Wednesday, March 23, 2011


from the NCTC Website today:

Shepherdstown, WV – Since 2006, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) has connected people to nature by streaming live video of a pair of American bald eagles to viewers across the country and abroad via a camera placed near the eagles’ nest.

The NCTC eagle cam serves as an educational tool to showcase eagle biology, including mating behavior, egg laying, incubation, and in a successful year, rearing eagle chicks until they are old enough to leave the nest. Although the NCTC campus is closed to the public (with the exception of the annual open house and occasional special events), the cam records video year round can be accessed online anytime at:

After many years of viewing the same pair of eagles, this year we have witnessed the process of natural competition within a species. Recently a third eagle, believed to be a female of breeding age, has been sighted near the nest and appears to be asserting control over the nest and surrounding territory. This is typical eagle behavior in a robust, healthy population and likely indicates that the eagle population near NCTC has increased in recent years.

In response to this behavior, many eagle cam viewers have expressed concern. It is important to highlight to our public viewers that the eagles residing on NCTC’s land are exposed to natural environmental pressures, including the presence of other eagles. At times the camera may be difficult to watch. While NCTC provides the opportunity to view live video of wild eagles, our position is not to interfere in any way.

Craig Koppie, regional eagle coordinator and raptor biologist at the Service’s Chesapeake Bay field office, is working closely with NCTC to monitor the situation. Koppe said, “there are times when intervention is not the correct course of action. Breeding birds are very sensitive to human disturbance, and interfering could result in abandonment of the nest.” Koppe also acknowledged that, “as hard as it is to watch an older generation of eagles potentially be displaced by a younger generation, we need to inform the public that the aggressive behavior we’re seeing is natural. The most fit individual will emerge as having control of the nest and surrounding territory, and this individual will go on to contribute to the next generation of eagles, keeping the species and the population strong.”

NCTC is committed to providing factual, science-based updates on current nest activity. To monitor these updates, please visit:

New thread.


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Costume Lady said...


SusanP said...

moving from previous thread:

Lynne2 - at least here in Garrett County MD (up at Deep Creek Lake area) where I am, no signs of redbuds. In fact, not much sign of spring at all up in the higher elevations. We are right off of 219 between McHenry and Oakland.

aKuna Kumara said...

Thanks so much for posting this here.
Read it from the main site hopefully those who comment over there will read it to eliminate the emotional bickering and guesswork going on, so they can appreciate Nature for what it is not what they think it should be according to human belief systems.

Lynne2 said...

brought over

Delphia has updated on FB. The biopsy is done, she was told even though there was "structure" that 99% of the time they are benign and she should have results in 5 days.

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Steve!

Thanks for the call over Wanda!

SusanP...we camp not too far from there in Savage forest! Love it out that way! Thanks for the update! My Mother in Law lives in Terra Alta, just over the WV line past Deep Creek

Lolly said...

Yea, for Delphia, but let's keep the prayers going.

magpie said...

Thank you Steve, Very good information...

Thank you Wanda for the call over...

thanks Lynne2 for the update on Delphia, prayers continue for 100% benign

Lynne2 - Redbuds are out in Roanoke !

and Good Morning Eagle Pals

magpie said...

ha ha
I am caught up on THIS THREAD ☺

Lolly said...

My sister called and I have been on the phone.

Lynne, could you send me the link to Windows on Wildlife forum. I googled but still could not find it. Need to eat and then walk.


Lolly said...

LOL Margy! You snooze you loose around here!

PammySue said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. And thanks for the call over, Wanda.

Thanks for the tips on commenting, guys. I agree that these days I do not have enough paper (or time) to keep up the way I would like.

magpie said...

and my cell phone bill is paid, and checkbook is balanced

SusanP said...

We've been to Terra Alta on an "explore" a year or two ago. We love it up here - used to live in NOVA (Herndon) and had a second home up here since 2003; made the permanent move up here 12/1/09, just in time for the record winter with 22 1/2 FEET of snow!

magpie said...

I did snooze in fact Lolly....
really needed it like everyone else on here !!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks for the new thread.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steve for your up date.

