Shepherdstown, WV – Since 2006, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) has connected people to nature by streaming live video of a pair of American bald eagles to viewers across the country and abroad via a camera placed near the eagles’ nest.
The NCTC eagle cam serves as an educational tool to showcase eagle biology, including mating behavior, egg laying, incubation, and in a successful year, rearing eagle chicks until they are old enough to leave the nest. Although the NCTC campus is closed to the public (with the exception of the annual open house and occasional special events), the cam records video year round can be accessed online anytime at:
After many years of viewing the same pair of eagles, this year we have witnessed the process of natural competition within a species. Recently a third eagle, believed to be a female of breeding age, has been sighted near the nest and appears to be asserting control over the nest and surrounding territory. This is typical eagle behavior in a robust, healthy population and likely indicates that the eagle population near NCTC has increased in recent years.
In response to this behavior, many eagle cam viewers have expressed concern. It is important to highlight to our public viewers that the eagles residing on NCTC’s land are exposed to natural environmental pressures, including the presence of other eagles. At times the camera may be difficult to watch. While NCTC provides the opportunity to view live video of wild eagles, our position is not to interfere in any way.
Craig Koppie, regional eagle coordinator and raptor biologist at the Service’s Chesapeake Bay field office, is working closely with NCTC to monitor the situation. Koppe said, “there are times when intervention is not the correct course of action. Breeding birds are very sensitive to human disturbance, and interfering could result in abandonment of the nest.” Koppe also acknowledged that, “as hard as it is to watch an older generation of eagles potentially be displaced by a younger generation, we need to inform the public that the aggressive behavior we’re seeing is natural. The most fit individual will emerge as having control of the nest and surrounding territory, and this individual will go on to contribute to the next generation of eagles, keeping the species and the population strong.”
NCTC is committed to providing factual, science-based updates on current nest activity. To monitor these updates, please visit:
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Dr Peter Sharpe, PHD
IWS Biologist
Works with the eagles!
Oh, BTW, forgot to tell you that NCTC's press release was NOT in either paper today. :(
You do not see what goes on out of cam view.
Lib could be fighting, and is now biding his time. Just like the female did at Norfolk, in 2008. She was not seen in area for a bit and then poof ,there she was.
A lot of fighting is done away from site.
sometimes it is done right in nest, if they are taken unawares , but most of what I have seen is done in the air.
My hubby and i have actually run following as best we can.
I think the key here is to see if they bond(which I think needs to be seen from the ground. )
You win again Sharon!
Yo0u are always a step ahead...loL
Hedgie-Lynn I had it up earlier when I was looking at Loch of Lowes and Loch of Garten??? Now the Loch of Garten is not even showing in color can't tell you what they are doing. It is a mystery to have more revealed????
Yes, but when these eagles fly, they aren't always in view even when someone is watching from the ground. Many times they flew out of sight when we were there. It is very possible that this younger bird has fought with liberty and that's why Lib hangs back from another encounter. And why this bird seems to follow belle around.
Lynne, good point that the people who spend the day at the nest saw no in-air fighting.
Thanks for the answer about the trio, Sharon. Sadly, that means it does not compare to this situation.
Bev I am trying to say I was there Saturday. Seen Liberty not wanting to incounter when the intruder went towards him. He took off flying like double h.
Others was there on Sunday and Liberty did not fight the intruder.
This is people seeing this with their own eyes.
So very confusing????
Dr. Sharpe has my full respect. I remember him going to rescue the 2 eaglets that fell , or were pushed form their nest by a juvenile intruder. We were watching and a few made cell phone calls to Dr. Sharpe.
they went that same evening to rescue them. anyone else remember that
oh I realize that they could be fighting outside of view. It just seems odd that it has gone on for a week now that we know of.
Yes, floralgirl, fighting could place out of sight of ground crew.
As far as bonding goes, if this is a male, maybe he is too young to know that he needs to bring fish to impress the ladies. I'm glad for that.
Hopefully his inexperience will lead to his failure and eventual banishment from this kingdom.
As has been stated before the 2 females in California were almost like sisters. They were hack mates.
the 2 female falcons in Edmonton that raised a brood together were sisters.
Wish I lived down your way and I would get a scope and go and look.
Do any of you have a scope. that is a good way of Id ing them
Afternoon everyone. I just looked over all the post and I take it nothing has been going on since last night. As any birds been in the nest since last night? Has there been any signs of Liberty today?
