Thursday, March 24, 2011


Fresh thread.


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Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning sunshines!


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks Steve for the thread and schicke for the call over.

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve!

Thanks for the updates from campus on Belle and Liberty.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning!! TEAM LIBERTY FOR SURE!!!!!

Christine said...

Good morning everyone. Have there been any updates? Are there still 3 eagles in the area since Pammy last saw them?

signgirl said...

I'm on board for Team Liberty!

Lynne2 said...

Hey lookie at the new girl calling us over for the new thread!! Way to go and good morning Schicke!

Thanks for the new thread Steve!

Lynne2 said...

Chirstine, good morning, and NO sightings of Lib just yet since Pammy went the other day. To be clear, she saw 3 eagles soaring over the area and we are ASSUMING that it was Lib, Bell and the 'Truder. DanaMo will be making a stop out there today, and I think someone is going this weekend...OH Scott is, and maybe and it's a BIG maybe, my husband and I as well.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Just a quick hello. I wish I could read back, but I do not have time to do that. Liberty must have done something good.

Could not get on last night because of the thunderstorms.

Didn't get to go on FB or anything.

Susan found a little disabled bird and took it to Pender Animal Hospital in Fairfax. Don't know what kind. She was going to try to figure it out. She put a pic on FB, but she said all you can see is the beak.

Lynne2 said..., is TRAIN playing at the Preakness??? I had no idea....LOL! I will keep an ear out about tickets to the infield (holy moly, $40 buck in advance and $50 Preakness week YIKES!)

stronghunter said...

Must get coffee.


WV sUSAn said...

T has been in and out this morning but no site of Belle yet. Good morning all. Gotta get to the office. BBL

Harbinger said...

I've missed any visits from Belle. I'm at my office and have to keep the sound down.

Lori O. said...

Janet, I can absolutely relate to being soundless at the office. Very difficult at times isn't it?

Lynne2 said...

I don't think Belle has been in this morning but not 100% sure. Just the 'Truder. Maybe Belle and Lib have flown off to another tree to start on next seasons nest!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Hi can someone tell me at what time and day the new video is on? Thanks

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Which video?

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine eagle momsters and dadsters.

DanaMo said...

Not sure who is going today, but I am going on Sunday. Would love to go today, but my son is having his wisdom teeth out and I have class tonight.
Thanks for the new thread. Wish someone was in that nest!

Scott said...

@Lynne2 Good morning..not sure if you were referring to me or not, but I'm going out there next weekend. Can't do it this weekend and won't have the extra equipment.

Scott said...

Good morning all...

floralgirl said...

Not a great outside nest watching day today anyway-
today's weather-Cloudy with rain showers likely this morning...then partly sunny this afternoon. Highs in the mid 40s. North winds 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 25 mph. Chance of rain 70 percent.
Have a great day everybody- I'm off to work, I can hear those plants calling me from the greenhouse.

floralgirl said...

Oh and rah rah! Team Liberty!

IrisF said...

Team Liberty sounds good - count me in

Good morning everyone, hope all goes well today - did anyone have any damage from the storms last night?

T-Bird said...

Harbingerdc, I know what you mean. One day I had forgotten to turn the sound down and people in the hallway were going nuts trying to find the bird.
This blog and eagle's nest has brought me much comfort and prayers. That is good for my mental health so the powers that be need to let us check in with each other every now and then. I'm just saying.

IrisF said...

Sissy, prayers for you being said, hear and at church!!!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends...
Thanks Steve for the new thread, we are averaging a book a day here lately!

Thanks Schicke for the Caller over, nice going !

You all ARE using an Eagle Mug for your morning coffee or tea or whatever, right ?? If you have one that is !! I have an extra, I will make a temporary loan if someone needs one... ☺

magpie said...

I was waiting to see you here this morning...

I have really enjoyed your reports about the chicken eggs and your school things ☺

We LOVE teachers on here by the way ! ♥

paula eagleholic said...

@iowehp, don't know anyone who did video of this morning's visit, if that is what you are referring to.

magpie said...

I said I would repost this and so here it is:

Here's one for the Early Birds and all the Daytime/Evening Birds:

Might be a good chance to get inside the gate at NCTC and see soaring eagles and other wonderful flora and fauna:

April 9 - "This Race is for the Birds"

two professionally timed races, and one self-timed 2 mile community
jog/walk for individuals and families who prefer a slower pace, AND there is a 1-mile "Fun Run" for children 10 years and younger

Paula did this one year....

here is the website to learn more and register if you like:

on-line registration is supposed to be available through a link to


I have other contact information if anyone wants it, this was in our local Martinsburg paper two weeks ago

I have already checked, I have to work :(

I know when Paula went she enjoyed and if Paula has time to say a word or two about it, I know she will !

magpie said...


Thank You about the PRP news, Loretta seeing both adult nesting eagles !

magpie said...


