checking in - Miss Jordyn is down for a much needed nap Picked her up a little before 8 went to the park till 11 went to eat lunch and now down for her afternoon nap I want to take a nap too but need to do stuff YUK I'm on vacation this weed or stay-cation I should say Plan on doing much needed yard work trim some trees the squirrels insist on planting for me Odd how she was on nest all night long I posted your updates on Nctc face book page I got a lot of peeps at work that are on the Nctc fb page Oh no I have created more eagleacholic LOL BBL time to get busy
YAY!!!!! All 3 of our Band-tailed Pigeons have shown up for a late breakfast here! Because all 3 are here, I can be sure that the lone pigeon that wasn't feeling well the other evening really DID recover! We have just 3 of these birds this year. They either show up as a pair, or as one lonesome bird, or sometimes all 3 are here together. Used to have 4 of them last year, but apparently something happened to one of them over the winter. All 3 are looking good today! Yippee! :o]
Hi, Margy, I like your avatar! There's a baby tree near here that I need to get a picture of--it's barely more than a twig, but has produced lots of beautiful bright pink flowers! The little tree that could!
Prayers to all who need them My dad had COPD also was 82 when he passed he didn't want to do anything else to extend his life So I know what you are going through Christine Ok I said I had house work to do while she is down for a nap -dinner at my daughters every Thursday BBL maybe
Well, I got the kitchen cleaned up, and my eyes are focusing better now. Guess I'd better get back to work on this computer! Will check back in later. :o]
Thank you for the kind words and thoughts. My dad is only 66, but was a chain smoker most of his life. Back in October the doc said he only had 3 months if he didn't quit and look into a transplant. He finally quit and moved to Houston in January to get ready. They called him last night and surgery started this morning. Should be over by now so I'm waiting on a call to tell me how he's doing. He doesn't want me (or my brother and sister) to come there until he's out of the hospital.
He'll be in ICU for 3 days then private room for up to a month(?). Grandma and my aunt and uncle are down there with him. My aunt and uncle live there and Grandma and dad just moved there in Janaury.
2:40pm Hear banging against cam and eagle calling out. So at least one of them is hanging out near the nest.
Boy if Belle engages in HP with the turd bird I hope she teaches him a few things first. Like how to treat mom.
What I find very odd is that I sometimes see Belle in nest with turd bird and sometimes see just one or the other but every once in a while I see a bird alone on the nest with a very large spot on the head that looks more scruffy then the turd bird.
I must be loosing it. I do not have any other sites open and yet I heard eagle calling out. Now it's all quiet again. Perhaps they were doing something with the audio?
I've returned - had to have X-rays of the left side of my neck.. Just have had discomfort for about a month off and on. I love my family physician because he leaves no stone unturned until he sends you to the next procedure.
Christine - I am praying for your dad & the medical team. A Long recovery period where he will be monitored is good news. Then he'll be able to run rings around you all. ((hugs))
Savannah or Derek is watching over their eaglet as he sleeps.
Decorah chicks are covered by adult - has anyone seen the 3rd chick yet? As I typed - one little head came out from under the right side and 2 little beadie eyes peeked out from the front.
I've seen all 3 and got to watch some of the hatching yesterday! What a sight :) The middle child is keeping a low profile while 1 and 3 tend to fight a lot.
Watched CRC eaglet follow Savannah round the nest earlier, it was funny!
Look at the BWE chicks all laid out, blowing some zzzzzzzzzzzzzz's.
I'm wondering if that third chick is ever going to grow big enough to make it in the big, bad world out there. It seems to be feeding and developing...but at a small fraction of the rate the others are growing.
I am watching Decorah nest - That one chick uses his wings and it looks as though he is swimming up out of the egg cup. I think we are going to have a good many anxious moments watching these guys.
Good late afternoon.......ARGH! Wish people would tell when they call a meeting how long it's going to last-----started at 10 and didn't end until after 2. Now I am SO far behind on everything! Just ate some lunch....headache is not gone yet..... Will try to read through blog and read paper at the same time! OR maybe I'll take a nap!
OMG, I have made it to Christine's post about her Dad.......big time prayers.....and (((hugs))). I know how major an undertaking that is. (Had a guy friend many years ago whose grandson went through that for cystic fibrosis; it bought him a few extra years.) Christine, where is the surgery being done? Are you with him????'s the same spotted eagle in the bright sunlight the dark feathered area looks smaller...we have good contrast on the cam now and better color....the eagles heads aren't as whited out as they were, so you can see the dark markings on Truder's head in much more detail.
Houston has the highest success rate and a huge hospital! Just got the call from my uncle that Dad is in ICU and will be sedated until at least tomorrow. They said the surgery went well and expect him to be ok.
Yes, a double lung transplant is very rare, but he was so sick. They told him in October that his lungs were "at the end" and he only had 3 months. I think his quitting smoking gave him a little more time. He wasn't doing well at all when he got the call last night.
Thank you for all the prayers, I'm going to go home and collapse now!! I have the family trait of holding in the emotions until we know something......
So when you leave home you take tanks? Thats what I would like to get away from and have seen portable concentrators then work in a car and have a two or three hour battery. They are very expensive though. I'm on oxygen 24/7 too but sometimes I cheat and don't take it to restaurants. Gonna fry my brain someday. lol
I commend you on your emotional control, Christine - You are a very strong person and a very good support for others.
Red: I sometimes like to cheat even for a half hour walk out side or even within my home. It is such an inconvenience at times toting the hose around. Then the words of my doc haunts me "The more you use it the longer you'll be around"...
