Friday, August 27, 2010


TGIF thread, PM


Judie said...

And a TGIF back at cha, Steve. Enjoy the weekend and thank you.

Just stopped by to check in and found a new thread. BBL

Lynne2 said...

wow, lonely over here....

Lynne2 said...

oh Hi Judie!

Ms Bookworm said...

Howdy, Gang!

Have been busy this morning getting caught up on some sadly neglected housework. Did take time to veg and watch some recorded TV shows, though. Before I forget,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CAPT. GENE AND TO TIAN TIAN!!! Hope you both have a spectacular day!!!

Haven't had a chance to really catch up on the blog--hope you are all doing well. What happened with GG? Did she have a fall? Gosh, hope & pray that she's OK!

It's still muggy here today, but a bit cooler than yesterday. Can't wait for the MUCH cooler temps they're promising for the weekend!

Well, gotta go shower and run to pick up a couple of prescription refills. Will check back later tonight. Have a good evening! :o]

hedgie said...

Jo, I can get the zoo fine.....just can't view the cam. No trouble with the Panda cam. Go figure!

Thanks for callover, Judie.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread.
Have a fun weekend..

I was just checking in like Judie
I am waiting on a Pizza for dinner

Here it comes...... A special delivery by hubby.........


Lynne2 said...

Tiger Cub

hedgie said...

Lasagna is made and ready to pop in the oven tomorrow. I have 2 very special people coming to be worker bees for me!! Can you guess who? Our very own industrious, hard-working Lynne and Steve!! Isn't that great??
I have given up on SIL and his bro, and the guy that works for Bill....apparently my money isn't any good! So....I'll give it to someone truly deserving who will appreciate it as much as I appreciate them!!

hedgie said...

OMG--Lynne,, what a story. Poor little tiger....thank goodness they found him and rescued him from a trafficker. The way baggage is handled, he probably would not have survived the flight....more likely, he would have suffocated. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE??????

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - that is great about your helpers! You are something else to even have thought of Lynne and Steve -

Lynne - I hope you get to meet Myrtle

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - appreciated the story about the little tiger cub being found in the baggage! He is adorable and that was so cruel to sedate him in order to smuggle him to Iraq

hedgie said...

Oh, Jo, I hope so....but fear that without any rain, she may not make an appearance. Seems like the dampness as well as the real wet of a downpour is what makes her venture forth from wherever she "lives"!

Lynne2 said...

I wish I could say that I can't believe it about the tiger cub smuggle attempt, but people are just too disturbing for words sometimes. Hope the poor thing will be OK.

Yes, we are off to be worker bees tomorrow and I'll have the camera in case Myrtle makes a guest appearance!

Judie said...

Ooooo! Maybe a Myrtle the Turtle lasagna party for Lynn, Lynne, Steve, and of course, Myrtle.

Hi Jo. Enjoy the pizza.

Hi Andy. Hope you're mostly caught up for the weekend.

Hope Wanda takes a break from celebrating the Capt.'s birthday to give us an update on GG.

Lynn, sorry you can't get the lphants.

Wonder how Shirley, Margy, and Paula are doing today?

hedgie said... you have an interview set up yet??

Judie said...

Lynn, get the garden hose or a watering can and make rain where Myrtle lives.

hedgie said...

Pre-season game #3 tonight! Skins at Jets. GO SKINS!!

Mema Jo said...

That is a good idea Judie..

After all, Myrtle should have more of a social life then just eating tomatoes with Lynn after it rains.

Mema Jo said...

I have a Mystery Theater at 8:00
Inspector Lewis..........

Lynne2 said...

no phone call yet, no interview. My friend that works there said her boss has been busy this week with a person out on vacation and one person down who recently left, and thinks she'll call Monday.

Mema Jo said...

Sorry - misinformed you all...
It isn't Inspector Lewis it is
the cold case crew headed by Boyd!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie --- Lynne - I'm getting some good vibes from your conversation about interviews, busy this week, one person down....... Just maybe prayers
may be working again!

Mema Jo said...

Message on FB from gd visiting in Italy
Christine Thompson: Sitting in Aviano lodging thinking we joined the wrong branch of the service. For $41 a night we get practically a house. It is a two bedroom with full bath, washer dryer, full kitchen and living room. If we had stayed in Vicenzia we would have paid $106 a night for one room with two beds. Going into Venice tomorrow... It has been a crazy week. Can't wait to be home.

hedgie said...

Christie's clock is winding down--only 11 hrs. 47 mins. until she is FREE of the dumb hospital!!!!

hedgie said...

Jo, they are Army, right? What service has what they are staying in? From what I had always heard, AF had Vicenzia and it was always expensive!! Is Aviano Navy?

hedgie said...

Tied game, 3-3!

Might have to try the hose, Judie---good idea! Never would have thought of it!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - AF has Aviano air base.
Ft Darby where they stayed a few nights is Army.
US Army Garrison is at Vicenza's

Mema Jo said...

Is Christie at work tonight?

I bet she is ready to hoop & holler with her mom!

Mema Jo said...

I think the Bluefield gals are all at the Beaver's Football game.

hedgie said...