We are in the Daylight Savings Time Zone for the Eastern time zone...
so it is almost 9 am here..

magpie said...

Well there you are Paula!

G☺☺d M☺rning

Waiting on Wanda... no late night post or early one either

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning again up here and then back to bed now here again ( :

Margy, Lori, Sissy, Megan, Susan, Sharon, Lynne2, Janet, DanaMo, Schicke, Red, Christine, Teresia,
Shirley, Thelma, SCott, Iris, Paula, and Lurkers...Carol on the mountain if you are checking in Hi ( :

magpie said...

Ah yes, Conowingo...

Our visit there was January 13 2010
there are pics in the E-M Album grouping but only mine, there are others on blogs here and there....

magpie said...


I love these Eagle mugs of mine ☺

Lynne2 said...

@ Scott, yes, I was referring to you. OOPS, NEXT weekend. Hmmmm....I wonder who I thought was going THIS weekend?

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for Sissy, Prazyers for DanaMo son having wisdom teeth removed and prayers for those that need them plus prayers for our nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Margy we need to make another Conoingo trip but earlier. Remember it was said more eagles were there in November than January.

wvgal_dana said...

I love the calls these 2 pairs of Red Belly woodpeckers are making.

magpie said...

I'm doing my best to keep up, read all the theories about the Trespassing Eagle/s if by some chance there are two...which I think I read is not really the case...

I really care about all this but have to rely on the experts, from whom I appreciate all the information - Paula you are definitely one of them !

Lori O. said...

Getting ready to hop off toward home, but first haven't had time to say:

LYNN - So sorry to hear about Eileen. Prayers for her sister. Alzheimers is awful.

ANDY - Give Emma an extra cookie from Auntie Lori. It will make her feel better.

SISSY - Thoughts & prayers for you and the docs doing your surgery tomorrow.

PAULA - STINKBUG in your hair? Makes you dance doesn't it?! Ugh. Shivers. Thanks for all your info & updates.

LORETTA - Enjoy your day off.

LOLLY, MARGY, LYNNE2 - I miss you!

Welcome to newbies I'm slowly learning names of.

EVERYONE - make it safe and happy day. GO Team LIB!

Lori O. said...

Hi DANA! Bye all.

magpie said...

Oh yes, goes on amongst us people and our pets, and we do have some things going prayers are joined with others'

Good Morning Everyone, that's what you call a Blanket Hello !

Megan thanks for the weather report, I can understand your Megan Flowers calling for you...
I am OFF April 3, you know how happy that makes me ???

Nice Shirley , about the rescued little bird Susan did...hope to hear more about that

Scott said...

@Lynne2 No worries...

magpie said...

Regarding your post at the end of the last thread...

There were some comments about the "Shrinking Bird...." -
it has something to do with the Cams being Zoomed in, altering our perspectives, and the difficulties of being able to view soaring and roosting birds from a distance....hope that helps...

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lori ... you'll be checking in I'm sure ( :

Prayers for Carolyn that has a broken ankle. Wish we had know could have been praying.

Yes prayers for Eileen sister with Alzheimers.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Song of the day

wvgal_dana said...

Margy it is just when you are down there and see Belle and then see this intruder. The intruder is so much bigger than Belle by my own eye and with binoculars. The cam
distorts the size so much.

magpie said...

I read the comments about Dam #4 and Yankauer...

Yankauer, yes, the trails can be a little uneven for walking, but they do their best on that, some are "easy" and shorter trails, some swing way around and about...
and the river view, is nice, but you can't lean out too far !
Take your walking sticks or Eagle Canes if you have them...and there are nice stands of wildflowers....

Dam #4 is nice, yes, you can get close to the is public access...and you can fish there if you have your license !

Dam #5 - only way I know to get close to it is at the North (dead-end)
end of Vineyard Road, and it is private, gated....don't know about getting to it from the WV side, but both dams might be accessible from the Maryland side, I know Dam #4 is...

magpie said...

I understand Dana....I have not seen what others have seen, not in person, or on either cam...

I hope everyone has availed themselves of the two pictures on Paula's blog of two roosting eagles...

Scott said...

@magpie Great, thanks for the info.

magpie said...

final "post" of the day from James last night

I'm Happy to Be Me

that makes a grandma very happy to hear

Yesterday we purchased one of those IdentiFlyers....where you put in the diffent bird cards and push a button and hear their songs....he is nuts about it !

So am I....very good investment !

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, I thought the intruder was a female at first, because of several reasons...

We were told it was PROBABLY a female.

We couldn't see the entire bird on the cam when it was zoomed in.

And I thought in person it was very large and a female as well. But, I had nothing to compare it to.

But...when the cam pulled back, you can clearly see the size difference, even when the birds were side by side at night.

And it all makes sense now...that's why the eagle was perched above the nest...guarding it, like a male would.

