Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Wednesday December 6

Cold morning thread. The guys are working on the cam problems today.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the info Steven. Tell them there are lots of eaglet momsters anxiously awaiting! :):):)

To everybody - What shows on your screen when you click on our Eagle Cam? Just curious if we are all seeing the same thing.

MITS said...

Thank you for new thread, STEVEN. Just lines , Sharon!!! And July date.

MITS said...

I'm a night-owl, so this is killing me:):):).

MITS said...

Would love to play hooky today!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Steven. We've got up early and have our fingers crossed they fix it soon. ( : not like anyone is rushing you guys.

When I click on where it says on the new page beautiful eagle and 3 white fuzzy heads it says "live eagle cam". I click and up comes the "still cam" says 7/28/2006 and 12:28:34 pm at this moment.

MITS said...

Man, I need more coffee....

MITS said...

Good Lord, Tai is still beating up on poor Mei.

Anonymous said...

Nilla for when you come in or maybe you are lurking. So glad you got to come home. (((((hugs))))))
You know your in my prayers gal.

Mits you also know our littlest eaglet "Maggie" is covered with prayers. God does know and holds her gently in His hands.

I heard but no see eagle in Maine. I will let you know if one comes in.

Mauley said...

mauley said... transferred from Tuesday Blog
Merry Christmas and Merry Eagle Day to all and to all a Good morning, and thank you Steve. Sharon you need to let me know how you are feeling these days. I haven't heard from you. I wish I could have been at the concert. Could we get pictures of my nephew drummer boy some how.I have been too busy, but not too busy to pray for all my Eagle buddies. Vickie, I love the tree. Merry Christmas to you Floral Girl, and I love the wreath. Hi Mits, Glo, and Mema Jo. Nillabean, I have been praying for you daily. Suzanne, don't let the government work you too hard. They are slave drivers, you know. Put up a big big tree. Mits, we need a new picture up of our Maggie. I bet she has grown so much. My prayers are still with you all. You are all my heart's darlings. I have gotten attached to George, sure hope he doesn't end up as "Eagle Bait" is that what your sister called him? As my daddy used to say, "I disremember what she said". I sure miss that old dear. Daddy died on Thanksgiving Day in 1997, and Thanksgiving will never be the same. Do any of you think holidays are sad? When I was young wife and mother and had my parents holidays were wonderful, now DH and I are the granmother and granfather. Changes things. Have a good one ALL of you. Hope I haven't left anyone out on blog right now. God Bless. . . . our little Eagle family where ever thay are. donna

Wednesday, December 06, 2006 5:59:58 AM

Anonymous said...

Yep Still cam here with refresh every 30 secs but no change in time so...well more Beverage of choice!!!! LOL

Thanks Steve We are all here LOL

MITS said...

DONNA "EAGLE MEAT", is what my sister calls poor George. Thanks for your prayers now and always, they are needed and appreciated.

Mauley said...

Hi Norma Byrd, yes life is good. God is so good. Sometimes we forget what we have, don't we? Family, Eagle Friends, food, shelter, blessings we can't even number. What more could we want? I am so rich, I have Eagle friends, I have 4 cats, 2 grandcats, 2 grandogs, and of course, the 8 grandkids, and I'm drinking from the saucer, cause my cup has overflowed. donna

Mauley said...

Where is Jo???? Down in the papaw patch, picking up papaw's? (An old song my daddy used to sing, seems I have him on my mind today) Anyone ever eaten papaws or persimmons? Isn't it a blessing to be able to type your thoughts on this blog and your friends don't mind your ramblings???????? I wish I could go to Baltimore with you for Maggie's MRI. Will you take me in your heart for I will be there. donna

Anonymous said...

Wow I've never seen so many people in here.

Caffine is being drunk by the gallons.

Suzanne when I am able to get there. Have all these cams up. I am sending you mail. It will be soon I hope. lol (wink)

MITS said...

Everyone will be in my heart that day, cause I know you will be with me.:):):) And yes, I always get a little melancholy this time of year, Donna.

Anonymous said...

I am also Sure we also have lurkers. Welcome everyone one. Special day for us. We are all just kind of eagerly waiting patiently!!!!

Comings and goings with a mix of caffeine and fingernails. Some are working "well kind of ya know", some are going to work and hoping for that moment before they leave or those Friends of Fine Feather Who will be making such great reports and capturing those moments for those of us who can't be here.

Hugs to all

MITS said...