I give in I think Liberty, Belle, and the intruder should just do like the three did at what was it West End? All three just tend to the nest. Even though that was 2 females and 1 male. What the heck????? So this time it would be 2 males and 1 female.
Since there have only been cameras in eagle's nests for a few years, I guess a m/m/f trio has not been seen. ???? And may not even be possible--I don't know enough about eagle behavior to guess.
I give up!!!
No one will really know unless they are there 24/7.
As I said , LIb may be just biding his time.
I will just hang back and see what unfolds.
@ bev I am planning on taking my 1300mm telescope with me next weekend when I go...going to try to take photos with it as well, but not sure how well that'll work.
Biologists are learning more and more everyday. and it is because of cams like this and the people that observe from the ground.
Things they did not think possible become possible.
hey, I have a little telescope that I have watched birds in the yard with before....I should take that with me if we go!
then Scott's telescope can laugh at mine!
One of my eagle friends on Vancouver island did that Scott, and it worked out well.
good for you
OK a bit of news...
I just ot off the phone with Catherine Caudill, and gave her the momsters blog info. She is going to do a follow up in a week or so.
Paula you have mail
You will be amazed at how much you will see clearer Lynne.
yours can stick its tongue out at Scotts LOL
boy I hope he gets this furnace fixed soon, I'm getting a bad chill.
The thing is probably 40 years old. then we have to hear about how much oil gets used over here. (our oil is included in the rent) well.....duh!
ok, who is Catherine Caudill?
Yea, it should. I have only used it to shoot the stars, but should work just fine for there, as long as there is plenty of light, because f/13 is slow. The 800 f5.6 would do most of the heavy work. Given that and the other lenses I should be covered. Let's hope the weather cooperates.
Lynne she wrote the article in the paper, it was suppose to be a story about the the new hatchling but with all that is going on..
If it's a male, then why is Belle on the attack when it comes in to the nest (with late last night being the exception, of course)???
Maybe it still hasn't reached full maturity so puffs itself up to be more threatening----hence the notion that it was bigger than Belle????
Delphia, so good to hear that you are doing well. Yep---take those pain pills! NO need to suffer! Things take longer to heal if you are in pain!
and none of that makes any sense to my poor brain Scott! LOL LOL!!!!!
My telescope is really just an inexpensive telescope, but I have seen some cool stuff in the sky!
ah, OK Robyn. I seriously just can't keep up!
Thanks Sharon for all the communication with Dr Sharpe...surely helps to have his opinion
OK, I have a very basic question. For those who know these eagles and have been there in person, has it been confirmed that there are 2 eagles with no dark marks on their heads (Lib & Belle) and only 1 eagle with dark marks?
I'm trying to eliminate the possibility that there are 2 birds with head injuries, as it seemed like in the very beginning, the eagle with the dark marks seemed large like a female, and now repeated comparisons show there's an eagle with dark marks who is smaller. Any possibility we have Lib & Intruder, BOTH with dark marks on head due to fights, and that's part of the confusion?
Or is it totally obvious that there is only one marked bird?
I don't want to be one of the crazies, but this is bugging me.
I know I said I wasn't posting anymore unless i have a ?...Is it Truman or Trudy!
@Lynne2 no worries...LOL
Lynn, I don't think we could see the full size of the intruder when the cam was zoomed in..., we are seeing it now.
When it was above the nest, we didn't have anything to compare it to, either.
genworks40....I could easily have been convinced that the second eagle in the nest this morning was Lib with a mark on his head. Call ME crazy!
@Scott Please mark pictures as to whether picture is Belle, Liberty or intruder. Can you do that?
I forgot to mention in my earlier post, I'm wondering if there could be 2 birds with dark head marks because in the beginning, the marks looked like two puncture marks, but lately it's looks like one big spot.
see, I always think that I can tell the difference between Lib and Belle due to size when they are in the nest. But then they move around and because the nest isn't flat....well, then I'm not sure again because the smaller one looks bigger and the bigger one looks smaller!
This whole thing is making me crazy. What is worst is asking questions and not getting an answers, not even anyone saying "I don't know". Guess it's time for me to just not post anymore questions on any forum or blog. Then I don't have to wait to see if anyone is going to reply. I do want to thank those who have been keeping everyone informed out at the nest site.. I will stay in the back ground and just read everyones post and just maybe my question that I have in my head will get answered.. Best Wishes...
