Saturday, March 12, 2011


New thread.


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Judie said...

Good afternoon, everyone.

Thank you, Steve for a lovely sunny Saturday thread. Called the others over.

Judie said...

Was watching NBG but don't think the eaglet is with us just yet. Very soon, I think, from mom's behavior.

Our nest is quiet in the dappled sunshine. No fish dropped off yet.

Need to check Phoebe. Didn't see the little ones earlier.


PA Nana said...

Thanks Steve. And thanx for the call over. Was it Lolly or Judy? I had a hard time getting here and don't remember. sorry for my senior moments.

PA Nana said...

HI Judy, it was you - thanks

PA Nana said...

I've been glued to NBG since 8 this morning with only breakfast and potty breaks. My neck is starting to holler too.

Good afternoon to everyone else here or abouts.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Just finished lunch, and wanted to check in here before getting back to homework. Sure is nice to see sunshine on our nest.
I haven't seen Phoebe's chicks yet either. Will have to look when I take my next break.
Hubby went to a movie with his Sis--"Battle: Los Angeles." I'm not particularly anxious to see that one. Will let you know what he reports later. Back to work now! :o]

paula eagleholic said...

Our nest is MT

paula eagleholic said...

I hear an eagle calling

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle back from the right

BEagle said...

No adults on our nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Belle is on the eggs.

BEagle said...

Thank you for new thread!

BEagle said...

Three chicks on BWE all in a row.
They are movin' around!

Mema Jo said...

Good to see you calling us over, Judie
It is such a beautiful day for your spring break. I received my Birds & Blooms today - Spring edition!

Belle looks beautiful in the nest - I really wish that the cam would have been zoomed for us this weekend.

NBG - very interesting to watch but no pip or hatch 'confirmed' - I think there is one down under or at least one trying it's best to hatch!

Mema Jo said...

BWE feeding time - the older 2 really reach out for the food. In fact the one goes up to the food and tries to help itself.

PA Nana said...

FYI - falcon on the Harrisburg nest.

Lynne2 said...

both adults at nbg

Lynne2 said...

ooooooo more wushi!!!

BEagle said...

Thank you Judie for the new thread announcement.

Belle was preening.

Lynne2 said...

female up and moving first fish

Judie said...

Hi Jo, yep I think NBG is very close to providing us with a cute little eaglet.

Need to go back and check our nest again.

Did see Phoebe's two babies. So tiny can hardly see them then she swooped in and covered them up. Oh well, sigh.

An adult has been on Hornsby nest every time I checked today. Suspect they might be getting close to laying some eggs.

Hi Diann! How are you feeling?

Hi Andy and Paula and BEagle.

Managed a little surface dusting today and have almost finished laundry. Nice to have a few chores over with.


Lynne2 said...

female leaving, male taking over incubation, unable to see a dang thing in the egg cup

Lynne2 said...

OK new fish NOT helping in being able to see in the egg cup. Good grief.

Mema Jo said...

No way is anyone going to see down in that egg cup at NBG - we'll need to wait for an egg shell - BUT all those fishes lead you to believe that something is happening.

Was watching the BWE feeding -the 2 big guys sure got their fill - not sure
that the mighty little one got much.
Nope I think the feeding is finished.
I see those feetsies, BEagle.

magpie said...

Good Afternoon, we have been going full steam in here at work
nothing too terribly serious but now eeveryone wants to call in their controlled burns!

NCTC nest looks so beautiful here,
just saw the eggs on an egg-tending a few mins ago...

have not read any posts, hope to find everyone is okay

Moon is visible, not quite half full


Mema Jo said...

Have you ever seen an eagle catch a fly that is after his fish! NBG lol

Getting ready to head out to Saturday evening Mass


Lynne2 said...

that's so funny Jo! the mom was doing the same thing!

Lynne2 said...

male up, saw one egg

Lynne2 said...

egg roll at our house

Lynne2 said...

OK another egg roll at NBG and I saw one egg with a dark spot on it. was it a pip? don't know.....

Lynne2 said...

2 other viewers also report a possible pip.

