Friday, November 05, 2010


TGIF Thread.  I saw the cam all rigged up yesterday and it is working pretty good.  Soon...


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paula eagleholic said...

Awesome news, Steve. Hope to see it LIVE soon!

Ms Bookworm said...

Thank you for the new TGIF thread, Steve, AND for the good news about the new cam! Can't wait!

Ms Bookworm said...

Brought this over from the other thread:
Ms Bookworm said...
Kaiser Permanente, which is our insurance carrier now, has a Senior Advantage plan, and it's one of only 2 plans that got rated 5 out of 5 possible stars in the book Medicare sent out. Really don't want to change doctors. Shirley, guess you know about that dilemma!

paula eagleholic said...

Thinking of our Deb today, too ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Am afraid you momsters & dadsters will not be seeing a lot of me until after next Wednesday! Have 3 final exams to study for! In fact, I need to go get busy. (Geez, is it over yet?!) Better bite the bullet and hit the books. Don't want to lose my momentum! WILL check back in tonight, though. Have a great Red Friday! Later, alligators! :o]

paula eagleholic said...

"What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us." ~ Helen Keller

Ms Bookworm said...

Perfect quotation, Paula. I have a copy of the picture Deb took of our eagles on the shelf above my computer. It reminds me of Deb ever day. Can't believe how much I still miss her!

Lolly said...

Well, bum! Working in the yard and sat on a yellow jacket! He stung my upper thigh. Bummer! I am allergic to wasps but not to yellow jackets, but my thigh hurts and is red. Was going to mow but we are having a mower problem with the battery cables. Jack has gone to lunch. He should be home soon and fix it then I will mow. It's the stupid (yes, I know, that is a bad word1) mowers fault I got stung!!!

Lolly said...

Have had my lunch, have finished my whining (I emailed Laurel), now back to work!

Lynn, do you have a picture of the puppies. If so, I wanna see!

PA Nana said...

Hi and thanks Steve.

Hello everyone. I'm checking in after a few days of recuperating. The back/body pains are back and I was not feeling good at all.

I know I have a lot of catching up to do, but I will make a conscientous attempt.

In the meantime, if there is anything of great importance, please let me know. My cousin informed me by email that Atlanta(?) has a new "butter stick." Love that description Loretta. Also, did see Lynne's videos of her puppies. So cute.

Gotta go for now, someone is coming to interview youngest re life insurance and as a former agent I need to moderate.

Catch you later.

wvgal_dana said...

Just checking in so no silver alert goes out. Been under the weather here. Dr. gave me meds because surgery is Nov 17th. Blood work and EKG already done.

Deb is truly missed Paula. Love the quote by Helen Keller.

Andy prayers for your studies for the test.

Thanks Steve sounds like we are getting closer ( :

Puppies I'll have to find them. Got to see those puppies.

wvgal_dana said...

Ouch Lolly!

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley which doggie is your new avatar....I like it. Does it have some Beagle in it?

wvgal_dana said...

Yes true Faye does need to be someplace else. Can't one of the others take her to help Laurel and them out?

wvgal_dana said...

My bird feeder is a hit!! Two different kinds of woodpeckers, titmice, cardinals, purple finches, bluejays, some type of sparrow.

Oh I'll never forget Ed saying, "Dana there (were we lived before)is a baby Bluejay at your feeder. I taught him that was a titmouse.Memories I love them.

wvgal_dana said...

I don't buy bird seed with corn in it. Attacts starlings and crows to much.

The big woodpecker is so funny it has to hunch its body over while holding on with its feeties to get the see but it is getting plenty.

Andy sure sounds like that B+ contragulations should have been an A.

OH no Mr Bill Laurel has a leak with everything else on her list. She has a "bucket list" of things I don't want to do.

wvgal_dana said...

Alexis dad had a birthday and if Jo got him a pumpkin pie then that means she made him HAPPY ( :

I agree Jo Andy probably got the best grade in the class.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda I didn't even know you or Gene was filming Friday night. Glad we are such a good group. Not noisy at all lol
Thanks for the video....more memories. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Diann sending prayers for you. I know that terrible pain that just renders a persons energy.
HUGS sent your way!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie oh you are trying to a puppy awwwwwwww. Wishes for luck for you. (:

Jo we always sound like that lol

Christine is playing things smart. Great for her Jo, I know you are proud and why shouldn't you be.

Everyone must be over on fb. Well I'm here lol

hedgie said...

I'm back.....even treated myself to some baby back ribs from one of the roadside Texas BBQ wagons! Just HAD to have some already since they smelled so good and I was hungry......plenty left for tomorrow!!

Lolly, hope your sting feels better. Why were you sitting on the ground? Or was it on the mower seat?

Got my new filters for the mower...will put them in tomorrow and see if it starts easily for me.

Dana, glad your birds are enjoying themselves.

Andy, don't study TOO hard! You can overdo it sometimes if you do.

hedgie said...

Dana, Lynne's videos of her dogs are on her blog.

hedgie said...

Wonder if the new cam placement is weather-dependent? If so, the first part of the week sounds ideal. With Nu retired, wonder who will be the climber?

Mema Jo said...

Well don't look at me! I don't climb - remember - not even for turtle shells

How's that beautiful smile ?

Mema Jo said...

Hi Dana! Hope you are having a good day and feeling a bit better.

wvgal_dana said...