Red - there are times I have my portable tank with me, go to church, go out to eat and come home to find I had not turned the tank on! lol I've read up on the portable concentrators - I usually need more that 2-3 hours worth when I do go out. I wish they could increase the time on them.
Baack... Prayers for Christine's Dad's recovery. So glad surgery is over!!
Trying to get refills of Rx called in from Dr. office! Duh--a small nightmare.
PICS ON BLOG, Finally put Park bird pics on---was waiting until our sad drama at our nest here had passed somewhat. Never be completely gone--TEAM LIBERTY!!
I was thinking instead of taking spare tanks I could just take spare batteries. My wife is planning two trips to Michigan this summer and I might go with her if I had one that I could plug into the lighter plug. The one I have at home is not very portable but I could take it to use at night.
ALmost caught up. Yes, Jo, just saw Christine's info about where her dad is. DanaMo, doubles are done at lots of places. My friend's grandson went to Loma Linda out in the LA area for his....pediatric specialist. But Georgetown does them, and I'm pretty sure Duke does and someplace in NY and Boston....probably many others.
Red, I, too, have the oxygen generator. So far, only use mine at night when they claim that my O2 sats were dropping to 88.....they said it would give me more energy during the day. Ha! If I try to do much, I bet I drop BELOW 88 during the day!! Walking out in cold and wind to get the newspapers in the mornings feels like I'm down to about 50!!!
Without oxygen mine drops to the low 80's and sometimes upper 70's I probably should never go off mine but it sure is a break not to stumble over hoses. haha
My dad had 2 generators as he was at a level 6. He was afraid to go places for fear of running out. Hopefully this will be a new lease on life.
I had no idea there were that many people with COPD. My mom was just diagnosed with mild COPD also. I imagine I'll have it someday as I was a smoker too. Maybe I'll get lucky.....who knows.
Thanks again for the prayers. I'll keep you all in mine also!!
Red, saw an ad not too long ago for a portable generator that weighed only 5# and was good for 8 hrs. Also AC and DC connectors. Medicare covers these.....just ask your doctor!!!! And they are FAA approved if you want to take a trip!
Christine, good to hear that your Dad is out of surgery and recovery! And glad that he's not alone in a strange city. Prayers continue for complete recovery!
I know medicare pays for the home concentrator. They are paying for mine now but do they pay for the portable ones too? I'll ask my doctor on my next visit.
Oh-oh: Lily 'adjusted' the PTZ camera and we lost control of it. Fortunately it is facing the den -- and the bears frequent that area -- but we can't move the camera. -- SM
Thanks, Dana. Will have to catch up on the day's chat after this watch. I've had a fun day with granddog and grandson. Just took a look at the NCTC article. Interesting.
LOL, Red---nope, he's not made our favorites list yet! He did do some stick moving when he first came in. And, Red, do NOT apologize! We are a multi-topic blog!! We learn SO much from SO many!! You haven't forgotten how much fun it can be to hang with us, have you???!!! What's on your menu for Diane tonight??
I'll never forget heading to Lake of the Woods with 6 E3's in the car. With the concentrator also. He smoked but did not have COPD...had breath in asbestos, and many other types of flumes from his work place. Hypertension was his breathing problem.
Have just done a quick scan of today's posts. Enought to see there are more prayer requests and I'm on it ! While the topic makes my heart ache I'm glad you with COPD have quickly formed a little support group here today. I won't go into details as every case is different, but I lost my husband to the disease in 2007. Stan found much solace and learned many coping skills over the course of his years with it through an on line support group. I don't recall which one, but there are several. If you don't already participate in one I would urge you to give it try.
Stan was 64. Not only was he a long term smoker, but he also did a number on his lungs with years of working in a Southern Arizona open pit copper mine, as well has about ten years of stock car racing on dirt tracks. A triple whammy.
Good afternoon everyone! Now that dirty turdy is gone..... Christine, I also have COPD so I wish for your dad the best recovery possible.
Lynn, I invested in a Pulse/Ox last year and it really helps to let me know where things are.
My portable oxygen is liquid. Only good for maybe 4 to 5 hours, and i am on 2. When I was in the emergency room the other week my tank was almost empty and believe it or not the hospital will not give you oxygen to go home with. So make sure whatever you get will last long enough in case you are delayed, etc.
Kay it is hard. Ed was always just told he had "pulmonary fibrosis". From smoking, the the asbestos and the work flumes. Wasn't till the morning of Sept. 25 he was tested for Pulmonary Hypertension which they came and said "yes he has it". Came home and later that day God came and made Ed's wish come true. He went home to be with the Lord.
I'm sure Stan would say the same thing, Red, though like you he cautioned others to quit smoking. I'm 74, too, and was 6 years older than Stan. When we married I thought, given life expectancy statistics that we'd live about the same length of time, but that didn't quite work out MY way ! For those of you with mates, you must realize that your COPD profoundly effects them, too. It's a tough thing to cope with for both of you. I've been an asthmatic since childhood. Fortunately Stan was a very considerate smoker, never smokiing around me, inside our home or in our vehicles. He finally quit entirely in 2003.
Did Steve not tell us back in December that our birds were building another nest? Is it possible Lib is hanging out there? Has this already been discussed? I am behind on some of the blogs. Forgive me.
Yes NCSusan we had a Pulse/Ox too. It really does help. I could explain more to his doctor. That if he bent over his levels would drop, if he walk a short distance his levels would drop so the Pulse/Ox came in very handy.
