diabetis? You're young and slim, active...I think WANDA's recommendation of a nutrition class is great. I know KAY has really changed the way she eats since being told she has it, too.

Time for a cam check!

Lori O. said...

DANG! Live Cam is still down "with no resolution as to when it will be fixed."

STILL CAM is still alright - FROZEN.


Lori O. said...

Good night KAY!

♥ L ♥ I ♥ B ♥ E ♥ R ♥ T ♥ Y

Kay said...

Yep, we know the cams won't be up for the SSCC crowd. Wonder how often our lovely eagles have visited during this down time. Doggone it.

Kay said...

Toodles ! Have a good day at the station !!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

I sent a picture of this sweet mom with chicks out over our Yahoo mail. It raised questions as to what kind of doves they are. Just did some research and believe them to be Luzon Bleeding Heart Doves, found in the Philippines. The splash of color on the breast gives them their name. There are varities that are more gray over all with a splash of deep red on the breast, almost giving them a wounded look. Okay, kids, that's your aviary lesson for today. Don't worry, no quiz to follow ! Night, night !!!!

Kay said...

P.S. go into my profile and enlarge the pic to see the chicks in better detail. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

Up & waiting, but there's no cams this morning - nada - none.

I'll keep checking in to see if any Early Birds show up.

DanaMo said...

Thanks everyone. The doctor has been great. All kinds of appointments set up for me. My A1C was 6.6 so apparently just puts me into the range. I am controlling it with diet. No insulin, thank God. No meds. at this point. I am only checking my levels 3 times a week before and after a meal on that day.

Yes, it does run in my family. My grandmother had it, and my parents had been checking their glucose, but claim they have not been diagnosed, but they must be close if they have a meter! Denial, just like me, but now I have told them they need to talk to the doctor because I want to know.

There are classes I can go to, but I just don't know when I am going to fit that in, it may have to wait. I think I'm doing okay with it, last night was just one of those time that I wasn't hungry but knew I had to have something.

Thanks again EVERYONE for your kind words and your concern.

Lori O. said...

We just want you healthy and happy, DANAMO. Any of the flying labs up with you yet? Ducks or muskrats in the pool?

DanaMo said...

Flying labs all went back to sleep. Frisbee looking really depressed. Went downstairs looking for Aric and came back up really looking sad. Poor thing. I put him in with Annemarie. I guess that's probably what I'm going to be doing from now on. I guess he will adjust in time.

Waiting for daybreak to go for a run...

Kay said...

Going back to my last post, there may be varities, but more likely variaties !

G☺☺D M☺RNING again gL♥RI and HELL☼ DANAM☼ !

Seems like several of us kind of piled on DANA, but it's because we care so much and there are those of us who relate more closely than we'd like to ! Glad you have a handle on it and will watch it closely !

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning one and all I didn't ever bother opening up the cams this am

DanaMo said...

And I do appreciate it, really! I'm also dealing with anemia which I have had for years but apparently my H&H has really dropped. I need to go get it redone, but when I went yesterday the lab couldn't find the order. The doctors called here last night and the order is there so they are walking it over to the lab. Hopefully the last reading was wrong because if not I am going to be heading into more testing to find out why it has dropped even lower than my normal low. I'm only 48 damn it! This shouldn't be happening to me.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning again KAY!

Good Morning for the first time today, JUDYE!

{{Big HUGS}} to both of you.

Hey, (((((GROUP HUG!))))))

DanaMo said...

Thanks Lori, I needed that! :)

Kay said...

Oh, poor Frisbee ! He will adjust in time, but the first time Aric walks back in the door he'll get one heck of a welcome from his dear dog ! My daughter, Eileen, has a dog that finally got used to the two kids coming and going from college. During the school year and on breaks they split their time between her house and that of her ex. Sammy goes wherever they go and guess what ? When the kids are away he stays two weeks with her, then two weeks with the ex--shared custody of the dog !

Kay said...

Ooooh, that hug felt good, LORI ! Thank you !

