Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday PM

Full Moon thread.


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Geula said...

Ah ha! I came here and there's no comments! yet!

Lolly said...

Thanks Steve! Have you read the comments? We are getting good reports from observers.

Lolly said...

Hi Guela! Not only were you a split queen now you are a new thread queen. Congrats!☺

Lolly said...

And, why are you not in bed sound asleep?

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Geula - Congratulations #800
and congratulations again on #1

You're the high roller tonight!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread. I decided to let someone else be first tee hee

Went back over to tell everyone and newcomers to come over here.

That is why I didn't post anything Geula tee hee

Geula said...

HAHAHAHA! I did it again! I'M THE "SATURDAY PM QUEEN!" ( Yes, I was yelling!)

Lolly said...

The moon is starting to shine on Belle.

Lolly said...

Makes me sick to think of that hussy up in the tree and not our Lib. It makes me sick to think of Belle and PJ going to bed hungry.

wvgal_dana said...

I brought Patricia post over to this thread:

Patricia said...
Ah Ha! I found it! Wray and Diana were both released from the same hack tower. They figured they considered themselves 'sisters'. The West End nest was established in 1991. In 2006 the original male disappeared and that's when Superman showed up.

Saturday, March 19, 2011 8:20:00 PM

The she did say that makes Wray 25 yrs old.

DanaMo said...

I'm having trouble getting comments to post...this is a test.

IrisF said...

Jo or whoever asked, another egg was laid after Dr Sharp and crew picked up the first eggs and left the wooden ones. And that egg hatched, so they tried the next year - maybe 2008 to leave the real eggs in the nest and low and behold they hatched.

Miracles do happen folks!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.
This has been the week of weeks.

magpie said...

Thank you Steve !

And a beautiful Full Moon it is!

Hope you enjoy the rest of your week-end

Geula said...

A likely story, Dana! lol! Why am I not in bed yet? Didn't I tell you I'm adicted to eagles?

If I don't send this off right now and NOT look for comments that came before it and hit that X button on the top right corner...then I'll be heading for bed...

Here goes.....Love you all to bits...hugs and smooches!

DanaMo said...

Worked that time. I'm shocked that there was another invasion today. There are some good video's on the NCTC nest observation site.

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Iris the hatch was a surprise to all. And it did show the scientist
that maybe it was time to allow the eggs to go on their own.

IrisF said...

I guess that meant that the egg shells were no longer too thin to survive natural incubation. Great way to find out, not?

Robyn said...

I remember that, the eagls IN cali on the cliff weren't they near or on catalina? or one of the lttle islands out there? Remember the fires they also had? was it fire?

wvgal_dana said...

Well I just knew it Mema Jo I went back to old thread not 800 post 830 post. Paula and Hedgie-Lynn were still having a conversation after it was put in BIG BLACK letters about the new thread. After that Lolly had even said New Thread....but there I found Paula and Lynn LOL

Mema Jo said...

Dana - Is the site you have the same as
NCTC Nest updates....

wvgal_dana said...

Dana that posted at 8:31pm where are you from. I'm wvgal_dana from right around here.

magpie said...

Despite all the sadness and worry, it has really been wonderful to have such a large gathering here the last few days...

just wish....things were not so troublesome and worrisome..
and hoping and praying for good outcomes at the Sycamore Palace

going to try to read through the 800 posts and a few I missed from the "other" old thread

Cacapon State Park and its staff and their programs, Rock !!
James was the only youngster...and about half a dozen adults, but a wonderful program and we saw lots of animal "signs" and a fair amount of Animal Tracks....

back later, have a lot of reading to do...

xoxo (( hugs ♥ ))

wvgal_dana said...

This will make 3 Dana's. Me, Dana Gray, and Dana that posted 8:31pm just above. lol

magpie said...

these posts are multiplying like rabbits !!

BEagle said...

The moon is beautiful. It's low still but could see through the trees.

DanaMo said...

I have decided that I should have named myself DanaMo. I live in Hagerstown. I really wanted to drive over today, but my life has just been took hectic lately. Thanks for all the information. I am so amazed that the invader isn't more aggressive. I wish I could understand what in the world she is after. WVAgal where do you live? Shepherdstown. I graduated from Shepherd.

BEagle said...

Wray is sitting on her two and #82 is sitting on her two at Channel Islands.

wvgal_dana said...

