Wednesday, February 02, 2011


New thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

These eagles are a treat to watch....what a Laurel and Hardy routine!!

Thanks for the new thread and lovely pic, Steve.

paula eagleholic said...

Donka, this is our original pair!

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Steve and Paula!

Donna, there was some speculation early on Donna...they came to the nest and started nestorations much much later than usual...Dec 26 to be exact. They had been in sporadically,and then not at all for much so that after the Holidays my husband and I were taking a road trip to S'town to see if they had started a new nest nearby. When the new cam was going up, tree decay and dead branches were seen. Usually if they build a new nest, it's very close to the old one. But they finally returned, And some of the folks here were thinking maybe it was a different male. But the general consensus is that it's Lib. I cannot tell them apart to save my soul. And because they are not banded, there is no ABSOLUTE way of knowing.

Donka Maria said...

Has Lib always been so fiesty with Belle? It seems he used to be more passive in the past. But I believe you Paula, I don't get as much viewing time as I'd like to, so I will trust all of you as you are so knowledgeable. I have learned a lot from you all.

Lynne2 said...

so I guess anything is possible, but in our hearts, it's LIB!

Donka Maria said...

I wondered that early on if something happened to Lib, he seems a little different to me this year, but maybe it's just me.

Lynne2 said...

me neither, this is only the second season for me...I came in in May of 2009 in time to see Hidey, but well after hatching.

Donka Maria said...

Okay off to lunch, thanks for the info Lynne2 and Paula. BBL

Lynne2 said...

goodness, we do have some grouchy birds today!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn...washer is fine...blocked off all the bedrooms, basement, etc.

Lynne...go to and type in insulinoma. Prednisone was to help keep sugar up. Diet needs to be higher meat, fiber and complex carbs. Vet likes the petplace website.

Lynne2 said...

woa!!! I think maybe that's Belle telling Lib to get out so she can lay her egg in peace!

Costume Lady said...

Lib and Belle have been bickering ever since I've been watching 3 0r 4 years. Lib is a little more agressive this year, I guess he is getting old and cranky;) Some of Libs toes are slightly crooked and that is why I believe he is the real deal:)

Lynne2 said...

poof one

I'll check it out Paula, started to last night but got sidetracked.

I need to stop watching all these "Libelleantics" and get some things done...BB!

Costume Lady said...

Good word, Lynne:)

Lolly said...

Had a big dish of hot oatmeal for breakfast. Yum!

I think that every year Belle and Lib have "argued". And, apparently the feetsies have identified that eagle as our Lib.

Lolly said...

Wahoo! Sun is shining on the SQ, OK nest.

Mema Jo said...

Another sign that this is our LIB
is his perch!

I see the new pine branch..

magpie said...

oh keep posting Wanda, that avatar sends me !

Hi Lolly -
yes Had OK up earlier and saw Mom on snowy nest some leftover, to the side

Hi Donka Marie

Thanks for the New Thread Steve and that up to to the minute fabulous picture!

magpie said...

got a sore finger and work gloves on don't want to add to the Blogtionary right now...

take a longer break in awhile


Mema Jo said...

That very well could be Belle sitting there ... it's the upside down "V"
on the neck feathers - can't be sure but I think I would put money (nickel) on it.

Paula - email from E_M waiting for you when you have time.....

Now I need lunch

wvgal_dana said...

I had my comments wrote and had to reboot. Now I can't find where I saved notepad.

Paula sorry about Boo having seizures. Praying they can get them staightened out. With you diving into it. You might find what is needed for him before the vet.

Wanda I see you have checked it. Sorry about Gene feeling poorly due to BP meds. Does he have high blood pressure?

Hedgie-Lynn I can't find a comment as to why you are changing Mai's food?

Suzan prayers for you, your sister and family and friends. Again that is so young to have a heart attack.

Thank all of you Barbara will do her thing for Larry. They were together a long time.

Margy your house is going to "sparkle".

Glo glad Dex decided to let go on the walk to the neighbors.

Prayers for all those people and animals in bad weather areas. Praying everyone power stays on.

Prayers for Sharon that she is going to be OK. I am worried about her. Is there anything new?

I am going to go venture out sometime after 1pm. Waiting on my call.

Little Man is restless today in and out, inside and outside...don't know what is going on. He'll settle down sometime I'm sure.

Sandra just might get the egg for her Birthday.

Costume Lady said...

Doesn't Belle's V go the other way...with the V pointing downward? Ya know, just when you think you have it all figured out, you find out you are wrong!! HP is the only SURE way of knowing who's on first and what's on second;)

wvgal_dana said...

The way they fight over the sticks...I would say this is no "new guy". Lib always did bring them in and try to place them. Belle always takes them from him. Same as usual. Plus Lib still sits at his "throne spot". As far as HP I think we have seen more in the nest this year. We also see them flying out a different way than ever before. It is like Paula or someone said. With the trimming of the limbs is probably why they are doing that. For me in checking and re-checking old and new pictures. I still think it is LIBERTY. jmo

hedgie said...