6-3,SKINS!! :)

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Just checking in to wish the Captain a happy, happy birthday.

Blessings everyone. Gone to watch some ftball..

God bless.

PA Nana said...

Lynn, thanks for the score. Youngest is a "skins" fan and I couldn't find that game on tv.


hedgie said...

Okay, Jo...thanks for straightening me put!! Got my Italian cities mixed up!

Yep, her shift started at 6:30 and ends at 7AM. Stress has been so bad that she says her hair is falling out. :(

hedgie said...

Reskins recovered fumble....Jets had gotten a safety afew minutes ago....6-5, with 1:40 left in half.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy all!

Popping in for a minute, trying to get caught up on my watering....bbialw

hedgie said... is on!

magpie said...

You might catch a glimpse of ISS

coming around at app 850 pm

I am hoping to get caught up on comments and come back and chat for a little while...


magpie said...

oh my gosh, and Happy Birthday to Tian Tian...still a few more hours to celebrate....

xox I have a LOT of catching up to do so I can come on here and be polite...
but first, I just can't resist ISS
that's be back pretty soon ☺

Lynne2 said...

UH Oh......just read some previews for upcoming season of Brothers and Sisters. Not liking what I see....

Capt. Eagle said...

Hi Ladies,
My Tiger is letting me on here just long enough to thank you for all your cards, emails and good wishes. I was given a lot of neat gifts this evening but my best gift is your friendship.

Capt. Gene

Lynne2 said...

Glad you're having a good day Capt Gene!

magpie said...

Wow, it's great to see you, Captain, glad it was a great day...
I think ISS was trailing a banner that said

Happy Birthday to a Swell Guy

AND, there was one teeny tiny meteor that sped by also!

Lynne2 said...

hey Margy! Put some new posts on my blog if you want to check them out.

Going to walk dogs and head for bed....busy day tomorrow!!!!

Good night, and prayers for you all!

hedgie said...

Hi, Birthday guy Gene! Tell us what you got!

Margy, did you really see a meteor??? Lucky you. Lynne will be able to attest tomorrow that I have very little openness to see sky this time of year!

Lynne.....where did you see preview???

magpie said...

Yah, Lynne, will surely do that!!...I saw some glowing comments on the prior thread about it...

I know there is some sunset pics and cloud pictures to see, and lots of other things....might take me awhile

Yay for Christie, bet she feels about like she is on Cloud 9 Lynn...

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, B and S spoilers

magpie said...

I'm going to climb into some pj's so I can be comfortable, sit back, and read slowly about what you folks have been up to the last three days...instead of speed-reading

just couldn't make a visit sooner, between work, sleep problems, concentrating on some things with the grandson....and a very cantankerous shoulder blade/scapula that needs some attention !
The computer has actually been behaving.
be back in awhile...

magpie said...

Yes Lynn....ISS flew straight through the handle of the Big Dipper and then shortly after that..a little meteor flew straight down towards it!

Jo - Do you think Christine means can't wait to get home US or home Germany? Sure hope they are getting a nice R&R....

Capt. Eagle said...

Margy, we went out to see ISS, but there were too many trees in the way and it is cloudy. Was that meteor the one that was gifted to you?

Lynn, my gifts included grilling cookbooks, lots of good-smelling things, a wonderful set of penknives, money, and the promise of a dinner tomorrow evening at Red Lobster. I do have a great family and friends!

magpie said...

That sounds like a wonderful array of goodies, Gene...
sounds like your family has got your number!

My little star Magpie, is in the Northern better be staying put !!

hedgie said...

Oh-oh.....9-11, Jets.

Costume Lady said...

OK, his time is up...

GG was great this evening. She made 3 pans of Zucchini Bread. She made them in shallow pans and cut them in squares like brownies. Very good, she remembered everything this time, including the baking soda and nuts;)
No aches or pains, and she toted Jayden around for a good while. He is now 20lbs...getting too heavy for her. He adds so much joy to her life (and ours) :)

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday, Gene! Sounds like a great day and a nice dinner to come!

Did anyone see Mars last night by the moon?

hedgie said...

G'night, Lynne. See you in the morning!

hedgie said...

G'night, Lynne. See you in the morning!

hedgie said...

Stuttering here!

Gene, you done good!!! Enjoy your next celebration,too!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Had a great couple of days. Michael and I picked up car Weds night...never did get a pic of him with it, will post one later if he does. Had dinner at the square in Gettysburg, had spanikopita, pastrami sandwich and baklava. Michael had a gyro and baklava.

Went to John and Ajay's last night and had Pizza and a couple of cold ones. Had a nice time while Michael was here. He left this morning, he had to work tonight.

Been working till 6 or 7 every night at work...

All caught up on watering tonight, had to get gas for the mower, have to mow tomorrow night and Sunday as I am working again tomorrow.

Caught up on the blog, but can't remember anything I wanted to say!

And how cool Lynne and Steve are headed west to Lynn's. Great idea for all involved!

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone!!

Just checking in--watching Redskins. Goofy scoring game. Jets just got a touchdown but missed the kick, so it's Skins 9 vs.Jets 11. That shouldn't be hard to beat!

