Friday, March 04, 2011


TGIF thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, glad your fence is done and Mai got to romp. 5ft should keep the deer out!

magpie said...

Okay, Shirley...sorry to hear that...can you tell us a littoe more about Luna?

While we SPLIT !

paula eagleholic said...

Just voted for Mai...still ahead at 23%

magpie said...

Feeling pretty good, coughing a lot but it's a productive cough...
and no fever...

magpie said...

oh thanks for the reminder Paula...
I can vote again now also !
going to do it now

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, Shirley how is Luna?

magpie said...

wonder what's up at Blackwater...cams still not refreshing...

stronghunter said...

Luna is getting around okay. It is obvious she is having trouble seeing, though. I coaxed her down the steps when she needed to go out.

She walked right over the zapper pad, which she would never have done if she had seen it. (It has been turned off for a long time.)

Kathryn said the doctor is happy with Luna's progress. But she did not have much opportunity to talk with the doctor today. There was a cat emergency at the doctor's and Kathryn had to leave.

hedgie said...

You tell her, Shirley! Our Little Margy doesn't get enough rest!!
Well, hopefully it will be the last trip that Luna and Kat have to make up the road!

Wonder if GG got her crab legs? Sure hope so!

I cannot decide/determine if Mai is having dreams or seizures. If it's dreams, I have never seen a dog have them so often. If it's only happens when she's sleeping, and would probably be considered mild. But it does make a lot of noise as her feet flail against the bottom of the crate. Sometimes she blows like a horse. Sometimes it a lot of whimpering. Very strange.

stronghunter said...

Poor Kathryn is so tired. She and Hunter are at a program at the church, though. Long day for her.

stronghunter said...

Maybe you should ask the vet, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Margy needs to take care of herself. We do not need any more pneumonia around here.

paula eagleholic said...

I would imagine it's dreams, Lynn. Can't imagine seizures only when asleep.

paula eagleholic said...

My dogs have whimpered and grunted and twitched before when sleeping

paula eagleholic said...

Up for an egg roll

magpie said...

thanks for the report Shirley on Luna...
sure hoping for a good outcome, and that Kathryn can get some rest this week-end
and Lynn...hope Mai is just having dreams of coming in at first place with you on the contest

WETA has clips from the Ed Sullivan showsw of the past, pretty entertaining
I was around for all the first time around

magpie said...

whoo my typing
leaving out letters and words and adding extra letters

better straighten up before morning time!

hedgie said...

We see the vet in a week. I would expect more symptoms if it were seizures.....drooling, loss of bladder control, maybe. But don't know if it might be petit mal.....I'm assuming dreams until vet says otherwise!

Re: the old fence.....Charlie can take it and the old rusted posts to the scrapyard and get money for it. How about that?

magpie said...

Okay Lynn, that's good, now, how are YOU feeling ???

stronghunter said...

Yay for the scrap metal places, Lynn. Kathryn takes scrap metal from her work to turn in. Her boss allows her to keep the money.

magpie said...

Beatles portion on the Ed Sullivan show on WETA coming up after the break...probably...

stronghunter said...


Comment from George.

magpie said...

BWO just refreshed...
and BWE.....not yet :(

Lolly said...

I missed a report on Luna. Can she see?

stronghunter said...

Thanks for your concern over Luna. It helps.

She is such a sweet pet. It has been hard to see her go through this.

NCSuzan said...

Good evening all. Hope those with ills are rushing back to health.

Last year, if I remember correctly, the CRC fledgling was put into a hack tower with another eagle on the other side to "help" the juvie learn eagle ways. They show the hack tower cam too until he fledges.

Lynn, i watched Savannah all day too and did not see a thing! LOL

Am impatient for a better recovery for Luna.

Sorry I am so far behind in comments and what's happening. Went to the pulmonologist yesterday and ended up in the emergency room. Barely got out of there but have been in slow motion all day. Will catch up soon. But Lynn, I have voted!!!

Evedryone have a peaceful and healing night and hope the weekend finds Lynne good as new!

hedgie said...

Margy, I feel better this evening than I did this morning. Thanks for asking!

