Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Fresh thread.


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glo said...

Hi Steve. Thanks for the new thread. Enjoy your vacation.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the call over.

Lynn-Hedgie Do you know where the floor manager what part of the body was stabbed with the knife????

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks for the new thread and the alert. Our Belle is might restless and looking down under I think.

Costume Lady said...

She was really rollin, rollin, rollin!

magpie said...

tonight is NOT soup kitchen, it was last week and will be next week, is the second and fourth Tuesdays of the months.

Loretta left a long post on the old thread about an injured eagle in her area, hope she brings it over here.
postive vibes for sure and prayers as well

Belle is UP looking DOWN

magpie said...

up her "haunches" so to speak

stronghunter said...

Cam keeps freezing for me. Note under image says that there is a high volume of viewers.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, who got a picture cause I didn't but the egg on the left side didn't look rounded on the side anymore.

magpie said...

Oh Shirley, don't have to worry about ME being one of those too many viewers LOL

I got a pic but nothing looked unusual to me Sharon

paula eagleholic said...

I think I see that pip now....on the egg that was just on the left

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 7:44:00 PM

movin said...

The way Belle has been behaving the last couple of minutes indicates there is a hatching taking place.

On the other hand I couldn't see anything in the quick flash of the eggs she just gave us.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

WV sUSAn said...

Sissy. So completely agree w rt side looking open.

wvgal_dana said...

My cam got fuzzy couldn't tell if pip or not.

glo said...

She is restless indeed. I was taping but erased since I couldn't see much too well and well she didn't pull out any shell or anything. I am not at all sure what I saw except a very restless eagle.

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry, didn't get a pic...had just got home and turned computer on.

glo said...

Cam is freezing off and on. Hopefully back on soon. Its growing dark on us.

magpie said...

my two humble little pics are on the E-M album, off the still cam...not conclusive at all....

glo said...

well I don't know about everyone else but neither of my cams have updated any movement in the last 5 mins. I think I am pretty done watching for today.

stronghunter said...

The timer is moving, but the eagle is not. Do not think she has stayed in that position for this long.

WV sUSAn said...

Oooops Sharon

Thanks to everyone"s suggestions for a nest view. We will come prepared for rocky banks and barking dogs. Lol. And binocs!

Yeahhhh for #2 at NBG.

New LotL blog for ospreys if interested. Chrissy posted today. Lady"s return round March 23.

Get your "tilk" on tonite. Gonna b a low lite kind o nite!

Hi to all the anxiously awaiting eaglet watchers! I think we"ll have one by morning.

BEagle said...

I noticed that too StrongH.

Lolly said...

On my phone in Dallas. Just checking on things.????

glo said...

I surely hope you do get to see the nest Susan Gosh you might get to see a fish delivery for a new eaglet or 2 by then.

glo said...

Well all is far too quiet. I think our viewing is over today. Sure hoping we are up and running in the morning. Good Night everyone.

Mema Jo said...

I had a phone call but from what you all are saying we should be looking for half an egg shell soon.

Costume Lady said...

Nope, no Soup Kitchen tonight...every other Tuesday. May start opening every Tuesday in the future.

glo said...

Well I have even refreshed the live cam. I am sure our eagle is not sleeping in that position. :-(

Cya in the morning. I bet there will be a new little one in that nest then.

Mema Jo said...

Cya Glo Let's hope that the cam is running in the morning....

Mema Jo said...

Belle's head is tucked under her wing - it isn't off to the side at the egg cup You know what I mean?
OR am I going daffy

Mema Jo said...

Still cam is going and keeping time correctly

glo said...

Actually MeMa Jo I do think it has tucked under her wing now but when I closed the live cam it was off to the side and had been for a good 10 mins or so. Maybe cam is just sticking really badly and will be fine come daylight. or as folks log off maybe we will see that gorgeos white head move some during the night. I will be checking. My cough helps me get up frequently LOL.

BEagle said...

Belle is now tucked back in the normal fashion. Cam is rolling. All is well.

paula eagleholic said...

Well now my live feed has frozen twice...had to refresh

WV sUSAn said...

Yes Beagle. I'm up and running too. Tucked and resting.

magpie said...

and all is dark here for me.
Actually looking forward to going to work tomorrow at 8 am!
I can get live feed there, just no sound!

