Thursday, February 17, 2011


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...

Paula, how's Gianni's walking coming along? She is so cute. She will soon, be a year old and will be walking really well by then;)

paula eagleholic said...

She took about 4 steps when I was up there last Friday night. I think she will be motivating very well very soon!

Lolly said...

Just like clock work, huh? Yea, Margy, glad you were here! Super glad!

Costume Lady said...

Paula, try to get a video of her walking...those first steps are so precious.

Going to play a joke of Jayden tomorrow evening. His favorite thing to play with at GG's is my Eagle Cane ( you may have seen video of him playing with it).
Well, I now have two canes exactly alike...I'm going to take both of them into GG's and see what he will do when he sees 2 of them:)

Mema Jo said...

I was watching TH soon after Jim called our attention to it this afternoon. I am so happy for all of you that got to be there for her support! So strange about the 17th being the egg laying date a few years
in a row.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, Gang,
I am going to head for TV land for Grey's and PP.
Prayers have been said for all.
Judie, thanks for leaving the night light on. The porch light is on, too.
The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep tight! Stay bundled under those covers! God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Mema Jo said...

Jayden is going to say This one is for me and this one is for you!
Has he given any ones names yet ;
Like GG or George (for Gene)

paula eagleholic said...

K82 doing some preening...hopefully she will let us see soon.

Ms Bookworm said...

Wanda, I can't wait to hear about Jayden's reaction. Please take a picture or two! 'Night now.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, he'll probably have one in each hand!

Lolly said...

Egg roll at TH! Egg is in view!

paula eagleholic said...

And there is 82's egg!

paula eagleholic said...

She is picking bugs out of the bowl!

Mema Jo said...

Well I did get to see the egg.
And with that event I am headed back
the hallway...

Good Night All and Pleasant Dreams
Prayers for all
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, she hasn't settled onto it yet...ah there she goes...wiggle wiggle.

And with that, I bid everyone a fond goodnight!

Hugs to all!

Lolly said...

I am heading to my book. Night all! I'm tired...deliverd an egg tonight! LOL

Sweet dreams!

magpie said...

Well Hooray Two Harbors,
K81 K82 and baby K

so good to read this post...

always glad to share these "birthing" things with as many people as possible !!

Feb 17 - same day as my oldest sister Elisabeth's birthday..
her 73rd...

magpie said...

just took me awhile to be able to sign up here...

Hellooooo any Night Owls...

Jim if you make a visit:
Sure hope you are feeling better or that you will be SOON !!

magpie said...

I better correct my post to read:


Lori O. said...

Good morning eagle lovers and early birds!

The full moon is gLORIous shining so bright on the nest - it's all lighted up like daytime now. Beautiful.

Lori O. said...

Shirley so sorry to hear about your unwanted parent showing up at your door - pretty scary. Lot's of nut jobs out there. Be careful.

Andy, I hope Emma did well on her walk...wonder if those mockingbirds will be barking soon? :) I've had them just swoop down and attack my cats - peck 'em on the head!

Does the tail flip on K82 that you wrote about mean she's about to deliver an egg?

Maybe I shouldn't go back & read the blog & I wouldn't have soooo many questions! :)

Have a great and blessed day!


magpie said...

Oh boy : My early morning Buddy...

Hi Lori !

Hey, new eagle egg on the planet just before midnight...
out at Two Harbors in California

magpie said...

and Blackwater starts back up again for the day at 0300...

okay back in a bit
tickling the keys on the keyboard for work stuff right

magpie said...

Lady BW awake and moving around

magpie said...

Full Moon is officially Full!
Full Snow Moon - ☺

Lori O. said...

Good morning Margy!

We're both at work now.

I love Lolly's avatar - I'm gonna have to find out what program you use to do that.

Donnie said...

Good Morning everyone. While I was in the yard yesterday enjoying the warm weather, I thought about the eagles and about time to check in on the eggs!
I hope everyone has had a great winter, however, I'm really looking forward to Spring this year>
What's under our girl this year? 1-2-or 3?
No problems I hope!

magpie said...




Lori O. said...

Hi Donnie -

I just checked your blog & you have some gorgeous flower pictures on there ... of course, that little Molly is pretty cute, too!

Oh, I'm Lori. Hi.

magpie said...

won't be able to do much posting between now and 0800 end of worktime

sneak this in:
Best wishes for a Good Day

see you later if not sooner


Lori O. said...

Have a great day Margy and thanks for your company!

Many blessing for a beautiful weekend and lots of rest for you.

Donnie said...

Thanks Mag, thats great news. I'll keep checking in more often now.
Lori, Thank you. I wish I had more time, I'd keep that blog up to date. I do enjoy taking photos. I would like to take a class and learn my camera better.

Lori O. said...

Both adults now in the West End Catalina nest.

Lori O. said...

Looks like Lib in the nest now - I must have missed a switch.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Our short spell of warm weather has moved on but sun will shine today with more normal temps here. Looking forward to getting in a very long line to wash 3000 miles of road dirt and salt off my car :-).