Dana, I did a side by side comparison of Lib and the intruder...the pictures and my commentary are on the eagle momsters blog. Check it out if you haven't had a chance.

magpie said...

You are very welcome Scott
there are some great wildlifing areas where YOU are from no doubt and when all this settles down, maybe you can get us down your way on a Road Trip...which is what we call it when we pile into the Eagle Express (Wanda and Gene's traveling Eagle Watching Home....)
and make a group trip !
It's awesome ! Wait until you meet them ! ☺

wvgal_dana said...

If you go to the eaglet_momsters photos, pull up Scott's album look that the 7th picture Belle soaring, then the next 3 pictures are the intruder.

magpie said...

Thanks again Paula... the daytime folks will have a chance to read that and get a little synopsis of "where we are..."

The dedicated efforts of you and many others on here, has been very helpful, not only for us Oldsters but for the Newsters

magpie said...

By the way:

My avatar is what I all
"Paula's Magpie "

she sent it to me and helped me get my picture on here ☺

wvgal_dana said...

I know Paula I seen it and I won't swear that the intruder is not a male.

Yet when I was talking to Megan on the phone when I was down there. Belle and the intruder were on the branches of the tree the intruder was definately BIGGER.

So I am still confused and will hold off till I know more and will except if it is a male with no problem.

Red said...

Good morning everyone. Just caught up on the posts. I just want to say I still think the intruder is Female. I'm thinking like Dana WVgal, We've seen Belle attack the intruder a few times and its usually female against female. When she first arrived everyone was describing her as huge, even bigger than Belle. Now everyone is saying a small male. How can it shrink? lol I guess we all have to wait and see how it turns out to know for sure. I'm still undecided.

magpie said...

I'm going to leave this valuable slate for current events now, besides I have to take the Buggy for a vehicle inspection and do boring stuff like that for awhile

Best wishes for a good day, more clues and maybe more answers....

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxox ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Later Margy hope vehicle passes ok.

stronghunter said...

Know what you all mean about turning the sound down. I can't usually afford to have the sounds an eagle fight break out in the middle of a class, especially at mid-term time.

I played the sounds of a loon for my students when they read selections from Walden by Thoreau. Many of them thought it had to be a wolf or something else.

Common Loon

Scroll down the page until you find the link to the call. I always tell the kids they will not forget this sound.

Red said...

Alabama don't have vehicle inspections. Kinda wish they did so some of the smokers would get off the road.

stronghunter said...


Students are arriving.

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks Paula, our resident expert, for all this great info. Our "shrinking" eagle Trudy or Rudy will appear to shrink as it gets it's adult plumage.

Thanks to all our visiting experts and hope you"ll stay a while. We so appreciate your observations.

magpie said...

oh, the Common Loon, how can anything so spectacular be named "Common" but I know how that works..Thanks Shirley

Wanda is fine, just called her, internet problems last night and this morning, and she accidentally deleted the Soup Kitchen pictures off, so Gene aka The Captain and she aka First Mate, are on two different computers working on that

And GG is fine too...
Yeah, inspection, I might have a brake problem, but thanks for the well-wishes...

PammySue said...

Good morning all.

Shirley, that loon call was pretty cool, especially the very end. Kinda haunting.

Sharon and others, I have to tell you about the mental picture I get when I hear TEAM LIBERTY. I picture a bunch of Momsters in cheerleader outfits standing below the nest cheering for Lib.
If it would help, I know we would do it. :)

WV sUSAn said...

Hahaha Pammy. And we would wear the outfits and cheer if that would keep the family together ya know.


magpie said...

Oh by the way, we have Loon Cam on here to tell you about !!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And our cheerleading outfits would have to be blue and gold for WV's state colors.

magpie said...

I don't think it is active yet but here is a link to the website:

Larry's Loon Cam

magpie said...

and Norma has a pom-pom with WV blue and gold colors ☺

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Magpie, you are not going to believe this but I was just looking to see how far it is from Bedford to Romney. Going to have to go there to get Normabyrd back on here.

bev. said...

just my opinion here form experience.

the reason Belle attacked the intruder was becasue he was just that, an intruder to her net and she was protecting her young.
but if you have ever seen 2 raptors fight, she was not attacking , she was warning.

Males are always submissive to the females. this is why when you all were saying female, I did not want to contradict , but my hubby and I were thinking male.

I will finish this post in another reply in case I get zapped.

magpie said...

Sharon :

(( Hugs for you and Sissy ♥ ))
and prayers for your ministry to her, and for her surgery Friday morning

by the way, the reason Sissy got that "Happy 95th Birthday" card, is that it had an awesome picture of a Loon on it....
I could NOT resist !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I thought the card was perfect for her old tail! :)

magpie said...

like your avatar, bev...
stunning !

magpie said...

ok said I would be gone, and I am !

Yeah, Sharon: old tail: LOL !

