Friday, March 04, 2011


TGIF thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

It certainly is TGIF!

Thanks for the Friday Thread!

Costume Lady said...

Thank you for the call over, Paula. Morning, Steve.

DANA, what time of day did you get your crab legs?
I would like to take GG at 4pm, because she gets played out by 5pm, and that is when the used to start serving the crab legs when they were on the buffet.
I thought, now that they serve them by the platefull, they may serve them whenver you want???

Lolly said...

Good morning! Cloudy day here, but 63. No real plans for the day, but know I do need to get to the grocery store.

Wanda, that is really interesting the food that you received. Makes it interesting to see what meals you can plan with what you's a fun challenge!

Maybe Shirley will get on today at school and let us know about Luna. She said she was having computer problems at home.

Really miss the sick folks. Jack and I have been so healthy....knock on wood!!!!

Going to Denton tomorrow. Not sure what time we are going. Joseph has a soccer game at 9 and a basketball game at 11. Jacob also has a t-ball practice in there sometime, as well. I would like to make the soccer game, but that means leave here before 8. Not sure we can do that!! LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, what a great deal on the food!

Lolly said...

Sounds really windy again at the nest, but love the sun shine. We have possible rough weather ahead of us. Also, early next week possible dipping down to 32. Nurseries all have their spring plants but have not started that yet. Still too early for me. Just still cleaning up.

Lolly said...

Paula, back to the beach this weekend?

Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday Morning and the sun is shining and the bulldozer is digging out yonder. I slept like a baby with the help of the muscle relaxer.
The only good thing about digging a foundation is the smell of the earth and knowing there is a young couple with butterflies about building a new home.
Going to previous thread to read..

Thanks Steve for taking care of us -
have a good weekend.

Lolly said...

Savannah is till on two eggs. No hatching yet.

paula eagleholic said...

Lots of fish at BWE....and chick is sleeping in the fluff :)

Lolly said...


paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, maybe beach next weekend....the water needs to be turned on before I can start painting :)

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!
Thanks, Steve, for the new Friday thread, and thanks for the call over,
Well,I was busily typing away on my homework, when I heard at least 3 birds hit the patio window--hard! Of course I ran to investigate, and sure enough, our Cooper's Hawk was on the telephone wire overhead, looking for a late breakfast! She's B-A-A-A-C-K!
She didn't catch anything, though. Hope she has better luck in ANOTHER yard!
It looks like a crisp, bright day at our nest. Must be a slight breeze there, because some leaves are moving around. What a pretty sight!
Okay, back to work on homework for me! Later, alligators! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--Mema Jo, I'm so glad that you got a good night's sleep! Hope the neck keeps improving. Prayers for you!

Ms Bookworm said...

And Sharon, how are you doing? I hope you aren't too sore. ((HUGS))!!
OK, gotta get busy again. Back later!

paula eagleholic said...

BWE chick finally moved...guess he was really snoozin

paula eagleholic said...

I see big feeties at BWE ☺

Lolly said...

Off to start my day! Jack just reminded me...we are going to Borders Books. Big store is closing and have a sale. Hmmm?? We shall see...will head to the cookbooks and the children's books.

Have a great day!

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda it was around 4pm on a Saturday

magpie said...

Good Friday Morning Everyone
and Thanks Steve for the Friday Thread

Wanda - terrific food report!
Glo, Congratulations on the Double Eagle win
Lynn, glad you stayed home...PLEASE let the kids do the work and stay inside !

magpie said...

Lori's morning commets are a bunch of fun! And Yay - she wore her RED JEANS to work

Jo - glad you are feeling better, I love your cheerful comment about the home-building...that's just like you, to find the bright ☼ side of things

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Lynn please listen to nurse Margy---when you are feeling poorly Margy is your nurse !! So please listen ( :

magpie said...

new little baby Taylor and parents doing okay?

magpie said...

revolving globe
has me at Keyser WV I think
I'm in Martinsburg !

magpie said...

It's breezier and sunnier than I expected, that is, BEFORE I read Megan's daily weather report (on the other thread)

staying home one more day to clobber the cold germs...

time for some chicken soup and all that jazz

Andrea: you are always so busy, I can hardly keep up with your posts !

Best wishes for a good day everyone,
Hope that everyone with ailments improves by the minute..

ttfn xoxo x

hedgie said...