Thanks for the call over on the new thread, Glo!
And thanks NCTC - it was very much needed !!!

Hellllloooo Evening Eagle People !

WV sUSAn said...

I got the boot off blog. Had to sign n again and said I had wrong user name and then posted my message. hmmmm Nice zoom tonite.

magpie said...

You might find humor in this:
Every Wednesday three county agencies, including 911, the County Fire Department/Homeland Security office, and the I.T. department team up and have "Healthy Wednesday" Lunchtime...
tomorrow is Chef Salad day.
I just finished peeling 18 hard-boiled eggs...good day to do some egg-cracking, eh ??

What a lot of work though!

hedgie said...

No, Dana, I don't know where he was stabbed.

Oh, Loretta, praying for that eagle for sure, and sure hope it's isn't your papa!!!!!

hedgie said...

Bringing over Loretta's post since she's eating:

We need to send up some positive vibes for an injured eagle found Sunday PM a couple miles from the Park.People who live there saw it on/near edge of Croom Road and intersection of Croom Airport Rd. which goes to the Park. They contacted Park & staff member called DNR & our Director. He in turn called Greg K., our naturalist who was in the area. He met w/people and went thru wooded area off road & couldn't find it.Bird must have come close to road later and the couple caught it & brought to Park covered w/blanket. It was closing time & no one to call to handle situation. People said they had enclosed fenced area like chicken coup, so they kept it overnight. Monday AM our Park Rangers took it to a new rehab fairly close.They say one wing is in bad shape.I'm hoping to get more info soon. The big question will be is this bird from our visible nest? I was able to visit nest a couple times today, just to observe if a 2nd bird appeared. Wasn't there long enough to know, but Mom chirped from the nest both times I saw her.She doesn't do that usually & nothing flying near nest.
Some think judging by BW nest that we do have chick(s). At least we see her head now. If they're old enough to be left alone, I suppose one adult could raise them!?
Time will tell us these answers.

Mema Jo said...

Margy - now that was a pun if I ever heard one

Egg Cracking

I wish or Maybe so.....

hedgie said...

People on the OC blog are talking about the cam freezing, too. Mine is too dark and tilking isn't helping enough to know---my counter is running, I DO know that!

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - I hope you spot both of your eagles at the nest...
I pray the injured eagle's wing can heal.

glo said...

Well Loretta with a little help from friends she can probalby do it alone if she has too. Years ago the eagles in BC were starving and had 2 or maybe 3 young in their nest. one of the folks watching the cam there was putting out fish so they could feed and raise their young. Of course there were folks who totally supported the idea and folks who totally disagreed, but all 3 eaglets did fledge from that nest. Sometimes we do help the wildlife to survive. If the Dad is getting help, then why not the Mom and the babies.

Mema Jo said...

I think I am hanging around tonight because I want to see Belle
raise her head!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Since we don't have a night light.

I'm headed for the recliner and NCIS and NCIS LA...aren't repeats for me due to I fell asleep.

Prayers for Kim and family and friends.

Prayers for the manager at Food Lion.

Prayers for those not feeling well.

Prayers for the injured eagle. Praying he can be helped and released.

hedgie said...

Here's a real nice comment form the OC blog:

"Not that I'm not willing to share, but maybe if several thousand viewers would exit, that camera would start playing normally again. OK, but not me."

Wanted to tell her: hey, WE were here first!!! Log off!

magpie said...

..and JO, if you need something for your eyes...I guess you could use salt water...or I can try to "crack" a few more funnies and make you cry with laughter !

☺ ♥

glo said...

LOL Hedgie I am going to try to log back on.

paula eagleholic said...

Up rolling eggs, doing some looking around, think she is back down again

paula eagleholic said...

She's still awake

WV sUSAn said...

Lots o wiggling and back down

Do they think it's NBG male?

magpie said...

you know, some people are just plain uncouth, reference that remark you talked about Hedgie..uncouth, selfish...
well, let's not go into it.
Everyone on HERE is nice...

Jo, maybe something will come in the mail Wednesday to make you smile ☺

magpie said...

there are many beautiful things to enjoy in this area...we will give you a mindful of it Friday night !
Starting with all our smiling Momster and hopefully Dadster faces ! ☺ Perhaps I shall wear my bib overalls, my new-old black cordurory ones from my favorite Goodwill Store...

hedgie said...