No Dana Spring Mills area. Graduated Martinsburg High in 1967.
I was born in 1949 right here in good old Martinsburg.

IrisF said...

Anyone have a remedy for nasal congestion? My sinuses are KILLING me today. Teeth hurt, cheeks hurt, forehead even hurts.

DanaMo said...

MeMa Jo-The site is window on wildlife. Seems like some of the same people on both. Lots of video and captured pictures.

BEagle said...

Eagles4Kids...the female is on their nest. Not sitting, but there.

magpie said...

I drove to the top of Parks Gap to see the Moon then came back downhill and settled in the church parking lot at Butler's Chapel Road, with a couple who were taking some obviously high quality photos using a tripod, probably videos also

okay see you later, probably much later !

BEagle said...

Oh, she just flew off at the Kids nest.

DanaMo said...

i can't believe there are 3 Dana's on here! Never knew so many Dana's! LOL!

magpie said...

BEagle, your moon rise time is about 15 mins later than ours...
so enjoy that big round orange object as it rises higher and higher ☺

paula eagleholic said...

From that old thread I said....

You got it right, Patricia... on the WE nest.

I think Liz said Turdy Hussy...that was a LOL

Had a nice dinner with my son, he is headed home.

Gotta go check my emails...

But I'm back now.

BEagle said...

Early this morning, the Jordon Lake eaglets were huddled together. Didn't notice any wingersizing.

wvgal_dana said...

You I always thought I was the only Dana in the world at one time lol Other than the male actor Dana.

BEagle said...

It isn't orange. Will it turn orange when it rises?

wvgal_dana said...

I'm going back out in a little while to check out the moon. When I was out before was not high enough in sky.

BEagle said...

The White Rock eagle is getting up to roll her TWO eggs!

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, we do know of the WOW forum...the new Maine forum.

Hancock also has an NCTC thread...Bev posts here and on that one as well.

bev. said...

I am going to bring my post over from the other thread, sicne I kept posting there LOl

BEagle said...

She wiggled back down.

Mema Jo said...

Dana - you have no avatar pic

magpie said...

It was very orange here when it rose, and as it rises it will be the more creamy color...probably already is that, BEagle

casting a magnificent glow on the nest here which is just going to get brighter and daylight almost

bev. said...

my comments from other thread

Just back and I read through all the posts.
I remember that in California also. .

2 or 3 years ago(time flies when you get older, LOL) she left and has not been heard of since.(they were sisters, I believe)

I do not mean to compare falcons and eagles but we had 2 females(sisters)and a male, years ago in Edmonton ,raise a brood together.

In Montreal last year, a juvenile falcon , from the year before , hung around the nest with the adults. We were all worried and at times she would not let the male in to brood. they finally had to get tough with her. but she hung around and when the young were born she took off with one of the young. They think she thought it was food , as the adult female kept food by her in the nest.( We never heard of her again) The adult male used to take off and she would follow, that way all was calm at the nest. Maybe this is what LIb is doing. I do wish he would be seen again though.

so I guess , I am saying that at times strange things happen.

My hope is that this one takes a hike and soon.

bev. said...

Hi PattiO.
Nice to see you.
I have not had time to go on many forums as of late but thought I would come here and lend support.

Jennifer said...

Goodnight all of my new family! Hopefully we will have a good morning tomorrow:)

BEagle said...

Magpie it is a beautiful creamy color.

I'm waiting for the Victoria eagle to roll. I want to see how many they have. I have check the WOW forum yet.

Mema Jo said...

Dana - ok gal I know what you are talking about now WOW
That is Pattyo's primary site.
Also Judy B and Kittenface to name a few. We are all just a nest full of

Note: when commenting about other nest that we observe - put that nest name first - then your comment.Thanks

BEagle said...

The moon is shining on Belle's tail.

wvgal_dana said...

Dana I didn't get a chance to go to college. Wanted to but married and husband moved me to Baltimore. I loved working at the VA Hospital at that time on 33rd Street. I was a Ward Secretary. Liked it there a lot, got to go in on surgeries and do things that really Ward Secretary wasn't suppose to do.

So I have lived in WV, Md, WV, Md, GA, WV.

Robyn said...

I use to watch the Maine nest, it was very heartbreaking when I was watching.

BEagle said...

