Thursday, August 12, 2010


New thread.


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stronghunter said...

Hi Steve!!

Good morning.

I will tell the others you've given us a fresh thread.

stronghunter said...

Jo, Susan just called to tell me that she just got out of the foot doctor's. They say she has high arches. I knew that. She could not wear those Velcro shoes when she was a little kid because they just did not fit her feet.

Anyway, now she is having pain and needs expensive arch supports. She likes to wear flip-flops for casual wear and usually wears dressy shoes for work. Probably is going to need to make some changes.

Hope your appointment goes well.


stronghunter said...

Lynn, hope your appointment goes well, too.

Don't know what you might have found on your deck. Keep us posted.

Good you got some rain, Jo. Hope that there is not damage from storms.

stronghunter said...

Need to get out of the pajamas.

NatureNut said...

Wow, thx for new thread. Guess I need to read earlier comments.
Gueess most of group had a gully washer this AM. Chance of more late today. Thunder so loud, kitties took off for the basement!

hedgie said...

Shirley, we went the flat foot route w/ Christie when she was little. Ortho shoes w/ "cookies" (custom arch supports). And she had to walk on gravel barefoot---makes the tendons draw up , thus strengthening them to "create" an arch.

stronghunter said...

We did the cookies with Rus, but I am not sure they do that anymore.

Their father is flatfooted. My arches are pretty high. So, I guess one child got the flat part and the other one got the high arch part.

stronghunter said...

On words--I like to play Scrabble. Some of my favorite Scrabble words:

aa-a type of volcanic ash
ai-a type of sloth
qat-I believe this is a type of shrub.
qwerty-the keyboard

stronghunter said...

Never heard of the walking on gravel barefoot therapy. Sounds a little like some kind of torture. Yikes!!

movin said...





C(°?°)3 Jim

hedgie said...

Not really, Shirley. When I was young, and barefoot all the time (when lived with grass!!), I always walked on the gravel. Now, even tho' I rarely wear shoes at home, the support hose wouldn't last long if I tried it!

hedgie said...

Yeah, my ex had flat feet, too.

Guess I've got to try to curl this hair----no perm left, and humidity will make it wilt, but.....gotta do it. See you all later today after apptmt. and other errands.
Have a good one.

hedgie said...

Oh, storm damage around DC is awful. Miracle that no one has been killed.

stronghunter said...

DC area storm damage just made CNN.

stronghunter said...

Really have to go take care of some chores.


movin said...

That's strange. I also had flat feet at birth; had to walk on what I recall as extremely painful gravel, which the parents wet down with a hose; had to wear expensive orthopedic shoes for years ... lace-up style, steel shanks, arch supports.

However, years later I saw a picture of the "gravel pit", and it looks more like sand to me...sure felt like needles and nails though.

The long and the short of it is that the therapy worked, and I've long had a high arch and not many foot problems.

C(°?°)3 Jim

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from my foot dr
I've always had a high arch and had to be careful of the shoes I bought as an
adult. Those dressy high heels didn't help any!
Because of Diabetes 2, I have the nail clipping done by a professional.

Talking about feet - mine are going UP


Mema Jo said...

BTW: From Bev on FB:
RE: KAILEY: Kailey weighs almost 5 lbs and doing great. She is scheduled for a barium enema on Friday which means surgery will probably to be done on Monday. Doc says she has Retinopathy, but this is common for premature babies born before 32 wks, so they will closely be monitoring her condition.


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Hola blogging buddies!!! Hope everyone is good! Just missed your faces, so I thought I would jump over here for a minute and say Hi!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I am still working, gotta go get Mattie in a bit and go get these gray roots done!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks Mema Jo, for posting about Kailey! Isn't she a miracle. I was just thinking, wouldn't it be great in a couple of years if she could come to the open house with me!! I don't even know her mother, so probably not, but that would be cool. Her grandmother is a good friend of mine. I could bring her as collateral!!!

Lolly said...

Hi all! Hi Bev, good to see ya!

What a morning! Funeral was a real drag down. Julie was close to hysteria. If she was not sobbing loudly she was laughing loudly and speaking out. Do not know what she is going to do. Oh the drama...even in the way she dressed. OMG!

Came home and went out into the yard for a little therapy! It is already close to 98. Will it even be cool again???

Lolly said...

Need to go eat a bite of lunch. Thinking of a tomato and onion sandwich.

Lolly said...

I was just out in the kitchen and a large bird flew into the redbud just outside the window. It was a immature Mississippi Kite! He flew away and returned several times. The other day when I saw two in the yard I thought we must have young flying around. They are beautiful and it is very exciting.

Judie said...

Hello everyone,

Had a busy day. Shopping and foraging for food. Very tired now.

Hope everyone had good appointments with drs. and for root repair, etc.

Shirley, so sorry about the expensive arch supports for Susan. I did expensive custom orthodics for plantar problems but no help. Only exercises helped. At least I didn't have to find a gravel pit to walk on.

I'm going to pretend to be Jo and up go my feet. Need to recover before heading to the kitchen. Shrimp, corn on cob, salad.


Judie said...