Aha, Margy......HATE peeling eggs, but sure love the many results of doing so: pickled, egg salad, deviled!!!

Mema Jo said...

Well I saw her moving....

magpie said...

Wheee Doggy we really needed this new thread...
going to step aside and leave room for your comments on the nest which I totally cannot see right now

xoxo back later before bedtime
time to test drive one of the 18 hard-boiled eggs

Robyn said...

Hi everyone, it sure has been a while since I have been here, guess I need to catch up so I will be able to follow along.

hedgie said...

Speaking of mail: after 3 months and complaining, I FINALLY got my $250 check from Medicare for hitting the donut hole on my prescriptions last year! Nice surprise! And about time!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Robyn - Good to have you here.
How's school Did you Ace those classes.

Mema Jo said...

Belle has not wiggled down yet

Robyn said...

Hi Jo! Not quite acing but doing well so far, another mathy type class... Business Economics *cry*

WV sUSAn said...

B is moving around again. Tucked back n.

Mema Jo said...

Back to snoozing for Belle....

Mema Jo said...

Robyn, you are going to be soooooo
qualified when you finish...

WV sUSAn said...

Mmmm love boiled eggs in all o that.

Hi Robyn!

B is still tucked.

Robyn said...

and very broke too Jo

Hello WV

My profile was 3 yrs over due on updating has it been that long since I have been here?

Watching Belle shift...

Mema Jo said...

Roobyn meet WVsUSAn

Robyn is from Martinsburg and an
original Momster

Susan is from Charleston,WV and brand spanking new to us - we really really like her.

Robyn we like her so much and she likes us so much that she and hubby are coming to Sh'twn Friday.
Come meet her with some of us at 6:30 Rumsey

Mema Jo said...

Maybe that long but now that you came back it seems like only yesterday we were riding along on
The Eagle Train !

hedgie said...

Robyn IS going to try to join us Friday, Jo!!! Forgot to tell you!

magpie said...

remarkable couple of pictures, via the links at the Blackwater Eagle site...of the Norfolk second eaglet

Robyn said...

I told Lynn I may be there, Tori was diagnosed with strep today if she is up to being left alone for a few hours I will be there and to make sure I don't have the bug so as not to get anyone else sick.

WOW I was in that outdoor site and knew none of the names.

magpie said...

Hi Robyn...
I am trying to think...were you at Open House Dinner in 2008???

maybe I met you there and then...

Beautiful avatar...
and good luck with all your schooling

Mema Jo said...

That's ok Hedgie - I love surprises
Makes you feel good!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - What is Mai doing now?

hedgie said...

She's back to sleep, Jo! Went out, ate, played with her toys for half an hour and then went back to bed! Paper said that sometimes anesthetic can remain in system for a couple of days, so guess true in her case!

hedgie said...

If I remeber correctly, Margy, Robyn came to dinner Fri. night in '08 but not to Sat. night.......or maybe that was '09.....fuzzy brain.....if I had other puter up I'd go look at my pics! Might be in momster albums...but I already closed it.

Robyn said...

Magpie if it was the year Dana's eagle photo went to raffle yes, I have it hanging in my room

Mema Jo said...

Did anyone know that possums eat
baked chicken... My teddy bear
possum is eating it right now out on the deck.

Mema Jo said...

Good Lyn - I was just hoping that she stayed calm for you.

WV sUSAn said...

B is all zzzzzzzz out and so am I. Sweet dreams and c ya n the AM.

Mema Jo said...

You all know that I meant to say


Mema Jo said...

Nite Susan

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, look who the cat dragged in! Howdy Robyn!

Robyn said...

Hi Paula, how are you?

Mema Jo said...

Robyn - what is MPA

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

hmmm, Robyn...can't say I remember Dana's photo going to raffle...
but then again...my memory is...kinda fuzzy sometimes...
and I was "brand new" that year and, there was a lot going on also..but I do remember that Tori and a friend of hers were there on Saturday, so that tells me...it might have been that one. I am so sorry I do not have a better remembrance of it especially if I HAVE met you - this is embarassing...

Robyn said...

