Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Afternoon thread.


Judie said...

Thank you, Steve. Stay cool.

hedgie said...

THanks, Judie----you've got me ROFL, imitating my Virginia southern drawl!

BEagle said...

Thank you for the new Wednesday thread Steve.

I will have to go back and check the southern drawl issue.

Mix that with a WV hillbilly drawl and you're sure to hear plenty of twang.

hedgie said...

I'm a combination of both, BEagle!!
DC/VA for first 22 yrs. of my life, and WV since!

paula eagleholic said...

I need a haircut too. Was supposed to get one a month ago, but was sick...and then this stupid ear. Think I'll give them a call.

Lynn - I am the same way about rabbit, couldn't ever try it, had too many as pets into young adulthood.

paula eagleholic said...

2 Osprey at BWO, looks like parent and chick

BEagle said...

Sometimes I gag on eggs. I think because of the sweet pictures of sweet furry little chicks.

I don't have too much trouble with buffalo.

I lived in NJ and NY, OH and a few other places. It softened the twang a little. It all came back to me when I came back home.

BEagle said...

Time to go check the eewwiies!

BEagle said...

Well.....I googled the word eewwiie.
I don't think it's a good idea to go there. However, google give you some postings from March by Paula Eagleholic and Lolly.

BEagle said...

Couldn't find the word in Wikipedia either.

The BWO must be dining. There heads are down.

paula eagleholic said...

BEagle, it's a word we made up!

BEagle said...

OH dear. Well don't google it! No don't!!

BEagle said...

It's sprinkling now. The temperature has probably dropped 10 degrees.

Much nicer.

Lolly said...

Well, please add my Texas twang to all the accents!

And,please send any left rain my way.

Lolly said...

Present temp 99.1.

hedgie said...

It's putting it down here---but not rain. I've been hearing something hitting the sunroom roof ever since I started eating. Just went out to look. There is a SQUIRREL up in an oak chewing apart green acorns and sending down pieces of cap and shell---chunks, actually! What a mess he's making.

hedgie said...

More bad flooding in Iowa.....Des Moines this time, rather than Cedar Rapids (my maternal grandparents birth city).

BEagle said...

Texans are the twang experts ya'll.

BEagle said...

There's 3 at BWO. What an array of color though.

One of them is light brown and the two others are dark brown.

Judie said...

Lynn, at least the squirrel is on the roof discarding shell parts. I went out to take seeds and fill water bowls and birdbath and was stalked by three squirrels and mr.and mrs. cardinal. My squirrels have no shame. Marched right up and followed me to the feeders - literally. The cardinals are seemingly less and less fearful.

Dinner over and Darth has just departed for a park concert. I don't know how he survives in the heat but it is a park authority responsibility.

I think I may just go chill and watch the news for a bit.

paula eagleholic said...

Nothing of any sort falling from the sky here :)

Lolly said...

Nothing here either!

BEagle said...

It's raining here. Not storming, not a drizzle. Simply a pleasant rain.

Shall I rub it in some more? : )

Lolly said...


Lolly said...

Off to cook dinner....fresh tomatoes, corn on the cob and Tuscan pork chops. I am hungry!

BEagle said...

Look whose rubbing it in NOW!

There is a saying about a Texan and a pork chop. When I remember it, I will share.

hedgie said...

Judie, hope Darth has his meeting indoors in AC.
Lolly, dinner sounds good! Drool, drool.
Hey--mine was good--Tortilla Coated Tilapia.

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

We just bought some Talapia today, Lynn and your fixins sounds good. Tell me how!

BEagle said...


hedgie said...

Both of my girls had their physicals and drug screens for their new jobs today. Carolyn got signed up for her insurances. At least she was able to afford vision and dental for the whole family, and the county pays for life insurance on all of them. Lucky break!

Costume Lady said...


hedgie said...


Costume Lady said...

How far we have regressed in life, that INSURANCE is one of the (if not, THE) most important things we consider when looking for a new job!! It has always been important, but it is almost life altering now!

Costume Lady said...

HA, HA, HA!...I'll have to flag them down, next time they come down our way:) Bet I can find a receipe on Google...or is that Goggle;)

Costume Lady said...

Ingredients4 tilapia filets 12 corn tortillas 2 jalapeno peppers 1/2 red pepper 4 tsp lime juice 1/2 cup cilantro 1 tsp cumin 1 tsp chili powder 2 egg whites 1 pinch salt and pepper


NatureNut said...