Thanks, Paula. Hope you saw my post this AM about your washer.

That still cam pic that Steve put up sure shows great color.....wonder why live doesn't?

hedgie said...

Okay, glad you have things blocked off. Poor Boo. Petplace was where I looked, too.

Dana, sometimes ingredients in food can affect a dogs' behavior.

hedgie said...

Savannah and Derek

wvgal_dana said...

What are you changing Mai from and to?

Donka Maria said...

Okay, just got back from lunch. I have read all of your comments, thank you for assuring me that it's still our original pair. They have been good parents, and I wondered how it would be this year if Belle had found another mate. I'm glad you all are here and able to confirm that it indeed is him. This is a wonderfuln site and you all help make it that way for me!! Love you gals!!

Mema Jo said...

Holy Cow Wanda - Now I am even being a
doubting Thomas.....

The way the eagle is setting there - sure looks like something Lib would do

I wish that eagle would stand up and show us its tail................

Mema Jo said...

Well no sooner said then done !
I'll change my story and say it was
Lib....... :( :)

Mema Jo said...

Like so many of you -- unless it's the HP, I am not going to name names again!

Lolly said...

Two eagles at OK, maybe a switch?

Lolly said...

Nope, not a switch. Think he gave up and flew off!

Lolly said...

Just as I was beginning to think maybe I can id the two, you experts start backing down. What gives? LOL

magpie said...

turn your heads sideways to the left and look at our nest...
shaped like a beautiful heart ♥

well it did when the nest was empty !

now it is not empty !

hedgie said...

Dana, from Purina ProPlan Large Breed Puppy to Iams Smart Puppy Proactive Health.

hedgie said...

It does look like a heart, Jo! Hard on the neck and eyes, tho'!!

Mema Jo said...

Looks like the snow in the OK nest is slowly disappearing along the sides.

Mema Jo said...

I think we are losing it, Lolly
BTW Lynn - I didn't see the heart yet!

Mema Jo said...

Lib is on the left and
Belle is on the right....

Mema Jo said...

One sprig of pine and so many many ways to arrange it............ lol

Mema Jo said...

FB: Sissy has a robin in her yard!

Lolly said...

Just talked with my brother. He picked two bushels of oranges off his tree yesterday. Today he is going to pick some of his grapefruit, can not get it all. Supposed to get into the 20's tonight. Very sad to think of all the veggies that are going to freeze.

I thought for a second we had an eagles settling into the cup. We might be!

magpie said...

Oh Yay a Robin!

My sister in Roanoke saw a bunch of them a few days ago

magpie said...

this is an unbelievable beautiful day here in WV

Lolly - - I am so sorry that YOUR is weather is creating problems...!

Lolly said...

Oh, wow, you can get sea sick at the NBG cam. No eagle in the nest there.

Lolly said...

Well, we had our beautiful weather last week, but I just hate it when it affects the hard working farmers. The valley is a big veggy producing area. My daddy was a farm implement dealer. I know about the suffering of those farmers.

Lynne2 said...

so cool Bev saw the robin today! I had some in Dec but none since.
Journey North is a site that is recording people's sightings for northern migration...I will do it for the robins when I start seeing them, and I reported Monarch and Hummingbirds too
Robin Reporting

Lynne2 said...

sun out at the nest!

grannyblt said...

The way Belle(?) was sitting in the nest just now with feet in front seemed suspicious to me. Guess it was a false alarm

Donka Maria said...

Wow, the remains of a BIG Lunker of a fish in the Jordan Lake, NC nest.

Donka Maria said...

Cant' watch NBG site, it's too windy, makes me dizzy and nauseous.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Getting here kinda late today. Sure hope the weather improves for those of you back east--and for me! We have strong Santa Ana winds here today in SoCal--some gusts to about 70 mph! Need rocks in our pockets to stay verical!

I need to go to school for a while today to try to get some transcription homework done. Maybe work on my other homework, too. Must use graphics, and design a flyer for my "future at-home medical transcription business." They are assuming that I want to start my own business, and I really don't think that I do. Would prefer to work for a service that lets you work from home. Ah, well. Printer here is still balking. Guess I'd better get to school. At least the printer there works!
Oh--a bird update--the Band-tailed Pigeons are back! Had 3 adults here yesterday afternoon!

Well, better run. Will check back in later. :o]

hedgie said...

It was very nice out---sun felt warm. Now wind is howling and it's cold despite 43° on the thermometer!

hedgie said...

Wow, look at that egg cup NOW!

Mema Jo said...

Really went deep! I hope the eagle were digging in it and sincerely hope that the melting snow isn't the reason

hedgie said...

Andy, does puppy class start this evening??

Mema Jo said...

I think the race is on....
Who will lay that first egg....

Tonight may be the night!

But I think I said that yesterday too.
Sooner or later I'll be right!

Mema Jo said...

Need to take a break........

Lynne2 said...

woa! now our nest is swaying like crazy!

Lynne2 said...

I'm afraid the eggs will be laid tomorrow while I'm at work!

