we just had our first Ringneck baby snake in the house! Was one on the porch a few days ago, but, well, it seems that it met Brother Cat before we found it. This one was VERY feisty and hard to pick up, so I had to help Steve and had no chance to get a picture of him. We took it out back and let it go.
Yes we are on the same page, just one post behind each other! And yes, that's the site.
Going to walk dogs and fix ice cream. Hoping I get to sleep in a bit tomorrow. I'm going to have to instruct the dogs on how to sleep in on weekends. They are confused.
BEagle, it looks like we may get a sprinkle or two from the same band that is hitting you now. Yours looks pretty fierce! Won't hit us for a few hours, if at all.
Well I'm back better late than never. TV movie had me for 2 hours.. Enjoyed all your talk about spiders, snakes and caterpillars. I saw 2 stink bugs yesterday - hope it isn't time yet to do battle with them.
Good updates on Lily/Hope (except that they have seperated again!) and Catalina and Santa Cruz! Check 'em out!!
Watched Carousel tonight....love the old musicals. Now I'll be singing You'll Never Walk Alone (one of my fav piano oieces---music is falling apart!---and If I Loved You.
Hi Margy:) 2 weeks ago, Jayden was saying woof! This week he is saying something like bye and waving. He now has a cute little chuckle. I have loved watching him progress since his birth in November!
Have a good shift...thank you for being there for all those who need you♥
Nope, Wanda....that isn't my caterpillar! Mine is pale green with black stripes lengthwise. Skinny, too!
Good night to all heading for bed, and to Margy heading in to serve the citizens---even when they don't deserve it!! It's a crazy, dangerous world out there!
Lynne, thank goodness you found your snake. Remember when Wanda didn't???
Goodnight Jo and Wanda. I'm right behind you...but I go down to the tub and then up and up again to bed! See all y'all tomorrow! Rest sweetly. Prayers for all needs.
BEagle, that's quite a spider you found! EEeeewwww! Pretty colors, though.
Judie, praying that you'll get a good night's sleep, and feel better in the morning. When you get a new prescription, do they give you an information sheet about all the possible side effects? Hope you can figure out what's going on.
Well, it's later than late here--so late it's early! Leaving the porch light and the night light on for others. Prayers said for everyone. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Hope everyone's getting a good, restorative night's sleep. God bless, and goodnight! Will talk to you in the light of day. Love you guys! :o]
Slept well until about 3am. Read for a while and likely will return for a panda nap.
Diann, very sorry Charlie is having so much difficulty with the hip and the surgeries. Prayers for Judy and for strength for all.
Shirley, seems you had a successful day with clothes shopping and getting cutiful. Hard to believe you go back tomorrow. Boo! Just be sure to keep checking in when you have some time.
Lack of mobility keeps me away from shopping. Have resorted to online. Been very lucky so far. Ordered three new blouses yesterday. Will see how that works out.
Oh no! Not stink bug time, again! Jo, say it ain't so -- say what you really saw was a garden spider dressed up in a stink bug costume from Wanda's shop.
Wanda's snake adventure must have been before I joined the blog family. Bet that was a slithery hoot(except for Wanda).
How appropriate that Jayden started with a woof. Has Margy been giving speech lessons?
Hope Paula had fun with the little ones and Margy had a quiet night.
Hope that you get some more good sleep this morning, Judie, and that the blouses you ordered are what you want. Online shopping is a good option when you can't get to the stores.
I don't have to go back to work until Tuesday. Tomorrow is an important day, though. I have a mammogram. The one six months ago showed some possible problems. I'm trying to stay positive about it all.
My mother once found a large blacksnake coiled up in a kitchen drawer. She removed it and released it outdoors. I don't think I could be so calm about it.
GOOD MORNING... Judie, I will re-tell my SNAKE adventure later...too involved right now. Church beckons:)
Oh, Dear Shirly, please don't be frightened of your mammogram result. My daughter had something suspicious on hers, as did a friend and turned out to be of no concern. I know that you can't help but worry, but you probably have a 95% chance of nothing to worry about♥
One other word of comfort...my doctor told me that if you develop cancer between the last mammogram and the following year's, you have a 90% chance of just having a lumpectomy and maybe nothing else!
