Thursday, August 18, 2011


New thread.


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Linda said...

Looked like no one wanted to move on over, huh?

Good Friday Morning to you, Paula!

All is quiet here this morning.

Mema Jo said...

Good Friday Morning - I had just about finished this mornings comments when you
all jumped over the Split.
We received Rain sometime last night or this morning. Calm weather out there.

I am reading newspaper and blog with my coffee... Life is good!

stronghunter said...

Enjoy your visit to the big school house, Judie.

DanaMo said...

Have a good day at school Judie! I miss the whole teacher work week next week moving Aric into Dayton. Oh well, I'm so sad (not!). I just hope I have everything done. I think it is, but I will go on next weekend to be sure!

stronghunter said...

Such a handsome guy, Aric.

You are one busy lady, DanaMo.

Costume Lady said...

Such a lazy morning in our house. I landed here at my desk at 8 this morning, with a cup of coffee and haven't moved, since. Have a lot to do today and just can't seem to get my rear in gear! Capt. Gene has been reading the paper all this time...wonder what is so interesting? He usually does a quick look through and then puts the paper on my chair to read...hope it's good, whatever it is:)

Judy, babysitter in back of truck with baby is truly an idiot! She said "The baby isn't mine", as though that made it alright to do somethiing so stupid...

Hoda, sorry about the wrong address for my email. I am emailing you the correct address, right now.

Andrea, I enjoyed reading about your day with JAY, sounded like such a fun day for she and you:)

DanaMo said...

Let me clarify that, I am sad that Aric is moving to Dayton, I am not sad that I am missing teacher work week!

Costume Lady said...

I went outside to see if I could find where the lightening struck last evening, but too many leaves on the trees to tell.

paula eagleholic said...

Judie, are you talking about 9/11 ride by the motorcyclists? DIL got stuck in traffic waiting for them to go thru up in PA...she said it was 1000 motorcycles.

Mema Jo said...

Perhaps I'll hear all those wonderful
motorcycles if I can't see them. Just
like a marching parade! I get excited
when 3 or 4 pass us on the hghwy.

Sun is shinning now and should dry up
the deck and grasses.

This I'll go find my red shirt...


movin said...


Good Friday Morning,

Everybody. TGIF.


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Hoda said...

Well I am off to help load and launch the Dragon Boats. It is noticeably cooler in the mornings and I found mysef thinking SOCKS!!! No No No, NOT SOCKS!!! It is still August!!! Yesterday there was talk of snow in the higher elevations...It promises to be a sunny warm day and so I hold to that thought, and I do not bring out the socks...Enjoy the day everyone and I will see you tonight God Willing...{{{{HUGS}}}}

DanaMo said...

My chin itches.

hedgie said...

Good almost afternoon! Have not read back at all.

Frank was here early and got the trim boards mounted around the front door, Looks good, even tho' I'll need to put another coat of paint on the surface. He also did a few other small chores for me (corn, salt, fixed my wobbly kitchen table!), so I am a happy camper!!!

I am also starving to death---is it lunchtime yet???!!!! Almost!

Mema Jo said...

You are excused for Lunch Lynn ♥

hedgie said...

So glad that so many have exciting visits planned with loved ones!
Lori---hope your Mom's leg is just a small hematoma or maybe even some scar tissue.
Andy, sounds like Jay is a lovely girl---and very missed by CA buds! Enjoy your time!
Hoda, Dawn in that chair is SO diminuative!! LOL----makes me think of Lilliput!!! You gals will probably be hoarse by the time your visit ends! you all have a retreat this weekend? I pray you find more serenity....just remember we are always behind you 100%!

Judie, imagine you are already at the U.....hope it's not TOO technical!

hedgie said...

JudyE, hope Jordyn is on the way to full recovery!

hedgie said...

We never got a single drop of the rain, Margy and Wanda. :(
Isn't it strange what a difference 10 miles makes??

DanaMo---when do you leave for Dayton? I'm sure you are completely ready in your classroom. Don't even think about it while you're gone!

Shirley, how did your trek to Culpeper go? Was it worth your time?

hedgie said...

Wanda, I am just now ready to read the paper! All out of my normal routine today!

JudyE---that young woman must not have the brains God gave an ant. Geesh!

hedgie said...

DanaMo---we knew exactly what you meant!!!!!

hedgie said...

Have fun, Sockless Hoda!!

Dana---DON'T SCRATCH!!!! That's a sign of healing!