I won't speculate on the exact age of the resident birds, but we do know from observation that they tried and failed to make the nest when the first showed up, making us think they were a young breeding pair. The second "season" saw their construction skills improve, leading to the first offspring fledging.
@wvgal_dana I have on both my site and the group album. Should be in the caption at the bottom of the photo.
I know I have a head injury--to my brain. I think it has hurt itself thinking, wondering, questioning, speculating, guessing, etc., etc.
Lynne LOL
Interesting information, Steve, thanks.
Thanks, Steve. :)
Leona, it is just crazy here now with ALL these posts, almost 1200 a thread is quite a bit so it makes it difficult at times to get everyone's posts answered.
oh, thanks Steve! then hopefully they are a very healthy young pair who will prevail in this madness.'
It occurs to me that WE are probably more stressed than the eagles are!
So they are probably like 11 or 12? Right, maybe? That is young for eagles, right?
Or it could be Rudy :)
Leona Just found your post at 3:12pm. Sorry no one answered you. Even for us that have been here for years. This and so many post are going so fast. I am going to let someone else answer.
Her question As any birds been in the nest since last night? Has there been any signs of Liberty today?
Leona sometimes mine don't even get answered.
Leona, sorry if your questions don't get answered. We have never had so many people posting so fast and furious as we've had in the last week. We have had over 20 posts a minute at some points. So it isn't that anyone is ignoring you. It's just that you may have posted during very busy times and the post got way far back. Just keep asking!
Leona, please don't take it personal when someone doesn't answer a question. Ask again and again until it gets answered. With all this craziness, we don't know if we are coming or going but definitely would not ignore anyone on purpose.
@genworks, only 1 bird with marks on the head
LOL Paula!
Bev, I remember that rescue well...that crew out there in CA are really brave folks. But look how the eagles have come back out there WOW
Praise for Delphia - "first" report (from the Dr.) Will continue prayers.
I personally haven't seen any birds in the nest since just before 7am when Belle woke up and Trudy flew in shortly after that. Trudy moved some sticks around while Belle ate some leftovers. No confrontation. It was very strange. We have heard some calls today, but nothing drastic and I'm pretty sure no one has been in the nest.....anyone else seen?
Just an observation, if the intruder is a male and it appears to have sustained some damage, would not Lib have perhaps fought him, won, but intruder didn't leave? What happens then?
Sharon, that sounds about right 11-12 if they were 4 or 5 when first brood hatched.
Leona, no one intentionally ignores anyone on here. Like Robyn said, right now is the craziest time EVER on this blog because no one really understands what is happening.
I saw that you had asked about what had happened since last night I think. I was gonna answer you, but kept getting distracted.
While I did NOT see it myself, my understanding is that the intruder was in the nest this morning--maybe more than once. At one time, Belle was there too. She was eating while the intruder moved some sticks around, which is very unusual.
I believe there is video of that on another wildlife forum. I want to see it myself, so I will try to find it and maybe post a link, if someone will tell me how to do that on here.
I know it is upsetting to feel ignored, but trust me, these people mean no harm. They are also the best source of information for this nest.
Iris, I think if the intruder wouldn't leave, then Lib is the looser. Plain and simple.
How do we know that Lib hasn't sustained any injuries if he's never on the nest to observe him and the closest anyone can see him is 80 or 90 feet up in a tree?
Thanks everyone. I just know how I am feeling about this and I am a newcomer.. You guys who have been here watching these eagles have more invested than us newcomers. To be honest sometimes I wish I never started watching the eagle cam, for I have just got to invested in such a short time. I still think it is best for me to just stand back and read your postings. Thanks again..
The intruder was in the nest around mid morning as well, for a few minutes.
Sometimes you can answer your own question, like searching for the word "intruder" on the blog page, or Lib or would show you each post with those words.
an assumption Maria, based on his having been seen at the nest site, both perching and flying this past weekend with no APPARENT issues.
OK then, now I feel completely STOOOOPID. How do you search???
Maria, we were able to see the top of his head. Belle was above the nest and he was in another tree. We had 3 people watching.
I was wondering the same thing Lynne! Paula, how do you search?
Lynne, go to edit, then find on your browser.
Oh, I thought maybe it was something special on the blog.
Double thanks Paula, for the reply on Lib and teaching me something new about the find button in the edit window. Cool!!!!
Okay, Chrissy says Cam 2 IS on the nest, but a different angle than what we are used to. Of course, it's dark there now.