Good morning! Did NOT go to breakfast this AM....slept good last night and still feel lousy. :(
Charlie is here....gravel delivery imminent. Carolyn should be here soon.
Have not caught up with you all yet.
That 5 second refresh at Carolina Raptor is driving me sign of a hatch yet from what I can see.
Grravel is here.

movin said...


GooD MornIng




C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Carolyn is will have to catch up with you all here later. Did see that Margy is still home recuperating---hope you feel better, gal!!!
Congratulated Glo on her FB post of her excellent score on the pic. Glad you are feeling better, Glo!

Mema Jo said...

I entered my vote for Mai Ying
Hope that no one that votes forgets to scroll down for Submit button.

Mema Jo said...

Andy - sounds like your birds were trying to make a fast getaway!

Lynn and Margy - very glad you both decided to stay home today and will continue to feel better..

Lolly - good book hunting! When are you ever going to meet up with Zach?

paula eagleholic said...

OUr nest is MT, 2 eggs in view

paula eagleholic said...

Eatin time at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

Little one at BWE getting a good meal :)

paula eagleholic said...

Time to cover up at BWE, little chick has a full crop.

Our nest is still MT

Costume Lady said...

EGGLETS have been unattended for a long time...freeze their little tails off:)

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Jo...scrolling down and SUBMITTING vote is very important!
Vote won't count, if you don't!:(
I forget sometimes and have to go back...duh!

paula eagleholic said...

Uncovered since 11:40am

Costume Lady said...

I haven't had time to look at trail cam photos in over a week. Might do that today while drying my hair.

Karla, Donny and Denise are in OBX for the weekend, so no Family dinner or videos tonight.
Hope GG feel well enough to go to China City this evening!

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break


Lynne2 said...

Hi all....still on road to recovery. Not happening fast enough as far as I'm concerned! I just feel like an energy vacuum.

How long have our eggs been alone??

Margy and Lynn, are you both feeling better yet?

I need to gather some energy to take the dogs out. My Mother in Law is on her way to visit me!! She should be here soon. Hope all is well with everyone, I'll check in later!

FuzzleMT said...

Hi, all!
Temp is 43 degrees in Sharpsburg - does anyone know how long the eggs can remain uncovered and still be viable for hatching???

FuzzleMT said...

Lynne: someone noted they have been uncovered since 11:40

Lynne2 said...

hi Fuz, yes I just read back, it's been an hour. They should be fine. The veteran nest watchers on here have seen this happen before. My big scarey time was when the first egg was uncovered for almost 2 hours early on. Still, it's really hard not to worry...

FuzzleMT said...

Oh, hi, Paula, it was you who noted that.

FuzzleMT said...

Just hope Lib or Belle is near enough to stop an egg-stealing interloper!

Lynne2 said...

yeah, me too! but I am quite sure that one is very close by keeping watch.

hedgie said...

Wanda, that is quite some food assortment!! Glad that the produce is the kind that keeps!

Jo, have seen dozer and the saw-yers out back here today, too. Nothing good about it here. :(
Margy says you see the bright side. I'm the downer!

Diann, how did you end up with ANOTHER man in the house? Goodness, you are surrounded! Make them work for their keep!! Is Jim still working the long hours?

Andy, so unusual to see you in the early part of the day.
Gentleman Jim, too! Hello to you both. Sure wish we had some of your expected high temps.

hedgie said...

Carolyn has gone to Subway to get lunch. Old fence is down. SIL's bro due anytime to help put up the new one.

Margy, work schedule is out----Carolyn showed it to me. What a BEAR of a schedule!

magpie said...

Eggs Alone at NCTC

magpie said...

dosing up on Vitamin D and K

hedgie said...

Yours isn't bad, Margy.....looks like all 9-5's.....Carolyn has lots of 12's!

hedgie said...

Should have said 9-5 starting 3/12! 8-4 til then.

Lori O. said...

Wow - just checked in and saw only the eggs - no Lib or Belle.

magpie said...

and I just read back too to Paula's comments, since 11:40

Costume Lady said...

The sun is shining brightly on our egglets and temp is 43°, they will be alright. We have seen this happen in the past.

movin said...

hOPE and Lilly are awake and facing the camera...

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, people on Outdoor are freaking out....first experience for them. I'm sure eagle is nearby. It's 44° and sunny.

movin said...

New cubs are visible too.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lori O. said...