That is good news for Delphia-Birdgirl. Continue prayers for her.

Thanks Wanda for the call over.

Costume Lady said...

If some of our Newbies aren't familiar with NCTC, please read what Steve just wrote on this opening page of the New Thread.

Places to go and things to do. See you all later♥

Lynne2 said...

Yeah Susan, my MIL decided after that winter that it was time to move. There house and it's location is so beautiful, but age and health and physical constraints have made dealing with winter a bit too much for them now. They hope to put the house up for sale this spring. We are all so saddened by the idea that they'll be gone from there. If only one of us could hit the lottery! We could keep it AND they could move in winter only!

floralgirl said...

Rain showers passing over here and at the nest now.

wvgal_dana said...

Margy the one Chrissy gave us is down for good. It now sends you to this one and Chrissy is already posting there:

Wildlife Village for Loch of Lowes

hedgie said...

That's the same message we got yesterday.....not a new one! Steve is just repeating.

hedgie said...

So akuna, they (OC bloggers) obviously didn't listen yesterday, so still won't pay any attention.

hedgie said...

Encouraging news from Delphia, Lynne. THanks for posting!!

wvgal_dana said...

I am watch or trying to watch (very bad winds) the nest at Lake of Ozarks in Missouri. Adults are
Elsie & Einstein. Their two chicks should have hatched by now.

Lynne2 said...

I cannot for the life of me imagine why Delphia hasn't come here to let us all know herself.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It is still pretty early for Delphia, maybe she is not up yet.

PammySue said...

Delphia is up. She has been on Facebook.
"Not anywhere near as sore from the biopsy as I thought I'd be! Glad I don't have to take more Demerol."
58 minutes ago

Geula said...

Hi Kiddos! Could somebody tell me what's going on at the nest now?

Lynne2 said...

She's been on FB for about an hour or so since her first post. I guess she'll get to us eventually.

Lynne2 said...

Well this morning (I can't comment on last night, haven't watched videos yet) it seemed the the lovely Belle and the Dirty Turdy were just hanging out in the nest for a little while....Turdy nestorating and Belle eating. It gets stranger and more interesting all the time Geula!

PammySue said...

The nest is empty, so I assume the eagles are out soaring like they did yesterday.

Lynne2 said...

There is also a video of an altercation between the 2 from yesterday. Belle attacked but good. Turdy was as submissive as ever, never raising a talon.

magpie said...

are you talking about videos on WOW
and if not, where please and thanks

Robyn said...

SO many posts from yesterday yet again, I see we are all right back where we started. I noticed the mottled back of the intruder also, and the head I also believe is a wound not feathers.

magpie said...

I know that Paula has some, want to work my way to trying to watch them all

mariadangeloart said...

I'm having a problem with this eagle cam freezing up every 15 minutes or so. Is there something I'm doing wrong? It hasn't happened before.....

Judie said...

Thank you so much Steve for posting the information on the new thread.

Thank you, Wanda, for calling us over.

Continued prayers for Delphia to have good news and good health. Thank you, Lynne.

BB tonight to turn the night light on.

magpie said...

great avatar Robyn

My cam is not freezing, 'cuz I cannot get it to open! Hope that is some consolation to others ☺

magpie said...

high volume of watchers Maria...
happens to most much of the time
just keep refreshing, keep your cookies cleaned out and all that jazz

Red said...

Notice: Due to the high volume of viewers (up to 2,000 simultaneous viewers during peak times), the player will intentionally pause after 10-20 minutes. To continue viewing, click the PLAY button.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you for this fresh thread.
Good that you post the comments, Steve - We also see them when they
come over on the Nest Updates page.
Steve, we (Friends of NCTC) are going to have to invest in that extra cam over on another tree like you once talked about. Really see a need for it with this situation.

Thanks Wanda
Ha Ha Margy - you did catch this one just in time....

PammySue said...

Maria, I am glad you made it over. I kept going back to check on you. :)

The camera just freezed periodically. Sometimes just too many watching. Just hit the play arrow, or you may have to refresh.

Mema Jo said...

aKuna, once you are hear there is
no need to worry any longer about
'over there'. Welcome !

