Saturday, February 12, 2011


Warmer weather coming.  New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Why Hello There

Mema Jo said...

I think you got it, BEagle!

Getting myself geared to go out into the wind to Mass. Around 4:45 look to the sky - You may spot me if I don't
make it in the door.....

BEagle said...

Had to look it up. : D

BEagle said...

Said something about a donut. The only candy I could think of.

BEagle said...

Mema Jo knows her splits!

Mema Jo said...

BEagle looks like some may have gotten hung up on the split!

BEagle said...

My thoughts exactly.

BEagle said...


BEagle said...

I want to get on both sides of the split!

BEagle said...

Was there a change in partners?
What is that all over Lib?

BEagle said...

Wait. That's Belle!

BEagle said...

That's still Lib. What's he got under him on the left?

paula eagleholic said...

Might be one of his feathers sticking out funny...or the sunshine is twinkling right there too.

Mema Jo said...

I don't know what that is to the left -
thought maybe the feathers....

I am leaving now and maybe you will be able to solve the mystery...


BEagle said...

He's up and smelling.

paula eagleholic said...

It was just his skirty feathers. And a small feather stuck to the fluff waving around

BEagle said...

You were right Paula...that was one of his feathers sticking out.

hedgie said...

Yep, BEagle, that's it!!

paula eagleholic said...

Egg roll wiggle wiggle, facing 9ish

hedgie said...

Donuts, bagels, lifesavers.....I guess anything that is round with a hole in the middle!

hedgie said...

Inner tubes, tires, too!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle's back

WV sUSAn said...

Been cleaning house. I'm a messy somebody Haha

Like the way Lib uses that stick for leverage to wiggle on down.

I see the tumble flugg is still waving. Belles back.

BEagle said...

Aha! Obvious comparison here.

BEagle said...


BEagle said...

Belle is moving sticks now.

BEagle said...

Lib is helping.

WV sUSAn said...

Libs not budging yet. Funny boy.

BEagle said...

There goes Liberty!

WV sUSAn said...

There he goes. And he's outta here.

BEagle said...

I like how Belle uses her beak to hunker down on the eggs.

BEagle said...

Time for another egg?

BEagle said...

I wonder if Mema took her umbrella out with her.

WV sUSAn said...

And now we wait...

BEagle said...

There's a cookie with a hole in it!

BEagle said...

There was an egg roll and some wiggle.

BEagle said...

She gets up constantly and rolls the eggs.

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Back for a quick catch up. Nest duties are being shared nicely today. Glad I missed lunch -- hate when it's a furry critter with a long bushy tail.

Have an exam half finished. Think I'll make two versions for the wannabe adults. So much easier to catch cheaters.

Going downstairs for the first time today. Oven bbq chicken and salad.

Jo and Geula, I do pills in a by-the-day container. Don't like pills that have to be punched through cement-like paper.

Lynn, sorry about the shooters. Any way to stop them? Is that legal?

Andy, hope you finished the yard. Get some down time, girl, before back to school.

Lolly, did the thyme survive?

Shirley, how are you and Kathryn doing with Hunter's assignment?

Okay, off to the downstairs. BBL

WV sUSAn said...

Silly squirrel at the feeder. He saw me in the window, jumped, then turned his back to me and kept eating as though I couldn't see him then.

WV sUSAn said...

Hi Judie. Glad to hear you are up and about today and doing well.

WV sUSAn said...

Been cleaning house in my jammies all day. Going to hit the shower. BBL

hedgie said...

Judie, two exams sounds like an excellent plan!

Getting ready to fix shrimp scampi here. Mmmmm-good.

Shirley, my gd's always procrastinate on projects, too....and fail to bring home the pertinent info. Maddening. Don't remember my girls doing that....but think we instilled the fear in them about it!!

magpie said...

Geese are returning to their evening roosts sounds like

magpie said...

Lady Blackwater....such a beautiful sunsetting view

Good Evening Eagle Pals....

magpie said...

I'm on herky-jerky delayed action mode again :(
on the live feed
see things first on the Still view before the video kicks in and shows it
just can't get this problem solved

magpie said...

my idea for a name for an egglet if it is laid this date


Lolly said...