Some light rain in my area with thunder. Nothing seems to need concern. I think Shirley's area might be getting heavier winds and rain and storm is headed to Charles County.

stronghunter said...

Tornado warning here. May have to shut down.

stronghunter said...

Hunter and George and I are hanging out and watching the weather.

NatureNut said...

Good Grief. more bad weather in certain spots. New tornado warning for N. Frederick Co.& Carroll Co. near Taneytown & of course Sposylvania, VA, and then across River to La Plata. This means conditions Could produce one, no spottings.
Stay safe out there. We are just getting some raindrops now, but it sure got darker 1/2 hour ago.

stronghunter said...

Have to take Hunter to football practice unless it's canceled. Sun is shining here.

Mema Jo said...

My feet are down now..I am tromping around but not on the gravel! lol
Hello Sissy miss you but we'll
see you in 2 months. Yahoo!!!
No sign of any storm here but I sure wish we would get some steady rain.

stronghunter said...

Was raining and looks like it's going to start up again.

Mema Jo said...

You VA folks and DC area seem to be getting the most rain (storms)

PA Nana said...

Happy Thursday everyone. It's raining. Yippee! We're under a flood warning??? after being so dry for so long the rain will just run off (into our cellar and laundry room - woof)!

I see feet are the topic this afternoon. I, too, have flat feet just like my mother and daughter (which she thanks me for often). I've had the expensive orthodic inserts too.

Found a great way to stretch that tendon (Plantar fascia, I think it's called). Get a soup or any metal can and roll it with your foot being sure to roll the can under the middle of your foot.

Also, shoes ... had trouble with shoes most of my life since i also have wide feet, but tried a pair of Birkenstocks. No need for the orthodics with these; but they are expensive.

Well, must go check on the rain flow. bbl

Lolly said...

Well, I have high arches and skinny feet. Always had trouble finding narrow width shoes. However, now that I am older and been standing on these feet a few years, they are a little wider. Never have had foot problems, but I have always been one for comfortable shoes. Also, I go barefoot all the time in the house and yard.

Lolly said...

And,I must say.....I am glad you are having rain, sure wish it was on my yard. I am thinking of taking up a collection to pay the water bill. Any contributions????

hedgie said...

TAKE COVER, JO!!!!!!!! NOW!!

stronghunter said...


I almost forgot to pay the water bill this month. I had to make a quick trip to pay it in person the other day. Don't want them turning it off!

hedgie said...

I'm heavy storm while I was in Drs. errands home, bags carried in and truck put in garage...when it let loose again!!
And sure enough, as I suspected, out comes Myrtle....I called to her and she crawled right up to me. Gave her some tomato and she's a happy turtle. Wet---which I'm sure feels good to her, and now back under shelter pigging out on mater. Life doesn't get any better than that!

stronghunter said...

Hi Lynn,

Glad you made it safely home. Myrtle is glad, too.

Looks like you might have some rain coming your way.

stronghunter said...

That is some more rain.

Mema Jo said...

WOW! Finally I am getting in the valley the heavy steady downpour of
R A I N (no not TRAIN). The only
problem is that my 2 cats that were on the deck are now under the deck!
No lightning or thunder - just that glorious wet stuff.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, was just going to say it's coming your way!

Heading home...later

NatureNut said...


Lynne2 said... out of Irvine just in time to get the dogs out before the storm, which thankfully is only a lot of thunder and a moderate rain. We escaped the worst of it this time, but I hope everyone is OK who got it hard.

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, how big is Hunter's nest? I have a nest book and I can try to look up what kind it is. Also, is there a nest cup within the nest or is it relatively the same depth.

Lynn, that's so cute about Myrtle coming for her tomato! I had a bunch of kids out in the exhibit hall today so I took the opportunity to give them a box turtle feeding show! They LOVE worms, so I hand fed them, and gave them some salad and the kids thought it was great fun! Then I took out one of the Diamondbacks and let them feed him. And then I took out one of the snakes for everyone to touch and hold. I think I made their day! Of course, it set me back a couple of hours in my work, but it was worth it!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne picture of Hunter with the nest on Shirley's blog

Lynne2 said...

I saw that Jo! It's just hard for me to judge the size of it. Easier to rule some birds out with actual measurements. He says on FB that it's a gray catbird nest....I hope he's right!

Lolly said...

Have a covered dish supper tonight and swim party. Will be leaving in about an hour. Funny, most of the women will not swim but there are 3 or 4 of us that do swim. We will probably get in a soak and talk after the others leave. lol Have had a delicious dish cooking in the crock-pot all afternoon.

PA Nana said...

Lynne2, I don't know anyone else that enjoys their work like you! Irvine is lucky to have you.

Lynn, I'm amazed that a turtle comes when called. Even my kids ignore me - still.

supper time ... bbl

Lolly said...

Jack is presently fixing "orders". Will have "orders" and a glass of wine before I leave for the party. I am hungry!!!

Lolly said...

I think it is exciting that Myrtle comes out to be fed. What else besides tomatoes could you feed it?

Lynne2 said...