Hey, JUDY ! I have the still cam up and it looks like it's working, but how can we really tell---there is a band of colors across the top---the nest is in full and glorious color.

Kay said...

DANA, I agree, you are young and active and all this shouldn't be happening to you.:( Hang in there with the docs and they'll get things leveled off so you can live well with your maladies. In the meantime it's a bummer !

JudyEddy said...

HODA HODA I loved the video That looks like such work also besides fun Just started reading I'll be back

Lori O. said...

I think those colorful bands across the top of the still cam screen tell us it's not working, or not right.

It seems frozen - those leaves haven't moved any all morning.

JUDYEEEEEEEEEE. You're the cam expert. What's up?

DanaMo said...

I have a beautiful still picture, but no live cam

I'm off with Boomer for my run.

Lori O. said...

Hey JUDYE, it's your FRIDAY as MARGY would say.

KAY, DANA, and ME, it's our WEDNESDAY. Sorry.

Lori O. said...


Spain: Student plotted attack on ANTI-Pope crowd
MADRID - Spanish police have arrested a chemistry student
suspected of planning a gas attack against protesters opposed to a
visit by Pope Benedict XVI.
The pontiff is due to arrive Thursday for a nearly four-day
visit, and a protest march is scheduled for Wednesday evening in
A police official said the suspect is a Mexican exchange student
specializing in organic chemistry. The official did not give his
name or age. He was arrested in Madrid Tuesday.
The official spoke on condition of anonymity in line with police
Police say in a statement he planned to attack anti-Pope
protesters with "suffocating gases" and other chemicals.
It says he was in Madrid studying at Spain's top government
research body, the Spanish National Research Council.

Kay said...

I thought the fact that we have color on the still cam means it's working, but you're right, LORI. The leaves don't change, can it be that still at the nest ?

As a retiree the days kind of run together. I have to keep a close eye on the calendar so I fit it with the lives of those around me ! I'm so glad today is a Seth n' Malcolm day !

JudyEddy said...

Last nite I thought it was still working then it got dark here and the cam was still bright at first I thought HMMM maybe they fixed it and now we have a good nite lite or infra red lite on it at nite WRONG it is seems to be stuck in a loop of sort NOT Working at some times the leaves do seem to move just a smidgen but then someone said it was broke and burst my bubble LOL After I read the thing of facebook about the solar panels is why my thoughts went to thinking they fixed it differently was I wrong

Kay said...

Oh, no. Wouldn't you know. There is always some crackpot showing up at what should be wonderful events. Thankfully it sounds like the Spanish authorities have a handle on security for the Pope's visit. Of course, we'll all be praying for Aric and his safety !

JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

Here's hoping WANDA and GG are both up and getting set for the appt. at the hospital ! Remember them in prayer this morning, too.

Kay said...

MARGY, hope the night hasn't been too rough and that you are going to get off at 7 for sure. LYNN reported there was at least one tragic accident, maybe more, to keep you gals busy. Sad, but thank God for 911 operators--we too often take you for granted, but really appreciate what you do for your communities !!!!♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

HAGD, JUDY and enjoy that lunch with Angie !!!!♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

I loved it when Angie and Tommy were in elem school I volunteered also YUK I did head lice checks was one of my lovely tasks It was a nasty job but someone had to do it LOL

They had something on the news that drinking a glass of wine a day can help prevent dementia.

OK now I'm out the door after I heard that on the new I had to tell you still got lots of reading to catch up on see ya later

Kay said...

Okay, LORI, DANA's walking a dog, JUDY's off to work and MARGY is still at work. The cams are down. Boo-hoo. I'm just hanging out with you for the fun of it !

Lori O. said...

♥ u KAY!

Kay said...

LOLLY's comment about loving the laughter shared with grandsons reminded me of the best laugh Seth and I shared this week. He loves to read Reader's Digest funnies to me and this one struck our funny bones.

A woman from Indy says:
After discussing my dating life--or the lack thereof--with my mother, I told her about a friend of mine who had been in a terrible car accident, broken both her legs, and wound up marrying her orthopedic surgeon. My mother sighed: "Why can't anything like that ever happen to you ?"

