Sunday, October 14, 2007


Still waiting for a fox thread.


floralgirl said...

Ok, waiting patiently... Hopefully they will make an appearance next Saturday while we're there.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Megan!
OK Steve! What the zilch is a "Fox Thread"? lol
Anyway thanks for the new thread!

movin said...



movin said...

I was looking at Pete's Pond just after sunset a few ago, and apparently there's been a flying insect hatch. They've got a couple of largish turtles snapping them up on the surface, and apparently insect eating birds can see in poor to no light, because they're out there picking them off.

Anyboy hungry?


movin said...


Mema Jo said...

Not me! Just had some lunch!
I'm getting ready to go out for awhile... Pretty sunny but cool day here. Are you still getting some rain, Jim?

movin said...

Hi, Mema Jo,
No rain today, but we had a gentle rain most of the night the night before last.


movin said...

Many bats after the insect swarms at Pete's Pond too.


Robyn said...

I have noticed imposter frieda hs been leaving dolly alone quite often at night, kinda like suiggles lol

Robyn said...

err squiggles

Mema Jo said...

I have noticed that Dolly is content to stay in her corner and she really sleeps through the night very well.

Mema Jo said...

New galleries of pictures on the Brisbane site.........

Mema Jo said...


For the first time in looking at the galleries on the Brisbane site, I just realized that if you go to the large picture in the center - when you click on the smaller pics, they drop down into the large pic view...I don't believe I didn't know that as this is the 2nd year of viewing them..

Oh well, Live and Learn
(by accident)

Mema Jo said...

Well I said it an hour ago - ready to go out & Sooooooooo Here I Go! BBL

Chrissy Beahan said...

Chrissy Beahan said...
Hi All,

Just to let you know that my computer is all fixed now and I can play again.

Hope all is as well as it can be with everyone. I have been trying to read all your E-Mails as usual, before my pc crashed. so I'll keep doing that from my end.
But as you can imagine it's difficult posting with the time difference, as when I'm ready for bed your just getting started girls.
Hows the weather,,, it's terrible here, cold dark and dull. missed the summer altogether and went right into Autumn, not seen any of the lovely colours as yet either.
What a surprise it was to see that Bai Yun had got a new baby girl, boy that fella Gao Gao is something isn't he !!!!! Pity Tian Tian isn't more like him,,,,, I wonder if there is such a thing as a Panda phone,Tian could get in touch with Gao for advice.
Sad news about the babies in Australia, let hope that the one surviving chick stays well.
I can't tell you how much I have missed seeing Mai Xiang while my PC was sick,, there is something very special about that darling girl, I just love her to bits.

Well, not much news from this end really,,, Mother Hens still chatting away as usual.
Floods all clear now but the clean up will take years unfortunately, luckily I was spared this time, but many around here wern't.
We have got rid of one Prime Minister only to be landed with another flippin idiot,,,,Heaven help us all !!!!!!
I don't know if you know about the ball game of RUGBY, but its Rugby feaver over here at the moment, England are in the World Cup, playing South Africa next week, I can tell you we are glued to the TV sets while it's on, poor Doreen and I are Rugby mad, our blood preasures go right up, shouting at the TV's telling the teams how to play, really girls the air gets quite blue, but we love it, we just hope now that England can win next week, but South Africa are such a good team,,, poor Frank [husband] has to leave the room and he just lets me get on with it.

Well thats it for now my frinds.
Speak soon, Take care.
Loves yah loads
P.S. That Brit Broad !!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007 4:49:00 PM

Just Vicky said...

What is a "fox thread?"

Just Vicky said...


Just Vicky said...

Beautiful day in Commode Town USA!

Costume Lady said...

Who is Chrissy?

Costume Lady said...

She must be from Across the Pond.

Costume Lady said...

DUH--Wanda, if she has a Prime Minister I guess it is England.

Costume Lady said...

Vicky, I sure do miss our Cruises. Thought we were going to cruise Alaska yesterday but Anne-Marie couldn't be with us. Maybe another time.

glo said...

OK well looking for a fox, or a fox fix is not really the answer I don't think, but I do Thank You for the new thread Steve

Hope all are enjoying your day. I jsu tgot home from work and see that UK has arrived. How nice.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Vicky,

Can't stop,, just saying Hi,, I'm rushing off to watch Patricia Arquette in Medium it's one of my favs.
So I just popped on to say Hi and glad that I could finally post, it's taken me ages to as it wouldnt accept my old password,, but i think i now have if figured out, fingers crossed.
Take care all and night god Bless all, speak soon,
Loves yah loads

Jill said...