Thanks for sharing Ed's story with me, Dana ! I guess we have formed our own little support group through the posts exchanged today. It always helps to know you aren't alone !
Sharon, no disrespect, but I'm changing my avatar once more. I'm very much gung-ho for Team Liberty, but I can see that it helps with identification if we all have different avatars. I can't seem to change the color on mine with any of the programs I have and so have selected something I think is in keeping with the pride we have in and the love we have for our dear eagle, Liberty.
Red, I know you're no longer on tonight since you're putting the finishing touches on that scrumptious dinner, but perhaps you'll see this later. The babies are absolutely adorable. Can't imagine anyone watching that and holding back on laughing along with them. I'm sending it on to a whole bunch of people !
I have a pulse-ox, Dana and Suzan, but the readings probably aren't too accurate because of my nail polish. Some people obsess about their hair; I obsess about my perfect nails!! Will not un-polish them!!!
Howdy You All... Suzan, Steve mentioned that this could be the year the resident Eagle pair considered a new nest...this included the time we were not seeing them much in December, but was also, before the Open House in October while the nest nest cam was being worked on
Good to hear a good report from Christine...imagine, her Dad at age 66, still has his Mom with him... ♥ Praying that recovery goes as well as expected...and predicted
Wow, finally got to see all 3 chicks at Decorah. 2 had little fuzzy heads out from under Mom & then she stood up. Feeding them again now. Will put pic on blog. Then get ready for Idol. Like Red's dinner again.We splurged on a porterhouse Fubby bought!
Came home and fixed dinner, but Hunter and Kathryn have not showed up. I think I might have forgotten baseball practice. I have to get used to the new schedule.
Belle and Truder. She looks so much larger that he does right now.
heard a little something tonight on a Christian radio station, about young men, high school athletes, others and such, who can be so concerned with The Conquest... but they are often, Little Boys in a Man's Body... think it applies here ?
Loretta I am going to check your new pictures, but I am waiting on the Yellow 1957 Chevrolet pictures !!! Have a friend who has a bee-utiful one here in our area....
I went to look for the cormorant, think I saw it...large black, shiny bird with some yellow in its beak, maybe a double-crested cormorant 'cause I think that would be the only to be near this area (like the juvenile at Blackwater Osprey that looked kind of like a Canada Goose, in Dec 09) but it was just a wee bit out of my good viewing with binoculars... friend said he saw two later one, must be passing through
Me Too Jo Kinda of gauzy, some clouds but its smiling ☺
have a hunger or lack of sleep headache, will be watching but also vooking or I could go to Shirley's since she cooked for three and the other two did not show up on time !!
Loretta - I always get treated when I look at your blog pictures. I hope in the future you will see some eaglets jumping high in the park's nest before they would fledge. Why don't you retire Loretta like Shirley is thinking about and then you two could have your blog pictures for all of us to see.
Jo, If I retired, I wouldn't get any pictures!!! All the best ones are where I work! LOL At home, we NEVER go anywhere & now I'm getting flack about gasoline!
Copy that Jo... I left out the "11" but have put a few titles... so I will revert halfway to my old ways !! A work in progress
Thanks for your patience and all your hard work! If I edit them now, they are going to jump out of order...been there, done that....but I'm on the straight and narrow..
Judie.... sorry, I have been trying to behave and blog less !! xoxo
Shirley, thanks for the offer, 'fraid I must take a Rain Check... I'd want to nap after mealtime, and have to work in the morning !
if Belle was on nest all last night, maybe????? 3 years ago, Sidney eagles built a new nest while they were still in their old one.
Following year they nested there and used old net a feeding station for the young , when they fledged. Nest has since blown out of tree, during bad storm, I think the branch went also.
Haven't been watching Idol since the early auditions. Kathryn likes Survivor on Wednesday nights. We have several televisions, but I just watch Survivor with her, or sit here and blog while she watches it. Not a big deal. I enjoy being around my children more than I enjoy Idol.
Hello again. I made a Walmart run and am now at Craig's house in Winchester. I see I missed an evening visit.
I have not caught up yet, but Christine, I'm glad your Dad is doing OK. :) A friend of mine has CF and is going through all the pre-op screening for a double lung transplant. She doesn't need it yet, but they want to have it all taken care of ahead of time.
I cannot remember everyone's name but prayers to all who need them.
Ours lives are so hectic right now. Daughter may go into labor any day or could last a month. She is 28 weeks along so we are hoping baby waits. they gave her 2 steroid shots to develop baby's lungs.
Kitchen still in mess, but i have baby afghans done and am making diaper cake now ,so I am ready(cake out of diapers)
Have only checked my falcon sites twice. Need more hours in day , but family comes first.
Watching Maine nest but i will have this cam up tomorrow when home.
Yep been leaving the "11" out Jo saw your request on that point.
just boo-booed by putting date and titles sometimes without the time I think I am with the program you and me BOTH hope so ! ☺ date, time, and title optional ok on to link pics and newspaper article but not sure I can do that while gnawing on Pork chops !
Bev, every day is a blessing at this day at a time! Prayers continue, for sure. Is your snow melting? Every night when I look out my sunroom, I see a distant neighbor's outdoor tree still lit, and I think of your Santa display stuck in snow. Don't know what this guy's excuse is.