How do you post a link on here? Please and thank you.
wow, who knew!!! LOL! What the heck else don't I know?
Oh, Bev, we'll never forget that nasty bird that knocked the eaglets out of their nest. We were watching, too!!!! Wonderful rescue/recovery!!
Pam I have sent the sequence to your FB messages for you to make a blue link.
Oh I know what else I dont do you type in blue but not a link?
Pam. can not tell you on here as it makes a link when you type the directions. LOL
If I had your email, I could email it to you.
Thanks, Lynne.
This information might already be known by everyone. First egg laid at Hornby yesterday March 22nd 7:44pm.
I don't know how to do anything but plain. Just plain me. lol!
I got it to her Lolly!
Ok the heater guy has been her for over an hour and half. This can't be a good thing.....
Lynne2 at the beginning of your sentence
put < no space and type an a then close that a with >
then after you have written everything you want no spaces
put < then no space after that put / then no space put an a then no space put >
lets see if this shows up
looks like there are some pretty hefty storms just entering western MD. now. moving east
Lynne2 do you see the above comment? That is how you write in blue not a link just write in blue.
Got my eye on those storms, Lynne. They look nasty.
Very good, Lynne. Now do you know how to do the other.
Just the other day I learned that after you post and want to go to the end, click once outside this box and press end key. Zap you are at the bottom of the blog.☺
oh look at my blue weather warning! Goody for me!
Yes, someone was in the nest mid-morning, and I posted it at that time. Reading through the whole thread---even tho' it may be very long---helps to answer some questions. Of course, that would have been on the last thread because it ran until almost noon if I remember correctly.
Good job, Lynne!
yeah Megan and they look to be building too. Be careful.
OH MY LOLLY! I'm just learning too much here today! Meanwhile, my meatloaf isn't getting cooked, my egg salad isn't getting laid, and my dogs aren't getting walked. BBL!
There is a special thing with an ALT key to find a specific search word.....but I don't remember what it is. Will see if i can find my note on it.
I am heading back outside.
Up to 81 now and just beautiful. Looks like my Columbine from Wanda will not open today, but it will be soon. I will take a picture when it does bloom. I am so excited about it!
Later Gators!
OK, perhaps I am crazy, but I thought someone said this morning that the Hanckock forum had a video of Belle and Turdy in the nest this morning. I can't see mot find it.
Maybe it wasn't them . ..
Lynne, you lay your own egg salad? Very good. I am certainly impressed.
Good afternoon!
All is quiet. Students are gone. I am all alone and that is fine.
I am going to venture homeward and will see you later.
I know that the Blue underlined comments gets our attention
however, they lead you to think it is a Link
Black bold words are best for getting some ones attention.
It's on the WOW forum....
I've lost my marbles. I thought I could hear dogs barking on the cam. Finally realized it was my own dogs barking to come back inside. lol
Oh now that is funny, Red:)
Red, your poor dogs! :)
My live feed has been running for
five good hours.... Everyone else
have the same thing happening?
5 hours and 4 minutes Jo.
Thanks, Paula.
And Lynne, remind me to NOT try your egg salad if you bring it to a nest visit.
A friend drove by the nest at 4:02 -no eagles in nest tree or in sight anywhere from the road.
Red are you sure you weren't still napping and dreaming?
OK I got knocked off the internet ..finally back - I checked at 10:57 this morning the intruder was in the nest by herself for several minutes making nestorations...Belle (I think) made some noises, but didn't come into the nest. After a few minutes our intruder left flying out between 9/10 oclock (area of nest - not time)
Whoo Hoo Sharon
I finally am ahead one point
I have 5:07:25
No, my live feed freezes every 15 minutes. It's really annoying. I guess I haven't missed anything though....
or himself as the case may be...looked around several times, but looked right at home too!
Robyn said that her 'cop instincts' are working -- My
love for solving mysteries is
running high. I have been and will be looking at small details in hoping for answers.
So far though - I haven't solved anything!
another thing, was there something back in December about not being sure Lib was actually Lib because of the way he was behaving?? Anyone else remember about that or was I dreaming?
maria - you haven't missed anything at the nest.
Iris that statement was made but with everyone's opinion on the blog towe felt it was unfounded.
We did have LIB
Sorry for the towe lol
Thanks Mema Jo, that's what I couldn't remember. Just got to wondering if the intruder now thought of as male might have been around even then...