Hi, Jim! Andy said it was H&H yesytersay----how about today??

hedgie said...

That should say YESTERDAY!

hedgie said...

Sorry I ran everyone off. :(

Thanks, Jo----I'm gonna go eat!!

hedgie said...

Lunch satisfied the hungries!

Kids will be coming this afternoon to pick up their school supplies. And get this! Frank & Irene were at a the girls each their high school logo sweatshirts---brand new, with hoods---for 50 cents each!! I paid over $30 for each a year or two ago!

DanaMo said...

We should be on the road by 3:00. That gets us there around 10 :( Just loaded the car. Filled with everything, but Aric! LOL

hedgie said...

From NBG:
THIS JUST IN -- Norfolk Botanical Garden's Boat Tour guides saw two juvenile eagles while out on the 11:45am boat. They tried to check for bands & transmitters and one of them definitely did NOT have any, but they were UNSURE about the second. Perhaps one of the babies has come home afterall?!?

JudyEddy said...

Back from seeing Winter the dolphin had a good time as always just brought a sleepy grumpy kid home and put her down for a nap Poor little one got hurt we were are Chick Fil A and she was climbing on the slide thingy there and she slipped and hit her cheek on the edge of the step that was not a nice way to end such a good morning out she cried for a little she was over tired and I guess was in a hurry to climb She is gonna have a dozy of a bruise on her cheek. She got over that and was playing and then got hurt again nothing that I could see I thinks she was just over tired boy when someone is sleeping nothing goes her way Next time we won't stay so long there but the dolphin show comes on at 11 and she always wants to see it I guess the older she gets she will only get better Naps are still a must for her and she loves her naps when she finally realizes it that she is tired and that is why she gets fussy She gets so giggly also when she is overtired I'm gonna go lay day also on the couch I am tired and grumpy tooo LOL

hedgie said...

Thundering and threatening-looking here.

JudyEddy said...

I wanted to put my two cents in I get my stamps from the drive thru bank ATM

paula eagleholic said...

Safe travels Dana, didn't realize you were leaving today! Have fun!

DanaMo said...

Finally getting on the road. Closing up! I'll check in in the morning in OH!

hedgie said...

Safe trip, Dana! Missed your post until now---so you are on the road! Hope you aren't running into storms......

Judie said...

Hey Paula, yes the 9/11 motorcycles. Expected ~2000. Traffic coming home this afternoon was really bumper-to-bumper. Rt 66 was shut down completely so, of course, everyone had to find alternative surface streets. Plus so many leaving for the weekend before kids go back to school. Kept thinking how peaceful Solomons was yesterday.

Lynn, maybe you should ask Irene to do all your shopping for

Hoda, just know the boating was great fun today. Oh, have to chuckle when I recall you fussing about the cold and no sun. Too cute.

Training was a really good move on my part. The technology has been upgraded and reconfigured. Would have been in a panic in class.

DanaMo, I know you've departed for Dayton. Safe trip.

And...trumpets home and Darth has started to sort/clean out the garage. Hope he keeps at it. A first in 23 years. Shhhh. Don't let him know I said anything.


Mema Jo said...

Hedgie that is a great price for those hoodies! Some places they are as high as $50... Girls should be very pleased.

DanaMo keep on rolling down that road - can't wait for you and Kay to meet up.

I had a very refreshing nap this early
afternoon..I am dreaming of a meatball
sub! lol

Mema Jo said...

Daughter just called about a whooper of
a storm they had up in Washington Cnty. and should be headed our way. Lots of
lightning/thunder and down rain.
We'll see what the mountain range does
about letting it come over to the valley. At least the 2 cats are in..
Just don't want to lose electricity


hedgie said...

We are getting a good storm! Carolyn and Jenn are still here!

hedgie said...

Kids are on their way home now, and it's still storming some....but sky is brightening.

Judie, glad you made it home okay....I still prefer 50! Old habits die hard! I hate 66.
Good that you won't be in the dark with the technology.
Hurray for Darth!!!! Guess he's ready to get a move underway!

Jo, I would have taken a nap, too, if I had been alone. Good afternoon for it!

hedgie said...

JO---don't forget: new Flashpoint tonight at 8!

Mema Jo said...

I am ready for the 8:00 show! It's
the highlight of my Friday Night!

No rain here yet - my cats are looking at me like I am crazy... They want out.

JudyEddy said...