Master Public Admin, and it is harder then my bachelor's was, or maybe it is just me.

Robyn said...

I will post the pic in a sec, going to check on my bread cooking and will snap a shot and make it profile pic... brb

Lolly said...

Zacharoo is in bed. Grandmommyroo is going to read. See that there is no definite hatch! I met Robyn and Tori Fri nite dinner open house 2008. Later Gators! Oh, on the sofa, have my kindle, a glass of wine, but no beach house! :(

paula eagleholic said...

Still sounds good, Lolly!

Robyn, what do you want to be when you grow up?

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is awake

Mema Jo said...

Well Margy - Friday night will tell all if you recognize Robyn
from days gone by or it's for the 1st time.

hedgie said...

Raining pretty hard now.

Lolly said...

Robyn and Tori sat at the end of the table with jack and me.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like she is tenting...can hear a couple of drip drip drips

Mema Jo said...

Belle sure is awake again....
I don't see any little white half
shell anywhere

Robyn said...

Hopefully it went thru...

Mema Jo said...

I am taking an hour break
If anyone signs off - Good Night

Lolly said...

Okay, this is enough on this phone! Bye!

Robyn said...

OK I hope I didn't get her name wrong, the woman in ND or SD that came to visit us in 08, I know we have a Dana here too

Costume Lady said...

Hi there, Robyn!
Good to see you on here:)
Watching a movie. BBL

Robyn said...

Hello and thank you Wanda

magpie said...

That would be Deb, from South Dakota.
She passed away in November 2009,
of cancer.
The lone NCTC Eaglet hatched in 2010
was named Palmer
in very dear honor of her...
The Eagle, that is definitely her work

paula eagleholic said...

I think I mentioned the Osprey nest on the sign overtop of Rt 50 on the way to Ocean City. Just read on another forum that one of the osprey returned to it recently. There are supposed to be 2 nests on those signs that stretch over 3 lanes of highway...I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for the second one.

They are both active nests.

magpie said...

better hire a driver Paula!
so you can watch!

I have often wondered how I have managed NOT to drive off the side of the road eyeballing birds in the sky, or wildflowers along the road !

Sounds like some good Osprey watching coming up for you ☺

Robyn said...

I had a feeling I had her name wrong.

floralgirl said...

OK, just got home a little while ago, so I take it we are still waiting ...
It is raining here and at the nest.

Robyn said...

I try and keep up even when not here :)

magpie said...

not to worry, Robyn...some of us who are on here everyday, (like me for example...)
cannot keep up!

Very happy to have you join us tonight ☺

Welcome Home to you Megan
no moon watching tonight, and yes, we are still waiting and...and...and...

floralgirl said...

Hey Margy:) nope no moon tonight.

magpie said...

time for me to seek out the pillows and blankets...

Best wishes for good sleep tonight...in between watching the nest, those of you that can...

Prayers for wellness...
and everything else on our lists...

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Robyn said...

Night Margy

paula eagleholic said...

Robyn, I do recall that picture from Deb.

hedgie said...

Pics from Mr. Buckles' funeral:


hedgie said...

Goodnight, Margy. Sleep well, and have a good tho' long day tomorrow. Just in case you can't keep cam up, I'll text you if anything happens!!!!

Paula, PLEASE be careful when you're driving and gawking!! Or is that more like hawking??!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Gawking for sure!

glo said...

Dear Lib and Belle Could you please tell me why all your little ones come in the wee hours of the morning during rain or snow.

Well its OK here we are waiting on you. We are more faithful than the US Mail :-). They don't come in the wee hours of the morn. Rest well CYA in the morning.

paula eagleholic said...

Another observation on telling apart our eagles....Belle's tail is more squared off and Lib's is more pointy. I'll try to post some pics tomorrow, think I have them on my work computer.

Judie said...

Oh my goodness, I sure wish the sand-person would go and visit someone else. I here the stealthy creeping footsteps coming down the hallway.

Hi Robyn. Will look forward to meeting you Friday night.

Margy, can't wait to see those bib overalls.

Shirley, sorry the dentist news was not all good. Darth had a root canal this year and he had no trouble. Not like in the olden days.

Raining here as well. Belle looks tucked in for the night. Did get a terrific few minutes watching the two bobbleheads at NBG. So cute. Ours will be ever so much cuter, of course.