Victoria/Sidney nest. I think it's the male eagle sitting on the egg.

wvgal_dana said...

While I was in Baltimore County did go to Harford Community College. I loved going there. Husband moved around in Maryland so I did get to do many subjects. Then when I go to Va on 33rd Street I was satisfied and just loved it. Would go in and work whenever anyone wanted off. Days off I would go in and deliver the mail and write letters for the Veterans.

bev. said...

Sidney nest

There are 3 eggs there. I was hoping there would only be 2 this year.
We had some worries there this year with the male eagle but all appears well now. I visit this site a few times a year and some of my friends are the ground observers who post there.

T-Bird said...

Good evening my fine eagle momsters and dadsters. The moon shining on the nest is so beautiful. I wish our hearts weren't so heavy so we could really enjoy the sight.

BEagle said...

That should be I have not checked the WOW forum yet.

I have just got to edit my posts! One day may be.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh I see on up in comments Jennifer is going Good night everyone. Sorry missed that Jennifer. Good night have a good rest. Come back and join back in with all of us.

bev. said...

Sidney nest

You will know if it is Pa because he has a mark around his neck.
And Ma is sporting a black eye.

I watched the Maine nest also back in 2007 when they last had a nesting. the other Maine nest had 2 last year but tree blew down in November.

BEagle said...

I am checking the other nests for some good visuals. What I want to see at Shepherdstown.

I will be up bright and early in the morning to see what Paula and company will post.

Lolly said...

I was on all last night. Think I am going to read tonight. Will be watching the nest and peeking in here occasionally.

Mema Jo said...

Dana from Hagerstown Maybe you should be MD-Dana or DanaMD

I grew up in Hagerstown - I graduated with the 1st class from North High School - and Dana I am a Mema with lots
of family - Now I live closer to
WELCOME Dana & I thought it was wvgalDana and that she had lost her pic.

hedgie said...

LOL.....I missed you all! DUH!

Geula---thought you were turning in a while back???!!!

BEagle said...

NBG nest. Can't see much except a white blur moving up and down. It's the bald head moving. I would think the moon would illuminate it more.

bev. said...

Belle seems to be sleeping comfortably

Unfortunately when I have this cam up I cannot watch any others. My whole computer freezes.

DanaMo said...

How do I add my picture?

hedgie said...

Hi, Dana! How's everything in M'town??

BEagle said...

Victoria/Sidney. That must be the female then.

BEagle said...

Decorah. Missed the egg roll due to the ad.

BEagle said...

Decorah. Nice husky nest there. LOL

hedgie said...

Oops, sorry DanaMo! Another bit of confusion!!! You make Dana3!!!!

Donka Maria said...

Well, I've not been on for a few days, and I come back to see the drama. Poor PJ, Belle and Lib. I'm truly amazed at all the goings on and am even more amazed that the Trudy Tramp bird isn't more aggressive, which is a VERY GOOD THING. Can someone tell me about her name? Where did "Trudy" get her name and is she one of Lib and Belle's offspring? I am forever grateful that our Eagle Momsters are so devoted to this pair. God bless you all.

BEagle said...

I put the OC cam on IE and the others on Firefox.

Works for my machine.

hedgie said...

Interesting tidbit.....I have a cousin named Dana, who is a HE! Also worked with a guy named Dana. Another non-gender name like Lynn!!!

paula eagleholic said...

BEagle thanks for all the nest updates. I haven't had a chance to check anything this week! Has anyone checked on Savannah and Derek lately?

hedgie said... that's why you have a sore throat, too! Decongestant and either Simple Saline spray, or snuff some lukewarm salt water!! But lots of nasty sinus infections this get to the doctor if no better in a few days!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Donka, Trudy came from intruder! Lynne2 said it first!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. I thought I posted a while ago but don't see it. Maybe I'm invisible!

I have a favor to ask. I have to be at work tomorrow at 6:30 am and cannot access the cam site there. I can see the still photo of the nest, which is better than nothing.

I'm asking that you all keep posting what's going on in the nest so at least I can READ what is happening, ok? Thanks so much!!!!

'Night all. Pleasant dreams of Lib & Belle & Paddy all dining on fish.....

DanaMo said...

Okay lets see if that worked. I've added a picture to my profile and changed my name to DanaMo to help with the multiple Dana's

BEagle said...

