Sunday, April 03, 2011


Spring has sprung thread.


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Costume Lady said...

Costume Lady said...
Could it possibly be LIB?

Thanks Steve and Paula!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Belle in the nest

Costume Lady said...

It's Belle

paula eagleholic said...

Beach house is near Crisfield, MD. I am at the mouth of the Manokin river and the Chesapeake bay...just google rumbley MD

Eagles is back...bbl

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I love looking at the nest without resentment. Stay away for a while, Jerk.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Linda said...


Paula - that's so awesome you saw eagles there this morning! Good for you.

Any news about another chick at Decorah yet?

Yah for Laird!! Welcome Home Mate!

Linda said...

Looks like lots of HP at Loch Garten!! Guess Odin didn't need a day of rest before he got started on his man chores!!

Linda said...

They really are amazing, aren't they?

Lolly said...

Good morning! Eagle has just been sitting on the nest the whole time I was catching up on the blog.

I got very excited about the possibility that it might be Lib, but see you thinkj it is Belle. Do not see the lacey affect of Lib's feathers.


Lolly said...

Make that


Costume Lady said...

Live cam is back up...for now.

Lolly said...

Paula, that is very exciting about your eagles. You will never get your painting finished!

Keep seeing shadows fly over the nest.

Lolly said...

Going to read the paper now.

BBL Before leaving for church.

Mema Jo said...

Good sunny morning. First day of Market
Getting ready to pull out of here
I briefly saw our eagle in the nest
I'm not convinced it was Belle -Neck was long like Intruder. I didn't get to see the feathers on the front of the

Hope to get going - will tell Megan all
said Hello.

Judie said...

Good morning!

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

paula eagleholic said...

Yay Laird is back

Don't know how I am going to get my painting done with this eagle flying over the house LOL

It was just hanging there in the wind...hovering on the wind...really cool

I can see their shadow when they fly over

Linda said...

Yah, two chicks at Decorah. They're exposed right now!!

Linda said...

Decorah: The shell is gone, so it must have hatched a while ago, but that little one can't pick its head up at all yet. It's just rolling around in a ball. Do they do that when they first hatch?

wvgal_dana said...

I brought this over from old thread. I stayed there because I did not want to loose sight of eagle. Plus I had the live feed and the still cam up. So I have pictures from both live feed and still cam. Still cam had better pictues today.

No black spot on head??
No inverted v underchin feathers are straight across

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Linda give it a little time and watch and you will see it moving.

Linda said...

wv dana - Thanks! Don't know when that one hatch, or if anyone had videos yet. I didn't see the third egg in that last zoom in, but it could have just been the camera angle. So cute!!

That 1st chick still has a red beak from the rabbit they're feeding it!! Hope it's a girl cuz it looks like lipstick to me!

Diane said...

Hi all: It's been a while and I'm trying to catch up, but am confused. Are we now believing the intruder is a male? And that Lib hasn't been seen in a while?

paula eagleholic said...

Diane...that is correct...we have thought so since last week....NCTC is confirming that

Diane said...

So sad.

WV sUSAn said...

Brought over from old thread:

Delete Comment From: Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Daily

WV sUSAn said...
Lowes Update:
Laird aka 7Y returned at 7:50 this morning w lots of HP. Wooohooooo

Glad to hear we have had two in our nest this morning... I think. Glad to see Belle!!

Wanda. Hope your knee is better today. So sorry you're suffering.

Happy Sunday to all ! ! !

Let the games begin at LoTL!!!!!
Sunday, April 03, 2011 9:20:00 AM
Posted to Saturday

WV sUSAn said...

Yeah for second eaglet at Decorah. Love that cam. Saw eaglet and two eggs yesterday... And the wabbit! Ha

wvgal_dana said...

PALynn-Linda Yes 2nd one has hatched. Third egg still needs to hatch. You can go here and look at their two pages. They have of 1st hatch and have written that 2nd egg hatched. Keep a watch on here by click the pages to move up..hit refresh to see if they have added anything. OK

It starts with first hatch

FOR DECORAH 1ST HATCH SCROLL DOWN PAGE TO UNDER GLO'S VIDEO WHERE Chipmunk say's 5:54 just saw #1 bobblehead and keep looking at pictures then go to next page

Mema Jo said...