Don't know how I did it but somehow I got myself over on the old thread....where oh where can I be??? lol

So glad Sophia is doing so good. Thank you God and praises to you..please continue to heal this sweet little one.

So sorry for Megan and Russ and family for the lose of his dad. Sad.

Been thinking Of Deb since the end of October. Didn't tell anyone I can't even turn her beautiful calendar yet. November was a sad month. I can remember her stories as if she is telling them today. OK got to stop--too many tears flowing...can't mess up the dang eyes. But I too am sorry I truly truly miss her. She took me so many places that only dreams could have taken me without her.

wvgal_dana said...


hedgie said...

Smile is fine, Jo! Now we'll see how long it takes for it to get messed up by a fever blister----almost always happens within a few weeks of a dental visit. :(

paula eagleholic said...

YO, JO, I replied :)

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Lynn, want to see shar pei puppy pics!

Poor Lolly...

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn I thought the doggie pictures where of the ones you was thinking of getting. Thanks for your help though I did one day see the great videos Lynn2 put up they were lol

NO pics of your group?

Lynn I have found before I got the understanding denist I have had for years now. I told him I always get a fever blister after cleaning. He said, "Then they are letting the instrument hit you lip too much". His girls clean and I have NEVER in 10-12 yrs gotten the blister like I had before. Just a thought..

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Paula what did your son's say about your prize? Not ready to give it to another Momster/Dadstera are you (not me) lol lol

magpie said...

It's Eagle Watching Time ☺

magpie said...

Guess I should mention

There are TWO in the nest ☺

magpie said...

One sitting, one standing

magpie said...

Well, it was pretty swift and mostly silent
and now both have left

maybe....they might come back

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

hedgie said...

LOL, Dana, my dentist is rougher than the hygienist when he's using the damn instruments-----frankly, I have always thought that it was instruments themselves----something in the metal! Can't prove it, of course, but colds and fevers don't push against my lip and they always give me one, too!

wvgal_dana said...

That is exactly what my dentist said pressing of instruments against your lip. He proved to me they don't have to be that rough.

magpie said...

I don't think we have found out what Judie's surprise actitivy was for this morning.....

Hope all are well this evening
Grackles and Starlings are STILL doing their soaring acrobatics in my neighborhood, never seen such roosting and sailing and soaring before, guess the grackles have NOT flown South yet for the winter

Lynn, thank you for telling us about Megan and Russ, his Dad sad for their loss...

(( hugs for Megan and Russ and all the family ))

magpie said...

so maybe I was the only one to see the Evening Eagle visit ??

did put a few pictures on the E-M album

Diann and Dana...sorry to hear you both have had a couple of rough days...hope wellness swells again soon !
And sorry to read you got stung, Lolly - Ouch!
ttfn xoxo

magpie said...

I am finally "hitting" from Martinsburg WV on the site map, I have been to Roanoke and Keyser in the last few days

magpie said...

this was Judie's comment last night just before midnight:

"I think I was making too much noise with the keyboard. I have been captured by the sandperson and only have time to say the following: big adventure planned for tomorrow (details in the a.m.)..."

wvgal_dana said...

NOT A LINK:Hope you all remember. When I was taking pool classes in Winchester. I ask you all to pray for the instructor. He has been trying and had papers and all was legal for a child from Haitai. He now finally has him in his home here in the U.S. That was a lot of years of struggle to get the boy over here. Now they are trying to adopt and get over here his brother and sister. One is 2 yrs old and the other can't remember 3 or 4. Please pray these two children get to come soon to this GOOD HOME. Their Mother if you remember is dead. The pool instructor even paid for her burial and was there for it. PLEASE PRAY! Thank You.

wvgal_dana said...

Geese just fly past could hear them.

magpie said...

Happy to read of your Pool Instructor Friend's good news, Dana...and prayers for continued success for his efforts with the other two little 'uns.

Lolly said...

We are now in. Got a lot accomplished. Yard was mowed and leaves mulched. Also did a lot of leaf blowing to clean off the patios and walks.

Lynn, I was sitting on the ground pulling some clover that was coming up in a ground cover. It is still hurting. Stupid bug!

We also moved plants into the greenhouse. 38 expected tonight, light freeze north of Dallas/Ft Worth. Laurel might possibly get it.

stronghunter said...

Hi everyone,

Okay, you asked:

I am quoting from my English 12 writing textbook--

To form the possessive of a singular noun, add an apostrophe and an -s. Example: Charles's grades

When forming the possessive of a singular noun ending in an s sound, add only an apostrophe if the noun has two or more syllables and if the addition of 's will make the noun awkward to pronounce. Examples: the seamstress' work, for goodness' sake, Achilles' battles, Mr. Martinez' article

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lolly, sorry about the yellow jacket. They are nasty little critters.

stronghunter said...

My avatar is a picture of Luna. She is 100% basset hound.

stronghunter said...

On the subject of apostrophes again, I would write James's.

stronghunter said...

Very exciting to hear about the new cam. I can't wait to see it.

Mema Jo said...

We are home and not sure if I even said we were leaving. Saw Paula briefly out at the furniture store.
Hubby and I couldn't agree on items.

Going to the TV

stronghunter said...

I've been thinking about our Deb here, too. It is hard to believe it has been a year.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley love your Basset Hound.

