Tuesday, March 22, 2011


New thread.  Things continue to play out...


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Mema Jo said...

Hello on this rainy morning.
I just opened the cam, thought it was Belle but then saw the Spot & realized it was T and the nest was being cleaned up of all the lose
sticks. T Flew off. Nest is now MT

I must read up & see what you Early Birds have seen and how you are assessing this situation.

bev. said...

At norfolk that year, the resident female eventually came back. Intruder left or was chased out, no one saw, and she then laid another egg , who is Buddy.

they had attacks by a Great horned owl that year and broke an egg or two , protecting the nest.

and then the intruder would fly at the resident female,
there would be video in their archives.

I watched it all.

Lynne2 said...

Posting this here too

Norfolk Eagle Archives

Mema Jo said...

Split I did and it is now 1001 & I am here by myself!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Lynne and Bev......

bev. said...

bringing over my comment from other page

I remember that at Norfolk . I watched the whole season.

Since that the spot is not as big(and could be the light) if you take the spot away, does it look like Lib at all. Just asking. I was looking at the tail.

Eagle off at 10

Scott said...

@bev If it is the same intruder that I got photos of Sunday, then I don't think it can be Lib. You can see in the photos that here was also some dark along the right side of the head, and when He/she flew there where still some white underneath the wings.

bev. said...

can hear eagle in tree. I think Belle , by sound.

BEagle said...

I thought this bird was Lib until I saw the spot. Now I do not know.

Confused BEagle. :(

hedgie said...

Elizabeth was 79. Such poor health for so long...glad her suffering is over. Now if Zha Zha can end hers, as well. So sad to see such beautiful women become such unattractive seniors......almost as if the gift of youthful beauty is punished in the end.

BEagle said...

Age catches up with all.

bev. said...

Hi Mema Jo,

Scott, I am meaning the eagle this morning. some are not convinced it is the same intruder.

So if there is only one spot, and then look at tail, is there a possibility this is LIb back, with a head wound.

Just throwing that out there

The one jsut on nest, seems to know what it is doing.

Christine said...

I believe I see a feature that can distinguish between Trudy and Liberty.....on Trudy's back/left shoulder blade area he/she has some white that Liberty doesn't seem to have. I need to put photos up side by side and do a comparison, but this may be another way to tell them apart and show the kind people in OD that this isn't Liberty in the nest.

Yes, very stubborn.......just ask anyone who knows me ;}

Lolly said...

LOL Lynn! Then I can live a l-o-n-g time!

Good morning!

bev. said...

Please look really hard guys. You know LIb better than me

I have to get ready now, but will keep cam up till I have to go.

Scott said...

@bev Ah gotcha, sorry.

amberr30 said...

That would be great if you could do that Christine. I have no clue how to distinguish Lib from anyone else, never seen him myself except in a few pictures. Having something definite to look for would be great.

Lolly said...

When the two eagles were side by side last evening, you could see that
Belle's head was much bigger. T seems to have a very slender flat head. I could never see that on Lib.

Lynne2 said...

Lynn you have mail.

Christine, yes, I've noticed the whitish areas across the back as well on the intruder.

Christine said...

BEagle -- age and GRAVITY!!!

BEagle said...

I checked the video from last night. The spot on her head is bigger and centered.

The eagle on the nest just now must have been Lib. Spot to the left of head is going away.

Lynne2 said...

My whole body is very slender Lolly, but no one EVER sees that either.

BEagle said...

Gravity serves it's purpose to keep us from floating off but it sure wreaks havoc on the flab!!!


BEagle said...

I think this was Lib with a head wound.
The wound is healing and is father to left on center than the dark feather of the intruder.

It sure did look like Lib picking up sticks and moving them around. I am guessing it was Lib in the two videos posted this morning.

bev. said...

Well I am off for now, and I do no want to sound like the kooks on other area, but please check carefully.

and remember , in a fight, if there was one, feathers can go missing.

Look at Pa at Sidney, (his neck had the brown ring now, because of some type of injury, and we are not certain as to how he got it.

BEagle said...

Yes, when I saw a picture of Pa at Sidney, it looked like his feathers were singed...like he ran into an electric wire.

Lolly said...

LOL Lynne! Laurel says (after having two babies) she has abs of steel. She just has a soft outer shell to protect them.

She walks on a tread mill and does sit ups and remains "soft". Can not get rid of tummy, though she is slender. She is 5'11' and a size 10. I think that slender!

BEagle said...

Later Bev!

Lynne2 said...