Well, can't wait any longer, going to hit the road for the zoo. I'll be thinking of you all:):):). Have fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes Donna You are not alone in that sense of loss during the Holidays. There is also the sense of gain though for which I am so very grateful. Lots of Gains for me this year and you who read this are a part of those gains> I am blessed

Anonymous said...

By Mits Have a great day.
Speaking of gains I think we got more wax for IL!!!!

Anonymous said...

Have a good day Mits.

Mei is alseep and Tai is up a tree.

Anonymous said...

Ok Norma see you when you get back anything happens we will comment on it.

Suzanne you have mail.

No eagle in Maine but he sounds so wonderful this morning while I wait on our cam. The eagle in Maine the sound of him comes and goes. Makes me wonder if he is flying in and sitting higher up in the tree. Then flying off again.

Anonymous said...

hee hee Maine just a few seconds ago gave me a "Christmas shot of the cam". It turned all "green" but through it you could still see the tree and nest. lol

Geula said...

hi people! Even I'M here! waiting for the cam to come up....stills is better than nuthin'!

Mauley said...

Hello and Good Morning all bloggers and lurkers. Isn't it a wonderful Eagle Day? I think we all are a little slap happy today. Anyone agree?? Everyone is just crawling out of the cracks, me included. Morning by morning new mercies I see. You eagle buddies are among my greatest joys. Pink kitty is my one of my all time favorites. Yes, you can eat papaws. They taste like bananas, but gooey, and those seeds are so huge. My children called persimmons "perlemons" cause you can't eat them until they are ripe. donna

Anonymous said...

OK my cam doesn't have as many lines as early but I also don't see it black out as it refreshes at the 30 sec point. Anyway it has changed sonce I last watched it so something a little different seems to be happening.

Anonymous said...

LOL Hi .geula Wonderful wonderful Feels like old home week or something like that LOL

Mauley said...

Hi Geula, it's fingernails and coffee for breakfast, lunch, and supper here. donna

Anonymous said...

OK .Steve Isreal is here too. We are watching from aorund the world. We love you and our Eagles...tell those cam folks they have hugs a waitin!!!

Geula said...

Well, where I live there's really no change in the pretty colored lines...I have no fingernails left...Just remember that I decided NOT to get addicted to any other web cam. I only occasionally watched the Panda Cam. Nothing serious, though. So here I am, ready and waiting for 7 months of my VERY favorite addiction!

Geula said...


Anonymous said...

LOL Well we are all very glad you are here! I don't have colored lines this morning...mine are black and white hmmmm!

Anonymous said...


Morning all! Keeping talons crossed that "the guys" will get the problems all worked out today!

Anonymous said...

Reporting from Down in the papaw patch Good Morning
Hello Geula! Oh my word, I am so glad to hear from you! I have missed you
When is the show going to start? Everyone is so very anxious & I just know the cam crew must be working diligently on the tech problem.
I read your comments on previous blog but now need to check out these 40 comments.

Anonymous said...

Ok, bring it on Steven!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Geula!!!! You have been missed!!!

Anonymous said...

Foggy in Kent this am

Anonymous said...

Vicky - Beautiful Tree

Geula - Welcome Back

Jo, Glo, Sharon, Mits, Norma, Dana, Mauley and anyone else I missed - Good Morning!

Anonymous said...

Geula GEULA Hi Hi ( : it is so good to see and hear you...oh boy this is a great day. Only thing to make it better is the cam to start working now.

Anonymous said...

Morning Paula

Wow 2 big bangs just went off in Maine. Someone must be hunting.

My cam hasn't really changed for us still lines through it.

Need to get some breakfast and cofee; of course to eat here at the computer. hee hee

Mauley said...

Its a truly a remarkable day. Our Eagle Christmas Day. Come ooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn live cam. This is like a homecoming isn't it. Hail, Hail, the gang's all here. We are definitely a slap happy group here, minus a few nails. I think I'm down to gnawing on cuticles now. This is better than than soup beans, chow-chow, cornpone, and tater cakes. love donna

Mauley said...

Hi Mema Jo,

Mauley said...


Anonymous said...

I never have been an early bird. I am a night owl & I was so happy to read Nilla's remarks before I went to bed last night that she was home.

Everyone is
Flying high in anticipation this morning.

Anonymous said...

Been a while since we've had such a full house of anxious momsters! How exciting!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Mauley my friend. What you going to do with your 50 lbs of wax.

Anonymous said...

All eyes are on the sycamore tree!!!!

Anonymous said...