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, glad GG is feeling better, but she really does need to stay off the furniture, and probably not drive either!

paula eagleholic said...

And I am not going to read the Brothers and sisters spoilers!

Gotta work on the checkbook and pay a bill or two...bbialw

NatureNut said...

Wow Paula. Love your Greek dinner!

Gotta do hair after game for AM work tomorrow. BOO, supposed to be a picnic of 100 for a political lady. I don't know where they will put all the cars---supposed to be near office. HA I will try to stay sequestered in Visitor Ctr.

magpie said...

Wow, everyone on here is working their tails off!
Paula, glad you had some good family time AND some great chow to boot!! Aaaaah, baklava !

Paula..I have been watching actually, Jupiter, and the Moon scootching up together the last two nights....Brilliant !
Glad you saw it too !

Hi Loretta !

magpie said...

ok I must go back to Wednesday now to start catching up...

hedgie said...

WhooHoo.....16-11, Skins, only 2:13 left!!!!

hedgie said...

Skins just recovered 4th fumble!

Mema Jo said...

My TV shows are over.... Hi Margy
Christine means she'll be glad to be home again in Germany - They are traveling through Italy and loving the sights! You know there is no place like home....

hedgie said...

Paula, what is spanikopita? Not familiar with that one!

hedgie said...

16-11 final. Love my Skins!!!

magpie said...


made notes
now where do I start!

hedgie said...

Sissy, Sharon, and T-bird's BEAVERS beat their opponent 34-0!!

magpie said...

I could been in trouble starting anywhere
just popped a Shock Top...
just in case I could not get comfortable for sleep later, thought I better have some insurance

It's verrry good
If I start slurring my words you will know why.
you shoulda seen this last sentence before I corrected it

magpie said...

I could go to sleep with the sounds of our live feed tonight....
almost like one of those sound machines....

magpie said...

wow hear some noises near close to the microphone

magpie said...

would love to have a copy of your exercise on symbols..enjoyed the comment about hummingbirds....

Jo, thanks for explaining what Christine meant...will both little girls be in school this year ?
And when does all that start
and finally, are they learing to speak German ?

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Margy, Lynn and Mema Jo,

Checking back in after dinner and some TV. Hubby just hit the sack, but it's too early for me yet. Only 7:15 out here!

Nice to hear from you, Capt. Gene!
Glad you had such a nice birthday!

Lynne, can hardly believe the story about the smuggled tiger cub! That poor little baby! Hope he will be OK. They ought to throw the book at
the person who did that to him!

Good to see you here, Margy! Glad you are all comfy in your jammies!

YAY, REDSKINS!!! I like them too!

Oh--meant to ask, Margy, what's wrong with your shoulder blade? Sorry it's bugging you. Prayers!!!

Gosh, just HAVE to mention--it's really cooling off here tonight! It's down to 65 at my roost already!

magpie said...

It is very touching and so perfect, that there is to be a room at the Raptor Center named in honor of Deb

Ms Bookworm said...

Yes, isn't that great? I think it's fantastic--and very appropriate!

magpie said...

I saw you mentioned Stink Bugs this morning
Did I tell you, I have baby stink bugs been hanging out on my tomatoes !
they are actually, really cute !

Also you mentioned dreams:
wow, I have been having some craaaazy ones also...almost realistic, therefore, so good to wake up from ! well, usually, one or two have been pretty good !

noises still at the mic, wonder what it is

Ms Bookworm said...

Have to run and turn on outside lights here--BBIALW!

magpie said...

Hey Andy!
Glad to hear of your upcoming school schedule!
And release from jury duty...

okay, WHAT is moving around in the nest !!

last night when grandson and I saw the moon pop over the horizon, I said: Hey, it looks like a volleyball....I had read your comment!

magpie said...

not sure about shoulder blade...could be something going on at cervical or thoracic vertebra level, will find out on Monday...
pretty much put me out of commission most of the day

magpie said...

great pictures Shirley, Lynne, and Bob Quinn!!!

magpie said...

one year old baby girl wandered out of her apartment NEXT DOOR TO MINE Wednesday morning, went with her puppy! to the fenced in area of the day care BEHIND our apartment, someone called 911 - officer got child and went looking...guess he saw all the kids' toys in the yard and parking lot next door and put 2 + 2 together.

Child was lucky...coulda just as easily wandered into the street


paula eagleholic said...

Margy, sorry to hear about shoulder blade...hope it's just a pulled muscle...

and thanks, didn't realize that was Jupiter!

Lynn - spanikopita is spinach and mozzarella and a touch of ricotta baked in phyllo dough...phyllo is what they use in baklava.

Judie said...

Stopping by before the sandperson finds me.

Capt. Gene, so happy you had a great day, and dinner promised. Thank you for joining us tonight.

GO SKINS! Another win -- good even if it is preseason.

Paula, glad you had some nice family time but sorry you are having to work so many hours.

Speaking of work, I can only imagine how excited Christie is to be working her last hours at the hospital. We sure all wish her happiness in the new job.

Wanda, nice to know GG didn't get herself into any trouble today AND was successful making her zucchini bread.

Yep, Lynn, Myrtle deserves some gentle pretend rain tomorrow. Enjoy tomorrow with Lynne and Steve.