1 – 200 of 924 Newer› Newest»Thank You - I've been watching and waiting and it paid off. Steve, we
have really been filling up these blog pages. Thanks Again
Thank you Steve and Jo. :)
Hi PammySue I am out of here for a
few hours..... Be back as soon as I
This is GREAT - Thanks Steve
Thanks Jo for the call over
and here are some REDBUDS from our Road Trip to Loretta's workplace at Patuxent River Park
April 21 2009 ☺
Prayers are on for Sharon's friend's Tara's father...and
for Christine's father....
God Bless them and their families and all the health care team members
checking in - Miss Jordyn is down for a much needed nap Picked her up a little before 8 went to the park till 11 went to eat lunch and now down for her afternoon nap I want to take a nap too but need to do stuff YUK I'm on vacation this weed or stay-cation I should say Plan on doing much needed yard work trim some trees the squirrels insist on planting for me Odd how she was on nest all night long I posted your updates on Nctc face book page I got a lot of peeps at work that are on the Nctc fb page Oh no I have created more eagleacholic LOL BBL time to get busy
YAY!!!!! All 3 of our Band-tailed Pigeons have shown up for a late breakfast here! Because all 3 are here, I can be sure that the lone pigeon that wasn't feeling well the other evening really DID recover! We have just 3 of these birds this year. They either show up as a pair, or as one lonesome bird, or sometimes all 3 are here together. Used to have 4 of them last year, but apparently something happened to one of them over the winter. All 3 are looking good today! Yippee! :o]
Good afternoon everyone.
clicking on the email comments box.
Hi, Margy,
I like your avatar! There's a baby tree near here that I need to get a picture of--it's barely more than a twig, but has produced lots of beautiful bright pink flowers! The little tree that could!
Prayers to all who need them My dad had COPD also was 82 when he passed he didn't want to do anything else to extend his life So I know what you are going through Christine Ok I said I had house work to do while she is down for a nap -dinner at my daughters every Thursday BBL maybe
Oops--Hi to you, too, Sharon!
How's it going? Been thinking of Sissy. How's she doing today?
...And Hi to you, too, JudyE! Forgive my manners. I didn't mean to ignore you! Try not to work TOO hard! You deserve a nap too!
Steve, thank you for the new thread, and thanks to Jo for the call over! :o]
Well, I got the kitchen cleaned up, and my eyes are focusing better now. Guess I'd better get back to work on this computer! Will check back in later. :o]
Sissy is going back to the doctor this afternoon. Still having quite a bit of pain and wants to make sure it is normal.
Thank you for the kind words and thoughts. My dad is only 66, but was a chain smoker most of his life. Back in October the doc said he only had 3 months if he didn't quit and look into a transplant. He finally quit and moved to Houston in January to get ready. They called him last night and surgery started this morning. Should be over by now so I'm waiting on a call to tell me how he's doing. He doesn't want me (or my brother and sister) to come there until he's out of the hospital. long do they expect to keep him? Does he have anyone there with him?
2:24 pm eagle calling out off camera.
That Decorah dad sures is a good hunter! My gosh, such waste in the pantry! LOL!
Decorah dad is feeding fish skettles to babies now. But they look full, not to interested in eating.
He'll be in ICU for 3 days then private room for up to a month(?). Grandma and my aunt and uncle are down there with him. My aunt and uncle live there and Grandma and dad just moved there in Janaury.
Prayers being said for Sissy
Both praises and prayers for Mason Ellsworth he's come a long way!
Prayers for Tara's Father George
Prayers for Christine's Dad and his medical team
Prayers for Susan and Grey and his Mom.
May His arms surround you all and give you comfort and peace and healing where needed.
I think E3 is going to give E1 a run for his/her money! He fights back already!!
2:40pm Hear banging against cam and eagle calling out. So at least one of them is hanging out near the nest.
Boy if Belle engages in HP with the turd bird I hope she teaches him a few things first. Like how to treat mom.
What I find very odd is that I sometimes see Belle in nest with turd bird and sometimes see just one or the other but every once in a while I see a bird alone on the nest with a very large spot on the head that looks more scruffy then the turd bird.
I must be loosing it. I do not have any other sites open and yet I heard eagle calling out. Now it's all quiet again. Perhaps they were doing something with the audio?
I've returned - had to have X-rays
of the left side of my neck.. Just have had discomfort for about a month off and on. I love my family physician
because he leaves no stone unturned until he sends you to the next procedure.
Christine - I am praying for your dad & the medical team. A Long recovery period where he will be monitored is good news. Then he'll be able to run rings around you all. ((hugs))
Just a quick go through of the blog. Trying to not get waaaay behind.
Prayers for Christine's dad, family, and his doctors.
We are heading out shortly. We will be back late.
See ya!
Savannah or Derek is watching over their eaglet as he sleeps.
Decorah chicks are covered by adult - has anyone seen the 3rd chick yet?
As I typed - one little head came out from under the right side and 2 little beadie eyes peeked out from the front.
Feeding time at Decorah - Adult's back is to us so we can't really see the
Thanks, Mema Jo, for the Hope & Lilly clip, and also for the update on Mason.
Isn't it great that he is finally able to move his right side, and now it seems to be accelerating.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
GrannieKay - I even wonder if the intruder has had his fishing lessons for anyone other then feeding himself.
I've seen all 3 and got to watch some of the hatching yesterday! What a sight :) The middle child is keeping a low profile while 1 and 3 tend to fight a lot.
Watched CRC eaglet follow Savannah round the nest earlier, it was funny!
Look at the BWE chicks all laid out, blowing some zzzzzzzzzzzzzz's.