Can REALLY hear the wind too!

Lolly said...

Have been in the kitchen making brownies. I found a new recipe...says it is the best brownies ever! We will see. LOL

Wow, where did that wind come from. Can hear it from across the room and look at the nest swaying!
Love the sun though!

Oh, have not started the diet yet. How can I diet with ice on the ground? LOL

Lolly said...

Isn't it interesting, the eagles rebuild the nest and the egg cup is back exactly where it is every year.

Lynne2 said...

BROWNIES....not just any brownies but the BEST brownies??? Well, I hope they they turn out good! If so, I'd love the recipe! I have only ever made brownies from a box!

Meanwhile, I am so embarrassed by how much weight I have gained. I am trying to work up to starting my new healthy living plan beginning this coming Monday.

hedgie said...

I know, Jo, I was thinking the same thing-----cup better not go all the way down!

Lolly, brownies are okay...but I really like Texas Sheet Cake better! Haven't made it in forever. Pulled out the recipe a few months ago....and it's still waiting for me!

Lynne2 said...

now Texas Sheet Cake was one of the first things I ever baked! My mom's friend and I made it one afternoon! Good memories!

Ms Bookworm said...

No, Lynn, a week from tonight is when the puppy classes start.

OOOH--brownies!!! Texas sheet cake! You guys are making me drool! Can't have much of that kind of stuff, but wish I could!

Lolly said...

The recipe for the brownies is from the latest bon appetit magazine. The brownies are pictured on the cover...says Best Ever will eat the entire tray! ha! They are in the oven....we will see. Had to change it up a wee bit as it called for salt free butter and do not have any. Also used pecans, of course, and not walnuts. If they turn out as good as they say, I will be glad to share.

PA Nana said...

Good (?) afternoon eagle buddies.
I haven't caught up yet but I'd like to vent, if I may.

Please close your eyes so you don't hear(?) me.

You remember we had a new furnace installed back in September? Well we've had 3 calls for service since.

Today it sounded like someone started a lawn mower in the cellar. Woke Jim up to check on it - He's as slow as molasses in January, but finally went to the cellar. It was the furnace - again!! This time HE called repair service.

Seems the motor and fan were bad. Geez, I thought all new equipment had a least a year's lifetime.

Thanks for listening. I'm off to catch up

PA Nana said...

OH, BTW, I have sound!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oops--think Emma is awake. Need to take her out in this near-hurricane and let her go potty. Will be back later.

Lolly said...

I can not eat much of this kind of stuff either...I would be big as a barn! LOL But, I have cleaned, I have worked on pictures, now what to do? Ah ha! Bake!!! Getting cabin fever!

Lolly said...

ROFLMBO Just love it...."close your eyes so you don't hear me!"

Sorry you are having the furnace problem, surely it is under warranty!!

Lolly said...

Uploaded a pic to fb. Jo, just remembered you asked how much ice on the patio. Well, our patio is ice. Before the ice, rain did blow in but before it could freeze Jack swept the patio.

magpie said...

Vent Away, Diann....that's what we are here for....
WOOF! Furnace problems at this time of the year, very very bothersome I am sure...
Hope all the people involved make good on it ... and then some !!

magpie said...

The wind picked up pretty much right like that! about the time Hedgie posted...awhile back..
and things are colder now...

our nest, so unusual to see so much sunshine and shadows....
haven't had this kind of sunshiney stuff for awhile it seems...

magpie said...

my workplace has been dispatching stuff left and right all afternoon...
I have a pager I can hear some of it...

medical calls, and some fire alarms...

magpie said...

I love brownies

Lolly said...

Well, the brownies are out of the oven. Hold your nose so you can not smell them, cause they sure smell good. Jack says this is going to be a fun test.
Are they the best brownies ever????

stronghunter said...


A funny thing just happened. I had been watching the nest and left it on when my class started. I was at front of the room (my computer is at the back) and my students and I kept hearing a strange noise.

Kids complained that it was bothering them and wanted to know if I might be perking coffee(Funny that it should bother them so much. They also complain if it is too quiet.)

Anyway, I finally realized that it was the wind blowing at the nest. Boy, is it blowing!!

stronghunter said...

And, yes, I definitely have sound!

stronghunter said...

Wonder what would have happened if we had heard an eagle call? Of course, I would have recognized the call. Wonder if any students would have?

Lolly said...

Funny that they should complain about the wind. Play loud music (theirs) and I bet they would not complain.

Laurel has her third day at home tomorrow. That is good, hate to think of school buses on the road early in the morning.

magpie said...

Ok I'll be cooking sauerkraut, pork and dumplings...
brownies sure would be a nice dessert!
I'm out of the work gloves for now...
time to see if I can still vook

Hi Shirley!
funny...and good to see you !

Lolly said...

Okay, I have sinned! Just had a brownie, and yes, they are excellent. My new brownie recipe, I imagine, but do not make desserts often.

Jack just licked his plate. Best brownie ever? "Yes, possibly, and definitely the best I have had today." LOL

Judie said...

Hi Steve, thank you.

