Thursday, March 24, 2011


Fresh thread.


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Christine said...

What do y'all mean by "split"?

Christine said...

Oooohhhh, ok I get it

Lori O. said...

That's what I get for being an SA!

This is the right page.

WV sUSAn said...

Paula. I must have just missed him. Up at 6:30.

Lori O. said...

Christine, many times people will linger on the old page thinking no one is posting because it's all going to the next page.

They split to a new page after 200 posts.

WV sUSAn said...

Hi Lori and Christine. Another crazy day at the nest.

magpie said...

Right on:


ok bye...xoxoxo x

Lori O. said...

Paula and fellow Eaglet Momsters,

We can take this hand nature has dealt and use it to benefit our eagles.
With all the interest the Intruder has generated, lurkers, new members and old members with warm feelings - we could put out a new T-Shirt with a pic of Lib and Belle on it. Even a Trudy shirt or something. Battle at the Nest hats, whatever you decide on.

Just trying to turn this into a positive for the eagles.
I have a contact through the Bulldog Rescue if you need one for shirts, hats, etc.

Christine said...

So on the OD site they're still claiming the intruder is a female and that we are seeing Liberty and Belle in the nest with Liberty having lost feathers in his head.

WV sUSAn said...

I don't even look at OD comments. Waaaaaay too much CRAP!

Lori O. said...

Hi SUSAn - I don't even dare go there either. Enough drama here and we have the facts.

Lori O. said...

OD'd on the OD blog! :)

Christine said...

Ok, I'm fumbling through here and could use some help? Please point me to the best picture you can of Liberty and Belle in the nest. I'm taking these pictures with me today. I already have a fairly decent one of the intruder.

Sorry if I sound anxious, I'm trying to get some work done as well as prepare for my trip to CRC.

WV sUSAn said...

Christine. Paula posted comparison pics in the EM album. Have a big blast at the Center. You are our Momsters ambassador today!!

paula eagleholic said...

Christine, I have several on the Eaglet momsters blog. Just click on my name and go down to the eaglet momsters blog. You have to go down the page to see them, newer posts are at the top of the page

paula eagleholic said...

The WOW forum is overjoyed to finally have an eagle incubating! Last time the nest was used was 2007.

WV sUSAn said...

I've been so tied up here I haven't chkg WOW. Will look at that today.

Out to work. BBL

Harbinger said...

Good morning, all!

At my office now. We had a sick doggie last night and now I am so far behind again. Can anyone give me a quick summary update. Thanks!!

paula eagleholic said...

Harb, we had another midnight rendezvous that lasted about 15 minutes, and a quick in and out by Truder at 6:30am

Harbinger said...

Thanks, Paula. The nest looks really tidied up today.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

This nest looks like it is ready to lay an egg in! Arrgghhhh!!!!!

Kathi2 said...

Good morning, all! Kathi at work here.

I've been so busy that I can't read all the posts but from what I've seen, I understand the intruder FKA Trudy is a male.

Help me out--was the intruder Belle opend the can of whoopass on the male also? And the one who was tailing Belle and showing up when Paddy was alive?

Thanks. Hoping for a good day for everyone! :)

Jewels said...

Good Morning!! Trying to catch up....but computer not cooperating this morning. Got to head out the door. Getting my hair did this morning!
I am not sure what to think of Belle's actions!! Cougar for sure if that turdy is a male!!
I see nest is empty. good cause I not sure I wanted to see turdy yet this morning!!
Catch up in a while!
Have a good morning!

Scott said...

@WV sUSAn Agreed...same here, I don't even look at them any more. No point.

paula eagleholic said...

You got the scenario correct!

Kathi2 said...

Thanks for responding, Paula.

Was the intruder that showed up after Paddy hatched also this male?

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Wishing a lovely day for each of you.

Scott said...

Have a great Friday everyone...

Harbinger said...

That's what I was thinking, Sharon.

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Yes, Kathi, we "think" the intruder is male, it is the same bird that we have seen all along.

Lolly said...

Annie, our cat, woke me up early to go out so I have been catching up on the blog. So, a 6:30 visit was missed here, huh?

Bizzaro, a great way to describe the midnight visit. We could not see much, just white heads. The two white heads were beak to beak a lot of the time. Weird, to say the least!

Lolly said...

Have two new names TB (Turd Bird) and Jezza-belle!☺

My name is Lolly, and I have Libelleaddiction.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have a program that covers all my addictions! :)

Turdy Bird and Jezza-Belle - love it!

Lolly said...

I did not leave the cam up all night and should have having to refresh every 14 again. Grrrrr!

Lolly said...