Ours at Irvine eat blueberries, dark leafy greens, pretty much any veggie like eggplant, cukes, squash. They like strawberries and apples too! But they REALLY love worms! Young turtles eat mostly protein, but the older they get, the more veggies they eat.

Lynne2 said...

Have fun tonight Lolly! I sure do miss swimming :( Don't know anyone with a pool, no public pools nearby at all. One of the apt. complexes about 20 minutes from here has a nice pool and the public can join, but they charge $375 for the season. I can only afford to splash in my tubby!

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy your evening Lolly.

I'd like to meet Myrtle one of these days. Soon, Lynn, she might come out with a lot of little Myrtles following her.

I'm going to watch the 6:30 news & maybe a game show. Oh at 10pm the Royal Pains comes on.


Lolly said...

Yes, I like swimming. Wish we had a pool, but we have ponds instead. The fish get to swim! lol

I have several friends with pools, but when we take the boys swimming we go to Lockheed Martin Recreation Area. It is an old pool as my children took lessons there. The boys love it as it is huge and it has a very high board that Joseph loves. It also has olympic diving platforms but they have been closed. Michael and Laurel both jumped off of them. My heart was in my throat! I am a swimmer, always have loved it.

Costume Lady said...

Until the new Fall programs come back on, Thursday night is our fave for watching TV until bedtime.
I guess we will go back to Tuesday when "The Good Wife" comes back on:)

We did have a pretty good down-pour 45 mins. ago. We need much more, but that was a START!

JACK, I would like some shrimp wrapped in bacon, done on the grill, and a Bloody Mary. Thank You very much;)

I'll bet Myrtle would like cantaloupe and watermelon:)

Costume Lady said...

Don't know about having a pool, Lolly. Denise has one and it seems she spends part of every day skimming and putting chemicals in it, plus, her electric bill is outrageous!

I would love to have one, but a POOL BOY would have to come with it, and I don't think he and Capt. Gene would get along;)

paula eagleholic said...


77° and humid here...watching the hummingbird wars at the feeder...there's 3 of 'em!!

paula eagleholic said...

Forgot to post that last there's 4 of 'em whizzing all around and past me!!

Lolly said...

The new saltwater pools are easier to care for. I want one! Michael and Ashley plan to put a pool in for next year. I hope so! Though Zach needs swim lessons!

Sigh..............! It was not bacon wrapped shrimp tonight, Wanda. Only chopped tomatoes with basil and garlic on toast like crackers. ☺

Lolly said...

Paula, it is such fun to watch the hummers. We only have two and they die bomb each other.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

I have been napping like crazy today! Happy to say that my throat is not sore anymore, but just feel really tired (therefore, all the napping!) Have gotten a lot done around the house in between, though. All my houseplants are watered and fed, the patio plants are watered, and the hummer feeders are clean and refilled. One of the Anna's hummers has been sitting on the Oriole feeder a LOT today--appears to be napping, then eating, then stretching her wings, then more napping! I can come pretty close to her, as usual, and she just sits there--for 20 minutes at a time! Then she'll fly to the adjacent hummer feeder, and slurp some of that, then fly back to the Oriole feeder! Hope she's OK, and not sick or something! Has anybody else's hummers acted like this? Don't know what to think.

Hey, Lynn, that's pretty cool that Myrtle comes when you call her! If I were her, I would too, though. LOVE those 'maters!

Hubby is at the eye doctor's--he has a bone to pick with her. She told him that he needed a second pair of glasses just for using the computer at work. Trouble is, the computer looks ALL blurry with them, and his regular glasses work perfectly! Hope he can remain calm and explain all this to her. He's REALLY upset, too, because they want to charge him $2.00 for a microfiber cloth to use to wipe his glasses clean. They gave me TWO, and as far as I can tell, didn't charge me anything for mine! (I bought 1 new pair of glasses, and got new lenses for my old sunglasses--thus, I guess, 2 cleaning cloths.)

Lolly said...

I am off to get ready to leave. I'll be baaaaaaaaack lator, Gators!

Ms Bookworm said...

...Yeah, but wait! Hubby didn't even get ONE cleaning cloth!--and he bought TWO completely new pairs of glasses! Go figure.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, need to look for some inspiration in the refrig. Will be back later, after dinner and some TV. :o]

paula eagleholic said...

It was 2 sets of 2 much fun to watch...I was off the deck in the yard and they would whiz right past me!

paula eagleholic said...

We had 1 1/2" of rain this afternoon and 1" this morning...we really needed it, some did go into the ground! I'm sure a lot ran off, too.

hedgie said...

Still working my way through emails---had 63 when I got home!!
BLT's for dinner---M-m-m good.

hedgie said...

Sissy, are you all feeling better?????

hedgie said...

Lynne, Loretta---glad you both got home safely.

paula eagleholic said...

Hope you start to feel better, Andy. I hate sore throats!

Lynn, I think it's amazing that Myrtle comes when you call her!

Wanda, like your way of thinking...pool w/ pool boy! Maybe you could get the Capt a pool girl!

The wind this afternoon came from the north...knocked my swing over, but it's OK

hedgie said...

Lynne, sure those kids were thrilled! You are a great naturalist!