Really now Out the door Car keys in my hand..........
I have binoculars in case I get to the nest....
Paula - Is the paint dry yet?

Leona said...

Morning everyone. I hope you all had a good night.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals
Congratulations Paula !!!
Now those are the nice kinds of Beach neighbors to have: Eagles, and several of them ! The Painting can wait !!!

Good nest reports everyone, I picked a bad time to have to be sleeping !

Trying to follow Jo out the door to get to market! Have camera and binoculars in hand...and some bling bling for the market

Best wishes for a great day, everyone

It is a glorious Spring Day here in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia


Linda said...

wv dana
Thank you on the Decorah info. I have the live cam up now and am watching. Have seen the 2nd chick. It's so cute!

magpie said...

If anyone knows where a Liberty Belle Peony can be found, Lori, it is Megan! She knows Peonies and every other kind of growing thing!

And Lolly is right up there knowing all about that stuff also!

Leona said...

Screen Capture of both eaglets at Decorah nest.

Decorah Eaglets

magpie said...

When I came home (4:30 am)
I checked Decorah - there were 34,000+ viewers watching but Mom was roosting and looking very sleepy !

But I didn't see any eggshells

Linda said...

Hey Margy!! Thanks for noting one of my favorite verses - Isaiah 40:31!! It also mentions our beloved "eagles!"

Leona - I knew you'd get some screen shots!! Great work, girl!

Linda said...

I did notice that part of that second eaglet's shell is still in the nest cup, too at Decorah. Now one more to go!

hedgie said...

Good Sunday morning. Great news all around....Decorah 2nd hatch earlier this AM, and the Laird's arrival and immediate HP. Yippee! Know Chrissy is thrilled---Bobbi, too!!! No problem with conjecture there since Y7 is banded (ringed as they say)!

Paula, you are one lucky Momster this morning!!!! Were you able to get any pics??? Hope so---and will look forward to seeing them tomorrow!

hedgie said...

Jo and Margy, enjoy Market!
Hope the weather holds off until after it's over....rain in forecast.

Linda said...

Hi Lynn!

I was reading back from where I left off last night and noticed you posted the link on the story. Thanks for doing that, since I haven't mastered that yet.

Your're right about the story being wrong. I immediately told me husband not only did they have the time of hatch wrong, but that wabbit had been there for a couple days!! Reporters ought to get their stories right!!

Linda said...

Another feeding at Decorah, Leona!! Littlest Bobblehead is trying to lift his little head. So cute!

Leona said...

Wish I got more. She was just about done when I seen she was off the eaglets.

hedgie said...

Cam has sure been blue and gray for a long time.......wonder what the h---- they are doing??

Leona said...

Darn missed it.

Linda said...

Thre will be plenty more!!

I just love those zoom shots!

hedgie said...

With a strong journalistic backgorund, Linda, I get VERY irritated with errors like that!!!

Leona.....I sent the cheat sheet out last weekend on Momster yahoo group didn't get it, I guess, because of your messed up inbox and account problems. Are you back on now?? If not, I'll need you to send me your other email address. I am sending out an updated/revised edition today!

Linda said...

I hear you, Lynn!! It got my dander up a bit, too!! Lazy reporting. It's great that they reported it, but get it right!!!

All they had to do was ask us, right??

This group misses NOTHING!! I'm amazed!

wvgal_dana said...

PA-Lynn(Linda) Isaiah 40:31
is my very special verse also.

I am glad my daughter knows it and knows it is special to me. For if I pass away she is to use that.

Unknown said...

Could someone please post the latest on this nest? Hard for me to watch anything "sad"....Thank you, Christine in Oregon

hedgie said...

I see the rabbit feet are still intact at Decorah....wonder how long we'll be looking at them?

If I understood Chrissy's email correctly, Isla and Y7 have had HP 9 times since he arrived this morning! What a guy!! I ASSUME that if Isla is receptive, then she MUST still be fertile......hope so , anyway!

Linda said...

wv dana Isn't it amazing how often the Bible mentions eagles? I think they are one of God's special creatures!

Leona said...

hedgie I e-mail you.

Linda said...

There are a lot of visits to the nest by Truder and Belle, sometimes together, sometimes alone, but not much more than that. No one knows what is really going on with those two. Liberty hasn't been seen in the nest since Paddy was born, but he has been sighted from the ground. Don't know if he is around in the past couple days, though.