Oregon Nature Watch. I don't know why I keep checking this one. It's always a big snow ball. No eagles but a few tracks.

bev. said...

Well, I am off to go and try and put some order in my kitchen and check out a few other sites

I watch valmont MamaV(GHO)

Will check back before bed.

Positive vibes are sent to the site.

DanaMo said...

hmmm...still no pic

NatureNut said...

Missed about the new thread--will try to bring post over~~~

OMG, I ate din din (really 1st food today) & see Trudy made an unwanted visit!
Good to read WV Susan's report!How wonderful to spend anniversary in Shep! Hope Grey is as interested in eagles! Guess he has to be!!!

I think Trudy Tramp is a perfect name, Paula!! When you visit Sunday are you taking slingshot for wushi??? Take peashooter, too. Maybe your grandsons have some little Wiffle or foam pellets! LOL

I'm going out to look for moon~~~

Donka Maria said...

Thank You Paula.

DanaMo said...

One more try and then I'm going to bed. Driving to Dayton OH tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Oh! I almost forgot! Iris, get yourself a Nettipot if you can. I heard about it from Dr. Oz, who was on Oprah. You can buy them at drug stores. Looks like Aladdin's lamp, you put warm water in it along with the included saline solution, then--now don't puke here--pour it up your nose. I know, it sounds awful, but it works!

NOW I'm going. Night everyone!

BEagle said...

Victoria nest. Just did an egg roll but cup is too deep to see if another egg was added. It took too long to bring up the distant cam. She was wiggling down by the time the ad finished.

Donka Maria said...

The moon is beautiful here in NY. Very large and very bright. I walked my dog around 8 and missed the moon rising, so I don't know if it had the orange glow that others talked about, but it's still Maginificant!

DanaMo said...

I love Trudy Tramp as a name, makes it much easier to identify when we are talking about her, that nasty girl!(if it's indeed a female)

BEagle said...

BEagle nest. Out to see the moon.


Donka Maria said...

Iris, I have a Neti Pot and a Vicks personal facial/sinus steamer that you buy little vaporized pads for, between the two items it helps. It isn't an immediate fix, but after a couple of days of using them the sinuses usually clear up enough to give you some relief.

hedgie said...

Hi Donna! Trudy is short for INTRUDER!!!!!!!

hedgie said...

Lots of good reports from other nests.
BEagle, at NBG, I think the pine tree is much more dense than the leafless deciduous trees...moon light won't penetrate much.

Donka Maria said...

Hi Hedgie. Thanks for the info. I have been trying to catch up on two days of posts and am so concerned for our eagle family. I pray for a better outcome tomorrow. Thank God so many have watched and for Wanda and Robyn to go out to the nest for observing the situation.

Judie said...

Thank you for the new thread, Steve.

Geula, how nice to see your face to put with your name. Prayers that Israel will be spared any part of the current conflicts.

Moon is lovely and large tonight.

Going to turn my light off soon but will leave the night light on for others coming in and/or checking on Belle and PJ. Hoping everyone gets some much needed rest and tomorrow sees the departure of Trudy.

BEagle said...

Belle has not tucked this evening yet and has just perked up.

hedgie said... KNOW we will keep posting!!! This is the site that never stops!!!!

Donka Maria said...

Wow, the moonlight on the nest is amazing!

magpie said...

You are like ME...I cannot get live feed at HOME and rely on still cam and everyone else's posts...
bet I missed you, since you said Good night...
but you have company with your computer misery exc yours is at WORK and mine is at HOME

wvgal_dana said...

Iris My daughter has one of those pots. She swears by it. She said since she has been using it. No more sinus infections. Kathi thank you I totally forgot about that Nettipot.

DanaMo said...

I graduated from St. Maria Goretti in 81 :)
Shepherd in 87 and University of Phoenix in 09. I teach kindergarten, I have 4 children, 3 sons, and 1 daughter AND 3 black Labrador retrievers.Born on Long Island NY, moved to Hagerstown when I was 11 and Philly area for 6 years after I was married.
Thanks for the welcome everyone. I'm heading to bed.
Jennifer-did you still need that website. I think you asked me for it yesterday and I never responded in that comment section of the EagleCam which is now gone!

wvgal_dana said...

I have to get my feet up awhile going outside first to look at moon.

Mema Jo said...

BEagle Thanks so much for all the different nest updates. I have not been checking them out recently.. Must start tomorrow

magpie said...