DONT FORGET TO VOTE for both of them

hedgie said...

Vote for what, JudyE?

JudyEddy said...

Ed Clark and Perer Sharpe It is until Jan

JudyEddy said...

Ed Clark has 44298 votes

Peter Sharpe has 7724 votes

big difference

Mema Jo said...

Judy I have lost my link and don['t remember what they are under on FB... Help..

JudyEddy said...



Ask and you shall receive

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy all!

Getting a late start tonight, won't check into until mucho later!

Beach house bound!

(((Hugs to all ♥)))

JudyEddy said...

EagleCamAddicts puts up a daily reminder to just the one PeterSharpe that is is nest page I am assuming I vote for them both they both do good work for our eagles Angie just came to get Jordyn She has a bruise on her cheek I tried to get a picture but doesn't turn out

hedgie said...

SKINS up 10-0!

JudyEddy said...

Have a safe trip Paula I wonder if DanaMo is close to her destination

I put a video of Jordyn doing the money thing at Winter the Dolphin and Clearwater Marine Aquarium posted on their page with this saying " Have you ever used our Donation Well? Its a lot of fun see?? Thanks Judy for the video.
I thought that was pretty cool she loves doing that giggles each time and it is a good concept for donations I just got to remember to bring change instead of asking for it there

JudyEddy said...

I am so hungry need to find something to eat Wish me luck LOL

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Judy I got my votes counted..


hedgie said...


Oh, yes, JudyE---thanks for the reminder!!

T-Bird said...

Hedgie-Is the game on in your area? If so, what network.

Mema Jo said...

Whoo! 13-0

Heading towards TV

What did you get to eat, Judy?

hedgie said...

Judie, doubt that DanaMo is there yet. It's a good 6 hrs. just to Columbus (Kay's)....and a bit further to Dayton....and they didn't get away until close to 4.

hedgie said...


hedgie said...


JudyEddy said...

MEMA JO I had a Cafe Steamer Whiskey Steak Not to bad I just don't put all the sauce on it tooo strong for me It filled the empty spot

JudyEddy said...

Now I need to take a shower and do some down time


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Mema Jo said...

Night Judy

16 - 0 Way to go

hedgie said...


hedgie said...

Goodnight, early bird, Judy. Sorry your weekend is over...:(

Lynne2 said...

Hi all! Just wanted to pop in and say hello! Hope everyone is well and weathering the storms, so to speak! I don't think Daisy is buying my story that thunderstorm season is almost over!

Lynne2 said...

Guess everyone is off watching the tube, or the backs of their eyelids...sorry I missed everyone! We're headed west in the AM. Hope you all have a great, safe and memorable weekend! Love you guys!

hedgie said...

Lynne, hope your travels are uneventful and that you have a good time! Try to get more horse pics!! Love you, too!

Lynne2 said...

Oh I will Lynn!!! Can't wait to see that baby again!

Judie said...

Hi all,

Goodnight, Judy.

Storm seems to have moved on. Was intense for about 45 minutes. Rain, thunder, and lightening.

Columbus is about 45 minutes from Dayton w/out heavy traffic.

HideeHo -- 16-3! GO SKINS! Beck seems to have really got his game on tonight.

Know you're on your way but safe travels Paula.

BB after the game.

Judie said...

Safe and happy weekend, Lynne2.

T-Bird said...

Looks like the Skins are in. Good night all. Don't let the bed bugs bite.

NatureNut said...

Taa Dah! We have Verizon!!!Actually got TH PM. They are on strike, so 2 techies that came were from Atlanta, GA & Colorado!! And we have had Power, but thought it would be gone again hour & 1/2 ago. I got stuck outside around 7-7:30 under carport while a whopper blew all over. Heavy rain, wind, hail. Considering the carport roofs are metal, I decided to crawl in little MGB. Rubber tires & you're grounded!!!!

BTW, I think when I got on here at work after the Monday lightening strike' I mentioned a young man who got caught by police (he went thru the cones). He came back the next day and told Frank he saw me taking pics of downed wires & could he have copies to take to court. One of the 5 unneccesary tickets he got was for driving on WRONG side of road!!! DUHHHH! Fubby just said boy came today and got pics.
Was up early in the AM after a too long Panda nap & downloaded the pics.
I also checked the Aussie White-bellied sea eagle cam. I guess you all know they lost one chick---accidental suffocation from part of pigeon that got stuck on Mom's talons before she sat down. It's been a rotten year for critters.