Hi Diann. Sorry about the furnace. Hope all is quickly repaired and you stay cozy warm.

Y'all enjoy the brownies. I'll just have to pretend with choc. ice cream later on.

Been busy with school work. Do have sound at the nest. MT right now but Belle and Lib have been busy today with plenty of bickering going on.


magpie said...

Good Report Lolly!
Sounds like Jack is a real connoisseur (I had to look that up for spelling) and knows his Brownies ☺ !

I'm about to open up the live feed for the first time today...
I'm kind of afraid to hear the frightful wind

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, windy at the everyone's sound better?

stronghunter said...

Think I will pack up and head home. I have plenty to do. I also want to check on George. He seems to be okay and wanting to eat, which is a good sign.

See you later.

NCSuzan said...

Good Afternoon eaglefriends. I am blogging to you frombalmy central NC. It is 72 degrees, bright sunshine and medium wind.

Lolly, on the cover of this month's Good Housekeeping is the best brownie recipe ever!

Yes, the nest is very busy. If you go away for a little bit and come back., everything is changed!

Am worried about our sick animals and hope the vet comes up with a diagnosis soon. Can't stand for the babies to be sick.

And Jo, no my sister says she cannot talk to me yet. I hope it is soon though.

hedgie said...

Oh, Diann, so sorry for the problems with the new furnace. Hope they make it good.
And hope that BEagle doesn't have the same problem!

Wind is strange that it's the bad noises we hear on the cam and not good eagle noise. I can hear it quite well!

Lolly, seems to me that you really DO do a lot of sweets baking....but mostly for holidays!
Glad that the brownies are a big hit!

Margy, with the wind, bet they'll be inundated with alarm (false) calls!

Lolly said...

Where are our eagles? They have been gone for a while. Flying in the wind?

movin said...




I about froze last night, especially if I had to get out from under the covers; but then I read about the storms back East, and now I feel guilty as h....

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

magpie said...

The nest seems to be holding up with the winds....which are howling here in Martinsburg just a few miles away

seems like
No huffing and puffing will be blowing their house down!
(well, certainly hoping not...)

movin said...

Oh... And we got the heavy Santa Ana winds last night again.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lolly said...

OK close up cam is down as well as
Sutton. Read on the blog it is 18 and sunny. We are 20 and not sunny. I am surprised. Expected them to be colder than that!

hedgie said...

Suzan, sorry that your sister can't or won't talk to you. :(
Please send your weather here.
Think I'll just move to NC permanently.

Mema Jo said...

I am up and running again - need time to read comments.......

Really windy !

magpie said...

the nest cup is really looking ready !
Oh Jim...sorry you were cold...that's no fun!

Lynn - puppy class tonight ?

magpie said...

now the live cam is running just fine...maybe it is the sound that makes it keep going ?? will know more if/when some eagles show up !

hedgie said...

Our nest is swaying as bad as NBG and Maine! And eagle is in it!

hedgie said...

Yes, Margy, class tonight.

Mema Jo said...



hedgie said...

Jim, hope the winds calm down for you, too. What was your temp last night??

Mema Jo said...

That was a quickie

Checking to see it is drying......

Mema Jo said...

Diann - sure hope Jim gets some action for the furnace..
Those brownie's smell the best yet!
How many did Jack finish off, Lolly?
Good Luck for a very obedient doggie class tonight - Don't let her blow away!

NCSuzan said...

Diann, a m distressed to hear about your furnace. As consumers do we really know what we are purchasing? I know you had to pay a pretty penny for that installation and machine for it to conk out now is totally acceptable. Hope they repair or replace it yesterday!

hedgie said...

Almost time to go, so will see ya'll this evening.

paula eagleholic said...

1. I want a brownie!

2. I want a brownie!

3. I want a brownie!

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, my sister doesn't have anyone and I think she feels she will break down all over again. I think she is just giving herself some time. We are not close. She is ten years younger than me but we do come together in times of need.

Lynne, like your avatar!

paula eagleholic said...

Cool flashing reflection light show at our nest....the diamonds are tinkling!

BEagle said...

Hi Eagle Fans!

If I have to deal with the wind, I would like for it to boomerang to Lolly's and bring me some of those brownies. : )

My sound has returned on the cam. I can hear the wind blowing. I am also glad my furnace is kicking out nice warm air cause it is chilly outside.

NatureNut said...

Good, good Leonard, the Groundhog Day! I just read that we will have an early spring. Maybe it was today!! If one had come out this afternoon, would have seen it's shadow. Nothing at farm office today, but lots of geese in a field.
Was able to put 2 bird sets of pics on Blog. All are from Park yesterday.
Got home early to start a corned beef boiling (Fubby wouldn't do it!!!) Since weather is OK, child will be driving back here tonight.
BBL Need coffee

BEagle said...

It was 55 degrees this it is 29. I better drip my faucets.

BEagle said...

I hope the fluff doesn't fly out of the nest.

NatureNut said...

I just caught a glimpse of a Sopermalu jersey!!!!What a wonderful player!! And who are Wanda's friends???