Lori O. said...

Glo - the eagles may not recognize your car if it's too clean - I'd rest and let it go a few more days! :)

glo said...

:-) Lori

Lori O. said...

Where is everyone this morning? No new thread, yet.

I hope you're all okay, Megan, Lynn, Lynne, Shirley, Margy. I miss you!

Donnie said...

The camera at NCTC looks great. Did they get a new one?
Nice glimps of the eggs their! That starling must have bothered them. It looked like it was stealing nesting twigs...

Donnie said...

I just tryed to load the outdoor channel on the Ipad. It takes flashplayer to work and the Ipad does not have flashplayer... Is there a way to get an apple computer to load these things?

Lori O. said...

Hi Donnie, I think PAULA is the computer expert at getting the website to work somewhere. She usually comes on soon, so I'd ask her.

Donnie said...

thanks Lori, this is why I'm hate the idea of getting an Imac for the house. I'll have to re-learn everything I know now!. I can hardly keep these computers, networks, printers, faxes..... going!!

Lori O. said...

I know -- let alone trying to remember 8700 passwords!

Judie said...

Good morning early birds and eaglets-to-be watchers.

Up early. Have therapy this a.m.

Nest looks quiet with some flugg rearrangement going on. NBG looks pretty. Need to check TH.

Shirley, sorry about the parent incident yesterday. It can be unsettling to have upset kids and even more so with an angry adult. Wonder how the student learned that word? Hope there won't be a repeat.

Paula, Gianni will be walking all over you soon. Enjoy.

Okay, off for coffee and to make myself presentable for the outside world.


movin said...



tO yOU aLL.


No chicks at BWE yet.
One egg at Two Harbors.
WE: Looks like Wray (accompanied by K-01 initially) flew onto the WE nest in the middle of the night. Wray stayed, and perhaps she has laid an egg; but we will have to wait until light and the camera stops shearing everything into two or three parts.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

movin said...

I'm up early and hopefully only temporarily. Too much sleep yesterday, not enough in this night.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

magpie said...

K81 is tending the egg now at TH

magpie said...

Stayed up to watch K82 stand over the nest cup, chirp a few times,
K81 came in, K82 flew out and Dad was ever so delicate getting situated onto the egglet

Headed for some z's here now

See you all later...

magpie said...

Okla nest up and running, two eaglets plotzed out next to a parent

magpie said...

I guess that would be Sequoyah

magpie said...

Kinda quiet on here...
hope everyone is okay!!

ttfn xo

Costume Lady said...

Yes, we do have a new cam. It is not working the way it was intended. The sound is not very good, and it goes off often. Night light is non-existent...practically. The moon helps tremendously!
Color is poor quality if at all. Workers cann't do any adjustments until babies have fledged;( least we can see what is going on, for now:)

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Sorry Donnie, I don't know a thing about ipads!

hedgie said...

Good morning, Momsters and Dadsters. Hope everyone is feeling chipper today.
Another "warm" one here---63°, but cloudy. Breezy, too. HIGH FIRE DANGER warnings in effect.

Almost ready to head for early lunch with a gal pal.

Took MAi for a walk this morning---think she enjoyed it. Driveway walk isn't bad when it's not freezing cold and blustery!

hedgie said...

Good to see you, Donnie. Don't be a stranger! I think we all have too many gadgets! Need resident techie's to keep everything straight, don't we??

Hope everyone has a good day. Will check back in later this afternoon. Errands and grocery run after lunch. TTFN.

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning all!

Welcome back Donnie and Sunny!

Well, my cold seems to have turned into an almost unbearable sinus infection so I'll be heading the Dr in a little while. I am inclined to believe that this condition has been caused by STINKBUGS. Perhaps I'm allergic.

Went out this morning with coffee, note pad, binos and camera to spy on bird for day one of the Backyard Bird Count. I saw 2 Cardinals, one Carolina Wren, 2 Carolina Chickadees, 4 Mourning Doves, one Black Vulture and one Crow. I clearly picked the most boring time of the day to watch! May do another session later and see if I can get some more interesting visitors.

Lynne2 said...

have fun at lunch Lynn. We have a Fire Weather Watch going into effect here tomorrow morning thru tomorrow night.

Lynne2 said...

WOW, big gusty winds at our nest suddenly!

Lynne2 said...

we don't even have the slightest of breezes here yet.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning to EVERYONE in eagle land. (:

It looks like I have some catching up to do.

See some on here that have not been here for awhile. That is GOOD!

Not as sunny out there this morning. Nor does it look like it will be as warm.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone! Hi Donnie - good to see you again. Hope all is well
It is great about the TH egg.. guess the island nest will all be producing their clutches within days of each other. Memories of Dr Sharpe will always be in my mind with all of those nest and the excellent work he has done for those nest that can now function on their own.
Nothing exciting going on here today. I am just enjoying living my LIFE.

Mema Jo said...