BTW, THX for all the Well Wishes for our friend Danny. He came home Tuesday!!!!!They are so appreciative for the prayers.I don't have new news, yet, as I wrote them about 'puter down.
I'm missing the Skins!!!! BBL

Judie said...

Loretta, glad you survived the storm. Sorry, of course, about the baby sea eagle. You're right. Bad year.

Meanwhile, do you know anything about Asbury-Solomons? We went yesterday and I have good feelings. Just wonder if you have any information from comments you've heard, etc.

Back to the Skins.

stronghunter said...

Hi everyone,

Yay, Skins!!

hedgie said...

Final score: 16-3! Rah,rah SKINS!!!!

stronghunter said...

Wildlife abounds at my abode. Found a skink in my bathroom this afternoon. We caught it and set it free outdoors. Second-floor bathroom. How did a skink get in there?

stronghunter said...

Picture of the skink on my blog.

Judie said...

♫♫Hail to the Redskins, Hail victory!♫♫ Go Skins!

The above was posted by the sandperson.

Sandperson says it is getting close to a bit of local news and then to slumber land.

The night light is on for anyone who may need to arise in the dark or come in late from the West coast. Restful sleep for all.

Judie said...

Um, the sandperson is a Skins fan.

Mema Jo said...

Skins did good!
Ravens need to do better and maybe they will during the 4th qtr.

Boy Shirley - I was afraid that skink was a typo for skunk Thank Goodness
it wasn't.........

hedgie said...

Loretta, glad everything is working again! Super news about Danny! WHY did you get stranded on the carport?? Is it not attached to the house?? Scary!
Good for the young fellow fighting for his rights!!
Poor baby bird---hasn't hurt that. What a horrible scenario. Yes, it has been a tragic season.

Judie---hpope you enjoyed the game, too!
THelma---if you peek back in---did you find it anyplace to watch?

stronghunter said...

We did the skink/skunk routine a couple of summers ago when Hunter and I found a skink by the river.

Not skunk. Skink.

Yes, a skunk would have been much worse.

This skink is fortunate that I found it before Lucky did.

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie I think Thelma used the link I
had sent her when you asked. Hope she got some play by play!

hedgie said...

Gee, Shirley.....never heard of a skink coming in up this way---way down south, but not in No Va! And upstairs---wow! THey are so cute!
Will look at your pics after I look at Loretta's!

Jo, Raven's still have time to pull it out! Go Ravens!!

hedgie said... word on your blog was AMENSQUA. Weird words they come up with. Had to log in to post on yours, but not on Loretta's....wonder what is up with that nonsense?

Liked all the pics!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Jo---glad you saw my request!

Goodnight, Judie! Good sandperson!

hedgie said...

Ravens up 17-13!!!!! Oh, Jo----ye of little faith!

Mema Jo said...

Ravens 17 - Ks City 13

hedgie said...

RAVENS SCORE---under review....

Mema Jo said...

WOWSER Ravens are up 23 - 13
Whoa Baby!

hedgie said...

RAVENS 24-13.....that's a WIN!
Good show for our metro teams tonight!!!

Mema Jo said...

Make that 24 -13

hedgie said...

Oh, my---Ravens made a pick off a deflection and are ready to score in the last few seconds! Better and better!!!

hedgie said...


hedgie said...

5 secs left for Extra point---good! 31-13. What a show!

NatureNut said...

YAAAAY!!!! Ravens win, too!!
Sorry I missed Judy. I really don't know much about the newer places at Solomons. I remember when it was a quaint fishing village w/lots of good seafood restaurants---still has those.I visit the Marine Museum, Capt's. Table Restaurant near there & when daughter is in town she likes the Pier Restaurant (don't know if that's the name)for her crabcake fix!
Well, gotta sign off--been up since 3AM & News is coming on.
For all those hitting the hay,
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

stronghunter said...

This little skink is very fortunate I found it before one of the four-legged family members got it.

stronghunter said...

Yay, Ravens!!

stronghunter said...

We did see a skink in the driveway a few days ago.

magpie said...

I'm updated up to the SPLIT

This avatar is for YOU....
ha ha, we are like twins..with our Tiger Swallowtail and our Joe-Pye Weed ☺
Took this two weeks ago out near Swinging Bridge

What a storm that moved through here earlier....hope to find that everyone is OK

stronghunter said...