Lowreeda, hoping tomorrow goes well with all the visitors. Weather should be nice.

Hi Margy. Hope the shoulder starts to feel better. Sorry for your discomfort.

Lynne, wishing an interview call for you on Monday. Job prayer headed your way. Have a good day at Lynn's.

Jo, nice to know what the Germany group is up to. Know they are having a great time.

Hi Diann.

Wonder if Shirley has passed out in her recliner with George. Bet she's tuckered out after this week.

Ooops, the sandperson just tracked me down. Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway or down the stairs to the tub, or up the stairs to sleep. Until tomorrow...

paula eagleholic said...

Oh yeah, gotta check out Shirley's pics too.

Was trying to pay my service unavailable...I think my payment should not be required if they can't process it!! I hate that!

magpie said...

wow...lots of my favorite thinks in that dish Paula...

remember I am up nights and watch for those night things...also have an astronomy magazine to give me some heads up on the line-ups
But YOU got me hooked on ISS!!

Last night, it was a great viewing...James and I watched it, and he waved and hollered when it flew "overhead" of both of us ☺

magpie said...

Wait Wait don't go Judie...I haven't scrolled down to my notes on your comments yet...

also entertaining informative and precise!
Hoping that you can manage on just taking the one medication you are sticking with....

want to talk to you more about all that....

glad you got your appetite back, AND made it to a yummy meal at "another" restaurant

magpie said...

besieses if i start slurrnstg myu wors i wants you to gbe around to heop me otpu

hedgie said...

Sleep tight, Judie!!

Thanks for all good wishes for Christie!!

Margy, I have off and on trouble with my shoulder blade. Dr. ijected it once about 18 mos. ago, and it gave me good relief for quite a while. Acting up again. I blame it on computing! Especially at the PC....keep my chair at a non-ergonomic angle, making my right arm stretch too far to the keyboard.....muscle fatigue PLUS=chronic inflammation I guess!

Glad you like the Shock Top! I sure do! Had one last evening with my pizza!!

Mema Jo said...

Update for Lily and Hope

paula eagleholic said...

They're slurred, Margy! ROFL! Enjoy your brewskie!

magpie said...

I really had a good laugh at all the kidnaping going at your place...
glad you broke free, but now the sandperson has you in his grips again

Lynn - if you had been a lady cop, you would have probably eventually been Sheriff !
Glad you took up nursing though, sure has helped us folks out here a great deal

magpie said...

hope the boys enjoy their new buggies Paula

Okay more clunking at the mic,
I'm going to try to be up at first light to watch that nest for Eagles!
And, for a rare change, it is not slowing down my blogging having the live feed up

magpie said...

Yes, it is right tasty, BUT, there are no nutrition facts on the bottle or carton...AND, I have really been reading labels lately!

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, carbs and alcohol, LOL

magpie said...

I was quite stunned to read of GG's adventures washing the windows...
whew! glad all is okay...know how disconcerting that can be to learn of all that...

she is one amazing lady, and always fun to hear of the Jayden tales ☺

22 at soup kitchen and a nearly new kitchen at YOUR Roost, how cool is that !!

I need to disappear for a few minutes, I think there is a BLT in my future...

magpie said...

oh, okay...hope that does not mean I cannot a few more carbs from the BLT toast....
oh, what the heck !


Ms Bookworm said...

Wow, Margy, glad the little one-year-old neighbor of yours is OK! It's amazing how quickly one that age can get away from you! Hope the parents are more watchful from now on!

Decided to take a look at our nest--sounds like crickets or katydids, but boy, oh boy, it looks really out of focus to me. Will have to check that out tomorrow morning when it's daylight. Couldn't tell if there was something moving around or not.

Lynne, saying prayers that you'll get a phone call on Monday for an interview! Bet you and Steve will enjoy your visit with Lynn tomorrow--and vice-versa! Hope you get to meet Myrtle.

Glad that GG's zucchini bread turned out well--wish I could have a piece! Yum!

Wishing Christie all the best in her new job! How exciting!

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to head in to bed

Good Night to All
Prayers for All
Hugs for All ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

paula eagleholic said...

OK, finally got my mortgage paid...heading to bed, work tomorrow. Catch ya'll tomorrow night. Good to see everyone!

Enjoy that BLT Margy, I had a plate full of maters tonight!

Hugs to all ♥

hedgie said...

Paula, that sounds like it would be good WITHOUT the spinach. Of course, I know what phyllo is----use it a few times a year for various recipes. Of course, I don't make it myself, LOL!

Margy, hope the stink bug babies aren't eating your maters! I ended up seeing a total of 4---all near the same door!

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ms Bookworm said...

Think I'd better call it a night, too. My eyes don't want to focus any more.

Prayers said for everyone--especially those needing healing, like Margy and Chrissy. The night light is on, thanks to Judie :o], and I'm putting the porch light on too. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep well, everyone, and have sweet eagle dreams. Will talk to you tomorrow.
God bless, and goodnight! Love you folks! :o]

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Margy, your beer doesn't have ANY nutrition to it!! Enjoy!!