Suzanne what time does your Kent cam have. I've been watching I haven't seen George. Not that you didn't. Where was he in there?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The NCTC web page is down, looks like for maintenance. It looks like the big moment is close!

Anonymous said...

OK I have to go to work for a few. Hoping for some fun news and emails "hint" when I get back. Eyes to the skies by the sycamore tree.

Anonymous said...

Oh Man I can't go now!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, just got in but no cam yet.

Anonymous said...

Not on the clock today so can go in a couple whenever...I'm sitting here another half hour or so I think LOL

Anonymous said...

Well my "psycho lines have some color now near the top one third of the page. Didn't have that here earlier today. I am watching watching

Anonymous said...

Thanks Suzanne I thought maybe my Kent cam wasn't keeping the right time or something.

Poor Glo....Question for the day....Should I go now? Should I stay awhile? Are they going to get it working today? You know if you or anyone has to go there will be so many comments you'll be a day and night catching up on all of them.

Anonymous said...

Yep Dana You are right. I really want to be able to share the moment BUT I get the sense that there will be someone watching as it comes on. I do need to go. Torn loyalties at the moment but unfortunately this one is more aobut my exoerience, and I am nneded to be somewhere else for a while.

Do Stand By for me Thansk all.!!!

Anonymous said...

Is Andrew going to give us a drum roll to announce this historical event?

Man-I need to be out of here 1:30 - 3:00...

Come On Cam

Anonymous said...

LOL can't type diddly when I am in a hurry and emotional Bye for now!

Anonymous said...

Change of pace: Lun Lun just left the nest bed and it looked like Buta Buta was going to go right after her. She was up on her front legs and her little head was up looking after her Momma. I would love to be tunned in when she does take those first steps.


Anonymous said...

Plenty of Momsters here taking notes!

Anonymous said...

While everyone is waiting for the cam to come up, please visit my blog for a short video!!

You won't be sorry!

Just click on my name to go to my blog.

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW!!!

Anonymous said...

Paula after we click on your name where is the video?


Anonymous said...

Go down to the bottom of the page and click on the Eaglet Momsters blog. When that comes up, there is a link under the picture.

Anonymous said...

Did i MISS something? Where did everybody go?????

Anonymous said...

Did i MISS something? Where did everybody go?????

Anonymous said...

Eagle gone at BW....

Anonymous said...

I think everyone went over to your blog site - I did. Paula, you meant the video of Belle feeding the kids-right? Our little Spunky didn't get any. The Maine nest photo is pretty enough to be a Christmas card.

Anonymous said...

Yup! You got it JO.

Anonymous said...

Just missed something in the Maine nest...not sure if it was an eagle.

Anonymous said...

I wish we could have an Alert from Steve when the cam is ready. I am getting frustrated clicking on the chicks every 5 minutes.

Anonymous said...

Pandas: Cam 2 has Mei & Tai outside with their bamboo
Cam 1 has Tian Tian with his bamboo

Buta Buta is still napping in the nest bed. They did have a Cub Update on the site.

Anonymous said...

I sent Lisa/webmaster BW an email complimenting her on the new design of their home page. Everything is made very accessible!

Anonymous said...

What- no cam yet?? Darn!! Back from town, too many crowds,long lines, can not find video game accessory daughter wants, looked in many stores, all sold out, oh well, off to make wreaths, check back later.

Anonymous said...

I have the home page up also - I just didn't know if it would refresh..Glad you told me it would
I hope you are wide awake when you get home & you hook up that computer. I just hope you cannot stand NOT knowing and you just have to do it! lol

Is your outside cat's water bowl freezing like mine is?

Anonymous said...

I really think that it is Mr. Liberty's picture on our home page except I don't recognize the tree branch! lol

Anonymous said...

Going to check out BW.

Anonymous said...

Jo, looks the same to me.

Anonymous said...

I was just messing around with BW Pop Up Cam --- I want a Pop Up Cam
It is like the Stand Alone cam down in FL. That is about the only way you could have all cams up and visible. I am not too good at shrinking screens.

Anonymous said...

There is a special note from Lisa on the Home Page dated 12/6/06. I had not seen that before. Try out the Pop Up Cam

Anonymous said...

Aha - you are talking about the bald eagle page at BW!

She must have just put that up, it wasn't there this morning! Cool!

Anonymous said...

BW eagle page is very the colors and the setup!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't see any Pop up cam, just their regular cam page.

Anonymous said...

Paula No, I am talking about the Osprey Cam page.... look to the right & click on the PopUpCam... I don't think the Eagle Cam page has that on it yet.