Praying that everything will be fine tomorrow, Shirley. I'm with you, Judie, on the online ordering! THE way to go for me, too, cause I hate going shopping! Poor FL bear cub...I would say that it's a miracle that it survived 10 days w/o food and water, especially in the heat.
Have a meeting of our animal advocacy group this afternoon...hustling a bit here this morning. Need to clean up kitchen--Sundays are the only morning I really cook a breakfast---and then start on ME!
Good Morning everyone Jim you have been rising earlier than usual this past month! Keep it up and you'll be on a regular schedule! I wish I could get started earlier
That story of the little bear cub (Jarhead) was rewarding concerning the help he received... litter does make an animals world difficult.
Shirley - I remember the fears I had when I got a mammo recall! It truly was the technician not getting a clear picture and also the medication I was on didn't help with the density. I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you tomorrow.
Lynn - it had rained sometime before I got up and there is a fine steady drizzle now.
Would you believe what I tried today and got in. So some of you might want to give this a try next time blogger cop is holding you out. "I went to the 1st page of comments and just typed Hi then entered my ID and password"BINGO IT TOOK IT!!!!!!
Lynn, I slept good till the loud partiers got home :) Gianni didn't go to sleep till 11:15, she had grabbed a catnap at 8-8:30 when I thought I had her to bed for the evening...she woke up and had to burp, and stayed up till after 11. But we had fun playing.
I left the dogs here, had fed them and let them out before I left...they do great overnight, no messes in the house ever unless they are sick. I still worry that I've left them too long, and always try to get home asap though.
Oh this was so so cute---I have a garden "eagle flag" but it is not on the hanger on the ground. It is tightly held by my railing further out if the hummingbird feeder. The hook at the end of the eagle flag holder a hummer was sitting on top of it. I ask it so you want to become an eagle do you.....was cute.
Okay, time to get dressed. Goona go ahead and shut down now. Talk to you fine fowl friends this evening. Have a good day! It's one to be lazy around here, for sure!
Oh I do remember Judie and something about toxic chemicals into her body. I think I email you Judie. I know when I read it I put you in prays. Soon hoping you are on the better side of feeling better.
Diann I know you live with pain too. I carry you in prayers too. So Charlie seems to need to be added. So doing at this time.
I haven't read about Judy that Judie mentions but God knows who she is. I've added her to prayer list.
08/13/10: We're still seeing photos that seem to include our mother osprey, so it appears she hasn't left for migration just yet, although we would expect her to go before September.
Good Sunday afternoon! Been trying to catch up on Comments. Didn't get on here for a couple--seems he past few days I've been taking lots of Panda naps that run from after dinner thru the night, sometimes in the lounge chair! Raining here--thought it was supposed o be this PM??!! Been reading about spiders, chrysalises, & emails about the black fawn. Sent the black fawn em to my daughter & she just saw a black squirrel in Toronto where she had trip this past week. We used to see them driving downtown on the Library of Congress lawn. I HATE spiders, but a few years ago, we had a colorful orb weaver who did his web every day between the slats of the deck railing. I could at least get close enough to take his picture.He was yellow, orange, black & white.I made a large cutout for the front door Halloween deco!Also put him on bulletin board at Park for kids w/text about him and some other arachnids. Lynne, sorry about your parasitized chrysalis. I've never seen that before--usualy large caterpilars like the hornworms w/tachinid larvae.
Prayers and Good Wishes for those mentioned on here--Diann's BIL, little Kailey, & hope Judie feels better. (I'm on a new pill & maybe that's why I'm so sleepy.Time will tell.) And Shirley, don't worry about mammo. They really pick on you once you've had BR CA, so I've had 2 biopsies in the last few years that were negative. Just had mammo & they saw a little fatty spot that they're leaving alone!!!!Yeah, TG for new digital pics!
Lily the Black Bear August 15, 2010 (1:15 PM CDT) Lily and Hope got back together this morning at 10:26 AM. Once Hope caught Lily's fresh scent, she ran around bawling until she tracked Lily down. They are now resting together. -- SM 3 minutes ago
2 years ago when I was at the Apple Blossom parade in Winchester Va. where we sat at a church there was a black squirrel. That was the first time I had seen one.