Red said...

Well I'm going to take advantage of my retirement and take a nap now. Catch y'all later. lol

paula eagleholic said...

Maria, you have to refresh the cam every 10-20 minutes...although sometimes it will stay up for hours, it's refresh it for most of us.

Dana, Elsie and Einstein have at least one hatch, it was on Sun or Mon this week, can't recall

Mema Jo said...

Welcom Marie!

Thanks Lynne for posting remarks from Delphia - Bird Girl.
I will continue to pray for her to have good results - but her news is wonderful!

mariadangeloart said...

Thanks everyone. I'm going to clear my cookies. Thank goodness there's that little piece of grass on the nest blowing around. When it sticks straight out and doesn't move I know the camera is frozen. Hopefully our Trudy doesn't decide to clean it up on her next nestoration!

hedgie said...

Here's an amazing story of survival: a long-haired dachshund thought to have died in a house fire was found alive in the house 26 days later. She is expected to recover!!

Scott said...

Little off subject question for those who have been to the nest or live in the area. Sunday when we were leaving I noticed many signs leading to what they called a "Wildlife Viewing Area." Any clue what that is, has anyone been there and is it worth checking out with the camera? Thanks in advance.

Lynne2 said...

Margy, Eagles part 1

Lynne2 said...

hey my link didn't work

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Scott, it seems like that may take you to Dam 4 maybe. Might be wrong on that.

Mema Jo said...

Scott I have passed that gazillion times and never turned into that road. Perhaps when they are giving Birding 101 classes they use that area. However, we may not know what exactly we are missing until YOU turn in!

magpie said...

Might be a place called Yankauer Wildlife Preserve, Scott

set up by the Audubon Society in Berkeley Whitings Neck Road I believe...has many walking trails and eventually overlooks the Potomac

PammySue said...

Steve, I was going to ask that very same question. Last Spring when we were looking for Palmer after she fledged, I went out there. After you turn off on that road, there were no more signs that I could see directing you to the Viewing Area. And I went quite a way back there.

PammySue said...

Sorry, Scott--I called you Steve.

Mema Jo said...

Red Nap time isn't until after lunch around 2:00 -
You just get up too early!!

magpie said...

I can get you more information on that Scott, but another time ..

it's pretty nice, have been there several times
they have many programs for wildlifers and children

just cannot configure directions in my head right now
Shepherd Grade Rd to Scrabble Road and then Whitings Neck Road turns off from there once you get into my home county, Berkeley

Lynne2 said...

Margy, I can't find my links I though I saved for Paula's videos from last night....sorry. UGH!

magpie said...

can't contribute much on here but I hope that can probably Google It ☺

Lynne2 said...

OH DUH, on Paula's blog Margy!

magpie said...

It's okay Lynne2 Thanks
I will scroll back and find them or just go to her blog....
it's all good

PammySue said...

Ah, so Margy knows what/where it is. Guess I missed the sign after turning onto Scrabble. Not surprising. I have terrible eyesight.

Scott said...

Thanks all...I'd love more information if you have it @magpie....I may take a quick stop next weekend.

Geula said...

Like my dear son's getting interestinger and interestinger! I can't figure out what's really happening here...

floralgirl said...

Margy is right that Is the yankauer nature preserve-

JudyEddy said...

Just logging on to click the email button that way I get all new updates after work ran home during lunch hour Yeah only a hour on this thread so I didn't miss much being emailed to me Bye see ya all later

stronghunter said...


Lunchtime here. A moment to myself.

Mema Jo said...

Well, is lunch going to be served in the nest?

magpie said...

my problems on this computer started a week or so ago when I was fussing with the Lake Washington cam though I cannot figure out why in the dickens that happened !
have been totally miserable without the live NCTC feed, as most of you know...

going to try to catch up on some of the older posts, headed to Berkeley Springs in a little while to see the Grandson...(unless work snags me for a shift )

willl be watching the Still Cam and current posts.

Best wishes for a good day everyone..
whatever you have on your dance cards
xoxoxoxo !

magpie said...

Thank you Megan ! You are unbelievable !! ☺

paula eagleholic said...'s a neat trail, went down it a couple of years ago.

hedgie said...