Back hurting heading for tv also.

Prayers for those that need them

Prayers for those that said to someone. "I will pray for you or about that".

Healing Prayers and Thank You GOD ahead of time for your healing.

stronghunter said...

We are watching Iron Man 2. Many explosions and a really, really bad guy.

stronghunter said...

My Block 4 gang tried to convince me that there was a pep rally this afternoon. I was so tempted to pretend that I believed them and send them off. Only problem is that they would not have been able to keep quiet and I would have been found out.

stronghunter said...

Somebody provided students with thunder sticks today. Why?

stronghunter said...

Jo, what kinds of items were you and your hubby looking at?

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Dana. We love the sweet basset, too.

stronghunter said...

Flash is sweet, too. He's not as loose-skinned as Luna, but he is very loveable.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Missed our eagles, glad Margy got to see them.

Dana, I showed the eagle to Michael and Laura, they thought it was gorgeous! It was a little busier the night John and Ajay were here, and I didn't get to show it to John.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Paula.

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

Prayers, Dana, for your pool instructor and the children. Glad he was able to get one here with them!

Sorry about your yellow jacket sting Lolly. Glad he only got you once. Unlike bees, they can sting multiple times.

Where is the mysterious Judie??

Lynne2 said...

Steve gave me some bad news he got at work today. They have decided that in order to keep the few existing employees left at this warehouse, everyone has to take a 5 hour a week cut in hours. Effective immediately. Real bad news.

stronghunter said...

Got a yellow jacket up my pants leg once. Fortunately, I was wearing jeans, so I grabbed the insect from the outside and ran into the garage and took off the jeans. I had managed to kill the yellow jacket, thank goodness.

magpie said...

oh dear Lynne....sorry to read of this is good that all the workforce can stay employed though...there's another door that might open with those 5 hours fewer at his workplace, hoping it will be so

Hello more Evening Eagle Pals


paula eagleholic said...

Hi Shirley and Lynne.

Dana, glad to hear your instructors efforts paid off. I wish him well in his continuing adoption efforts!

Lynne, sorry to hear that news!

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lynne, that is bad news.

magpie said...

Thanks Shirley for the 's treatise...
I have a family of Williamses in my family....guess I should say the Williams' when saying possessive things about them.
it's my sister Anne's large family so for plural reference I sometimes say the Williamseseseses, there are so many of them!
And I do write and say James's - glad to see that is proper to do so ☺

stronghunter said...

At least they are trying to keep the employees rather than laying people off, but it is still tough. We have to hope that the economy is going to turn around.

Lynne2 said...

yeah, we sure didn't expect that to happen. Not really room for that in the budget. We have some very tough decisions to make now :(

Think I better have a hot shower and some hot chocolate!

magpie said...

Oh Hedgie:
I told Carolyn this morning that you had shared the news of the possibility of getting a Shar Pei lass...she said she is as excited about it as YOU are ☺

stronghunter said...

Got an s on my name, too, Margy.

magpie said...

you sure do Shirley!
My brother married a Phillips!
(from Connecticut)

stronghunter said...

Williamseseseses! You have me LOL, Margy.

Lynne2 said...

We think layoffs will be next. This was very sudden. And on the heels of hearing how well this location had been doing making money and everyone getting Kudos for doing such a good job. Last month especially was really good money wise. And SUDDENLY, this happens?? I may not be the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree but I smell something dirty coming.

hedgie said...

Phone call night here! Geesh---cauliflower ear!

Dana, so happy for your instructor. Sure has been a long raod for them all.

Shirley, what are thunder sticks??? Never heard of them.

Lynne, so sorry about Steves' hours being cut, but better than losing the job!

Margy, are all of your garden flowers gone?

magpie said...

ooops hads an open "mike" at work was mine! didn't realize it and answered a phone line:
"Hi this Margaret can I help you?"
and it went over the police channel.

Someone tried to tell me I had an open mike, but I still managed to say "You're Kidding!"
sure enough, I did, and that went over the radio too
coulda been worse...

Lynne2 said...

LOL!! Our family was the Gibbonseseses!!! (mother's side)

hedgie said...

Jo.....can't believe that you and Ed would disagree!

magpie said...

only remaining flower is the Flowering Tobacco....just a few blooms
and my unsuccessful Mums that are still trying to flower
I did plant the morning glory seeds tonight though
and some more forget me nots, will save the rest of my seeds for early Springtime!

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynne2 said...

Just got off the phone a few minutes ago with my MIL...SNOW in Terra Alta! Not much, but it's laying on the ground!

Lynne2 said...

link didn't work Shirley...

stronghunter said...

Thunder Sticks

magpie said...

oh this could get interesting with the plurals of the last names ☺
I'm now thinking of everyone with last names ending in "S" and "X"

Mema Jo said...

Like me 'lennox'
I need to read about whatever you are discussing.

Watching my CSI:NY


stronghunter said...

Got it this time, Lynne.

Lynn, I can't wait to see a puppy picture.

Lynne2 said...

funny Shirley, the link worked in the post in my nice of someone to give them to the kids. Bet that made for a noisy day.

Lynne2 said...


stronghunter said...

Wish my students would get so excited, Margy.

Today, Block 4 got me frustrated when I tried to give them a grade boost by pronouncing words in syllables so they could spell them out correctly in syllables.