Turtles will eat many things----cantaloupe is a fav, lettuce, and probably almost anything in the fruit and veggie line.......and, of course, all kinds of insects. And don't forget the dog poop!!
I've known about turtles "learning" a name and coming when laymans' Veterinary book which is where I learned about it! Turtles do not have a sense of smell, so eyesight and hearing are their senses!

NatureNut said...

Most of the end of the storm has gone past or missed us. However, sky got real dark & thunder an hour ago. Just some light rain. It stopped awhile ago, so we went out & Shorty came for peanuts. I put them on the deck near me, hoping the wrens wouldn't see. Shorty had to take one and walk along the railing. When he almost fell off, I saw that Wrenny had divebombed him! He/she ended up going down the stairs and ran up the fence top to front of another house!
Glad everyone is safe and sound ☺
Our hummers have been chasing alot, too.One Finally went to a lantana that just bloomed again. We seem to have more than the regular 3, so maybe they are trying to fatten up for migration. But they hardly ever get to sip!!

hedgie said...

When my aunt and uncle were alive and had their pool at the FL house, they had a pool service. Never knew which would show up, but it was always either the same gal or same guy.

Yes, a pool is a lot of work, and it does run up the electric bill, but I sure do miss mine. We had above-ground at our first house from the time Christie was born, and we put an inground in when we built the big house..........ex had it filled in two years ago. STOOPID! My kids were/are real fish in the water!

I don't buy cantaloupe too often, because it's too much for one person. Don't care for watermelon, but do collect good rind for pickles!.

NatureNut said...

Lynn, I think it'se so neat about Myrtle and her behavior!Now you get to tame a fawn! Fubby told someone about "my" pet squirrel & that I've got him trained. Not so, Shorty came up to us and was friendly first time we saw him & he/she has us trained!

hedgie said...

Well, I've stood on my head trying to find my lettuce luck. Duh. So guess I'll use a Christmas cookie container.

Forgot to say that turtles also love MILK! I suspect that they have to be pretty close to respond to their name....otherwise she would come more frequently, because I call for her a couple of times every day!

hedgie said...

Andy, glad your throat feels better....did they do a rapid strep test?? On antibiotics??
Glad that you can see good again...hope your hubby gets satisfaction.

Costume Lady said...

Wrap lettuce, cabbage and celery in aluminum foil to keep longer.
It works with celery...haven't tried the others...they don't last long enough to wrap, in this house.

Mema Jo said...

I lost my lettuce keeper also - used a large zip lock bag.

hedgie said...

Loretta.....tame a fawn??? Don't think the mama's would ever let me get close! My eldest and her hubby have raised many orphans. Just did one last year....he still comes in once or twice a week, wanting a bottle----he comes in the house and goes straight to the fridge and when they open the door, he nudges the milk jug. His name "Baby" suits him well.

Mema Jo said...

How big is the fawn? I would love that!

hedgie said...

Never heard that before, Wanda!
This was a HUGE head----wouldn't fit in a baggie....and even tho' I have a plastic knife to cut so it doesn't turn brown, don't really want to waste another baggie!

hedgie said...

Weeds and shrubs have responded quickly to the rain. Trees are not as quick....fairly sure that I h ave lost at least 5 younger ones.

hedgie said...

He's a yearling now, Jo. Probably about 4 ft. tall.

hedgie said...

A nice piece from the "other" Suzanne Hall regarding the SD pandas going to China:

China bound

Mema Jo said...

I guess I may be the last to know but

Su Lin and Zhen Zhen Soon to Return to China

Mema Jo said...

This is an eagle owl.. cut/paste

Mema Jo said...

Hey Hedgie - did you hear about the SD Zoo pandas heading for China???????


hedgie said...

LOL, Jo....yep, a couple of days ago!!!!

hedgie said...

Beautiful creature, Jo. Sure loves having its' head rubbed!!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for sharing the link to the panda story, Lynn and Jo. It is sad to see them go. I hope that they have lots of baby pandas and that we get to read about them and see them on cameras.

hedgie said...

Forgot to tell you that my magnesium levels were fine, as was all the rest of my bloodwork. So...for my leg/foot cramps, doc said to drink a gin and tonic every evening! So I'm fixing one now. If I get goofy, we'll know who to blame it on---I don't drink too often!!

stronghunter said...

I took Hunter to his football practice and stayed to watch, first with Tom and then with Kathryn.

Just as it was about to end, clouds gathered in the distance and we rushed off the field. I realized that I had no choice about getting gas on the way home and ended up getting caught in a monster downpour.

I kept thinking how my yard was getting some rain at least. Nope. Maybe a few sprinkles. Nothing exciting, though we did get some rain earlier today. I guess that will have to do.

Lynne, I will have to get Kathryn to measure the nest and let you know. It's not at my house anymore.

Mema Jo said...

lol I thought that a banana in the am was good for those foot cramps. How
wrong I was! You have any lime?

paula eagleholic said...

Getting another shower here...

Been an 'on the phone' night...

Hope Margy is having a nice couple of days....isn't she due back here soon?

paula eagleholic said...