PammySue said...

Margy - Yes, pom poms. I mean what is a cheerleader without pom poms?

magpie said...

When she turns 95 I will send her another one...
I will be 102 then !

magpie said...

OH, I want to say just one more thing, yeah right !
Many people on this blog, including Sharon, Paula, Wanda, Lynn, Jo's hubby, Red, Movin' Jim, and others have continually offered me assistance with my computer problems...
Thank you very much once again!

bev. said...

Part 2 of my opinion:

From a lot of ground watching myself, different surroundings and distance make things appear as they are not.
When they are not side by side ,it is easy to make mistakes.

I know , a few of you have emphatically, told me, you saw from the ground. and it was a female, but this is not a different intruder.

The other nihgt ,that was not a real aggressive attack. It was a final ditch attempt to get rid of him or telling him she was boss.

No one is sure how this will play out and I think some of you are on the money. It just might not be in Liberty's best interests right now. He may be regrouping.

If Liberty had been in the nest , when this intruder came in, you would have seen a whole new ballgame.

I know , I am not a regular here but I do know raptors.

Team Liberty!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Bev, you are becoming a regular. :)


wvgal_dana said...

Morning Pam tell Craig we said hi. I loved his binoculars. Don't know if I can handle how heavy for me they are.

Bev you won't be "zapped" lol. You as well as us can put your opinions on here.

If we knew all the answers we would be bird experts and I don't think they are sure of the happenings right now.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

And I loved it!!! Can't wait for the loon cam to go live!! One of my favorites. We didn't see any loons at the lake last year, wonder why???

Thanks for the well wishes. I am about scared to death at the prospect of this surgery. God is in charge and Sher will be with me! It's all good!!

wvgal_dana said...

Does anyone hear something crying sounds like a cat???? Wonder if something is above in the tree??

Lynne2 said...

Bev, your ARE a regular now!

Dana, I think Bev was referring to the blooger cop making long post not post.

TEAM LIBERTY! (I am NOT wearing a cheerleading outfit)

Glad all is well with Wanda (costume lady)


Red said...

I'm not here to argue with anyone. Just stating my opinion. this is all new behovior to us all. I've been watching eagles probably as long as anyone here and I don't consider myself an expert. I'm just saying that I don't think anyone can determine the sex of the intruder just by actions or ovservations for this short period it's been around. The only thing we know for certain is that it definately is an intruder and it's approximately 5 years old. The sex of the intruder can only be 100% correct when someone sees it in a breeding role. Thats all I'm saying for now

Lynne2 said...

the Loons didn't build a nest there last year.,

Dana, it's the Daycare kids.

Gotta run to work, have a great day everyone!

Scott said...

@bev Agree with you completely...

bev. said...

Thanks Magpie,

It a picture hubby took of one of our juvenile falcons last year. Blue band got caught in a fan in a vent and luckily it was not on.

since I am eyes on the ground, our biologist called me right away and he took her to his house to observe her.
When she appeared to be fine , he invited us to the release ,in her area. I got to hold her with her hood on and then my hubby held her while the biologist took off the leggings and then she was a released.

what a thrill to watch. You are holding your breath till they get their air and then WOw!!!

There wre a few these moments , till the parents accepted her back.

Mema Jo said...

Hello on this drizzly soggy morning. Happy to see so many here
and thank you for the opening song Sharon - I see the MT nest.
I need to go back to the end of WED
I told someone last evening in an email that we'll know which sex that intruder is IF there would be any HP with Belle.
Team Liberty I have an eagle stick like some others-Can I be the Drum Major? I don't do pom poms very well!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mema Jo darlin', you can be anything you wanna be!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


WV sUSAn said...

Good observation Bev. Belles last ditch attempt the other evening were the most we've seen on the nest, but TRudy was right back in there sniggling when the sun went down.

Our hearts want to see Belle and Lib together but our minds know the the strongest male will remain at the nest when its time for eggs and eaglets.

Where are my pom poms??

Mema Jo said...

@Red - that is the attitude to have
about the intruder. I respect all ideas and that enables me to get a clearer picture of things. Or I better say that all ideas together makes me confused... but I can change my way of thinking at any time.


bev. said...

thanks for thinking of me as a regular.

I will not be around much today as my house has turned into a Zoo

No kitchen, to speak of and I jsut inherited my daughters 12 year old ,Part Rotti-part German shepherd female dog for a week.

My little cockers are not thrilled.

should be fun.

My daughter i also a teacher and she is lead teacher in taking grade6-9 students to Quebec and Ottawa during spring break(Her hubby is a chaperone, and my grandson is going also.
and here I sit. what is wrong with this picutreLOL

Mema Jo said...

Going over to look at my emails and check out FB.

WV sUSAn said...

Hey Red. This is why I'll now refer to the intruder as TRudy. Haha

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Mema Jo...yes our opinions and ideas of this intruder certainly can change can't they.