They had done horribly on the exercise. On the first word, they immediately started arguing that I had graded their papers incorrectly, even though I hadn't. I had to give up.

One boy tried to fix his answers on his own and I told him that he could go home and use a dictionary and correct his answers. He is a good sutdent.

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

Could have been worse, but I had to confiscate a pair of thunder sticks third block. My girl class.

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, you should write a book!!

Lynne2 said...

Very exciting news about the new camera!!!

Lolly said...

How about Ellis?!!! :)

Lynne, so sorry about your discouraging news. Will certainly keep the situation in prayer.

Guess we are going to Denton in the morning. Joseph did not go to school but Laurel said he was a wee bit better and they will try the soccer game in the morning. She will pull him if he starts coughing.
I have some jeans I need to deliver to Jacob. Went shopping this week as he needed jeans. Also some new long sleeve shirts for both boys.

stronghunter said...

Also confiscated a cell phone. Kid followed me to the office hoping to get it back. He was told that once I turned it in, he would not get it back until the end of the day.

He actually missed his bus back to his home school. He said he had called his parents to come get him and take him to the other school.

I asked him how he'd managed to call his parents already. Of course . . . he borrowed a cell phone from another kid.

Thing is, I had taken his phone before and given it back to him at the end of class. Sometimes it does not pay to be nice.

stronghunter said...

Maybe I need to call this young man's parents. He is a nice kid. I really like him, but . . .

stronghunter said...

Didn't know what was going to get started when I wrote about apostrophes.

magpie said...

It's always nice to end the day sharing thoughts and ideas with you, my friends....

I think the way I am going to finish out THIS day though, is in a way that Deb would often refer to:
am going to do a little reading before bedtime

My avatar, by the way, is the first one I ever had in my early Momster days....Deb sent it to me...a Magpie from the South Dakota Badlands.....
my other favorite is the Magpie that Paula sent me...

Good night, precious pals...
warm and grateful thoughts for all that we share together here

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Lolly said...

Just have to say....that sting is still hurting. Not excruciating pain, but it hurts!!! Usually stings do not last this long. Drat!

Lolly said...

Nite Margy! Your thought brought a smile to my face.

stronghunter said...

Do you have Benadryl, Lolly?

stronghunter said...

Good night, Margy.

stronghunter said...

Also, you might try ice.

stronghunter said...

I have to call it quits for the night. Still wondering what Judie is up to.

Lolly said...

Yes, have benadryl left over from my swollen eye. Guess I could take it, but not sure that would stop the hurting. Maybe I should shower and then sit on ice. LOL

Lolly said...

Judie has disappeared! Maybe that was her surprise! Silver Alert!!

stronghunter said...

Maybe she is with the Profs Gone Wild. I took a look at the Girls Gone Wild website. Yikes! I would not venture far at that spot. Might get a virus. Might get something worse.

stronghunter said...

Wonder if you were sitting on a yellow jacket nest, Lolly. Or if there is one nearby. Maybe in the ground cover you were weeding in. I would be careful.

I was trying to grow some ivy at the base of a light post and some men came to work at that spot. They dug up a yellow jacket nest and had themselves quite a time. Rushed off to the store for some insect spray. They destroyed my ivy.

stronghunter said...

Really have to go upstairs. Hope Judie shows up tomorrow morning.

hedgie said...

Okay, Shirley, now I know what thunder sticks are----I have seen them, but never knew what they were called!

Lolly, try a paste of meat tenderizer on your sting. Or if you have anykind of ointment or gel that has lidocaine in it, that might take the pain away.

Lovely thought, Margy. Get a sweet sleep after you turn a few pages.

Maybe Darth swooped Judie away for a special dinner or something!!

Lolly said...

Have had an encounter with yellow jackets once before only that time I got about 20 stings. I was home alone working in the yard. We have some railroad ties that we use on a terrace. Stepped on one and there was a nest in it. I went running across the yard pulling off my clothes! Did not know at the time if I was allergic or not. I am allergic to wasp stings and keep an epi pen. So, I gave myself a shot and then drove to the hospital. I know, I should not have done that but I did. They were great at the emergency room. Could not reach Jack but good friend, Russ, came to the hosp. I was a mess? But, not allergic!!

Lynne2 said...

Hot HOT shower felt great!

Saw parts of 2 really cute movies today while babysitting. "Cars" and "How to Train a Dragon". In the latter, there was a scene that put me in mind of Megan fighting off Cicada Killers!

Lynne2 said...

Good night Shirley, and thank you for hosting this blog's (why do I think that is WRONG!) episode of Schoolhouse Rock!

Lolly said...

Think it is my turn to go take a hot hot shower! And, get into my moose pjs. I love those pjs! LOL

Lynne2 said...

Hope your sting doesn't hurt for too long Lolly!

Think I'll fix some Hot Chocolate now and head up. With any luck at all, the dogs will sleep in a little tomorrow! Good night and prayers for all!

paula eagleholic said...

I want to see Lolly's moose pj's :)

Going to konk out early tonight, work tomorrow. Catch ya'll then

Hugs to all ♥

Judie said...

Well, my goodness. Seems everyone has developed some sort of stutter in my absence. Never read so many sssessesesesss before.

Thank you Shirley for the grammar lesson. I'll have to practice to pass your test.

Andy, good luck with the studies. Take lots of breaks to keep your brain from getting overloaded.