Judie have a good session and 'walk tall'

Lynn, Enjoy your lunch date

Lorie and Margy - thanks for the morning updates

Lynne - good going on your backyard bird count.

Dana - it is a sorta dismal looking sky - where is that SUN...

Jim - it's hard to get your sleep hours organized! Thanks for checking in before you returned to Snooze Land

Paula - Does John have a truck in order to get the wicker furniture down for you

Mema Jo said...

Good news for jobs in Hagerstown....
VT Industries Inc. has announced that the company will close its Fine Laminate Countertop plant in Shelbyville, Ind., and move the work to a new production facility in Hagerstown.

Mema Jo said...

Wow! The sunshine has appeared!

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers continue for healing for Kari and prayers are continuing Lynn for Rick and Shirley for your friend Bette.

Margy needs a back windshield defroster prayers you need that for the hours you work. Yes I too
love the actions of the Mockbirds. I like what you said "lots of birds rolled up into one".

BEagle smashed fingers I'm so sorry that has to hurt.

Paula's wicker bedroom furniture sounds just right for a beach house. Happy you was able to find them.

Shirley you handled the situation at school so well. They do need better and more security!!

Andy thank you so much fun hearing of Emma. I enjoy your talking about her. It puts a smile on my face and some laughter in my heart. Same as when Lynn will
tell us about Mai--remember how she was sleeping that one day. tee hee
I wished I could tell you to take the thumbprint off for me. My eyes have their own mind. Gives
me trouble whenever one or the other wants too. I just live with it. Has improved some but then
goes again. So I will just continue to hope one day every-thing will work well with both
all the time. I'm blesse I have vision. Sorry so much writing at one time.

Lolly said...

Good morning! I read late last night and then slept in. Oh, the joys of retirement! Told Jack a little while ago our house is warming up. 70 already and heading up. Having been in the 70's all week the interior has warmed up.

Welcome back Donnie! Looks like it is going to be a great year for eaget watching. Last night was great for watching egg delivery at TH.

Going to spend the day doing more cd buring. Not too bad, have a good book to read while doing it, though no cam watching.

Have a great Friday. Margy, I have red on!

movin said...

Back again and more rested.

I see the WE camera has settled down and an eagle, which I "think" is Wray is still there. But, whichever it is, it has not laid an egg yet.

I hope you all are planning for a great SATSUN. Enjoy.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Lolly and Jim

Yes it is good to see some of the people that blogged last season. Coming back in for this season like Donnie.

Lolly we are going to be "pale" and you are going to have a "tan" lol

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2 I think I read where you have a sinus infection..Praying for you to get better fast.

Someone said they think they are allergic to stinkbugs...they was not kidding. Well I get clear bumps and it looks and itches just like poison from them.

Lolly said...

Just came in from outside. Skimmed some leaves from the lower pond, fed the fish and now I am HOT! Jack is working on the landscape lighting around the pond and has changed into shorts. Crazy February weather!!!

Yep, think I am going to change as well.☺

wvgal_dana said...

Sun is shining now here think I will go enjoy the rays.

paula eagleholic said...

Both parents at BWE...looks like Mom doesn't want to move

paula eagleholic said...

the Lord finally departed at BWE...Lady wouldn't budge!

Mema Jo said...

Perhaps the egg about to hatch is talking to mom!

Mema Jo said...

There was an egg roll at BWE but didn't see the eggs.

Mema Jo said...

Going in to watch a show I taped last evening when I had 2 good ones on at the same time


Judie said...

Lynn2, nice try! We're all allergic to SBs. lol Maybe infection is better as that will respond to meds.

Hi Sunny and Donnie. Hi Dana.

Lynn, hope you had a nice lunch and glad Mai was good for the morning walk.

Jo, I did have a reasonably good session. Next task is getting the ankle to flex to use stairs normally and not with a stiff leg. I DON'T WANT TO -- IT HURTS! But, I will.

Really good news about jobs for Hagerstown area. I'm sure there are some very happy people but also some sad ones in IN.

Sunshine has arrived at my house. Used my Eagle cane to venture outside to take some seeds to the birds. They chirped with joy.

Congratulations to TH. Can't see a thing at WE. Speaking of CA, hope Jim gets caught up on sleep and feels better.

Paula, if I forgot I apologize so congratulations on the beach house and locating some wicker.

Putting my foot up. BBL

Judie said...

Finally, checked on WE and there was a beautiful picture and sound. Watched some calling out, a stick fight, no egg(s), and all is well.

NatureNut said...

AARRGGHH!Blogger ate my Comment!

Looked for crocuses here at farmhouse office & see the gees have visited that front yard! Maybe they nibbled the sprouts. Did find the snowdrops in their favorite spot.
Saw Sunny was back yesterday & Donnie this AM. Welcome! Was wondering about you guys.

Back to work~~but w/Eyes on the Windows!!

Judie said...

Have submitted Aspen (male) and Calla (female) for Lily's babes.

NatureNut said...

Forgot to add that I read at home this AM about TH. How eggciting!! Wish I had stayed on a little longer last night!