I would like to report that I am getting nothing productive done.

BEagle said...

Get a load of the fish on that NBG. The second looks twice as big as the first.

They will let it simmer in the sun.
sun cooked wushi.

BEagle said...

I don't know what the White Rock gal brought in to her nest. May be it's a squirrel.

Lynne2 said...

male up again, another egg roll....saw one, for a nano second

Lori O. said...

Hi everyone!

Dang, I thought NBG already had their chick from all the comments. I must need a nap. :)

Thanks for the new thread alert, Judie.

BEagle said...

Tossed wushi.

BEagle said...

I better go get productive again.

BEagle said...

The NBG male certainly has a formidable look about him.

Lynne2 said...

he sure does!

BEagle said...

He should stand up and get a picture holding that whopper!

Lori O. said...

May I ask what is wushi?

Lynne2 said...

Wushi is fish Lori, although it totally escapes me as to how it started being called that....

Lori O. said...

Thanks BEagle! Funny ...the eagle lexicon.

Lynne2 said...

Lily and Hope are tussling around!

BEagle said...

Last year when Lib brought a huge fish to the nest, there were remarks made about it being a whale. There is sushi and there is wushi (whale sized).

hedgie said...

Please don't forget to vote for Mai today! She is lagging---currently 5th!

Lynne2 said...

ah...thanks BEagle

PA Nana said...

Wushi is "w"hale size fish.

Checking back but can't pry my eyes from NBG.

feeling better today and think Igot a handle on the fevers today.
Want to get a shower later so we'll see.

BEagle said...

I voted.

I hear a locomotive.

Lynne2 said...

glad you are feeling better Diann.

BEagle said...

Well, I did start the wushi thang.

Lori O. said...

OKay - now Wushi is hysterically funny. Hard to keep up with you all!

Voting for Mai now. Thanks for the link, Lynn.

BEagle said...

Lolly start the "vooking" and "tilking" but I don't know who started

Lori O. said...

Should said thanks to Lynne2 earlier for wushi definition.

Glad you're feeling well again Lynne!

BEagle said...

Maybe it was Strong that did the tilking.

It was really funny when she posted what her cat George typed on her keyboard.

Where is Strong, anyway?

hedgie said...

Right, BEagle----whale+sushi=WUSHI!!!!

Shadows are getting heavy at NBG....glare and shadow and movement make it VERY hard to watch!!

hedgie said...

I had another nap! DO not feel as good after this one as the first.
Getting hungry, too.....what to fix that doesn't take any effort???!!

BEagle said...

Grilled cheese with tomato.

BEagle said...


BEagle said...

Baconater and a Frosty?

Lynne2 said...

I agree Lynn, it is getting hard to watch there.

Lynne2 said...

both at NBG now

Lynne2 said...

yaeh momma moved the wushi outa the way!

Lynne2 said...

chowing down on it!

BEagle said...


Lynne2 said...

2 eggs in view, can't tell if pip due to debris in front

hedgie said...

NBG adult whole egg for sure....other one looks kind of flat????

BEagle said...

I don't see a pip.

BEagle said...

It's probably the flat looking one that's causing the celebration.

BEagle said...

NOW get the feather off!

BEagle said...

Was there another change at THE nest. It looks like Lib on there now.

Lynne2 said...

OK so tonight we set the clocks ahead one hour. So tomorrow, we'll be tuning in later than usual because we'll still sleep the same amount of hours we normally do....right? So we'll be an hour behind on hatch watch unless we get up early.

Lynne2 said...

but if we get up an hour early, it'll still be dark, right?

PA Nana said...

Okay, had to just turn off NBG.

Going to go rest my neck and wait for supper.

... later

hedgie said...

NBG keeps timing out----for you all, too?

Lori O. said...

I'll be up early. :)

Lynne2 said...

of course I suppose that would have to do with what time one normally gets up in the morning.

oh forget it. I'm confused.

hedgie said...

Yes, Lynne. It won't be light until about 7 tomorrow.

Lynne2 said...

ok so if I normally get up at 6:30, it will really be 7:30 tomorrow when I get up. My brain, and the dogs, will think it's 6:30.