Leona said...

Taking my dog outside. BBL

hedgie said...

Our cam is back....but no action in the nest.

Remember a couple of weeks ago when we were discussing the corn husks in the Decorah nest? While watching the video of the 2nd hatch, I saw that there is a video labeled "dueling corn husks" or something like that. Forgot to watch it...will need to see if I can find it again!

JudyEddy said...

Home to click in on new thread BBL short lunch

hedgie said...

Randybad......on the page that you click on to get here, the blog owner, Steve, has posted the updates....just scroll down through them and read what he has to say from NCTC's perspective.

wvgal_dana said...

Switch at Decorah

My nephew just called me and ask me if I knew about the Decorah Iowa eagle nest lol
He knows I watch the nest. I told him yes and that we are watching it now. He drives a tractor trailer and he has been by the nest there many times. He said it sits right along the road.

stronghunter said...


Was about to say "good morning," but it is not morning anymore. I didn't get to sleep until quite late, so I didn't get up until quite late. But I have been to the grocery store and fixed breakfast.

Wow, Paula, what a sighting! I hope that is an indication of great things to come. A bonus that came with the beach house.

Hunter and Kathryn spotted an eagle near here. It was close to the Po River.

stronghunter said...

More visits to the nest by our eagles this morning. It would be nice to think Liberty was here, too, but I guess we wait and see.

hedgie said...

Maybe I dreamed the corn husk video....can't find it there now anyplace. Duh!

DanaMo said...

Well back from church and time for household chores.

I don't see that there have been any visits since the ones this morning.

I'll peek between cleaning bathrooms, ironing and doing laundry. Fun day ahead.

wvgal_dana said...

DanaMo Our live feed went down for awhile...only had a gray screen. So don't know if any eagles came to the nest then or not.

Geula said...

I've been lurking, reading posts but I still have our eagles in my heart

hedgie said...

Dana, guess that's why people have mentionned seeing headlights at Decorah! It's amazing that so many nests ARE built so close to human activity!

Shirley, was reading your comments last night about retiring. I am all for it, gal! You ARE ready....WE'VE known that this entire term!!! One piece of info I can offer is that companies (don't know about state/county entities) do not offer retirement incentives to folks who have already reached or passed normal retirement age! Not fair, BUT....keep in mind that that "bonus" that they give you also counts as income and then you end up having to pay a higher Medicare premium because of it untiol you show a year or two of lowered income. Just something to think about!

Linda said...

Feeding @ Decorah

I think Dad may have brought a fish?

Linda said...

That poor baby can't lift itself up for nothing yet.....

Lynne2 said...

Hey all! Been checking in once in a while...trying to take advantage of this beautiful day and MY LEGS AND KNEES DON'T HURT!!

So cool Paula about the'll see plenty down that way for sure!

We have a battle for the BB box out front this morning....a pair of house sparrows is trying to take over. No nest built by they BB yet though...just been staking out the territory. MTBR

Need to run to Walmart and GROSSery store....get back, finish chores and babysit next door at 3:30 for the rest of the evening. So have a good day all, and I'll pop in when I can!

stronghunter said...

Lynn, there are lots of things for me to look at. I am on Medicare right now, but I might be eligible to go back to the system's health insurance plan for awhile. That comes along with working for a set number of days doing the testing, etc. That is what I have to see.

Every time we have testing, a number of retired staff members come in to help with the extra chores. They are compensated with benefits in some way.

Yes, I know I am ready, and I have paid my dues.

Linda said...

hedgie Have you seen the horses running around below the nest at Decorah. Sometimes the camera operator will zoom in below. It's beautiful.

stronghunter said...

Just talked to the drama teacher. She is retiring this year. I did not know that she had worked out a deal so that she was only working part time this year. She said she has loved coming in at 11:00 every day and not having any extra duties.

Looks like someone is working on the camera settings again. Maybe.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn...I did get some eagle pics...also have seen our osprey flying and on the nest...painting going good, doing the rolling part now...I hate cutting in

Going out to check mr osprey...have to find out from neighbor if they have names...

stronghunter said...

Funny thing, Lynn, when my supervisor was talking to me about what observation cycle I will be on next year, I was thinking. "Nope. I won't be around to observe." Didn't say anything, though. It is the first time I have thought that.

stronghunter said...