Hi everyone!

At least our sound is working so we may be able to hear Lib and Belle.

magpie said...

copy that on the schedule Lynn
some of it is possibly temporary during training
I have some daytime things to attend to with the police computer...
have sure done my share of 10's, 12's, and 8's in the past almost 23 years
but I want to pull my load like the rest of the staff

magpie said...

and a few 16's

watching the nest with interest...
with the rest of you

magpie said...

glad to hear Steve's mother is coming to visit Lynne

I'm trustful also that our Eagle Family is fine...
it is curious and always interesting when a pattern changes, just like that

glo said...

Hedgie and Magpie Glad to see you are both taking some rest time. Its time to get well for spring. Lynne 2 Glad to see you on here even briefly. Keep taking those meds, fluids and lots of rest as you can.
Wanda. I am thrilled at the way your food and clothing ministry is working out. I love to read about how it is growing and coming together. Dex and I work on Sunday. We just might find some kids to make placemats. I loved that idea.

magpie said...

Hello everyone...
lots of us on here right now
joined at the nest

Costume Lady said...


Mema Jo said...

Whoa Babe! Come on back to your eggs.
I have no clue what time our eagle
took off....... In fact I don't think anyone was watching when it happened.

WOW Just now returned I am thinking it is Belle...... Need to watch

magpie said...

and I lost sound immediately
okay, Welcome Home Mom (or Dad ?)

Costume Lady said...


Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

I lost sound too.

Lori O. said...

I'm gonna guess - is that LIB?

Experts weigh in please.

Lori O. said...

OK, amateur guessers, like me, who do you think is on the nest?

Lori O. said...

Oooooo - got a closer up!

Costume Lady said...

NCTC is playing with the cam:)

Lori O. said...

If this is Lib, he seems concerned about not seeing Belle. He just keeps looking all around, intently looking.

paula eagleholic said...

Sound is still zoomed in.

Knew one would return when I stopped watching, lol

magpie said...

Thanks Glo...
I hope YOU are feeling better too, missed an oppurtunity to say that earlier

okay I reset Outdoor had the sound for the Evinrude ad, but now just click click click I think it is the comments goin on, sound in and out for me
AND, the view looks bigger
is it just me ?

magpie said...

ok I understand zooom zoom thanks for that info started when I was resetting

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, sound is in and out and static

paula eagleholic said...

I think that's Lib

paula eagleholic said...

But not 100% sure

Lori O. said...

Paula, Wanda, Margy, Jo ...

Can you please tell me who is on the nest, so I can worry about the other one?

I know ya'll are busy working.

Lori O. said...

God Bless you Paula! LIB! Thank you.

magpie said...

makes the still cam more zoomed in also - - ?? I think

Lynn: You are allowed to take pictures but leave the labor to the work crew ! That is a Command, not a Recommendation !

Lynne2 said...

OH! What's going on with the cam pic?? Someone is zooming?!

magpie said...

wasn't ignoring you Lori...I didn't know and I knew someone with better Eagle Eyes would talk to you ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, both get zoomed...still pic, too.

Lynne2 said...

Lori, I am clueless, but I am guessing Belle.

Lynn, you are getting a new Mai fence? Cool!

Mema Jo said...

I would say that Belle is in the nest now

Earlier I thought it was Lib

So - old timer or not I'm still guessing unless they are in the nest

Costume Lady said...

I think Belle, too, Lynne.
Don't know if the zoomed cam makes her/him look larger or it is actually Big Belle:)

Mema Jo said...

Best thing is that we see the eggs are covered. I feel confident they will always come back to incubate the eggs -I am just fearful something will fly in and crack an egg! That would do me in!

Mema Jo said...

Do you see the zoom on the live feed or the still cam.. Duhhhhh I need to know!

Costume Lady said...

Jo, have you looked at my NEW avatar. You can see from this view what Jayden is playing with. I think it must be one of Dustin's games:) I can see his mouth is puckered up and he is telling Karla what he is doing so he won't get into trouble;)

magpie said...

I think it is on both Mema Jo...first time I have been here to experience it...

Paula thinks it affects both also

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, they are both zoomed

paula eagleholic said...

Watch that "service error 503"

magpie said...

going to check back out for a little while

hope the Crab Feast is a happy one Wanda...

and hope the rest of everyone's day goes okay too


Mema Jo said...