Well, if you read the archives of Norfolk, you will see that they have not only the cam, but biologists in the field to assess the IDs of the birds.

from Feb 14, 2008 NBG
We are reviewing video footage and images to determine exactly who's who and what all has transpired. It is tempting to leap to conclusions but it's important to realize that no one view of the situation provides a complete picture. While the camera provides an excellent "eyewitness" of events it is a small window into a much larger territory. Norfolk Botanical Garden staff and biologists from DGIF and William & Mary Center for Conservation Biology were on hand at the Garden for a significant portion of the afternoon - assessing the situation and examining the birds from a distance. We will compare images from today with past images to try to detect differences in plumage, hopefully helping us I.D. the birds at the nest.

BEagle said...

Hallelujah...Lib is back!!

BEagle said...

Excuse me, he is not there at the moment.

BEagle said...

That was a spurt of exuberance and jubilee.


Lynne2 said...

Lolly, that seems VERY slender to me!

I personally have "abs of aluminum".

My supermodel body is well protected under the armor of fat cells.

My belly...where all sugar goes to rest.

Lynne2 said...


PammySue said...

Morning all. Just got here. Have not caught up, but I did see Mema Jo's comment that Turdy was in the nest doing nestorations.
Oh Turdy, what are you doing?

Mema Jo said...

I breezed through the previous page and realize there is still confusion as to who is who. I am still not drawing any conclusions.
I don't know how long this will continue, but I am in for the long haul! Someone really cleaned up the nest - looks like a male was around.

Harbinger said...

BEagle - you saw him?

Lynne2 said...


BEagle said...

I hear eagle and knocking at cam.

hedgie said...

Someone is crying out....but no one in sight!

BEagle said...

Yes it had to be Lib, with a head injury or missing feathers low on left side of head.

BEagle said...

Bev was trying to identity him also.

Mema Jo said...

Very sadden to hear about Liz Taylor's passing. I thought she was much older - She was a very beautiful women.

I must go check out my emails & take a look at FB & keep my eye on the Sycamore Palace.

BEagle said...

That was Lib straightening up the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Somebody is certainly near.

PammySue said...

Well, the nest certainly looks much neater.
Are there pictures of whoever may have been in the nest? I'm assuming there are, since people are trying to make a positive ID . . .

I REALLY wish we had a way to post pics on here.

paula eagleholic said...

BEagle, in response to your earlier post, I think we are seeing different views of the same intruder.

paula eagleholic said...

I see the intruder paid another visit

And yup, the intruder has white inbetween the wings too

floralgirl said...

There are videos of this morning's nest visits on windows on wildlife forum.

BEagle said...

I believe that is Lib and Belle in the 2nd video early this morning.

They may be talking over a second clutch.

: D

BEagle said...

That was Lib about 10:30am.

Lolly said...

I can not find my link to W on W in my favorites. Can someone please give me a link? Thank you!

CarolAnne said...

One has to wonder if the eagles can "think" or merely act on instinct. Does Lib "react" to the intruder, but "think" "where are my babies?" Or is this just an "It is what it is" situation to him. So many questions, so few real answers.

bev. said...

I am just about ready to leave.

Hancock has a lot of picutres also.

sorry, if I am stirring things up.
I am just trying to solve things also, and so many did not think this was same intruder, and I am just trying to throw all possibilities out there.

the bottom line is , no tags, no real way of knowing.

FAct: Belle has unfortunately lost Paddy Joy and an egg. this is so sad, and I still tear at the memory, and the rest is all speculation.

Yes, Norfolk, always has biologists on the ground and so they get a look from all aspects.

Maybe some more ground work.

will look forward to posts when I come back.
See I say I am gong to be quiet, but not my nature.

HAve a great day all.

floralgirl said...

Sorry on my phone too much of a pain to link. Just google windows on wildlife

Lynne2 said...


Some of us could be in for severe weather later today. Keep your eyes to the skies.

Severe weather possible today

Lynne2 said...

If Steve doesn't have to work Saturday we may head to S'town for some groundwork!

floralgirl said...

Got an email from Someone who drove by the nest at 10:50 said two eagles on the tree above nest. Not sure who

Costume Lady said...

Don't have enough paper to make a Cheat Sheetz!

Note on the spot/spots on intruder's head: It surely has healed some, from when it first happened and secondly, It has been raining and some of the blood has been washed away. Thus, looks like a different eagle.

Note on Belle: She is not being as agressive, perhaps because there are no eggs or chicklets to be protective of.

Note on Liberty: No opinion:)

Lolly said...

Great, Lynne! How far a drive is it for you?

BEagle said...

My apologies. Lib flew off at the 10:30 position.