There was a 3 y.o. missing yesterday.....not sure how long the search went on, but then heard them say the boy was found in his bed. DUH! Isn't searching the house the first thing a parent would do???
Sure glad your little neighbor is okay----scary....

hedgie said...

Excuse my deletes! Stutter step, and found that Jo had already posted Bear update!

See that Diann checked in---hi and bye, lady Di!

And Loretta, too! Game sure had me distracted, huh?

Well, my turn to say goodnight to my fine, fowl friends. My command is for NO dreams tonight! Don't know what yours were like, Margy, but mine were the ones that were SO real that they have stayed with me all day......and have left me with so many questions and wishing they had been real!

Love you all!! Tomorrow, tomorrow....

magpie said...

Hope that Sleep is Sweet for all...
and that ailments and troubles steal away under the cover of darkness overnight

God Bless Us, Every One
xox ♥

Costume Lady said...

Headed to Lowes in the morning to pick out ANOTHER NEW fridge
I was hoping to sleep in, but need to get this hurdle out of the way.


stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Margy, my symbols exercise was just a worksheet. I think it is in my bag, so maybe I can take a picture of it. Yeah, I thought it was funny that someone would think of hummers as being peaceful. Maybe because they are so small.

I missed out yesterday on the birthday greetings . . . so a belated birthday greeting for Captain Gene and Tian Tian.

Judie, I was trying to pass out in the recliner, but I got a phone call from Rus. He wants us to come for a visit this weekend. He needs help unpacking in their new house.

Then I had a couple of conversations with Kathryn. She's very unhappy. She's having some medical problems and is having a horrible time dealing with the new insurance company.

They have to find a new pediatrician for Hunter. He's seen Dr. Aaronson all of his life and Kathryn saw him throughout most of her childhood, but he does not accept this HMO.

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, I was hoping to attract birds to my new feeder that is suction cupped to the window. The titmice had just gotten up the courage to try it, when George noticed. He leaped at one, and that was that. No way he can get one, but they aren't going to like a leaping George.

He is now waiting for another one to show up.

stronghunter said...

I think I might crawl back into bed for awhile. Then, later on, maybe I will go shopping. I saw a purse I like at a little shop near the restaurant we went to last week. I think I need some things to help boost my spirits so I can deal with the kids this year.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Eagleland (:
I'm so excited can hardly type lol

stronghunter said...

The young man with whom I had the encounter before school started has already been removed from his English class because he chose to walk out on his teacher the second day of classes.

He will be enrolled in an on-line class and they need a teacher to run that program. I do not think I want to take on that job. In this job market, I guess someone will want to do it. I hope so.

We had a very nice retired gentleman who did it for several years, and I think it just involves monitoring what the kids do on their computers.

Costume Lady said...

I wish you could have slept in, Shirley...I did! Shouldn't have, need to go choose another fridge, but my body and mind told me that it needed MORE REST!

It is so beautiful this morning, 70°, going up to 86° (92° tomorrow).

Dana, a squirrel in our nest...alive or demised? Lib & Belle must not have been near:)

I think we are going to laze around today and try to recoup from this hectic week. Getting ready to go to Lowes and choose another fridge...I loved the one we have ( hard to keep clean, but then I thought that would be the case!), but I don't know what else to get. Black is too stark (GG has black) and we already have the stainless stove installed, so I guess I will just get that same one we have, minus the dents and scratches!

Promised Gene a dinner at Red Lobster for his birthday, but, after reading this morning's paper, and an ad for the Hollywood Casino Seafood Buffet at the Charles Town Racetrack, I think we will try that. Will let you know if it is good as it looks and sounds:)

Have a beautiful day♥

magpie said...

I WAS up at first light, but my computer wouldn't wake up!
So I missed the squirrel too.
Hope you can put the pic in the Nest Album, Dana ☺

Shirley, yes, go for that pocketbook! It's fun to see something, think about it, then go back for it!
Hope the young man finds his niche, and peace....
glad you won't have to be involved in it

Wanda and Gene
Good luck with the new refrigerator selection..find one with tiny dent and a BIG reduction in price, I hope

Good Morning Eagle Pals... ☺

magpie said...

I have one of those suction cup feeders, but also, screens on every window
and also,
cannot entertain the thought that a squirrel would get anywhere near this apartment
but they are fun, I have had them
at other roosts....

magpie said...

Hoping Lynne and Steve get to meet Myrtle the Tyrtle this morning...
and that there is NO poison ivy in sight!

Shoulder blade here says time's up,

Best wishes for a good day....and that if it is a work goes fast....if a play day, sloooow....


stronghunter said...

Hi Wanda,

I tried to go back to sleep, but it didn't work. My mind is not letting me relax.

Judie, I hope you get your medications straightened out. I hate to think you are taking risks by stopping them. Please get quickly to a doctor. I hope you find one that you like.

I can fully understand that it's no fun taking something that makes you feel lousy. I had five years of Tamoxifen. It caused hot flashes like crazy, but at least I felt pretty good between the hot flashes.

magpie said...

OH I forgot

when you get shaky...can your doctor tell you what's a good thing to take for quick relief?

If I have that, I go for milk, cheese, nuts....
takes a few minutes...
(like if I go go go and don't take time to eat....)

hedgie said...