Lolly, so sorry about the sting. Not pleasant at all. Hope it's better by now.

Saddened by the loss of Russ's dad. Sincere sympathy to Megan and her husband and the family.

Darth did not treat me to a special dinner. He is in NJ to attend his H.S. class's/classes' 55th reunion.

My big adventure was attending the retirement ceremony of one of my former students. A capt. with the U.S. Capitol Police. Got to park right on the Capitol grounds (handicapped can be helpful). I got to say a few words. Told them I would try not to get teary eyed as they might mistake me for John Boehner. Then, leaving the Capitol, I made a wrong turn. 1 1/2 hours and 6 police officers later, I finally found the street I needed to find my way home. D.C. drivers are NOT friendly when you go slow to read street signs. I did get plenty of practice using universal sign language.

Oh, saw a fox on the Capitol grounds. Was amazed. Seemed to have no fear of the tourists all walking around. Then watched as a very lucky squirrel outran the fox. Go squirrel!

Tomorrow will be out and about doing errands. Will check in as I can.

Am very sleepy now so am voluntarily searching for the sandperson. Need to turn my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in.

Sleep well everyone.

Judie said...

Doing a Margy...Lynne, sorry about Steve's reduced work hours but it is good the company is trying to save jobs. Wishing for the best.

hedgie said...

Judie, thought that Darth had done the Jersey thing a few weeks ago....???? You should have called me---I could have gotten you out of the city in much less time than you spent trying!
I'm sure it was a very nice ceremony!

Lolly, you are very lucky that you aren't allergic to ALL stingers!

Time for me to say my goodnights, too. Prayers for healing, grace and peace. Goodnight, and miss ya', gal.

Mema Jo said...

Glad to have you check in Judie with a very interesting evening - I know what you mean about DC streets.

I am heading back the hallway.

Good Night All
Prayers for everyone..
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ One of those
hearts is yours, Deb..

PA Nana said...

Good night everyone! I'm in late as usual. This will be a night that sleep doesn't come easy, so I'll go check email and fb.

I saw the eagles this evening!

God bless

Lolly said...

Cool that you saw a fox and even better that the squirrel out ran him. That would not have been fun to watch if the fox had caught it.

LOL My pj bottoms are brown with blue "mooses" all over them. The top is blue with brown sleeves and has one moosey on the front. The brown sleeves are thermal. Now normally I wear gowns, but these are soooo comfy! And, no, no pictures coming of Lolly in her moose pjs!!

Lolly said...

Heading to bed soon. Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Dream of our new cam, with a clear picture, no spidey and fantastic color and sound. (I am sure!!)

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Getting here quite late tonight. Hubby & I were over at my Sis-in-law's house to watch a movie on TV.

Boy, lots going on here today. Lolly, sorry you got stung! I've heard that a paste of baking soda helps, but never tried it. Hope it feels better soon!

Diann, sorry to hear you've been hurting & not feeling well. ((HUGS)) and prayers!

Dana, sorry you've been feeling poorly! ((HUGS)) and prayers for you, too! Wow--glad your bird feeder is such a hit! Had to laugh about your woodpecker. I have 1 or 2 Mourning Doves that manage to cram themselves onto a hanging feeder built for something more sparrow-sized! LOL :oD
Oooooh, Lynn! YUM! Wish I could have a teeny little taste of those ribs. They sound absolutely delicious!

Ms Bookworm said...

Lynn, thanks for reminding me not to study TOO hard. Excellent advice! Think Judie mentioned I need to take lots of little breaks, too. Thank you!
Shirley, Thanks for your take on the 's question. Very, very interesting! Wonder how long it will be before it's supposed to be "Charles' "!

Ms Bookworm said...

Aargh!! So sorry to hear Steve's bad news from work. Glad he wasn't laid off, though. Prayers for your situation!
Dana, praying for your instructor. Hope he is able to bring the other 2 kids here, and adopt them!
Margy, love your Deb Magpie! Deb was such a talented photographer!

Judie, you had quite an adventure today, all right! Know exactly what you mean about those wacky D.C. streets! Glad the squirrel made an escape from the fox. Thanks for turning on the night light. I think I'd better call it a night. Prayers have been said for everyone, for so very many situations. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Have sweet dreams, and I will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

...And goodnight to Deb, too. Know that she watches over us from Heavenly places. Still miss you SO much! :o{

magpie said...

Good Saturday morning Eagle Pals.
Hope this is a day that ailments and woes take a break...

Judie - nice report of your Friday morning "adventure." It was heartwarming to read about it

Headed to work soon...frost on the windows, clear skies here.

Haven't seen any eagles....yet...
glad you saw the pair last night also Diann....

xoxo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Well there is an Eagle in the nest....I think just one....
still a lot of darkness in Shepherdstown

magpie said...

Now the Royal PAIR is at the nest

magpie said...

Liberty left, then returned

out the door for me now

hedgie said...

Cool that Margy got to see our birds again this morning! All seems quiet on this front. Hope everyone makes the most of the last day of extended daylight---not that it's much at this point!!

hedgie said...

Am I just too eager or over-anxious? I truly don't understand this crazy waiting game.......waiting to find out about the house, and now waiting to hear somethinng from the Shar Pei Rescue group.....I feel like I have done MY work, so why can't they at least acknowledge it and give a status update?? Can you tell I'm in a bad mood??

hedgie said...