Margy.....any special plans today? Yucky weather for a day off....:( sorry!
Sounds like Carolyn is doing almost all the calls today---EMS....not too much police traffic so far.

stronghunter said...

They might like what I have--tuna sandwich.

Scott said...

@floralgirl Thanks

Robyn said...

Scott I have been to the dam many times it is just south of he nest maybe 5 min tops. I can get you info and if like. I'll draw up a map and send it to you

Scott said...

@Paula Thanks, maybe we'll make a day of the entire area..thought about going across the river to the park there too.

Mema Jo said...

BWE & BWO sites.....
Find the littlest eaglet on BWE cam

Stick are starting to build up on the Osprey platform. Ospreys
are beautiful! Lisa said there were three there - Not another
threesome - oh no!

Geula said...

How long has the nest been MT? Gee, I'm full of questions today, aren't I!

I an in the process of grooming a flea ridden ddoggie, who is gratefully passing them on to ME! Aren't you glad I live on the other side of the world?

magpie said...

there is a nature store in Berkeley Springs across from the Star Theater, Lynn, we are going to check out some wildlife books...
and GoodWill of course !!

okay, no more Magpie-ing from me for now, save the space for your all's important things

oh hello Blogger Cop !!

stronghunter said...

Posted a teacher joke on my blog.

Scott said...

@Robyn Thanks so much, that would be fantastic..

stronghunter said...

Blogger Cop got me with a 503.

Lynne2 said...

My goodness Geula, don't they have Frontline over there? Best flea control on the market...only available at your vet's here.

Lynne2 said...

oh Robyn, can you send it to me too in case we get out there this weekend?

stronghunter said...


Blogger cop--A device that sends error messages which will delete your carefully written posts. To defeat the blogger cop, you should always copy your message before you post.

stronghunter said...

503--one of blogger cop's favorite messages

hedgie said...

Lots of pretty little green things sprouting in the yard. If Mai was here, she'd be literally "nipping them in the bud"!!!!

stronghunter said...

Almost time for kids to come back. I need to talk about Transcendentalism.

Geula said...

Yes we have Frontline here but it has stopped being effective years ago......we use advantage by bayer. I've just been neglecting the situation and now it is a SITUATION!

Geula said...

I'm special! Blogger Cop has never gotten me, as far as I remember...but every once in a while blogger cop's assistant tells me that my java and cookies were disabled. The is pure bovine patties and I just continue on as usual after I refresh!

hedgie said...

Souds like a good plan for the after-school hours, Margy!! Drive carefully. Rain seems to have least for the moment!
I have a visitation this evening. My former partner-in-crime at work passed away Monday. She was the original "plant nurse"---she even worked the site for the contractor during construction! Just a wee bit of a lady, but she had a very cool life! During WWII, when her hubby was overseas, she joined our local Civil Air Patrol and learned to fly. I think she was the first licensed female pilot in the area.

PammySue said...

Good news. Craig found a red-shouldered hawk along the highway a couple of months ago. He took it to a vet's office, and it was then picked up by the Raptor Conservancy of Virginia fpr rehab. It had a fractured leg and wing.
We were going to go to the release, but they forgot to call us about it. When Craig called to check on it, they told him it had already been released. I'm sorry we didn't get to see the release, but I so glad it is OK.

wvgal_dana said...

Geula Wash dog in Joy or Dawn Dish Detergent. Kill fleas like crazy.

movin said...




OK, anybody got any idea of which female is in charge of this area today?? Or is it "still up in the air"?? (Couldn't resist.)

So Cal is "cool" this A.M. with a 70% chance of rain before sundown.

[:~D] Jim

Robyn said...

OK I can get you both to dam 4 I will find dam 5, dam 4 is maybe a 1/4 mile up river from NCTC. If you have a boat/raft/canoe etc you can go down river a bit not sure how far. I have seen the currents pretty strong especially after a storm.

I need to run to store but when I get home I will draw up thedirections using a map and draw it out. I use to get lost going there because it turns into a dirt road. There is a man who has property along he public access road and river but he is usually nice

wvgal_dana said...