Yes, Wanda I zoomed in on his picture.
You are going to miss him this evening!

I am so please to read your grocery list - awesome. I think I'll slip in
for dessert one Tuesday! You serve coffee? Once again I'll tell you that
you and Gene are doing "GOOD"

Mema Jo said...

Paula - who actually controls the
'zooming' ?

Mema Jo said...

I need to rest my neck!


Lori O. said...

Yep, that Lib is being his awesome Dad self again. :)

GLO, a big hug and high five for the Double Eagle picture victory. What an incredible picture and apparently the judge(s) thought so too.

And, WANDA - what a food haul you got. Can I just say Praise God!?!!! WV is lucky to have you and the Captain.

Lori O. said...

Take a nap, Jo. Rest your neck. We'll wake you up when Belle returns. :-)

Steve Chase said...

We have zoomed in a bit because on our closed circuit high res monitors it looked like one of the eggs was possibly doing something... We'll see...

By the way, one bird was nearby the whole time the eggs were uncovered.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks more like Belle on the still cam

Steve Chase said...

We control the camera zoom from the computer that supplies the video feed.

Lynne2 said...

Hi Steve, thanks for the update....good to know for SURE that one was nearby!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Jo, dessert and coffee with every meal. They are goin to love the cake we have for them Tuesday...Strawberry/cream jelly roll type cake and vanilla yogurt.

paula eagleholic said...

Little early for a hatch....but thanks, Steve.

The sound is kind of in and out...

Lynne2 said...

How cool to be able to watch on your Super Duper cam Steve!

Lynne2 said...

take care of that neck Jo!

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for info, Steve...we were pretty sure one of the eagles was around when egglets were uncovered:) Good to hear that we were right.

Costume Lady said...

We could have another FIRST...a preemie eaglet;)

paula eagleholic said...

I hope that's what you were looking for, Steve, and not something else.

Lynne2 said...

LOL! A premglette! BTW, what is our first hatch ETA?

Lynne2 said...

going to go lay down til my MIL gets here.....geez, I sure am TIRED these days!!

Lori O. said...

Hope you get to feeling better Lynne.

Costume Lady said...

Pneumonia does that to you, Lynne. If your M-I-L wamts to cook or clean, LET HER:)

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, 35 days for first egg is March 12th...I am guessing the 14th-16th for first egg

Lori O. said...

I wonder how many people Outdoor Channel has posting on their blog?

There's a whole other world of people over there who were panicked when the eggs were alone -- like I was!

It's like another galaxy - aliens -I wonder if they (Outdoor Chanel bloggers) know we're over here watching too???

Lori O. said...

Thanks PAULA!

I am writing that on my calendar.

paula eagleholic said...

Shhh, Lori ☺

Lori O. said...

That's great timing if the first egg hatches between March 14th-16. Daylight Saving Time starts on Sunday, 3/13, so we'll get to watch later.

paula eagleholic said...

And the moon will be out too! Pray for clear skies.

Lori O. said...

I won't tell "the aliens" we're here. I love this little world we have.


paula eagleholic said...

CRC is confirming a hatch on their FB page.

Lolly said...

Suz said on fb that an eaglet has hatched this morning in Savannah's nest! Wahoo!

Missed the uncovered eggs. Hope there were wrong about the egg showing something. Too early!

Did not buy any books. Still only 25% off. Need a bigger discount!

paula eagleholic said...

I thought I saw some shell a little while ago, but wasn't sure. Looks like you can see some now, too.

paula eagleholic said...

And Dad brought over some food to Savannah a little while ago as well ☺

Lolly said...

Feeding was just going on at Savannah's nest but could not see anything.

Lolly said...

Jack is heading back into town to buy a new TV for the study. Our old console TV is finally dying. LOL It was our 2nd color TV, ancient and in a beautiful cabinet. Now the problem of where to get rid of the thing. I think if we haul it to Laurel's, and pay $20 the recycle folks up there will come and pick it up.

Lolly said...

HUNTERSVILLE, N.C. -- One of Savannah's eggs has hatched, 33 days after it was laid at the Carolina Raptor Center in Huntersville.

Savannah and her partner Derek have been caring for two eggs since January.

On Friday, one of the eaglets broke through its shell. The eaglet is so small that it's difficult to see on the live eagle cam, but officials at the Raptor Center confirm that the eaglet is moving about.


paula eagleholic said...