Love your avatar, Margy!!

stronghunter said...

I think you have a male tiger swallowtail.

magpie said...

I'll take your word for it, Shirley....
I think I have a male and a female on one of my picture blogs. This is Butterfly season for sure around here....I have a few favorite spots to check where they are all atwitter

Bike Night, in Martinsburg, a lot of those 2,000 bikes will be here Saturday afternoon and evening...
last year, Erik Estrada (of CHIPS fame) was here....second time in fact, not sure if he is coming this year or not
He is in law enforcement in Stafford County? Virginia....

magpie said...

I drove straight through that storm to get up to see James, most of the worst of it was over by the time I headed out (late) from work...just the heavy rains remained

Loretta...that is good that the young man came to you and Frank...he needs to fight those tickets! And Frank's pictures will help...what a tough story, but he is smart to come find you two
xoxox ♥

magpie said...

I will change my avatar the Traveling Angel Cloud...until DanaMo returns from Columbus

Hope she is settling into her Roost away from Roost

magpie said...

but when you said that Megan said your flower was Joe-Pye Weed, well, I could not resist...there is a LOT of that all around the Swinging Bridge area

Have not seen whether Lori's Mother and niece Kilee made it up yet....sure hope so, and if not today, then SOON

And so good to hear of the other family and friend reunions going on....Andrea...and I hope Kay, and Hoda...and sure I am missing some, but just because I have had trouble staying on top of things this week

magpie said...

I have to think that is 12:18 am Saturday because I have to go to work at 0700 instead of 0800 - YIKES
I better head to bed....

Hoping that Paula is Paradise-Side now...saw your post about Aberdeen...when I have been to Solomons, we go pretty far out on the water, so I think maybe that is how I saw and heard it, maybe?

I hope everyone is doing OKAY !

Linda... I said for you to send me your germs, so you wouldn't have them anymore...
really, I don't mind !!

Prayers for Wellness and Peace, Precious Pals

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxox ♥

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy! Not sure of county but it is wherever Bedford is!!! Shar and Thelma never saw him! But he's not a street cop---he does the cyber crime investigating!!! Definitely one of the good guys!

stronghunter said...

Really? Stafford County, Margy? That is were we lived for many years. It's just north of Fredericksburg.

Very interesting.

magpie said...

Thank you there Hedgie...about Erik....he is a hunk....James and I went to the Plaza last year when all the cycles kicked off from there....and got some pictures ☺

was nice to hear your voice "on the telephone" today....
am looking forward to having some worktime with Carolyn Saturday ♥

Okay, Lady Angel is back, and she and I both say
Good Night !

xoxox ♥

stronghunter said...

Okay, Bedford is not in Stafford County.

magpie said...

well, Shirley, I wasn't sure...whevever Bedford is, so maybe not Stafford County...
Hedgie just updated my information

but in the same state at least !!

Hope to hear that Wanda and the Gang had some Family Fun tonight, will find out when I check things out in the morning before work

OK, now, Good Night Friends
xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

TaDa---it's BEDFORD County!

hedgie said...

Margy had the part right!

stronghunter said...

Okay, Bedford County. I Googled.

hedgie said...

Sleep tight, Margy! You and Carolyn behave tomorrow afternoon!

magpie said...

ok Lynn...WHY ?? LOL
about me and Caro behaving !
Okay we have our counties and our Fords straight now !

hedgie said...

My turn to say goodnight. Tub and book await....and then pillows! Have a touch of a sore gonna try to get a bit more sleep tonight.
Sweet dreams, and all are in my prayers.

hedgie said...

WHY??? Cause I don't want you two to get in any trouble!!! Bye!

Mema Jo said...

Glad you were able to check in Margy -
Hope James is getting excited about the start of school...

News is over and I am done in...
Good Night Friends - God Bless you and
Keep you in His loving Arms.

Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

We are home....and boyless!!

Sad, but oh so ready for peace and quiet. LOL

Have not read the blog. Catch me up if there is something I need to know.

Going to shower and head to bed!

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

Family Friday was exceptional, tonight:) GG is doing so well...walking so very well. Hope her injections last for a very long time!
Jayden was a real clown, as usual, but more so tonight. Spaghetti found it's way onto his head, instead of his mouth. He talked up a storm, saying nothing understandable (probably a foreign language). My camera locked up on me, so I didn't get any pictures or videos:(
So sleepy, can't keeps my eyes open


paula eagleholic said...