@Paula, thanks for the clarification that only one eagle has dark head marks since this started. So if Liberty didn't get scarred in a scuffle, the only eagle this can be is the one and only intruder. No chance that we're seeing 2 different birds. Interesting how the head marks seem to have morphed since this started.
Severe thunderstorm alert in effect for the Eastern Panhandle until 11PM. Ugh! Wouldn't you know---I have to go out this evening.
Mystery and more mysterys, step right up folks we have enough to go around!!!!
Jo, mine is at 7:41!!!! Yea!
Hi, Everyone,
Oh, rats! What happened to my comment? Think it's in the blog Twilight Zone.
Having a devil of a time today. IE is not responding; finally got here on Firefox.
Picked up Emma at the vet's--she's doing well. She has internal stitches and surgical glue on the incision site. Vet info says to not let her run or jump for 5 days.
LYNNE, does that sound right? Want to make sure she doesn't tear anything loose.
I also think the dark places will look different if the eagle is wet, right?
Your the Winner within the
treesome Lynn! You're the mostest
I would think so Sharon...
my live feed is just about at 18 hours!
Andy, yes, that's right. It's easy for people to think that because the come home so soon that they are just many people do after outpatient surgery. BUT, she has had an major, invasive abdominal procedure. So keep her as quiet as you can, and that may not be easy. Avoid having her jump on and off furniture, leash walk only, keep trips up the stairs to a minimum. No running. OF course, this is easier said than done! Hopefully they gave her pain meds that will hopefully make her drowsy for the next couple of days.
friend near Pittsburgh just posted some hail they are having about the size of a flat golf ball.
Oh. well yes, I have chickens that lay hard boiled eggs already to use for egg salad. I'm special.
What are you feeding those chickens?
WhooHoo----ICE agents made a "sweep" throughout the metro DC area and rounded up over 150 illegals!!!!
I still have to refresh my cam about every 14 minutes.
Same as Mai, Andy! What a joke---no keeping that gal from running and jumping!
Thanks, Lynne! I know most folks think a spay surgery is no big deal, but actually, it's the same as a hysterectomy! Will try to keep her quiet. She is sleeping quite a bit more than usual--the meds may be helping! Thanks again.
Gotta run now (just me, NOT Emma!)and DO SOME HOMEWORK!!!! Will be back late tonight, after I'm home from my English class at school. Should be at least 9:30 pm Pacific time. Later, alligators! :o]
Lynne, they didn't give any pain pills for Mai. I gave her Benadryl for 2 days to try to keep her more sedate.
LOL--I KNOW how hard you're laughing, Lynn! Think I need to tie Emma to a 500 lb. anchor or something. Thank GOD she's crate trained!
Emma gets 25 mg of Rimadyl every 12 hours. Seems to make her sleepier than usual.
Well, better get my homework finished for class tonight. Later!....
Trying to catch up on all the posts from the day. One quick question. Has the nest been empty all day and if not when was the last time an eagle was spotted? Were there any altercations today?
No Jo, I am just as confused as everyone else, my cop training is allowing me to be less involved emotionally, my arthtitis is really acting up and can't wait to see if the remicade treatments are going to be a help or not. I really dislike this cold damp weather...
Stress helps make it worse and my class is doing that fine on it's own, macroeconomics is better to me then microeconomics and we just finshed micro...
First morning nest visit by both
Second morning visit by both
Whoo hoo! My links work.
Thanks again, Lynne. And thanks Dana for putting up how to write in blue.
Jo, how do you do black bold??
< b > bold < /b > But take out all the spaces and type whatever you want in the middle where I have bold.
Like this
Hey mariedangelo, thanks! It's an eyass, or a Peregrine falcon chick. I believe it is from the Frodo cam, which is in Australia. I just thought it was so cute, sitting there plopped down like that with such a full crop -- looks like Dolly Parton!
Storm approaching--I hear thunder. So shutting down. Gotta finish getting ready to head out anyway. Special "nurses" memorial prayer before the actual visitation begins, so need to be on the road by 6. Later!!!
I hear the thunder here now Hedgie, and sirens
Pam - Sharon has an example
Try it.
the letter 'a' between < > is blue
the letter 'b' between < > is bold
the ending of each to stop the blue or bold is < /> repeat the letter used in between the < /
Sharon, thanks for info on bold print.