Anonymous said...

But what is really cool - click on the link that says "Osprey cam" and the Osprey cam comes on the same screen, then you can click back on the eagle cam, and the eagle cam comes up. It is like toggling between the two cams.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well my cam looks like it has tiny red, blue and green lights! Maybe the lined the nest with lights?????

Anonymous said...

Yup, got it now...hadn't reloaded the Osprey cam page yet. Have the new page up there now too. Now check out what I told you about the link on the right!

Anonymous said...

I just did check that out - that is too cool. Now you check out the Pop Up Cam & let me know what you think of that. It is on the right when you have the Osprey Cam Pic on.
You get it yet, Vicky

I really like their features!!!
I wish Steve and new person would have networked with Lisa.

NillaWafer said...

Good Afternoon Everyone and i really mean everyone seems EVERYONE IS HERE!!!! I have finally got all those sticky pads from under my puppies hidin in places i didnt know I wish i could be here for when the cam comes up but really not feeling well this morning this new meds gives me terrible headache on right side, and retaining alot of fluid.... Megan i want one of your wreaths so bad maybe this weekend i can drive over and you could save one for me please? Love you all and hope i soon get back to my ol self again cause feeling like this is depressing and just aint me... Hugs 2 all BLL

Anonymous said...


Miss you Nilla and pray for your health to return so that you can be
here and perk us all up with your
personality. Love Ya

Anonymous said...

I need to leave here in another 30 mins. Maybe once I am gone, things will happen. That's usually the way it works!

Anonymous said...

Seems those "Technical difficulties" turned into a big project!

Anonymous said...

I think our new cam page is beautiful! It wouldn't be fun if they all looked the same!

Anonymous said...

Eagle Poop Shoot News
Grandson (Aaron) and son (Charles) traveling toward VA this morning were crossing the bridge and what do you suppose the sight? Yes indeed - An American Bald Headed Eagle coming up from the river flying over the bridge. Eagle was beside them for a few seconds and then flew over the hood and Poop Shot the truck. Charles & Aaron, knowing my addiction,called and awaken me with their encounter. Asked me if they should save the Poop - I said Put it in a baggie! (Kidding of course) Now had he dropped a feather I would be in Heaven. They also love eagles!

Anonymous said...

Yup, I am going to lunch, too. Hopefully, that will get things started.

Computer problems are always fun! Believe me, I work on them here at work. Can be very frustrating at times.

Patience all, patience.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Paula, I didn't mean "LOOKS"
I meant FEATURES....

Anonymous said...

Wow, just imagine if they had been outside the vehicle, they would have been poop annointed!

Anonymous said...

Out of here -- Hope things start to happen BBL

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jo, that poop shoot story is too funny! Sounds like your truck was officially christened!

Anonymous said...

Cam is uP

Eagle in the nest!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Not sure if pic is updating....

Anonymous said...

I just got here and saved the picture LOL i am so happy.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm well there is a picture and my guess is there are a couple more. I have seen one of our eagles So shall we just guess its Belle Cause you know us women and our nesting stuff lOL

Anonymous said...

Guess I should go let my dogs back in now LOL

Anonymous said...

Yes the cam is up and there is an eagle in the nest and it is updating!!!!

Anonymous said...

OK so would someone heat me up some lunch. Eat or watch hmmm Maybe just another quick drink for now will tide me over.

.Cam has cleared up nicely but that eagle hasn't moved at all that I can tell. Clock is updating though for sure.

Anonymous said...

OK eagle head has moved, cam is fuzzy once again though

Anonymous said...

Cheers to NCTC!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! (((((((Hugz))))))) from all the Momsters!

NillaWafer said...


Anonymous said...

She's just sitting there for us Glo! I saw the breeze blowing the feathers on her head! It has gotten breezy here today!

Anonymous said...

Just turned her head.

NillaWafer said...

oh look oh look i am in tears!!!!!!! what a glorious sight!!!!!!!!!!! Thank Youuuuuu this could not have been a better coming home from hospitol present!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OK Happy tears, jumps for joy and hugs ((((((all around )))))))

Thanks to all who have wroked so very hard in whatever capacity to get this off the ground again this year. There are no real words to express what is felt in the hearts of those as they see that Eagle sitting there in that tree again!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi .Nilla Welcome home , enjoy every minute you get to sit there and watch our Eagles as you take care of you as well.

Anonymous said...

What a very beautiful sight to behold!!!

Anonymous said...

What a Momster's Christmas.....

