Tuesday, March 22, 2011


New thread.  Things continue to play out...


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Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone!

Steve, thank you so much for this new thread - We have been setting some comment records these past few days.

I'll spread the word

paula eagleholic said...

Steve, can you provide us with any observations on what has been seen off the nest today?


movin said...

From the Mon. thread:

I don't know how or why, but every year the O.'s at BWO come up with some strange action, which nobody can sort out.

Looks like the new pair there is making good progress though.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Jenny is here for lunch
I will still keep my eyes glued to the cam....

From PammySue on old thread.......
I plan on going to the nest this afternoon. I will try to give a picture of what is going on. I've only been watching since last season, so I'm not good at identifying the eagles. Hopefully I will see something useful.

Bird Girl said...

Thanks again Steve for letting us use your blog :)

movin said...

Good morning and thanks, Steve.

I'll second Paula's request for some on-site observations of what's going on around the nest.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Bird Girl said...

Well folks I ought to get my butt in gear and get some things done before I have to go to my biopsy.

At least I'll be drugged and won't care what's going on LOL

Anonymous said...

If Trudy wants this nest, where is she? Glad NOT to see her, but still. Maybe some action is taking place off camera. Can't wait for the on-site observations.

movin said...

The Hummingbird chicks are growing by leaps and bounds ... and twists and flips.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Bird Girl said...

Which hummingbird chicks?

PammySue said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

I also wonder where Trudy is. But I am glad that she is not in the nest.

movin said...

There's a nest at a private home in Irvine, CA.

A non-migratory subspecies of the Allen's H.B., which has returned to the mainland from the offshore islands.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said...

Delphia, google phoebe allen cam

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks Pam for going out today.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

A good happy cheerful upbeat lovely afternoon to everyone!!! Don't worry, be happy!

song of the afternoon

Carolyn said...

Good luck with the biopsy today Delphia!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My cam has been running for over an hour in Mozilla Firefox.

Bird Girl said...

Oh Phoebe has another clutch going, ok. Cool!

Have a great day everyone I'll post as soon as I can. After I take the pre-meds, Hubby will have to pour me in a bucket to take me to the doctor LOL

Lolly said...

My name is Lolly and am addicted to NCTC eagle cam! At the beauty shop and checking the blog!

Robyn said...

OK I am back with my triple shot espresso in my cappuccino YUMMY, I'll be awake all day now lol.

I am glad Belle is still the current owner maybe she is in tree up top, or off with Lib or maybe even getting into an in flight altercation which I have been reading is usually the case.

I take Toby the pup (3 yrs old) to the vet at 1:30 to get this spot on his snout looked at, I don't like the way it looks and hoping it is nothing. I believe I am caught up.

Oh last night Belle was making those sounds of irritaion again while everyone was asleep, she eventually rested in tree for a good while you could see her shadow in the nest...

T-Bird said...

My cam has been running 2:30 hours.

Geula said...

From the end of Monday's thread:
** Costume Lady said...
Geula, if you are still on here...our Pastor is in the Holy Land right now on a tour. Can hear bombs or gunfire or both. We a very concerned for his safety. Can you hear anything?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 8:02:00 AM

I think it depends where you pastor is...There are some serious demonstrations against Assad in Syria, not far from the Israeli Jordanian border. The other place that there may be a problem is in Gaza. The Israeli planes have done some retaliation after a large number of rockets were shot at the south of Israel. I don't think there's really anything to worry about...there's no war here or anything! Just "normal" every day stuff!

Sorry it took me so long to answer...I wasn't home

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 12:31:00 PM

hedgie said...

Lost me again!

Another article---Good!!! BUT:
contrary to this line: The viewing community is "particularly upset at the father, Liberty, for keeping his distance"....we true momsters ARE NOT !! We know our Lib is doing what he can, when he can.....and if it's true that he wouldn't interfere in female/female strife, then he's being a normal eagle. WE LOVE YOU, LIB!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

These people don't want to be talking about our Lib. I will bust out redneck on 'em!