Lori O. said...

You're creating some good memories there with Seth, Kay.

Another lucky Momster grandson!

Lori O. said...

I see where JUDY alerted us that wine can prevent dementia, add that to the wine as sunblock list.

Kay said...

Whash zat you shaay ? Hic !

DanaMo said...

Fell on my run, not quite a face plant but a chin plant. Damn chows on the corner scare me to death. They have attacked other dogs and bit people but still they are in a electric face. I tried to pick up speed, I was on the last 2/10th of my run and Java and I collided and down I went. Ow! Frozen corn to the chin.

DanaMo said...

OMG Lori!

DanaMo said...

That was suppose to say electric fence. Hard to type with your chin on a bag of frozen corn on the table! LOL!

Kay said...

Oh, no DANA, falling is another thing you're too young for ! That's all you need on top of everything else. Hope the "ice pack" does the trick. Did it startle Java ?

Kay said...

Leaving now, things to do before going to pick the boys up. BBL !


Lori O. said...

KAY, have a great day with Seth and Malcolm!

DANAMO - chin plant, OUCH! I've had 3 Chows and none was ever like that. I'm so sorry. {{HUG}}

DanaMo said...

I'm sorry they are not chows they are Sharpai's (sp?) My bad.

DanaMo said...


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Wow, DanaMo, this has not been your week. Always hate to take my dog or dogs by one of those places with a vicious or vicious-sounding dog. Sassafras always delayed next to those places. Like she was tempting fate or something.

Basset hound sniffing intently. Big black fierce dog jumping higher than the fence snarling and barking. Shirley trying to drag basset hound away.

Oh, I hope your chin is feeling better DanaMo. It sounds like your Java is smarter than Sassafras was.

Hunter and I will be heading out to Culpeper soon. Kathryn has my car because it needs some work; therefore I have hers. Kathryn called to say we need to get air in the right front tire, so we will need an early start.

DanaMo said...

Yes, I went down and Java's only concern was to lick my face. Love my puppies!

Lori O. said...

Oh, LYNN is the Shar-pei expert.

Are you going to be okay, DANA? Do you need stitches? Did you hurt any teeth? The thought of you hitting the pavement makes me shudder.

DanaMo said...

Rattled is more like it. Teeth are okay, chin is still bleeding. But I'm laughing so that's a good thing!

AWWW just saw a clip on GMA about a Great Dane greeting his owner who just came home from overseas!!! Adorable video of big dog hugging big man! God Bless our military!

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all....or IS IT???

Dead (and headless) Praying Mantis in the laundry room this morning. Can't be a good sign. I suspect this was the work of one BROTHER CAT.

I have literally 25 things on my "to do" list today, and I am already exhausted having watching Hoda's video, and depressed to know that I will be forever sunburned and demented because I don't drink wine.

Lynne2 said...

Changing avatar to mantis head.

DanaMo....OMG....so sorry about your fall! These dogs are know biters and they are not contained by anything but an electric fence? Geesh...

movin said...


GooD MorninG,


It's going to get up to the mid to high 80's today, and to top that off, they're going to be ripping, replacing and painting the wooden stairs, landings and balconies, etc. most of today.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

Hi Jim.....Sounds like a real FUN day. NOT!

Judie said...

Good morning!

Hoda, such a really lovely video and you look just too cute. Thank you. Scenery is beautiful. You're in a nice part of the world.

Shirley, have a good and informative day. Hope Hunter won't be too bored.

DanaMo, so sorry you fell and am really sorry about the health issues.

Kay, have a lovely Seth and Malcolm day.

Lori, good morning and hope the remaining culture babe is okay.

Lynne2, I agree the likely suspect is Brother Cat. Sorta miss all the legless grasshopper bodies since the cats are gone.

Hope Jo can find a lake. Maybe the neighbors would let the ggk trek through to the lake.