Either Steve is waiting for a fox so he can hunt it or waiting for a fix so our camera will work. HUMMMMM. He does live in Fox Hunting country. STEVE? LOL

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, you all have sharper eyes than me...that ol' sly fox slipped right past me!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Chrissy great hearing from across the pond. So glad to hear you don't have all that clean up for yourself. Sorry for those that things got ruined. Did you aniamls make out ok from all that rain/flooding??? Hope Lou and Doreen are doing ok. Tell the Hi.

Steve is trying to fix the cam (fingers crossed (: ). We can only hope.

wvgal_dana said...

Mits when and where do you see the owl at Florida?

paula eagleholic said...

Well, I didn't have the deep fried oreos today....they are very good, done in the funnel cake batter...its makes them taste like a cake with icing in the middle...

I opted for the deep fried twinkie since I hadn't had that one before! Same thing, in a batter and deep fried...makes the center all gooey...yum.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Dana - I thought maybe Mits was seeing the owl under the eagle nest at Tesoro. I am always too late to see it.

Jill said...

EEEWWWW Paula. That is more disgusting than the Oreos. LOL

floralgirl said...

Oh boy, I bet that's a lot of calories...

paula eagleholic said...

HA HA was, but I don't care!

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE....Crissy, Gao-Gao's sperm did not work on Mei Xiang back in April...DANA, the owl I see is usually perched below the nest to the left, and is hard to see because by then it is getting dark...PAULA, I never thought I would like deep-fried turkey, and it is the most moist delicious turkey I have ever had in my life, so I would love to try the oreos or twinkies, but you can afford the extra calories, I can't:(.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night All

Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep

Good Monday Morning
Early Birds

Mema Jo said...

Message from Anne
Its 7:30pm here and I tried to get on the blog and it still says I don't exist. It says there is no record of my email address. Would some one please see whats the matter. tomorrow will be fine and I will try tomorrow night. I am going to shower and crawl into bed. Boy I'm beat. I left Oregon at 9:00am. Its been along day. Hugs

paula eagleholic said...

Anne - you may try re-signing up on blogger is all I can think of...

Mits - I haven't tried the turkey yet, I have heard it's good!

Spent the evening with my college kid who came home for Colorfest..had dinner together, which was nice!

Good night from Eburg

Costume Lady said...

It was a beautiful day; hope you all enjoyed it.

movin said...


Paula, I never thought I'd be happy I couldn't eat something because of my health, but I'm thrilled I can't do some of those deep-fried things you're doing... [The crab cakes and pit beef, etc., are entirely different things, much better sounding.]

Still love fresh, warm donuts and cinnamon rolls though...with fresh coffee, lots of cream and sugar!! I still indulge in those once in a while (TG).

Bought a couple of Bob Quinn's eagle prints on his "Gallery." Take a look.


movin said...

I know you must be there checking out the cams.

How was your weekend? I slept an hour or so, got up, did some stuff in the kitchen...I'm pretty noisy and wake the neighbors, so I don't do a lot this time of night. Now I just took a "sleeping potion" and hope to get back to sleep soon.


carolinabeachmom said...

JIM, I hope you are back to sleep by now. That is awful when you can't get a good nights sleep.

SUZANNE, where are you. I hope everything is ok with your coming in to work today. I'm very surprised not to see you on here at this time.

carolinabeachmom said...

DOLLY is curled up in her corner and parent is sitting on edge of ledge.

Nothing at BW yet and Bai and Squiggles look like they are sleeping.

Our eagle cam is still blue :( . Hopefully that will be fixed once everyone out in Denver gets to work.

carolinabeachmom said...

All is bright and cheerful at Pete's Pond; birds are up and singing, but nothing visible.

carolinabeachmom said...

OK WANDA, it is time for you to get on and check in on Suzanne. NO SUZANNE!!!! I hope everything is ok with her.

Well enjoy your coffee and all have a nice start to the new week. Have to hit the road to school. Later.

Bird Girl said...

Hello all... It's 3:48 am here.. I woke up and can't get back to sleep, so I thought I'd check on our lovebug, Dolly!

The picture is frozen at 18:29:53.687...not sure what's going on, but in the picture, Dolly is curled up in her corner sound asleep while a parent keeps watch on the edge of the retaining wall...

Does anyone watch the Kakadu Cam?

Grass is growing in a Black stork nest in Germany:

Everyone, I hope you have a great day! Wish I could join you at the open house this weekend; maybe someone could carry around an 8x10 of me and put my picture at the table at dinner, or at a seat on the train, or maybe even have someone hold "me" up in group photos?? LOL!