Robyn said...

Get em Sharon!! I got your back :)

Robyn said...

I usually say my New York is coming out

hedgie said...

Paula, I could tell yesterday that Belle's beak was MUCH improved. Probably wouldn't even be noticeable if we didn;t know how it looked before!

Pammie, hope you get some good visuals this afternoon!

Robyn, glad you have your espresso----you were up very late!!!!

hedgie said...

Iris, how are you feeling today?? Any better?

Geula, glad you aren't too close to any bad stuff!

Robyn said...

Hedgie did you mention the Scotland cam wont be up this season? Say it isn't so, mom was just talking this past week that they should be arriving back end of March beginning of April, she will be sadly disappointed if it is true :(

Robyn said...

OK off to get ready and get Toby to vet, think good thoughts that this thing on his snout is nothing.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread.

Delphia-Birdgirl sweety others of us have posted almost the same thing that you posted.
Not to hate her and that this is nature and that it means more eagles are coming back into the area.

Paula I think those of you that were at the nest area should make an album in the eaglet-momster albums. Post your pictures there. Just an idea.

I seen John's album nice and he said who was who. I also seen Scott's album just don't know in his who is who. He didn't name his pictures. He is suppose to come back though. Which will be nice with BIGGER LENS WOW. Thank you Scott and John again thanks.

glo said...

Well not sure anyone besides us who always Blog here is even going to see this but Lib is an awesome dad Gosh it hits just like ti did when someone tried to say the pair was having a tiff so they were busy NOT feeding the baby.

Heck we don't even know for sure that he is alright. I wonder how it has been for him these last few days and how hard it was and what he faced even getting those 2 small minnows to the nest before the hatch. My guess is he was dive bombed and chased and got them there anyway. JMHO.

Pam Thanks for heading over nest way today. We sure need some eyes on the ground.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Dana, I think Scott explained that any pictures outside the nest was B**** and inside the nest was Belle.

hedgie said...

Here is the person to contact to protest the loss of the cam at Scottish Wildlife from Chrissy.

Roxanne King


PA Nana said...

Back briefly ...

Bird Girl, I can tell the difference from male/female when in the nest, and I know of Belle's "V" but I'm wondering how to tell Lib when alone. Any distinct markings, etc.?

Also know there are biologists, etc. watching this cam, but my question is really - is, or ever has there been, a behaviorist-
;-) Like an eagle whisperer. Maybe we can write the book on eagle behavior with all this knowledge.

I'll keep watching for new info and thanks to all for sharing their knowledge.

Time to refresh - AGAIN!!! bbl

hedgie said...

Yes, Robyn....and Isla, if she is to return, is expected TOMORROW!
Very sad turn of events for the world-wide viewers.

Mema Jo said...

1 hour & counting on cam...
Jenny & I had lunch and now she is gone
I feel our nest will be vacated until Belle eats again or sleeps. I hope it is a good sign. Anxious to hear from Pam but that may be awhile.

I need a break - my house is calling me

Mema Jo said...

*** PLEASE *** Go the E_M photos
and check out the March album.
Dana has lots & lots of pics... You
can really do the Slideshow of the

John and Scott Just so you know - everyone is very appreciative of
your photos.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, thanks for the info about the Isla cam....that's a darn shame. I'm sure there will be a place where they will post ground reports. That was a great cam.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christine said...

How do you get to the photo sites? Do you have to be a member of a group or something?

Scott said...

Thanks all....yes, in my photos Belle is always in the nest and Trudy is outside the nest.

The lens I will have next weekend will allow me to get in twice as close without the distortion. Any distortion or grain that you see in these pics are because I'm cropping down about 60% of the photo.

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, break out that can of whoop ass!

PammySue said...

Concerning the article, maybe we should go to the paper's website. Sometimes they have a place for comments under the articles.

paula eagleholic said...