It has been nice to see the sun on the nest this morning. I went down to get the paper before the sun was showing here. Saw that half moon. Sorry about the bad weather you have coming tomorrow night. 64 here presently and no rain in sight. We did have a 50% chance early next week, bu that has been reduced to 20%. Yuck!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Kathi, same male.

Lolly said...

Morning Sharon! Give Bev a Momster hug this morning. Tell her it is from all of us. Love her and know she is going to do great!

Kathi2 said...

Lolly, thanks for clearing that up for me. Sorry to be such a PITA. :)

Ok, I'm going to get to work here. Lab was down yesterday, blood had to be sent out for testing, so I may not have time to check in on things here, may be back much later begging for an update.

Thanks everybody for being here.

Have a great day, all, and keep those good thoughts about Lib!!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

No school today. It is a teacher work day. They closed the building. We are working at home. We have to have grades ready by Monday so they can zap them out of the computer.

I see that the drama continues.

Kathi2 said...

Thanks, Paula! :)

stronghunter said...

Cherry blossoms blooming and snow predicted. Goodness.

stronghunter said...

Hugs for Bev.

Lolly said...

Kathi, you are NOT a PITA, understand you are at work. Just fine to help you out. This blog can get long and hard to catch up on. Have a great day!

Lolly said...

Good morning, Shirely! ☺ Why, correct the typo? Do not have teacher work days at home here. Interesting concept. Is that possibly just for hs teachers or the whole school district?

Kathi2 said...

Thanks for your comment, Lolly. You are always so kind. Thank you for that! :)

Ok, now I am really going back to work.....!

stronghunter said...

Hi Lolly, I suppose the work at home day is for everyone. I don't think the elementary and middle school teachers would stand for anything else. They have plenty of work to do as well.

Of course, the high school teachers have to work on graduation day, which for my school is a Saturday morning. I do not know how they compensate for that.

Red said...

Good morning all. If this intruder is indeed a male this is very similar to what happened at Kent Washington a few years ago. A young male came in after eggs were layed and ran the original male off. They fought a fierce battle all the way to the ground as observed by the owner of the property. The original male flew off and was never seen again. However the winning male would not help incubate the eggs and they perished. We were all upset at this new male and cussed him until the following season. Turned out he was a wonderful dad just like the old one. The sad part of this story is a storm knocked the nest out of the tree it was in. The pair were rebuilding the nest and I just found out the female is now missing but the male is still rebuilding the nest by himself. Hopefully he will find a new mate and start a new family there soon.

stronghunter said...

Teacher work-at-home days are new here. I guess they save money by closing down the building.

stronghunter said...

Interesting, Red.

Lolly said...

A kindergarten teacher would not have much work to do at home. LOL Oh, I did lesson plans at home and filled out report cards but the majority of the work had to be done at school. But, you are right, the lower grade teachers would demand it. LOL

Lolly said...

Just realized my cam had stopped. Grrrr! I want it to run longer, please!

Going to read the paper now. BBL

stronghunter said...

Report cards are entirely done by computer now. My grade book is in the computer. It averages the grades and prints everything out. Your grades had better be ready when they are due because they just get zapped up by guidance and printed.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lolly. Mine had stopped, too, and I did not even know it.

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Red...Kent was one of my favorite eagle sites. I haven't heard anything about it since it fell apart. I didn't know the wind knocked it down...must have been near hurricane wind.

stronghunter said...

Nice that so many are able to go see the nest.

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, do you program the computer to do all that or does the school do it. God forbid if a teacher isn't computer savvy!

Red said...

Yes Wanda, The nest blew down two years ago. I still talk to Loraine occasionally and she just emailed me about Star being missing. The cam is still above the nest thats being built and she has a monitor in the house she so she knows whats going on up there. However the web site is not showing the cam now. They will when the nest becomes active again.

Heather said...

Good morning, everyone. I'm going to try to make it out to the nest this afternoon if I can... depends on how quickly I can get my work done this morning. I'll report back if I make it out there. Is cell phone service poor there? My cell has internet service.

Costume Lady said...

Is Spirit still there or another male?

Costume Lady said...

OOOH, sorry, see that Spirit has been replaced:(

WV sUSAn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Red said...

Its Spirit. But Star is missing.

Costume Lady said...

There are Gigolos and Jezabels everywhere, humans and animal kingdom:)

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Red said...

Spirit was the young male. The one he ran off was Patriot.

WV sUSAn said...

Yeah Heather! So glad you are going for a visit and observation from the ground.

The cell service is pretty bad at the gate where you can watch the nest. Maybe, just maybe, if you move around a little, you MIGHT be able to get service.

Lolly said...

Great Heather! You can try it. Service is not the greatest, but Jo did manage to call yesterday. What time will you be going?

WV sUSAn said...

Red: What a story!!!!