I'm wondering if that third chick is ever going to grow big enough to make it in the big, bad world out there. It seems to be feeding and developing...but at a small fraction of the rate the others are growing.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Hahahaha. Maybe it's not as bad as I thought. I mistook a prey item for the smallest chick.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Jim - the 1st two are so far ahead of the 3rd at BWE
I as just looking at the nest and I
could see that long leg all stretched out.
I am watching Decorah nest - That one
chick uses his wings and it looks as
though he is swimming up out of the egg cup. I think we are going to have a good many anxious moments watching these guys.
Good late afternoon.......ARGH! Wish people would tell when they call a meeting how long it's going to last-----started at 10 and didn't end until after 2. Now I am SO far behind on everything!
Just ate some lunch....headache is not gone yet.....
Will try to read through blog and read paper at the same time! OR maybe I'll take a nap!
Hedgie- I could not deal with a meeting that was that long! YUK!
Although I do have class tonight and that is suppose to be 3 hours. Hopefully we will finish early, I am so not into it tonight!
Go for the nap - Hedgie !!
I vote for a nap.
OMG, I have made it to Christine's post about her Dad.......big time prayers.....and (((hugs))). I know how major an undertaking that is. (Had a guy friend many years ago whose grandson went through that for cystic fibrosis; it bought him a few extra years.)
Christine, where is the surgery being done? Are you with him????
Jo, maybe you and I could both get transplants....wouldn't we rock this world if we could???!!!
No chicks in the Phoebe nest, but there's an excellent video covering several short "fledging" forays by both of them on their FaceBook page.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Jo, do you have a portable oxygen generator?
Hedgie Go up to Christine's post
at 2:31
WOW Christine, I just read back to trying to catch up. Prayers out you and your dad. I hope everything went well today.
I don't think I've ever heard of a double lung transplant. Did he move to Huston because that is the only place he could have it done?'s the same spotted eagle in the bright sunlight the dark feathered area looks smaller...we have good contrast on the cam now and better color....the eagles heads aren't as whited out as they were, so you can see the dark markings on Truder's head in much more detail.
Yes, Red for my home use I have the
Concentrator Unit and with it I have
the Home Fill unit for my portables.
I am on oxygen 24/7
Houston 'scuse me.
Houston has the highest success rate and a huge hospital! Just got the call from my uncle that Dad is in ICU and will be sedated until at least tomorrow. They said the surgery went well and expect him to be ok.
Yes, a double lung transplant is very rare, but he was so sick. They told him in October that his lungs were "at the end" and he only had 3 months. I think his quitting smoking gave him a little more time. He wasn't doing well at all when he got the call last night.
Thank you for all the prayers, I'm going to go home and collapse now!! I have the family trait of holding in the emotions until we know something......
So when you leave home you take tanks? Thats what I would like to get away from and have seen portable concentrators then work in a car and have a two or three hour battery. They are very expensive though.
I'm on oxygen 24/7 too but sometimes I cheat and don't take it to restaurants. Gonna fry my brain someday. lol
Have a restful night Christine, glad to hear that things went well.
I'm off to class, yuk...hope I don't miss any eagle visits till I come back.
I commend you on your emotional control, Christine - You are a very strong person and a very good support for others.
Red: I sometimes like to cheat even for a half hour walk out side or even within my home. It is such an inconvenience at times toting the hose around. Then the words of my doc haunts me "The more you use it the longer you'll be around"...
Red - there are times I have my portable tank with me, go to church, go out to eat and come home to find I had not turned the tank on! lol
I've read up on the portable concentrators - I usually need more
that 2-3 hours worth when I do go out.
I wish they could increase the time on
It is time for me to close my eyes for an hour. Tonight is Alexis night. She
had to postpone last night..
Hope that Hedgie and Red will join me.
Prayers for Christine's Dad's recovery. So glad surgery is over!!
Trying to get refills of Rx called in from Dr. office! Duh--a small nightmare.
PICS ON BLOG, Finally put Park bird pics on---was waiting until our sad drama at our nest here had passed somewhat. Never be completely gone--TEAM LIBERTY!!
I was thinking instead of taking spare tanks I could just take spare batteries. My wife is planning two trips to Michigan this summer and I might go with her if I had one that I could plug into the lighter plug. The one I have at home is not very portable but I could take it to use at night.
ALmost caught up. Yes, Jo, just saw Christine's info about where her dad is.
DanaMo, doubles are done at lots of places. My friend's grandson went to Loma Linda out in the LA area for his....pediatric specialist. But Georgetown does them, and I'm pretty sure Duke does and someplace in NY and Boston....probably many others.
Red, I, too, have the oxygen generator. So far, only use mine at night when they claim that my O2 sats were dropping to 88.....they said it would give me more energy during the day. Ha! If I try to do much, I bet I drop BELOW 88 during the day!! Walking out in cold and wind to get the newspapers in the mornings feels like I'm down to about 50!!!
Without oxygen mine drops to the low 80's and sometimes upper 70's
I probably should never go off mine but it sure is a break not to stumble over hoses. haha
My dad had 2 generators as he was at a level 6. He was afraid to go places for fear of running out. Hopefully this will be a new lease on life.
I had no idea there were that many people with COPD. My mom was just diagnosed with mild COPD also. I imagine I'll have it someday as I was a smoker too. Maybe I'll get lucky.....who knows.
Thanks again for the prayers. I'll keep you all in mine also!!
Red, saw an ad not too long ago for a portable generator that weighed only 5# and was good for 8 hrs. Also AC and DC connectors.
Medicare covers these.....just ask your doctor!!!! And they are FAA approved if you want to take a trip!