Christine, there is a link on the front page of this blog for the Yahoo Eaglet Group...just click on that link and go to the site and ask to join.

Everyone is welcome in the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Good idea Pam, they might.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Eagle Buddies,
I am in a bit of a funk--got home about an hour ago after dropping Emma off at the vet for her spay surgery. Have been desperately trying to catch up here, to no avail. Please say some prayers for little Emma--I can't help but worry about her. Poor gal thought we were going to the dog park, but SURPRISE!!! :O[ The vet should call me by 1 pm Pacific time. Can't bring her home till tomorrow!!!!

Lolly, I LOVE your new name for the intruder!!!!! Absolutely perfect!

Sharon, thanks for the Song of the Day--always have loved Anne Murray. Thanks for the other songs, too! I needed that!

Praying for Delphia/Bird Girl, and hoping all will be fine with the biopsy. Had to laugh at the picture of her husband pouring her into a bucket!!!LOL

Robyn, praying for your pup Toby's nose--sure hope he'll be fine, too!
Lord, how we worry about our fur babies!

Well, I still haven't eaten anything, so better find some food, fast!! (Not fast food, either! ;o}) Will be reading to catch up before long....

wvgal_dana said...

I have to head out bbl

Ms Bookworm said...

Pulling a Margy here--I sent an e-mail to Roxanne King to let her know I'm not happy about the osprey cams being shut down. Now to go find something to eat. Don't have much of an appetite today. BBIALW...

Kathi2 said...

Hi, Kathi at work checking in. I am only able to see the still cam photos and every time I look, the nest is empty.

Has Belle been gone after her early morning visit? I'd rather think she is off soaring with Lib than see her crying in the nest....

and I assume no more visits from Turdy, right? Oh, yea, that would be good news!

If possible, could someone put your next recap for the nest in CAPS so it catches my eye quickly?

Many thanks. Maybe what we have prayed for is finally coming about.

Kathi2 said...

Oh, one more thing--I'm sorry, but I missed that link to the photos of Turdy. I'd like to see her. Can someone please post it again?


signgirl said...

Sorry to see Belle's not back to her nest. Happier to know Trudy hasn't been there since she left. I hope the on ground team can fill us in. have to lunch is over! Hi Missy!!!!!

hedgie said...

Paula, the way Chrissy talked, there are two non-official blogspots....I bookmarked them and will find them later, but not sure about whether they will have anything official posted to them. And the people bloggers won't have anything to say if they don't have a cam to watch. She made it sound as if SWF was washng their hands of public input.

New glasses are ready!!! Will pick them up before getting groceries. My Jewels will be here momentarily, so shutting down.

Know I'll have ALOT of catching up to do by evening!!!!!
And it's CBS TUES. TV---new episodes!!!


mariadangeloart said...

Have to run back out to work.... hope Belle shows up soon. See everyone later! :)

Scott said...

@Emilee Sure http://home.vaphoto.com Look in the Raptor gallery and photos 32 - 51 are of NCTC. Trudy is the one not in the nest and flying.

Kathi2 said...

Thanks, Scott, but when I copied and pasted that link, I don't think I got your site.... :(

movin said...

Is it my imagination, or has more fluff been delivered to the egg bowl area recently??

It looks like more to me, but I haven't seen any eagles in the nest this morning.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Looks like a crow on Lib's perch.

PammySue said...

OK, I am heading out to go to the nest. I am about an hour away. I will probably make a pit stop n Shepherdstown to use the acilities and grab a snack to sustain me.

I do NOT have internet on my phone, so I won't be able to communicate. :(

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Pam, check your FB messages first.

Mema Jo said...

I saw that crow - scared me at first
Jim - haven't seen any new fluff come in. Probably from where Belle was digging the hole to bury POJ the 2nd time.

Kathi2 said...

Scott, ignore my last post--I finally got to your site. Gorgeous photos! Thank you!

Steve Chase said...