Never heard of that one, Lynn. Thought it was soap under the sheets...or is that for a charley horse?

paula eagleholic said...

But, I like his way of thinking!

Mema Jo said...

Speaking of cams = when do we get to see Tai from China ?
When do we get our new cam for our
eagles' nest ?

I don't have too many cams to watch during these months as the osprey are also going to have MT nests.

I hope they keep track of Lily and Hope. Seems like a lot of the GPS collars are being taken off.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - glad the team got off the field before the rain... Don't you dislike driving in downpours?

Mema Jo said...

Well, birthdays are starting for this month... tomorrow gs is 20 yrs old and
Saturday gd is 32 yrs old.
The kids are growing up and I am so thankful to be here to celebrate with them!

Mema Jo said...

Looks like BWO is frozen

stronghunter said...

I really do hate driving in downpours, Jo. This was more of a sideways pour.

I was so rushed at the gas station it took my twice as long. I had to turn the car around so the hose would reach, pulled out my driver's license instead of my credit card, etc., etc. I did not try to fill the tank, just got enough gas to last a little while. It looked like a tornado was bearing down on me.

Almost went to Kathryn's, which was much closer to wait out the storm, but really wanted to be home.

Mema Jo said...

Going to get ready for my 10pm tv show.


stronghunter said...

How wonderful for you and your grandchildren, Jo.

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry, to BEagle, and others...

K07 of the WE nest, was found off the coast of California... apparently he drowned trying to make it to the mainland.


stronghunter said...

Very sad, Paula. Thanks for letting us know.

I am really tired tonight. (I did get the jewelry box I wanted. Took Hunter to the store with me.)

Going to call it quits for tonight. See you tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Yep, Jo---keep sliced limes in the freezer. Love them! Bananas replace potassium for people who are on diuretics (not me!). Lack of potassium can contribute to cramps, but mine is fine.
Well, first he said tonic water...and I told him I couldn't drink a carbonated beverage unless it was alcohol-ed! So he said what goes with it? and I said Gin! He said go for it!
Tried Norma's mustard, and the soap and they didn't help; neither did pinching my lip.....

hedgie said...

What a shame about )....:( Poor thing.

Shirley, send a pic of your jewelery box!!

hedgie said...

Boston Med is on. BBL.

paula eagleholic said...

On a happier note, all the northern island eaglets are doing well on Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa.

Shirley, glad you got your jewelry box...the mahogany one, I take it? Is it a jewelry chest...a free standing one? That's what I want :) The heck with the dresser top ones...

Judie said...

So sad about K07.

Hope no one has sustained any serious damage or inconvenience from all the dreadful storms.

Goodnight everyone.

NatureNut said...

Getting droopy-eyed here.
Oh Paula, so sad about K07. Poor baby.

Well hope we won't wake up to thunder again! Should be pretty good for a couple days.
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Mema Jo said...

Sorry to hear about K07, Paula.

I have finished watching TV
Going to address a few cards and then
head back the hallway.

Wish we would get some more rain here.

Mema Jo said...

Going to say

Good Night and prayers for everyone and their family and friends.
((hugs)) to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Bears update: more questions than answers.......

hedgie said...

Whoa...don't know what happened to my keys.....I typed 07 when I commented on Paula's sad didn't type out that way!!

hedgie said...

G'night to all turning in. Following the lead! Hope everyone has a quiet and calm night. Jo, looks like you are getting hit again now! Everyone stay safe. Prayers for all.

Mema Jo said...

Yes Lynn, my wish has been answered about the rain.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Oh, no! So VERY sad about K07! Poor baby. What a shame. :o{

Lynn, they did do a throat culture on me. I can go to tomorrow and get the results. If it's strep, they'll call in a Rx for an antibiotic.

The eye doctor told Ken that the glasses for the computer are for mid-range and close vision. She asked him to try them for a week. He agreed, but can't see what good that will do. They are moving his office tomorrow, so maybe his computer will be configured differently. Right now, his flat-screen is 36" away from his face. I think that's just too far for the mid-range portion of his glasses. I think most are about 26" away. He's using the top portion (far vision) part of his new glasses to read the screen right now. Sure hope this works out!

Oh, just remembered--please say some prayers for our friend, Andrea, who lives in Minden, NV. We visited her in May, when we went to Lake Tahoe. She came home last night to find cat pee and poop all over her kitchen floor. Her cat, Gilson, was on one of the rugs, meowing, and didn't seem to know where he was at first. He has partial paralysis, so she thinks that he might have had a stroke. (I'm not sure how old he is.) She took him to the vet, and they gave him a cortisone shot to see if it would help with the paralysis. She is a complete mess--she's single, and her cat is so very important to her. We haven't heard from her since this morning, so we're concerned, to say the least.

Well, going to go watch some TV and try to veg a bit. Leaving the night light and porch light on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Prayers said for everyone--Gilson the cat, too. Sleep tight, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love you guys! :o]

Costume Lady said...

I enjoyed the story of the man getting a face transplant. He still looks grotesque, but at least he does have a face. I was hoping they would show him after his face lift...I guess it hasn't happened yet.
This was the last night for Boston Medical...hope they bring it back, later!