PA Nana said...

Okay, I'm back.

The furance if fixed and I'm now warm. Not that thefurnace wasn't working, just clanking. Repairman did have to turn off the heat while he went for a part and it got a little chilly, but all is well now.l

Wanda, LOL, I love the pool boys.

Lynne, love your avatar! BTW, Octorora Orphie and Mount Joy Millie say 6 more weeks of winter. When is groundhog season?
I remember my dad hunting for them. I guess we ate what he shot, but I'd never knowingly do it today.

Sorry I missed TJ. What a great gift for his wife. All Jim gave me was several days at deer camp (him, not me). No, really, he's a good guy. I just like to hassle him occasionally to keep him awake.

Dana, sorry for the loss of your friend.

Paula, so hope and pray your Boo will be okay. It's so hard to deal with a health problem when the patient is quiet. God bless.

So glad I have sound from the nest, though the wind is kinda strong. That nest cup could handle quite a few eggs.

Lolly, looked at the bear video. At first I thought 3, but then realized the third one was Hope. Guess we'll have to wait a bit longer to find out. Mmmmm brownies, my favorite!!

Off the check other cams. bbl

NatureNut said...

Good Grief!! Just put nest up & is that wind or a thunderstorm????
You've Got Volume!

Mema Jo said...

Going to meet up with some family members at Bob Evans... about 8 of us
and 1 of which is Alexis!


BEagle said...

Thanks for the Savannah/Derek update Mema Jo.

The NC chicks are in good view. So is a footsie!

BEagle said...

Couldn't figure how many cubs exactly on the Lily and Hope video. I would say two, but there must be speculation on three.

BEagle said...

I think that Belle's partner is Lib. The perch place gives him away.

The new cam being HD probably may be giving the idea of another bird.

We will know for sure when he starts bringing in wushi.

BEagle said...


Lynne2 said...

Glad your furnace is fixed Diann!

Hava fun witha the fam-a-lee Jo! (realized my typo, thought I'd just run with it, like an Italian accent)

Lynne2 said...

I was going to type something but I forgot what....

Lynne2 said...

I see Looly is over on FB trying to get some "boys" to sit by her fire and eat her marshmallows. It's always the ones you'd never expect....

OH I remember! I'm anxious to hear how Boo did today while Paula was at work.

glo said...

Well storm has passed here. I am snowed in and have no idea for how long but it feels so much better than last night emotionally. Oh and did I mention Dex is no longer on strike which is very good since tomorrow morning it will be 10 below. We will want out and back in very quickly.

Jack my son's dog has had honey now 3 times with his medication and actually seems a little more alert today than he has been for days and also ate a good supper which he hadn't done for days either. Geeesh I wonder, but not counting it passed at all just yet. Day has been better though and I think maybe I have Paula's Boo to thank for that. I want to hear some good news for Boo and Mai and continued good reports for Jack.

I know there are other pets on here dealing with issues that way heavy on their owners hearts too. Its time for all out critters to head back up that hill to Good times :-)

Lynne2 said...

Glad Dex isn't on strike anymore!

Need to go feed critters and figure out how to tape a show....Restrepo is on Nat Geo tonight at 8 and Steve really wants to see it, but I don't know if he's going to get home in time to see the beginning. Best to just tape it.

wvgal_dana said...

It is very windy out there.

Stop lights blowing like they are going to blow over and fly around in the air.

Temps are suppose to be pretty good but wind chill will make them colder.

Glo so glad Jack is doing better.

The heart at our nest is if you look at the fluff it looks like a "heart shape".

Lolly guess you didn't have to wash Jack's plate LOL "he licked it clean".... LOL ROFLMBO

What is everyone's opinion about NO TAX BOOKS OR PAPERS BEING SENT OUT THIS YEAR....YOU HAVE TO GO TO SOMEONE TO HAVE TAXES FIGURED OUT.????????? I don't do mine anyhow....use Library they do them for free.

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

HP and I hear them!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Andy if you open up your own business. Won't it be better doing like Sissy and Sharon where you will get health insurance????

Lynne2 said...

what the heck was THAT? HP? Two flying into the nest and colliding? My live feed is running but not smoothly.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Lynne2 one mess with egg cup other one flew in of course we know it is a male because right on top he got HP.

Lolly said...

Nest cam is going a little blurry in this wind!

Lynne2 said...

Oh, OK.

I have like a one second refresh type of feed at the moment....

glo said...

I didn't know they weren't sending out any tax books etc this year. I always do my own I use Turbo Tax actually. Goes easy and well for me.

Lynne2 said...

I didn't know that either. Hmmmm. I was beginning to wonder why we haven't gotten ours yet.

wvgal_dana said...

I don't know about the tax turbo or tax things online. BUT YOU HAVE TO GO TO A TAX PERSON THAT HAS A TAX NUMBER!!! OR THEY WON'T ACCEPT YOUR TAXES!!!!

Lolly said...