I had to leave campus about an hour ago and at that time there were no birds visible at all in the area of the tree of in the sky around campus.

PammySue said...

OK, Sharon, got it. :)

PammySue said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks Pammy and thanks for the report Steve.

Scott said...

@Emilee Okay, great...thanks

floralgirl said...

Thank you, Steve:)

movin said...

Look at all those feet hanging out at BWE!

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Wow, thanks for the update, Steve.

Of course, now I'm wondering where they are and what they are doing.

I'd give a lot for that information!

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

The new Osprey pair at BWO are really hauling in the lumber today. Definitely looks like they will be staying for the season.

I'll see you guys later. I've got some other stuff to take care of.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

amberr30 said...

I just want to thank all you who have been posting such valuable info during this ordeal. I just discovered the eagle cam Friday, instantly became addicted and fell in love with our eagle family. Broke my heart to lose POJ. You all have been great comfort to me. I hope to see Lib and Bells next year with some happy healthy little eaglets.

WV sUSAn said...

Re Lady of the Loch and hopeful viewing of her or whoever returns to the LoTL osprey nest, please contact

Roxanne King

and ask that they turn on the nest cam.

The address Lynn originally received is incorrect. Thanks everybody!!

paula eagleholic said...

Thank you Amber...we love them too and wish the same.

Liz said...

I haven't seen Turdy today, I saw Belle devouring a fish a few hours ago. I'm at work so may have missed something.

paula eagleholic said...

Is it a $ issue at LOTL or an internal issue w/ the trust

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Steve for your information

Thanks Pammy, and Sharon :)

paula eagleholic said...


IrisF said...

Have to run to the drugstore for some decongestant/expectorant, bbl

Thanks Steve for the report - Maybe Belle is escorting our intruder out of the area? :)

Lolly said...

I am home now. Done did have my do done. ☺ (Momster talk)

Steve....thank you for the report. Will be anxious to hear what Pam has to say about her visit.

Thinking of Delphia!

No one in the nest.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Eagle Pals,
I got a call from the vet's office, and Emma is awake, and "surprisingly bright and alert!" She's acting like she didn't even have a spay operation! They said I may call them back later this afternoon for another update. Thank you all for your prayers for Emma--they certainly are working! :o]

Robyn said...

I am back, Toby has a very small cyst on snout near nose, vet said it should not grow much more but it can also go away or eventualy drain, if it decides to grow then we need to bring him back. Otherwise toby is very healthy and perfect weight. Tori was glad to hear the news.

Glad to hear intruder was not around after last sighting, going to catch up

Robyn said...

Susan thanks for the info, my mom and dad are away until tomorrow and mom forgot the phone charger so she has no idea what is happening over in Scotland but knowing mom she will definitely be contacting the woman regarding cam, it is her favorite one.

Leona said...

How long has Belle been gone from the nest today?

Liz said...

I haven't seen Belle since she devoured that fish about 3 hours ago. Haven't seen Turdy at all either.

Ms Bookworm said...

Can't wait to hear back from Delphia about her biopsy! Still praying!

Also, hope that there's a good report about pup Toby's nose, Robyn! Still praying for him, too.

Geula, praying that no conflicts happen in your area! Take care!

Managed to get some "brunch" and now must get busy on the homework again.
Is there sound on the live cam? Can't hear anything. Will keep the sound turned up just in case, though.
Somehow need to find the time to catch up here! Yikes!

Will check back in a little later....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Andy, when are you going to be through with school?

Leona said...

Thanks Liz..

Robyn said...

who's shadow is that in te nest?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shadow where?

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Sharon,
Good question! Should be in late May, IF I can get 320+ hours of transcription done by then. (Actually, 360 hrs.--40 or more done at an on-site transcription service).
They haven't let me know yet whether they've found a place that would take me to get the 40 hours done. I don't know HOW they expect me to finish all that in just one quarter! AAAAAACKKK!

Barbara said...