Wasn't that way cool with Michael-Chris the waiter at the Rumsey, Judie ???

Good Night to you, and hello and goodnight to Frank also !!
I am just now starting over on Saturday 8:00 am comments....
and just finished the last of the "911" comments

BEagle said...

I keeping missing a check up on Savannah and Derek.

Turtle Bay. Missed the egg roll but caught a nice wide wing span and the ♫wiggle down, down, down...♪waggle down down now♫

wvgal_dana said...

Man oh Man that Moon is huge and bright like a blinding light.

Going to get feet up.

Check in later

IrisF said...

Thank you Kathi and Donka Marie...I will go get one of those, but it will have to be tomorrow. Sounds a little ackward but if it works that's the important thing. Thanks again!!!

paula eagleholic said...

DanaMo, glad you found us here!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Donna - I hope you got some ecards to help you celebrate your
b-day yesterday.
Happy Belated Birthday to you
here on the blog.

IrisF said...

oops sorry Donka Maria...

magpie said...

everyone in time zones that are not now already Sunday:

"Enjoy" the last official night of Winter 2011 !!

BEagle said...

You are welcome for the updates.

Eight are running on my machine. I better close some down before Firefox poohs out.

Lolly said...

Hey DanaMo! You must be a fantastic person...a kindergarten teacher. Wahooo! LOL I am a retired kindergarten teacher.

Lolly said...

Iris...Nettie Pots are great! Read the directions carefully. Will help, but not cure sinus infection.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Margy. First day of spring is a great day for a nest visit! Lori and I are headed out tomorrow, along with Scott, who can hopefully get some pics.

hedgie said...

Just reading what Jim posted on Wanda's blog.....made me think about the situation with Isla last year. Remember how we all felt when we watched her dying? And then that magnificent gal willed herself back from the brink and made it through the season. So we have seen miracles.....we just need to hope that we get one at OUR nest.

Mema Jo said...

0 days, 2 hours, 30 minutes until first day of spring!

paula eagleholic said...

Since things have quieted down at the nest, I am going to try and do the video of the beak to beak exchange.

BEagle said...

Hooray. The first day of spring close by!!!

BEagle said...

I have already checked for your video twice Paula. Can't wait!

IrisF said...

Think I'll call it a day for now, if I can't sleep, I'll be back.

Prayers for all who need them, especially, Lib, Belle, PO'J and the nest!!!

Love you all, ((((((hugs)))))

Lolly said...

Birds of a Feather have great videos of the feeding. They called it a mystery feeding, or miracle feeding, on or the other.

Donka Maria said...

Hi Jo, yes I did get some e-cards and thank you for yours. I love Jacquie Lawson cards, they are my favorite.

Lynne2 said...

Cool, Jo watches Valmont, I do from time to time and others well!

Kathi, you have no worries about knowing what's going on....we'll be posting constantly! Sorry you have to work tomorrow!

Moon is beautiful!

Costume Lady said...

Moon is on the nest now...

BEagle said...

Hedgie, if Isla can do that, we can see fishes on the WV nest.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Iris

Costume Lady said...

Love you too, Iris.
How is the full moon down there?
When my dad was down there, in the Navy, GG and I lived there too and one night, we were in the USO and the PA system announced that we should step outside to see a huge orange. Well, it was the moon, but I was 3 yrs. old and thought it was the biggest orange I ever saw!

Mema Jo said...

Paula - do have a specific time that you and Lori and Doug will be on Shepherd Grade Road? I may not be able to stay away.

hedgie said...

Got a lovely pic of Belle with the supermoonlight on her face! Will put in album.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costume Lady said...

I'm really curious about something. Susan said they could see Belle feeding Joy. I could just barely see the top of Belle's head and none of the chicklet.
That must be a fantastic pair of binoculars or spotting binoc.
I think I want what they had!:)
Maybe she had a laptop and was looking on there as she was also looking at the actual scene??

I see they found our best kept secret...Breakfast at Betty's. Maybe a Momster suggested it. Great pancakes! Was it Mason who liked their bacon so well?

hedgie said...

Good night, Iris! Hope you feel better in the morning. Couldn;t remember the name of the netipot....but the canned spray is a lot less messy!!!!!

WHen I was at the beach in Oct. just happened to see the most beautiful harvest moon as it looked like the biggest mooon I could remember...and it reflected in the ocean so it was a double!