I am the only person in my bridge group who is still working. I think they want to play during the day instead of night. I am the only one preventing that.

Linda said...

Someone just said on the Decorah chat that the nest is in an old cottonwood tree near a fish hatchery!! Sounds like a good food source!

Linda said...


Linda said...

We all vote YES!!

stronghunter said...

As far as I know, they offer all of the retirement incentives to everyone, regardless of age.

stronghunter said...

Cute, Linda. Thank you.

George, Lucky and the puppy dogs would like to have me around. Hunter would like it, once he gets used to the idea of changing schools. We haven't talked about that yet. But he does have an aunt who teaches at the school he would attend. I suppose she will stay there.

stronghunter said...

I have had fun thinking that I really do not have to worry about taking all of those classes to renew my certificate. And, occasionally, when I want to say what I really think or whatever, I have thought, "What the heck?"

hedgie said...

I'll second that motion: TEAM SHIRLEY RETIREMENT!!!
Just don't commit to anything part-time or helping out until you've taken a nice long break!!! With the Medicare angle, I think that it will be primary and tour insurance through the county will be secondary. Great if you can keep that!

No, Linda, I haven't seen the horses!!! Miseed the fish delivery and feeding....there are currently 116,000+ viewers!!!

Paula, I always hated the cutting part, too. Thankfully, with log homes for the past 25 years, what painting I have to do doesn't involve's all brush work...and tedious, but no big expanses!

stronghunter said...

That is the cutest little kitten on your avatar, Linda.

hedgie said...

Agree, Shirley, that next school year, Hunter should be in a "local" school. Your retirement doesn't mean being a daily chauffer!!!

Linda said...

Lynn - They have some black horses and right now you can see a white horse feeding below. You just don't know that is what it is unless you have watch for a while. It is at about the 11 o'clock position just below the branch. Take a look

paula eagleholic said...

Mr osprey must have gone fishing...back to painting

Linda said...

Shirley If I make the trip down for one of the group nest visits, I "shirley" want to be able to meet you!! I hope by then you're done with school either for the summer or FOR GOOD!!

stronghunter said...

Hunter's now going to the school in the district where he was living before; his dad is still living there, so he's okay.

His sitter is still there as well, so it has worked for this year. He has only one more year of elementary school, but it won't hurt for him to get acquainted with kids he'll go to middle school with. I know he has friends all over because of his sports teams, etc.

Linda said...

Decorah - feeding again.

Linda said...

Based on where she is feeding from, I think she is feeding from a fish in the nest on the right side. The wabbit was on the left side.

Linda said...

I am truly amazed at how they change from hour to hour in these first days! Littlest bobblehead is really trying to get his head. He is close! Maybe next feeding he will get some.....

stronghunter said...

Last year's nest visit was on graduation day for my school. I don't know about this year. I will deal with that when it happens.

I enjoy the graduation day, but I will just see. I have done lots of them. We are expected to attend because we march in the procession.

I would love to meet you, too, Linda.

It has been good to connect with things I can get involved with when I do take the big step into retirement. I will be doing things for my family, but I have plenty of things that I do just for myself.

stronghunter said...

BBL. I do have some things to do.

movin said...


GooD MorniNG, aLL

iN EaglELanD.


We're enjoying a weather roller coaster here in So Cal this week. After being near 80°, we are dipping under the cloud cover and experiencing the little over 60° weather found there.

Any different happenings on the nest this A.M.?

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

Hi Jim, there have been eagles at the nest, but I am not keeping up too well this morning.

Geula said...

can someone please send me the link that you use to the Decorah cam. Thanks!

Lolly said...


Decorah Eagle Cam

stronghunter said...


I think this is it, Geula.

Lolly said...

Home from church and checking everything. Need to eat a bite and then....head outdoors, of course!

Well, it looks like it should be a sure thing. We have all voted and now Shirley, you have to retire. LOL

stronghunter said...

I hope it will work out, Lolly. Working another year would be difficult after I've reached this point.

stronghunter said...

I know our department will look quite different next year. I am not the only one who is thinking of leaving.

But that is fine.

Lots of people looking for jobs.

Geula said...

I googled Decorah eagle webcam and decided on the first one on the list and as luck would have it....the google ads are sort of below the cam pic and not becide it. The cam operater has itchy fingers and zoomed in on FEATHERS! Beautiful eagle and cute bobbleheads!

stronghunter said...