Maybe Belle is playing real estate agent and showing Trudy some potential nest trees with access to good schools (of fish, that is)?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Barbara, good thought.

paula eagleholic said...

Robyn, I think the one across the egg cup is from the tree, and there is one long one across the nest, too.

paula eagleholic said...

Or actually, I think that is just the fluff that is dark in places from when Belle buried Paddy

Kathi2 said...

Thanks, Paula and Lolly, for your recaps! Maybe Turdy is going to back off and finally give up.

I will anxiously wait to hear what our eyes-on-the-ground have to say!

Robyn said...

I see the branch but lookig again could be coloration in the nest or another shadow but it isn't moving ...oh well...

Leona said...

It is so sad looking at the empty nest.

Lolly said...

Link to Newspaper Article

You can make comments at the bottom of the article on the second page. I made a comment, user name Laurel, they said Lolly was already used. You have to do the registration, etc. And, keep it short and sweet. I did!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Pam is on the phone. Nobody in the tree. She saw 2 eagles flying over NCTC campus fairly close together and they flew off, over toward the river. Now she sees no one.

Lolly said...

Yes, Leona, it is very sad. Not what we had been anticpating watching this time of the year.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Sharon! Hmmm...wonder who she saw?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I pointed out to her the crow that is there now and she saw it.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Delphia is medicated and biopsy bound, or so she stated on FB.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

An eagle back in the area, near the entrance to NCTC.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for relaying Pam's observations, Sharon ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It is all a "we" thing! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Back to computerland --

Thanks Pam and Sharon for the communications...Keep them coming...

Steve, thanks for the info. It is so
helpful knowing what is seen on the property. I certainly appreciate you taking your time to tell us.

paula eagleholic said...

Just heard something, but my sound here isn't the greatest....eagle?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

She calls when she sees anything and she is not on the phone now.

Mema Jo said...

It is such a beautiful day that if I
were an eagle I wouldn't be sitting in
my nest all alone.

WV sUSAn said...

Paula. It's a combination of things at LoTL that I do not know enough about to comment. Most of the folks who worked at Lowes are no longer there, locals who have supported for years feel they've gotten the cold shoulder. The Roxanne to contact is SWT in Edinburgh. I sent my thoughts to her earlier. Bottom line is big upset there is causing lots of problems. I truly think they are holding out on the cam for spite.

Kathi2 said...

Thanks for the link to the newspaper article, Lolly. It was a nice story, but I didn't care for the comment that the pair had been acting strangely. And I couldn't see any comments posted, so I don't know if it's because I'm at work or what?

I agree that it is sad to see the empty nest, but in light of the situation, I'm glad Belle isn't sitting there, trying to hatch the egg or expecting POJ to wake up. And her crying was getting hard to take. Now she hopefully is soaring with Lib and they can move on (from the incident, not the area).

Best of all, if Turdy is not in the nest, I AM THRILLED! Maybe she is finally realizing that she can't breed now and she certainly can't have our eagles' nest!

Thanks, Sharon, for reporting back what Pam is seeing.

And thanks, Pam, for going to report what you see.

paula eagleholic said...


Robyn said...

My hawks must have young or eggs in their nest they are very protective of the area and chasing crows around...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Two eagles soaring together right above the nest, can see them both through the binoculars.

Mema Jo said...

You don't think that Pam went down to the river do you? lol Only teasing.

Leona said...

Oh how I would love to see them fly together. It would do my heart a world of good.

paula eagleholic said...

Ask Pam if she see a dirty tail

paula eagleholic said...

Leona, it's a wonderful sight ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

All three were in the same general area and one is a little further away from the other 2, over above the day care. So I guess the B**** is still in the area.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

There were too high up to see specifics but I will point that out next time she calls.

WV sUSAn said...

I honestly don't think T will hang at the nest tree so much if B is NOT there. My theory is she wants to join the family. She was n the nest so fast when B took off early round 7. T couldn't wait to get there and smell where Belle had been, move sticks etc. If B is not there, she's not as interested.

bev. said...