@Red yep that would do it HP in the nest where we can see it.

WV sUSAn said...

Drum major, it is, Jo. We can get G in on the cheerleader action to do the lifts. Oh this is funny.

bev. said...

Yup, we all have opinions,

I was just trying to answer some of the questions some had as to why Belle was defending.

Our biologists have taught me to always expect the unexpected.

That is the way I taught also.

Still snow where but they say it is to start warming today.

Prayers for all who need them today.

bev. said...

I best go and brush my teeth adn get face washed.

Never know who may stop by. At my age now, need a little something to spruce up the appearance.
and I do not mean Gin, although that is a thought LOL

bev. said...

Watched mama V last night at Valmont . I know some say Snowflake but some of us fondly refer to her as Mama V.
All is looking well.

There is also an owl cam online , 2 hours from me. Poor owl is buried in snow.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for Carolyn (long time member just doesn't blog) broken ankle. Prayers for her son "TODAY" having surgery to remove bone in foot that heals then comes back continuely due to he has
diabetic ulcer for almost 3 years.

Mema Jo said...

Officially: Shepherdstown Farmers Market
Don't forget to mark your calendars for the market opening day! April 3, 9am until 1 pm- with a ribbon cutting at 10 am! Hope to see you there!

Judie said...

Cheerleading costumes? Pom Poms? Well, that should get us some thungerous applause.

Good morning everyone.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread and for the callover, Schicke.

Okay, will be headed to the big school house in a few minutes. Yukky day and wish I could stay in but crime is calling me.

Wishing all a good day and surely hope there will be peace at the nest.

Mema Jo said...

I love watching Valmont - She is so pretty!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, we do have to keep an open mind! You can't learn without one! ♥


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

New ideas can never be drafted onto a closed mind. Just when I think I have a clue, everything changes, so I am staying open-minded in this for sure.


Christine said...

Someone posted this on OD....
"Noretta, on another discussion forum, a biologist visiting NCTC wrote that apparently it looks like Rudy the intruder, is a male who may have displaced Liberty the day before the eaglet hatched. He has since been courting Belle, and last nights video shows Belle and the intruder on the nest together, with the intruder rearranging sticks in the nest, and Belle peacefully beside him. It is a week since this all started, and she may have accepted him last night. We will have to watch and see what else occurs, and if NCTC makes a statement about the eagles behavior."

Red said...

Bev, Beautiful area where you live. I have friends living in Calgary that moved there a few years ago from Ontario. My wife and I drove through there back in the 1980's while we were living in Ontario. Drove from near Toronto to Vancouver then returned across the northern US.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Rah Rah! Team Liberty!

I will go with the pom poms but forget the colors, Sharon!!!!! I went to sleep last night with pictures of t-shirts that say Team Liberty, but with Deb's picture on the front as well.

I love this time of year, sleeping with the windows wide open. We heard a GHO last night!!!! Jack and I were thrilled. Heard him several times, then we heard another answer him. Then all grew quiet. Hmmmmm??? What was up?

Also, yesterday while working in the yard, watched a Mocking bird steal matting from one of my hanging baskets. They are building a nest in the mass of Carolina Jasmine. Yea! I added yard to see if he would take that too.

bev. said...

I just heard eagle trills off nest (about mid distance)

Lolly said...

yarn, not yard. LOL

Judie, you did have to work in the word "thugerous", didn't you.

And, I am sure those who do not know wonder why crime is calling you. LOL

bev. said...

Thanks Red.
Except for all this D*** snow I like it.

I was raised in southern Alberta , not far from the Frank slide. In High school my dad moved us to Can more , right out of Banff.

then my first year of Uni. my parents moved to Peace River, in northern Alberta. So i love the mountains and nature.

Now I live jsut outside of Edmonton, and we make frequent trips to Jasper.

Not a skier though. Been there ,done it, near killed myself (and that was on the tow rope LOL

Lolly said...

Paula.....did you forward TJ's repoy to Steve at NCTC?

bev. said...

I am really getting morning prepared but I heard the trills and came back to look, now trying to reboot cam

Lolly said...

Have been to Banff a couple of times. One day on the drive to Jasper we saw a wolf! We were sooo excited! First day we drove slowly stopping at all the places. We got about half way to Jasper. Second day we drove quickly to where we had stopped the day before and finished our drive to Jasper. Love that area! We want to go again, but it certainly is a long way from here. We flew to Calgary and rented a car, stayed in a cabin. Would love to take our trailer up there but would take forever to get there.

Lolly said...

Have to leave now. Time for breakfast and my morning walking.

Have a great day!

Team Liberty

Red said...

We spent the night in a campground at Jasper. We were camping in the back of a pickup. It was July and we still froze. haha

Mema Jo said...