With the death of 07, we now know the "down" side of having eagles banded. Wouldn't want to know if one of our babies met with an untimely end!

There is a photo on Facebook of Paula's D-I-L Ajay and GD Gianni.
It is adorable...she is only 3-4 months old and has little puddin tails on top of her head:) Too cute!


BEagle said...

Happy Friday to y'all.

Hi Lori...if you are checking in on nest activity.

Haven't seen anything this am.

BEagle said...

Oh dear.

Little 07 is gone? How could this be?
Doggone it!


BEagle said...

Have a nice day♥

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

My last free Friday.

Lots to do today.

Andy, prayers for your friend Andrea and her kitty Gibson.

Something happened in our neighborhood last night. Fire trucks, ambulances, and a police car around the corner. Don't know anything more.

Hope everyone has power and got though the storms unscathed yesterday and last night.

Will post a picture of the jewelry box later. It is not free-standing, Paula. I really don't have that much jewelry.

My shoulder is hurting a bit this morning. Need to take something and do some of my exercises.

hedgie said...

Morning all.
Heart attack time.....I just had one. Had just let the dog in from her yard when 2 deer bounded in over the fence. One cleared it on the other side of yard and one ran smack into the fence. Tried to jump it a second time and bounced off. Went out to open the big gate and before I could get it open, she jumped again and cleared the fence. Scary!!! She didn't appear to be injured.
Just heard on scanner that there is one caught in a fence along a road a little ways from here.

hedgie said...

Very cloudy and gloomy---everything is dripping...hmmm, must have had more rain!! This is the good kind.

stronghunter said...

That would give me a heart attack, too, Lynn.

hedgie said...

It was kind of a panicky feeling, Shirley, for sure!
I'm with you on the jewelery---not enough for an "armoire"! And rarely wear what I do have!
Gave the kids a lot of the irrelevant stuff when I was sure I was going to die.....along with a few rings that didn't fit me comfortably.

Hope Sharon is tuned in to CBS----TRAIN is performing!!!

hedgie said...

Catch the shirt that Patrick is wearing!!! I want one!

stronghunter said...

Cloudy here, too. Windows are steamy this morning. It was drizzly last night when we walked out to see all the fire trucks. I hope we got more rain throughout the night, but don't know for sure.

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Gloomy here this a.m. Had more desperately needed rain. 71º

Lynn, I think I would have been really scared, also. The deer I've seen in the yard are usually just meandering through and I'm inside, safe.

Shirley, I hope whatever happened in your neighborhood was just a minor problem.

Andy, hoping your friend's cat will recover. Always very upsetting.

Off to get some coffee and newspaper. Then laundry and I am going to force myself to do some school prep.

Shirley, it may be Friday the 13th but please enjoy your last Friday of FREEDOM!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn I did notice Pat's shirt...looked like a beautiful Juvie Eagle. Wonder if Sharon saw this performance?

It is gloomy here also...70°, going up to only 80°

Judie said...

lol Wanda. Going up to only 80º. Guess I need to get my winter coat out. Have a good day.

stronghunter said...

Rainy this morning. How nice.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

We had another 2 1/2 inches overnight...WOW

In July we only had .77 inches of rain all month! Yesterday we had over 5 inches total.

stronghunter said...

West End adults doing renovations.

movin said...


GooD MorniNG,

GooD WeeKend,

EveryoNE ! !


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Andy, sorry about your friends' cat. Sharon's dog Mopsie recently had what appears to have been a stroke, too....she is doing much better now, so hope that Gilson will, too.
Hope you are feeling much better today, too!

Wow, Paula...that IS a lot of rain. Don't think we had anywhere near that amount! Hagerstown says 1.42" Thurs. 3-5" needed for normal!

Shirley, any word on what happened in the hood last night?

Gee, Wanda, didn't realize that Boston Med's season was over already....that was short!

Oh, I was on the outside of the yard...not inside the fence! Basement entryway is framed by a 2-sided side is gate out to the open. Third side is the gate into the kennel, which opens out into the yard. I did close the kennel gate next to the basement door, just in case it had decided to wander into the kennel! I went out through other gate to the large double-gate in the fence.

Mema Jo said...

Happy Friday 13th - May this be your lucky day!

Shirley - go have a blast today!
Lynn - glad you are taking care of the deers - that would have been hard to watch !

I have only skimmed over the comments.
I am headed over to Jenny's for lunch with all the Hedgesville crowd and the
Shepherdstown couple. FUN to be a grandmother and great grandmother.

I promised that when I return I will be back on!

movin said...

Take a look at Diego and Bai playing together this morning.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Enjoy your lunch, Jo!!

stronghunter said...

Jo is probably enjoying her lunch by now! :) :)

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday to Jo's grandson Corey.

movin said...

gOOD luck for the weekend, everybody. Catch you later.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lolly said...

Hi all! Have read quickly through the blog. Party last night was fun and it was after 11 when I got home. Disaster on the way though. I was a short way from home and my crock pot tipped over. I spilled the beans, literally, all over the carpet of my car. Turned around and went back home. Jack and I did a quick clean up and I left again with a smaller dish of the remaining food I was taking. It is a dish I think all of you would probably like. Need to share as it is very simple but very good.