Yeah, think that WE have to pay to take that kind of stuff to the dump, but get paid FOR taking it to a scrap place! Nice of KAt's boss to let her pocket the cash!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Suzan, hope you are feeling better today. Sorry to hear about your ER trip.

magpie said...

BWE just put up a notice on the cam updating issue...they will check the PC Saturday

stronghunter said...

Luna's sight is definitely greatly reduced, Lolly, but the doctor is happy with the progress she has made to this point. The doctor says she would be running into things if she could not see at all, and she is not running into things. She has trouble going down steps, but she does know when she has approached steps.

magpie said...

this has been a pretty sick week for quite a few of us...sorry to hear of your illness Suzan... sure glad you made it out of the ER and that you will recover quickly !

And Lynn, glad you are feeling better also...thank goodness !

stronghunter said...

The last report I got was that they think Luna can see shapes and shadows, but not much detail. We try to keep the room well-lighted for her.

She is sleeping on the dog bed right now. She found it herself. She will need to find her way around because she is too big for us to pick up and place somewhere. We have been trying to guide her gently when she needs help.

magpie said...

okay time to watch the Fab Four

Lolly said...

Watching TV, recorded Grey's the other night, it's a rerun but one I have not seen.

hedgie said...

Here's a great, short video!
Vets at Funeral

stronghunter said...

Kathryn's boss has done a lot of good things for her. She has worked there for a long time because of that.

paula eagleholic said...

Note from BW on FB

We updated the Eagle Cam Web Log with 3 new videos of our first eaglet. Also, we noticed the Eagle Cam is having updating issues at the moment, so we'll check out the PC on Saturday. See the web log here:

paula eagleholic said...

Do they think she will improve, Shirley?

stronghunter said...

I am not sure, Paula. I think she might improve when they stop with the eye drops. They cause her pupil to constrict which shuts out light.

Judie said...

Good late evening.

Guess I missed the absentee parent episode today. Glad all was well.

Congratulations to Savannah and Derek. Will try to check that out tomorrow.

Our nest looks peaceful tonight.

Meanwhile, I find that Jo has developed a painful neck no doubt the result of straining to see our eaglets-to-be, Carolyn has taken the subway out of town, Diann is overrun with men, Wanda has a food kitchen and a clothes closet for those who eat and need a larger size, GG has crabby legs, and Lynn and Mai are all fenced in.

Lolly, about the old t.v. -- I know a place where ...

Glo, congratulations on the double eagle picture. It was, truly, my favorite.

Had a nice lunch out with a gal friend. Tomorrow, plan to attend Senior Day for the men's basketball game at 1pm. Then have to get to work for the last week before Spring break.

Hoping those who are feeling better get to 100% pronto. Suzan, sorry about the ER visit but glad you are home.

Andy, hope the homework slows down a little. How much longer before you're finished?

Lynn, we were dog-sitting a neighbors dog who started having seizures. From what you said, I think you should have it checked out with the vet. Sounds familiar. Petit mal is a real possibility and may help to explain some of Mai's behaviors.

Shirley, sorry about another trip Kathryn has to make with Luna but am hoping Luna's sight will be preserved. Thanks for the update.

Dana, congratulations on the baby niece. Hugs to you and her.

Got a call last night from a former student. Named Deputy of the Year for her district -- Houston.

Well, here it is almost time for me to try to out run the sandperson. So, will check in tomorrow morning. Sleep peacefully everyone.

magpie said...

glad you could check in Judie...always a welcome post

Hope sleep is good
and Hello to Darth, by the way

magpie said...

BWE has updated, guess it could be up and down until everything gets checked out

NCSuzan said...

Thanks all for your concern. Everything will be ok.

magpie said...

neat about your former student -
Deputy of the year - Houston...
How neat that she called !

magpie said...

OK Suzan...
prayers for you and your wellness

for that matter, time to say the same for everyone on here, prayers for your needs

it's my bedtime

Thanks for your friendship, it is dear and precious

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

hedgie said...

More bloodletting. Mai just raked the back of my hand with a toenail. One-inch gash. ARGH! She just suddenly started barking at me and jumped up. I am truly convinced that she just plain hates me.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lynn, I am sorry you are still having issues with Mai. Stay in touch with your trainer.

hedgie said...