Jo, there is one that even goes 10 hrs. on a low setting!
Christine, good to hear that your Dad is out of surgery and recovery! And glad that he's not alone in a strange city. Prayers continue for complete recovery!
I know medicare pays for the home concentrator. They are paying for mine now but do they pay for the portable ones too? I'll ask my doctor on my next visit.
Good afternoon everyone.
Been following Red, Jo and Lynn's posts re COPD. God bless you all.
My dr. diagnosed me last year after tests. He put me on an spray, but I'm concerned.
I foolishly thought stopping smoking would be the end of it, but that was 20+ years ago. Now I guess it's time to pay the piper.
Christine, prayers for your father's recovery.
The Decorah cam is AWESOME!! Watched a feeding earlier and looks like it's feeding time again.
Was it Belle in the nest last night? I saw a white head but it was too dark to identify.
Lynn, hope the headache leaves soon.
... later
I apologize for all the none eagle talk.
Wow...did you hear that there was another qake in Japan? 7.1....same general area of tsunami this time.
Red - apologize for all the noneagle talk. Are you kidding? We don't have an eagle in the nest. What else are we supposed to do! :)
Class was canceled tonight WHoo Hoo!
Thanks Sharon.
I agree, Sharon. Always non eagle talk here :)
DanaMO, you sound as happy as your puppy looks! Looks like he's saying whoo hoo, too !
GrannieKay...eagle sounds earlier...I don't know if there were any or not, I've had my sound down since they said it would be off.
Evening dinner at Decorah.
Decorah Eagles
Back feel better now that I got my hair cut.
Lily 'adjusted' the PTZ camera and we lost control of it. Fortunately it is facing the den -- and the bears frequent that area -- but we can't move the camera. -- SM
Turd in nest.
In Spirit of Jefferson paper:
Word is really getting around about the nest.
Christine so glad to hear that your Dad's surgery went well. Glad family members are with him. Prayers for healing and recovery.
Prayers for Grey's Mother and for
Susan and Grey.
Prayers for George-prostate cancer.
Mason is moving!!!!
Hedgie, just tuned in. Are you the only one watching ? I see he landed at 5:53 and would have expected the posts to roll in !
Has he just been sitting in that 7 o,clock spot since arriving ?
No Kay when he first arrived he
was now near the front pulling at sticks.
Thanks, Dana. Will have to catch up on the day's chat after this watch. I've had a fun day with granddog and grandson. Just took a look at the NCTC article. Interesting.
I see Jerk is in the nest.
6:12pm flew out of nest to left I think up on a tree limb.
Truder just flew off from the 11 o'clock spot
Was. Gone now.
That is "one lonely looking bird".
I wish someone was in the area that could tell us if there was an eagle in the tree when intruder left the nest.
Well no one here has buttered up to him. lol
Yes, Red, Medicare pays for the portables!!!
Thanks Hedgie, My oxygen supplier is already in the process of swapping my tanks for a portable.
Tree just shook so either eagle landed or flew out of tree.
Red What setting are you on?
I'm on 3 now.
LOL, Red---nope, he's not made our favorites list yet!
He did do some stick moving when he first came in.
And, Red, do NOT apologize! We are a multi-topic blog!! We learn SO much from SO many!!
You haven't forgotten how much fun it can be to hang with us, have you???!!! What's on your menu for Diane tonight??
I haven't buttered up to him but I am willing to share the wax! :)
Diann, sorry that you have COPD, too....but glad that you aren't dependent on the O2!
lemon garlic shrimp, cole slaw and french fried taters. ummmmm yummy.
Does anyone have a guess as to who is going home tonight on American Idol?
RedThat sounds good!!! How did Diane like last night menu?
WHOOHOO, Red.....that was quick! Glad you made the call!! More freedom for you!!!! Now Jo needs to do it!
All you smokers should take note of all the oxygen talk here today. and yes I know I should have listened too but I smoked for 55 years.
I was surprised Diane loved the Lima bean casserole yesterday. In fact she took the left overs to work with her today.
I'll never forget heading to Lake of the Woods with 6 E3's in the car. With the concentrator also.
He smoked but did not have COPD...had breath in asbestos, and many other types of flumes from his work place. Hypertension was his breathing problem.
Have just done a quick scan of today's posts. Enought to see there are more prayer requests and I'm on it ! While the topic makes my heart ache I'm glad you with COPD have quickly formed a little support group here today. I won't go into details as every case is different, but I lost my husband to the disease in 2007. Stan found much solace and learned many coping skills over the course of his years with it through an on line support group. I don't recall which one, but there are several. If you don't already participate in one I would urge you to give it try.
Red, Amen!
Lynne & Lori, please listen.
All smokers please listen PLEASE!!
Kay how old was Stan?
Red.....keep it warm...I'm on my way!
Dana, I'm not even going to guess....they are ALL so good. I hate to see any of them go. :(
My Ed had just turned 68 Sept 30th, 2009 and passed Novembe 25th, 2009. Pulmonary Hypertension is no fun to try to breath with either.
I'm 74 and never expected to live this long anyway. Every year is a plus. lol
I lived too dangerously in my younger days but had lots of Fun. lol
Stan was 64. Not only was he a long term smoker, but he also did a number on his lungs with years of working in a Southern Arizona open pit copper mine, as well has about ten years of stock car racing on dirt tracks. A triple whammy.
Ok. Diane is on her way home. I will go now and fix dinner.
See y'all later.
Good afternoon everyone! Now that dirty turdy is gone.....