Really thank Chrissy for the update and am so hoping that Isla will return this year.

Tired from reading papers and need to turn my light off. Will leave the night light on for others and return in the morning.

Hope everyone has some restful sleep -- especially our Belle. Hopefully, tomorrow will bring us an eaglet.

paula eagleholic said...

Judy, just beat back that sandman with your eagle cane.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Had to get up and get one last look. Who knows? Belle knows! :-)

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur! ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Belle awake, shaking off, looks like an edge roll or nudge....can't see in the bowl, ...ah yes see both eggs, very fuzzy looking, can't decipher any cracks pips or grass!

Judie said...

Um, doing a Margy. Belle is awake and listening and messing in the egg cup. Maybe just restless but maybe soon ....

Goodnight, Margy.

Judie said...

Ah, yes, have eagle cane will travel (to Shepherdstown). Goodnight, Paula.

Robyn said...

Hi Judie, read your profile, I am a late bloomer too bachelor's at 45 took 20 plus years to complete, Masters will be complete when I am 47, by end of year

See ya Friday

Mema Jo said...

One last look for me too Sharon
I know in the light of the morning
we are going to see a bobblehead.
Ok to leave now - Belle's head is tucked and hopefully she will get some sleep.

hedgie said...

Bear Shenanigans

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Friends
Good to have everyone here
Prayers for many being said
Hugs to All ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

I'm right behind you sleepyheads! We will probably have a gloomy morning, so might not make it up at the crack of dawn...but will look at cam if Mai or I need potty breaks!

Prayers for all. Guess Loretta fell asleep after her din-din. :(

G'night all.

stronghunter said...

Good night from here, too. See you tomorrow.

Lynne2 said...

Oh shoot, everyone's going to bed....

Just got finished reading REALLY fast to catch up.

Margy, me too with the driving and bird watching! I pulled over yesterday to watch a small flock of what I though was snow geese, but was actually swans.

Sorry about the upcoming root canals Shirley, but they aren't bad. I had one a couple of years ago and it was painless.

OH SHARON....where art thou???? Guess who is going to be playing at the Preakness in Baltimore??? CHOO CHOO is the only hint I'm giving!

Lynne2 said...

I was able to watch a bit from work today and now have my boss Dr Callahan (Jeff) watching NCTC and NBG...he was a riot, with both up side by side on his computer!

Belle was tucked in but is awake and looking around now

Lynne2 said...

oh Loretta, so sad about the eagle. I sure hope it's not one of the adults from the park.

Glo brought up an interesting point...if the adult gets help, then why not the other adult with the babies, too! This is the worst time of year for me to see anything dead on the road because it likely means a baby or a litter will die :(


Lynne2 said...

were the flags today at half staff because of Mr Buckles being laid to rest today?

paula eagleholic said...

I think so on the flags, Lynne.

Glad you got your Dr hooked!

Lowreeda, I hope that eagle was not one of yours.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle tucked in.

Going to hit the hay.

Hugs to all ♥

Lynne2 said...

Belle all tucked in again.

Lynn, glad Mai is sleepy! Better for her to get some rest. And yes, she may very well be for the next couple of days, and somewhat uncoordinated as well so keep an eye on her on the stairs!

Lynne2 said...

Belle is up, moving around, egg roll. Settled back in. Picture not great, but good enough to see that there are still two eggs and zero chicks!

Costume Lady said...

Belle has her head tucked in and is not moving or the cam has frozen again, but saw her rolling the eggs around a while ago and both appeared to be whole...to fuzzy to see details.
Let's hope morning brings us a chicklet.


Lolly said...

On out way home. Will check on Belle before heading to bed.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Not sure who is still awake. I've been working on homework most of the day. Did read back and catch up pretty well here, though.

Lynn, you mentioned that gas is $3.59/gal. there--sure wish it was that cheap here! It's $3.93/gal. for Union 76 regular at our usual station! Woof!
And that's a pretty low price compared to some others in our area!

Loretta, praying that the injured eagle will be OK. Hoping that it's not the daddy eagle at your nest!