Jack just told me I needed to go outside and check the ponds. So for the first time I ventured out. Sorta scary walking on ice. Took pictures with my camera and my phone. Posted on fb a picture of the lower pond. Really beginning to be afraid of damage to Hawkwood.

Ms Bookworm said...

Phew! Back again, gang. Hubby and I just took Emma for a 2-block walk(?). The wind is still blowing. She absolutely wore me out! I would have been able to walk way farther than that, but little Miss Emma pulls like crazy, and wears you out pretty quickly. I can tell she's gained more weight. Lynne, you have e-mail!

I really don't want to open my own business, for the very reason you mentioned--benefits. However, the homework is to pretend that we DO want to be in business for ourselves, and to design a flyer to advertise for customers. This is quite a challenge. We have to name our business, and everything. (Grumble, grumble....) Must say, I think it would be better to cross that bridge if and when we come to it! Oh, well.
Spending more time than I would like to on the website. Oh, well. The new quarter starts on 2/22, so almost through with this class.
Oops--gotta go help make breakfast for dinner. Back later! :o]

Lolly said...

Latest news...snow coming tomorrow night and Friday.

NatureNut said...

Since you can't see the snow in the nest & we know more fluff has been added, I wonder how much of it melted.?

NatureNut said...

Gadzooks, Lolly~~~snow???Think my daughter said they've only had rain so far. They have had ice storms in the past & a little snow. She sent pictures then.

BTW, we didn't get tax books either. Fubby went to library. I thought it was just us, but not so.

Lolly said...

Yes, Loweeda, Austin will probably be getting snow. It is coming from the south!

Have added some pictures to my Hawkwood blog. The white you see is ice...not snow!

NCSuzan said...

My brother lives in Juarez, Mexico and he has ice and snow there. He said the city is very quiet for a change. Think they are expecting more. Wind chill was -1 degree last night. No serious accumulation, just enough to be slippery and he said 45mph winds.

Diann, so glad your furnace was quickly repaired.

Andy, did you mean to say that Emma took you for a walk? LOL

Costume Lady said...

Can you all hear the wind blowing in the nest? I am hearing it sporadically, very loudly, at times. Lib and Belle must be hunkered down somewhere and hanging on for dear life! It is 32°here, after a high of near 50°. Alot of snow has melted. All of the snow has melted off of our grill, which I posted photos of.
The nest must have sunk down quite a few inches. Fairly sure there will be no egg tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening - Almost blew away out in that wind.. it is cold.... but I hope to have sunshine again tomorrow.

I enjoyed the fam-a-lee outing this evening. I had 3 gs and 1 ggd at the table....

I really expected to find Belle in the nest.. sorta disappointed.

wvgal_dana said...

Diann so so so happy that your furnance is FIXED!!

stronghunter said...

Just found this on FB

From Rebecca:

The good news is my mom is supposed to fly out of Egypt tomorrow at 11:45am. I hope she is somewhere safe until she gets on her flight.

Mema Jo said...

One of my favorites for Tues TV is
This JUST In! CBS renews NCIS for the 2011-2012 season!

Costume Lady said...

No surprise there, Jo:) Love that and NCIS LA...don't we all?

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Came home to a whacked out modem...called Verizon, finally online...only took about 15 minutes, not too bad.

Boo did not have a seizure today, but I think he was close to it when I got home. Gave him a lick of honey and some dinner, and he is feeling OK.

I saw a flock of robins at work 2 days ago or so....they were eating old dried up berries off the trees.

I wanted to check our nest right awy tonight...can see the limbs and some of the nest. I think we could see Belle in there for sure.

Lynn, did you have any problems signing up for the chat on the outdoor channel page? I couldn't get on at work, will try from here.

I know there is more I want to comment on, but need to run to the grocery store.


Mema Jo said...

Shirley - Rebecca I am sure has been on pins and needles with worry. Safe journey for her mom!

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, Belle's "V" does not point down

Thanks for the CRC link, Lynn. Funny, they don't know how many eggs either. Guess we were lucky to get a peek at the first one.

Lolly, guess your brother doesn't have any way to "ice" his citrus like they do in Florida? It acts as insulation.

It was soooooooooo nice to see the sun today!!

I think Andy's puppy class starts next week.

I have never seen our nest look so good. Appears that all that nasty s*** is gone! I actually think the egg cup is moved just a tad further from the far edge. It was very nicely defined by the sunlight this afternoon.

Diann, so sorry to hear about the furnace problems!

Shirley, I wish the eagles had called out during your class! That would have woken them up!

Sounds like there are a bunch of named groundhogs out there!

Tax books...State of Maryland is not sending them out to businesses to pay payroll taxes either...they want everyone to pay online. I use Turbo tax...share it with a friend!

Lolly, can you email me where you live in Texas!

Shirley, good news about Rebecca's Mom!

OK going to the store now...after I kill a stinkbug!

glo said...