Mema Jo said...

I agree that moon glow over the ocean or any body of water is breath taking.

hedgie said...

Donna, so sorry I missed your birthday! When I printed out the list, I apparently missed a page 2...please accept a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY wish!

Costume Lady said...

Jo, I'd almost play hooky from church to go along. Then breakfast at Betty's, but I have to be at the Clothes Closet to accept and hang up any clothing brought in. We take donations on Sunday and Soup Kitchen Tuesdays.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening my eagle budlets. It has been a great day of birthday celebrating with my sis.

Costume Lady said...

The 'orange' moon in Florida was over the ocean and I have never seen one that large, ever again.

Karla is at OBX this weekend and she will have many moon shots. You may be able to see them on facebook. She has some beauties on there from yesterday.

hedgie said...

Just saw this on a friend's FB:

"Spring has sprung. The flowers is riz. I wonder where the birdies is?"


hedgie said...

Shar....did you get my texts??

BEagle said...

Finally. Belle is tucked. Nope she rared back up. She's on the lookout again.

Mema Jo said...

Take care Sharon - I'm glad you were with Sissy today. loL ♥

BEagle said...

What's making the noise at the nest?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yes Hedgie, I did. Thank you so much.

Lynne2 said...

after some discussion, we decided to stay here tomorrow and not go visit the nest.

Wow, a Dana3 AND she's a teacher!

Mema Jo said...

Headed off to accomplish some little things..... Will try to get back before going to bed.

BEagle said...

Does anyone know what the noise is at the cam? It sounds like it's raining but how could that be?

hedgie said...

I am running out of steam, too, Jo!!
Lynne, think you are wise to stay home and just chill.
My pics of moon are really lousy. Will try again when it gets higher.....the silhouette with the trees was good, but the moon just looks misshapen and fuzzy.

hedgie said...

Gonna go take my bath....will say goodnight before I log off.
If anyone turns in before I do....early wishes for a peaceful sleep.

NatureNut said...

Went outside, but missed the orange moon. Took pic I'll do something with, but batteries are too low. Have to get out AC adapter, figure out which program to use for dwnload & put them on Fubby's side where I can still use Photoshop!!
Ain't technology great????
I should have pic on here by AM.Found my pic w/osprey at banding~~was saved in camera!!!!
Geula, want to say, it is great to see you! I know you should be asleep by now!
If I don't get back soon want to say for all those hitting the hay,
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

stronghunter said...


Kathryn, Hunter, and I had a nice dinner at Bravo's tonight. I had steak. Yum.

I see there was drama at the nest while we were gone.

Hunter has gone to the basement where he is allowed to shoot his new toy gun. It has flashing lights and makes all kinds of noise. Kathryn could not stand it in the family room, so I suggested the basement. Hunter happily went down there. I knew there was a good reason to buy a house with a basement.

Welcome to all of the newcomers on here.

We did enjoy looking at the moon tonight.

The new neighbors have a boy Hunter's age. We have been watching him come and go, but hadn't met them until this evening. Kathryn made a play date for tomorrow, so they can get acquainted.

magpie said...

Hunter would have LOVED the program up here today at Cacapon State Park...James was the ONLY youngster there, well besides me that is, LOL
Hope that Luna continues to improve

Oh, James and I both got Walking Sticks today, not exactly Eagle Canes, but really neat ones !

stronghunter said...

Margy, I am sure Hunter would have loved it, and he would love to meet James as well. I hope they can get together some day soon.

stronghunter said...

Getting sleepy here, even though I slept in this morning.

paula eagleholic said...

I forgot to say Happy Birthday to Donna and Sissy!!

stronghunter said...

Oh, I haven't wished Donna a happy birthday, either. Happy birthday, Donna.

And a second happy birthday greeting to Sissy.

stronghunter said...

Have been missing my telephone. Finally had to turn off the ringer to the one in the kitchen so that I could hear the other one. The recliner had eaten it.

stronghunter said...

This recliner eats things all the time. It ate my glasses once, and kept them for a couple of weeks or so.

BEagle said...

I still had the White Rock cam running. That's where the noise was coming from.

So sorry.

BEagle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BEagle said...