..and what to my eyes should appear....
...but Belle in the nest so dear...

omg, I need a kleenex...

NillaWafer said...

l called Dana she is at the Mall Shopping could hardly talk with tears of joy ... she cant wait to get back home and see... I need to calm down here slowly counting to

Anonymous said...

Ok, dried my eyes, and it occured to me...

Steve, were you waiting for an eagle in the nest before you told them to flip the switch?!!! LOL, the timing couldn't have been better, whether you did or didn't.

NillaWafer said...

Picture went Kaput with lines but can make Belle out alittle she is looking up as if Liberty is oin that higher branch setting... Oh if i felt better i would drive over..... There sets Belle pretty as can be .... looking around for her mate Liberty in the tree... Sqwackin n yackin saying Cmere sweety pie set with me... Were gona do the Hanky Panky soon and make another family .... lollllll

NillaWafer said...

Pic just cleared up and she is still there

NillaWafer said...

She is moving her head looking around i have blog minimized and the nest on the other side of screen so i dont lose sight of anything.. Ooooo wow that camera just went ugly with lines

Anonymous said...

Laughing and crying at the same time here. I got my work taken care of, came in the door as the dogs ran out, came righ to the computer and There she was , She is so beautiful I think I have sent all of you the first photo IF you are lurking and /or don't get it in the next 10 min or so, just email or BLOG I will definitely be right by this computer now except for that lunch I still really do need to go fix. i will send it to anyone who wants it.

Or send an email request to

be sure the subject says something like First photo so I will read it since I probably won't recognize your name if I didn't already send one your way. I am of course a year older now ...well almost, so I could be a little forgetful or confused!

NillaWafer said...

Back to beautiful clear picture of her Ooops alittle lines... now clear.... Come on Liberty land in the nest....Ut Oh out of focus kind of... Those guys sure are working to make sure we have a clear picture...... Thanks

NillaWafer said...

Oh she turned her head looking at the camera... Now lines again...

Anonymous said...

LOL Coat is siiting here on the bed by the computer. No wonder I couldn't find it a few minutes ago to run out to the car. Saw that eagle threw the coat down and the rest is history, well until you go to where you always put your coat and its not there LOL.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you post it on the momsters site...I sent out an email, but since you only get the digest you probably haven't gotten it yet...I already started a folder for this years pics....put a couple of pics in there already.

Anonymous said...

Nilla are you a picture saver? I hope so since of course you are going to be a good girl and obey Dr's orders i am thinking you will have access to some pretty neat pictures. Hope you right click and save away.

NillaWafer said...

I am also snapping picture's of her when its really clear..

NillaWafer said...

yesss at first i was so xcited forgot to snap pictures then my brain clearded after the jubilation stopped afew minutes...

Anonymous said...

Paula No thats fine, thats why I sent it to you. Please post it there for me if the time is earlier than the one you have on there. I definitely think everyone will want access to that picture.

I know I am thrilled to have it, unless you have an earlier one on there I hope I am welcome to go copy it onto the Feed Blits for tonight.

With my job...the Feed Blitz filmLoops will be added as last year to the same BLOG. I will of course send anything your way you think needs added to the Momsters as well. No problem.

NillaWafer said...

UT OH SEVERAL BLACKOUTS OF THE CAM.. Screen is black NOW its back i wish Belle would move just a tad in the nest to get a different picture

Anonymous said...

Glo, the one I put on there was earlier..but they are pretty much the same pic. I will post yours in there. I put mine in there for everyone to enjoy, copy etc....

Anonymous said...

OK Thanks Paula

NillaWafer said...

I just went in and deleted abunch of pictures i had of Frodo babies.. Got 3 pics so far that are clear of Belle

NillaWafer said...

Look at that she is posing

Anonymous said...

Nilla, she has been in that nest almost an hour.....just chillin'...

Anonymous said...

LOL Well of course you saw it first you are closer to the tree.

Anonymous said...

You can see how much the nest has been worked on.

NillaWafer said...

I am aimed and ready to snap if Liberty lands also...

Anonymous said...

Just got lucky, that's all!

Anonymous said...

I am just so thrilled to be sitting here as folks come in now and see the cam, and hopefully respond on here like Nilla did. I so wanted to be able to share today's experience with everyone else who has also been waiting for so long.

NillaWafer said...

snapped picture she is lookin behind her

Anonymous said...

That would be way to cool. Both eagles on opening day! Think I'd faint.

NillaWafer said...

Well i have all week off since getting out oh hospitol with pay so here i will

Anonymous said...