Judie said...

Lowreeda, so jealous. Planted so many bulbs a couple of years ago and deets ate them all. Just love to see Snowdrops blooming. Enjoy. Oh, been to Ledo's since it reopened?

paula eagleholic said...

Lib is incubating

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I slept in late today after getting Hubby off to work. Thankfully, Emma went back to sleep too, after going out to do her business.
The moon was really spooky looking early this morning--could barely be seen through a thick layer of haze.
Made it seem "fuzzy." It's really COLD here this morning--I'm searching for my red sweatshirt. Supposed to only get up to about 60 here today. The wind feels icy! Guess the weather front expected today really IS arctic!

BEagle said...

Hello everybody.

I was glad to see TH laid one late last night. The WE nest was about a week behind them, two weeks behind Belle and Lib last year.

I think that is Wray on the nest. She's been there about all day.

BEagle said...

The NC chicks together just about fill up the cam screen now! Wowow they are big!

BEagle said...

The Vian chicks are growing. They are cute. It would be delightful to see them up close.

Ms Bookworm said...

Am still praying for Kari, Ric(k), and Bette. BEagle, hope those smashed fingers are feeling better! Prayers for you, too. Dana, prayers that your eyes will improve and not bother you so much. Hoping that some day soon you won't need to use the thumbprint scanner security anymore.
It will be in place as long as you need it.
Judie, I'm glad you had a reasonably good PT session. Hope and pray that your ankle isn't protesting too much today, and that you will be able to do the stairs again soon without a straight leg.
Lynne, sorry your sinuses are messed up today! Hope the Dr. will give you meds to help with that SOON! Please keep us posted about the bird count--very interesting!
Well, I need to make myself presentable and go shopping at Wally World. Sure hope they've stocked the shelves! I'll check back later after I get back home.
Lynn, hope that Mai is a really good girl for you today. Emma is not nipping or jumping today, but is not cooperating with "walking on a loose leash." She will stand still for a while on a loose leash, then pick up a new scent, and will try to take off at about 60 mph. Trainer said to turn and go in the opposite direction, but she changed directions so much I got kinda dizzy. We were going in circles pretty quickly. I'm wondering whether Springers have a different mindset because their noses are SO sensitive. Emma's nose seems to be connected directly to her feet, bypassing her brain entirely. Gonna have to think this over for a while. When she's found an interesting scent, it's as if I don't exist. She IS gradually getting better about some things, though, so maybe it's just a matter of time. Well, gotta run. BBL.... :o]

BEagle said...

Thank you MS Bookworm. My fingers did not get worse since last night.

Wray is back on her roost. Duke nest is empty and so is KIDS nest. The OR nest is a mound of snow. White Rock is empty.

I better check on Turtle nest. Can't remember what kind of water goes with Turtle.

Lib is on the nest fussing with sticks and fluff. Good Papa and a wiggle.

Will read back later.

I must scoot.

See yall later. ♥

Lynne2 said...

LOL Andy, I have the EXACT same problem with both Daisy and Puddles....wonder sometimes if there ARE brains in their pretty heads!

Back for Dr...sure enough, sinus infection. Have antibiotics and pred so should be good as new in a couple of days!

Mema Jo said...

Hi BEagle - The turtle has BAY water...

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - Thank you for going and getting your meds so that none of us need to worry about you! ((hugs))

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Belle is on 1st now :)

glo said...

Wrapped up in my Dexter blanket and taking a nap. Life is good ♥

Lynne2 said...

can you believe it....I watched a male and female house sparrow taking grass into the bluebird house out front. Sure enough, they had about a half a nest built in there! Well, I put a screeching halt to that project.

paula eagleholic said...

Eewwies at BWO :)

Mema Jo said...

Judie - so now you need to learn how to Flip that Foot! lol
Not funny because 2 yrs ago I was trying to learn how to bend my leg and NOT walk stiff legged.... This old dog did learn the trick eventually after walking down the hall hundreds of times!

I was trying to think up some names
for our 2 little cubbies... just not
sure yet if I would submit them or not.

Mema Jo said...

Yeah Glo is having a happy hour!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - you need a sign that says
"Bluebirds Only" Hope the bluebirds use their nest this season.

Lynne2 said...

absolutely Jo....trying a "preemptive" strike so I don't end as sick as as I was before Christmas!

Mema Jo said...

I'm going to take a break


Lynne2 said...

Last spring the sparrows and the bluebirds were at war over that nest box. I kept chasing the sparrows out every chance I got, and it worked...they moved on. But the bluebirds moved into another box in the mean time and raise 2 clutches!

Costume Lady said...

I am sitting here drying my hair and watching cams. NBG had a close-up on Mama and she was panting constantly and you could see her tongue:) Beautiful sight there!

Costume Lady said...

Lynne, GG did that to the sparrows too, in order to have the bluebird in the nest...well, the bluebird left and hasn't been back (2-3 year ago) She is devistated. She looked forward to them nesting every spring.