Hi everyone. checking in while we wiat for Max, mommy, and big brother JJ. They are tied up in traffic coming out of VA. Any idea what's going on??
Dana, glad you got on today.
Judie, hope you feel better soon. I have been shopping online for a few years now and can't say I've had any problems. Hope your online shopping experience is good.
All the talk about spiders ... eeewwwiieee ... gives me chills.
I missed Wanda's snake story too. Can't wait to hear that one.
Lynne, sorry about your flutterby (that's what my daughter called them when she was little). You were so diligent that the loss was especially hard on you. That's something I never tried and maybe will have to give it a try next year. You have taught us great things about the natural world. Thank you.
Oh I posted then seem where you Diann had come in. Hi - How are you doing?
I too have enjoyed buying online. I like that if I have to send it back it doesn't cost me a thing. I also usually when I buy they send me a certificate for $10.00 or $15.00 towards my next order with no expiration.
Hi Momster and Dadsters! Having a peaceful moment. The boys are outside with their super soakers. It is 100 and going up!
Elvis last night was a huge success. Amazing number of folks came out in spite of the heat. We did not suffer too much. lol Anyway, we had loads of fun. Boys fell asleep on the way home as it was late. We went to church this morning. Have played with clay and now the boys are outside with their water guns.
Back for a short while--- Forgot to mention that yesterday on Park rd., I slowed for Mom doe w/2 spotty fawns running after, & then there was a 3rd!!! I've never seen triplets before! Too bad they were too fast for a pic, but I won't forget that (I hope ☺). BTW, here at home. the sweetbay magnolia tree seed pods are attracting many other birds to the dismay of the wrens! We've had catbirds, mockingbirds, robins, cardinals. Gonna watch gymnastics--was watching ladies last night & generous rec ctr. group having picnic by Park office gave us some leftovers, so I need to warm up some crabs! YUM
Paula, that is a beautiful bird. It seems the group from Connecticut Audubon has had many very interesting sightings...you can tell they love their work:) Do we have Kites in our area? I need to read up on that beauty!
Oh, what a day. Going to be a long week. They have to stay active all the time. Wow! Right now they are playing with Macie, the little girl who lives next door. Let's see we did clay right after lunch, the water guns, then slip and slide, back to clay, and now with Macie on the tree swing. Also, took Jacob to buy new rubber boots. He lives in them! This time they are red and black fireman boots.
I'm trying to remember if we saw some kind of kites at PRP - Loretta, when you come back...maybe you can remember for me!
Hello Eagle Pals
Welcome back Dana
Had a great soaking rain here with a short sighting of a rainbow... maybe tonight we might see the Moon! Meteors Thurs night were a no-show here with all the clouds last few nights.
Good evening all! Had a good meeting, and then the gal I pick up and take with me who is legally blind (wife of formeer co-worker) and I went out for dinner at mexican restaurant. Nice afternoon.
Paula, no new pics of Debs' sisters. She was referring to the email that had the flooding pics that I sent on to all last week.
Our group is called Animal Advocates of WV. Formed out of our UnchainBerkeley group that successfully petitioned the County Commission for a dog tethering ordinance. We are an ad hoc citizens' work group striving to improve the life of all animals. Concentrating now on puppy mills, pet store sales, pressing for the county prosecutor to prosecute animal abuse cases as felonies, as state law dictates---she ALWAYS lets them plead down. So we will become politically active when she comes up for re-election if she doesn't!
My new nature stories....when I let Cinnamon out for potty break before I left, Myrtle was in her yard...she ran right up to her, and Myrtle closed up tight. On her way back in, Cinny just walked right past Myrtle, who was then wide open again!
Got to friends' house, and a doe (with two fawns) was COVERED with green leaves. Dense brush in woods there, so guess she gathered them as she walked. Never saw anything like that before---like she had a blanket on!
Oh, oh....our Outback evacuated for smoke investigation...visible from a light in lobby area. Probably a burned/shorted out ballast. When I was working, we had problems with water getting into the flourescent fixtures from A/C leaks in the rafter area above the ceilings in the offices. THAT was scary!
