Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Fresh thread.


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magpie said...

haven't been able to watch much but live feed is at 39 mins
and I saw the egg with the cracking in it

magpie said...

well we just did a trile split

sounds like a good name for a dessert

or three big cracks in an egglet

magpie said...

sorry make that TRIPLE split,
can't read, can't type

hedgie said...

Lori, when you go to open Momster Mail: before you click on Mail, click on Photos on left side of screen.

hedgie said...

Can't believe that Lib hasn't brought in any food.


Afternoon Magpie!

Lori O. said...

Yes - OK now I get it.

Saw your huge PIP pic - OMG! Amazing. Pure Joy!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, I did see the chick moving...glad Glo saw it too. Confirms that we have not gone bananas:)

Lori O. said...

Hi Margy! I'm the duufuss this afternoon. Should go to bed. Sleep deprived this week, but sooo excited to see Joy!

Lynne2 said...

I can't believe he hasn't brought anything either. It's going to be dark in 2 and half hours, and I bet that chickie will be out by then or soon after and then will shortly be HUNGRY!


May prove the other bloggers from the other site this morning wrong afterall!

Lynne2 said...

OK, REALLY have to take the dogs out. UGH. Bad timing. Oh well. BBL

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy!!!! How's your day going?


Katie, Lainey and Molly say hello and they love Belle Liberty and most of you all you, Magpie!

glo said...

Well WandaI have to admit I felt a little leary of saying I actually saw that chick move. I was so relieved once I read back to see I was NOT the only one making that claim. :-)

magpie said...

Howdy Lynn
work, kind of boring today, yawn

Howdy Eagle Pals, and

Good to See you Rocking Circle R

glad you are watching !!! !!!!


A few minutes here and there---Lainey had to write a paper on Eagles last week---what perfect timing!!!!

magpie said...

no way am I going to catch up on 400 comments since I left home, until I GET home...

but I have gotten the gist of things regarding the pip in the egg and also saw it

magpie said...

Rocking: When the eagle babies are well on their way and getting all fuzz buzzy I will bring back the Magpie avatar....

tell the little ladies hello !! for me

paula eagleholic said...

Well it was going longer...


I can't wait for that, Magpie!
Message delivered to the girls!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am using Firefox and am at almost 6 hours running with the cam, no stopping.

magpie said...

I have been all messed up on sleeping too
it will all settle down in a little while ☺


anyone watching any of the owls or the baby hummingbirds?

Lolly said...

This having to refresh is getting very annoying! I finally spotted the sprig of green in the nest.☺


I am so bad once I start this I get as many cameras up as I can and watch them all!

magpie said...

Movin' Jim sounds the alerts on the hummingbirds, Rocking Circle R
not too much owl news, yet...

magpie said...

we've been prety much all about the eagles and the bears here of late


Phoebe allens webcam for the hummingbirds--2 babies in the nest and mom feeding all the time

lots of owls -- that I've found
do you have the list of all the sites?


Tell me about the bears please

glo said...

I am using Firefox and have had to restart several times today. I am sort of not looking forward to everyone getting home and signing on to the live cam tonight. I am afraid we will have lots of problems and well ya know there is a chick on the way we all want to see :-) Hmmmm

magpie said...

have one live bear cam wtih yearling, and two new cubs, in Minnesota
Lily and Hope
then Faith and Jason

then there is Ted and Lucky a 14 yoa and a 4 yoa male bear (I think that's it)

will try to send you those sites on email RRC

much later on tonight

Belle is looking all around....


thank you margy--will do the same with the other.

Poor belle looks so tired and yet seems very anxious

hedgie said...

I have been on Firefox and I'm at 9 hrs. 40 mins. w/o any problem.

Rocking R----have been watching the Phoebe saga all along! Go to bear.org for Lily and Hope cam (plus Faith and Jason this year!). 4 bears in omne den: Mama Lily, yearling Hope, and 2 new cubs.

hedgie said...