Lynne2 said...

Belle is open mouth breathing as well!

Lynne2 said...

oh that's a shame Wanda...maybe they'll come back THIS year! Those darn house sparrows are just a pain in the a**. I won't kill one (many bird fanatics think that everyone should, along with starlings, since they are not native) but I sure will stop them from building a nest if I can!

Lynne2 said...

wow, today marks the 10 year anniversary of Dale Earnhardt's death. Sure doesn't seem like it's been that long....

Costume Lady said...

I know, Lynne, I thought they had made a mistake on the number of years! Time does fly...

Heading for GG'a. BBL

NatureNut said...

Just took some pics of the snowdrops. We had some last year in the front yard here---nary a one! Guess it could be geese or deets! The narcissus are sprouting.
No critters yet, today AND WHY aren't any froggies calling???Maybe pond water is too cold. I drive by a creek on way home where I always hear them. Will have to check today.

hedgie said...

Oh, certainly seems like 10 yrs. to me since my Dale died. What a totally devastating event. The plant was like a morgue for several days. We just couldn't believe that our friend was gone....and I hate to say it, but production was poor. I still cry whenever there is a tribute, a replay, or even some songs that were used at the time for memorials.

Lynne, sorry about your sinus infection. TY for getting prompt medical care!!

Mai and I had a nice ball session outside this afternoon. And then she proceeded to start digging at the base of a tree.....argh!

Lunch was great....but we over-stayed! Ran my other errands, but it was getting too late for groceries----I try NOT to be out there when it is school bus time. Having to stop every 100 ft. or so along the highway is a royal PIA.

hedgie said...

It was 72° in town. Still 69 here. BUT....wind has become fierce....just heard one of my pine tree ornaments on side of house hit the deck.

hedgie said...

Andy, Mai WAS doing the loose leash walking well until Weds. night. But then, she didn't do much of anything right this week at school!

hedgie said...

Saw the first bulldozer behind here this morning. More surveyors and new ribbons up. I am very unhappy. It might just be logging now....but I think the handwriting is on the wall----when the economy improves, dollars to donuts, it will be a housing development.

hedgie said...

My snow drops have always bloomed through most of the winter.....have not seen a single one this year. Guess they must have died out.

Fire call going out just across the county line---mutual aid call. Horrible to have to fight a fire in this wind.

Mema Jo said...

My happy hour is over and now it is dinner time. Beef stew - love it!


Judie said...

Yep, Jo, just call me peg leg Judie. Otherwise, stiff but doing okay. Just supposed to practice at home. Interesting, supposed to put a phone book on the floor at bottom step so I essentially start with a half step rather than full depth. Learning so much about this process.

Lynne2, glad you got to the dr. and got the meds. You'll be just fine.

Wanda, know you're having a good time at GG's. Can't wait to find out what Jayden does with two eagle canes.

Lynn, glad you had a nice lunch and got some errands done and had a, so far, decent day with Mai. Wind has made its way to VA and supposed to be really dangerous tomorrow.

Sorry for the sad memories, Lynn. Really does not seem like ten years, does it?

Off to the kitchen - one peg leg at a time.

Mema Jo said...

BWE will soon need a fish or two when the 1st little one hatches.

Egg Roll

If it hatches a bit late, at least that means the other chicks will be closer in size.

Mema Jo said...

lol The Lady didn't let us see
even the littlest bit of the egg!

Donnie said...

Hello again and thanks for all the welcome backs! I really enjoy this every spring. I printed out the web address for the outdoor dhannel and handed it out to everyone that wanted one!
WOW... Very breezy here! my idiot neighbor was burning today. I've been watching out the window for the woods to blaze up. So far... so good...

Donnie said...

good timing there they are!

Donnie said...

What a fussy thing! I think that wiggle dance back on top is the best!

Mema Jo said...

I think I just missed an egg roll in our nest - I wonder if all nests do
their egg rolls on the hour and on the half hour.... all at the same time

Mema Jo said...

I think our night light (however bright it may be) just went on...

Mema Jo said...

Hi Donnie -
Your neighbor is not at all a responsible person if a fire is going.
I'll call Smokey Bear and report him
if you wish. I hope it has been extinguished or containerized. The winds are to really get up.

Mema Jo said...

Donnie do you have the live feed up?
The wind really sounds fierce....

Donnie said...

thank you Jo for offering to be the heavy for me... It seams to be out at the moment. I can't see what it was but it smelled like trash not leaves. We all still burn out here but I wait until after a rain or at least acalm still day. I noticed the brighter screen. Thats the new "night light"?

Lynne2 said...

woa Donnie, BAD neighbor. Most of us, including your area, are under a Red Flag Warning which means critical fire danger. Keep a close eye out for sparks....

Donnie said...

yes Jo... the wind is roaring in the trees. My house sits down in a little gully so I don't get the full force of the winds but I hear it in the trees up on the hills.

Lynne2 said...

Arkansas Earthquakes

Donnie said...