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 522 of 522I believe what I saw was the Zipper Spider. I have had Orbs in my yard several times and they are very big.
This has to be a zipper. I believe it's more colorful than an orb.
did you get a picture Lynn?
we just had our first Ringneck baby snake in the house! Was one on the porch a few days ago, but, well, it seems that it met Brother Cat before we found it. This one was VERY feisty and hard to pick up, so I had to help Steve and had no chance to get a picture of him. We took it out back and let it go.
It's about to rain here.
BEagle, are you watching the weather?
OH DUH! Day late and dollar short again!
What's the radar site?
NCOOP or something like that?
I saw your mention of radar Lynne. My boy just came in and said it's about to rain!
I use weather.com, or NOAA.gov, or weahterunderground.com
Banana Split!
What's that weather radar website?
I asked before but I posted it somewhere else.
Is it NWOOP? or something like that?
Yes, that's it. NOAA.gov....thanks
see post above your last one BEagle
Are we on the same page?
Well, mowing really made me weak and ditzy.
Lynn, could your caterpillar be a Tent Caterpillar? If you don't know what they look like, I have posted one on Just For Fun.
Lynne, did you mean
Yes we are on the same page, just one post behind each other! And yes, that's the site.
Going to walk dogs and fix ice cream. Hoping I get to sleep in a bit tomorrow. I'm going to have to instruct the dogs on how to sleep in on weekends. They are confused.
Good night everyone, prayers for all!
hey, my post went missing....
yes BEagle we are on the same page, just a post behind! And yes, that's the site.
oops, it's back....OK, time to take my weary arse to bed
Yay Hay. It's dumping rain on us.
Heading to work here soon...
after 6 or so days off....
WOOF! But, I always need to say I am grateful for a secure job...
prayers for your family, Diann...
Charlie and Judy...you...
and, all our Momsters and Dadsters and their families and friends in need of encouragement, comfort, and Healing
Hope the rest of the evening is a pleasant one
wonder if Paula has all three little ones tucked away ...
bet it was fun !
Sleep well....
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥
BEagle, it looks like we may get a sprinkle or two from the same band that is hitting you now. Yours looks pretty fierce! Won't hit us for a few hours, if at all.
Well I'm back better late than never.
TV movie had me for 2 hours.. Enjoyed all your talk about spiders, snakes and caterpillars. I saw 2 stink bugs yesterday - hope it isn't time yet to do battle with them.
Good updates on Lily/Hope (except that they have seperated again!) and Catalina and Santa Cruz! Check 'em out!!
Watched Carousel tonight....love the old musicals. Now I'll be singing You'll Never Walk Alone (one of my fav piano oieces---music is falling apart!---and If I Loved You.
Hi Margy:)
2 weeks ago, Jayden was saying woof! This week he is saying something like bye and waving.
He now has a cute little chuckle. I have loved watching him progress since his birth in November!
Have a good shift...thank you for being there for all those who need you♥
Heading back the hallway
Good Night Everyone
Prayers for Everyone
Hugs for Everyone ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Nope, Wanda....that isn't my caterpillar! Mine is pale green with black stripes lengthwise. Skinny, too!
Good night to all heading for bed, and to Margy heading in to serve the citizens---even when they don't deserve it!! It's a crazy, dangerous world out there!
Lynne, thank goodness you found your snake. Remember when Wanda didn't???
Oh, Lynn...Lord have mercy...I was terrified. Remember, I slept with the lights on for a long time. Then I thought it was in bed with me!
I would have loved to watch Carousel. Only saw it once in the 50's...Gordon MacCrey was sooo handsome and Shirley Jones was lovely!
I remember well, Wanda!
Oh, yes, and their singing was beautiful. It started over at 11---Ovation Channel (274 on DirecTV).
Time flew tonight. I would head down the HALLWAY, but, I'm already there.
BEagle...looks like more rain coming atcha'!
Goodnight Jo and Wanda. I'm right behind you...but I go down to the tub and then up and up again to bed!
See all y'all tomorrow! Rest sweetly.
Prayers for all needs.