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

This is my least favorite time change. It's hard to go to bed early when it's light outside.

Lynne2 said...

oh yeah, that does suck Lori.

Lori O. said...

Lol. Lynne I'm just so glad you're feeling better. It's a bummer being so sick. It's wonderful having you back.

Lori O. said...

The nest is so pretty right now. Sun is perfect and the white feathers are gleaming so bright.

Lori O. said...

Our eagle, Belle or Lib looks like they are breathing hard. Kind of panting.

Lynne2 said...

I'm glad to be back! And I hope I don't ever get sick again like that. My whole rib cage area, front, back and sides, still hurts pretty bad from coughing so hard for so long. And I still have trouble breathing heavy if I exert myself, but it gets better every day!

Lori O. said...

I felt so bad for you. I remembered having pneumonia and pluerisy at the same time. It was depressing. You've got to be so happy getting better! Big hug!

Lynne2 said...

what exactly is pleurisy? I know it hurts, and I was concerned that I had that now. This pain didn't actually start until a few days ago, which was a few days AFTER the coughing stopped.

OH....did I mention? I am no longer smoking. Haven't had a cig in almost 3 weeks now. Couldn't even smoke while sick so I just went with it!

NatureNut said...

Hello Everyone! Just got home & checked NBG. Say they are ready for a hatch---2 fish in today.
Saw BWE & oldest chick weas out of bowl sitting next to parent. It looked huge!
More ospreys are back at the Park.Early this AM I saw one dive down for a fish & he did a spread eagle bellywhopper, probably because it was shallow water near the plants. He got his wings out & when he lifted off, he DID have a fish! Our camera guy, Clayton, came this afternoon & he and Greg K. set up cams on both nests!!!!The newer cam nest by boat ramp had first adult show up today. After cam was on we saw a female also come to that nest, but she must be the wrong gal---he chased her away!
BBL~~~back to NBG ☺

hedgie said...

Oh, no.....meltdown "may" be underway at the damaged nuclear reactor in Japan...........

BEagle said...

Soft glow of the setting sun on Belle.

Lynne2 said...

BWE chicks getting fed. I'm a little concerned about the runt....

Lynne2 said...

Hey Loretta! You have Osprey cams at the park???

I just read that news Lynn. I have been trying NOT to read any bad news today but I couldn't help but wonder what's going on over there.

BEagle said...

That littlest one at BWE is very small.

BEagle said...

I think the little one just got clobbered by the bigger one.

BEagle said...

Hooray! The little one moved up to the dinner table and is getting fed!

Lynne2 said...

The Runt got some food!!! Yay!

hedgie said...

Lynne, pleurisy is an inflammation of the lining of the lungs. VERY painful. Congrats on stopping! So proud of you!!!! Use heat and take ibuprofen....are you still on an antibiotic?

Lynne2 said...

oh, I see I'm late with that info! LOL!

Well, the sun is setting....better get the critters fed here. Hate to leave but I'll BBL!

NatureNut said...

Hi, Lynne! Glad to see you back---sorry sick for so long & hope Lynn is feeling better!The one osprey nest you can see well from behind the bldg. by telescope is the platform that's had solar power battery running cam. It started kon king out, so a year or so ago, the put a 2nd cam on nest near boat ramp.This cam has undergrouind cable & was working better. Today they got both working & we will learn how to switch them on the monitor in the Vis. Ctr.

Lynne2 said...

OK Lynn, been using Aleve and Tramadol (at night). Will try some heat too. My last anitbiotic dose was Thursday! Don't be too proud of me yet....this isn't easy. Yesterday and today I have really been craving one! I must be strong!!! Steve is helping by not smoking in the house or in the car if I'm in it. As a result, he is smoking less. I'm hopeful that he'll quit one day too.

NatureNut said...

I've been off for a couple days & probably missed some birthdays, but I KNOW someone's having one, so HAPPY, HAPPY

hedgie said...

Little one gets his share!!!

Loretta, glad you have so much action happening!!!! Yea for the cams! Are they going to get one online???

