Monday, October 15, 2007


Regarding the FIX, the guys are working on getting the fuel cell installed that will eliminate this problem with the battery that we have been dealing with forever. Keith tells me they are trying to get it done today.

I had FOX on the brain yesterday because the Piedmont Hunt rallied in front of my house Saturday morning. Nobody likes to see any foxes killed, and they rarely are, but the spectacle is really neat.


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glo said...

for the glas sliding in from Illinois soon LOL

Suzanne said...

Been busy elsewhere. Just glancing back, is it Lisa's birthday today? HAPPY BIRTHDAY LISA. Well, better not sing till I go back and see if it really is your birthday. BBIAM...

Suzanne said...

Well, nobody said while I was gone, so Lisa if it is your birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Also glancing back, you are looking for a job in DC/MD/VA area? How about Alexandria, VA? No idea where you live, but I think it would be a horrible drive, but that's up to you. Pay's good, that's the best thing I can say. Work in DC, get DC wages! That's what makes me get up at o-dark-thirty every morning to come in to work.

I'll send ya an email...

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne Lisa's birthday (wait should I be doing this lol)is Oct 23rd but she will be in Florida with parents. So good to wish her now.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh were Oh were
Can Squiggles be
It's so dark
I can not see

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---NO DIVERS TODAY!!!---SAFE JOURNEY HOME---LOTS OF LOVE PATS TO "G" & FRIENDS!!!--(i understand they missed them yesterday)---ho!---

wvgal_dana said...

It's 5pm in Botswana the cam is moving all around the pond. Heard lots of animals and bird sounds. The sun is beautiful going down.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh yes Wanda I've never had an eagle talcon you will have to see I get one ok.

Suzanne said...

Oh, ok, thanks, Dana. Got it on my calendar. She may be in FL, but she can still read the blog!

Lisa, you have mail.

thanks for the well wishes, I'll drive carefully. It's not raining or snowing, and it's not Friday, so should be a good drive.

normabyrd said...

GUESS WHO IS HIGH UP IN A TREE???? The "LITTLE PRINCE"---He is such a little LOVE-BUG!!!----

MITS said...

Have a good afternoon, Suz.....

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Mits, you too.
Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

normabyrd said...

LITTLE DOLLY is hunkered down in the corner!!!----All alone!

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne Dentist video funny

Drive careful

wvgal_dana said...

Look at the San Diego Panda cam. What do you all see?

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

Yesterday was my grandson's Nathans 18th birthday also... we celebrated with a birthday dinner at OutBack Resturant and cake and ice cream at home...

Lisa said...

Thanks for the email, Suzanne.

And thanks to everyone for the early b-day wishes. I'll be heading out of town on Friday but the b-day is the 23rd.

wvgal_dana said...

Lisa I watched the video of Hawk Mt. Thanks for putting that on the site. Awesome view. Would be neat if they had a cam we could watch.

Jill said...

Norma, I will be at open house I just don't know when or for how long. I have Robyn's cell number so I can find you when I get there. As long as I am on the north side of King Street, I am okay.

Lisa-my cousin's in-laws live in The Villages. My in-laws live about 5 miles away. Have fun. And good luck finding a job.

Jill said...

NORMA! I just saw on the news that there a an autistic teen lost on Dolly Sods. Severely autistic. No food, No water, no shelter. What the heck were they thinking. Been there since Sunday.

It's not the roads in Hampshire County, it's the Main street thru Romney. Bump Bump Bump

wvgal_dana said...

Jill I seen that in today's newspaper. Can't figure out why parents would let him go ahead of them.

Bob Quinn said...

I posted the photos from Saturday and Sunday:

Last weekend's photos

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Cool pics, Bob. Love the swarm of birds and the "marching swan"

Jill said...

They said they had been there many times before. I don't care how many times they have been there, he is still autistic. Now they are saying he doesn't talk at all, so even if he hears them he can't answer. I just can't understand why he wasn't attached to them somehow. It is a beautiful place but you can easily get lost. I was lost just out side the park. We got of path and didn't notice. Took hours to get out of there and we at least at a clue where we needed to go.

NillaWafer said...

Norma that lil Boo Boo is setting with his head down like Whaooo is me here i set and no one to play with He is in the 2 smaller yards and Tian and Mei are in the big yard.. Tai is just wondering around... looking for something to get into i

Lil scent mark here and there Oh yeah let mom and dad know i was He walks with such a proud strut...Now beggin at the screen for some treats...

paula eagleholic said...

Eewwiiieee at BW.

There has also been an eagle on the WE nest for almost 2 hours...just sitting there and preening.

wvgal_dana said...

Bob thanks for the link for the new pics awesome. ty

wvgal_dana said...

Checking West End out Paula don't see any eagles. :(

paula eagleholic said...

He is there Dana in the nest. You can see his white head. I'll send you a pic.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - you should have that email by now.

wvgal_dana said...