Oh, Suzan...missed your post! Was your pulse ox low? ER's are no fun. Hope you are doing MUCH better really fast!
Had to chuckle----when I was at the Dr's. Tues., basically unable to get any air movement through my nose, my pulse ox was the best it's been in years! Duh!

stronghunter said...

It sounds like you really need to let Mai get plenty of time to run around and play in the newly fenced yard.

stronghunter said...

Globetrotters are at the Patriot Center at GMU.

Someone had asked where . . .

hedgie said...

Good night, Judie and Margy! Know you are proud of your former student, Judie!! Margy, if you are rough around the edges when you wake up, call in again!

I was thinking the same thing, Judie......maybe her problems ARE brain related. Behaviorist comes again Th. Maybe I'll try to get Mai in to see vet Mon.

hedgie said...

Oh, Shirley, yard was fenced before. And she does run, and run, and run.

So poor Kat WILL have to make the trip north tomorrow as well as Monday! Set her truck on autopilot!!!

stronghunter said...

Luna just walked straight to her bed and curled up. She had to have seen it.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, we are going north tomorrow for entertainment. Trying to figure out how to take care of nLuna. May get a dog sitter; may take her with us.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn has a friend who works as a vet tech she's trying to contact. Luna needs regular medications--eye drops and pills. She also needs to be watched closely.

stronghunter said...

Oh, yeah, not newly fenced. Just a new fence.

stronghunter said...

Maybe Judie is right. Sounds like something worth investigating.

magpie said...

was in bed
window cracked open just a wee bit
almost asleep

the unmistakable sound of:
Tundra Swans!
couldn't see them but got outside in time to hear them for a few seconds

NatureNut said...

Good grief, more illnes! Sorry for the ER trip, Suzan.

Hope Luna improves--sounds better than before.
Lynn, maybe there is a physical problem w/Mai.Hope you find out soon.
Praying for good health for ALL!!
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Mema Jo said...

Evening - Luna's sense of smell may increase, Shirley. I hope she spotted her bed and if not maybe she smelled a trail right to it.

Whoa just noticed BWE chicks uncovered

NatureNut said...

Margy, I read that!!! Oh, how wonderful! I've never heard them at night. They sure have an unmistakable sound!

Mema Jo said...

I am heading for the pillows
I had taken my muscle relaxer around 10 and I won't last too much longer.

Wanda I hope you, Gene and GG had a
good evening.

Margy - close that window cause the temps are going down and take everyone's advice and stay home 1 more day - We all are concerned for your health!

Costume Lady said...

No crab legs for GG:( She was in too much pain to go out. I gave her a liquid pain reliever, which works in a few minutes and a nerve pill to calm her down, but by the time the meds had kicked in, she was too exhausted from her ordeal to go to the restaurant. Another time, perhaps.
I'm exhausted too, I felt her pain!
Headed to bed soon.


Lolly said...

Oh, Lynn, so sorry more problems with Mai.

Lolly said...

Sorry, to you too, Wanda. Poor GG. Certainly hope she is much better tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Sorry to hear about GG - Good pic of you and Brandon. Get to bed and hope you sleep soundly.

hedgie said...

Margy, glad you heard the swans! Didn't realize they flew in the dark!

Thinking I will keep the camera nearby in LR and try to film Mai the next time she has one of those episodes......might help the vet to actually see it.

Shirley, if Luna goes with you, will she stay at Suzi's? I mean, you can't take her into the Pat Ctr., can you?? Speaking of which----that was where Christie had graduation!! It was quite full!

Lolly said...

Going to read before heading to bed.

Nite all!

Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

LOL---on news right now: GMU has WORST dorms in the country!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh sorry GG wasn't feeling well. Hope she feels better tomorrow.

Hitting the hay.

Hugs to all ♥

stronghunter said...

We will have to see what we can do, Lynn. I told Kathryn I can stay home and let her and Hunter go if necessary. Susan is supposed to go with us.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly guess we are the night owls

I am heading back the hall -
Good Night to all and prayers for all
Hugs to all ((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Mema Jo said...

More night owls on here then what I thought

Good Night again...

hedgie said...

Wanda, what kind of pain is GG having?? That sure doesn't sound good. Sorry your evening out didn't happen. :( Prayers that GG will feel much better.