There's an echo.

magpie said...

and I am terribly remiss but am relieved there are few hours left for Donka Maria to
Enjoy your Birthday, Woman!
Springtime is coming up YOUR way too, no way to stop it !!!

Happy Birthday, truly...xox

magpie said...

One of the "props" at today's nature program...were various rubber replicas of animal "scat" - -
bear, fox, turkey, bobcat, etc etc

too Funny !!! Especially the Bear Scat !!

magpie said...

and rubber molds for us to make plaster casts of pawprints
I made skunk and bobcat, James made Beaver!

really, really neat
When I grow up I would love to be a park ranger !

Costume Lady said...

Margy, have you seen pictures from Rumsey celebration? With all the excitement at NCTC, they have gone unoticed. You must see YOUR picture:)

stronghunter said...

Someone mentioned a video at "Birds of a Feather." Do you have a web address? There are all kinds of sites with that name.

wvgal_dana said...

Nighters everyone

Take care

Prayers for those that need them.

stronghunter said...

You would be a wonderful park ranger, Margy.

Costume Lady said...

Sounds like a really fun, educational day for James...good for you for finding that for him (and you, too).

Costume Lady said...

Oh, no, Shirley, we'd lose her in a fox hole or a bear's den;)

stronghunter said...

Yeah, you are probably right, Wanda.

Costume Lady said...

Nite Dana♥

stronghunter said...

Belle feeding again?

stronghunter said...

Good night, Dana.

Costume Lady said...

Belle must be "not regurgitating" again and tucking our little Bundle of Joy in for the night:)

Lolly said...

Birds of a Feather

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, which blog are the dinner pics on? What time were you at the nest today?

Costume Lady said...

The moon really has the nest lit up nicely. Hopefully, we will have this view for a few days now, if the sky stays clear.

Lolly said...

At Birds of a Feather, I think it is page 12 that has some videos.

Costume Lady said...

Paula, Just for Fun blog.
We were at the nest somewhere around 6ish.

Lolly said...

Geese flying at night? I hear something.

Lolly said...

Margy would be fantastic working with children as a park ranger.

paula eagleholic said...

Here's the saliva/moisture/water feeding from 5:40 this afternoon. I'll put it on the EM blog as well.

Beak to Beak

Lolly said...

Just went out and looked at that beautiful moon. It is shining brighly here! Nice to know that moon is shining down on all of us...even Belle and her Little bundle of Joy. Want to think it is shining on Lib, not too far away.

magpie said...

Thanks for the votes of confidence folks! I will put your names down as references ! ☺

Geese...might be razzing at the full Moon...I would be if I were a goose !

639 posts to go on the old thread

Wanda! I thought you said you DO NOT put unflattering pictures on !
I look pretty ridiculous! LOL ☺
But thank for posting those neat photos...I told Susan she looks like Crystal Gayle...especially the eyes

magpie said...

man oh man this is awful, I cannot even think of opening a single link that's how whacked out this computer is, but I did look at Wanda's pictures...

It's all my own darn fault for putting off the needed renovations :(
or just plunking down the credit card at the computer store !

magpie said...

But at Least I can see YOU FOLKS and the Still Cam, Life is Good !!

Way cool, that Sharon talked with Normabyrd...sounds as though she is staying fit as a fiddle

Thanks Sharon !!! (( hugs ♥ ))

Lolly said...

It is a great picture of you, Margy! Looks like you were having a great time!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Wanda, that must have been Trudy Tramp that we heard clunk. She wasn't there when Robyn was at the nest.

Costume Lady said...

What a beautiful moment in Nature that Paula captured in that video!

Costume Lady said...

Margy...that was NOT an unflattering picture...cute as a button!

Lolly said...

Would like to hear back from TJ. It would be interesting to hear his opinion on today's feeding.

paula eagleholic said...

Ok good people, I am headed to bed or I will be late late for a very important date tomorrow! I will be checking the blog and my email before I leave tomorrow. I'll post what we see!

Lolly said...

Think I am going to go shower and get comfy. Will be back!

Mema Jo said...

Paula your video is fantastically scientifically one of a kind!

Lolly said...

Lay your sling shot out, so you do not forget it. I am sending you fish by express mail. LOL

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, how nice that Hunter is going to meet and greet his new neighbor tomorrow! Hope they have fun and get along.

MARGY....OMG that program sounds like it was really cool! WOuld love to have been there! Glad you had a great day with James!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...