Bet Margy and Carolyn are exhausted after last night. Sorry for those who died and those who had to deal with the carnage.

Off to get some coffee and the newspaper then to do some reading for school. Wishing everyone a lovely day.

Lynne2 said...

just read back about the horrible accidents last night.....so awful.

Kay, I see Paula answered about the pancreas in dogs. Cats have them, too, and that's where my sweet Mitzi's tumor was. Paula's dogs both had pancreatic tumors as well...her precious Nugz, and Boo.

Regarding dogs eating sweets (cats don't have tastebuds that taste "sweet" things!)....Any dog that eats things way off of their normal diet, especially fatty things, can cause a usually temporary condition called pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas. Lots of vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration can occur. There are chronic forms as well, but that's another story...

Many dogs can tolerate dietary indiscretions, but most cannot.

The bigger issue with dogs is CHOCOLATE. Very bad for dogs. But the amount of chocolate vs the size of the dog would determine how bad it can be. A dark chocolate candy bar eaten by a Yorkie would be very dangerous vs a couple of brownies eaten by a lab. There is a chemical in chocolate called theobromine which causes nerve problems and cardiac problems, and that is very dangerous.

And there is your boring veterinary information of the day.

Lynne2 said...

Morning Judie! Hope you have a good day! When you heading to Solomon's?

hedgie said...

Good morning, dear friends!

Poor DanaMo---ouch!!! No fun in that run, for sure.

Shirley, hope the tire holds the air on your trek back to Culpeper.
Be careful! Check it before you leave to come back h ome, too.

Kay, have a fun day with Seth. Loved the joke he read to you! My ortho would sure be worth going for if I was younger! Christie's friend dated him for a short time, but he was too tame for her! (Her mother works in his office---so it was kind of a set-up!)

Lori, how cool that you and your Mom share quilting! I love them, but never learned the craft from my Mom or Grandma--but I have some of the ones they made.

Kay, so glad you found the info on that bird!!! I was right about the "dove" head---and that it wasn't an east coast bird, huh??

Lynne2 said...

Good morning Lynn!

Well, I need to get started on my list.....BBL

hedgie said...

DanaMo---did the Dr. discuss using Metformin at all? Most prescribe it for an A1C over 6 nowadays. Better proactive than reactive.

SIL Charlie's sister was just carted off to ER by amb---he thinks she had a stroke.....he wouldn't call 911; he called Carolyn and had her call it in DUH???

hedgie said...

Nitwit neighbor just fired a gun---snake??? Probably since he was out messing with his woodpile (he sells the wood he gets from all the trees he takes down since he doesn't have a stove/fireplace)....just wonder what kind it was???

hedgie said...

Our teacher apparently returned to school today---saw good neighbor leaving this AM when I went to get the papers. Feel sorry for them all!

hedgie said...

Jim, so are you locked IN your apartment or are there alternate stairs you can use to get out?? Do you know what day they will do your balcony?

hedgie said...

Tonight is Liesl's graduation from "high-school"!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning friends! Beautiful out there right now - I could just sit on the deck and enjoy the air!

Sorry Dana MO about your spill --- Take
your morning run around in a different direction. It sounds like they lie in
wait for you to come by.
I am on Metforomin 2 x's daily. As you do I watch what I eat - I just need to
get my weight down more. Hard to do once you hit 70!

Hoda - I watched the video last evening on FB - Serene!

Mema Jo said...

Congratulations Liesl! You are going
to be off to college before I even get
over there to meet you!

hedgie said...

Apparently the young local college student wasn't feeling well the day before she died:

hedgie said...

Jo, I just told Carolyn that Liesl will graduate from college before she's a year old!!! LOL!

hedgie said...

It IS a beautiful day, Jo---last one we will have for awhile it seems. I'm going out to paint the trim boards for around the door. Should be a good drying day.

DanaMo said...

This is what another friend wrote about the Shar-pei's "They went after Kirby one morning when we were running. Almost ate him. He now speeds up looking over his shoulder when we run past their house."
I live on a street that goes no where but a big circle...can't go another direction, either way I have to go past.