You can find Decorah on Beakspeak, too, Geula.

Lolly said...

Geula, did you see the links we posted for you?

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Phoebe's twins are just about ready to head off into the big world. Wingersizing.

Congratulations to the Dacorah eagles. Two born and one to wait for.

Congratulations also to Isla and her Laird. Will hope for another successful season for them without Isla having a near-death experience.

Shirley, you really have earned some time to yourself. You will sort it all out and make the best decision for you.

I have to tell you I am thinking this might be my last semester. If not, it will surely be next Fall. My real problem is trying to think what I might do with all the time.

Hi to everyone else.

movin said...

Looks like Phoebe's chicks are about ready to fledge anytime...don't see any fluff hanging off them, and that's another sign they are ready.

I just missed seeing WE adult off the nest enough to see contents, so I'll have to read the blog. It does look as though the adult is mantling or shading right now, which might be significant.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

I went through that, too, Judie, but I think I will have plenty to do with the time.

stronghunter said...

Right now, I do not have enough time to do everything I want to do.

stronghunter said...

Decorah mom off the babies. So cute.

stronghunter said...

They are chirping.


Judie said...

Both osprey nests in Scotland are occupied. Isla and her 7Y and one at Lock Garten waiting.

Yes, I think the hummingbirds will be gone in another day or three. Read where Phoebe tried twice to push them out earlier today.

Shirley, you are fortunate in the sense that you have Hunter and the critters. Me, I have FoodNetwork.

Anyway, going back to read for next week.

Thank you, Lynn for the updated cheat sheet.

stronghunter said...

Food Network might be fun.

You have Darth. He is a gem.

stronghunter said...

I have a mortgage, too. Do not want to wait 15 years to retire, though.

movin said...

Odin joined EJ on the Loch of the Lowes nest just now.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Neither Osprey is on the Loch Garten nest though.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

Haven't been watching the hummingbirds, but just checked them out. They aren't exactly both in the nest. One is hanging onto the edge. I just saw a feeding. Watching eagles and hummingbirds is really watching two extremes.

stronghunter said...


DanaMo said...

OMGosh those Decorah eaglets are so cute. Just a bunch of fuzz!

movin said...

I'll see you guys later. I'd better get some stuff done.around here.

Have a great day.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Geula This is the U-Stream for Decorah that I watch

Decorah U Stream Channel

Leona said...

Mid-day family lunch from Decorah.

Mid-day Lunch

Mema Jo said...

Hello - I am home from spending some
time at Market with Megan, Visited with Aaron and Valerie and had lunch
at the Blue Moon. Margy surprised me
as she came to the Blue Moon to chat and then left. Before coming home I
did go out to view the Sycamore Palace
from the roadside and they twern't a
bird in the air or tree. That was 2-2:30.I got some beautiful fresh yellow daffodils from our Floralgirl.

hedgie said...

Jim, you got your nests mixed up....Loch of Lowe's is Isla and Y7; Loch Garten is EJ and Odin!!!

Weather here is deteriorating.....temp 53, down from 55; clouds have rolled in....

Shirley and Judie, once you retire you will wonder how you ever had time to work!!!!!

Wonder how Megan made out at market? And if Jo and Margy found any nice things to buy??

Kay said...

Good afternoon everybody ! I've been away since Friday morning, enjoying a wonderful weekend of family fun. I think my daughter, Eileen, is well pleased with the way her "Double Nickel" birthday was celebrated.

The group disbanded at 1pm and I've spent most of the time since catching up with news and nestcapades. I skimmed a lot, looking for bold print and special hightlights. Can't believe how much time Belle and Truder have spent on the nest the last two days. Is there some question as to "who" the most recent visitor was this afternoon ?

No doubt I missed some prayer requests, but will just ask the Good Lord to bless all with special needs. Hoping to hear a lot of aches and pains have been alleviated.

Got a huge laugh out of all the Fish Sticks talk ! Funny !

I also spent a lot of time today trying to download the Momster Cheat Sheet so kindly sent by Lynn. Haven't found the right program to download with, but will keep at it.

hedgie said...

Scott has put some lovely pics on FB.....definitely a sycamore tree! But no ID so not 100% sure it's ours.
Scott's pics

paula eagleholic said...

Decorah...that is really neat about the horses...happy to hear about chick 2 ...