Chrissy says they are especting Isla, the Lady of the Loch, in on Mar. 25th......don't know how they know the date, LOL! Praying that she does return and that we aren't all disappointed.

hedgie said...

Cam person still working NBG.....but not for long.....they will be closing up shop soon, I'm sure.

hedgie said...

Judie, hope you are only attempting light housework! Don't need you running the vacuum into your leg, or tripping over a cord, etc.!

Lynne2 said...

wow, how do they know to expect Isla on the 25th??

hedgie said...

It is still 62° with no shade, I bet Belle WAS hot enough to pant!!

NatureNut said...

Egg roll, fluffing fluff & wiggle wiggle.

hedgie said...

That would be great if Steve could quit, too, Lynne. I know it's not easy!

NatureNut said...

Lynne2 mentioned the bluebird pics.I have 3 of Michael Smith's. He used to come to the Park & set up his camera under the little water table pavillion & aim at the nest boxes at edge of grass.
A friend gave us for Xmas the mad bluebird afghan which lives on my loungechair.One pair pic was given to me free when I helped work on an exhibit for Bluebird Fed. Think I was a volunteer then. I bought the small mad blubird pic & have one of 13 of them huddled together in a nest box!
We (P.G.Co. Park & Planning) used to sponsor a Wildlife Art show annually for about 10 years to help raise money for the Patuxent Research Center--Fed. establishment in Laurel.We would have about 20 artists & a chosen one designed a poster each year to sell. I have no open walls left because of this!They were planning to build a Visitor Center and finally did! Now they hold the affair---we just got flyers for anyone interested--The Patuxent Wildlife Art Show & Sale is at the Nat'l Wildlife Visitor Center on Mar. 26 & 27. If you want to spend $40, you can come to Artist's reception (35 artists)Mar.26 @ 6:30.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy all.

Back from work and a little bit of shopping.

Heading to the beach in the morning, staying through Monday. I can check the blog and the still cam from my phone, so will try to keep up.

Trying to gather up some some stuff from here, feed the dog, do dishes, laundry etc tonight, so I'll be on and off here tonight.

magpie said...

Happy Trails Paula

hope the weather is as nice the next couple of days as it was today !


magpie said...

we're busy I need to sign off ..

best wishes for everyone - hope to catch up from home later on


stronghunter said...


Rus and Rebecca came this morning. We ate pizza and discussed copy editing.

Then I took a nap.

Watching our nest now. I guess the light is working there now because it is completely dark here but I can see the nest clearly.

paula eagleholic said...

Getting a peek at the eggs while Belle goes round and round...all looks good.

Bet that one at NBG is spotted tomorrow!

Round and round again, finally a wiggle wiggle

NatureNut said...

I misspelled again! The Artists Reception is Fri., Mar, 25 at 6:30 PM. Here's link (I hope)
Wildlife Art Show

hedgie said...

Paula, glad you are getting away to the B!!!!

Shirley, naps are good!

stronghunter said...

Very dark at nest now.

I do miss the night light. Guess we won't be complaining about Boris this year.

hedgie said...

9500 people in one Japan town are "unaccounted" for..........

Lolly said...

I am afraid it was Lolly who accidently started the flugging, too. Meant to type fluff and it ended up flugg. Oh well! Call me the typo queen. However, it is Dana who watched the "beer" cam.

Lynne....please keep up the no smoking! That is fantastic. Please please please!!! Smoking is just oh, so bad for you!!!

Lolly said...

I spent the afternoon in the yard. Cleaned up my herb garden. My thyme is still alive but think I will buy more. Jack made me quit working. Sigh! Tomorrow will be lighter longer.

Need to go shower now. I am a little grubby!☺

Costume Lady said...

I,m wondering, Lynne, if you weren't a smoker if you would be having all these Illnesses you have had this Winter. Since I quit smoking (40 yrs. ago), I have NOT had a chest cold. Head cold is all I get now...used to get chest cold and cough my head off. Maybe that's why I get head colds now:)
I promise you that you will feel better!!!

Costume Lady said...