Lynne----remember our comments about Tomas and Haiti? Heard on the news that most residents of the tent cities REFUSED to evacuate.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Lynn, I hope you hear soon. I remember how frustrated Katrhyn got when she was trying to get a rescue basset hound.

Wow, Judie, quite an adventure! I, too, know what you mean about DC streets. I have been lost there many times.

Have to pick up George's medication and food shortly.

Dana, I hope your friend is able to adopt those children soon. I so admire people who are willing to help little ones by taking them into their homes.

Diann, hope you are feeling well today.

stronghunter said...

The thing that frustrated Kathryn most was when they made appointments to come inspect her home to determine if it was appropriate for a puppy and then didn't show.

I hope you don't have to deal with that. I would think that not all rescue groups go to that extent to check out prospective adoptive pet parents, but I don't know.

Costume Lady said...

Think I forgot to say Good Night, last night. Family Night and fixing dinner, plus playing with a rambunctious Jayden, did me in! lol
Jayden is doing some walking now...3 or 4 steps at a cute!
He absolutely adores my "Eagle Cane", I have a video of him playing with it...can't for the life of me figure out what he likes about it!

Speaking of the Haiti's disasters and the Haitians...what's with them all still living in tents after the millions, maybe billions, that was sent there? Little bit of government filling their pockets?
I NEVER give money to places that need disaster assistance. I help with making up disaster kits at my church. What on earth is this world coming to, to steal money and medicine that should be to help those poor ravaged people?
It makes me so sad to not be able to help that situation:(

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and Hunter went off to play flag football. Hunter proposed staying home all day and playing computer games, but Kathryn nixed that idea, good mama that she is.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Wanda. I know what you mean.

It has been a long time. I have heard, via CNN as I recall, that some of the money had not been sent yet--at least as of a couple of months ago. But, I think that's partially because the donors want to make sure it is used appropriately.

And, some has been sent. I wonder how it is being used. Those poor people need help.

stronghunter said...

Love your avatar, Wanda.

stronghunter said...

I really like that little hedgehog, too, Lynn.

Lynne2 said...

Good morning everyone! Happy Last Day of Daylight Savings Time!

There is a Husky outside in the yard roaming around. No idea where he came from. Never seen a Husky around here before. Looks to be wearing a collar, but won't come to me when I call him.

Lots to do today. Many things to discuss and decisions to make. Will check in when I can. Please say a prayer for us.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Well, we were going to Denton, but now Joseph is worse. He had basketball tryouts this morning, they went and then he realized he was not up to it. So, basketball and soccer cancelled. Instead they are probably coming here. Wahoo! Ribs tonight! Laurel was going straight to the doctors office with him. Waiting to hear from her.

Judie, what you need is a GPS. We love ours. Only bad thing is that on trips it takes you the shortest route, right through big cities. Not good with a trailer. We had to plan a different route through NYC!! LOL Ours talks, we call her Bossy.

Lolly said...

Definitly, Lynne. (((Hugs))) Prayers that all will work out.

hedgie said...

Oh, yes, Shirley, home inspection to be done. Of course they will find someone local to do it.

hedgie said...

Lolly, sorry your sickie is not better... :(

Wanda, I have an old umbrella handle with a duck head on the end....very pretty, so I keep it in one of those old glass water bottles....when they were toddlers BOTH of my grands would get it and pretend they were painting their nails with the end of the beak. Don't know how they dreamed that up!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All.. Frost made a slippery deck here in the valley this morning.

Wanda- loved the FB video of Jayden and the Eagle Cane. FB for some reason would not let me make a comment.. 'Sorry, you do not have permission to add this comment."
Did you change your security or is it just FB glitch?

hedgie said...

Lynne, not sure what kind of decisions you all are going to have to make, but I pray that it's nothing drastic. What about cutting back on your cable package to basic? Is theere any way that either of you could do drive-share to go to work and Irvine? Check into the Angel Food program for your area---amazing what you can get from them for just a little---could really cut the grocery bill.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Shirley...avatar is my Jillian when she was around 2 or 2 1/2.

Lynn, what all do the inspectors look for in a home that is a perspective adopter?

Jayden playing with my Eagle Cane is posted on my SMILES:) He played with it for at least 4 minutes, then I got tired of filming...played with it long after I stopped. What on earth does he see in it? LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Good cool morning to everyone.

Lynne2 sorry about Steve's situation at work. So glad they just didn't let him go. Is there anything you can pick up to fill in for those 3 hrs. he lost?

Love the extension of names lol

Lolly I can't remember on this blog wishing someone "hope you butt gets better". Although this blog has had many prayer types. So we add yours now.

Lynn-Hedgie I hope you hear something soon.

Margy oh my a Mike open....what does that lead too....I know time off for a weeks vacation WITH PAY!!!

Diann hope your feeling better also Jim I am thinking of you in Calif.

I think I am improving with the antib., Vit C "called Halls Defense in assorted flavors", my Claritin to help keep drainage down, doing the Cinnamon and Honey cure and last drinking hot tea. I think ALL of that should scare the heck out of those germs and they LEAVE !! lol

Thinking of Megan and Russ and family at this time.

Will carry Deb in my heartache until tomorrow. MARGY I LOVE SEEING DEB'S MAGPIE DURING THIS TIME THANK YOU!!!!