Saw mrs osprey on the nest down here...and some oyster cathcers I think...

Done painting and going to get things cleaned up and head home soon

Oh and saw an adult eagle :)

stronghunter said...

Paula, you have picked the perfect spot.

paula eagleholic said...

Scott was going to the nest today

Jo sounds like a nice day in Stown

Judie said...

Hmmmm. Darth is a gem but 24/7 is waaaaay too much togetherness. We went through that from Nov-Feb.

Been working on child molesters today. Hate doing that topic.

Taco salad tonight.

Jo, glad you saw Megan and Margie and thanks for stopping by the nest. Sorry no one was home. Bet those daffodils are gorgeous.

Kay, glad you had such a nice time with your family celebrating your daughter's birthday.

It's okay, Jim. I couldn't remember EJ and Odin.

Judie said...

Paula, glad the paining is finished. Hope you can put your feet up when you get home.

Judie said...

Wow, really very nice pictures from Scott. Many thanks!

Mema Jo said...

Scott answered you Lynn,---found a nest literally 10 min from our house that apparently has eggs or newborns right now. Managed to get a great spot as you can see. Since this was a guarantee sighting I went here, didn't know if I'd be able to see Belle if I went up there.

stronghunter said...

I understand that part, Judie. No disrespect to Darth.

I just want to make sure I can swing things financially. It is kind of funny what some people say.

When I commented that I wasn't going to be able to take care of everything by April 1, which was the date they were saying we needed to in order to make sure we get our first retirement check on July 1st, one lady said that maybe I can save enough to survive July without the check.

I will still be getting salary then, and things aren't that tight. I would not think of retiring in that case. I am looking at the long haul.

Mema Jo said...

I've been out all morning and early afternoon. Time for Feet Up.


stronghunter said...

I want to be able to hang out at the Clarion at least once a year and a few things like that. No world tours planned. Just a few little things.

stronghunter said...

Weirdness on Friday: Kids were gathering in the hallway near my classroom.

Excitement like there was something major happening, maybe a fight, but there was no fight. Nothing. But something was in the air. I called the receptionist and asked for security and administration based on that feeling.

Turns out it was a diversion to cover a fight elsewhere in the building. I said, "Oh, gosh, and I sent everyone to the area of the diversion," but the receptionist said that I'd alerted them that something was amiss, and that was good. Yeah. That's all I could do.

Really wicked girl fight with injuries.

They had turned security cameras so no one could see what was going on. That took some planning. Premeditated for sure.

What a way to end the week.

stronghunter said...

I would not want to deal with child molesters, either, Judie.

I have enough stress dealing with children.

hedgie said...

Scott's pics are NOT our nest. He found this location 10 mins. from his home!!!! Awesome!

stronghunter said...

I hope Paula was painting rather than paining. But I don't know for sure.

stronghunter said...

Gotta check those pictures of Scott's.

FuzzleMT said...

OH MY!! First hatch eaglet at Decorah out of the nest cup!! It latched onto mom with beak and mom shook her head and little bobblehead nearly went over the edge! Can he get back in the cup? Anyone know???

Lolly said...

OMG Shirley! So glad I taught kinder. Can not deal with fights! Just can handle discipline for calling someone the s word. (Stupid!) LOL

We went to Lowes and then to Walley World. Bought my fern hanging baskets and now going out to do some more work.

Jo, so jealous of your day...going to Market, out to eat and Margy drops by, and then to the nest. Sounds like an awesome day!

Paula has had an awesome weekend. I really need to where I can see eagles!!! LOL

stronghunter said...

Great pictures, Scott. Thanks for sharing.

JudyEddy said...

Oh I see what you mean the baby is off the the side OH NO HELP someone

JudyEddy said...

the mom or dad doesn't seem to notice it seems

Judie said...

Um, sorry Paula. I know you were painting. A Freudian slip > paining. Hope you have any serious paining tonight.

Lolly said...

Judie Judie Judie! Hon, you have a problem if you can not think of what to do with your time if you retire. Come here! I will put you to work! LOL I have a book to read, a house to clean, slides to scan, pictures to print, and here I am outside digging in the dirt. Not enough time in the day!! Jack and I retired the same year 2000. I retired end of the school year, I was a young 56. I have not regretted one second! Now, I loved teaching, but I was so tired and did nothing else. There is more in this world to do! Could have a lot more money if I had not retired, but I have been so happy. And, Jubby and I get along just great! Wahoo!