Yay for feeding at CRC.

Still zoomed in at our nest.

hedgie said...

Need to play catch up again....but just saw on FB that CRC DID have a hatch late this morning. I have had the cam up all day and have yet to see evidence of same.

hedgie said...

Carolyn just left. Charlie and Donald are about 3/4's finished replacing the fence.

hedgie said...

Margy, as the "senior" operator, you SHOULD have the best hours!!!!!

Lynne, I am glad that your MIL is coming----too bad she couldn't have made it earlier in the week.

paula eagleholic said...

Just an FYI, today was day 38 for the first egg at CRC, not 33.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, what style of fence are you putting in?

hedgie said...

Wind is quite strong at our nest......can't heard anything else, but the sound is intermittant.
Savannah is sitting tight....
BWE babes are being fed.

hedgie said...

Yes, Lynne, new Mai fence....old one was just not looking terribly secure---19 yrs. old....rusty and bent and only 3-4 ft. high in places because of (I assume) the deer hooves snagging it when they jump. Mai has not made any attempts to jump----but I don't trust her!!!!

hedgie said...

Here is a live streaming view of CRC----much better than the other site:

Streaming CRC

hedgie said...

Lots of bird noises on that cam, too!!!

hedgie said...

Just saw the CRC baby raise its head!!!

stronghunter said...


I am back on the Internet this evening. Whatever happened to my connection has fixed itself. I thought it might.

We had professional development all day today, but I left for home as soon as we were released. Nice to be able to do that after the long day yesterday.

So they thought something might be going on with one of the eggs? But it is still early? Hmmm. I guess we wait and see. But our eagle is sitting there calmly as if everything is fine.

paula eagleholic said...

New live feed for CRC

Click on the play arrow..supposed to have sound, too.

paula eagleholic said...

I see Lynn posted it too. I checked it out earlier today, but thought it was just a video.

hedgie said...

Nope, Paula, it's live and LOTS of sound!!!

Hi, Shirley! welcome "back" to the land of bloggers!!

paula eagleholic said...

Guess it's going to stay zoomed in all weekend???

Mema Jo said...

My long break gives me 145 comments to read BBILW

stronghunter said...

Checking out the Carolina Raptor Center. Huntersville has changed somewhat since I was last there, but some things are so familiar.

I found my mother's old house just a few miles from the raptor center. It is directly across the street from the elementary school where I went to first and second grade. One building remains. It was the school library, as I recall.

The raptor center is on Sample Road. My father's name was Sample. I suppose there is a connection, but I don't know.

stronghunter said...

Nice to be back, Lynn. I have a busy weekend ahead. We are going to see the Globetrotters tomorrow night. Hunter enjoys them.

hedgie said...

Fence is done!!! One less thing to worry about. Miss Mai has been really on edge she just had her first romp since this morning!

Feeding at CRC. Derek is walking around in circles showing off his "catch".

Mema Jo said...

I'm not really alert yet - only 49 comments to read.........

stronghunter said...

My father's middle name was Sample. . . a family name.

hedgie said...

Cool, did you do that...on Google earth??
I love the Globetrotters, BTW. I'm sure Hunter will be thrilled!!
Where are they playing?

hedgie said...

Clouds have rolled in here, wind is sharp and temp is dropping......

hedgie said...

Shannon just sent me pics of his mothers' neighbor's SharPei....a lovely one! No mix, but she's a Mini.

hedgie said...

Shirley, the name thing would sure have me doing research!! That is neat. Do you know how many generations called Huntersville home?

stronghunter said...

I have a book about the Hunter family. They say the town was named for Robert Boston Hunter, an ancestor of mine. I would have to go back and check to find out how far back.

But going way back, the Hunter family even has a castle in Scotland--Hunterston Castle. Some of my family members have been there to visit it. They will let you in if you belong to Clan Hunter. How about that?

Maybe someday I will have more time to get more into the genealogy. I have books for both of my parent's families that gives lots of info. I did spend one summer playing around with it.

hedgie said...

Do we know how many total eagles there are in the enclosure at CRC? And what do they do with the juvies when they fledge?

hedgie said...

Oh, Shirley, didn't know you were of Scottish ancestry. Me, too! On my Mom's paternal side. No castles, tho'---just poor farmers!

hedgie said...

Savannah very upset and calling out and making all kinds of neat noises!!!!

hedgie said...