Good afternoon ladies,

Had some errands this morning and have a Dr. appointment this afternoon.
but i have read through every word.

Looks like I jsut got her in time for the play by play

thanks Pam for going down.
My computer was running a virus scan so I cannot get cams when it does.
Putting cam up now.

Hope all is well with everyone.
snowing here again today, I am getting more and more Pi---d.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

One flew off over the campus and out of sight, possibly in the direction of the river and 5 seconds later, another one went in the same direction. Nobody is chasing anybody. Now they are back over the day care area and pretty close together.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

One is flying directly above the nest, she can see the nest and the eagle in the same shot.

Mema Jo said...

Videos from Hancock Forum - so very
interesting. Those neck collar feathers look like Lib and not Belle.
Perhaps he was at the nest.

I can't remember where Bell or T were at that time........ Have to check our pics.

Lori O. said...

Good afternoon!

I've posted a few pictures on my blog of Sunday afternoon at the nest.

I have more to post but I wanted to give you a better perspective of things as they happen at the nest.

Sorry it's time consuming for me - a first time blogger but I'm working as fast as I can and FloBear is howling like a lovesick moose.

I can't wait for this to be over and to see Lib back in his nest with Belle!

A few pictures from Sunday's Nest visit on Lori's first ever blog

Geula said...

I saw the article and this is what I don't understand:

**They are particularly upset at the father, Liberty, for keeping his distance.**

As far as I know we've pretty much understood and accepted the fact that Lib didn't get involved because it was a female/female thing. The nasty spotty headed young intruder TURDY is bigger than Lib and she could probably do him some serious damage! It was never a question of Lib not WANTING to defend his nest...he was doing what his instincts told him in order to survive this ordeal without losing life or limb.
What good would it do if Lib were attacked by the TURDY...NONE!

I say we'll just have to wait and see how this situation plays out. We all hope and pray that Belle and Lib will be saved from the intruder's grip and continue to be the great eagle parent that they are.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yes Geula, that pi**ed me off too.

bev. said...

How could anyone fault Lib.

He is doing what his instincts tell him. whoever said that does not understand raptors.

I watch with falcons and sometimes a male will initially help chase another female, if a chick is present, and then back right off and it is between the females.

Geez Louise

thanks for the play by play Sharon.

Lolly said...

I made a comment about that. I told them it was a good article except for one error....we are not upset with Liberty. Guess they did not like that as they have not published my comment.
And, I thought it short and sweet and polite. Grrrrrr!

Come on...everyone make a comment.

Lolly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
floralgirl said...

Have you seen this?
National Conservation Training Center Issues Statement on Resident Eagles"

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No Megan, I had not seen that.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

One eagle flew towards the river, then came right back and went in the opposite direction. No view of any other eagles.

paula eagleholic said...

Interesting dynamics with the 3 flying around...can't seem to shake her.

bev. said...

Actually floragirl, that is a good article.
It does not state they will never interfere. It just implies , that in some cases , it is not good to.

Also we all know that it will be the strongest survive, but we have deep feelings for this pair and we do not have to like it.

I still feel positive for Belle and Liberty.

There has not been too much aggression. That is the puzzling thing.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, did you get my email?

Anonymous said...

Lolly, could you link where that article is? I have been playing catch up and can't find where that is. Ty :)

Lolly said...

I want to think it is Belle and Lib together and Turdy the 3rd.

Heading outside to dig in the dirt. My therapy! 80, sunny, and definitely a breeze. LOL More like wind!


paula eagleholic said...

OUr eagles are very tolerant of people...listen to all the daycare kids, they built the nest next to a farm, and with cars also going by. Interesting the differences in eagles, some would never tolerate that.

Lolly said...

I posted the link at 3:21 P.M.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Pam is heading out. No activity anywhere.

Lolly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Thank you so much, Pammy and Sharon!!

bev. said...