Hello Lynn, yes he's a real "smart" one! I don't have to talk to him very often but he knows everything. I'm sure he thinks its fine to burn. He probably never thought about the wind and being so dry.

Donnie said...

Going into the wind for dinner.. BBL and again thanks for all the welcome backs!

Mema Jo said...

Interesting article Lynne about AR
Hope they turn out as usual and are not a warning for a big one coming.

Mema Jo said...

Triple three's
Wish we would have gotten a fresh thread before today's work day was over

Mema Jo said...

I am headed on an errand at CVS
Shall return - I am going to anchor
down with rocks in my pockets!


wvgal_dana said...

Just 20 minutes ago came down Interstate 81 from Martinsburg. Wasn't ready for that big gust of wind that hit the car. Nor was the cars in front or in back of me.

Was nice I ran into the Pastor who is retired now that use to hold our Bible Studies over on Faulkner Ave. He didn't know about Ed. He liked Ed a lot and said how he always felt I was such a faithful wife and have great faith in the Lord. That was truly nice to hear.

wvgal_dana said...

Donnie so good to see you on again.
Glad neighbor put fire out.

Lynn-Hedgie sorry about the possible housing development.

Lynne2 glad you got those infection will go bye bye.

Shirley you haven't said anything about Bette?

Judie sorry for the pain for straighten the foot to walk properly again....prayers.

I got too dizzy going the other way. I stopped that by when LM and other dogs were on leash and did that. I just stood still and held them on leash right by me.

Jo better hadn't end up with the washer, the garland and I forget what all.

NatureNut said...

Hi Gang, With some embarassment, but for your entertainment,I will tell you the Tale of Two Tires!
Since the weather was so nice, I decided to take a little field trip on the property after work.I drove back on the farm, mostly dirt road that leads to a couple barns and a falling down vine covered old farmer's house. I call it the "Haunted House". There were three vultures there that I thought would make some neat, scary pictures.(They like to lay their eggs inside!) They eventually flew away & on my way back, I saw one posing on a barn roof behind the old Chelsea Mansion.These dark visions should have alerted me to ominous events to follow.Turning back to the main farm road, I saw a huge tan blob in the corn field. I thought it might be either dirt or an animal.I veered off the road a few feet into the dry looking field to get a better view & both left tires got swamped in the Chelsea "Bog"! Since my cell phone battery is not reliable I assumed I was only allowed ONE call to either home or Park Police. I phoned home.(Found out later that cats were traumatized by the phone conversation.They just got treats, but one is hissing at him.) I do have an Army shovel, so while waiting for an irate visitor, I shoveled some bluestone from the edge of the road into the tire tread holes. Boards were brought to put in the mud tracks, and car went out. No towing needed. I will wash the car tomorrow!!!
BBL--need din din ☺

hedgie said...

Catch the moonrise if you can. Spectacular!!

wvgal_dana said...

Loretta I love seeing your avatar enlarged LOL

hedgie said...

Shuttle launch is on schedule for Feb. 24 at 4:50 p.m. EST!!!! Just under a week away!

Mema Jo said...

Loretta You are withholding information - What was the huge tan blog in the corn field ...?

Mema Jo said...

Well your Frank is a keeper!
And you were a stick-in-the-mud! lol

WOWSIE! I saw the moon just as it was half way up and now it is hanging up there in the sky illuminating the entire earth.

Hedgie - who is taking charge of the

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Just saw Judie's comment about wind tomorrow. I will have to work some more on the loose siding and see if it can be secured. Fifty mile per hour winds would be a problem.

Haven't read much more. Going to do some reading now.

Judie said...

Lowreeda, what was the big blob? Could it have been a Ledo mirage? Well, whatever, I am glad you were rescued without serious consequences.

Dana, nice that you saw the Pastor and that his memories of you and Ed are so comforting.

Just looking at the absolutely stunning moon. Hope the "snow" part of snow moon is not going to happen -- weather predictors here say maybe Monday night into Tuesday a.m.


Judie said...

High winds not a problem, Shirley. We already figured out about you and "siding" staying up all night. Seriously, hope that won't be a problem keeping you awake on a school night. How was school today?

paula eagleholic said...

Oh that moon is gorgeous for sure!

Came home and fired up the grill...steak is yummy! Too windy to walk the dog tonight, although the temp is nice!

Hope the meds make you fell better soon!

Interesting shadows on the nest right now, Belle is in the dark, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

The wind up here is really howling

wvgal_dana said...

darn forgot tv going to see what's on

wvgal_dana said...

I do think that stick this time might be on eagles back. What do you all think???

paula eagleholic said...

If not, it's close, Dana.

hedgie said...

LOL, Judie....this ISN'T a school night for Shirley this time! So, of course, you know the siding won't flap a bit!!

Loretta, it's a good thing that Frank was home to answer your call! Tell him we say thanks for rescuing you! Yes....what WAS the blob?

Judie, earlier question about Ledo's---I think Loretta HAS been there since they re-opened!

hedgie said...