GLo......is the video ready??

paula eagleholic said...

Rocking...go to www.bear.org and click on the Lily and Hope cam


Thanks guys so much!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Margy no I don't think you'll want to try and catch all those comment. Your up-to-date enough. ( :


Have to turn the computer over to the girls to watch--no blogging for them yet---Is time for me to fix dinner! Be back on in a while.


oh-my the bears are great too!!!

magpie said...

you don't have to worry about Me adding to the numbers of the viewers..not tonight anyway

Got to sign off here and stay on task until 8 pm

will look for you all after that

by the way each time I check
BWE all I see are the babies !

I see you are getting some of the websites, Rocking! You won't need to wait on me!
that's the Momster's Way

xox ttfn

Lynne2 said...

while walking the dogs I spotted a Robin that was had a lot of white in it!

Now off to the store....

Mema Jo said...

Lynne and Lori FB has an invite for you to accept.

Lori O. said...

I'm off to bed...but I'll be back on about 1:30 to see the new eaglet... it'll be dark, but I hope to read ALL about it!
Give me lots of details. :)

Enjoy your evening everyone.

Wanda I'm sure you'll do very well with your Food Bank presentation at church.

Lynn, Lynne2, Jo, Paula, Dana, Lolly, Glo, Strong, Judie thanks for a fun day. Won't be long now!

Margy get some rest.

Mema Jo said...

I have my live feed up on IE.
It has been running for 11:18:15

I had let it up when I went to bed and then had to restart when I checked in around 6:30 am
I don't know what to tell all of you that are having to restart so often. I only have Live Feed, Still cam and the blog open on IE
My blog is slow at times

Mema Jo said...

Wanda do what Lori told you to do
Speak from the Heart ♥

glo said...

Actually Magpie I was not referring to any of the BLOG here or even enthralled loving every minute of it watchers. I wish you could watch. I hope we all can. Thats what I was saying.

hedgie said...

Where is Lib with dinner......or at least a break for this gal?

glo said...

Yes Wanda folks know when they are hearing something coming from your heart. Obviously your heart is in this. You might be nervous BUT you will do just great.

hedgie said...

It is time for Mai to go out.....and, of course, we all know that means that something will happen!!!!!!
BTW----I am seeing a faint glow of yellow on my forsythia!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - do you mean it was an
Aged Robin?

Don't lose faith that Lib won't do his part! You know better!

Robyn said...

HEH, I know this Robyn needs to hide a few whites tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Huh, Robyn???

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think Robyn is referring to her white feathers! :) Got mine hid on Saturday.

Judie said...

Well, I have to leave for the kitchen. Looks like Belle is just sitting and waiting. Would love to see a fish or two waiting for the babe.

Oh, we will get to STown early Friday. Remembered I need to get some Sheetz before checking in at Comfort Inn.

Headed for the kitchen. BBL

Robyn said...

The aged Robyn :)

hedgie said...

Sad news from Assateague nest:
Eggs lost to wind

hedgie said...

Gotcha, Robyn!!!! I did that a couple of weeks ago!

Mema Jo said...

OK I think I am allowed to have the live feed up for 12 hrs.

I clicked on it and it started up without commercial

hedgie said...

Good, Judie. Maybe you will be up to a little sightseeing. Know you can't walk the streets to see the little shops...but you could drive across the bridge to Antietam and drive through the battlefield!

hedgie said...

As you can tell. wind is blowing pretty briskly here. It is 51°, despite what cam page shows!

hedgie said...

Blue Ridge Wildlife is going to release a rehabbed red-shouldered hawk Sat. in Berryville, VA (right next to Winchester!).

Mema Jo said...

I am going out to meet up with Alexis - Just may be back before dark.


NatureNut said...

I'll have to read this one!

Mema Jo said...




paula eagleholic said...

Looks like chicky is pipping out the other side of the shell now. Pip hole on the farthest egg

BEagle said...

There is a NEW THREAD. Come on over.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...