Neat Pam sorry they didn't call you and Craig so you could have been at release.

Lynne2 said...

aw Pam, sorry you guys missed the released but so happy you could help and that the hawk made it!

Lolly said...

I still need the link to windows on wildlife. Have not been able to find it. I would like to see videos of this morning's visit.

Have done my walking for this morning and now the day is mine. Going to head outside shortly.

Kathi2 said...

Afternoon, all! Been viewing posts and appears things at the nest have quieted down considerably, eh?

Wish we'd see Lib!!!

Anonymous said...

Link for you Lolly.

Lolly said...

Lynn, I meant to reply to your reply. LOL I am thrilled that you are considering another doggie! You do need the right dog!☺

We have decided we have a lot of cats. We let cats in and out all day. Annie cries to go out, takes two steps and cries to come in. On and on it goes. We think she is senile and it is getting worse!

Lolly said...

Thank you, Trish!!!!!☺

Anonymous said...

Very welcome. I am still scrambling back and forth trying to catch up lol.

hedgie said...

Geula, sorry your little guy AND you are suffering!!!! No fun. Do you have ticks over there, too? Do mosquitos carry heartworm there?

wvgal_dana said...

Paula yes thank you I knew of the one hatch. I was trying to find out if the other egg laid Feb. 14th hatched of Elsie & Einstein's?

wvgal_dana said...

@ Scott link to Yankauer Nature Preserve and direction and trails Yankauer Nature Preserve or

paula eagleholic said...

Pam, sorry you didn't get to see the release, but glad it did happen!

Dana, E & E have a FB page, maybe the info is there.

Lynn, I missed your post on maybe getting another dog. I hope you do.

BEagle said...

Duke nest. Snow on the nest. Or is it hail?

Lolly said...

I am heading out! OMG....I will be way behind once again. Oh well! Outside becons me...out to dig in the dirt!

Wanda, my WV Columbine is going to bloom. May open today! I am so excited!☺

Scott said...

@wvgal_dana Thanks!!

Lynne2 said...

I see the MN bound Ealge Cam is running again, but there is something blocking the view of the nest.

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Heard a clunk and then a call

magpie said...

Just watched Paula's video of the chasing out of Trudy by Belle yesterday daytime.
I would say Belle got a chunk of head feathers on that one
Thanks Paula..

Mema Jo said...

I missed Bev aka Sissy's post - does she have a date for surgery?

I thought I just heard a 'clunk'
guess not.

Lynne2 said...

wow what was THAT sound!

magpie said...

sorry to read of the loss of your friend and former co-worker

Glad to read that Toby and Emma seemed to have made it through their vet appointments okay

Lynne2 said...

Friday Jo

magpie said...

Friday morning 0830 for Sissy, Mema Jo

BEagle said...

Two Harbors nest. Only one egg now.
In full view for only a moment.

magpie said...

Thank you PammySue
just got to your and Sharon's reports from yesterday !

leaving soon, 'bye friends

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Margy.

I have my pop up NCTC cam on.
I forgot to eat lunch & that is what I'm going to do right now

PammySue said...

Margy, you are very welcome. I was happy to be able to do it.

I have to say that since the nest had been empty for so long yesterday, I was hoping that Turdy was gone. But then when I saw 3 eagles, I knew that was not the case.

hedgie said...

Well.....don't know if this is the Lady of the Loch nest or not.....does not look quite like the view we saw last year....but it is from Cam 2---which this morning was just showing a nesting box on a tree like Cam 1 still is.

bev. said...

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen,

finally finished reading everything since I left .

when reading you get a chuckle sometimes because answers to question sometimes do not follow question and so what you read is funny

I have been hit by blogger cop ,since I am so long winded

Glad Bird lady is doing well

bev. said...

I am not going to make any more comments about who is who.

Just gong to post what I see.

Snowing here still. I think we are going to go from winter to fall, no spring, no summer.

wvgal_dana said...