Christine, I also have COPD so I wish for your dad the best recovery possible.
Lynn, I invested in a Pulse/Ox last year and it really helps to let me know where things are.
My portable oxygen is liquid. Only good for maybe 4 to 5 hours, and i am on 2. When I was in the emergency room the other week my tank was almost empty and believe it or not the hospital will not give you oxygen to go home with. So make sure whatever you get will last long enough in case you are delayed, etc.
My two cents. LOL!
Later Red both of you have a nice dinner.
Kay it is hard. Ed was always just told he had "pulmonary fibrosis". From smoking, the the asbestos and the work flumes. Wasn't till the morning of Sept. 25 he was tested for Pulmonary Hypertension which they came and said "yes he has it".
Came home and later that day God came and made Ed's wish come true.
He went home to be with the Lord.
I'm sure Stan would say the same thing, Red, though like you he cautioned others to quit smoking. I'm 74, too, and was 6 years older than Stan. When we married I thought, given life expectancy statistics that we'd live about the same length of time, but that didn't quite work out MY way ! For those of you with mates, you must realize that your COPD profoundly effects them, too. It's a tough thing to cope with for both of you. I've been an asthmatic since childhood. Fortunately Stan was a very considerate smoker, never smokiing around me, inside our home or in our vehicles. He finally quit entirely in 2003.
Did Steve not tell us back in December that our birds were building another nest? Is it possible Lib is hanging out there? Has this already been discussed? I am behind on some of the blogs. Forgive me.
Yes NCSusan we had a Pulse/Ox too. It really does help. I could explain more to his doctor. That if he bent over his levels would drop, if he walk a short distance his levels would drop so the Pulse/Ox came in very handy.
It is a possiblity that Liberty could be somewhere building another nest yes.
Thanks for sharing Ed's story with me, Dana ! I guess we have formed our own little support group through the posts exchanged today. It always helps to know you aren't alone !
Hedgie-Lynn Do you use a Pulse/Ox?
Your so right Kay we are never alone---never ( :
Sharon, no disrespect, but I'm changing my avatar once more. I'm very much gung-ho for Team Liberty, but I can see that it helps with identification if we all have different avatars. I can't seem to change the color on mine with any of the programs I have and so have selected something I think is in keeping with the pride we have in and the love we have for our dear eagle, Liberty.
Red, I know you're no longer on tonight since you're putting the finishing touches on that scrumptious dinner, but perhaps you'll see this later. The babies are absolutely adorable. Can't imagine anyone watching that and holding back on laughing along with them. I'm sending it on to a whole bunch of people !
I'm going to join the rest of you with a little dinner and some TV time. See ya later !
I have a pulse-ox, Dana and Suzan, but the readings probably aren't too accurate because of my nail polish. Some people obsess about their hair; I obsess about my perfect nails!! Will not un-polish them!!!
So sorry about Stan, Kay.
Howdy You All...
Steve mentioned that this could be the year the resident Eagle pair considered a new nest...this included the time we were not seeing them much in December, but was also, before the Open House in October while the nest nest cam was being worked on
Good to See You !! ☺
Good to hear a good report from Christine...imagine, her Dad at age 66, still has his Mom with him...
Praying that recovery goes as well as expected...and predicted
Wow, finally got to see all 3 chicks at Decorah. 2 had little fuzzy heads out from under Mom & then she stood up. Feeding them again now.
Will put pic on blog.
Then get ready for Idol.
Like Red's dinner again.We splurged on a porterhouse Fubby bought!
Came home and fixed dinner, but Hunter and Kathryn have not showed up. I think I might have forgotten baseball practice. I have to get used to the new schedule.
Belle and Truder. She looks so much larger that he does right now.
We have returned from our visit with Alexis and her dad (my gs) and had a
very nice dinner with them.
We have company
Enjoy that visit with Meatball! Like I have to say that !!! ☺
And we will be waiting to hear the results of your neck x-ray
Belle came in first, Truder followed.
Poof Belle.
Belle Straight over Truder's head and out at the 2 o'clock spot
Truder back.
Truder seemed stunned, like:
Where'd She Go ??
Well Hello Again Truder !
Our story goes on and on and on
And flew straight out at the 2 or 2:30 direction - wow, with velocity !
Maybe we should call him YoYo,
or Bouncing Ball or Instant Replay
I didn't see any eagles in our nest!! Did everybody poof, or my cam isn't really working??
They poofed, Loretta.
I wonder if Belle will come in for the
night? I think the night lights are on
well keep that Still Cam up Loretta!
And watch to refresh your live feed !!
It happens to us all, but it was a very quick visit, visits...
O. K. Margy, are those redbuds perchance????
Yes, Jo, I was thinking that the night light is on. The scene has that eerie look about it, especially that tree with the knothole.
heard a little something tonight on a Christian radio station,
about young men, high school athletes, others and such,
who can be so concerned with The Conquest...
but they are often, Little Boys in a Man's Body...
think it applies here ?
I am going to check your new pictures, but I am waiting on the Yellow 1957 Chevrolet pictures !!!
Have a friend who has a bee-utiful one here in our area....
I went to look for the cormorant, think I saw it...large black, shiny bird with some yellow in its beak, maybe a double-crested cormorant 'cause I think that would be the only to be near this area (like the juvenile at Blackwater Osprey that looked kind of like a Canada Goose, in Dec 09)
but it was just a wee bit out of my good viewing with binoculars...
friend said he saw two later one, must be passing through
also it was the same place we saw the Hooded Mergansers a month ago
I can see the 'baby moon' sliver.