Arrived here before midnight...ran into some rain on the way, but it wasn't too bad...gonna read a chapter amnd hit the hay

(((Hugs fr all)))

Hoda said...

OK !!! Skins not skunks!!! I got that part...cute picture SHIRLEY.

MARGY had a new avatar for a short period tonight and indeed how beautiful.

DANAMO and PAULA are travelling and have not checked in yet.

I had a GREAT DAY...Loading the boats and launching them required that I go in the water almost to my waist a few times. It was ALL GOOD. People were appreciative and in good positive spirits and the Kootenay Rhythm Dragon SENIORS team took second place...It was wonderful to see them race...

WONDERFUL Yoga class and I learn something new every time I go there. It was about aligning myself with my intention and seeing how my body can move with proper attitude alignement and action...Get rid of the "I can not" mind set that prevents me from seeing through past any problem I might be encountering.

DAWN and I chatted on and on and on and I saw one of her twins, Joren, I call him Jorney have donew since I first met him as a little baby, and he is a grown young man now very handsome and very much into being active and he does landscapping for a summer job. We will visit again tomorrow as there seems to be many stories that we have to share. We laughed so much tonight about how we remember things.

Tomorrow after noon we will go Kayaking!!! Her brother has a kayak I can use and he is still in the medal round for hockey with the BC Seniors Games. It will be good if Nelson gets the gold...
I feel blessed with my friends.Thank you all for being friends I spoke about what a wonderful group you are.

Hoda said...

Oh and the Skins won the game but I do not know who they were playing against and who are the RAVENS where do they come from? I see I have to go to Google for more information!!! I think LYNN's HAIL avatar is for the Skins because it has Chief on it...I think Thelma also likes the Skins, she has a helmet...

Hoda said...

Paula checked in and I am glad you made a safe trip PAULA...

LOLLY and JACK are also home and Camp Hawkwood had another very successful year...The next big adventure is JACK going canoeing next weekend.

OK BALTIMORE RAVENS is what google tells me.{I heard of the Baltimore Oriols but I do not know what sport they play!!!} Is this the Eastern Conference being played right now? Is there a western conference and then East plays West? This is how they do the playoffs for hockey around here...Don't know much about this you know and I think there is a song about not knowing much,Don't know much about history,...I think I am not sure I have the tune in my head...

stronghunter said...

The Ravens are a Baltimore, MD, team, Hoda--close neighbors of the Washington Redskins.

stronghunter said...

Ravens play football.

Orioles play baseball.

I guess the people in Baltimore like birds.

Hoda said...

THANkS SHIRLEY...I am glad you are still up...are you having trouble sleeping? I think I am so wound up from my visit with Dawn I will have to find a way to relax. I so looked forward to blogging. Do we know if LORI's MOM arrived safely at LORI'S?

stronghunter said...

Right now the games are preseason. The coaches are setting up their teams for the regular season and are seeing how the various players do in these games.

Hoda said...

This is a very stupid question SHIRLEY, but how long does a football season last? Will they be done before the snow flies?

stronghunter said...

I haven't read all of the posts today, Hoda.

I took Hunter out for lunch and bowling and then came home to get him off to football practice, so I might have missed the information about Lori's mother.

stronghunter said...

Professional football lasts from September through the Superbowl. I think that might happen in January or February. So, snow will fly during the football season.

Hoda said...

I meant to say Skinks not skunks!!! a few posts ago!!!

stronghunter said...

I am not a football expert, by any means.

Hoda said...

1/2 a year of football, I might learn a thing or two by then!!!LOL!!!

stronghunter said...

I haven't gone to bed yet, Hoda. It is 1:00 AM here. I slept late this morning, so I am winding down now.

Hoda said...

Thanks for sharing what you know SHIRLEY.

Hoda said...

1:00 AM is late SHIRLEY...Goodnight to you and God Bless. Sweet dreams.

stronghunter said...

Now I have to go back and look for the spot you said "skunk" instead of "skink."

Some time ago--either last summer or the one before--Hunter and I went out taking pictures and photographed a cute little skink.

People thought I was talking about a skunk then.

stronghunter said...

And your question is not stupid at all, Hoda.

Hoda said...

Thanks SHIRLEY,there is kindness and patience in your explaining obvious questions...I appreciate it...

stronghunter said...

NFL Teams

stronghunter said...