Just taking a peek in. Have moved all plants to the greenhouse. They are looking good. Two weeks in the dim light did not hurt them.

So, no egg, huh. Well, back outside I go.

magpie said...

...How are the Daffodils Lolly ???

Glad to hear of the survival of the greenhouse plants !

NatureNut said...

Hello, hello. Just an egg checkup~~still have stuff to get out of car and I did stop to get Chinese food w/2 egg rolls tonight!!! Hope our birds will more than that!
Lynne & Steve came down, did some exploring, then before I left they were back & all of us there in Vis. Ctr. watched the When Eagles Dream video. We have a projection screen & it worked!!!

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy. Sleep well???

Funny how it looks dark at BWE but not yet at BWO!

BEagle said...

Egg roll.

hedgie said...

That would be a good name, Margy!

Wiggle, wiggle.

hedgie said...

Oh, Lowreeda, so glad that Lynne and Steve made it!! Were you surprised or did you know they were coming?
You should have bought 3 egg rolls for good luck!! Maybe then we would be assured of 3.

Costume Lady said...

Hello to all eggspectant Momsters!
I've been in church all day, helping to prepare a Valentine's dinner for tomorrow. Seems like I've done nothing but cook all week:) I sure wouldn't want to do that for a living!

Yes, Margy, the geese were flying home for the night...they flew over our house shortly after they were heard at the nest. One lone one flew over shortly after the others, just hoonking his head off!

Can't wait to hear Lynne's report of her visit to Lorettaville. So glad she got to visit. I'm ready to go back again...such fun!

magpie said...

Oh that's Terrific Loretta!
What a neat way (for Lynne and Steve ) to lead into Valentine's Day...a visit to your wonderful workplace....!!

slept so-so usual....
thanks for asking

got a lucky screeen shot of BWE with eggs and's posted on my Magpie's Roost link, sent the pic on to Lisa also...

magpie said...

Moon is high and bright and greater than half and headed towards full on the 18th

Jupiter....making its appearance in the South/West....

hedgie said...

Old Abe is 202 yrs. old!
And Frederick Douglas is 193.

magpie said...

Me Too Wanda.....
that was such a fantastic visit....
complete with Snappy !
And Greg and those terrific owl calls....and calling one in!

God Bless You, for all your ministry.....

magpie said...

hope Dana checks in with us tonight

And I guess Shirley could still be surrounded by dangling participles, infinitives, and all that grammar stuff

hedgie said...

Wanda....the vooking queen!!

Lolly said...

Will know in a few weeks about the daffodils. The green leaves are touched with brown and droopy. Wont know until spring if I have any thyme or not. The big loss are the hedge plants between our house and the neighbors. Really not a hedge anymore, more like small trees. They are looking quite dead. We have brown leaves all over our yard from those plants.

magpie said...

Hope they all make a comeback, Lolly...
Touch them a lot and Talk to Them, even Sing to Them ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

ya' never know !

WV sUSAn said...

Margy. Lincoln would be a great name if we get an egg today. I like that too.

Lolly said...

Remember the neighbor we invited over for dinner and they forgot? Well, they drove up our driveway today. She wanted to apologize! She is not looking too good. She has cancer of the liver. She had exploritory surgery last week. The cancer has not spread but it is bad. She has just a few weeks. She sat in the car and talked with us. Seems she and her husband really needed to talk. So we did. Her name is JoAnn, please keep her in prayer. She is fighting it, more chemo Tuesday.

Lolly said...

It looks like Belle has tucked. Ah, come on Belle! Really???

magpie said...

Okay sad...
wonderful that they reached out to you....
glad you are there for them ♥
Prayers...and ((hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

She does not seem to be fully committed to tucking it in for the night...wishful thinking...

BEagle said...

Prayers going up for JoAnn

Lolly said...

Vian cam is apparently down and there are folks making crazy comments. Once again, let me say how thankful I am that we have this wonderful blog, with wonderful folks. (((hugs)))

Egg roll!!!

magpie said...

Yeah, it's dark-time

that's her style...on the egg-laying routine

Lolly said...

I gave her a hug, we held hands. She told me she thought we could have been friends. She used to like to garden. Possibly so, but I could not have been around her. I can not tolerate cigarette smoke.

WV sUSAn said...