Today ended up being a t-shirt day after I got home! Too hot for a sweatshirt, inside and out! However, the sweat sleeves did provide a layer of protection between me and puppy teeth.....argh!

hedgie said...

Nest isn't looking too good tonight---not where Belle is hunkered down. Limb shows real well.

Jo, don't recall who the commander is for this flight. The congresswoman's husband is on the April flight. Contrary to earlier info about this being the last flight---it is this ship's last one. I do believe, however, that the April flight is the finale for the program.

Lynne2 said...

Loretta and the Big Brown Blob. Could make for an interesting book.

Lynn, did she get you AGAIN??

on FB
Snowman Cam Guy Back to Court

wow the wind is INSANE!!! Be careful if you go out...things are just banging and flying all over!

hedgie said...

WhooHoo----check it out! We are on the TV website!!

stronghunter said...

School was okay, Judie.

Funny thing. We had a "data meeting" at the end of the day. When I got the list of groups, I found my name at the top of one of the groups. The meeting was to be in my room. Well, okay, who is running the meeting?

Then I got an e-mail from a couple of people letting me know they couldn't attend and they notified me because they thought I might be in charge. Hmm, who is running the meeting?

Then the principal showed up to deliver some papers and said that I shouldn't think I have to run the meeting just because it is in my room. So I asked him who is running the meeting??? "Nobody." The man said. "Nobody is running the meeting.

Kind of unnerving. You figure people are going to wonder why you aren't prepared to run a meeting held in your room.

Fortunately, when I checked the list, I saw the names of two very outspoken people on my list.

So in the end, things were okay.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - perhaps all of this trouble will have a good result for all those
with bird feeders to be categorized
as “incidental feeding” .

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I can't believe I ate the whole thing!

Anyone remember that saying :)

stronghunter said...

I remember it, Paula.

stronghunter said...

Interesting article, Lynn.

hedgie said...

Not really, Lynne---just a pinch.

The guy isn't in court! He was testifying for passage of a new bill that would make the incidental feeding of deer with birdseed allowed!

paula eagleholic said...

Well snowmancam guy is back in court for a good reason...hope the bill passes, it's just common sense!

Nice little video and article there on 4state, Lynn. Thanks!

paula eagleholic said...

You're right Lynn, it wasn't court.

stronghunter said...

I have been seeing robins all around here. They were hopping in the yard when I went out to walk Flash. Poor doggy hasn't had too many walks this winter. He was very happy.

Luna has been going to work with Kathryn so she can check on her eye during the day.

hedgie said...

Yes, Paula........WHAT DID YOU EAT ALL OF????? Need some plop-plop, fizz-fizz???

NatureNut said...

Back for a sec---hot in this house-huyave to get out of sweatshirt.

BTW, the tan blob in the field was just some kind of dirt hill. Surprised me, as they do plow & disc, so don't know why a long hill there. Thought it might me ground hog mound, but would have to be a condominium!
I have been back to reopened Ledos, but not called Lowreeda yet. Lady at register speaks perfect English. The guys that take the orders on phone have accents, so I'll probably get one of them someday!!

PS: If WVsUSAn comes on, I want to know what you have to be a member of to get the SWT Blog osprey book about the Lady?? I joined something last year to make comments when Isla was sick, but don't know what!? Would like to get their book, too.Already will be notified when the Amazon book goes on sale.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn - ate the whole steak! Usually just eat half. No heartburn, just full!

Lynne2 said...

Lady BW is very restless

stronghunter said...

Hunter and I are holding down the fort this evening. Kathryn went off to the church for her divorce group. The group has decided to go to someone's house to socialize.

I am happy she is getting out with some new friends.

Lynne2 said...

Cool article Lynn! Glad Mai didn't get you too badly. Warmer weather to go out and wear her out is on the way! Meanwhile, Puddles is now on Prozac. She has become very VERY nervous, and not only is she almost constantly digging holes outside, but she is now eating globs of mud too. UGH.

Oh Shirley, should retire and write a book!

Loretta, love the pics of the eagle across the water at Pax!

I'm glad Mr Snowman Cam is testifying. I hope they get this law straightened out. Funny....I went out to fill the feeder in the yard garden this morning and I had deer tracks everywhere! Sure would be nice if they'd drop an antler for me.....

Lynne2 said...

I'm glad too Shirley that Kathryn has a support group and some new friends. How is Luna doing with her eye?

Lynne2 said...

Belle looks really hunkered down! Moonlight is beautiful...not liking that stick hanging there though.

Lolly said...

Good evening! I am so tired of burning cd's. Can not beleive I got so far behind! However, I do see the end in sight.

Hoping to hear of a eaglet at BW, but apparently nothing, huh?

Going to be gone all day tomorrow. We are leaving late morning to go to Joseph's basketball game. Working in the yard with Laurel and then going to another basketball game. Second one is a makeup game and then the season is over. Grilling steaks up there and then coming home. Yea! All day with the boys!

magpie said...

Howdy Friday Friends...