Just looked at the trail cam video! Eeek!! Black cat and GOATS!

Tub time for me.....and then to bed. Hope everyone has a comfortable night. See in the morning light.
Prayers.....and peace.

stronghunter said...

I have to call it a night. Need to head upstairs.

I will see you tomorrow. Good night all.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here pretty late tonight. Did a lot of homework (There's still more to do, too!), shopped at Wally World for the week, went to Trader Joe's and Petco after dinner, and then watched some Criminal Minds episodes on TV. Have sort of read back a bit on the blog, and now am about to call it a day.
Sorry to hear that you are feeling poorly, Suzan! Glad you are home from the ER, and prayers that you heal quickly!
Lynn, I wonder if Mai is having seizures. Seems odd that they would only happen during sleep, though. Emma sometimes seems to be running in her sleep, too--not just twitching, but actually moving her legs. Hope your vet can figure out what's going on. Hope having a chance to run around again will help. Seems to make Emma much happier. She's a dynamo of pent-up energy!
Shirley, sounds like Luna is improving somewhat. Prayers that she continues to get better and better eyesight!
Am praying that Lynn, Lynne, GG, Jo, Margy, Suzan, Sharon, and all the others with various ailments improve rapidly overnight! I'm including pets in that prayer too!
Judie, for my Externship class, I have to do 360 hours of transcription, keep a record of time spent and number of lines transcribed, and turn in what's done every 3 weeks. Forty hours of that time will be done on site with a transcription service yet to be determined. The quarter ends on May 13th. In order to do all the work in one quarter, I have to do 15 hours per week. (I also have an English class this quarter.)

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, just tried to see our nest, and it's too dark to tell much. Can just barely make out a white head, I think, if I tilt the screen a bit.
Making sure the night light and the porch light are still on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep well, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

magpie said...

It's the Morning, It's the Day ☼

Eagle Parent on the nest, can still see that Peanut or Pussy Willow at the 5 o'clock spot!
Even better now with the zooooom-in

nice clear morning here, not sure that is going to last very long, saw Venus bright and early in the East...
if skies are clear in the West this evening, maybe Baby Moon will show itself

magpie said...

So sorry to read that GG was not feeling very well last night, it is dear that you and Gene can be there for her....
I hope today is better for everyone
(( hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

you used some words the other day or so to describe the call of the Tundra Swans....can you repeat that today sometime? It is very accurate, and is what I heard last night!
I have seen a flock once at night, heard them once in the daytime but they were behind clouds, and heard them last night...had I been quicker out the door I might have seen them !

magpie said...

Best wishes for a good day, Eagle Pals, with whatever is on your dance cards...

I am headed back to work...

Pryaers for wellness and comfort today

xoxo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

NOW I can see that precious avatar! last night it was just a Red X ☺
It's one of the best YET !

stronghunter said...

Had to research the call of the tundra swan, Margy. I am trying to remember when I might have heard it. I am learning so much about birds from associating with you all.

I am laughing at myself. I have to say "you all" when I want to make sure that everyone knows I am speaking to the whole group.

On Thursday, I had my students working on a practice essay for their Standards of Learning test, and one of the boys wanted to know the proper way to write "you all" in his essay. One of the other kids offered that he should write "you guys." The kid was very surprised when I said that just "you" was enough in his essay. We also had several discussions about how many sentences make a paragraph.

I want to tell them that there is no set number of sentences in a paragraph, but I have to tell them that, for this essay, they need 5-8. Oh, they have so much to learn.

And I wish the state would not refer to their essay as a "short essay." To some of these kids, a short essay might be 5-8 sentences for the whole dang thing.

floralgirl said...

Today's nest weather-Partly sunny this morning...then cloudy with a slight chance of rain this afternoon. Highs in the upper 50s. South winds 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 25 mph. Chance of rain 20 percent.

stronghunter said...

Need to get some vacuuming done. Rus and Rebecca are coming down today. BBL.

stronghunter said...

Thanks Megan! I still miss the weather forecasts we used to get from Helen.

BEagle said...

New Thread!
Come on over!

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6/14/24 crow woody

 We do have sound on the camera I was sitting here watching TV and all I started a crow and I knew I didn't have a crow in my house lol ...