No armadillo hunting last night and he dug in the back yard. Did the repairs and then we mowed. I just came in a little while ago.

So sad about K07.

Scary about your deer, Lynn. Had an uncle that found a deer one morning hanging on his fence. He had tried to clear their fence but some how hung himself. Sad.

What I would give to have a deer that comes in and asks for milk. That is just awesome!!

Did you read where there are going to have two cams this winter in bear dens, one of which will be Lily's.

Costume Lady said...

Sounds wonderful...lots of cam watching on the cold Winter days. Do hope Lily has a little fuzz ball growing inside her:)

Come on Lolly, spill the beans on your receipe! (sorry for your spill...we've had that happen many times.)

hedgie said...

It appears that my mystery nuggets on the deck yesterday must have been excrement....all of the pieces have dissolved into mush on my deck carpet. YUCK! Guess I was thrown for a loop by the fact that the pieces, as small as they were, had the faintest little stripes. Don't have the faintest idea now how to clean up the mess----short of hosing it down!

hedgie said...

Oh, Lolly, sure can sympathize with your mess. I have started using a cardboard box to set things in, and line it with a plastic trash bag and newspapers on top of that to absorb!

Saw that about the den cams. Question is: they said "in" which sounds better than the way Lily's cam was "at"----but how will they be able to place them until they know where the bears will den? Can they do it AFTER they are already in??? Like everything else with these bears: more questions than answers!

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costume Lady said...

I bought a tote to carry food into GG's, but it is always "lost" when I need to use it. Found it one time, with Gene's hunting clothes being stored in it! "Well, there was nothing in it, so I thought it was OK to use it"! Duh! I need to use a magic marker (perm. marker) and write on top...FOOD ONLY!:)

paula eagleholic said...

I try to strap my crock pots in with a seat belt!

hedgie said...

BTW----no foot/leg cramps last night. Tonic water did the trick, I hope!

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Lynn, GG swears by Gene's G&T's...they work better than a pain pill;) He wrote down the receipe and taped it to the side of the Vodka (we actually use vodka instead of Gin) bottle:) She says her's doesn't do the trick like Gene's does:)??

Lolly said...

Only thing about a G & T late at night is the need to get up during the night multiplies! However, G&T's rule at this house!

Lolly said...

TIME magazine, Aug 16, has a great article."Inside the Minds of Animals"

Lolly said...

Wanda, be careful with G&T's with GG. Jack would always give Mother one but greatly reduced with the gin. One night he forgot, she was at Larry and Sandy's condo at the beach and did not make it to the bathroom. She was so humiliated and scared. I immediately thought of the G&T. Sure enough, it was a one time incident and we were always careful from then on.

Lolly said...

Wanda, I will send the recipe to you. It might even be something that could be served at the soup kitchen.

Lolly said...

How many people are you feeding now at the soup kitchen?

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!


Wow, Lynn, nothing like a couple of deer to liven up the morning! No chance of that here, doggone it!

Lolly, sorry about the crock pot spill! Glad you were able to salvage some of it, though. The box with the trash bag liner sounds like a good idea--I'll try that myself next time!

I'm waiting to see what the test results are on my throat culture. Hope that if I need an antibiotic, I can get it today. Nothing on the website yet. Feel better, and my throat is just a teeny bit sore when I swallow. Wonder if it's viral. Have been napping and just being lazy so far today. Slept like a baby last night!

Judie, I wouldn't get your winter coat out just yet--although 80 sounds pretty cool compared to some of the heat you've endured lately!
We're supposed to warm up to about 90 by Sunday or Monday, to last 2-3 days. Guess it had to happen sometime, and that's better than the temps the kids in Texas have had!

Ms Bookworm said...

Will be back in a bit--the bird feeders are empty--gotta put some seeds out. Those piggies! ;o]

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, she never has more than one and no more than 2 in a weeks time.
If it is too strong, she gets up and puts water in it.

Costume Lady said...

Soup Kitchen has never had more than 16 diners. The young lady who helped us get started, said they have appx. 65 at their church. Probably a more central location for the hungry. Gene will try passing out flyers again next week.

Lolly said...

I have been trying to read but keep yawning and my eyes are watering. Think it is time for a nap.


hedgie said...

Lolly, sad thing for you uncle to find...I was very afraid for a moment that something terrible was going to happen!

hedgie said...

Lolly and Wanda---did NOT get up once during the night!! Rare! Tea is much worse than the G&T!!!

stronghunter said...

Rain/heavy mist here. Wonderful.

Costume Lady said...

Maybe you got it all out of your system before bedtime, Lynn. I don't often have to get up in the night (knock on wood)...always drink 2 glasses of tea with and after dinner, but none after 9pm.

Costume Lady said...

Santa Fe crockpot chicken is done...headed to GG's

Enjoy your evening♥

hedgie said...

Okay, Wanda..where's the recipe?????!!!

Mema Jo said...