I just walked in the door from the dentist - I just prayed that by my leaving for an hour would prompt the cam to go ahead and start without me.


NillaWafer said...

She certainly is looking huffy about something dont suppose one of the lids is around do ya??????

NillaWafer said...

Oppps kids welcomeeeeee Jo & Normaaaaaaaa ant this spectacular!!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Now i know i need to get up to Norma's and show her how to keep the cam up and blog page at same time so she doesnt miss

Geula said...

This is SO great!
I was away when the cam came on, but I'm sure here now!
I's so exciting! The nest looks deeper, or maybe it's shadows. Gee, I remember last year when there were no leaves on the tree and we could see that building and HERE IT IS AGAIN! We are SO lucky!

Anonymous said...

Wow, wow, wow, can't think of words, just WOW WOW

NillaWafer said...

Just think how excited we will be when the live cam comes up without 30 second delays... And Paula now has DSL at home !!!!

NillaWafer said...

Youe excitd Vick darn good thing i had taken my heart meds or i be flipped What a beautiful sight!!!!!!!!!!! so clearrrr

Anonymous said...


Paula, Nilla, Glo, Norma, Vicky, Geula


Norma - hit the F5 key to refresh if lines don't go away...........

NillaWafer said...

Yes you can tell they been bringin sticks and its much deeper.. She has been in the same spot for over and hour now.... Where is Liberty...... Where is Liberty... Fly into the nest.. Fly into the nest... Please.. Please ... Please

NillaWafer said...

She is working on the nest snapped picture

Anonymous said...

Oh my, both of them!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

YES Both there how cool its this!!!

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...


Anonymous said...

Be great to see some beaking!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There isn't a more beautiufl pair anywhere ont his earth than the 2 we watch in that nest right now!!!

Anonymous said...

When the timer changed and the lines came up...I did just hit F5 and they cleared............

NillaWafer said...

Oh all we need is Spidy tonight and the world is complete!!!! lol

Anonymous said...

I see awesome splendor right before my eyes!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm almost sure I've gone to heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OK any bets on whether or not Spidey is still there...what do you think.

Anonymous said...

That looks like beaking........

Anonymous said...

Well I definitely think we had Belle pegged right as I see them both together, she of course was right there tending to the nest, and he came in. They are both so gorgeous. It is a darn good thing I don't have to go to work now LOL

Anonymous said...

Since the BW spider is still down there, I would lay money on our own Spidey still being around.

Hope you come on home from the zoo soon, Mits

Anonymous said...

How great is this that on the first day we get to see both of them!!!!! Our prayers were answered!

Anonymous said...

Bye have no idea how wonderful it was to see you Its like we called and he stopped by.

NillaWafer said...

WONDER WHAT THEY ARE CHATTERIN ABOUT??? any idea's?? I a thinkin they are sayin Belle to Liberty.. Noooo hanky pankyin til Mits gets Oh i am snappin picturesss

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good point Mema Jo timne will teel. LOL. This cam is staying on now 24 hours a day right ?

Anonymous said...

LOL Vicky

NillaWafer said...

He flew off only 1 in nest Belle and the blog went Kaput had to bring it back up .. did i miss any hanky panky?

Anonymous said...

Eagle Eyed Sharon - I had just picked up the phone to call and see where you were! I'm so glad your here

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Did you get to see them Both Sharon

NillaWafer said...

Yeah Glo i sang the song and there he flew in!!!!!!! Aint that sumpinnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Anonymous said...

LOL Yes Mema Jo Dogs are in AND I have eaten a bowl of chilly too. Got to go fix something to drink with tome coffee cake I brought home, I have even put my coat away. Never gone more than about 20 secs at a time right now though. Small house!!! Good thing LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok folks (getting up off the floor), put those pics on the Momsters site for all to see!

Anonymous said...

Yes Nilla that is exactly what happened. I think they know your voice. I know they know your jeep!!!

Anonymous said...

If they didn't get rid of the old kids, we wouldn't get to see new kids!
I think about Big Boy, Ms Inbetween and Spunkster every day! If ever I need a smile, I think of them soaring and exploring.

Anonymous said...

Well Mrs. Belle sure is staying in the nest!!!

Anonymous said...

Belle knows that we are looking down at her!!! I am just sure of it !!

NillaWafer said...

Ok i added some pictures on Momsters also aka vanillamist is

Anonymous said...

New Thread!!!

Geula said...

Well, my dear friends, Good Night and God Bless!

MAWOY (May Angels Watch Over You)


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...