Weighing in on the deep-fried whatever issue (get it?? HAH!): say NO to deep-fried Oreos!!! That's sacreligious! Everyone knows that only Double Stuf Oreos and glass of cold milk is already perfect, no improvement necessary! And a deep-fried Twinkie?? Sure, if you want instant artery-blockage! Eew! Deep-fried belongs to chicken, tempura, Mexican food, chips and French fries! :-P

Jim, have you tried Chamomile tea instead of a sleeping draught? I can't take any of those types of meds myself, I end up like a zombie the first day and a wet dishrag for the next 2 or 3; half a dose of Nyquil will put me out for more than a day. It's the 'Nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, how-the-hell-did-I-end-up-on-the-kitchen-floor medicine'!!

Speaking of chamomile tea, think I'll have another cup myself...

I'll try to check in later...have chores to do today (booooo!!).

Mauley said...

Good Morning dear ones, Where is our Suzanne. Did Mema Jo and Wanda ever slip one over on me. That's what I get for not lurking at least once a day. Happy Birthday MEMA JO and COSTUME LADY> Please forgive Mauley for these belated wishes. ((((JO}}} and (((WANDA))) Hope you had a blessed one. Good morning Jim Delphia and Beach Mom. blessings mauley

Costume Lady said...

I believe SUZ told us Friday that they were doing some work with the computers there, so I'm hoping that is why she is not talking to us this morning.
Sorry I missed you CANDY.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Bird Girl, You are too funny. I can't take that Nyquil stuff either. It takes me 24 hours to get it out of my system.

Thank You MAULEY for your B'Day greeting. Wish you were coming to Open House--would like to meet you.
Did you manage to harvest any pumpkins?

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Happy belated birthday, WANDA

glo said...

Good Morning all. Happy Be-lated Birthday to you Wanda

Hoping for an eagle appearance for you today Wanda, hope yo will share that view with the rest of us too, it will be Party Time!!!

Bob Quinn said...

Happy Belated Birthday Wanda!

MITS said...

EAGLE AT BW....And Lisa has her final log for the osprey year, really good, as usual.

paula eagleholic said...

Good MOrning!!!


Mauley said...

Wanda, yes, we were able to harvest exactly 9 pumpkins. With the 8 grandkids, it was perfect. They were small, but two of the grandkids were able to pick theirs yesterday. We still need rain. donna

Mauley said...

Hi Paulal, Mits, Glo, and Bob.

Mauley said...

Hi Jim.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Mits. I blew straight by that weblog entry...

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!
Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!
Happy Biiirthday Dear Wanda!!
Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Mauley!

paula eagleholic said...

And Jo and Bob and Glo and Wanda and....

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,

Hope this works,, still seem to be having a little trouble..

Just a quickie to wish all of you well for this new day, I HAVE SUN just for a change, and it's lifted my spirits no end.

I'll try and pop in later after all the usual hum-drum griss of the day,,washing, cooking, cleaning, and animal husbandry.

Hi Mits,
I know it didnt,, but then I never thought it would..Mei was inseminated far to late, we had as we do every day watch Mei all day long,,, and Mei had been presenting herself to Tian for nearly a week, but the poor boy didn't take the hint, then she was AI'd and then was put back in with Tian,, who then became so very rough with her I scared the life out of me at times, poor Doreen had to switch off, she couldn't watch at all, and once Tian got hold of Mei in such a nasty way he drew blood just below her left ear, but ofcourse that wasn't published in the zoo's blog, I do wonder sometimes if the zoo thinks that the cam watching world public are morons, and we don't notice there things and worry about Mei in situations like this.
So we all as Mother Hens came to the conclusion that Mei aborted through stress, she should never have been put back in with Tian at that time as he was so highly chaged he could of really done Mei some damage.
BUT thats only our take on the situation you see.

Well it's way past Lunch time here and I have to go and pick up the men in the family from the train station.
Speak soon I hope
Loves yah loads

normabyrd said...

Weather in WV has really been AWESOME---LEAVES ARE SO COLORFUL!!!-----It is 48° in WV--but will reach in the SEVENTIES today!!----HELLO JIM--CANDY--BIRD GIRL---MAULEY--(BIRTHDAY GIRL WANDA)---HELEN & GLO!!!-----
WOW!--Where is our "LEADER"--SUZANNE!!!----Pray she is tied up with her computer & not a "DEER"---(i thought i heard squiggles asking for her)---ho!----ENJOY THIS AUTUMN WEATHER!!!!---

paula eagleholic said...

Bravo, Lisa! Well done season!

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon to you Chrissy.

And morning, Norma.

Maybe they are doing work on Suz's computer or she forgot her card!

Lisa said...

Thanks, Paula!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' BOB---PAULA--& CHRISSY!!!!--(our friend from across the pond)--!!!---

Costume Lady said...