Program wouldn't let me open a gif picture Paula. I do have the nest up but don't see any eagles.

wvgal_dana said...

I think I need to close my eyes for awhile......I'm not seeing what everyone is seeing with them open lol bbl today sometime

movin said...


It is good to wish "happy birthday" early once in a while, makes it seem special. And I hope it is a special birthday.

You are tops in the nestcam observation and comment field, as far as many of us are concerned.

Wouldn't it be great if you could get a paying job with an agency related to the BW Reserve.

Best of everything this year ... sure am glad you are continuing as webmaster at BW.


MITS said...

Jim, did you feel the 4.2 quake in Southern California this a.m.?

Lisa said...

Thanks, Jim! I feel privileged to be the webmaster at Blackwater, so volunteering is a no-brainer for me. But working for the Fish and Wildlife Service would be very cool -- like a dream come true. Too bad they're doing a lot of downsizing themselves.

Dana -- yes, a cam at Hawk Mountain. That would be neat, especially if it had a zoom feature so you could see the more distant birds.

movin said...

I took a peek at the WE nest, and sure enough, there is an adult Bald Eagle therein.


Bird Girl said...

hey everyone...checking in for the morning...

one of the Natl Zoo pandas is playing with a big trash can!

no divers...has anyone seen any sharks on the cam before?

Sloth bear took a bath and is now lounging on the rocks on Cam 2a...

Wish I could see the clouded leopards...

Hope everyone is doing well. I'll try to check in again later!

Bird Girl said...

the last part of the URL for the sloth bear cam 2a is:


and for the panda is:


Sorry I cut them off!

movin said...

Mits, I did not feel the earthquake, so now I will have to check the news.

We often don't feel medium quakes here, as there are multiple mountain ranges. If a range is between the quake and us, we might not feel it. We usually feel the biggies anyway, but how much depends on the location of the quake relative to our location.

I've been in So Cal since 1944, so I have felt some biggies.


Jill said...

Quake was in San Bernadino but felt in southern LA. Or so the news said.

Young man still lost on Dolly Sods. Poor thing must be scared to death.

normabyrd said...

JILL---I have been try to catch up on my emails!!---I heard that on NPR (out of Charleston)---They say he is used to hiking & is wearing some hiking gear!!----We never get WV news here---W/let you know if I hear!!!----

movin said...

The quake apparently occured at 11:04 this morning, Mits, and it was in the San Bernadino Mountains...probably not too palpable here in Santa Ana.

I found this neat site dealing with CA quakes:

So Cal quakes


movin said...

When some hiker or child gets lost, whether it is in the So Cal mountains or in WV, I wish they would think of TRACKING DOGS first.

It would probably be possible to find this kid in a short time using the schnoz of a good tracking dog. But they often think of it last, which reduces the chances of finding people safe.


movin said...

Bob Quinn~~You take some great photos, and once again, you came up with a good set.


normabyrd said...

You can read an update on the missing boy---18 yrs old---

normabyrd said...

JIM---He has been missing since Sun. evening---Easy place to get lost---dense woods---The have MT. HIKING GROUPS, etc.--NAT. GUARD, (who are familiar with this area)!!!--He can't talk----Hope they find him soon---The family has hiked in that area before!!!

movin said...

Looks like I misread the time on the the update time instead.

I believe it happened at 1:53 this A.M., and there have been several aftershocks.

There is at least one mountain range between Santa Ana and the quake location, so the effects would have been minimal here on that size of quake.

You have to look at a topographical map of the area to see why it would be felt in So. L.A. but not in Santa Ana.


Jill said...

Jim-they do have dogs up there looking for him. Problem is that he is autistic and if doesn't know to sit still he could be any where on that mountain. And he can't speak so he can't call out for help. If they had hiked there before they should know how bad it could be. It is bad enough up there for a mentally competant person, if they get lost. Poor Kid. I hope they find him soon. It was only 40 degrees up there last night. And there are bears and wild cats up there as well.

movin said...

Norma, I sure hope they can find him soon and that he is safe.


Jill said...

Norma-checked Metro News, thanks. There was also an article on there about my friend's ex who was killed in a wreck in NY. His little girl is in serious shape.

Jill said...

Hey Norma, the only hiking gear the boy had was boots. He was wearing a long sleeve shirt, wind jacket and wind pants. Not exactly cool weather gear. They did find his hat this morning so that is a good sign. It was also reported that he likes to hike, that might not be a good thing if he keeps moving. They had limited the search because of his autism.

wvgal_dana said...

Jim was you born in So Cal?

wvgal_dana said...

Parent if over with Dolly

wvgal_dana said...


Jill said...

New Thread is up. Still working on the fuel cell but Denver fixed the problem for now.

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6/10/23 update

 Camera 1 came up, but as a close up camera about 6 o'clock. Or something like that, but at 950 something it froze. So they're still...