Headed for American Idol
Yes Loretta !!
From our Road Trip to your workplace Aprl 21 2009 !!! ☺
Me Too Jo
Kinda of gauzy, some clouds
but its smiling ☺
have a hunger or lack of sleep headache, will be watching but also vooking
or I could go to Shirley's since she cooked for three and the other two did not show up on time !!
thanks for the NCTC link for the newspaper....
will check it after belly is full
Margie - favor please... pics for and in the album - date like 4/7 then
time like 745pm Helps when I am asked to do any rearranging...... thanks
Loretta - I always get treated when I
look at your blog pictures. I hope in the future you will see some eaglets jumping high in the park's nest before they would fledge.
Why don't you retire Loretta like Shirley is thinking about and then you
two could have your blog pictures for all of us to see.
Well Lynn, the NCTC article was
interesting and quite accurate.
Thanks for bringing in on the blog.
There is a plate on the table for you, Margy. Come on down!
I have a 9 and a 10:00 TV shows that
I will be watching. I'll be checking the nest on commercials.....
Have arrived to find far too many posts to catch up with both the old and the new thread. I truly wish I could keep up.
Am tired. Will set the night light to turn on at 11:00pm. Restful sleep for all.
Thanks Magpie. Did not realize it was way back in October!!
Jo, If I retired, I wouldn't get any pictures!!! All the best ones are where I work! LOL At home, we NEVER go anywhere & now I'm getting flack about gasoline!
Geesh-----NO light in nest at all again. Better on still.
I can't believe that Pia is in jeopardy. WTH????
Tilking helped a little on live.....
Loretta, they would always let you visit at the park. You could pitch your tent there and not worry about gas
Copy that Jo... I left out the "11" but have put a few titles...
so I will revert halfway to my old ways !! A work in progress
Thanks for your patience and all your hard work!
If I edit them now, they are going to jump out of order...been there, done that....but I'm on the straight and narrow..
Judie.... sorry, I have been trying to behave and blog less !!
Shirley, thanks for the offer, 'fraid I must take a Rain Check... I'd want to nap after mealtime, and have to work in the morning !
Judie As long as you come in and set the night light for us - you know so no one bumps into things - we
will always love you! Sheetz Yes!
AARRGGHH! 2 of my faves on Idol are in the bottom 3!!!! Guess I'll have to start voting!!
My Live cam is very dark, too.
I just read what I can, Judie. I can't read everything either.
Margy don't need the '11'
Just 4/7 745pm (Then your titles)
The title will show as they are viewed
good evening,
Just a quick in.
if Belle was on nest all last night, maybe?????
3 years ago, Sidney eagles built a new nest while they were still in their old one.
Following year they nested there and used old net a feeding station for the young , when they fledged. Nest has since blown out of tree, during bad storm, I think the branch went also.
Haven't been watching Idol since the early auditions. Kathryn likes Survivor on Wednesday nights. We have several televisions, but I just watch Survivor with her, or sit here and blog while she watches it. Not a big deal. I enjoy being around my children more than I enjoy Idol.
Hello again. I made a Walmart run and am now at Craig's house in Winchester.
I see I missed an evening visit.
I have not caught up yet, but Christine, I'm glad your Dad is doing OK. :)
A friend of mine has CF and is going through all the pre-op screening for a double lung transplant. She doesn't need it yet, but they want to have it all taken care of ahead of time.
Hi, bev. Sounds like it was a good thing they built a new nest, then. Maybe they knew it was time to move on.
I cannot remember everyone's name but prayers to all who need them.
Ours lives are so hectic right now.
Daughter may go into labor any day or could last a month. She is 28 weeks along so we are hoping baby waits. they gave her 2 steroid shots to develop baby's lungs.
Kitchen still in mess, but i have baby afghans done and am making diaper cake now ,so I am ready(cake out of diapers)
Have only checked my falcon sites twice.
Need more hours in day , but family comes first.
Watching Maine nest but i will have this cam up tomorrow when home.
off for supper
At night I find that the still cam is
the one that shows more.
Everyone was so good on American Idol last night but I think the guy that sang Johnny Cash song will go.
Tomorrow is field trip day for me. I get to spend the day on the road. We will be going to Medieval Times.
Yep been leaving the "11" out
saw your request on that point.
just boo-booed by putting date and titles sometimes without the time
I think I am with the program you and me BOTH hope so ! ☺
date, time, and title optional
ok on to link pics and newspaper article
but not sure I can do that while gnawing on Pork chops !
ARGH!!!!!!!! WHAT A CROCK. Totally unbelievable.......what is wrong with people?????????
Heavy duty prayers for your daughter Bev
and for all of you, and the doctors and health care team
(( hugs ♥ )) for you, with the prayers
Off to TV
Lynn, you have e-mail.
Prayers for your daughter and her family, bev.
Hope the field trip is fun and the weather is nice Shirley
RED FRIDAY coming up tomorrow everyone... try to wear some RED to show honor and appreciation for the military ♥
Bev, every day is a blessing at this day at a time! Prayers continue, for sure.
Is your snow melting? Every night when I look out my sunroom, I see a distant neighbor's outdoor tree still lit, and I think of your Santa display stuck in snow. Don't know what this guy's excuse is. email...???? Or did you send it to yahoo?
Evening, all!
Long day at work, just got home at 9...
Happy we don't have an overnight guest again!
Gotta get caught up!
Split is coming!
I sent it to Yahoo, Lynn.
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