Lolly. You've said it all. So glad you were there for Joann. I know that meant a lot.

magpie said...

We're on egg watch aren't we!

We could also consider
Half Moon
and Jupiter for names...

okay, can't see much but I am watching

Belle is just not completely laid down on that nest cup...
well, that's my opinion anyway

hedgie said...

Prayers for JoAnne, Lolly. And for her husband. Rough situation for sure. Bill has an employee going through the same thing with his wife, tho' I think hers started as ovarian, and now it's everywhere.

Lolly said...

Egg roll!

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all. Slo mo eagle did an egg roll then tucked her head back.

Lolly said...

And a neat tuck. Looks so uncomfortable.

WV sUSAn said...

Yellers on egg watch. Good action now. Thought we may see something bit Belle went into the tuck. Zzz

Lynne2 said...

Has anyone explored the possibility that Stinkbugs might like to eat ticks?

Good evening all! Remember me? The Tick Magnet of the Momster Nest Visit 2010!

We just go back a little while ago from a fun trip to Patuxent where we were hosted by the lovely Loretta! We didn't see the eagles in the Park nest, but we did see one in the nest across Jug Bay! Had a very refreshing breezy walk but didn't see much in the way of wildlife. We also saw the infamous "Junior" right at the visitor center, but couldn't get a good shot with the camera. And Loretta gave us a private viewing on the big screen of "When Eagles Dream" which was very good! Took a bunch of pictures and will hopefully get them on my blog in the next couple of day. THANKS AGAIN LORETTA!

Lynne2 said...

a bit disappointing to see there hasn't been a third egg today. When would we be sure there wouldn't be another this year? Oh who cares...we have 2 and hopefully will have 2 healthy eaglets!

I did find a deer antler...all chewed up by little critters! I thought that was a great find for my nature collection!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, I think tomorrow would be the last outside day for an egg. If we have 2, we have 2!

paula eagleholic said...

Prayers for your neighbor Lolly. Glad they finally stopped in. Sorry to hear about the hedge.

Getting something to eat, then heading to see friend's new puppy, mini labradoodle.

Hope Belle can wait till I get back ☺

paula eagleholic said...

I like Lincoln, too.

Lynne & Steve, glad you made it down to PRP...maybe next time we can all go on a boat ride again.

Lolly said...

Egg roll.

paula eagleholic said...

Egg roll and some digging

WV sUSAn said...

Belle is sire working on something but can't see eggs.

NatureNut said...

Hi Lynne! Glad you're already home! Great to see you. Wish we weren't so busy & short staffed. I was hoping to go on some tours, maybe to Merkle in a truck. Oh well---good day to go is Sundays after Apr. 1---lots of free activities. I had forgotten for a sec about the deer antler--told them it looked like a good boomerang for the dogs! LOL

Lolly said...

And, back into a tuck. Grrr!

Hi, Lynne! Glad you had such a great day!

WV sUSAn said...

And ticked back n.

hedgie said...

Lynne-ie, so glad you had an enjoyable adventure! Loretta is a great hostess, isn't she???
Lucky you----I've been trying to find shed antlers for 30 yrs.

Lolly said...

Time to go prepare dinner. I am hungry! Have dropped 4 pounds so far this week. Put on about 15 pounds what with our trip and then the holidays. Eating good and lack of excercise does it with ease. Now to get rid of it!

Mema Jo said...

Just returning from Mass and dinner.

Read quickly and don't see any mention of egg #3. Clear sky and moon is out.

Paula - I think you might fall in love with the labradoodle.

WV sUSAn said...

I'm not multitasking very well this evening. My typing is suffering.

Need to run out. Pucker up Belle, I won't be long.

hedgie said...

Mini-meltdown here...I just don't understand why Mai doesn't love hasn't been a very good day with her. The best part was when she was scared. Then she wanted my comfort and didn't want to eat me or my clothes. Sorry....just needed to vent.

magpie said...

Lynn.... I am sure Mai loves the rest of us do.....
maybe she is giving you the juvenile canine version of Tough Love...
when it doesn't seem like love but it truly is...
We're here for you (( hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

I think we are getting the benefit of the bright moon on the nest...and I don't think Belle is quite ready to call it a night!

Hello Jo...

magpie said...