DanaMo said...

The owner actually had to pry his dog off of "Kirby".

Hoda said...

Goodmorning all. DANAMO I am sorry you fell.Do take care with all the health issues you mentioned I am going to put you on my prayer list.You are young and yu will rebound. ARIC is also on my list for safety and enjoyment of his experiences in Spain.

KAY, The woman in the black shirt is in her twenties, the video was taken by her father...I am 63 on her right with a black cap.

LORI, yes I have seen them water ski on the lake. It would be wonderful if you did indeed come to visit.

Yea LYNN Liesl is one smart puppie, graduating college in her first year!!!LOL

Off to get ready for yoga...I will be lurking mode for a while and then after yoga the doctor's appointment for the spot on my arm.BBL HAGD everyone...

Hoda said...

DANAMO are there not by-laws about dogs that bite in your area? It is a public safety issue really...Glad you were not bitten at least!!!but to be scared is not good either...

Mema Jo said...

Vibrating such goo thoughts to you Hoda for the Dr appointment! So happy with you that you are going at the first sign


Mema Jo said...

ROFL My GOO thought Hoda are really
going to do the trick for you!

GOOD - ♥

Mema Jo said...

I just took my mini leaf blower to the deck - so many seeds from the birds.
Looks good - expect to have 3 little
girls playing out there after dinner...
Whoo Hoo!

Judie said...

Lordy, how I wish I could have a classroom filled with Liesls. ♪♫Life would be a dream♪♫

Judie said...

Lynn, hope Charlie's sister will recover quickly and completely. Wonder why he wouldn't call 911?

Jo, enjoy the fresh air, please.

DanaMo, is there a park nearby? You and dogs could run/walk?

Jo, I'll see your goo thought and raise you a goo thought. Hoda, we are with you in our goo thoughts.

Heard on news last night that the college student's death was thought not to involve foul play. Not sure, of course.


JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch didn't go with Angie got a butt load of rain again today road is under water again and more rain on the way 2 1/2" in rain gauge just now when I empty it The place we were going to lunch is sitting out side Chicago Deli so its a no go

hedgie said...

First coat of paint is on. Drying fast so I'll get the second on this afternoon. I don't mind painting, but sure which I had a better place to do it! Had to do too much bending doing the sides of the boards! Backache!

Mema Jo said...

Judie, Lynn had a blue link to a news article in local paper about the student's death. Hoping for an autopsy
report. Prayers for her family and
fellow scholars.

Incidentally Judie - explain to me the
meaning of a 'culture babe' lol I got
you! Love ya !

Sorry about your lunch date canceling JudyE.

OK time for street clothes! BBL

hedgie said...

Too bad your lunch plans got messed up with rain, JudyE.

Judie, I know that Liesl would love having you as her prof!!!!
Not sure when her college class will start---hope we have a couple of weeks off!!

It's a shame that the owners of the SharPei are not more diligent. I have never met a mean or nasty PUREBRED SharPei.....however, I can surely attest to behavior issues in a mix-breed one, can't I??

hedgie said...

Jo----a mini-blower???? How little is it???

JudyEddy said...

HODA appt was today right Wishing her luck What time was her appt

Lynne2 said...

LYNN....WTH??? Why didn't Charlie call????? Have you heard anything?

Mema Jo said...

Lynn it's very light weight but powerful! 5 lbs or less - Son got it
for his dad when he got him a weed

Lynne2 said...

aw, sorry your lunch got rained out JudyE.

Lynne2 said...

My "to do" list is rapidly expanding as each thing I try to get done has led to another project.....UGH.

magpie said...

H☺wdy Eagle Pals...
Just passing through to say HI...
caught a short nap, now getting ready for a get-together with a high school gal pal for a few hours,
she's a teacher in Maryland so she needs a little West Virginia outing before all that starts

Hope to SEE what I've been missing when I get back later on...

Best Wishes for a Good Day to Everyone !!