Lolly: You are a funny girl this morning. Love the Jezze-Belle!

In all the nests I've watched over the past couple years, I've never known or heard of a raptor male coming in and taking care of another male's eggs or chicks. He may take the nest and the girl, but will either let the chicks starve (as TRudy has done) or throw out chicks/eggs. TRudy at least has been respectful of Paddy and egg while doing what comes naturally.

Costume Lady said...

So, Red, Spirit is still there?

Heather said...

I'm going to try to get there by early to mid-afternoon. Just depends on how quickly I can get my work done. :)

Costume Lady said...

Kent used to have the most beautiful sunrises and three cams...think only 2 of them worked. Oh, to have 2 cams at our Sycamore Palace!

magpie said...

Red - that was a very concise and stark descrprition of what happened at Kent....thanks

hope the home work day goes well, gues syou can stay in your pj's awhile if you like

Good Morning from work,
More Morning Eagle Pals

magpie said...

Star, Patriot, and Spirit -
great names...

right up there with Belle and Liberty

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Margy:)

WV sUSAn said...

Hi Margy! How are you today?

Been looking in at LoTL and LG but haven't seen anyone around. Hopefully, we'll get to see EJ again today. She will probably be in doing nestorations.

stronghunter said...

School does it, Wanda. Yes, you have to be computer savvy. We have a person (called an ITRT) whose job is to help us with that stuff.

Hmm, I just posted on OC forum. I have finally achieved the rank of "newbie." I had promised someone that I would try to post a picture showing the location of the nest. I finally managed to load a picture over there. Just trying to keep my promises. I guess most people have seen pictures and videos by now, though.

I do not want to engage in their debate, so I did not say anything else.

Speaking of being computer savvy. I have a heck of a time figuring out that forum.

Costume Lady said...

Me, too, Shirley...don't know where to post a comment. That dude, Hans is a "Know it All". Glad I don't live next door to him:)

WV sUSAn said...

Oh Strong, you're so nice to post a pic there. I just stay away from OC forum.

Hi Wanda - I just love your avatar!!

hedgie said...

Good morning all.
Hoping that Sissy is doing well......praying that it's a quick procedure.

Iris, glad that you went to the Dr. and are starting to feel better! Sorry about your cousin. I pray that her transition is peaceful and that the Lord helps her family find peace.

Hey, Jenny----wow, is this really the first time you've posted??? didn't realize that! Welcome!

Hello to my kid, too!

I had a lousy night of leg cramps and dreams about Lib.

See that you all saw 2 birds in the nest laste last night; NEW THEORY-----I think Belle is two-timing. Truder during the day, and clandestine trysts with Lib at night. SO THERE!

stronghunter said...

Someone over there just posted that she watched construction of the nest.

I got cut off because I tried to post more than two messages in less than five minutes.

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn -- TRudy and Belle are definitely courting by the light of the moon, or even better, not so much light last night.

I know Belle and Lib have been together for a long while but TRudy is doing some very persistent and effective wooing.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, I wouldn't even go there...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They just got an IV. Hard to get. The procedure will last 1 1/2 to 2 hours. They gave her some happy medicine.

WV sUSAn said...

Strong -- DON'T DO IT!

Costume Lady said...

Thank You, sUSAn, good morning to you and Lynn:)

stronghunter said...

Well, my last post got accepted over there.

Kim's pictures should be very interesting.

Her post:

The property on which the NCTC is located was donated by a lovely woman by the name of Mrs. Hendricks. Her personal property backs up to the NCTC property. I used to visit her home for many years until her passing. You could see the nest clearly. We would sit for hours watching the eagles build and add to this nest. I took many pictures and will attempt to find them in order to share them. As a bird watcher, there are a few eagle nests located in the Eastern Panhandle. I just wish that we could get cameras to them as I know of one that has two eaglets this year.

stronghunter said...

I hear you, Paula. I just wanted to keep my promise.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Friends - I see that
cup being dug in the nest.
@Heather - great luck calling TX from the nest. Do you have any contact #'s for today if you do get over? It is great to know if any eagle is in the nest.


Costume Lady said...

I thought Jenny posted on here when Jo had her surgery a few years ago? This is Jo's Jenny, right?

stronghunter said...

And Susan, I hear you, too.

stronghunter said...

Now I am trying to find the live cam again.

Mema Jo said...

Prayers and positive thought for Bev.
Thanks for keeping us posted Sharon.
Prayers for Scott, son of Carolyn and
for Carolyn also.

hedgie said...

I am back on a more normal schedule for the first time in a long time....between all the drama here and Mai, my life was really discombobulated. Papers are read. Today is housecleaning day, so will be getting on that momentarily.

Still only 28°, weak sun...and forecast is now saying 4-5" of snow for Sunday. Say it ain't so!