@ Dana & Pam Please check FB message...... Thank You

Team Liberty

bev. said...

that's the mountains for you. It is cool at nihgt at any time of year LOL

I have a whole bucket list of places where I want to go in North America.

When I was 12 , my dad decided we should see Canada and we camped across Canada and the Northern States. Camped in Farmers fields etc.
did not have much money, and an old car but I will never forget it(We were in an old canvas tent.

so not hit a mosquito or the tent leaks in the rain LOL

Jen said...

Good Morning everyone! Trying to catch up on everything I have missed since yesterday around noon. Looking at the amount of comments on yesterday's thread, I'm not sure my kids are gonna let me catch up completely. Can anyone give me a quick recap? From what I'm reading from today's thread, it looks as though no new sightings of Liberty, Trudy (or possibly Rudy???) is continuing to make house as of this morning, and Belle has also been out of sight even though Trudy has made a few visits. When have we last seen Belle? Did I pretty much get everything and have there been any more on cam interactions?

TEAM LIBERTY! (Although no one really wants to see me in a cheerleading outfit.) :-)

Red said...

My wife and I traveled a lot. I was a computer technician for a large computer manufacturer and traveled lots in my role there. My wife is the office manager for a travel agency. We have both visited all the US states but not all together. We visited all the provences in Canada too except Yukon and NW Territories. There's still palces we want to visit in North America too.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, I did forward TJ's remarks to Steve this morning, along with the fact that Dr Sharpe concurred it was a male.

PammySue said...

I love having different theories about this situation. I personally think most problems should be tackled by a group, not an individual. That way you get many perspectives. It is easy to get tunnel vision when you are only approaching an issue from your own point of view.

I can totally see Jo as the drum major.
Does anyone play an instrument? Sounds like we could get a whole parade going. Can't you just see a TEAM LIBERTY parade marching around the NCTC campus. ROFL

IrisF said...

Hubby and I took our 21.5 ft. Scotty travel trailer and it took us 11 years to see 49 states and all the provences and territories in Canada. We were usually on the road anywhere from 6 months to 10 months each year.
We were in Banff & Jasper when the Elk where about to calve. They came into the campgrounds to do that. The Park Ranger told us the Elk knew the wolves wouldn't bother their calves around so many humans. They were everywhere. One morning, the last of the calves was born and in no time at all the whole herd disappeared.

We would have visited Hawaii too, but we couldn't figure out how to get the trailer out there!

Lolly said...

Love it Pam! When and where? Let the parade begin!

Oh...Jack says I have to walk here and now!


IrisF said...

Safe travel today Sharon...

Love today's music

Lolly said...

Love it, Iris! We have a 23 foot trailer. We have so much fun when we travel! 5 weeks last fall in New England...and WV!

IrisF said...

Pam, I ride a scooter, we might be able to put sound equipment on it for the parade!

IrisF said...

Or a Banner "TEAM LIBERTY"

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon God's speed on heading to Bluefield.

Yes that song was great I hope we all have Hakuna Matata ( :

WV sUSAn said...

Hi Christine -- that nest action w Belle and TRudy was Tues nite and they were just hanging out there together. Theory about Lib being displaced (how I would hate) day before hatching is unfortunately probable as his last siting at that time was round 12:30p the previous day.

paula eagleholic said...

Jen, you have the recap sightings of Belle since last night...I think that correct...someone else please correct me if I'm wrong.

IrisF said...

Lolly, my hubby traveled a lot for business, but he said he never really got to "see" anything. We camped a lot with our kids when they were young, but never had a travel trailer until he retired and we hit the road.

We had so much fun and saw so many things we still talk about it - often. We took our last trip in the Scotty in 1998 and we still miss it.

PammySue said...

Iris, that is perfect! Your scooter can be the float for the parade.

I love it when a good plan comes together.

WV sUSAn said...

Paula I can confirm no siting of B between 6:20a and 8:15a today. Just TRudy

WV sUSAn said...

Has TRudy been back to nest since 8:15a this morning?? Can only sporadically watch still cam from work.

mariadangeloart said...

Will anyone be observing from the ground at all today? I'm wondering if Lib and Belle are still in the area....

paula eagleholic said...

Haven't Seen Tru

floralgirl said...

If we remember back there were some times recently before all this started when belle was on the nest and became alarmed. We thought we saw an eagle fly by on the feed and it was Lib defending the nest, and it may have been him going after the intruder or the intruder buzzing the nest. Even the day belle was off the eggs for such a long tome may have something to do with the intruder. He may have been in the area for a while tangling with liberty. Just thinking...

WV sUSAn said...

Megan. That intruder activity was going on a couple wks before eggs were laid. Not constant, but I remember thinking, oh this is not the time. In fact, it's when I was asking Paula about nesting Eagle pairs nearby.

Mema Jo said...

You know what we need for our Momsters? A secretary or a recorder to document all the actual facts and keep all the videos in one place. Not Me just
What is that song -
Somebody Somebody Somebody Help Me

kickngbird said...