Good Evening Everyone in Eagle(less)land!
Needed to stop by and say Hello, as I feel a Panda nap approaching.
Had a great session of work today down at the Hist. Mnt. Shop/garage. No AC---one big fan that blows across the bldg. We covered an entire big recycle box w/printed adhesive backed vinyl---one piece! Took all 3 of us, but it looks good.Picture is river, plants, trees and a great blue heron on one end.I hope they don't want it redone for a LONG time! Has 8 holes for different items & we added labels under them.Treated ourselves to McD. iced coffee after!

NatureNut said...

Was outside a couple times thise PM & those 2 tiny wren chicks are even louder! You can hear them well from seats at deck table. I wanted to make a video sometime just to get the sounds, but there arre cicadas, AC now & then, trucks, cars, etc.
I did notice since grocery shopping started a week ago, Mr. Wrenny does not sing on a branch anymore. 2 other wrens who used to answer him are quiet, too.
The hummers are zipping around and hardly getting a chance to sit & sip.
Think I will get a bite to eat, too!

Lynne2 said...

Good evening all! I see we have quite the variety of, uh, delicacies on the menu tonight, and that the sky is falling!

Busy day at Irvine. Sure miss Tracey! Her dad is hanging in there for the time being.
Looks like a better chance of rain tomorrow YAY! And I heard early this morning that the remnants of Tropical Depression 5 may move up our way and give us even more rain chances early in the week.

Personally, I am already suffering from tropical depression with this weather.

Lynne2 said...

My hummers are going's hilarious to watch them first thing in the morning during "Hummingbird Wars" at the feeder! Just made another batch of nectar for them. They are going through it like Grant through Richmond!

BEagle said...



BEagle said...

: )

The BWO chick makes a nice little picture. Looking out over the horizon.

Costume Lady said...

BEagle, don't think Lolly saw the PORK CHOP TEXAN, yet;)

NatureNut said...

BTW, story I heard about a pork chop was told by our former Park Mnt. Mgr., R, who loved a good laugh. He was speaking about a lady naturalist who retired a few years ago. His comment was, "J was so ugly as a child, that they hung a porkchop around her neck so the other kids would play with her"!

hedgie said...

Oh, Loretta, that IS mean! LOL!
Lynne and Loretta----hummers going crazy here, too. Refilling every other day.
Feel really bad for you two working out in this heat---along with any others who must. Tropical depression is an excellent description, Lynne.

Mema Jo said...

My Tilapia was covered with Crab meat.
Delicious - Red Lobster brand!

Mema Jo said...

How is your knee today Wanda.

Mema Jo said...

On my hand railing out the side door - I grabbed hold to go down with Alexis to the car and lo and behold there was the cutest little frog/toad staring at me. The railing is cool but the bricks are hot... don't know why he was there.

Mema Jo said...

I am going in to watch a taped show with hubby


Lynne2 said...

Maybe he's in search of some water Jo!

Heading for shower and ice cream and beddy bye! Prayers for all of you and have a good night!

Costume Lady said...

Knee feels pretty good today, Jo, but still using my eagle cane to keep weight off of it. Will try walking without it tomorrow:)

stronghunter said...

Howdy y'all,

Hunter and I went to the pool for a little while. Then they heard thunder and closed the pool down. They said it would be closed 30 minutes unless there was more thunder which would close it 30 minutes longer. We came on home, and it did sprinkle a little, but not much.

We're going to try again tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Well, y'all, I jus might hang a poke chop around my neck so y'all will notice me. ☺

Went out into the yard for a while after supper. Still in the 90's. Came in at 8:30 dripping with sweat. Yes, sweat!

Costume Lady said...

I was just emailed a receipe for TURTLE BURGERS from Louisiana.
Probably tastes very good...don't know if I would try to fix it, but some of you might want to. Check it out on my blog: Just For Fun.


stronghunter said...

Posted a couple of pictures from today's adventures.

Hunter and I found a bird's nest on the ground near the trees in the far back yard.

And then we found this strange thing at the pool.

hedgie said...

Oh, Lolly, southern women don't sweat! They pahspiah!

Lolly said...

Well, this southern lady was a little more than "dewy", I was dripping pahspiahration! LOL

Lolly said...

Besides that I am a Texan with a poke chop around my neck!!!!!!

PA Nana said...

Good evening everyone. I was able to log onto the blog with my desktop. Yippee. Don't think it will last too long though.

Lynne2 "tropical depression" is a great moniker for this weather. ;o)

What's with the pork chop? You're all making me hungry.

We PA "dutch" have a language of our own too. Daughter told me that wherever she was stationed everyone guessed her "roots." I never noticed.

My birder friend has updated falcon pics on her flickr account. Looks like the young male had a meeting with the bridge and lost some wing feathers. That's a male for ya; don't ask for directions.