Hi, Gang,
I'm back, a little later than I had planned.
BEagle, that's quite a spider you found! EEeeewwww! Pretty colors, though.
Judie, praying that you'll get a good night's sleep, and feel better in the morning. When you get a new prescription, do they give you an information sheet about all the possible side effects? Hope you can figure out what's going on.
Well, it's later than late here--so late it's early! Leaving the porch light and the night light on for others. Prayers said for everyone.
The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Hope everyone's getting a good, restorative night's sleep. God bless, and goodnight! Will talk to you in the light of day. Love you guys! :o]
Good morning, everyone.
Slept well until about 3am. Read for a while and likely will return for a panda nap.
Diann, very sorry Charlie is having so much difficulty with the hip and the surgeries. Prayers for Judy and for strength for all.
Shirley, seems you had a successful day with clothes shopping and getting cutiful. Hard to believe you go back tomorrow. Boo! Just be sure to keep checking in when you have some time.
Lack of mobility keeps me away from shopping. Have resorted to online. Been very lucky so far. Ordered three new blouses yesterday. Will see how that works out.
Oh no! Not stink bug time, again! Jo, say it ain't so -- say what you really saw was a garden spider dressed up in a stink bug costume from Wanda's shop.
Wanda's snake adventure must have been before I joined the blog family. Bet that was a slithery hoot(except for Wanda).
How appropriate that Jayden started with a woof. Has Margy been giving speech lessons?
Hope Paula had fun with the little ones and Margy had a quiet night.
Going back to try to get a bit more sleep.
Good morning,
If you have Yahoo, you might have seen this story already:
Jarhead Cub
I guess Dr. Rogers could have handled the mother bear with a few kind words, but not everyone has his talent.
Judie, I agree Wanda's snake adventures preceded our entry into the blog family. I don't think I would have forgotten that one either.
Hope that you get some more good sleep this morning, Judie, and that the blouses you ordered are what you want. Online shopping is a good option when you can't get to the stores.
I don't have to go back to work until Tuesday. Tomorrow is an important day, though. I have a mammogram. The one six months ago showed some possible problems. I'm trying to stay positive about it all.
My mother once found a large blacksnake coiled up in a kitchen drawer. She removed it and released it outdoors. I don't think I could be so calm about it.
Judie, I will re-tell my SNAKE adventure later...too involved right now. Church beckons:)
Oh, Dear Shirly, please don't be frightened of your mammogram result. My daughter had something suspicious on hers, as did a friend and turned out to be of no concern. I know that you can't help but worry, but you probably have a 95% chance of nothing to worry about♥
Have a blessed Sunday...
One other word of comfort...my doctor told me that if you develop cancer between the last mammogram and the following year's, you have a 90% chance of just having a lumpectomy and maybe nothing else!
Thanks, Wanda. I think I will be okay. I have kept it together so far.
It was at just this time of year in 1995 that I had my first really bad mammogram, but that doesn't mean it has to happen again.
Wow, it is raining again here. My grass is already getting greener with the rain we've had the past few days.
Hi again.
Raining a little here. Grass does look greener. Just wish the humidity would move to Canada. Ah, just like me. Never satisfied.
Shirley, you'll be just fine. Positive thoughts from me to you.
Finished some coffee and newspaper. Think I'll just see if the sandperson is lurking around here.
Good gloomy Sunaday AM. Looks like it's getting ready to rain here, too...darker by the minute.
Praying that everything will be fine tomorrow, Shirley.
I'm with you, Judie, on the online ordering! THE way to go for me, too, cause I hate going shopping!
Poor FL bear cub...I would say that it's a miracle that it survived 10 days w/o food and water, especially in the heat.
Have a meeting of our animal advocacy group this afternoon...hustling a bit here this morning. Need to clean up kitchen--Sundays are the only morning I really cook a breakfast---and then start on ME!
I still see turtle shells in our otherwise MT nest..so guess no cam work has been done up there yet.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Morning, all!
Had a great time watching the gkids last night! Kids had a great time last night!
Good Morning everyone
Jim you have been rising earlier than usual this past month! Keep it up and you'll be on a regular schedule! I wish I could get started earlier
That story of the little bear cub (Jarhead) was rewarding concerning the help he received... litter does make an animals world difficult.