"TRudy" for male - WVsUSAn, that's funny!

Red said...

Ok its nap time in North Alabama. I'll see y'all this afternoon.

hedgie said...

Good almost-noon. I am home, but have not even begun to catch up yet.
Just saw my first robin and he is the largest one I have ever seen....big and fat! for the restitution hearing: she was 50 mins. late for the hearing. Court had to call her. She was ordered to pay $11,000....which is the balance of the county's cost incurred after all of her property was auctioned and the donations were subtracted. She has two yrs. to repay or she will lose her driver's license. This does not cover any of the costs incurred by Days End Farm Horse Rescue. Don't know if they will go after her or not.
Personally, I think she should also have had to repay the amount of the donations so that Animal Control has that "reserve" for the next case that comes around, but....not the case. She remains barred from owning any animals for 5 yrs.She is still facing state and possibly federal charges involving her 501c3 status as far as fraud and tax evasion, but we don't know where that stands. Thanks for your interest. In update, the county still has three horses available for adoption.

Joyce said...

Hello Shepherdstown Eagle bloggers.
It's been a long time since I've watched Lib and Belle, but word spreads fast in the Eagle Cam world, and I've been following the the saga of this nest over the past few days, and reading up on this blog.

We are blessed to be able to view both the good and bad of " nest life". We can learn so much from our majestic raptor friends.

Just stopping by the blog to say a great big " HELLO"!!!!

~~ Rj ~~

turtledove said...

For those of us who are not as experienced in observing eagles, I found this link interesting. It describes ways to differentiate males and females.

Lolly said...

Iris, Jack traveled a little while working but as a teacher it was hard for me to get off. However, one time when he was in Spain, he told me about dinner on the lawn of a 5 star General. I was home alone during a thunder storm, no electricity, cold supper at the very same time. I thought "what is wrong with this picture". LOL I then stared writing letters to the superintendent asking off. I then traveled to Portugal, Denmark, France, Italy, and Belgium with him. Fantastic experiences! Taught my kindergarten children all about the land across the "pond".☺

Then in 2000 we both retired and we bought a trailer. Still having loads of fun with it.

paula eagleholic said...

Could very well be, Megan. We don't always know what's been happening off the nest.

Lolly said...

Hi Joyce! Glad you chimed in! Come back and join in with the chatter often.☺

floralgirl said...

Right, that's what I'm saying, there apparently was a lot going on off cam we were missing, and just catching a glimpse of, just as there is now.

Lolly said...

Thanks for the report, Lynn!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

That is why we need the camera in that other tree, so we can see what is going on outside the nest.


Mema Jo said...

Hello Joyce - Glad you let us know that you're keeping track of us and our birds. Come back again and chat one day.

Mema Jo said...

Yes Sharon - how many years have we been talking about the 'other cam'.

Lynn - some satisfaction today in
court. Loosing driver's license is a good incentive for pay back!

Lolly said...

Yes, all we can do is speculate what is going on. It is fun to see everyone's opinions. I just sit back and read. Have no idea at all who is who and what is what! I do agree though that this bird is probably a male, being smaller than Belle. I never saw where it was a "small male", just smaller than Belle.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lynn-Hedgie for the update on Mary O'Brien and her abuse of many horses. I do hope Days End does go after her. I know and you know that Senator John Unger is going after her for tax evasion.

I just wish she got some jail time too. For the torture and death that those horses went through.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Turtle. While those differences noted were specific to the Hornby pair, it always helps to know what to compare.

Liberty is lighter colored than Belle...his feathers seem lighter at the tips. His tail is more rounded and Mom's is more square, so you can see that is opposite from the Hornby pair. Also, Belle, for the most part, has an inverted V under her beak, where the white feathers meet the brown ones. Lib has more of a straight white cuff of feathers.

And the intruder had dark feathers on his head, the sides of his head, and the underside of his tail. He also has white feathers between the wings at the shoulders, and a more mottled look under the wings towards the tail.

Lolly said...

And, after we get that second camera we will want someone to sit and it and sweep the area searching for action, Right?☺

JudyEddy said...

anything happening haven't read blogs getting ready to took my grand daughter to the park at 8 now down for a nap

JudyEddy said...


Heather said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

You are so right Megan. We don't know what encounter Liberty has had with this intruder if it is a male. We don't even have any up close picture-very up close to see if he is ok feather wise or wounds.
We do know he is alive though.

Lolly said...

If Rudy is here to stay, and a young bird like we think, then his feathers will change. We need to find some id that will not change. You mentioned his toes the other day.

Heather said...

Hi everyone, I've just been trying to catch up on the posts since yesterday. I'm wondering if anyone is planning on visiting the nest site today? Would love to know if Belle and Liberty are still in the area.

JudyEddy said...