Will now take advantage of this computer allowing me online and check out my other sites.

If I don't get back, prayers for all needs/wants. Goodnight

Lolly said...

Shirley, Hunter is soooo cute! Love his freckles!!! Wish he and Joseph could get together!

Mema Jo said...

The heat and the running around in it has done me in! I'll talk with you all tomorrow.

Good Night & Prayers for Everyone
((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Nite Jo! Sweet dreams!

Clue....It has never been in Cliff Clavin's kitchen. ☺

stronghunter said...

He is cute, isn't he Lolly?

So are your grandkids.

I'm sure he and Joseph would have fine fun together. Wish you could bring Joseph to open house. Hunter will be there.

Lolly said...

Can not pull him out of school. Besides that we are leaving in Sept. LOL He and Jacob would really LOVE open house. It is right up their alley!!

Lolly said...

Going to miss Joseph's birthday again. Missed it two years ago. He will be 10 Oct. 18th!!

Went to Michael's today. I got several craft projects for Camp Hawkwood next week. Too hot to spend much time outdoors!

stronghunter said...

Yes, that is a problem. Last year, Hunter missed one day of school. Kathryn had originally planned to have him go half a day, but he did not sleep well the night before because Kathryn had to go out to be with a friend and did not get home until late.

stronghunter said...

Hunter was at home with Tom, but he did not go to sleep until Mom was home.

stronghunter said...

That was the day Kathryn's friend's father was murdered. Kids do pick up on the fact things are not right.

hedgie said...

Diann, my mothers' grandmother was raised in the Millville,PA area....and many things that my grandma used to say were PA Dutch my GGM didn't leave it in PA when she moved to IA.

hedgie said...

SHIRLEY-----see comment on your last FB entry!!!!!

Lolly said...

Jack just made the first round of
Armadillo hunting. We were surprised at finding the one last night before bedtime. Past experience taught us to look for them in the wee hours of the morning.

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, can you trap those critters?
Then, you could DO AWAY with them in the morning.

Lolly said...

We have tried trapping them but it just did not work. Only thing we trapped was a skunk! Yikes! Have you ever thought of what you have to do to take care of a skunk in a trap? LOL

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lynn. The nest is sealed in a baggie. It should be okay until tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

What did you do with the skunk, Lolly?

stronghunter said...

The nest is at Kathryn's.

Lolly said...

Well, the trap was in the side garden where the gazebo is now. There is a privacy fence between our house and the next. Another neighbor and Jack stood in the yard on the other side of the fence and shot the skunk. He did not spray, he did not smell. Jack donned gloves and carried the cage to a hole he had dug and slid the body in. I was at the window laughing at the two heads on the other side of the fence when I thought, OMG, they are going to shoot. I left the room!!!!!

Lolly said...

It was the neighbors gun they used as Jack only has a shot gun.

stronghunter said...

That could have been really ugly, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

Skunks and other critters are one big reason I've never wanted a doggy door.

hedgie said...

Don't get me started on skunks!!
But I will tell about my suspected rabid groundhog: A Sunday when kids were little...HE was on drill weekend...the GH was in the corner of the foundation/porch---I was afraid to shoot in case the bullet richoted off the concrete. Neighbor wasn't home. I called police. Trooper came but said he wasn't allowed to use his weapon but could use mine. Fine with me! So he dispatched that nasty guy quickly!

hedgie said...

Shirley, I agree!!! I would not want to take that chance....but many do, including my Christie and Shannon....frankly, a small person could even fit through in my opinion!

hedgie said...

Well, my fine, fowl friends, goodnight to each and every one. Talk to all y'all tomorrow. Prayers for all our needs.

stronghunter said...

I had a fellow teacher who was late to school one day because there was a rabid raccoon in her carport. Her husband threw a blanket over it and they called authorities.

She said the principal told her that she would use any excuse to be late to school. (Nice guy--he was joking, of course.)

stronghunter said...

Lynn, one dog rescue group told Kathryn that she could not adopt unless she had a fence and a doggy door.

Maybe a fence would prevent most of those critters from getting into the house, but . . .

Lolly said...

Nite Lynn! Sweet dreams! See you tomorrow! ☺

stronghunter said...

Good night, Lynn. I am going to call it quits, too. See you tomorrow. God bless.

Lolly said...

Nite Shirley! Jack is out making another round. Guess we will head to bed soon and then get up later on in the night. Wish us luck!!

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, we did catch a skunk in the trap. Gene took the trap, with the skunk in it and opened the door while standing on a bridge...the skunk fell into the water, swam ashore and waddled away. They can't get their tails up to spray that way:)

stronghunter said...