We have been talking about "skunks," "skinks," and "Skins" tonight, Hoda. The "Skins" are the Washington Redskins.

stronghunter said...

Hoda, you have explained many things beautifully to us. It is interesting to learn about different customs and activities.

I guess I had better really try to get some sleep. Sometimes I have to calm my mind before I can sleep.

I think I am going to head upstairs now. Things will be busy early around here.

Kathryn and Hunter are going to leave for a weekend trip to Virginia Beach. They will join friends and spend the night with another friend who lives near the beach.

Their plans were just put together today.

Hunter goes back to school on Wednesday.

Hoda said...

THANKS SHIRLEY for the football teams link.
I wish HUNTER a very good school year and you mentioned once that you might volunteer at his school.What a lucky Grandson he is...I wish him and Kathryn a safe trip and an enjoyable time.I hope you also have a GREAT weekend and remeber to keep checking in with us...

stronghunter said...

I will be checking in for sure, Hoda.

Good night for now. See you later.

Hoda said...

I added your football ink to my favourites,THANK YOU VERY MUCH SHIRLEY...Great help with the logos too and the colours so now when an avatar shows up I will be able to check it out...COOL.

Hoda said...

Goodnight SHIRLEY. Sweet dreams and God Bless.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here so late it's early again!
Sleep is not happening much since Jay got here. Will have to catch up once she's gone back home.

Jay got in pretty late last night, but she had the BEST time with all her CA friends! There were people at the gathering that she hadn't seen since high school, 5 years ago!

We sort of laid low today, except Jay did go over and visit her OTHER grandparents, Don & Em, who live very close to us--maybe 5 minutes away. Hubby and I went to Chili's for dinner, and Jay ate at Don & Em's. Jay is getting together with some other friends tonight over in Placentia. Smart kid--she's arranged transportation with a designated driver who never, ever drinks.

Spent some time looking through Jay's big, fat binder where she keeps all her tattoo designs. She really does have an amazing talent! She's an excellent artist, but she also has a vivid imagination--a great combination. Will try to take a picture of a couple of her designs. If they turn out, I'll share.

Poor Jay--she's so acclimated to 100 degrees plus weather in Dallas, that she was practically freezing to death when I picked her up at Don & Em's at 8:30 p.m. It was only 63 degrees out!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, think I am going to try to get a little sleep before Jay gets back home, and we start another gabfest! (SO much catching up to do, so little time!)
Haven't caught up here on the blog, so hope I haven't missed anything crucial. Prayers have been said for everyone, and for every creature. Hoping that everyone sleeps well. I'm making sure the porch light is on for late-nighters. Enabling both security systems. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Hoda said...

Hi ANDY and Goodnight, I am glad the visit with Jay is going well...63 can seem cold if she is used to a hundred.

I am going to sign off now and may God Bless us all and those we love.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
Here's a nice morning sight:

Half Moon, and Jupiter, paired up in the early morning sky

So...if it's still dark where you are, and the skies are clear, go have a look! Where I am, they are pretty much "straight up"

magpie said...

what a nice little trip Kathryn and Hunter have planned ☺ ☺

I have been to Virginia Beach one time, it was in November many years ago....some really neat things to see along the beach...

Bon Voyage for the travelers, and hope your week-end is enjoyable for you also

magpie said...

Oh Wanda...
sounds like a fun evening, but what a time for the camera to lock up!
I loved the last video of Jayden enjoying his...was it Beefaroni?
He is really learning to wield his fork!

magpie said...

Sounds like many on here, are squeezing out some last precious fun moments of the summer with family and friends....
I have really enjoyed reading all about it...

Andrea! So good that you can have this time with Jay, and hey! I haven't seen any reports of a foot hurting or the transcription fingers burning up the keyboard....

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

magpie said...

Hi JudyE

Glad to hear Jordyn seems to be getting better.....sorry to read of her boo-boos

Okay, so we are both getting ready for the workday :(

xoxoxo ♥

magpie said...

And I am already out of time !

I posted some pictures from Bike Night, August 2010 in Martinsburg, WV
including, a few pictures of
Erik Estrada (☺)

on Fun and Dandy

Best Wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy, and Joyful Day, Everyone....

xoxox ♥

magpie said...

OH, I guess some of you have seen this from Blackwater:

Technical Note
Contractors working on our Visitor Center accidentally exposed our computer equipment to rain over the weekend, and we had to shut down the PC to assess the damage. We'll update when we know more."