It was just before 10:00am that Lib was on the nest.

floralgirl said...

Darn meant they were not sure which two eagles were in the tree. Lynn your link takes me to NBG -

Red said...

Good morning everyone. I have come to this conclusion. Every one of us is hallucinating. We see dark feathers, we see battle scars. We see females, we see males. Life is full of smiles. :)

paula eagleholic said...

I have no doubt that the bird with the black spot on the head IS NOT LIB.

wvgal_dana said...

BEagle did you get a picture of Lib?

Lynne2 said...



Severe Weather Threat for Wednesday

BEagle said...

Shaking at the cam tree.

mariadangeloart said...

I missed Liberty! My cam was frozen again :(

mariadangeloart said...

Trudy again....

paula eagleholic said...

Intruder back with a stick

Check out the really really long middle toes on the intruder

BEagle said...

Eagle on the nest.


BEagle said...

That is not Lib's back

paula eagleholic said...

BEagle, that was intruder just before 10am this morning, this bird we are seeing now.

It's not Lib

BEagle said...

Okay dokey.

stronghunter said...

Intruder on the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Lib didn't have toes like that

mariadangeloart said...

Wow never noticed that about the toes before Paula.

stronghunter said...

Doing nestorations.

nene said...

Who in the world is this on the nest right now?

paula eagleholic said...

Off the nest at the 10 spot

paula eagleholic said...

Nene, the intruder was on the nest, just left the nest

wvgal_dana said...

See the feathers in on the back. That is NOT a 5 year old mature adult. It is still molting feathers that will come out and the dark feathers will come in. Would on head is from 1st fight with Belle where the head had two spots. Then the other day when Belle fought intruder in nest the spot on head got darker and bigger to what you see now.

stronghunter said...

Would like to drop a net on this birdie and transport her far, far away.

Okay, now she is gone.

Costume Lady said...

Right, Paula...Lib has distinctive toes and that is not Belles toes.

Costume Lady said...

That eagle is too big to be a male.
Unless it was given steroids:)

Costume Lady said...

Paula, you did say that you definately saw Lib when you visited there, didn't you?
I know that you know Lib better than most.

wvgal_dana said...

I was at the nest on Saturday. I seen Belle and I seen the intruder female (she when looking with own eyes near the nest she is big and not small like a male). I seen Liberty flying and leading the female away from nest while Belle was in nest with Paddy O'Joy and unhatched egg.

I called Megan and she started posting on here what I was seeing and yes with and without binoculars.

wvgal_dana said...

I have, Wanda has, Gene has, Paula has, Megan has, Lori has, don't remember now who else. Has seen this intruder with their "own eyes". Even without using binoculars she is "big"!!!

T-Bird said...

Good morning everyone. (goodness-1089 posts) There is a lot going on in our eagle world.

BEagle said...

Okay. I humbly submit that it was the intruder earlier. :(

I will go take off my rose color glasses. :(


paula eagleholic said...

Sorry, BEagle, we all really want to see Lib in the nest, too.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2 Link at 10:59 about Weather did not bring up anything?

mariadangeloart said...

Does anyone else's eagle cam keep freezing up?

BEagle said...

I am crying again.

I want Liberty and Belle the advantage of restoring their nest and to keep moving along.

mariadangeloart said...

BEagle, it will happen, I think it's just going to take a little time.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I would give my seat in hell to see Lib in this nest.

floralgirl said...

Awesome- give me your seat, it's probably got a better view:)
Lynne, your severe weather link shows a total whiteout, that does sound awful

mariadangeloart said...

They are talking possible tornadoes in Iowa on the weather channel. I think they were saying Madison County. Is that anywhere near the Decorah nest?

hedgie said...

The 60 year old albatross that we heard about a few weeks ago has been seen alive and well, post-tsunami! Wisdom has returned to a remote atoll NW of the main Hawaiian islands.

floralgirl said...

The rest of today's nest weather-Widespread showers. Widespread thunderstorms this afternoon. Some thunderstorms may produce damaging winds and large hail this afternoon. Highs around 50. Southeast winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain near 100 percent.

Lynne2 said...

LOL Megan!

OK, one more time.....I have no idea what my problem is....

WEATHER, Trying again!

BEagle said...

It's raining here.

PammySue said...

This confusion is terrible. I certainly hope biologists are learning from all this turmoil.

If the intruder is a male, then at least he has not brought any fish. I read in someone's post--at this point I can't begin to remember whose--that bringing fish is a way for a male to bond with a female.