@Scott No problem I had that in my favorities. My hubby and I after stopping by NCTC one day. Seen the sign on the way home. We decided to investigate. Thankfully a man was coming out of there. We ask him about how the trails were. I have problems walking on uneven ground. He said they aren't that good. Stumps and rocks and to get to the river it is a ways. My husband looked at me and said, "Your not getting out of the car to try it". My hubby was right.So that was that but I kept the link cause I would pull it up at times and dream of walking the trails to the bench at the water. ( : Don't think I can put this one on my "bucket list".

bev. said...

What is moving at 7-8 at edge of nest . I thought some piece of nest but nothing else is blowing .
almost out of picture.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn cam 2 you put up shows the Osprey nest. Don't see the water behind it. Might be how cam is positioned.

LOL cam 1 is a birdhouse on a tree.

hedgie said...

Lynne, there wasn't anything blocking the view at MN on Monday....forgot to check it yesterday! Hmmmm.....

Bye, Margy!

Lolly is going to play in the dirt, I see! they won't even know how to spell it let alone understand it!!!! Kids today don't DO big words!!!

bev. said...

never mind it is a piece of grass. I thought maybe a talon.

Starting to see things.

I have neglected my falcon cams so I need to check on them.

It is always nice when someone lives near these nest sites and can go and let us see things through their eyes.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok it was Loch Garten osprey live cam had the water behind it
Loch Garten Ej & Odin

Lynne2 said...

Looks like a big piece of bark Lynn, don't you think?

LOLLY Sorry, I missed that post earlier...we are about an hour and a half from the nest. It's only going to be in the mid 40s. Kinda chilly but if the sun is out it won't be so bad. It's going to depend on the weather, and of course if Steve is off.

Lynne2 said...

it's freezing in my house! No heat since last night. Repair guy not coming til after 3.

bev. said...

We could not figure out what low meant on our thermostat.

And when we would turn it down to 68 in the morning it was at 60

turns out it meant low battery. How dumb. And we are supposed to be educated LOL

hedgie said...

bev, it's just a piece of grass---it's been there for quite a while.
Sorry about your bum fun!

Raining here again.

hedgie said...

Now I can't get the MN cam to open.....just like so many others: I can open it once, and then never again. ARGH!

PammySue said...

I hear clinking noises on the cam.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Me too Pam.

Lynne2 said...

mee too.

bev. said...

Thanks Hedgie, I did not have my cursor all the way.

I think I need to move but everyone , everywhere seems to have their crosses to bear with weather at one time or other.

I have lived in Alberta all my life and have never had a March like this.

Lynne2 said...

LOL BEV!!!!!!! Good one!

Lynne2 said...


From Chrissy....

BTW,, LoTL webcam is up and running on webcam 2,, close up of the nest,, pass it on pet,,,

so now we know!

Robyn said...

OK back home and finished maps, Scott, Lynne this is dam 4, it is accessible by car, there is a boat ramp there too I believe, it has been 2 or 3 years since I have been there.

I haven't been to dam 5 yet, or maybe I have but just don't know it.

Are you on the momsters email? I will find you over there and send it off, Lynne got one for you also

mariadangeloart said...

Bev, I use that little piece of grass to tell me when the cam is frozen. I hope Trudy doesn't take it away on her next nest renovation.

Lolly said...

Trying to play it smart and coming in to check the blog. Not too bad catching up, but then nothing has happened.

So, I will be heading out to do more digging in the dirt. It really is beautiful out. 78 and sunny with some wind, but not too much.

bev. said...

that is funny Maria.

no wonder you have a sun as your pciture Lolly.

I should have snow flakes.

I do not think we will ever see flowers.

bev. said...

I just put cam up again

If I have this one open I cannnot look at any others. ??????

Bird Girl said...

Okay, okay, I'm here!!!! LOL

The biopsy was very quick. I got to watch the ultrasound monitor as she inserted the special vacuum probe and removed the cyst. You could clearly see the structure inside. That is what concerns the doctor, as that can turn out to be cancer cells clustered together. At least they are contained within the cyst.

They have me bound like a Flapper from the 20s, it is NOT comfortable! There was almost not pain this morning, but as the day goes on I'm getting some sharp pains and a growing dull ache. So, I took another pain pill; I hate taking them, but I know they're necessary sometimes.