Keeping my promise to return - visited for about 3 hours after lunch. Then I stopped at gs house to wish him Happy B-Day.

I have a fabulous time with everyone.
Feet are going up until it's Pizza time.


Lolly said...

Really slow on here...hhhmmmm...Friday nite!

Took a nap. Seldom do that, but fell into a deep sleep and dreamed. Woke up feeling really sluggish. Do not like that. Drank some coke to try to wake up.

Jack and I then went and bought groceries for Camp Hawkwood. lol Bought 3 gallons of milk. Laurel is loving it. She said she is going to eat Lean Cuisine all week.

Mema Jo said...

We didn't do pizza - will do that later this week. TV show 8-10 this evening.
I am really not physically or mentally ready for another weekend so soon.
It means to me that I have to fill my pill box for the new week! I do really miss all our cams.

I'll return after my movie. BBL

Lolly said...

ROFLMBO Really, Jo, is it that hard????!!!!

I am not looking forward to the weekend. We have Elvis on the Square tomorrow and it is predicted to be 104. Going to Wallyworld to see if I can find little personal fans.

However, it will be fun, the whole family will be together, and we bringing the boys home for a full week.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, slow for sure!

got home, played with the dogs and staked up the maters! all that rain made them fall over!

Lolly said...

are bringing!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Going up to John and Ajay's tomorrow evening to watch the kids while the go out with a bunch of friends....spending the night too, as they will be back late.

Going to work tomorrow for awhile, figured I might as well since I have to go into to eye doctor...still trying to get contacts right. It's hard to fit my eyes, as I have an astigmatism.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, those little fans that blow the misty water?

paula eagleholic said...

Hope ya'll get a break from those temps soon! I can sympathize!

hedgie said...

1st pre-season REDSKINS game on vs. Buffalo Bills.......Go 'SKINS!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Well, I have been napping off and on all day. Throat feels almost 100% better, but I just feel wiped out. Still don't have the results from my throat culture. Looked online--nothing. Called the info line, and they say the results are not available yet. Since my throat feels SO much better, I think this is probably not strep. Info line said that I would get a phone message from them if results were anything other than normal.

Wanda, your crock pot chicken sounds GOOD!

Waaaah! I wanna come to Camp Hawkwood, Lolly! Sure sounds like it's gonna be fun!

Thank you for your prayers and concern for our friend, Andrea, in NV. She did have to have her kitty put to sleep. His whole front end was paralyzed. Please continue to pray for her--she's, well, she's a mess, as we all would be. Thank you.

I'm getting sleepy again--feel like I have sleeping sickness! We had bacon bleu cheese burgers for dinner. Yum! Now I need a nap. Am going to say goodnight, just in case I don't make it back here later. Leaving the porch light and the night light on for others. Prayers said for everyone. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. God bless, and goodnight--will talk to you tomorrow! Love you guys! :o}

hedgie said...

Okay, Jo....I have to refill my pill boxes, too, on Sunday. Of course, mine are all just OTC--antacid, allergy, vits & mins....too much hassle to open 6 different bottles every day! So I do 2 weeks at a time into boxes!

Looks like we are heading into weekend with cooler temps....MTBR. At least evening temps are not in the 80's like they were earlier in the week.
I'll be playing money-bags Grandma on Mon. School-clothes shopping!! It sure was cheaper when they were "little" girls! They are big now size-wise as much as age-wise!

paula eagleholic said...

Ate too much dinner! BBQ chicken, fried taters, green beans and maters!

paula eagleholic said...

Andy, glad the throat is better, and dinner sounded yummy. Get some rest!

Lynn, it's still fun shopping though, isn't it!

hedgie said...

Go Skins! 7-3!

paula eagleholic said...

We just had a visit by an adult!

Just took off, I only got to see for about 5 seconds, don't know how long adult was in the nest.

hedgie said...


BEagle said...

Hello everyone.

I was so sad to hear about 07. He seemed to be grieving the loss of his brother eagle and just took off to join him.

I haven't checked the distance to the mainland from the WE nest but it must be a challenge for a grown eagle much less a young fledgling who cannot feed himself well.

Poor little eagle.

BEagle said...

I treated my son to a dinner at the Outback this evening.

Oh brother. Was I disappointed.

BEagle said...

The adult's visit must have been very brief. I didn't even see!

stronghunter said...

Washington: 14
Buffalo: 3

BEagle said...

I ordered steak and it was beautiful to look at. Couldn't cut it with that awesome steak knife. Couldn't chew it down enough to swallow it.

stronghunter said...

Sorry about Andrea's kitty, Andy.

BEagle said...

Oh my gosh!!!!!!
The Redskins are ahead????
Oh my gosh.

stronghunter said...

Oh lordy, that should not happen, BEagle.

BEagle said...

I had to ask two waitresses before I could get a napkin....AFTER the appetizer was served!

stronghunter said...

I mean the steaks, not the Redskins. I am happy about them.

BEagle said...

The manager came over and apologized and had another cooked for me. I had to put it in a doggie bag because it was already getting late.

paula eagleholic said...

BEagle, it's 26 miles to the mainland

Sorry about your dinner!

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3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

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