Paula does Boo like the honey or are you putting it on something? What kind of diet is he on now. My son has bought some cube steak for Jack and plans to give him some before bed at night and before he leaves for work in the morning. He has Purina Dog Chow dry during the day but tom comes home for lunch and can give him a snack then. Of course we are not sure its sugar with Jack yet at all but he sure overall has felt better today than the past several days.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Paula, I would have gotten a kick out of Belle or Lib calling out in the middle of my class.

stronghunter said...

I just found out I am going to get new laptops for my class. I have always been the designated person to have a set of laptops in my room. Recently, they have been so slow that I have just stopped using them.

Laptops are not effective tools when it takes 20 minutes to log on.

NCSuzan said...

Yay! Shirley. That is good news.

Judie said...

MT nest. Anyone get an email from Belle or Lib indicating when their guest(s) will arrive? Anything on FB?

Hi to everyone.

Andy, Liberty-Belle Transcription. Logo: a liberty bell with an eagle on either side.

Diann, very good news about the furnace.

Shirley, wishing Rebecca a safe journey home. How's George?

Paula, glad Boo was seizure-free today and truly hoping he will be better soon.

Jo, happy you enjoyed your family time.

Going to turn in early tonight. School day tomorrow as well as therapy.

Glad most everyone seems to have weathered the weather last night and today. Stay safe and warm.

Will be turning my light out soon but leaving the night light on for others coming in. Pleasant dreams for everyone and prayers for all the furry friends we have.

Until tomorrow afternoon...

hedgie said...

Dana, you do NOT have to go to a tax person. You can pick up book at Post Offices, libraries, and I don't remember the other places listed. Anyone can still do their own taxes, online or by hand and mail. Who told you that? They are WRONG!

hedgie said...

Some places on roads are absolutely horrible. 2 wrecks on sheets of black ice on highway to my 1/4 mile.
Wind is awful.
Class was fair.....Mai was very distracted...she "performed" well for instructor, but not for me. Of course, she had tastier treats than I did, too!!

magpie said...

Welcome back safe and sound to your Lair, Lynn and Mai...

man oh man has it turned cold
without the wind? a nice winter's night

magpie said...

happy to hear of the day's events with Dex...sure and his host and hostess were most happy to see him this morning !

Paula...sounds like Boo, had on okay day and that you got home more or less just in time for his needs

magpie said...

Wheee-Doggie that was a surprise post-6pm with whoopee from the Royal Pair...
friend of mine was due over at 6 pm for dinner...he was late! I have been talking up these eagles for weeks and he missed the show !
Wanda...I did open up a couple of your trail cams for my guest...he liked them ! Of course !

Good Evening Eagle Pals !

hedgie said...

Paula, Lolly's address is on the Christmas list!
Glad Boo had a better day.
Judie, fantastic idea for Andy's mock business!!
Glo, hope that Jack is on the right track.
Jo, so glad you enjoyed dinner out---and didn't blow away!
I stopped at Chinese rest. and got some Gen. Tso's chicken, pork-fried rice and an egg roll. It the spot......BUT had to leave a mess in truck or I wouldn't have been able to eat. Figure it will freeze overnight and be easier to clean up. So much for vets recommendation of Benadryl. Next.....

magpie said...

I Like Judie's idea for Andy's business!

Happy to hear Rus's Rebecca's Mother is one day closer to being stateside...hope it happens without any hitches

I could have done my taxes on-line, but really enjoyed getting everything over with in 20 minutes from a tax preparer...
refunds should hit the bank account around Feb 11...

hedgie said...

Paula, I couldn't get back on the cam blog........and when I kept trying, it disappeared!

magpie said...

bummer, Lynn...sounds like you made the right choice leaving the "mess" behind...sorry to hear of this though

magpie said...

Oh, and had to show off Lily's Cam as a little peak at Lily AND Hope, and the children were making baby noises ☺

LollyI checked out your Hawkwood Gardens pictures...what you are experiencing is something else !

hedgie said...

Enjoyed your pics, Lolly and Loretta!

Has Sherry gotten there yet, Loretta?? Hope she can spend a little time before heading back to TX.

magpie said...

there was a deer eating at Pix Pa...and snow falling like crazy awhile back. My computer "played nicely" for company ☺

my housecleaning....I am happy to report that I came across only ONE Stinkbug (deceased) and one earwig, also the dust bunnies? that's another story

stronghunter said...

Drama here. Stinkbug being dealt with. I do not know why they like Kathryn's room.

magpie said...

had to laugh at one of your earlier comments today
"I forgot what I was going to say"

Baby, I am Halfteiming it with you all the way ! How many times I have sat here with this open window...wondering the very same thing...

paula eagleholic said...

Glo, so did the dog eat the honey? I just put about a tablespoon in a bowl, and Boo just licks it up. I am switching him to a different brand of dog food, called Proformatrin. In low blood sugar, they need more meat, fiber and complex carbs. I plan on supplementing the dog food with chicken and potatoes. In fact, I just got some taters tonight, and baked one for Boo to go with his food in the morning.

hedgie said...

Diann, glad you are warm again!
You said something about the animals that reminded me of a Will Rogers-ism---my most favorite:
"A vet is the smartest person in the world. His patients can't tell him what is wrong."