Shirley who would ever give kids those sticks during school hours????

Andy study, rest,,study, rest and then go knock that test for a "home run clean outside the stadium".

Ah no pics of Lolly and her moose pj's. Sound cure though.

Judie it is good you showed up on here. I believe they were about to get a search party of Momsters/Dadsters out for you. Sorry you made a wrong turn in DC. Oh you never ask anyone in DC were to go!!!! They live there but too mixed up themselves. So Glad YOU had a good escort out of DC. Sort of funny you being there for what you was and then police escort!!! hairlicious---So glad you are home safe.

Wanda oh those little feeties taking them steps. Can see jim now and everyone encouraging him and watch with smiles. ( :

Paula I love your surprised face picture when you won the eagle (:

stronghunter said...


Costume Lady said...

Lynne, when we get our FOOD BANK started at our church, you could drive up and get bags full of groceries...probably worth the trip here. I will see what will be available to you and let you know.
I know we will be elegible for meats and frozen foods, in addition to canned goods.
I'm so excited to get this program started. We will give out groceries on the Tuesdays that we have Soup Kitchen (to start). We are awaiting a inspection visit from the MOUNTAINEER FOOD BANK people. Waiting, waiting, waiting!

Costume Lady said...

Dana, you are a hoot! Love your new word, "Hairlicious"! LOL
Did you see Jayden playing with the Eagle Cane on my SMILES?
Don't think I have any pictures of him happens so quickly.

Had to laugh at my Grandson, Brandon, he said Jayden looked like a Monarch Caterpillar with his black, white, and green onsie on:) He really did! Good costume:)

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda I left a comment on SMILES ( :

Mema Jo said...

Well I went onto your Profile page
Wanda and was able to make a comment about Jayden.

Lolly said...

Wanda, Lynne lives close enough to come get food? That would be great!

Tush is not hurting, now it itches. Actually, not the tush but upper thigh.

Laurel and boys are coming. Wahoo!
Joseph saw the doctor, he is now on a steroid to get the swelling down in his larynx. Also, new meds for his cough. If that does not work then he gets a nose spray and an inhaler. He does not have asthma but allergies.

And, I am sure ribs for dinner will really help him as well. Boy loves ribs and has not had them for over a year because of his braces. We have been cutting the meet off for him....he wants to chow down!!!

I gotta get busy. Wahoo! They have not been here since Aug. when school started and then we left.

See ya!

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry Lolly that Joseph has allergies but that in some cases is much better than asthma.

He will love them ribs since he doesn't have braces. I bet their will be laughter at that table. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

I wish they would keep Atlanta cam on during the weekends too.

hedgie said...

Wanda, not sure WHAT they look for! I guess they look at the yard and fencing, any electric cord hazards, and probably overall cleanliness and accommodations. Will ask one of my rescue friends!

hedgie said...

Terrible scanner news.....3 killed and one critical in a wreck on the old road between Martinsburg and Charles Town.....close to CT. Head-on.

movin said...


A good Saturday morn

to you aLL.


Cooling in So Cal to mid 70's and lower for a few days ... AND about a 30% chance of showers off and on for a couple of days.

I can hear my geraniums .. and hummers .. breathing a sigh of relief on that one. Got to put my feeder w/fresh nectar now! Talk to you later.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

LOL, know what we native Washingtonians say? It's all of the out-of-towners who don't know how to drive and can't understand a very logical street lay-out!!

hedgie said...

Can honestly tell you I have NEVER been lost in the city!

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for all the victims in that accident, Lynn. I think Margy is working... Lets us know if any more comes over the scanner.

Lots of sunshine out there now.. but a bit breezy.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for Margy working the accident scene. Prayers for the rescue people and the accident victims and their families and friends.

Getting tired need to take a Lun Lun or maybe Ling Ling (baby panda) nap.


Mema Jo said...

Mail has arrived - Joseph ggs had called earlier to watch the mail that he sent me something. It is a picture and a letter. I had sent him some eagle stickers and I just got 3 of the back on my letter! Love that little 7 yr old.
Also received a card (painted by Mason) thanking me for the birthday
card/gift the Ellsworth's received. Out of all they have to do, the card means so much to me!!

Mema Jo said...

I am going to join you Dana!


hedgie said...

Accident is in Jefferson Co., not ours. Margy can't hear their traffic.

hedgie said...

Grave marker for Cinnie just arrived. :(

Mema Jo said...

I did want to mention to you
From the Ellsworth Family
..It really helps knowing people follow his progress and keep him in their thoughts and prayers. Mason continues to improve and we are certain that he gets his strength from all the love he receives...

I'll keep posting on our blog any of the updates on Mason that I receive.
Thankful for all of you keeping him in his prayers.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - I hope it is exactly like you wanted it to be. ((hugs)) ♥

Mema Jo said...

I'm sure you realize that when speaking of Mason that I meant to type
Keeping him in your prayers

hedgie said...

Didn't even notice the typo, Jo!

Yes, it is perfect. Matches all the others, except for name. That makes 5 now. 4 dogs and one cat.

Lolly said...

Ran to the grocery store and did some fast clean up and now waiting for Laurel and boys. :) They will be here until after dinner and hopefully racetrack traffic is clear.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, a marker seems to make it all seem final and hope it gives you closure♥

Costume Lady said...