Lady Blackwater seems pretty squirmy tonight also, maybe she cannot get comfortable on the nest tonight
or maybe she is hungry !

magpie said...

turn that race on, and turn it up loud!
take your mind and heart off your worries for awhile...

Lynne2 said...

yeah Paula, Momster road trip to Pax! Loretta says best time is the first couple of weeks of April.

Lolly, sorry to read of you neighbor. You are very kind, and prayers for her going up.

Lynn, this is only the second time I have ever found an antler! And I have been combing this property for them as there have been lots of tracks and poopies in the fields but I have yet to find one. The one I found today would have easily been passed over as a stick. I'll post a pic of it when I have a chance. Little forest critters actually eat them for minerals and they don't last long on the ground!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - of course Mai would run to you when she's scared - she sees you as her protector - someone who loves her.
Will she go into the pen for you when she starts acting up? I've never had a dog so I can't really say what to do.
BUT you know you can vent to all of us! ((((hugs))))

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - I sure will keep JoAnn in my prayers. You and Jack probably made their day by taking some time for them.

hedgie said...

I know, Lynne. THe field mice love them. This is supposedly THE month for shedding them.

Thanks, Margy. It's just so discouraging. I even bought a pheromone collar that the behaviorist said might help. NOT. But it does smell good to me.
Next step is to call the vet Monday and ask if L-Trytophan would be okay to give her. It's supposed to help, too.

hedgie said...

LOL, Margy---maybe the roar of the engines will scare her, too. But she's back in the crate now after the last little assault.

hedgie said...

Jo, she doesn't go in on her own. I have to take her to it and sometimes give her a treat to lure her in!

paula eagleholic said...


Mema Jo said...

Panda News from Atlanta
Zoo Atlanta is gearing up for its 100 Day Giant Panda Cub Celebration on Tuesday, when they will finally reveal the baby panda's name at 8 am.

I guess we'll know from the news media or from the Zoo at 10:00 on the cam

hedgie said...

Doubt that it will be on the cam, Jo. They aren't ready to put the baby on display. Celebration will be away from the panda quarters.

Lori O. said...

Good evening Lynne2, Lynn, Margy, Jo, Paula & Lolly!

Lolly, sorry to hear of your neighbor - that's a tough, tough disease. Prayers indeed.

High five on the antlers Lynne! Very cool.

Lynn, give Mai time. Puppies can be tough. She'll get it.

Lori O. said...

I'm betting on a third egg for tomorrow. Jim was saying how sometimes its common for their to be a longer wait between the second and third egg, than the first and second. I'll hang onto that, Jim! Thanks.

magpie said...

need to disappear for awhile and find a few more Z's before work tonight...
will check back later before then

Neat report, Lynne... an antler find, tough to accomplish!

Lori glad you could enjoy some daytime nest time on your day off !

Good Evening Wishes, all,
ttfn xox

Lori O. said...

Sleep well Margy. See you in the morning.

Lori O. said...

Maybe I'll call it a night and hobble over to bedroom. Maybe I'll wake up earlier to check on eggs!

Night all ... prayers for those in need, health problems and crazy puppies!


Mema Jo said...

Headed in to watch The Waking Dead for 2 hrs & no commercials! Love that!

As long as Belle's head is tucked we know nothing is going on.


Lolly said...

Back from dinner and see there is no action in the nest.

Thanks all for the prayers for JoAnn. Really do not know her, they moved in 8 months ago. They worked hard on the house so I never intruded except to indroduce myself. Also, I knew they were remodeling the house to sell and move. Then she discovered her illness. So, here they are. Then we were gone for our trip. She is skin and bones now. Poor thing. This is her second marriage and he is doing great by her.

Lynn, you can vent anytime! What are we going to do with Mai?!! You keep trying and it certainly isn't that she does not love you.

hedgie said...

Gotta watch this!!!!

Lolly said...

Think I am going to read a magazine for a while. It was so nice outside today. The sun felt so good! And, now we have a fire going and it feels so good! Boy, have we been going through the firewood!

I'll be keeping an eye on Belle!

Lynne2 said...

Looks like the bears are getting some Spring Fever too!

Lolly said...