Sure hope we have a baby eagle in the nest tomorrow morning! I've tried looking, but it's too dark tonight.
Have said prayers for everyone and every critter needing prayer.
Going to say goodnight and call it a day. My eyes refuse to focus properly!
Checking to make sure the night light and the porch light are on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep soundly, everyone, and I will talk to you in the morning.
God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--Lynn, checked a website that lists the lowest gas prices in our city. The "highest of the low prices" was $4.07/gal. for regular!
Sure hope this price trend doesn't find its way back east! OK, gotta say goodnight and hit the hay, for real!

Lolly said...

We are home. Took forever to get the cam up but was finally successful. Looks like Belle is tucked and sleeping away. I will be shortly.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Oh....I got gas this week...$3.39 but after that I saw it for $3.35. Dern!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning -

Still awaiting Eaglets.

Belle is sleeping very soundly now with her head tucked between her wings.

Do you think Lib is on a branch above her, or trying to stay out of the rain?

Sounds like wind or thunder, tho I can't hear any rain and it's too dark to see rain or if Belle is wet.

Lolly said...

Belle is awake now and looking around.

Lolly said...

Hi Lori! Was getting ready to head to bed, but then Belle woke up.

Lolly said...

I was hoping she would let me have a peek at the eggs before heading to bed, but she is sitting still.

Lori O. said...

Just lost nest sound.

Lori O. said...

Belle is awake now, looking out of nest with her head at the 10ish position.

Lolly said...

Really heading to bed now. It is all yours, Lori! Hope you are the first to spot an eaglet first thing in the morning. Nite!

Lori O. said...

Belle is still sitting but woke up and put her head off to her right side to adjust or check something in nest cup.

Fidgeted for about 2 min. then back to sleep.

Lori O. said...


Goodnight. Sorry I didn't see you. Was just watching Belle and not checking blog. Forgive me.

No wonder I never have nighttime company! I ignore them. :))

Sweet dreams.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Lori.........
Just taking a peek.. Belle sure is fidgeting again
Sure is the way to act when a little chick is hatching under you.
Head tucked again

Lori thank you for being here.. I am going to tuck my head again ♥

Lori O. said...

Nest is getting darker now. Big DARN!

Belle is still sleeping with head tucked in wings.

Off to get ready for work now - I'll check in again when I get there.

OH, FloBear, my sweet bully (bulldog) is up watching with me and has decided he's hungry so he's making his super loud, house shaking moose noises that are so obnoxious. He may wake up Belle! Woof Woof!

Lori O. said...

Hi Jo!

Lori O. said...

The cam keeps getting locked up on me. I'll think gee, Belle hasn't moved in a little while, and I look at the time on the camera and it's not moving. What the heck? It's the third time it's happened this morning.

Lori O. said...

OK - Cam is working again and Belle is sleeping.

JO, sweet eaglet dreams!

magpie said...

Had to do a little reset of the computer when I woke up, and checked the Finland Water Nest...
nice little BIG surprise on there, you can see what I saw on my Feathers... link

and here is the site address, maybe you will see something too


I have to get back to bed, will be up in a couple more hours

Good Morning Lori!!

Lori O. said...

OMG Margy! That looks like a juvie! It couldn't be though, could it?

Lori O. said...

Belle has been restless the past 10 minutes or so since I checked in again.

She's been checking the eggs beneath her than finally got up, possibly rolled the eggs or checking them, then turned around to face the camera again.

She is wide awake now and looking around.

Lori O. said...

I should say it's too dark to see much, but could probably see white of the eggs if she were to move off the nest and give me a peek!

Lori O. said...

She is really fidgety...going down into the sides of the nest cup -- first one side, then the other, back and forth.

Lori O. said...

Of course my hope is there's an eaglet under there, or two eaglets would be cool. We'll know in about 2 1/2 hours when the infrared and sun combo brings enough light.

Lori O. said...

Head tucked in wings and sleeping now.

Lori O. said...

FRUSTRATION! Cam keeps seizing up. Stopped at 14 min. again....

and I'm on a different computer in another city now.

glo said...

Hi Lori. Its potty break and check Belle time at my house. Head is tucked and she is sleeping. I see where she is still quite fidgety though from what you are writing. Its only 3:52 am here. Back to bed for me. I need lots of beauty sleep :-).

glo said...

oooops shes awake. Now I got to watch for a couple of mins.

glo said...