Good morning all!
Lynne and Steve are here a nd doing some chores for me!

Dana---way to go. Let us know when you get pic posted!

Shirley, didn't realize the kids had already bought a house! Cool!
Busy time, and know you are proud.
Sure hope Kathryn's ailments are not serious, and that she gets things straightened out with insurance.
Good that the bad student is GONE!!

magpie said...

I hope the doctor and insurance things work out for Kathryn and Hunter...
and praying for that also

stronghunter said...

Yes, Margy, I hope the young man finds what he needs and becomes a responsible citizen and all of that good stuff. He was not in my class for very long last year before he transferred to the other school, so I do not know him well.

The administrator said that he just should not be in the same class as another student the teacher has, which was one reason she moved him. Funny that I had said he should absolutely not be with yet another kid. It seems he's not a good influence for several others.

Dana, I went to your blog and saw your cute little turtle there. I hope you will post the squirrel picture.

hedgie said...

Word from Chrissy about yesterday:
she had a rough go.....anesthesia reaction resulting in some tense moments, but home and in no pain.
She says to tell you all:
I've had so many wonderful well wishes sent to me from everyone,, could you let them all know, that I love them and thank them so much please...

magpie said...

Thanks Lynn for the news ♥

ttfn xox

stronghunter said...

The principal at our school shared this recipe for some really good mac and cheese he makes. I haven't cooked it yet, but I have eaten it. It is very cheesy.

Jeff's Mac and Cheese

2 cups (uncooked) elbows- sometimes I do more noodles
1/2 block Swiss cheese (I buy it at Walmart-their brand) (8 oz I think)
8 oz shredded cheddar
1 egg
2 cups cottage cheese
1 cup sour cream
salt and pepper to flavor

Mix the cheeses, sour cream, beaten egg, salt and pepper together in a pan (I use a Pyrex dish at home)

Add the noodles (while they are still hot!) and mix together

Cook at 350 for 25-30 minutes or until nice and bubbly.

stronghunter said...


Just checked my school e-mail. I had put in an e-mail request for a student who had requested a locker. He's at another building in the morning and doesn't have one.

I got a reply from the administrator in charge of lockers. I have to request on the proper electronic form, but I can't figure out how to file the form. Lord help us. The kid just wants a locker.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, best wishes for Chrissy. I hope she does not have any more problems.

Mema Jo said...

Good Good Morning Everyone! Just downed my 2nd cup of coffee and ate a banana to help not have leg cramps at night! lol How about that Lynn?
Thanks for Chrissy's message
I told Scampy to stay away from Palmer's house - guess he didn't listen. I am anxious to see Dana's pic to see if he really disobeyed me

stronghunter said...

Kid in need of a locker said he thought he should just go to the office and request a locker. I have been told not to send kids to the office for a locker. Maybe I will send him to the office to get me an envelope or something and tell him he should just casually ask for a locker while he is there, and that this is our little secret.

magpie said...

the recipe sounds good...
just printed it out
so, just half of that 8-oz block of Swiss Cheese ?

"it's very cheesy" ha ha usually that is NOT a compliment

sure hope the kid gets his locker!
everyone needs a little place to call his or her own

think I am ready to go do business in town :(

so I AM ttfn'ing for real this time

magpie said...

NO I am NOT!
Because I am coming back to say

Good Morning Jo !

stronghunter said...

True, it is usually not a compliment. I thought about that, but I do like this mac and cheese, or maybe I should say cheese and mac.

Mema Jo said...

Safe travels into town, Margy!e

Shirley - I would love Cheese and Mac
I even order it when eating out as a side dish!

stronghunter said...

I saw others going back for seconds, so I'm not the only one who liked it. When you spoon it out of the dish, you get strands of cheese all over the place.

stronghunter said...

I am going to go to Walmart and buy some school supplies in a bit. Maybe I'll pick up the ingredients and give that recipe a try. I am getting hungry just thinking about it. I am sure it is full of calories and fat.

hedgie said...

I tried to put Dana's pic in album, too----no luck! But cute squirrel!!

Wanda, haven't had the buffet at the track in several years, but it was very good then, and have had reports that it still is!! Enjoy!
Maybe play the ponies and/or slots a bit while there???

Our new millionaire has resigned his magistrate position effective next week.....gee, wonder why he would do such a thing?!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - I guess he really didn't like his job lol

wvgal_dana said...

I emailed the picture of the squirrel in the eagles nest around to all. If someone does not get the Eagle Momster mail you have to let me know.

I have tried and tried and CAN NOT get the picture to go into the album. Never had a problem after I lean't long time ago. SO IF ANYONE CAN PUT IT IN THE ALBUM PLEASE DO SO...I sent a special email to Paul telling her and asking if she can put it in but ANYONE THAT CAN PLEASE DO THANK YOU

Now I have to rush got phone go. Need to go somewhere

So take care and watch squirrel might decide to return.


Mema Jo said...

Paula has the pic of the squirrel in the nest on the E_M album! He is a cute one but it's not Scampy, thank goodness!

Mema Jo said...