I'm comforted by the doctor's mention of the odds against it being cancer. I'm just paranoid about it, because I've already survived cervical and thyroid cancer.

Luckily, I have an SCA event this weekend which will help my keep my mind off of this while I wait for results.

However, it is YOU, my Momster and Dadster family -- yes, FAMILY -- and your prayers, thoughts and wishes, that I am most grateful for.

The Demerol will be kicking in pretty soon, so if you see some goofy posts from me, that's why :D

<3 you all!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

You had better be showing up here Delphia. :)

Robyn said...


I sent directions to dam 4 to your FB pvt message box

mariadangeloart said...

yes you can Bev, I have 4 cams running at once sometimes. You just have to make sure the new cam is opened in a new window.

Lynne2 said...

yes I am Robyn....thank you!

Oh good heater guy is here

Mema Jo said...

MT nest.

I really had a good message bout the little pieces of grass and then
I got the worst Blogger Error &
of course I didn't copy in order to paste it & try again.

On the still cam, you can click under the pic and open a 'pop-up' cam. However it does minimize as you click on dufferebt sites.

mariadangeloart said...

Right now I have this cam, the WVEC, Decorah and Duke Farms in NJ running all at once.

Mema Jo said...

However, you may never click on

"dufferebt sites."

Robyn said...

Bird Girl glad to hear it went well

Bird Girl said...

Sorry I didn't come here mother is here with me today, partly to keep an eye on me, and also because she is STILL looking for a job. She doesn't have a computer at home, so she comes over and uses mine.

Christine said...

Savannah's throwing a hissy fit at CRC! I guess someone got too close and she's letting everyone have it! :)

paula eagleholic said...

OK, folks time to put on your thinking caps. Please take a look at the picture I posted on the EM blog.

Lynne2 said...

OK has anyone else been having problems with FB being really slow for the last couple of days?

Mema Jo said...

I know one of you birds are up there in this treetop.

The wind always sounds like

mariadangeloart said...

Not really Lynne. At least not any slower than it normally is....;)

PammySue said...

Lynne, Facebook has been horrible for me for the past couple of days.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No thinking cap required. Definitely a male.

Also, I have been communicating with Dr. Sharpe from the Institute of Wildlife Studies and he says:

After watching the video last night, it does look like the first bird in the nest is a male based on size. Maybe there will be a breeding trio next year, or this bird will replace the other male.

I've only looked at a couple of videos and haven't been watching the nest cam. It makes more sense that the male was not returning if the new bird is a male. Generally they seem to be male-male and female-female conflicts, probably so that the other bird mates with the "fittest" of the competitors.

bev. said...

I know it is possible. I usually have my whole computer with cams up, but I cannot do it when I have this cam up. It happened to me last year.

that is why I had to go off it when my falcons came back

I will keep you in my prayers Bird Lady

Lynne2 said...

for me it's been taking forever to refresh sometimes, and to get messages. Which actually may have started when they did the recent message change thing.

Bird Girl said...

FB is loaded with glitches that come and go. Basically, I'd be surprised on a day when it worked perfectly! LOL

Bird Girl said...

I still haven't switched to their new message thing

mariadangeloart said...

That's weird Bev, I have this one opened with the others no problem. I wonder why it won't do that on your computer?

mariadangeloart said...

Bird Girl, I love your avatar photo! It's so adorable! Makes me smile every time I see it! :)

PammySue said...

Paula, they do look like they are the same size.

Lynne2 said...

I didn't intentionally switch over...but I must have somehow because when I click on messages I seem to get the last one I sent first. They really should stop trying to FIX Facebook. LOL!

bev. said...

it may be just me Paula. but that looks like same eagle.

I f you really ,look at picture on left, it is a straight on picture, but you can see a dark mark on left side.

Lynne2 said...

I does look like both are about the same size. But without a pic of Belle in the same spot, I REFUSE to speculate.

I don't know if I posted this before...there seems to me to be only one reason why Lib would not be running a male off. And that would be because he simply CAN'T. We don't know how old these eagles of ours are. And while Lib looked fine to the nest visitors last weekend, we really don't know for's a very heartbreaking thing for me to think about.