Had not been over to fb to see that. Thanks Lynn! Absolutely amazing. And, that little bear face is so cute. Looks like a little monkey face.

hedgie said...

LOl---maybe Hope thinks she's a Mai----or vice versa. At least all she gets is a mouthful of fur instead of clothes and skin!
Litle cub looked like a monkey.

Jerk just wrecked my June Bug.

hedgie said...

Lolly, we are of the same mind!

WV sUSAn said...

Three eggs?? Kinda looked like but cam was jumpy

hedgie said...

Pound cake is very tasty!

BEagle said...

Egg roll.
Was there another egg in there. Ddn't see.

Lolly said...

On the news tonight. Owner of the kinkajou stepped forward. Escaped from it's cage about 4 miles away. He has 2 and the female did not run. Hope they check the man out and the animal has good care. Poor little frost bitten thing!

Lolly said...

Don't know when she would have laid it. We have been watching closely.

hedgie said...

Don't think so, Susan. Still only 2 as far as we know.

WV sUSAn said...

I'm going to need another look BEagle. The night view is like apparition when she moves.

Costume Lady said...

That Lilly video melted my heart! Thanks, Lynn:)

This is a good night for egg-watching. I hope the moon stays out to help with the lighting.

Margy, I like your Lincoln...very fitting. Or Linc or Link. Now, if the egg was laid on Washington's B'Day, we could call him GEORGE and that would make Capt. Gene very happy...right, Margy?;)

hedgie said...

Lolly,, I hope it's a good home.....I know that accidents happen, but hard to excuse letting something like that happen. Hope the little fella is okay.

BEagle said...

I have been checking now and then. Seems to me she has been tucked mostly.

hedgie said...

Check my Lair.....put on a pic for you to see.

Mema Jo said...

Checking to see a Tucked Head!

WV sUSAn said...

Belle is resting with a moon shadow on her head.

hedgie said...

Gonna go take my bath. BBIALW.

stronghunter said...


Kathryn and I are relaxing after a busy day. Rus and Rebecca came. Rebecca and I had quite a workout with grammar stuff. Then we went out to dinner.

We called for reservations, but we could not find a restaurant in town that had any openings, so we drove into the country to a very nice restaurant Kathryn knew about. It was enjoyable and less expensive.

Sorry the news about your neighbor is so bad, Lolly. Prayers for her and her husband.

Hope Mai has a better day tomorrow. She sounds like a lot of teenagers I know. Hang in there.

Judie, Kathryn took the materials for Hunter's project along with Hunter and delivered them to his dad along with strict orders that it must be completed under Dad's supervision with Hunter doing the work. We will see what happens.

How many eggs? We will find out tomorrow.

I will see you tomorrow. About to fall asleep at the keyboard.

Lolly said...

Pretty cool eagle, Lynn. What material is it made of?

Think I am going to go shower. Will be more comfy for the rest of the evening.

NatureNut said...

Yes, it's "Boogity, boogity..racin' Boys" again!lots of nice noise--at least not too loud tonight!
Ate some Chinese food including egg roll. Gotta check the nest!
Been working on pictures which are making me nuts! I know there were 2eagles in the nest at Park this AM, but Ms.Pat must be sitting low behind Tux. Will have to put up some pics when I can figure out what I'm seeing--also have a semi-identified hawk!

Lolly, prayers for your neighbor~~so sad.
And Lynn, we've just got to call Cesar! I'm not making light--maybe you should email him & see if he'd give you any tips. I know inside she's a great loving dog.
BBL--almost (moosetrack ice cream time-sshh)

Lolly said...

Well, Belle changed position and I did not notice. She is not tucked at this minute.

Lolly said...

Whoops, now she is tucked.

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn. Is it petting and touching that gets Mai going? Gets too excited, then aggressive?

magpie said...

Way cool pic on your Lynn's Lair Lynn...!

Wanda... George, now that WOULD be cute...afraid if the 3rd egg waits that long, it wouldn't be so good though :(

magpie said...

sorry to have missed Shirley, want to hear more about the grammar lesson!

Best wishes on the Kathryn's plan for Hunter getting that project done...

NatureNut said...