K82 and K81 just standing at the nest cup at Two Harbors

checked West was empty when I looked last

Lynne2 said...

OMG....just got some great news! My friend Tracey's husband, after 2 long years of physical endurance tests, mental test, written test, investigations and background check and what seemed like a zillion interviews.....he had been accepted to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources State Police Academy for the Spring 2011 class!!

Lynne2 said...

Have fun tomorrow Lolly!

Lady BW seems to have settled down now.

magpie said...

That is great news for your friend Tracey's husband Lynne!

and Lolly - - get some good rest tonight! Sounds like a really busy day

What a Tale of Two Tires !
Glad you could make that one phone call...and glad you got rescued by your "irate visitor."
Whoo Boy! What an adventure...hope you took pictures of the Stuck Buggy !

magpie said...

I'm wondering and don't mean to be lazy but I think Paula would know

could the Two Harbors be ready for another egg-drop tonight? Neither eagle parent is roosting

magpie said...

Threee day week-end for the schools down your way?
It is here...Federal holiday Monday, President's Day...

magpie said...

Nice little story Lynn form Your4State Whag 25
wish it had explained that the video was NOT this year's -
that the two eggs were laid this year on Feb 5 and 8..
but, it was a nice little clip....
Especially because, that must have been Palmer on the video ! ☺ ♥

and should catch some new fans
Thank You for Posting the Link !

magpie said...

sleep was going OK today UNTIL I could hear the boom boom boom bam bam bam of a Loud Bass from stereo music upstairs....just a decibel or two above okay

If it happens tomorrow, I make a visit and let upstairs folks know what my sleep schedule is....

Because that bass is very hard to drown out....

Lolly said...

Bear Video

I really have not been watching this cam much lately, so really enjoy their videos they post.

magpie said...

they get the first notice
landlord gets the second one

magpie said...

what kind of frogs are you waiting on?
I always dearly await the first sounds of Spring Peepers...last night I (and many of us) heard them FIRST at the NCTC nest site ☺

hedgie said...

Lynne, cool news for Tracey's hubby!! Great opportunity!

Paula, bet your steak was yummy!
That's on my menu for tomorrow evening---if the wind dies down enough! Don't think wind-fanned flames will be even cooking!

Light much better on our nest now that mooon is higher.

ALmost time for Tom Selleck!

Judie said...

It is about the time to say Godonight, Mrs. Calabash."

Congratulations for Tracey's husband.

Have a fun day tomorrow, Lolly.

Good news that Kathryn has a support group that will help to make a difficult transition a bit easier.

Lynne, hope the Prozac is effective for Puddles.

Paula, I do remember the can't believe I ate the whole thing -- glad you enjoyed the steak.

Shirley, your "meeting" reminds me of the old comedy routine of "who's on first?" So happy it wasn't you.

Lolly said...

Oh, no, Margy! I was so hoping it was going to be quiet for you. Do tell them your schedule. Hopefully they will be understanding and considerate!!!

magpie said...

Last year that was on March 12 -
I have quite awhile longer to wait on those Peepers !

Mema Jo said...

Just finished CSI:NY
Now the Blue Bloods

I will return and catch up to you all


magpie said...

Naturalist friend in New York says the Tundra Swans are keep your peepers and ears peeled:

Here is what he saw today:
"Tundra Swans, Red-Breasted Mergansers, Common Mergansers,
Ring-Necked Ducks, and Buffleheads. Not too many swans yet but they will begin arriving in numbers in a week or so"

He also saw a Carolina Wren, and heard a screech owl

magpie said...

Be Prepared for a Split...coming up in less than 10 posts

Lynne2 said...

Now THAT'S a bird count! I would love to see the Tundra swans...have only heard them.

Lynne2 said...

It is SO what her hubby wanted and I'm very glad he got in! However, he'll have to live at the academy...6 months for State Police training, 3 more for specific DNR training. I THINK it's on the eastern shore of MD somewhere. We were already going to their house for dinner on Sunday so now it'll be a celebration dinner!

Lynne2 said...

oh wow, PEEPERS!!! Can't wait! But I'm REALLY looking forward the hearing the first song of the Wood Thrush! No idea when that was last year. You have no idea how many times I keep saying I'm going to start making a journal of these things and never do :(

Lynne2 said...

well folks, I'm going to SPLIT before the SPLIT and hit the rack. Hope everyone has a good night and prayers for all!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne please tell Tracey this Sunday
that since you are so excited that you got all your birder friends excited and then extended our well wishes.
Do you mean MD State academy in Pikesville then on to somewhere else.

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Margy you are going to


Judie said...

Oh, well, not a school night so never mind about Shirley being "kept awake" all night by siding.


Soon will turn out my light but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, to the tub, up the stairs, trying to get pups to sleep, and all others just wandering in or out.

Pleasant eagle dreams.

Judie said...

Goodnight Belle and Lib.

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6/14/24 crow woody

 We do have sound on the camera I was sitting here watching TV and all I started a crow and I knew I didn't have a crow in my house lol ...