I left computer on when I left and the cam has been on for 4 hours and 55 min wow

Lolly said...

Heather, can not answer that question. I do not know of anyone who plans to go.

turtledove said...

If the intruder is a male after all, how come Lib stayed away from the nest? All accounts were that it's male-to-male and female-to-female. so why was Belle stuck dealing with a male intruder?

Lolly said...

I would if I could, but I can't.☺

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

If I could get Sis to put off her surgery, I would go! :)

Mema Jo said...

Heather - no one as of now has said they were going over. Where are you located?

Lolly said...

Turtledove, far all we know maybe Lib had already had an encounter with Rudy, and lost the battle.

Lolly said...

Sharon, prayers for saft travel for you today. Prayers for Bev for her surgery tomorrow. Glad you are going to be with her and Tom will appreciate your being there as well.

hedgie said...

Finished old thread!!!

So glad to hear that Loretta's eagle IS on scene!! Huge relief!

I love TEAM LIBERTY!!!!!!!

Lolly said...

I am happy for those of you who have the cam running for hours. I am still cutting off shortly after 14 minutes. Grrrr! Hope that OC will get back to the regular running of the cam. A lot of folks will be growing tired of an empty nest, not me! Well, I am tired of it, but believe me, I want to see an eagle when it is there.

Mema Jo said...

It has really cooled down outside.
I put one of my bulky sweathers on for today.


turtledove said...

Lolly, good point. But then if Lib lost, does it make sense that ground observers see 3 eagles, and have said that Belle & Lib have been spotted flying together?

That brings me to another question. For on-site observers, can you see well enough with binoculars to positively identify who is Belle, Lib, etc? I would imagine this is hard when they're soaring, but can you see them on the trees closely enough to make that determination?

Lolly said...

Good questions, Turtledove, but they are ones I can not answer.


floralgirl said...

It makes sense because to me because apparently liberty has been intimidated by the intruder and possibly fought with it and that has seemed to keep him out of the nest, but he is still in the area trying to keep his mate and nest. Belle has interacted with both of them, we know in the end she will choose the eagle she feels is more dominant or stronger. Liberty is still trying.

floralgirl said...

Yes, in the right location, it is possible with binoculars to determine who you are seeing when they are in the nest or perched nearby.

JudyEddy said...

Magpie the little lass is my one and only granddaughter My daughter was 40 when she blessed me with her Waited a long time for such a wonderful child, I watch her on the two days a week I have off Thru and Fri The nicest two days I have off The eagle shirt is one of probably 50 plus I have Thats all I ever where My grand daughter is obsessed with the eagle as much as I am she will be three in April Every inch of my house is covered in eagle statue,plates, etc And yep even in the bath room Some say I am a little obsessed also and once someone know what you are interested in they get carried away like my parents rest their soles not They had gotten my over the years hundreds of eagle stuff Which I love I see so many things and know I have no more room for them

Mema Jo said...

Who on the blog is up for a phone call or two around 2:30 or so from our nest if I get over there?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I will be working but you can call anyway. I am leaving at 3 to go to Bluefield though.

Mema Jo said...

Check out FB for a message

movin said...


GooD MorninG,

EveryONe !!


There's some cold sunlight shining in my So Cal window this A.M. But it's supposed to both warm up (low 60's) and shed some drops on us this afternoon and through the evening.

[:~D] Jim

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, Lib looked OK to us when we saw him on Sunday, Megan and I both checked him out with binocs

stronghunter said...

"Saft" travel is definitely better than unsaft travel, Lolly.

JudyEddy said...

Naturenut so your dad lives in Pinellas Park I love it here I work at the Supercenter Walmart small world huh

movin said...

Have there been any sightings of the pair this morning?

I read the last page of yesterday's thread without seeing mention of sightings, but I haven't read these 180+ comments yet.....

How is everyone today anyway??

[:~D] Jim

PammySue said...

Looks like Jo and I are going to the nest around 2:30 or so. Hopefully we will see something.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I asked Dr. Sharpe if he had ever seen an eagle bury an eaglet and his reply:

We have only had a few chicks die in the nest over the past 20 years and we have not seen the eagles bury them. Sometimes they eat them, sometimes they put them on the side of the nest, and sometimes they are just gone when we go to check the nest.

mariadangeloart said...

That's very interesting Sharon. So I guess Belle burying the egg and Paddy isn't the norm.

stronghunter said...

Having a hard time keeping up these days.

Enjoy your visit to the nest, Jo and PammySue. I will try to find your report when you return.

mariadangeloart said...

Pam, please post a report if you see anything on Facebook in case I can't find it here.

Heather said...

Thanks for the responses, ladies. Mema Jo, I'm located in Northern Virginia, about 75 miles from the nest site, I believe. I'm considering heading over there either tomorrow or this weekend.

JudyEddy said...

I'm so jealous I would love to see the nest in person

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...