Thanks for the video links. They look like they just worked side by side??? This is the intruder and Belle? I couldn't really see the spots on the head as distinctly.
My chickens eat special magic seeds Jo. You are all just SOOOO jealous aren't you?
type in bold testing
and now one has to wonder what you get if you use a c
HA HA you get nothing!
Wow Lynn, I cannot believe they didn't give pain meds for Mai.
Meatloaf is in, dogs are walked, everyone is fed, clothe in dryer, dishes done....
DanaMo, you are welcome for the video links. I have been wanting to know how to do links for a while.
They may have just created a monster by teaching me that. Just sayin'.
Is the egg salad laid?
For some reason, the 'end' key does not work for me on this page. Never has.
going to do the eggs right now!
Poor heater guy is still here....3 hours now. He had to go out and get a part. He said our heater is well over 30 years old. Probably not at all energy efficient so I don't want to hear any more complaints from the landlord about how much oil gets used. UPGRADE IT. He did say that the system is really safe though.
chattering at nest
RE: the Minnesota Eagle Cam. I just turned it on for the first time to day. Please tell me that nest isn't really slanted like that! Looks like maybe the cam got moved. There appears to be a piece of bark in front of it blocking most of the view. Last year the view was from above...when the GHO took it over and then the cam went down
To search for a specific word, etc. use Control and the letter F (for find). At the bottom of the screen you see a box, type in the word(s) you want to find and click next, previous, etc. Easy.
Leona, even for the regular daily bloggers (~10) we often do not reply to every post. Now, with the sudden addition of a very large number of posts, it is easy to have someone's post overlooked, especially if we are trying to speed-read through such a vast number of posts. Please do not feel that you are being ignored. Just too many too fast for everyone to keep up.
Lynn, how are the new glasses working out? Seeing the world better. Also, very sorry about the death of your friend. Hugs!
Thank you Sharon for the information from Dr. Sharpe. Much appreciated.
Thank you Steve for the observation you posted.
Storm moving in on nest
See, there I go! Overlooking something I wanted to mention.
Scott, thank you for being so nice to go to the nest area for those of us who are not close by. Your help is invaluable.
Lynne2 -- Darth has meetings tonight. I'll be over for dinner.
you would be more than welcome Judie! But I must caution, it's a half venison half beef meat loaf.....
I need to head out - it is dinner and visit with Alexis. Keep good comments and don't forget to eat...
Just heard the Boom Boom Man...
Pammy Sue, what time were these two videos done? I didn't see another eagle at 10:57, but I could have missed it I guess, but at that time, the intruder was mostly moving lumber around.
I mean, you have Bambi on your avatar......awwww
Jo, be careful !!
if you do ab do you get bold blue
@Judie of course...
Well, i guess you don't....I need to stop playing with the computer....
I think someone is near the cam.
Pam - I can do it lol
Take the curser out of THIS comment box
The Home and the End keys will work
Going back to student papers.
About cop stuff -- let me know if an eagle shows up with a Glock, please.
Yippee for ICE! Went in to teach a class for cops and they were playing a video of a man with a van pretending to be hiring workers. A real hoot to see the workers scatter when the truck pulled up at the Immigration office.
Andy, good luck with finishing the homework and hope school is easy tonight.
Uh, maybe a rain check, Lynne2. Bambi would not be amused.
Is that rain could that be rain we are hearing
Yeah, JudyE, that is rain we are hearing.
looks like storm coming to nest.
either rain or someone by cam
I am off.
I Know I will miss something.
Look at the rain come Wow, I bet it will turn into hail
Must run. got to go and find flooring for the kitchen.
It's rain and thunder JudyE NOT go to Lynn's. You want to watch out for the eggs in the salad!!!!!!!!
Whoops! Make that Lynne's!
Jo, I will try that trick with the cursor when I am done typing this.
Iris, I don't know what time the videos were taken. I got them from another wildlife forum that also watches this nest.
Jo, thank you. Worked like a charm. :)
Have a whoopee to share with the older (that does not sound right) Momsters! Faye's house might have sold!!!!! Inspection first, but it should do fine.
Seriously, Judie. You do not know where those eggs have been.
Yay but what do you mean by "older". LOL!
Hear something besides rain now I think.
My cam stops at a little over 14 minutes every time. I am getting so sick of refreshing. Grrrrrr!
And, she does not want to know where those eggs have been! LOL
Lolly, I am using Mozilla and it works for hours and hours.
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