Have you ladies tried looking at our eggs with the live pic. enlarged? I find it almost as good as the enlargement that NCTC gives us...occasionally.

Costume Lady said...

I spent the afternoon cleaning out the planters down in my rec room. They have been unattended for over a year, other than an occasional watering. They are so overgrown that they are reaching up to the book shelves above. I'd like to take everything out and plant something new, but that would take more time than I have, right now.
There are 2 eight ft. planters, one on each side of the fireplace. When I planted them, 40 years ago, I wasn't thinking about how they would look in forty years. I can't believe that much time has gone by and I've never put any new plants in there. That time will come, maybe one or two at a time.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Lynne, I join the "no more smoking" group. I am sure it is harder with Steve still smoking. But the best thing you can do for both of you is to stop.

stronghunter said...

How about a picture of those planters, Wanda?

Lynne2 said...

Wanda, I started out life as a baby in a maternity ward where everyone including nurses smoked in those days, and then home to parents who smoked. I have had problems with bronchitis all my life, and croop, and pneumonia as a child. I have smoked since I was 16 although I've quite a few times, once for 5 years! I have NO doubt that my smoking, and my parents when I was a child, have contributed to my problems, (not to mention tending bar in a tiny little place with virtually NO ventilation for many years)although I was never so sick as I was this last time, and I've never had 2 episodes in the same year let alone within 2 months of each other.

Lynne2 said...

wow Wanda, you have 40 year old plants???

Shirley, how long has it been since you quit?

stronghunter said...

I have never been a smoker, Lynne. I guess I was not very clear when I wrote the comment. I meant to say am joining the group urging you to stop smoking. I remember my father stopping and then starting again, though. He smoked unfiltered Camels. That had to be really bad for him.

Lolly said...

My daddy smoked and Jack's daddy smoked but neither of us have ever smoked. Oh, I tried it one time in college. Did not like it. Did not want to spend my money that way. Beside that they were starting to talk about the dangers of smoking. Know too many folks who have died of lung cancer and throat cancer. Have also seen women my age who are still smoking and how they look older. Not for me!

Lynne2 said...

I had my first cig when I was 11. Stole some out of my mom's pack and me and the neighbor hid in another neighbor's shed and tried it out! Got told on, BIG trouble! Sorry I ever started in High School. I knew it was bad for you, but I guess I just thought I'd simply stop at some point, no big deal. If I had only known.....

Lynne2 said...

Think I'm going to go watch some mindless TV for a while. In case I crash, have a good night and prayers for all! And maybe a new chickie in the AM! And don't forget to set the clocks up one hour!

stronghunter said...

I smoked a cigarette or so in college, too, from time to time, but never more than that. They gave away free packages of cigarettes in the cafeteria. We all took them to pass on to our friends who smoked. On long, boring weekends, we would try them out.

Thinking about it now, it is a crying shame what was going on. The tobacco people were pushing their product the same as any other company, but they were hooking a vulnerable population. Of course, there were also cigarette machines in all over campus.

Tobacco was a big thing when I was growing up in North Carolina.

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, that's a good of the planters. I will try to find a photo of the planters when I first planted them and compare them now.

stronghunter said...

I haven't lived in one place for 40 years, and I certainly haven't kept a plant for that long.

stronghunter said...

Comparison pictures would be great, Lolly. I will bet you have pictures from way back with the plants in the background.

stronghunter said...

Just the critters and me here, now. And George has an unkind word for the dogs.

wvgal_dana said...

I'll go along with at hatch and chick will show up tomorrow at NBG.
She has been to nervous and looking under herself too much.

Paula I left a message on your cell phone. I was in Marshall's in Hagerstown Rt40. They have alot of neat sea shore items. A box that has cranes cut out you put a candle in it and the cranes will light up.
Star fish on a square like cube on a stick in air. There was also a seahorse one also. Shells and star fish. Signs can't remember saying something about a Beach home isn't a home without a boat...small boat on there. Other signs with saying on them. Oh there was a mermaid picture on wood with other items on it. There were these tables that somehow the 3 of them not real big. Set within each other had star fish on them. There were ducks. Signs with fish on them. I can't remember all I seen.