Costume Lady said...
I believe SUZ told us Friday that they were doing some work with the computers there, so I'm hoping that is why she is not talking to us this morning.


Costume Lady said...

HAVE A GOOD DAY; Off to work I go.

paula eagleholic said...

Your Welcome, Lisa :-)

Sounds like Hawk Mountain was great. I am hoping to get there one day...

normabyrd said...

ATLANTA BEAUTY---is lying under the 1st layer of logs!!!---Looks like a "ball of fur"---That is how the ZOO there refers to her!!!---They also say she continues to "drive LUN LUN NUTS"---sneaks upon her & takes a bite of her!!

MITS said...

Chrissy, luv, Mei Xiang had a false pregnancy, she didn't abort, and I will check on Wednesday, but I thought it was Tian who got the bloody scratch, Mei is much more aggressive then he is, he likes to play, and when she doesn't she will go after him, I've seen it dozens of times. The reason they used Gao's sperm is for genectic diversity, Tian's is well represented.

normabyrd said...

WHOA LISA!!!---Will certainly miss YOU & all the info--pictures, etc. you share with us!!--You are so knowledgeable!!!!---Thanks!!!

MITS said...


MITS said...


normabyrd said...

WOW MITS!!---I hope CHRISSY is watching now---MEI & TAI are "ROCKIN' & ROLLIN'" now!!---They are such fun to watch!!---Think these might be 'LOVE PATS'---What do you think!!!--ho!---NOT!

"LITTLE PRINCE" is rolled up in a 'BALL' & sleeping!!----He is a LOVEBUG!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Article from Florida about bald eagles nesting on a cell tower!

Florida eagles

Another article about raptor watching

Cape May, NJ

normabyrd said...

SD ZOO has a COOL pic of BAI alone---eating BAMBOO!!!---

normabyrd said...

Thanks HELEN!!---I needed an EAGLE FIX this morning---I haven't been on the blog for a couple of days!!----DON'T YOU WONDER WHERE THEIR "KIDS" ARE!!!---Remember they are the intellectuals!!!---ALBERT & EINSTEIN!!!----I loved watching these two!!---

MITS said...


Bob Quinn said...

And good morning back to everyone. Today's lesson is - turn off your cell phone when you're out in nature (or at least put it on vibrate).

I was walking along one of the trails at BW yesterday when I spotted a large owl high up in a tree. Took a shot but could not see its face. I was working my way closer and to the side to get a better shot when my cell phone rang. I quickly tried to silence it but off flew not one but two large owls and I didn't get any more shots. Oh well.

normabyrd said...

THANKS PAULA!----That is a GREAT STORY!---We will find out how well the EAGLES are protected now---WON'T WE?---Several pairs in that area!!!----Want to follow this story!!

MITS said...

Lesson learned, BOB! Also, unless you are expected a phone call from GOD, turn it off in church too.

Lisa said...

You're welcome, Norma. Thank you!

movin said...



Where's our Suzanne this morning, anybody hear?


glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MITS said...

No word, Jim.

glo said...

I deleted previous post as I am not sure really whether to go fox hunting or Suzanne hunting. Perhaps Suzanne herself is out looking for a fox. OK Guess I will be doing something else with my day for a while.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JIM!----I think you need to go to a "sleep rehab"---ho!---You need to learn when to sleep & when to get up!!---KIDDIN' Everytime I log on you are going back to try to go asleep again!!!--

MITS said...

Sent her an e-mail, Jim, no reply. She may have forgotten her card again.

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon! I have been in a Black Out this morning when suddenly electricity ceased! Everything is now up & running! I missed ya!

Happy Happy Belated Birthday Wanda

You just keep on celebrating for as many days as it takes for us Momsters/Dadster to get it right!

Mema Jo said...

I did see both Kent eagles in their nest early this am. Marcia has good photos right on the Kent Forum - Star & Spirit are very beautiful eagles (As if any eagle isn't beautiful)

Link to Kent Forum

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Paula for posting those articles for everyone to see.Something tells me that the Winter Springs Eagle is sticking around! He is very bold.The video showed Lynda White - our FL eagle expert..Tesoro Nest contact.

Bird Girl said...

anyone know what's going on with Frodocam? it's been stuck on the same picture for hours and hours.

Mema Jo said...

I have no clue about the Brisbane cam. I saw that you noticed it being frozen early early this am. Just have to keep an eye on the timer - hopefully at daybreak in Brisbane it will start up... or at least someone down under will notice it!

Jill said...

New thread, new information on the camera.

1/6/25 PM Fish

 🐟  2:47 PM both eagles come to the nest.  Bella is screaming with the delight of a meal that he has brought in to the nest for her! He man...