After relating this to my hubby, he asked if this could be an offspring of theirs.
I told him, you all thought no.

I said , you think Belle would remember , and his comment was , would you forget your child.

Who knows , unless they are tagged.

But knowing that 3 are seen is better than just 2 being seen. that is very positive in my book.

At the end of nesting season , the pair would be doing this, so , maybe they are rebonding.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, I see it now.

Lolly said...

Thank you Pam and Sharon. You did good.☺♥

Lolly said...

You are more than welcome, Trish! Heading out!


floralgirl said...

Thanks, Pam and Sharon:0
Lolly, read Paula's email!

Geula said...

My eyes are drooping, my head is nodding, my bed is calling me! I gotta take the ddoggie for a walk first, though and then I shall be "looking at the inside of my eyelids!"


bev. said...

Thanks Pam and Sharon.
Great play by play.

thanks Steve for your input.
going to look at Loris picutres now.

bev. said...

Did I hear something above or just my imagination.

I am off to my appointment.

Hope you see Belle in the nest.

FuzzleMT said...

@Lolly, we must wait for the moderator to approve our comments.

Judie said...

Back from school.

Thank you, Steve for letting us know what you observed in the nest area. We do appreciate your efforts on our behalf.

Delphia, I do hope your procedure was successful with an A-OK outcome.

Robyn, had to re-read your post. Wondered why you might take Tori to a vet but now see it was Toby -- glad TOBY will be okay.lol It was great to meet you. We have cop stuff in common.

Andy, happy Emma has recovered so quickly and is full of energy. I know you will be happy to have her home with you tomorrow. You will get through the school work -- it always seemed harder toward the end for me.

Thanks to Pam for making a visit to the nest area and providing updates.


Robyn said...

Megan thanks for sharing the artcle, it will be helpful to many to understand this is the way it is when we have a growing population and though many of us are not happy with the intruder I am sure we all feel the same way that the eagle population is growing and even though we are rooting for Lib and Belle it will be what it is, and being the optimist most time I am feeling good about Lib and Belle holding strong...

Robyn said...

LOL tori to vet, I dated a guy in Woodhaven, Queens there was a store near his home and the owner use to get his wife's meds from the vet because they were cheaper lol

Robyn said...

It was nice meeting you also Judie

Anonymous said...

GREAT photos, Lori!

glo said...

Thanks for the info relaid form Pam to you Sharon.

Truth is this younger female will not have that dark spot on her head next year. If we see 3 eagles now I too hope it is in fact lib and Belle together and well sounds like they still have their guest.

I am not sure we will ever know for sure at this point.

Glad the eagles are thriving well in the area. Of course that is what we all want.

(((((mantles everyone)))))

Leona said...

Does anyone have a picture of Belle and Liberty? I would like to see one if you do. Thanks for the updates on them today.

glo said...

Belle and Liberty are on the opening page as you come into the BLOG

Leona said...

Oh thanks glo.

IrisF said...

Wonderful photos Lori, thanks for posting them where we could enjoy them. I look forward to more

And to Pam and Sharon, thanks for the visual and the commentary...
great teamwork!

Mema Jo said...

Lori I can't wait until 2nd edition comes out - your pics were really well taken!

I have an appointment but will return I hope all things stay
calm as dust comes upon us

Tues Terrific TV Tonight
All new episodes....


mariadangeloart said...

So sad to see no one in the nest. Wonder if Belle will be back tonight. :(

PammySue said...

Just got back home. I have not caught up yet, just wanted to check in.

I did NOT prepare a report about what I saw. I just called Sharon and she put it on here as I was seeing it.

Thanks so much, Sharon. I had forgotten about your cute Southern accent. :)

Robyn said...

Thanks Pam for being our eyes on the ground today :)

paula eagleholic said...

Pammy, what ya'll did was great. Glad they were all soaring...

paula eagleholic said...

Pammy, no visitors on the nest since Belle was eating her fish.