Ok back to bed for me. CYA in the morning.

Lori O. said...


14 minutes and 38 seconds and the camera freezes again!

Keep an eye on your feed so you are seeing real time.

Lori O. said...

Sweet Dreams GLO!

It's so nice having all these late night / early morning visitors.

Those soon to hatch eaglets are like movie stars!!!

Lori O. said...

Belle has turned around again to face the front of the camera and is very alert looking all around.

Bring on the WUSHI Lib!

Lori O. said...


Several times this morning the cam has frozen up at 14 minutes and 30-some seconds.

Lori O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

I've checked the OutdoorChannel.com eagle blog and people there are also making comments about the camera getting stuck or freezing up.

Mema Jo said...

HEllo again - I am fidgety.
I see she has turned - Lori, when you say 'freezing up' - do you mean actually stops and you need to click for it to restart?

Mema Jo said...

Well when Lib comes in this morning and IF he has wushi - you'll know for sure. I'm tucking my head again.

Thanks for hanging in here Lori.

Lori O. said...

Yes, Jo. It actually stops and you need to click for it to restart?

There's a notice beneath the cam that says:

"Notice: Due to the high volume of viewers (up to 2,000 simultaneous viewers during peak times), the player will intentionally pause periodically. To continue viewing, click the PLAY button"

Clicking the play button hasn't worked for me once. And refreshing or reloading is taking a lot longer than normal. Must be soooo many people leaving the cam site on and just waiting for the eaglets.

Lori O. said...

I'm going to check the still cam to make sure what I'm seeing on the video cam is what's really going on at the nest.

Lori O. said...

Picture on video cam and still cam are a perfect match.

Belle just flipped her head over to her left side and tucked her head underneath.

floralgirl said...

Belle is awake- I wish I wasn't...
Nest weather today- Mostly cloudy. Isolated showers this afternoon. Highs in the mid 50s. West winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 20 percent.

WV sUSAn said...

B is awake a d callng. Maybe?? Morning all !!

WV sUSAn said...

I think she said mommy wants a fish.

Lori O. said...

Hi Megan...
Hi Susan!

floralgirl said...

Morning Lori and Susan:)
Back to sleep for Belle

WV sUSAn said...

And tucked back in. Enough light to see a littlt bobber if we have one.

floralgirl said...

Forecaster Winterman update 6:10am 3/16: Good morning Maryland! The rain has moved out of the area, just in time for us to enjoy our first mild day of our short "mild temperature wave" of sorts. Temps will rise close to 60 this afternoon, but skies will be partly cloudy. Not to worry though, because the sun will be out for the last two day of our work week, helping us soar into the mid 60's tomorrow and possibly mid 70's on Friday!

WV sUSAn said...

Hi Megan and Lori. Looks like we have a wet Belle today.

WV sUSAn said...

Calling again

WV sUSAn said...

Two eggs

WV sUSAn said...

And B is out.

floralgirl said...

It rained some here overnight, radar shows it being past us now.
Belle is calling out and she's gone- and back? not sure, cam froze- that's gonna get real old quick...

floralgirl said...

So Belle flew out and this appears to be Lib.

Lori O. said...


The camera froze on Belle looking at 2 eggs! UGH!

Lori O. said...

Megan -
Did it greeze at 14 minutes and 38 seconds?

That's when mine has been freezing since 1:30 this morning.

It's real old now.

magpie said...

Good Wednesday Morning Eagle Pals!

Good reports from our night owls, except I don't see the word
"Eaglet" on here...

Hope it is a great day for everyone, 12 hours at work for me, BUT I can check the cams...
sorry to read the cam is freezing up, but it means Belle and Liberty and the egglets have lots and lots of fans !

Will try to catch you folks from work...we are working short today and I have to be Supervisor today, the other one called off on this rainy day

PS: Lori, don't know, about whether Juvie or Adult on that Sea Eagle ! Someone here can tell better than I. I about fell out of my chair when I saw it !


Lori O. said...

But, better 15 min. intervals than no cam at all.

Boy, my glass is so full - it's spilling over. :)

magpie said...


floralgirl said...

I'm not sure Lori, I din;t pay attention, just realized it was frozen. It's happened to me 4 times already this morning.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...