Mema Jo said...

@Wanda - Jenny was on last evening after I had signed off she is
Jenny Moon

stronghunter said...

Okay, I am back at the cam view.

Lori O. said...

I missed the visit at 6:30 this morning, so it's been awhile since we've had a visitor. I'm going to have to stay up late to see the Midnight happenings here. Maybe that's just getting up a little earlier for me.

Heather, thanks tons for going to the nest today. Good luck.

Sissy - Get well soon!

Enjoy your day at home, Shirley.

Lolly, I'll always love your sunshine avatar. OH, changed mine - don't like cartoons & wanted one with two eagles as in Lib AND Belle.

Yes, Wanda. Too many human Jezebels!

Hello Margy, Paula, Jo and Lynn.

Have a great day everyone.

Happy thoughts and (((HUGS)))

WV sUSAn said...

Shirley -- That sounds right about the property by the nest tree. I think Mrs. Hendricks' daughter inherited the house upon her passing and, while the daughter has a residence elsewhere?, she still stays at the house occasionally. That is what the guard shared with G and I.

Harbinger said...

Thanks for keeping us updated, Sharon. Love to Bev and you.

WV sUSAn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Red said...

I think half the people on OC blog have single digit IQ's. Hans is so full of himself he can't see. lol

magpie said...

bummmer, work really interferes with being sociable !! ☺

friend of mine referred to the Trespasser, as Casanova

Okay, must go, Good Morning "back" to everyone, you folks have fun today, enjoy each other's company

WV sUSAn: I was so excited about having live feed this morning at HIME - hear that HOME !!!that I totally forgot I was going to check Loch Garten !!!

xoxoxoxo ☺ ♥ xoxoxox

hedgie said...

I remember Mrs. Hendricks. When I was laid off from GM in 1980 I was doing insurance exams and did one on her. Never knew that NCTC campus had been part of her farm. As I always say, learn something new everyday!

I did yesterday----at court, one of the ladies from the humane society was there. She said "my husband told me to tell you hello"---turns out her hubby worked at the plant, and they had even been to my other house when when they were considering building a log home. She's the only person I know who makes potato salad the way we make it (her hubby had brought it to one of our work feeds)----not surprising that she came form Iowa where my Grams was from! Regional thing, I guess!

Weds. night at the funeral home I was talking to a former co-worker that I know pretty well. JUST then found out that her sister was married to a farmer who owned the land across from our first house---had met her many times...but never knew they were related!

magpie said...

yeah have to agree, that nest is looking more like a comfortable bed :(

hedgie said...

♫It's a small world, after all!!!♫

hedgie said...

♫It's a small world, after all!!!♫

hedgie said...

Hear a plane.......wish it was a certain bird!

WV sUSAn said...

And, yes Jo, that egg cup is being worked on at our nest. I'm not even going to speculate...

hedgie said...

There is a farmer with a landing strip who does crop dusting not too far from the bet that lots of the small plane noise we hear is from him.

hedgie said...

Gee, Wanda, maybe Jenny did post when Jo got hurt. Mostly I remember that Ed called Mits, and then sent emails of the x-rays (at least to me!).

Christine said...

Oh Hedgie!! Everytime I hear that tune it takes a week to get it out of my head!!! LOL

WV sUSAn said...

OK Lynn - now I want to hear about the potato salad. What is it that makes it different. I love to eat. hahaha

Just checked Scot cams. LG is sunny and beautiful and LOTL looks dark like the sky is going to fall.

WV sUSAn said...

Have we had any more activity on the nest since TRudy's appearnce at 6:30?

I know what you're saying Christine!

Harbinger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

Our first visit to NCTC read about it being on Hendricks land. Remember that well as my maiden name is Hendrick. In the past some Hendrick folks gave up and added s to their name or an x. Have an uncle buried at Arlington Natl.Cem, he gave up, added an s to his name.

Harbinger said...

Friday thread is up!

Lolly said...

Hear the children on the playground. Think I will get me a job as playground aide. LOL

Whoops, now hear the geese.

Lolly said...

*****NEW THREAD ALERT☺*******

*****NFW THREAD ALERT********

******NEW THREAD ALERT*******

hedgie said...

Don't remember who posted the link to the story about the lady in MI, but all I can say is BS! Since GPS wasn't being used back when she bought the property IN GOOD FAITH, the state should not be able to do anything now except maybe charge her a little rent to use the land.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

She is out of surgery and it went well. She will be in recovery for an hour and then we will get to see her.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening everybody. I am back home in Bedford and my butt is wore out!


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6/14/24 crow woody

 We do have sound on the camera I was sitting here watching TV and all I started a crow and I knew I didn't have a crow in my house lol ...