I have a question for those of you who have been on here for a long time--How do you remember what you want to comment on??? As I am reading, I think "I want to comment on that." But then a scroll down and read a couple more messages, and I find something else to comment on . . . Do you write it down? Open a Word document and switch back and forth, adding to it?

Lynne2 said...

OH by the way, Momsters points west of me near 70 and 68....I need a REDBUD report!! Anyone seeing anything on the Redbuds yet? It was April 17 last year when they were in full bloom on 68. We want to go see my MIL hopefully when they are blooming.

Lynne2 said...

Yes Pam, I have taken notes before!

Lynne2 said...

part of the whole Cheat Sheet thing!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Pam, we just have awesome memories! :) NOT!

Paula, check your email.

BEagle said...

The Decorah nest is looking pretty wet.
It's been that way for a couple of days but not very windy.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2 I have notepad on my bottom tool bar. I bring it up and write stuff on that. It helps me with all the confusion.

magpie said...

I make notes PammySue..
but I don't have enough paper these days !
Good Morning Avid Eagle Watchers !

BEagle said...

I guess we should batten down the hatches.

magpie said...

and I could not keep my promise I did NOT catch up on all the posts but this morning's reports are unbelieveable...so much action...
Thank you everyone for the play by plays

wvgal_dana said...

SICLMBO=sitting in chair laughing my butt off at Sharon's comment lol ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2 is also us notepad to write comments on sometimes. Due to blogger cop not letting comment go on and it erases off of here. Or you get a "conflicting thing" which takes your comment. On notepad I just copy and paste.

Lynne2 said...

OK, Sharon has grass circles in her yard. I'm afraid she has been "infiltrated" by aliens. I've seen the circles....I'm very afraid of her now.....

Lynne2 said...

Dana, that's a great idea to use Notepad!

wvgal_dana said...

Boy I just checked the chicks at BWE. Since I haven't been there in awhile they are getting big.

wvgal_dana said...

Somebody at nest just hooked their horn.

nene said...

Pardon my ignorance but I have a question.... Where do you pull up the cam that you are watching?

paula eagleholic said...

When I have a lot to comment on, I open up a whole new window of the blog, and put my comments in there and then post :)

Lynne2 said...

Delphia has updated on FB. The biopsy is done, she was told even though there was "structure" that 99% of the time they are benign and she should have results in 5 days.

Lynne2 said...

hey, that's a good idea too Paula!

Costume Lady said...

NEW THREAD AND SOME INTERESTING FROM STEVE****************************************************************************************************

SusanP said...

Lynne2 - at least here in Garrett County MD (up at Deep Creek Lake area) where I am, no signs of redbuds. In fact, not much sign of spring at all up in the higher elevations. We are right off of 219 between McHenry and Oakland.

Costume Lady said...


NEW THREAD*************************

PammySue said...

Thanks for the tips on commenting, guys. I agree that these days I do not have enough paper (or time) to keep up the way I would like.

PammySue said...




Robyn said...

Trying to catch up, been almost 90 min, decided to make coffee and something to eat.

Megan thanks for the Norkolf info from 08, I haven't looked at cam but (hang me) I went into OD and they were comparing vids trying to place Lib as intruder... I give up with them...

Last page to read...

OH, Good moring all

Robyn said...

What I noticed and if anyone else did please let me know, the intruder also has that mottled look on his/her upper back there is still some white in the feather and has not turned fully brown yet

Robyn said...

Christina I just got to your comment, and yes I just posted the same thing, glad I wasn't the only one who saw it, glad to know my eyes are still good :)

mariadangeloart said...

How do you get to the new thread?

PammySue said...

Nene, in case you don't know, there is a new thread for today. Just go the top of the page, click on " Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Daily" and you will see a new thread for Wednesday.

Here is the cam link: http://outdoorchannel.com/Conservation/EagleCam.aspx

Leona said...

mariadangeloart go to the top of this page click on "Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Daily"... There you will see Wednesday. Go to the bottom of that you will see "New theard" On the right you will see a number with comments beside it. Click on that.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Had a devil of a time getting here this a.m.--my IE was not responding. Slept in late, so gotta shower and go pick up Emma from the vet's.

Sissy, praying for you for a successful surgery! Hang in there!

Sharon, I'm with you--got English homework AND transcription homework to stay on task with today. Don't know HOW it will all get done, but gotta try at least!

I was so sorry to hear that Elizabeth Taylor has passed away. She was one of the last, great "Old Hollywood" stars. She will be missed!

Well, gotta run. BBIALW!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--expecting rain to hit us here in SoCal this morning--hope to pick up Emma before it gets here. Later, alligators!

sunseeker2 said...

All well that ends well.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...