Definitely. Good luck, Lolly.

Having trouble hitting the right keys. Gotta stop for the night.

stronghunter said...

Brave man, Gene. I wouldn't want to take a chance on the skunk not being able to spray.

Costume Lady said...

This has been another long day.
GG had doctor appt. gained 7 lbs. I think most of that is fluid...her feet are very swollen. Doc gave her a script for that.
We then took her to the grocery store. She shopped like a mad woman. She hasn't been to the store, any store in months!
She seemed to really enjoy shopping! She was very tired when we got her home. She wants to go to the Nursery next, and replace her petunias that have died (I suspect from the heat). As long as she is willing to go, I am willing to take the fact that she is wanting to go places and do things, once again:)


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Spent most of the late afternoon and early evening at urgent care. Woke up with a dry, sore throat, and it only got worse as the day wore on. Not able to get an appt. with my Dr. They did a throat culture, so will know the results by Friday (BEFORE the weekend--YAY!), so if it's not a virus, they can give me an Rx for an antibiotic. Not sure where I picked that up, but probably at school. Got some Choraseptic spray, and it feels much better. Could barely swallow! Thank God, Hubby feels fine. Hope it stays that way!

Going to go and try to get to sleep earlier than usual. Leaving the porch light and the night light on for others. Prayers said for everyone. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. God bless, and goodnight! Love you guys! :o]

Lynne2 said...


Never been in Ciff Clavin's kitchen??? Interesting clue. That was an episode of Cheers, Cliff blew the final J answer on that. The answer gave the names of three people if memory serves and his question was Who are 3 people who have never been in my kitchen.....Hilarious!

SO glad GG is doing so well!!!

Hope you feel better fast Andy. I hate having a sore throat.

Shirley, I've collected many nests I've found over the years and have never had a problem mites/lice. Once the birds are gone, those species specific pest leave the nest because they cannot survive without a host bird. It's true that if they are still present, they could get on a human and maybe bite, but because they are species specific, they cannot "infest" a human. DEFIANTLY spray or use 7 Dust on it to be extra safe since you don't know for sure how long it's been since the nest was occupied. It can take 2 weeks for the pests to vacate in search of a new host bird!

Just looked at radar, big slug of rain appears to be heading at us from the north west.

Going back to bed now....see y'all later tomorrow!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Regarding the nest--I think it will just stay in the baggie for now. I appreciate all of the warnings and suggestions.

The nest issue reminds me of a hornet's or wasp's nest that was brought to school and the nice warm schoolroom encouraged the hatching of the occupants. You do have to be aware of what was living in the nest before.

Batten down the hatches you Maryland folks. You have storms today. (Some of you had better already be battened!)

Andy, hope you are feeling better. Take care of yourself. You need to be all well so you can enjoy your upcoming time off.

Hunter is here. Going to make some bacon and eggs for breakfast. We also need to go to Penney's and let him try on jeans. The ones I bought are too small. He's a growing boy. Then we'll try the pool again. I don't know if the weather will cooperate or not today.

Waiting for the armadillo report from Lolly.

hedgie said...

GOOD morning! We had RAIN!!!! About time!

stronghunter said...

Yay, Lynn. I hope that you had a good soaker.

Judie said...

Well, finally I know why my mom put fried chicken on a string around my neck.

Lynn, glad Carolyn has some insurance. Hope Christie will also.

Good news about GG, Wanda.

Andy, sure hope you feel better and whatever it is can be cured with antibiotic.

Happy shopping, Shirley.

Off for coffee and news. Need to go in search of victuals later on.

hedgie said...

Yeah, Shirley....Lynne is right, but since you don't know how recently vacated the nest was, better safe than sorry!! I say keep it in the bag for a couple of weeks!!
That's crazy for a rescue group to have that stipulation---Christie has a chain link fence around the yard...but rodents dig AND climb. They have a groundhog living under their toolshed!! Drives their weimeraner Harley crazy.

Andy, feel better fast!!

stronghunter said...

I think that a permanent baggie is better than poison for a nest in the house with a kid. Not that a person can't take it out for a moment to look at details, etc. The nest is also more likely to remain intact.

hedgie said...

Sounds like metro area got hit hard again by the storm. Lots of leaves down here, but no limbs, so guess it wasn't too bad.....SIL says it hit sometime around 3.

Lynne2 said...

Good morning again....

WOWZIE we had a BAD BAD BAD storm earlier. Poor Daisy is just now recovering. Needless to say, it's like walking into a cooler sauna but the sun just appeared. More storms coming later I guess. Power went off but just for a second...that's what woke me up. Thank goodness it did because the TV alarm failed this morning! Sure hope no one had any problems from the storms.