Lynne2 said...

It does sort of look like the same eagle....the shape of the tail was what I noticed.

bev. said...

sorry Paula, I did not read your comments about the dark marking on left eagle caused by lighting.

It definitely clears it in my mind that intruder is male. They are same size

Lynne2 said...

But they were both positively ID'd at the time of the photos weren't they.

paula eagleholic said...

Bev and everyone, please blow up the picture and read the comments in red. These are 2 different birds

PammySue said...

Lynne, I was just aobut to ask Paula if Lib's tail feathers were longer when I saw your comment. I know some of you know these eagles so well . . .

Donka Maria said...

Kinda looks like it could be same bird. Just one pic has a straight on angle and the other pic the head is slightly turned. Also it looks like the pic on the left; if you look close there is a dark area on the left side of his head.

Robyn said...

SO Belle may be part of a Triad huh? Or just one?

The mark on top of his head may have been from a scuffle with Lib, if the intruder is male maybe Lib is getting his strength up to come back or he accepted defeat and moved on? But he has been seen soaring with Belle,I hope we get answers soon.

I guess this is where my police training comes into play and allowing myself to be an observer and not emotionally involved.

hedgie said...

Dana, I remember being able to see the Loch when they zoomed out on the camera. I don't see any water on the Loch Garten cam....????

Bev, how is a battery related to a thermostat? Never saw that before!

Mema Jo said...

I have been spectulating that this was a Male - however I didn't say it with any diligence. But I didn't
know why all the fighting. I Still Don't. Perhaps that was Lib at the nest the other day that the WOW forum filmed - he was all alone...

bev. said...

I just did that Paula. I did not see your comments the first time.

these are both male, by size

PammySue said...

Robyn, as of yesterday, we know Lib was still in the area. I saw 3 eagles soaring together.

Now I wanna ride out there again.

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon Your comment at 2:37pm above from Dr. Sharpie. If that is a male and he is stating that "males fights males/ and female fights female. Which is what we have been saying.

Then all I have to say is if that is a male---our Liberty has not fought him. Only out runs him!!!!
So Liberty isn't fighting this male..he just gives Belle up like that---bingo.?????

I wouldn't think Liberty is chicken to fight?????

mariadangeloart said...

Wow, after looking at the photos I'm really convinced this is a male. The two birds look almost identical in size. Trudy is definitely a lot smaller than Belle in the videos. Wow.

Robyn said...

I read from several sites that most fighting is done in the air, which sometimes leads to ground confrontation if they tend to drop out of the sky so we don't know if Lib is giving up that easily.

Lynne2 said...

read back a few to my comment on that Dana.....

Lynne2 said...

someone please refresh my memory....who is Dr Sharpe again?

mariadangeloart said...

Maybe Liberty has fought him but out of camera range and at a time that no one was watching from the ground. Could have been before Paddy was hatched.....

NatureNut said...


Later~~~~(if I don't have to read 700 posts! ☺)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And I just reported Dr. Sharpe's opinion from what he saw in the videos and the situations that I have explained to him over the past few days. This is not my opinion or what I think, just as he sees it. I honestly don't know what the hell to think.

Mema Jo said...

My feet are going up for an hour
Hopefully for you all, I will miss some action in the nest.


PammySue said...

Sharon, thanks for the info from Dr. Sharpe.

We all know that battles are usually f/f or m/m.
But there was trio situation in California. Was that 2 males and 1 female?
And, if so, when the second male entered the picture, did the resident male fight him or did the female, as Belle seems to be doing?

Or is this a situation that biologists have not seen before?

Lynne2 said...

I guess if most of the fighting takes place in the air it makes sense that we don't see it. But no one saw any fighting at the nest on Sat or Sun. And it seems like this has been going on an awfully long time....

paula eagleholic said...

The picture of Lib was taken when Belle was on the perch above the tree.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Dr. Peter Sharpe is with the Institute of Wildlife Studies in California. He is the one that would replace eagle eggs with wooden eggs so they could hatch the eaglets safely.

It was 2 females and 1 male who cohabited in California.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...