Nice picture of Bellke--moon is brighter. I still can't see into the well when she gets up--shadowy. She hasn't been real restless like before laying.
Ironic Lynne found that antler today as I've been seeing deer lately at Chelsea where some are quite large & look like bucks, but no antlers. I've never found one or seen one in the woods or fields.

hedgie said...

Susan, it's during play, or when play stops, or when I try to get her to stop doing something wrong. Behaviorist calls it play aggression. And said that she's not in terrible-twos, but a teen....pressing the limits. BUT no teen I ever had (2 or 4-legged) eveer jumped on me or bit me or tried to tear my clothes off.

The only thing specific Frank said about the construction of the eagle was that the neck feathers were individual strips of plywood.

hedgie said...

Oops--my goof....not the feathers...the talons--the yellow!!
Frank didn't take the pic--it was on the auction house website!
Wish to goodness he had gotten it!!

magpie said...

Going shed-hunting (shed-antlers that is...) is quite an art!
Would love to find some sometime,
Bravo Lynne...

sure you will find some one day, Loretta...
guess the bucks start shedding sometime in December/January...sometimes later. Hungry winter critters gobble them up pretty quick, or, bury/conceal them for later chow-downs We used to see them on the deer at Pix Pa quite late as I recall

Lolly said...

Belle is awake and made a chirp.

magpie said...

I'll be watching updates on the blog from work Lolly !!

some wonderful pictures on the BWO and BWE cam logs....bunches and bunches of them....

Lolly said...

We may be getting an egg. Strange movements from Belle and I did hear a chirp.

Lolly said...

Oh, darn. She just tucked. And I was soooo sure!

magpie said...

time to shake a couple of legs and head outta here soon

Best wishes for good sleep
Prayers for all our many needs, for friends, family, pets, wildlife, and ourselves....

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Just might be time - Lolly

hedgie said...

I didn't hear anyhting, Lolly.Now that there's no wind howling, it's as if there is no sound here.

Mema Jo said...

But now the head is tucked no sooner then we mentioned another egg.

hedgie said...

Margy, hope your shift is a good one--as in quiet! Don't forget a sweater!! Carolyn will be bummed because of the race. Our guy never made it back out on the track after the wreck...:(

hedgie said...

Time for the next skirmish. Hope I don't get any MORE holes in my nightgown.

Lolly said...

Weather coming on. He is hinting at another artic surge coming. I have this to say about that........NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

hedgie said...

Belle is squirming a good bit....

hedgie said...

Cam seems herky-jerky.

Mema Jo said...

Head is tucked again.

My head is about to get tucked....

Lolly said...

Yes, she tucks and then squirms.

Artic front was a teaser and a false alarm. It is coming week after next but probably won't reach us...hope not your way either.

Lolly said... exactly do you tuck your head, Jo? Under your wing?☺

Lolly said...

Been sitting here putting clear polish on my nails. Time to have them looking decent for church tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Lolly, they are saying 70 hereabouts come Fri. I'll believe it when I see it!!

NatureNut said...

Ge4tting later than I thought, so better shut 'er down.

Pleasant Feather Dreams & prayers for Lolly's friend, JoAnn ;>) ♥

hedgie said...

Yeah, Jo, pray do you tuck?
Okay, Mai is down for the night....and I think I am going to p;ay a few rounds of Mah Jong.

Wish I could get my nails done right, Lolly. Polish always gets messed up now....can't sit still long enough doing nothing for them to dry completely before I have to mess with a leash, or feed the fire, or whatever. Wish they would make polishes that dry TOTALLY in two minutes!

Mema Jo said...

I tuck my head under the sheet.
Right now I have to get my whole body tucked in under the sheets because hubby and the 2 cats have already gone into bed.

Lolly said...

OMG Glo has just posted some absolutely beautiful pictures from today on fb. I am in love with one of the pics.

Great job, Glo!!!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn you need to buy one of those thingys that you put your nails in under and they dry within minutes.

Lolly said...

We may reach 70 tomorrow. All week is going to be sunny and close to 70. Wow wow wow!

Mema Jo said...

Did you see Glo's pic of all those photographers on the bridge taking pics of the eagles.
Vicky told me today and then Glo mentioned it on FB that she was going to visit Glo. Friendships made because of our eagles are forever lasting.

Mema Jo said...

I would think that Mattie Jane is counting down now - and will be turning into a teeny-bopper in a few minutes.