Check this out & let me know if I missed you
September Birthdays:

4th Iris Reily
12th Suzanne Hall
21st Delphia Janiszeski
28th Bill Wigley

hedgie said...

Wow, that recipe sounds yummy...fattening but good. I, too, copied and pasted to print!

Jo, bananas don't help me...not a potassium problem, and not magnesium, either, as doc anybody's guess. The quinine pills did the trick but can't get them anymore since FDA banned use for cramps; only allowed now for malaria!

hedgie said...

My Christie was in high spirits this morning. Her boss came in before she left to talk to her, and Chris let it ALL out. If boss had been doing her job right, the issues would have been addressed long ago and Christie would not have been harassed and undermined the way she was; she acted truly shocked at all the revelations that have coome to light in the last couple of months. She even asked Chris to do some occasional per diem work---and she said YES! ARGH!

hedgie said...

Lynne and Steve are doing good work! Even tho' the trees were dead, it sure looks empty outside the sunroom. I thought the heat had killed them....but interiors were rotten, so guess heat just hastened the process.

Mema Jo said...

That is great to heard that Christie was able to get it all out before leaving BUT like you say that should have been allowed or heard way before now. I am wishing her a rewarding experience with the new job!

Mema Jo said...

Well it is the noon hour already.
Need to get my street clothes even though I'm not planning on heading out of here until this early evening.


movin said...


A good Saturday

Morning to you all.


[:~D] Jim

stronghunter said...

I just e-mailed the administrator about the locker issue and told her the kid needs a locker and I need help figuring out how to file the request. Kid should not have to wait any longer.

Explained the mess to my son Will, the computer expert, and he just gave me one of those looks that computer experts give to the rest of us.

stronghunter said...

Yay for Christie, Lynn.

Kathryn returned from her medical procedure and called to say that it is over with and she is now headed to Hunter's football game. I should go to the game, but I think I will go shopping instead.

stronghunter said...

On the recipe--Margy, I just copied and pasted what he wrote, so I would say half of the block of cheese is correct.

stronghunter said...

Okay, I need lots of file folders, poster paper, card stock, etc. Walmart is the place to go. I hate to think how busy it might be there today in the school supplies dept.

I also need really comfortable shoes no matter how much they cost and a new purse and maybe a couple of pairs of slacks and maybe something else if I like what I see. Gonna look somewhere besides Walmart for that stuff.

Mema Jo said...

I'll be anxious to hear about all the good stuff you buy for just you!
Boy will your spirits ever be given an uplift! lol

stronghunter said...

Oh . . . and also some of those hair rubber band things. Something I learned in a class I took. They are good for giving to students when they need a rubber band because they work just fine as rubber bands, but aren't good for shooting stuff at people.

stronghunter said...

I'm going to have fun, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

WOW! I smell lasagna !
Is it lunch yet?
Tell the lunch crew I said Hello!


stronghunter said...

Last year I gave a rubber band to a kid and he said it got confiscated by another teacher because he wasn't allowed to have a rubber band in school. I wonder what part of that story got left out?

Mema Jo said...

lol Shirley, That story has a beginning and an ending - but where's the inbetween?

Mema Jo said...

Shirley If you don't leave in half an hour REMEMBER to turn on the Elephants at the San Diego Zoo
They will all come out at 2:00
I've been watching them prepare the yard and it is certainly a lot of work to doing it!

stronghunter said...

Oh, I did get myself a Black and Decker jar opener. I can't wait to use it. I could not find it in any store, so I bought it online at a place that did not charge shipping and handling fees if you spent over $25.00, so I bought a can opener, too.

stronghunter said...

When Rus was in kindergarten, his teacher said that she would believe only half of what she heard and we should remember to believe only half of what we heard, Jo. I try to keep that in mind.

I once picked up a note one of my students had written about an incident that happened in my classroom. That kid should have gotten an award for creative writing.

The way she told it, I caused someone to faint by refusing to let her go to the restroom. The truth is that the girl went to the restroom and came back and fell out of her desk asleep because she had taken two sleeping pills thinking she was taking antihistamine. It is fortunate she did not keel over in the restroom and injure herself.

stronghunter said...

I will be here to see the elephants, Jo. I saved the link; I just hope it works.

stronghunter said...

I see the elephants!! Little ones are cute.

Mema Jo said...

Their cam give you such good coverage.

I love the little ones. They like to
play alot when they all get together.


stronghunter said...

It is good coverage, Jo. I keep getting a pause signal in the middle of the screen. Does that mean I need to refresh? It seems to keep on going but the signal is in the way.

stronghunter said...

Okay, do we have a UFO landing? What is that yellow thing?

stronghunter said...

I see plenty of people watching at the fence.

Judie said...

So, Lynn, how long have you had malaria? Sounds like a good diagnosis to me. Bring on the quinine!

Thank you, Dana, for the squirrel picture.

Shirley, do you recall seeing a teacher with a large red welt in the middle of his/her forehead? Missing part of story?

Shirley, glad you got the can opening and jar opener. Big helpers in the kitchen. Are you going for the handbag? Maybe you should request a locker to keep it in. Happy clothes shopping! Have you tried SAS shoes? Expensive but very good quality. Land's End clothes have never been a disappointment and online and two/three day arrival. Thank you for the recipe -- love mac & cheese.