JudyEddy said...

looks like the eaglet might try to get to the egg cup Lets hope so

Scott said...

Thanks so much everyone, I am very happy with these photos. I literally found out about this nest, about 10 min from my house, late Friday afternoon. Luckily, my cousin owned land very near and I was about to get across the river from them, which was the closest spot I could get and still be far enough away to not intrude on them. It was amazing, and from watching the female she probably has a couple little ones in there.

If someone didn't see the link, it is

The photos from this morning are numbers 44-the end...

JudyEddy said...

FuzzleMa do you think they will put it back in They see not to notice Switch just happened one in and one out

Lolly said...

I think the Decorah mom has her hands full with those two and the third is not even here yet!

stronghunter said...

I did not even see the fight, Lolly. But one of my students from 3rd Block was involved. I guess I won't see her for awhile.

She was supposed to be in in-school-suspension, not out fighting somewhere.

I had not really had any problems with her except poor attendance and poor grades.

Students were really wound up at the end of the day. I called a bunch of parents.

One lady chided me by saying I should call before her son's grade was a D+. They get grade reports every three weeks and have access to our gradebooks whenever they want to see them. I think she just wanted to turn the tables and put the blame on me. Same thing her son does. Geesh.

She also said that her son was upset that he was the only one who was getting in trouble and getting parent calls. Didn't want me to explain that he wasn't the only one.

Yeah, I am tired of this stuff.

hedgie said...

Kay, glad your weekend was such fun!! Gave you a nice break, I'm sure!

Judie....ditto what Shirley said about Darth!!! Too much togetherness sometimes isn't healthy!

Child molesters.....yuck. Horrible topic to have to address, but it certainly needs to be.

Paula, be careful driving eyes to the skies!

No, retirement you need to swing TWO Clarion visits per year!

JudyEddy said...

Awesome pictures Scott I clicked on Like on your face book page so I can see updates on my newsfeed Has anyone seen the baby out of the egg cup on the Decorah nest poor thing can't get back in and parents see oblivious to it

Lolly said...

Okay...I am outta here! Watch that little eaglet for me!

FuzzleMT said...

I don't know how they can really. Mom looked at the eaglet when it happened so she knows and when dad cam in he went over to the eaglet and looked at mom as if to say, "what did you do?" and then covered the egg and hatch #2. Somehow I guess the eaglet has to get over the nest cup side!! He keeps trying!

Linda said...

Looks like one of the Decorah eaglets is an independent free spirit, but that little fellow better get back under Mom or he won't make it, right?

Is there any way Mom can scoop him back in the nest cup? I'm afraid he'll roll off the nest. HELP!

stronghunter said...

Yeah, I got the impression that I was in the wrong for calling and for not calling. Sometimes you just bite your tongue.

stronghunter said...

Gotta check on the Decorah baby.

JudyEddy said...

His bobbly little head He keeps stretching up-- I think I can I think I can he keeps saying LOL

stronghunter said...

Looked like mom tried to scoop him up.

stronghunter said...

He is pretty far from the edge of the nest. Mom is certainly restless.

stronghunter said...

All kinds of chirping going on there.

Linda said...

ow the eaglet is going the other way. Please turn around little one....

Linda said...

Just turned back toward Mom/Dad, but the adult eagle can't settle down for nothing. I bet the Mom/Dad has done a full 360 4 times in the last 8-10 minutes.

Little Bobblehead is making his way back a little closer now.

stronghunter said...

Now turned the wrong way, now back towards adult.

magpie said...

Caught up on posts...

Shirley, I am in your corner too, the teaching world and the students will experience a loss when you leave, but the rest of the world including yours will experience a Great Gain !

Best wishes on how it all your favor, I mean

xox Hello Eagle Pals !

Linda said...

It's scary how a little mound of grass can seperate them. I wish she'd just scoop the little one into the cup and be done with it.

magpie said...

I'm kinda hoping to see some of the pictures from the nest visit this morning...

Just to repeat, you all made great notes !

stronghunter said...

He's a pretty fragile little thing, though.

Linda said...

Yeah, Shirley, that is what worries me. We don't need any more drama. He launches up and falls over the wrong way, he could get caught in those sticks.

stronghunter said...