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley - 20 minutes to log on? Good Grief!

Ah, thanks, Lynne, re Lolly's address. Gotta find that list I never used this year, ☺

Aw, poor Mai in the truck :(

Lynn, that's what the comment thing did to me, too!

OK, Lowreeda's daughter is headed back up, got it now!

Got some goodies at the grocery store...fresh oysters in the shell! They were out of rockfish, but might be able to get some tomorrow! Had to clean out the fridge so oysters would fit!

Oh, Margy, I have tons of dust bunnies here too. But they are good dust bunnies! Nice and quiet!

paula eagleholic said...

The nest looks lighter to me...maybe because I tilked my screen ☺

magpie said...

One can really see how many dust bimmies make that bunnies now I found the right home row on the keyboard...with a bagless Vac !
Gee whillikers !
You're right though Paula...they are quiet and friendly for the most part...☺
Sounds like you are right on top of what is going on with Boo and what he needs....
(( hugs for all three of you ♥ ))

magpie said...

I took a yardstick and stretched then attached an old knee sock onto it, to swooosh out the stuff under the washer and dryer and stove and refrigerator...did not find any money though!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Lynn, I finally got logged in. I had signed up when they first put it on there.

Lynne2 said...

heading to bed folks. Good night and prayers for all!

paula eagleholic said...

I couldn't get signed in with my blogger account, and didn't want to do my FB account.

paula eagleholic said...

All I found was a nasty looking penny under the dryer last night ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite, Lynne!

Lolly said...

Back from vooking and eating dinner. I really vooked tonight...Salmon and green onion sauce, rice and steamed brocolli.

hedgie said...

Time for my date with Mr. Selleck. Heading for sofa. BBL.

magpie said...

Swoooon Hedgie...Enjoy !

Jo - sounds like a great outing with the Fam-a-Lee

Not too far behind the others headed for the pillows, think now is the time to say Good Night...

Hope Sleep is Sweet, the covers are warm, the pets will get better...
and that tomorrow will be a good day...
Prayers to be offered for our needs and
grateful prayers for many gifts given, including that, of the friendships here

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

stronghunter said...

Really tired. Going to head upstairs very soon.

Watching CNN in Egypt. Anderson Cooper is hunkered down. Explosions and gunshots in background. It sounds and looks awful.

Journalists have been attacked today.

Lolly said...

We have seen the pond freeze up before. It is just a little different from the time before. The pump is below the lower pond. It will not freeze up nor will the running water. The fish go dormant in the very cold water.
They do not eat a lot in the winter. We did feed them last week but they were very slow moving.

stronghunter said...

George seems better tonight. I put him back on one of his medications--Propulsid.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn called Library said they don't have them and won't be getting them. Maybe if I call again and talk with someone else they will say something else.

One of the people that does taxes at Library -- either Senior Center or AARP said they won't be sending books out.

I get mine done through Library so no problem. Or people can do them online.

paula eagleholic said...

Great video link on the bear update tonight...looks like 2 cubs.

glo said...

Paule Well Jack isn't overly crazy about the honey but then I don't think he has ever had anything really sweet before. He takes his meds with small amount of peanut butter already so I suggested maybe putting peanutbutter and honey on a few small pieces of bread and see if maybe he would like that better. He has Purina Dog Chow and Tom bought him some good quality canned dog food and the cube steak tonight to try to increase the protein especially at bedtime and before he heads to work in the morning. Guess time will tell. Tom already makes a seizure journal for the vet. Told him to add what he is feeding so maybe we can see or not some connection between what he eats, how much and when etc. In a strange way it would be a blessing if we can get a handle on these seizures with a diet change and having honey on hand etc.

Lolly said...

Bear Video

Mema Jo said...

The bear den report really sounded good
A real live family in that den!

Sure wish NBG had a night light - the cam is down now.
Can't imagine time wise that BWE may have a hatch in 2 weeks - around the 17th.

My little ole possum was here this evening eating on the deck - they love breads! Even when we had 10" or so of snow the little critter waded
through the snow to get here.

Mema Jo said...

Paula I am so happy that Boo's seizures can be controlled by meds and what he eats. He's very lucky to have you for an owner as is Jack having Tom.

Shirley I'm glad George may be back to his old self! It must be hard on most of you with ailing pets to trudge off to work and leave them on their own.

stronghunter said...

Americans in Egypt have been told to get to the airport at the end of curfew tomorrow morning. Sounds really scary. I called Rus. Rebecca is supposed to have a flight out tomorrow already.

paula eagleholic said...

Glo, I think some others on here suggested jelly or icing as well. Maybe put the honey on a biscuit? Bread sounds good, too.

stronghunter said...

Yes, it is hard to leave George in the morning. I would have taken him to the vet if he had not gotten better today. The vet is on the east side of town and my work is west. It is hard to get back and forth during rush hour. I would almost have to take time off from work.

I got one of those Breeze kitty bathroom system for Christmas. Had to go out and buy new pellets for George. Not pleasant.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 401   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

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