Lolly said...

We have lived here 38 years this summer. This yard looks like a completly different place. We planted our pecan trees that first year and they were just twigs. Our oak trees have really grown but we have lost many as well. People who lived here before us had horses. The horses had the run of the front yard as well as the side yard and in back. Yep, it looks different around here.

wvgal_dana said...

I didn't mention what a wonderful time Raschida's Aunt Jane and I had.
We had not seen each other in years. Talked on phone. So glad we got together. She said, "We'll have to do this again". I certainly agree ( :

Lynne2 I quit smoking 3 packs a week in 1973. So glad I did with the bronochial asthma that started. Ed quit in 1989 he seen how the smoke kept setting off my asthma plus having to take Raschida in for the "heated" breathing treatments.

Sharon quit-----how many years now Sharon????

Come on Lynne2 you can do it for good. Then Steve will quit too.

wvgal_dana said...

I am heading in to get my feet up. That darn right ankle still giving me a pain where a pill can't reach lol

I also need to eat something. Had noon lunch but no supper. That is not good.

In case I fall asleep in front of tv.
Prayers for those that need them people and creatures alike.

hedgie said...

My goodness, Wanda. Can't imagine plants that old.....they must be really big! What kind are they? And does your basement get good sun??

Shirley, bet you are enjoying some alone time!

Wonder if the new Marshall's in Frederick has that stuff, too, Dana? Maybe Jo noticed while she was there.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, got your phone call. I slipped over to Marshall's last night to take a peek...they had some stuff, but apparently not as much as the one in Hagerstown.

paula eagleholic said...

I think the nest looks pretty bright tonight. Should be good to go for next week, barring any cloud cover!

paula eagleholic said...

JO - Send Steve an email on Monday and ask him to have the cam zoomed in. He must have forgotten my request from the beginning of the week.

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening - once I set these clocks up I am going to be late for bed...
I did say last night that Marshall's didn't impress me too much. I had no idea what I was expecting to see but
the store was so crowded and the isles are not wide enough for 2 people with carts to pass. I wasn't looking for anything special and therefore didn't price check much. Yes, I did see the
nic-nacks assortment.

Mema Jo said...

Someone spammed me on FB - Glo and Jill Bishop saw it and quickly alerted me. I changed my password (had to write it down until I use it a couple of times)
Then I had to notify Dana Gray and Pam (one of my friends) that they were in the same boat as I was.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, the plants in the planters have been cut off many times. I root the tops that were cut off and give them away. The parent plant then puts out new plants and leaves from the cut-off area. I haven't done this for so long, thus, they are growing out of their bounds. I have dwarf palms, cast iron plant, dracena, dwarf schefflera and several kinds of vines.

Mema Jo said...

I will be able to email Steve about
the zoom. No problem.

paula eagleholic said...

I didn't care for the tight set up either, Jo. Certainly plenty of people shopping when I went in.

Lolly said...

Wanda, just want you to know....I am giving myself a pedicure. Painting those toenails. It is sandle time once again!☺

paula eagleholic said...

I took some stuff out to the car trunk while I had Nugz on the chain out front, cause he didn't want to go out back. So now, he's guarding the front door, LOL. He's making sure he's not going to be left behind!

hedgie said...

Well it's sure a good thing that so many of you have green thumbs!! I sure don't!!!!

Lolly said...

Oh, and Wanda, my yellow columbine is about to bloom. The buds are there and will open any day now. My WV columbine shows no sign of blooming but it is looking good.

Lolly said...

Lynn, I told my daughter in law it wasn't that she did not have a green thumb, she just need to care and remember to water. Yikes! Can not believe I told her that!

Lolly said...

But, it was the truth!

stronghunter said...

Love your pretty daffodils, Lolly. Mine have come up, but they haven't bloomed yet.

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, proud of you...hope you did a better job than I did on your toes;)

paula eagleholic said...

I saw my Daffodils poking thru the mulch today!

magpie said...