Glad that boy has been identified and taken care of administratively. Sure hope he gets his head straight.

Paula, dinner sounds really good and I like spinach.

Sure hope Kathryn gets relief for her ailments and that she finds a new and very competent pediatrician for Hunter.

Lynn, glad you and Lynne and Steve are having a nice, productive day. I think I smell leftover lasagna. Also, really happy Christie was able to let the (former) supervisor know about the issues and problems before she left. Must feel really good. Still, she has a new beginning.

Congratulations to Russ and Rebecca.

Wanda, wishing you happy refrigerator shopping. You'll find just exactly what you want.

Margy, please take care of the shoulder. Doctor visit needed?

Hi Joe and Jim.

Okay, I've tried to catch up on all the news this morning. Went to farmer's market first thing -- well, after coffee and newspaper. Going to finish a book I'm reading. Really need to get motivated for next Tuesday. Well, deadlines are great motivators.


stronghunter said...

Hi, Judie!

Took me a moment to figure out what you were talking about with the teacher with the welt comment. I know there was more to that story. The truth is, I would probably not have given a rubber band to a freshman, but this kid was a senior.

stronghunter said...

Dana, I enjoyed the squirrel picture, too. It took me a little while, but I finally got to see it.

stronghunter said...

Maybe I should request a locker. I did not have one in high school. Our principal did not like them because he did not like to hear the doors slamming. He actually had them all removed. We kept our books in our homeroom desks. It was a very small school.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - it's not a UFO! The round, yellow object in the background of our Elephant Cam is the Park's Balloon Safari ride. There is also one of the deer center rear.. at least it is something without a trunk

Hi Judie - you were out bright and early!

I just popped in - I was still watching those elephants...

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Jo, I saw the trunkless critter, too. It looks perfectly comfortable among the elephants.

I thought maybe the yellow thing was some kind of sign or something. Glad to know we don't have to worry about aliens landing.

I just talked to Rus. He had invited us to come help them unpack. Rebecca was not there at the time, and I wondered how she would feel about our being invited when they were unpacking.

I just talked again with Rus and he says that Rebecca wants to do her own unpacking and is worried about our seeing the place when it is not all fixed up. I told Rus that I had wondered about that. He needs to learn about how we women think.

I told him that we will come up and we can all go out and have a nice dinner together, but I really would like to see their place. We will see how things develop from there.

stronghunter said...

Rus is having fits of excitement about all of the computer access he is finding in the house.

He was also happy to learn that Rebecca has all kinds of nice furniture he hasn't seen that has been in storage.

I told him he'd better stop messing with all the computer stuff and help Rebecca with the work.

stronghunter said...

I don't think I have tried SAS shoes, Judie. I will keep them in mind. I might also look at some comfy bar stools. Padded and with armrests. I said I was going to get one last year, but I never did.

Mema Jo said...

Zhen Zhen gettin jiggy

If you can't get it to open you'll need to go to FB when Helen put this.

hedgie said...

Lasagna consumed (some of it) along with Beer Bread....Lynne and Steve said they liked both----whew! I haven't lost my touch!
Steve is having some issues with his chain saw----sure hope my trees didn't bust it!

Shirley---think you'll love the jar opener---I sure do mine!
Enjoy your shopping jaunt.

I am SO jealous about the hoo.

I can sure understand Rebecca's way of thinking, too. Men just don't get it (sorry, Dadsters!).

Mema Jo said...

Shirley to which bar you going to take your stool ?

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

You never know which bar I might decide to hang out in, Jo. I like to be mysterious.

Mema Jo said...

OK I am getting ready for Mass

I'll pray for you!

movin said...

Great to see ZZ on a tear... She musta found some of those energy cookies the keepers leave lying around. Could also be her way of celebrating that it has cooled off a good bit for the weekend.

Thanks for the link, MJ.

[:~D] Jim

hedgie said...

Mits did post it, Jo....cute as can be!

Shirley, do you have a bar for your stool??

Mema Jo said...


Come on over!

PA Nana said...

Are we going to a bar? Do we have to bring our own stool?

Hi everyone.

Shirley, my mother told us to never believe what we hear and only half of what we see. hmmm,.. sounded like good advice in the teen years.

Judie, please consult a physician about your medicines. I worry about you going without perhaps a very important one/two. Take care.
Although, I do believe you're back to our Judie. ♥

Lynn, Lynne & Steve hope you get lots done and have time to chat and watch Myrtle too. Will watch for pictures.

Well, I was in and now must go out.
Youngest has his HS reunion, so Jim & I are going out to eat. Don't know hwere yet, but we're going. Yipee!!

Margy, take care with the shoulder blade. I know from experience it
can be quite painful. Guess I'll have to limit my time online = NOT!
I jsut have Jim rub "Icy/Hot" on my neck and shoulder blade each evening. Hope you get relief soon.

If I'm not back later, have a good evening and know you are all in my prayers.

God bless!

wvgal_dana said...

Knock Knock who is moving around the cam....oh it is me but you have to guess whether it is Liberty or Belle.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, there is a new thread!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...