My milkweed took a terrible hit. I had to pick them all up from the ground and prop them up. We had 2 inches of rain.

I also found some Monarch eggs! One on Sunday which just hatched this morning and he is currently have his first breakfast of eggshell! I have 2 in chrysalis and one a few days away from chrysalis and now eggs! I sure wish I had a camera that could get really close up, but I did try to get some pics through the magnifier. I'll post later.

Regarding rescues-the collie rescue I fostered for years ago also required a fenced in yard, especially if small kids were in the house. It was more to protect the dogs from wandering off and getting hurt rather than keeping them safe from things entering the yard. Some rescues are (as in the case of the requirement for a doggie door) over the top with what they require. Too many rules make too little adoption potential. Cocker rescue is pretty relaxes about those things. Although they won't adopt to anyone who smokes in the house! We breezed by that one because it's NOT a requirement on the volunteer app that we filled out for Puddles. Since we were already fostering her, we didn't have to also fill out an actual adoption form.

I'm heading over to Irvine. Have a good one!

stronghunter said...

Sending Hunter to chase away the grackles again. Sigh. I wish they would move on.

On rescues--yes, I think some requirements are over the top. They probably developed out of someone's personal preferences that turned into a policy for the whole group. The problem is that it does keep animals from being adopted. Those doggy doors are expensive in addition to allowing strange critters to get in.

Some years ago, Kathryn had a neighbor with a cat who liked to get into people's cars. I found it in my car once when I left it open for a moment when we were unloading stuff. I am sure that kitty would have loved to go into the house, too.

Then there was the kitty that wandered into my house one day when the door blew open. Sassafras wandered out. Kitty wandered in. Neighbor came along and closed the door and tied Sassafras to the front porch. Sassafras barked.

Will woke up and was mystified when he found a strange cat in the house and Sassafras barking outdoors, but thought maybe we'd adopted another cat without telling him. George growled. Strange cat freaked out and climbed the wall, tearing the blinds to pieces.

Neighbor called me at work and I called Will. It ended up with me roflmbo at work while Will used Sassafras to seek out the hidden kitty so he could release it.

We had to buy new blinds.

The thing that really annoyed Kathryn the most was the rescue group that kept making appointments to come to the house and then not showing. That was just plain irresponsible. They expected her to jump through all kinds of hoops, but couldn't even keep an appointment. It seemed a bit arrogant to say the least.

Kathryn ended up buying a puppy from a breeder.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Thanks Judie for my first good laugh for the day. Still smiling about fried chicken!

No armadillo found last night. Jack got up at 3:30 and went out around the yard every little while until 6. Bless him. No digging in the front yard but some holes are in the back yard. When did he do it??? Grrrrr!!!!

Have a funeral this morning. Neighbor died of cancer. He was 72 and we have known him for 37 years. Do not know what his wife, Julie, will do. They have a big house and about 2 acres. Their three children are married and live away. Oh, one lives fairly close, but Julie is needy. Time will tell.

Lolly said...

Gotta get moving! Have a good day!Stay cool and comfortable!

stronghunter said...

Prayers for your neighbor, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, funny to picture Judie with a drumstick hanging around her neck.

stronghunter said...

Would be good if you could just scare that pesky armadillo away. I am sure he likes the nice soil and lovely plants at your place, though.

stronghunter said...

Yay for the monarch eggs, Lynne. I really have to get me some milkweed plants.

hedgie said...

Lolly, sorry about your neighbor. Hope the kids take care of their mom....needy people can be so pitiful.

Crazy story, Shirley....I would have been freaking out.

Lynne, no signs of that much rain here!

Well, doggie door horror----see that Christie posted on FB that Harley came in covered with skunk smell.....sure she is in a real dither after working 12 hr. night shift, and Shannon is at work for 24 hrs.

Mema Jo said...

Good WETMorning from the valley!
It has been so long since a storm passed through that at first I didn't know what all the flashing lights were outside!
I am headed out to foot doctors in an hour... trying to get all morning chores accomplished.
Make it a good day!

hedgie said...

Something very weird going on here....for last couple of days found lots of little leaf veins on one part of deck. At first thought something was chewing off broom bristles, but then found some with small parts of leaf still on. Now just found, in exact same area, areas covered with little black things that I can't tell if worms or dung of some kind...blackish, about 1/4" long...but nothing moving...and on green/black carpet, I can't tell anything......yuck! Can see the blackness of the patches from several feet away. Invasion of ????

hedgie said...

Drs. apptmt. today....get blood work results to see if I need Magnesium supplement!

stronghunter said...



See you there.


hedgie said...

New thread!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...