Shirley - I remember the fears I had when I got a mammo recall! It truly was the technician not getting a clear picture and also the medication I was on didn't help with the density.
I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you tomorrow.
Lynn - it had rained sometime before I got up and there is a fine steady drizzle now.
Hi Paula Glad your 'sleep over' went well.
Sprinkling here now, too, Jo.
Would you believe what I tried today and got in. So some of you might want to give this a try next time blogger cop is holding you out. "I went to the 1st page of comments and just typed Hi then entered my ID and password"BINGO IT TOOK IT!!!!!!
Hi everyone in Eagle Land (:
Ha Ha even those I was on first page it put the comment here .... strange.
Lynne I loved your post on your blog about your butterflies thank you (:
Paula, glad you had fun with the little ones! Did you get any sleep??
Did you take the dogs with you or have someone let them out for you?
Mema Jo I've seen two also. One was hiding in the inside top of my porch umbrella.
Hi Dana! Glad the blogger cop finally let you in!
Lynn, I slept good till the loud partiers got home :) Gianni didn't go to sleep till 11:15, she had grabbed a catnap at 8-8:30 when I thought I had her to bed for the evening...she woke up and had to burp, and stayed up till after 11.
But we had fun playing.
I left the dogs here, had fed them and let them out before I left...they do great overnight, no messes in the house ever unless they are sick. I still worry that I've left them too long, and always try to get home asap though.
Prayers for Shirley-hoping that just didn't get clear shots - their mess up.
Thinking of Dave and Birdgirl.
Prayers of thanks for those pics Hedgie sent from Deb's sisters at camp site.
Keep her up Kailey God's got your #'er you rolly-poley sweet baby (:
Prayers for those that need them.
Oh this was so so cute---I have a garden "eagle flag" but it is not on the hanger on the ground. It is tightly held by my railing further out if the hummingbird feeder. The hook at the end of the eagle flag holder a hummer was sitting on top of it. I ask it so you want to become an eagle do you.....was cute.
Lynn-Hedgie you'll have to tell us when you get back about what the animal advocacy group is about.
Hi Dana - Glad you got on.
I get on that FB and hit the WIMP.com
I just keep going on and on to the next
I'm getting some company this afternoon so I best start to get presentable - also the house needs a good pick up!
Okay, time to get dressed. Goona go ahead and shut down now. Talk to you fine fowl friends this evening. Have a good day! It's one to be lazy around here, for sure!
She really coming down now...definately not a drizzle here.
Oh I do remember Judie and something about toxic chemicals into her body. I think I email you Judie. I know when I read it I put you in prays. Soon hoping you are on the better side of feeling better.
Diann I know you live with pain too. I carry you in prayers too. So Charlie seems to need to be added. So doing at this time.
I haven't read about Judy that Judie mentions but God knows who she is. I've added her to prayer list.
Lynn, would love to see the pics of Deb's sisters...thanks!
BWO update
We're still seeing photos that seem to include our mother osprey, so it appears she hasn't left for migration just yet, although we would expect her to go before September.
Humm Paula I guess that info means she is staying around later than usual.
Glad you got to go enjoy the family (:
Awww, Osprey at BWO laying in the nest :)
Do you think the BW osprey is ok?
I do see head movement.
Just unusual not to see them perched.
Sure hope she soon gets up at least on one leg!
GREAT! She got up on both legs!
Just a rest I guess.
I see sunshine at the nest...still overcast here.
Think that's a juvie, Jo.
Nice Website
That's the butterfly link. Click "Home" to see what else is there.
Things to do. Places to go.
Good Sunday afternoon!
Been trying to catch up on Comments. Didn't get on here for a couple--seems he past few days I've been taking lots of Panda naps that run from after dinner thru the night, sometimes in the lounge chair!
Raining here--thought it was supposed o be this PM??!!
Been reading about spiders, chrysalises, & emails about the black fawn. Sent the black fawn em to my daughter & she just saw a black squirrel in Toronto where she had trip this past week. We used to see them driving downtown on the Library of Congress lawn.