Nice that our cam is zoomed in!!!

hedgie said...

Just got a good look at the eaglet! Savannah is eating....maybe going to feed it. Derek in now.....and he wiggles down on baby. Guess she just wanted relief!

hedgie said...

Getting almost too dark to see much now at CRC.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn,, they will move to eaglet to a hacking tower at 6 weeks of age at CRC

paula eagleholic said...

I think there are 6 or 7 eagles at CRC in the enclosure

What kind of fence did you get put up, Lynn?

Mema Jo said...

Question? Why is our cam picture show so much daylight.. It is very dark
outside in my valley.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, that's our night light at work...also the sun does set a tad later than where we are. It will get darker.

paula eagleholic said...

Both our nest....BELLE IS BACK!!

paula eagleholic said...

Lib doesn't want to move, lol

paula eagleholic said...

Not sure, I think she's eating.

paula eagleholic said...

Sloooooooooow motion

paula eagleholic said...

She is doing some preening...

paula eagleholic said...

Lib hasn't flinched, think he wants the night shift, lol

Lolly said...

Lib did this the other day. Did not want to give it up. Belle finally all but laid down on him, and he got up and poofed!

Mema Jo said...

Funny Funny Both still there
Now you can't convince me that Lib
doesn't know it is time to leave for the limb.

Mema Jo said...

Belle looked up at the cam as though to ask us if we couldn't help her out!

hedgie said...

Thanks for info, Paula. So who teaches the fledglings how to hunt????

5 ft. wire fence, Paula.

The live stream CRC link no longer works........go figure? Maybe they take it offline at night??

paula eagleholic said...

She's still waiting...patiently for the moment.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, They learn themselves, I guess.

here comes the move by belle....closer...

magpie said...

I can barely see it but it sure is cool anyway and I know YOU all can see it much better !

and I can hear click click click every 14 seconds !

paula eagleholic said...

The dog is waiting not so patiently for his walk...

OK Lib is going to give it up

paula eagleholic said...

Poop shoot by Lib and off he went

Lolly said...

Belle always wins out! LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Yup! Off to walk the dog...

magpie said...

heard a little cooing and purring at Lib's departure

and some odds and ends of sounds

Mema Jo said...

Belle wins. But the female always has night shift! It's a fact.

magpie said...

Seems kind of nice he let her do her thing at the nest for a few minutes before heading out...

Okay, Good Evening, Everyone!

time to cook and eat

hedgie said...

503 blogger cop is back at work!

Deer just met the new fence.....but pulled up short! Don't think they can leap 5 ft.! Another one spooked her off the corn. Shame....there is plenty for all.

magpie said...

put some pictures up on the E-M album from earlier today, and tonight

magpie said...

glad you got the fence work done today, Lynn

and hope you are feeling better...


Mema Jo said...

Margy I also went to put one pic up (returning after eggs had been left alone) & we must have just snapped at the same time..... I started April album if for no other reason then to make March easier to find!

Taking a break.......

magpie said...

Okay! Good idea Jo...

neither of the Blackwater cams seem to be refreshing, one is at 1858 and other at 1859

okay supper is ready, I can TASTE
so I am going to EAT

paula eagleholic said...

Ah, tasting makes it all the more wonderful! A little brisk out there, but not too bad for a walk. Not looking forward to all the rain this weekend!

NatureNut said...

Good Everning Eaglebuds! Been reading about the eggs all alone & Lib as sitter! Belle got her night shift.
Worked pretty late, was the only one there, except for tons of geese on grass when I got there & saw many on waY out w/Ms.Hoppy and about 6 other deer.
Ready for Panda nap ☺, but need din din! BBL
Glad to see our ill people are feeling better.

magpie said...

Are you seeing any Tundra Swans?
Naturalist friend in NY saw about 200 today...said they caught a South Wind and headed North

magpie said...

Lynn - -
lots or rain in Missouri...your family doing okay out that way ?

magpie said...

lots OF rain that is, in Missouri and a lot of other places

Hope all our Momsters and Dadsters and all the family members will be okay !

Split is approaching stay alert

magpie said...

If I can taste my food, I guess I am well enough to return to work Saturday dayshift - germs have settled down

stronghunter said...

Kathryn has to take Luna to Fairfax again on Monday.

I didn't expect that.

stronghunter said...

But how are you feeling, Margy? That matters too.

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...