Hello Eagle Pals.
I have already set my clocks ahead so it is 11:10 here at Magpie's Roost

have to read backwards, a LOT,
very busy at work, but I enjoyed watching the live feed and Blackwater...
sure can't get live feed here yet, bummer big time....something else to work on that I don't have much time to do

Hope everyone is okay, going to read backwards and try to find out


hedgie said...

LOL, Paula....isn't it amazing how they always know when you are getting ready to go someplace???!!!
Shang always knew when I was going to work because of my uniform. Cinnamon seemed to know when SHE was going to get to go with me by ESP!

Lolly said...

Mine are still blooming. Different ones bloom at different times. They are not as pretty as last year. Last year was super!

Doing a good job, Wanda. LOL But certainly could do better if I was more limber.☺

magpie said...

Oh my, live feed DID come up, but I have the spinning arrow, guess that's a start

guess the Moon is at "half" (well astronomy calls it the quarter moon, but why do they call the Full Moon, the Full Moon ??? ?

Pleaides is still out in the night sky in the West but pretty soon my favorite star cluster is going to sink away for the summer :(

and Orion is going to disappear with it pretty soon also

magpie said...

Birds, wildlife, and the sky, in that order...those are my favorites
(not counting friends, family, and the Grandson...those are all in a different class ♥)

might make it back, depends on how chatty everyone has been

dinosaur computer, now seems like, pre-creation

bbl, maybe

magpie said...

oh by the way, I don't have anything but a black screen on the Revolving map, so I am not sure where I am blogging from

Costume Lady said...

Margy, try refreshing live feed.

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, it does help to be limber when doing toenails. My toenails on the right leg with the 'Bad Knee', look pretty rough...I have to nearly stand on my head to get them painted!

hedgie said...

Light enough at the moment to see Belle rolling the eggs and messing with the flugg.

hedgie said...

It is still 60° here, but a bit breezy. Saw that pretty moon, Margy. Glad you made it on!!

I have so much trouble with my legs and feet cramping that it is very hard to do my toenails. But with the Robaxin now, it is so much better that the problem may be solved!!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, I have been having cramps in my legs and feet lately. Something I have never had before. I thought of potassium deficiency, so, I started eating 1 or 2 bananas a day and that has seemed to help. Just coincidence? Don't know.

Mema Jo said...

Belle sure doesn't know about the time change. She is still wide awake and doesn't have her head tucked in.
Maybe it is too warm to sleep that way.

I'm thinking that #1 chick at NBG will have hatched... Whether we will see him or not that is unknown.

magpie said...

Okay speed-read-blogging done.
A couple of things:
Glo hope you continue to do battle and win against your recent illness
and that goes for EVERYONE on here

My niece, married to my nephew, oldest son of my oldest sister...has heard from her family in Japan...they are all okay, but had some structural damage to their home, and are still in the danger zone

Mema Jo said...

I know bananas do help with the Potassium and therefore the cramps.
However, I thought you girls decided that the best way not to have those
leg cramps was a good ole' G & T.

magpie said...

I have tried just about everything with the live feed
it is this computer.
I think I need to reload Adobe, and remove a whole bunch of programs I really don't use at all.
Can't check a lot of links, and I have to avoid lots of live feeds as well
But Thanks for the suggestion ! xo

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - I don't know and can't read what is written across Jayden's picture.

magpie said...

your grammar lesson? editing?
is that what you said?
doesn't sound as interesting as participles and gerundives !

magpie said...

Three years ago, many of you will remember there were THREE clutches at Norfolk. The first two failed, problems with intruders and other things...The third one, one egg only...
Paula will remember that just before I became a Momster, I was worrying her to pieces by email...wondering if the one lone chick was was feather action, in May that year...
but eventually, soon after that emailing day, there WAS a hatch....that lone eaglet, became, our dear Buddy....

I think I have my facts on the nest straight on this, hard to tell for sure, because, my mind, is sometimes, mush

paula eagleholic said...

Geesh, it's 41° here...

magpie said...

glad to read that Dana had a good visit with Aunt Janie,
and that so many of you had fun doing gardening and pruning and re-arranging your plant things...
and that you had such fun watching the nests !

magpie said...

didn't we talk about mustard last year when discussing leg cramps??

stronghunter said...