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

Thanks JO for the GOO thoughts- ;^) I take them in my heart and feel supported and loved...YOU ARE THE BEST!!!
I am off to see what my day has to offer and will be back later. {{{{HUGS TO ALL}}}}

Mema Jo said...

Latest news on Shep Student's death

Lynne2 said...

OK, so what sort of "natural causes" kill a 19 year old???

Lynne2 said...

(((HUGS))) back, Hoda!

Judie said...

Jo, culture babe is an upscale baby vulture. lol Lori will have to provide some serious bling.

Lynn, nice you have the weather to finish painting but sure wish you didn't have the physical aches and pains.

Judy, sorry about the canceled lunch date. Have a nice day, anyway.

Solomon's is tomorrow. Problem with downsizing is Darth hoards. Not excessive but a serious source of conflict. I cannot stand clutter and mess.

Judie said...

Thanks for the link to the WVU student's death.

To answer Lynne2, friend of mine in high school died at age 19 from a ruptured aorta. No previous indication of physical abnormality. She just dropped dead.

Lynne2 said...

yes, Judie, I remember you mentioning that about Darth!

Wow, that's really sad about your friend. Geesh. Isn't that what happened to John Ritter, too?

T-Bird said...

Good afternoon all. I've been having trouble with my computer so I haven't checked in in a few days. I hope all is well.

hedgie said...

Latest report from WVU is that the college gal died of natural causes. What is "natural" about a 19 y.o. dropping dead??? SOMETHING had to cause it....heart? allergic reaction? infection? Cop-out report IMHO.

hedgie said...

Oh, see that Judie already reported!!

Wow, Jo---please give more info on that blower!! I might want to get one!

Judie, if a move is in the works, make it clear that "stuff" will have to go!!! Call in the troops!! Auctioneer, declutterer, etc.!

Praying for Hoda to get a good report.

Lynne- no idea in the world why Charlie wouldn't call himself. DUH! Haven't heard anything. Seriously doubt that it's anything too serious....vitals were all good, symptoms very mixed. I'm sure it was probably just an anxiety attack, but she's a drama queen.

hedgie said...

Margy, enjoy your lunch out!

hedgie said...

Yes, it was a ruptured aortic aneurysm that killed John Ritter, I believe.

DanaMo said...

Well these are pure breed. And I have heard concerns over this breed before. Apparently these dogs have been reported before and were suppose to be on a tie out or walked on a leash. I don't know how long that requirement was suppose to be in place, it may have expired. I will be looking into it.

No dog park, no close by park that allows dogs. I like where I run, and most days they aren't out and it's towards the end of my run, it's Java's portion, my last mile. I will try to pay attention to what time the owners go to work and hope that I can run before they put the dogs out.

I hope Hoda's appointment goes well and that we are all wrong about the possibilities.

Well it's been a tough morning and I am going to go read and take a nap!


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Well, I, too, have a growing list of things to do today. Have been busy earlier today paying bills online, and doing a report for the doctor. Now on to steaming the floors clean!

Hope they find out exactly what killed the college student. What a shame!

DanaMO, sorry about your fall this morning! Prayers for healing! Does your chin need stitches? Hope not!

Have Wanda & GG and Hoda in prayer for their appts. Waiting for good reports.

Well, gotta keep busy-- so much to do!
Will check back in later. HAGD, everyone! :o]

hedgie said...

T-bird, good that you are back. Is the puter problem fixed or just behaving?? How's everything in Bluefield. Glad you aren't in Bedford....there was bad stuff going on there yesterday!

hedgie said...

Bad owners......there are no bad breeds, per se. NO dog should be left alone in a yard when no one is home. It invites trouble and creates problems. And an electronic fence...REALLY??? Insanity. Since Washington Co. relies on the Humane Society for Animal Control, they need to be notified. Maybe they will confiscate the dogs and they will get good homes.
My 3 SharPei were all perfectly fine together, but I certainly never left them together when I wasn't home once they were weaned. They each had there own fenced off section in the basement. No shared bedding or eating space.

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3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...