Sounds like a grizzly accident...I'm wondering if there was a need for help from Berryville, just 7 miles away. Just can't imagine Jillian driving an ambulance and helping to tend to the victims. Although, when she was in high school, she worked in the Operating Room and saw a lot of I guess she will do alright.

stronghunter said...

Hi, back in the recliner. Had to get Flash out of it first. We have a large basket we put on it to discourage the dogs, but I was at home and had not placed the doggie barricade on the recliner.

hedgie said...

No, Wanda, they didn't call for any outside assitance. The fatalities were known immediately when the Jeff. units first got on scene.

Jo, that really was nice of the family to repsond to your sweet gesture.

Our poor Megan has been so sick with another sinus infection, and dealing with Russ' Dad's passing has probably sapped her even more. Sure praying that she is alright. Hope she knows that we are (((hugging))) her big time.

stronghunter said...

Got a car wash and an oil change while I was out getting George's food and medicine.

We are planning to take Hunter out to the Mixing Pot tonight. Susan and I took Kathryn and Hunter there to celebrate Kathryn's birthday and Hunter really enjoyed it.

The pediatrician was worried about the fact that Hunter had lost a couple of pounds at his most recent visit. It is good to take him places where he will eat well.

stronghunter said...

Sorry, that is the Melting Pot.

hedgie said...

Lolly, enjoy the kids and the ribs!

Shirley, I was just looking for puppy barricades! Baby gate is gone! Think I gave it to Christie when they got Harley....she says she doesn't have it. Shannon probably threw it away! But guess what I DO still have???? Pac'n'Play playpen!!! Thought I got rid of it after the grands were past that age! Tah-dah! That solves a lot of concerns---not too big, will be confining, and portable!!

stronghunter said...

We need to put up a couple of baby gates. Right now I'm using my card tables--one at the bottom of the stairs and one at the dining room door, though I've had to add a window screen there to discourage George the jumper. We do not allow pets into the living room nor the dining room. It does make for a nicer dinner.

We don't allow the dogs upstairs; George goes through the banisters and sleeps on my bed.

hedgie said...

What kind of food do they have, Shirley? Sounds like cheese and chocolate fondue would be on the menu!!!!
LOL---as much running around as Hunter does, wouldn't be surprised that he loses a little! He sure has the energy I wish I had!

stronghunter said...

Kathryn said she has spotted a baby gate in my basement, so we need to start using it. I am afraid I am putting a lot of wear and tear on the tables.

stronghunter said...

It is a fondue place, Lynn. I think that is part of the reason Hunter likes it so much. They have cheese and chocolate and bunches of other stuff.

wvgal_dana said...

Back and eating hot soup. That's what I've been eating since all meals yesterday.

Lynn that play pen sounds like the right thing. I had a friend that used one and it worked GREAT. Still got fingercrossed and prayers going up and special wishes too.

Wanda what did you mean "sounds like a BEAR ATTACK"?

stronghunter said...

Hunter takes medication for ADHD during the school year, Lynn. Kathryn did not want to go down that road, but it has made a big difference in the way he gets along at school. He never has been much of an eater and the medicine cuts his appetite.

She felt that all of the football practice helped him to bulk up. He gained weight durnig the season. I know it was the first time he did not need slim sizes in jeans.

wvgal_dana said...

Me sad :(

MP3 player when hook USB to port here on laptop shows music is in there. It plays on the laptop but not on the MP3 play grrrrrrrr

stronghunter said...

I think Wanda was speaking of a car accident being especially bad, Dana.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Megan. It sounds like she is having a rough time right now.

stronghunter said...

On the GPS . . . We certainly appreciated having one on the trip home from OH. We were getting so frustrated leaving Shepherdstown and following the MapQuest directions that we bought a GPS in Charles Town. I told Kathryn I was ready to spring for one, so we hit the WalMart there.

It talks and shows speed limits. I really enjoyed not having to serve as navigator on the way home.

I am sure we will use it tomorrow when we go to DC for the play at the Folger Theatre.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn had bought one for Tom a while back and Susan bought one for her boyfriend James as well.

Susan always uses James's when she goes on trips. It still had the settings for Hawaii when she went to OH, and she pointed out that it showed that it was only 4,000 miles or so to one of their destinations there.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and Hunter just pulled into the driveway.

stronghunter said...

George looks concerned. He was enjoying the peace and quiet. But then, he smells the delicious odor of dog food. Hmmmm. George likes dog food.

stronghunter said...

The question: Will thirty pounds of dog food fit into the dog food container??

stronghunter said...

Angry and hissing George. He has been prevented from eating the dog food!

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, thanks for clarifying my GIZZLY description of the accident!
DANA, lol, I didn't mean a "Grizzly Bear", I was speaking of the car wreck. If there were 3 fatalities, it must have been grizzly. Sorry, that was a poor choice of words, maybe 'terrible' or 'awful' would have been better.

hedgie said...

Well I guessed well on the fondue, didn't I?
Gee, Shirley, didn't know about Hunter and the ADHD. Sure hope that he stays on an even keel if meds are discontinued during the summer.
ROFL---George MUST NOT eat dog food. Okay for dogs to eat catfood, but not the other way around!

Dana, don't know what to tell you about the MP3....don't know anything about them.

My GPS is Onstar. They not only verbalize the directions, but also show it on the odometer screen.

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...