She is taking two classes--one is a grammar class and the other is an editing class. Today we worked on the editing. It is tedious work, but not too different from what I do.

You want to help a person fix mistakes and improve what they are writing without taking over. It still needs to be the product of the author. So I am advising someone about how to advise someone.

Next week, we work on the grammar.

magpie said...

pretty crazy:
looking forward to 12 hours in the office Sunday, so I can watch NCTC live feed from a computer that works! But, alas, cannot have sound there :(

magpie said...

I like editing too, Shirley.
You should see me working a long letter to someone, to death!
Very particular...

Costume Lady said...

Jo, it says "Does this shirt make me cute?"
He was so cute last evening at GGs. He had a little cold and wasn't up to snuff, but still made us laugh all evening:)

stronghunter said...

Yeah, we talked about mustard.

Lolly said...

I see that Belle is not sleeping.

NatureNut said...

Gee, it's even later than I thought w/EDST approaching. I fear I will be konking out soon in front of TV, so until tomorrow Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

stronghunter said...

I think it might have been Norma who suggested a spoonful of mustard for leg cramps. I did not want to eat a spoonful of mustard. I really thought it would give my stomach fits.

I have not had problems with leg cramps recently. I am not sure why. Maybe I am drinking more water.

paula eagleholic said...

Just lost my hour, LOL. Set some clocks ahead. Going to shut it down for tonight, just a few more minutes on the laundry, then heading to bed. Hate to lose that hour! Really messes up my internal clock!

Hugs to all ☻♥

magpie said...

I can't clocks say almost midnight...only clock left to fix is the one in the car,
and my wind-up Timex watch...
computer and cell phones take care of themselves.
Poor Bars ! One less hour of serving too much alcohol tonight!

Love you all,
Sincere Prayers for all our needs, especially health, safety, and a good outcome at all the nests we are watching

Megan, I will ask you in the morning about the name for the upcoming Full Moon

you are very faithful about giving us that information.

Paula, Happy Travels, for you and Nugz, Sunday and Monday

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

I am ready to go up to bed. Getting sleepy and just realized that tomorrow morning will come sooner than usual.

Good night all. See you tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Wanda, my potassium and magnesium levels were all fine. SO.....since can't get quinine anymore, dr. had given me Flexeril---which made me TOO drowsy! LOL, Jo----I can't drink G&T every night!! Not good to drink alone!!
So, Robaxin is doing good!

NatureNut said...

~~Meant to say for Paula to have a great time at the B----h!! Don't work too hard!

Margy, don't worry about no sound at work!!Nest pic is better than nothing!If you can get online, at least you see some news. I didn't hear anything about Japan until I got home from work.
Also meant to say prayers for Japan & the World!

Mema Jo said...

lol I don't think anything could make Jayden any cuter then what he already is. I love looking at that little man.

Everyong is hitting the pillows &
so am I. Hope everyone has a good
day tomorrow.

Good night my friends
Prayers for all
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Oh, yes, Margy. Norma said to use mustard!!! Sure do miss that lady!

PA Nana said...

Good evening.

It's been a long day for me and fighting a low-grade fever.

Glad I don't have to answer to an alarm clock tomorrow or any other day.

Lynne, quitting may be the hardest thing you ever do, but it's worth it. I used to get sick like you.
I'm smoke free for 11 years and no longer suffer with pleurisy and bronchitis. Good luck, you can do it!

Prayers for all needs and wants and for Japan experiencing the aftermath of the earthquake.

Going to take my meds and get some rest. Goodnight & God bless!

magpie said...

Okay, folks, don't mniss the SPLIT - just about here

got my new Birds & Blooms today ☺
only nice piece of mail I got

Hope you feel better very soon Diann !


hedgie said...

Haven't changed any clocks yet....will do it after my bath. Heading there now, so will say buenos noches. Prayers for all. Another lovely day on tap!! See you then!

Costume Lady said...

Got my B & B today too, Margy.


Costume Lady said...


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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...