I HATE spiders, but a few years ago, we had a colorful orb weaver who did his web every day between the slats of the deck railing. I could at least get close enough to take his picture.He was yellow, orange, black & white.I made a large cutout for the front door Halloween deco!Also put him on bulletin board at Park for kids w/text about him and some other arachnids.
Lynne, sorry about your parasitized
chrysalis. I've never seen that before--usualy large caterpilars like the hornworms w/tachinid larvae.
Prayers and Good Wishes for those mentioned on here--Diann's BIL, little Kailey, & hope Judie feels better. (I'm on a new pill & maybe that's why I'm so sleepy.Time will tell.)
And Shirley, don't worry about mammo. They really pick on you once you've had BR CA, so I've had 2 biopsies in the last few years that were negative. Just had mammo & they saw a little fatty spot that they're leaving alone!!!!Yeah, TG for new digital pics!
Hi Dana. Welcome back, girlfriend. I think Judy is Charlie's wife.
Jo, enjoy your company.
Lynn, so happy to know someone else who does not enjoy shopping.
Lynn, let us know about the advocacy group, please.
Paula, so glad you enjoyed your sleep over and time with the grandkids.
Loweeda, lots of black squirrels in D.C. Have a couple I am friendly with on campus, as long as I have some peanuts, that is.
Lily the Black Bear August 15, 2010 (1:15 PM CDT) Lily and Hope got back together this morning at 10:26 AM. Once Hope caught Lily's fresh scent, she ran around bawling until she tracked Lily down. They are now resting together. -- SM
3 minutes ago
2 years ago when I was at the Apple Blossom parade in Winchester Va. where we sat at a church there was a black squirrel. That was the first time I had seen one.
Prayers that Loretta adjust to the new pill.
Hi everyone. checking in while we wiat for Max, mommy, and big brother JJ. They are tied up in traffic coming out of VA. Any idea what's going on??
Dana, glad you got on today.
Judie, hope you feel better soon.
I have been shopping online for a few years now and can't say I've had any problems. Hope your online shopping experience is good.
All the talk about spiders ... eeewwwiieee ... gives me chills.
I missed Wanda's snake story too. Can't wait to hear that one.
Lynne, sorry about your flutterby (that's what my daughter called them when she was little). You were so diligent that the loss was especially hard on you. That's something I never tried and maybe will have to give it a try next year. You have taught us great things about the natural world. Thank you.
Back to waiting ....
Thanks Shirley for the Butterfly link.
Judie nice to hear the update on Lilly and Hope.
Oh I posted then seem where you Diann had come in. Hi - How are you doing?
I too have enjoyed buying online. I like that if I have to send it back it doesn't cost me a thing. I also usually when I buy they send me a certificate for $10.00 or $15.00 towards my next order with no expiration.
I think I'm going for a nap before it is time dinner time rolls around.
Ha Ha that hummer is sitting ontop the hook again at the eagle flag. So funny to me.
Hi Momster and Dadsters! Having a peaceful moment. The boys are outside with their super soakers. It is 100 and going up!
Elvis last night was a huge success. Amazing number of folks came out in spite of the heat. We did not suffer too much. lol Anyway, we had loads of fun. Boys fell asleep on the way home as it was late. We went to church this morning. Have played with clay and now the boys are outside with their water guns.
Hi Lolly sounds like as usual when Elvis performs he is a HIT.
Super Soaker oh Ed had that experience one time with Raschida and her friend when they were little. Oh I have some great memories of Ed and us. (:
Did you tell what you had cooking the the crock-pot the other day?
Think I am going to try to read the paper while they are out.
Back for a short while---
Forgot to mention that yesterday on Park rd., I slowed for Mom doe w/2 spotty fawns running after, & then there was a 3rd!!! I've never seen triplets before! Too bad they were too fast for a pic, but I won't forget that (I hope ☺).
BTW, here at home. the sweetbay magnolia tree seed pods are attracting many other birds to the dismay of the wrens! We've had catbirds, mockingbirds, robins, cardinals.