He has lots to say.

JudyEddy said...

so close but yet so far I"m so sad I hope he can get in I don't know if I can take another nest drama

magpie said...

Hope you all recently heard me to say "Welcome to My World"....of the Still is a wonderful mainstay, when it is working, as it usually is ! ☺
I hear it telling the dinosaur and me: I will not leave you in times of (live cam) troubles ☺

JudyEddy said...


Linda said...

Hurray for Mom!!! She scooped him up and he's back in the nest cup!!!

Praise God!!

stronghunter said...

Yay, adult pulled him in.

Yes, Margy. We appreciate the still cam now. The other one is a mess.

magpie said...

Market was fabulous, and Megan looks great ! Delivered the Momsters Love and Hugs

got me some Claremont Lettuce, Burpeanna Early Peas (to eat) and Old Spice Sweet look at and enjoy the fragrance of....
and two bunches of Bee-You-Tee-Ful Daffodils !

Linda said...

Whew, I was starting to get emotional here. Hope that little one learned his lesson!!

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home , see ya'll later tonight

Linda said...

Safe Travels, Paula.....

stronghunter said...

"S-word"="stupid." Ah the world of kindergarteners. Yes, that has a different meaning in high school.

magpie said...

And then as Jo mentioned, I had a "hot tip" that she and Aaron and Valerie were at the Blue Moon, so we had a nice short little visit.

I went out and had a roadside visit to the nest, saw no soaring eagles, but did see one Soaring Red-Tailed Hawk, and some turkey vultures, and heard some great chirping birds ♫ ♪

JudyEddy said...

I'm sure she grounded him or Time Out HA LOL

stronghunter said...

Might be right chilly in Iowa. Poor little guy might be cold.

magpie said...

sorry I am not watching Decorah, I am here Magpie-ing...but it sounds like a happy rescue/retrieval there

Also I went to the Yankaur Wildlife Center took the Kingfisher trail to the River...
saw some great wildflowers, including baby baby Dutchman's Breeches, Spring Beauty, and one I have been waiting to find for several years:

Okay, enough of this, by the time I get old pictures offloaded and new ones on it will be summertime

Best wishes for a great evening...
will catch up and be sociable later on

magpie said...

It was a treat to see You!
I was at the nest probably 1:30 - 1:50

ttfn xo

stronghunter said...

Two Clarion visits a year sounds wonderful, Lynn.

Linda said...

Glad you had such a great day outdoors Margy!! It does a body good, doesn't it?

magpie said...

Yes PA-Lynn, it does, had my walking stick with me, and had the whole place to myself at the YANKAUER preserve (I spelled it wrong on my post)
Me, and some chirpy birds...
okay, bath time here, back later xoxo

Linda said...

Having that chick out of the nest cup was definitely why Mom was so unsettled earlier. Once she got that chick back in the nest, she settled right down and hasn't moved!!

So neat..............

stronghunter said...

I see shadows approaching at the Decorah nest. It will surely get cooler there when the sun's lower. Glad that little guy is now back in the warmth and safety of the cup.

hedgie said...

Glad I missed that Decorah drama....I would have been crying, too.

I was busy rooting for my guy to win the race....he lost the lead with 3 laps to go....finished 2nd...:(

Dinner to clean up the mess.

Glad the S'twn visitors had a great day....too bad no one saw any eagles.

Shirley, sorry about that fight situation, too. As for that parent----the nut doesn't fall far from the tree, obviously.

It is raining here. Guess it's time to say April showers bring May flowers, huh?

Forgot to comment earlier---Lynne, glad you knees/legs feel GOOD!!!!

Linda said...

Decorah - Now they're eating again. Hope that wanderer stays in the cup!!

Linda said...

Maybe she should dig that cup a little deeper and wider so they don't crawl out just yet.

stronghunter said...

Feeding at Decorah now. Lots of chirping.

Linda said...

They're really chirping!! So cute.

Linda said...

I've watch them feed the eaglets at NBG, but never had the sound. This is awesome for me. It's my first year watching all of this? ☺☺☺

Linda said...

Of course, I wish I were watching this in Shepherdstown :(

stronghunter said...

Something is causing the Decorah adult to cry out.

It is warm there, now--70 degrees.

Linda said...

Could it be the other adult is above them in the tree, or do you think something else?

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 543   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...