FuzzleMT said...

THANKS, PammySue - I sure do appreciate your reports.

signgirl said...

Hopefully Belle and Lib will be together tonight. I must admit I'm hoping to know the outcome. I wait with baited breath.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I'm taking a quick break from the homework, and trying to get caught up on what I've missed.

PammySue and Sharon, thank you for your teamwork in bringing us an on-the-spot report of what's happening near the nest! I really appreciate your efforts!

I guess only time will tell what's going to happen, but I'm hoping that Belle and Lib win this battle. It's about time they got a break!

Robyn, I see that I missed your post earlier about Toby's nose. Hope the lump goes away!

Well, Hubby is home, so gotta go. Will be back later, after dinner.

PammySue said...

You guys are very welcome. I was happy to do it.

I wish I had been able to see them better, but they never landed.
I only saw all 3 of them together once--and that was just for a minute or two.

I still wonder what Turdy is up to. If she wanted the nest for herself, she would be in it.
Maybe she is just too young to really know what to do. I hope she meets a nice young boy eagle and they live happily ever after---somewhere else. ♥

Diane said...

Sharon, who's bad mouthing Lib?? How rude! I've been checking on and off to see how things are doing. Just so you all know I'm here with you!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Diane, it was the article in the Charleston paper.

FuzzleMT said...

I can't imagine the nest being priority anymore. Which means there shouldn't be a territorial fight for it. Which means the three of them may fly around together for a while until T catches the eye of another juvie in the area. Most adult males should be in their own nests tending to their own eaglets right now. So the real test is next nesting season. Those would be my thoughts on this and IMHO.

paula eagleholic said...

The newspaper article see we were! But they forget to interview us to confirm their facts, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Said we were....duh...

paula eagleholic said...

That sounds good to me Fuzzle...she needs a young man....

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Camera just shook.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Looks like Belle to me.

signgirl said...

Pammy Sue great new you shared about the eagles soaring. Thanks for a very informative report! We all love the majestic eagles.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


JudyEddy said...

How long has it been since someone has been on the nest since I got off work its been empty :o(

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, all,
Pulling a Margy here. That looks like Belle to me too, Sharon. Wonder what that is that she brought home for dinner.

signgirl said...

Is it Belle?

hedgie said...

Good evening. Back with you all.

Belle is in nest!!! Looks like she has something yummy (for her!). And poof!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And she took off with it in her mouth from about the 9 o'clock position.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's Belle! Whatever she's eating, it's crunchy! So good to see her eating!

Nobody's seen Lib, have they?

paula eagleholic said...

Eating the rest of that fish...no don't go....rats...off to the left

Hmmm was that the fish or something else

Ms Bookworm said...

Sure think so! Had that"^" in her necklace.

Kathryn Ashcroft (The Art of Nature) said...

That was fun to watch! Can someone please explain Belle's "V". I am having a difficult time knowing how to identify her.

Ms Bookworm said...

I'm sure it wasn't Slutty Dirty Turdy Hussy Birdy! ('Scuse my language!)
And the length of the tail looked like Belle, rather than Lib.

hedgie said...

Good press release.....Jo, they gave credit to Todd for the pic, so
maybe he is still there! And Craig Koppe is the advisor that I guess they've referred to in previous statements. Now let's see if the press release makes it into the local papers tomorrow!

As for Lib......I still say that he WAS in the nest yesterday afternoon. Haven't looked at the Hancock pics yet, but will check the time on them to see if it corresponds to when I put here that I thought it was Lib.

FuzzleMT said...

That was the remainder of the fish Belle had this a.m. - and they took the rest of it with them? Odd! You sure that was Belle,E-ES? Lib was always the garbage can cleaning up the nest . . .

hedgie said...

SO glad Pammie made it down and gave her reports to Shar! Tag-team!!

Good news about Emma and Toby---woof, woof!!!!

Wish we would hear from Delphia.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...