...well, guess we are not the ONLY ones with cam problems !
okay, ttfn xo

JudyEddy said...

♫ Happy Birthday Steve ♫ I hope you have a good one

magpie said...

is that NCTC Steve?
Happy Birthday to Steve !
Hope it is a Stellar Day....
sorry I am not sure which STEVE it is !
Judy has the inside track !

oh, good traveling wishes for our other STEVE, and Lynne2:

Hope you see many beautiful things and don't work too hard!

JudyEddy said...

I need to get ready I was reading but I need to stop I will catch up later I really was use to getting up earlier and really feeling rushed for work I will say HAGD now in case I don't come back

JudyEddy said...

YEP it is our one and only STEVE

JudyEddy said...

I had to relog to send that last comment Blogger cop is out early today

PA Nana said...


Good morning to others on early. I'm heading back to bed. Not used to these early hours.

Have a good day and God bless!

DanaMo said...

Good morning from OH!

Man Kay the construction around here is awful! We didn't get in until 11:30!

DanaMo said...

Well yes, Happy Birthday to Steve!

magpie said...

good to see you Diann
and DanaMo !!

and all other Eagle Pals...

just peeking in from work
will peek in again in a little while ☺

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine eagle momsters and dadsters.

magpie said...

Good to See YOU T-Bird and Buddy ☺


hedgie said...

Good morning!
Woke to a VERY foggy morning. No sign of moon or Jupiter here, I'm sure! Fog was so thick I couldn't even see the mess next door!! That's a good thing.
It is only 62°---, but supposed to warm up!

Margy, great to see the pics of "Ponch" and the bikes!

Thelma, are you on retreat?

Oh, no---bad contractors at BW! Sure hope nothing is seriously damaged.

Shirley, enjoy your solitude!! Hope Kat and Hunter have a grand time!

hedgie said...

Happy Birthday to NCTC Steve.

Hoda, the link Shirley gave you for our football teams is a good site to save to refer to as we get more and more rabid about our teams when the season opens next month!!! There are 18 regular season games....every team gets one or two "bye" weeks where they don't season is longer than 18 weeks! Then there are the play-off games leading to the big one--the Super Bowl--- where the NFC team vies with the AFC team for the national championship! Most games are played on Sundays, with a Monday night game each week, and sometimes a Thurs. night game!! Okay----everything you didn't want to know, right????!!

hedgie said...

Sounds like all visits are going VERY well! Hoda and Dawn, and Andy and Jay....glad DanaMo arrived safely in Dayton.

Never heard an update from Lori about her Mom's leg, and if the visit from her and Kilee happened yet, or not.

And don't know if Kay's clan has arrived or not, either!!! Suspect they have or she would have checked in by now!!

hedgie said...

JudyE---hope Angie didn't give you heck over Jordyn's mishaps!!! Kids will be kids!

Diann....nice that you peeked in between winks!! The z's you catch after being up are usually the best ones!

Mema Jo said...



hedgie said...

The Norfolk zoo has lost their baby giraffe.....she died Weds. night from peritonitis....:(

T-Bird said...

Do you all have any good movies to recommend?

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Kathryn and Hunter have left for the beach trip. They were going to drop off a load of metal on the way. (Kathryn sells scrap metal from the shop and splits the profit with her boss.)

I need to pick up the rest of George's pills from the vet. They did not have a full supply when I was there last. Probably ought to pick up some food while I'm there.

Need coffee before I take off.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn Thelma Shirley

Please join me over on the new thread



stronghunter said...

Got an ugly shock when I went to get my prescription refilled. Instead of the usual 30-some dollars copay, it was $291.48.

I am in the doughnut hole for the first time. The paperwork says the pills cost $985.99. I wonder if that is what I will have to pay next time.

To add insult to injury, I do not get gas points because I am on Social Security. My store gives discounts on gasoline for purchases , but Social Security recipients don't qualify.

I started paying into Social Security when I was 16. I am now 69. I am not getting something I have not paid for.

Now I have had my complaint session for the day.

DanaMo said...

Hey Shirley that sounds awful and expensive. Sorry to hear about your prescription issues! Maybe they made a mistake???

My FSA card got rejected and I don't know if it's because they haven't gotten my dx of diabetes or if I've run out of pre-paid money or if they want receipts from me for prior expenditures. Insurance problems drive me crazy. Hope you can find out if a mistake has been made, don't just accept it, make sure everything is correct.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...