Lolly said...

Yes, I looked at all her pictures of today, but I have a favorite.

hedgie said...

Jo, I had one of those fan nail dryers but it didn't really work well at all. Wonder if the kind they use for the acrylic nails works for regular ones? Polish is all the same, so guess it would. Probably very expensive.

Jo, you will have to squeeze in amongst them all!!

Saw Glo's post that she was going to get the pics on....think I'll wait til tomorrow.
Ha---Miss Vicky needs to get back whatever technology she loaned Glo for the trip!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, they do make quick drying nail polish...but I only do my toenails, never do my nails.

The mini labradoodle was adorable! It's not really a mini, more a mid size, she should reach about 25-30 lbs.

Interesting coloration, called Parti. Black on the head and the base of the tail to mid tail. The rest of her is white. And she has some white on her face, too. Really sweet pup.

Nugz really gave me the sniff over!

Well Belle is all tucked in, I'm going to do the same.

Hugs to all ♥

Mema Jo said...

I am heading in to the pillows...
Praying that Belle has a good night...
Maybe we are just to have 2 eaglets this year... like give Belle & Lib a break.

Good Night Friends
Prayers for all - especially JoAnn
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, sounds like you handled the situation with your neighbor, just right. I would not be very good at that...I mean, what do you say to someone who knows they are dying. Bless you, Lolly.

I will be gone early morning to finish up dinner, to be served right after church. Clean up after this meal is loooong. 75-100 people and real china and glassware and silverware. Soup Kitchen is throw away everything:)

Hopefully, Belle will give us a third egg and I will see it when I get home late tomorrow.

I'm going to tuck my head in now:)


Mema Jo said...

Since I get up later then any of you..

♪♪♫♪♪ Happy Birthday Mattie Jane
Enjoy your very special day as you turn
13 ! love you-((hugs))

hedgie said...

HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY, MATTIE!!!! Enjoy your teenhood!!!

hedgie said... works quickly for one coat. Not for 2 or 3!!!

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Wanda. Rest well so that you can hold up for another long day!

And goodnight to all of my fine, fowl friends. See you in the morning light. Prayers for all.

Lolly said...

Thank you, Wanda.

Okay, I am heading to bed myself. Belle has been tucked for a long time now. Maybe there will be an egg in the morning.

I am tired, eyes are watering.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Lolly said...

Guess you are at work now, Margy. Well, keep an eye on Belle. She has been "squirmy".

Egg roll!!! Well, she would not let me see them. Just saw one for sure. Dern!

Anyway, as I was you, Margy, have a good night. (((Hugs)))

Mema Jo said...

12:22am Very long egg roll
couldn't get a count on the eggs

movin said...

Belle has her head up and is moving about as though she might be laying an egg now.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

As you were. She must have been looking at something extra hard.

She has tucked her head again.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

I'm going to call it a night too. If she lays tonight it will likely be in the small hours of the morning.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

magpie said...

it's afte 3 and I am just getting signed on....
cannot see much except darknesa


magpie said...

darknesa, another word for

seems as though Belle is awake

magpie said...

Happy Birthday to Miss Mattie ☼ ☺ ♥

Hope it is a great day from start to finish !!


magpie said...

Belle just moved around but I could not see much of anything
so in a little while longer....
a little more daylight

Geula said...

So,Good Morning to all!

Geula said...

I think a LOT more daylight would be good! Pretty dark in the nest just now...

magpie said...

Just not enough lightness for me to see much...Belle was just moving around and egg-tending

Watch for the SPLIT because it is not too far off from now

Geula said...

she's still catching 40 winks, tucked up and sleeping

WV sUSAn said...

Good morning everybody. Belle is still sleeping

Will we see a new addition this morning. I'm anxiously awaiting!!

Geula said...

She just made a wakeup call to Lib!funny that the cam is so choppy early in the morning!

Geula said...

I wish she'd get up so I could see what she's sitting on...she ain't budgin'!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Susan, Margy and Geula!

Finally light enough out there.

It's chilly this morning I hope Belle isn't cold.

Dear Lord please let Belle and Lib have a 3rd egg today. Amen!!!

movin said...

Good Morning,



Watch for the SPLIT


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...