Gonna watch gymnastics--was watching ladies last night & generous rec ctr. group having picnic by Park office gave us some leftovers, so I need to warm up some crabs! YUM
4 osprey at BWO, looks like adult and 3 chicks
If you get a chance, check out this white tailed kite on the CT Audobon blog...pretty raptor!
Paula, that is a beautiful bird. It seems the group from Connecticut Audubon has had many very interesting sightings...you can tell they love their work:)
Do we have Kites in our area? I need to read up on that beauty!
Oh, what a day. Going to be a long week. They have to stay active all the time. Wow! Right now they are playing with Macie, the little girl who lives next door. Let's see we did clay right after lunch, the water guns, then slip and slide, back to clay, and now with Macie on the tree swing.
Also, took Jacob to buy new rubber boots. He lives in them! This time they are red and black fireman boots.
I have told you recently of the Mississippi Kites that we have around here. Lately we have had immature Kites landing in our trees. Not a usual thing.
Gonna have to google those, Lolly. Sounds like the boys are having fun!
Loweeeda!! CrabS!!
Oh Lolly, they are very pretty too! Looks like the white tail kite, but with a gray tail.
OK, it says the tail is black. They migrate to South America! Nice!
Congratulations on your 500 comments since Thursday........
I'm trying to remember if we saw some kind of kites at PRP - Loretta, when you come back...maybe you can remember for me!
Hello Eagle Pals
Welcome back Dana
Had a great soaking rain here with a short sighting of a rainbow...
maybe tonight we might see the Moon!
Meteors Thurs night were a no-show here with all the clouds last few nights.
I must say that for once I did not drive up the numbers too much Mema!
This is an interesting video of a Mississippi Kite release.
They have a very distinctive call, kind of a whistle. Hear them frequently while in the yard. The immature have distinctive marking on the tummy.
only wildlife sighting today for me lately here is this dinosaur of a computer...
we do have a family of raccoons one adult four babies hanging around the office
Hope everyone's evening is good, glad to hear of the fun family things for many of you
Hi Margy! Welcome back! Missed you on here the other day.
Are you still getting tomatoes, Margy? I have lots of green ones, but nothing even turning...hitting a dry spell, lol
Thanks for the video Lolly. Pretty underparts on the juvies.
Anyone else's live feed acting up? Mine is very jumpy. Moves in 2 second increments or more on the timer
I should have refreshed before I made that last comment, running fine now
Good evening all!
Had a good meeting, and then the gal I pick up and take with me who is legally blind (wife of formeer co-worker) and I went out for dinner at mexican restaurant. Nice afternoon.
Paula, no new pics of Debs' sisters. She was referring to the email that had the flooding pics that I sent on to all last week.
Our group is called Animal Advocates of WV. Formed out of our UnchainBerkeley group that successfully petitioned the County Commission for a dog tethering ordinance. We are an ad hoc citizens' work group striving to improve the life of all animals. Concentrating now on puppy mills, pet store sales, pressing for the county prosecutor to prosecute animal abuse cases as felonies, as state law dictates---she ALWAYS lets them plead down. So we will become politically active when she comes up for re-election if she doesn't!
My new nature stories....when I let Cinnamon out for potty break before I left, Myrtle was in her yard...she ran right up to her, and Myrtle closed up tight. On her way back in, Cinny just walked right past Myrtle, who was then wide open again!
Got to friends' house, and a doe (with two fawns) was COVERED with green leaves. Dense brush in woods there, so guess she gathered them as she walked. Never saw anything like that before---like she had a blanket on!
Forgot to mention last night: did you know that Audrey Meadows was named Audrey Christy in 1956??? She was in Carousel, going by that name!
Adult in our nest!!!!
Moving a stick!!
Oh my that's a bird nestover! Just flew off with it!
WOW! Paula I was on a long distant phone call and missed it. You think the turtle shells are still there?
Well I missed the Eagle...but I do see there is a
Oh, oh....our Outback evacuated for smoke investigation...visible from a light in lobby area. Probably a burned/shorted out ballast. When I was working, we had problems with water getting into the flourescent fixtures from A/C leaks in the rafter area above the ceilings in the offices. THAT was scary!
Think it's time for ice cream!
Welcome home Hedgie...
catch you on the new thread...
have some ice cream for me!
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