Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Wednesday December 13

Feed is down in our Production building. They are working to fix, should be up soon.

New thread.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Steven for the new thread. I am going to get everybody else.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Eagle Land. Thanks for the update, Steve, & the new thread!

Anonymous said...

Good morning my eagle friends and lurkers...hi Sharon and Suzanne on here so far.

Suzanne did you read on the other blog about Ed taking me to see Christmas lights???

Anonymous said...

Eagle still at BW

Anonymous said...

Did you get your screen straightened out?

Anonymous said...

I thought I scared everyone off! (except you)

Anonymous said...

At least the cam screen is in the Christmas spirit!

Anonymous said...

Bah hum bug, cam not working -- but an eagle at Kent

Anonymous said...

Bah hum bug, cam not working -- but an eagle at Kent

Anonymous said...

Good Early Afternoon All
I haven't gone to the previous thread to see what has been going on all morning - Thanks Paula & Suzanne for all the recent updates -
Yep! Vicky I hope you are doing ok

Morning Sharon
Hi Dana

Anonymous said...

Well, it didn't post and didn't post and took forever, and I left and guess what YEP he took my tree again!

Anonymous said...

But now it's back!

Anonymous said...

I see our cam is still haywire! BUT eagles have sure been busy in Kent today!

Anonymous said...

Back from meeting. Lunch and naptime here. No word from Becky yet this morning as to .Jim's night or condition this am

Here is the Flickr link again brought over from back thread

To comment if you like...if you are a Yahoo user which ALL Momsters are, all you need to do is click the Sign In link.

It will ask for your Yahoo Password. screen probably says "At and T who bought out SBC Yahoo" anyway just enter your Yahoo Password , and you should be good to go.

Anonymous said...

Dana, if you're in here, tell Edward (and there's his first clue when I say Edward) that he's in big trouble and needs to get his days and nights straight! Sycamore tree by day, lights at night!

Anonymous said...

Hi GLo Bug!!! Sure praying for good news!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Vicky It's hard to sit and wait for the phone to imagine why it hasn't rung yet etc. I will post news when I have some though.

Anonymous said...

WOW Vicky Glad to see the tree back in good working order.

Glo Check your email for one titled 'The Rope'. This may help during your waiting hours. Prayers still being offered up!

Anonymous said...

Eagle was still at BW osprey nest but Kent couple must be on a lunch break.
Need to go check the pandas.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mema Jo The Good News is

I don't know about tomorrow but I know Who holds my hand..... and so does Jim.. That in itself is a miracle but also the assurance Jim shared with his son on Monday night as father and son made the decision that Eric would stay home at least for now, and trust the Lord with the outcome of the surgery.

Anonymous said...

Wow GLo, that's really precious that father and son are that close!

Anonymous said...

I will be back later this afternoon.
Get all your work done, Vicky.
Take your nap, Glo.
Reply to my email - Sharon & Paula.


Anonymous said...

EAgles in Maine both

Anonymous said...

Sorry both flew

MITS said...

Hi all, at least our cam has the correct time.

MITS said...

I was just watching them,Dana. Even their cam is acting weird, but theirs' might be wind related.

Anonymous said...

Mei and Tai inside looks like they have something to eat and Mei is pushing Tai out of the when. She wants whatever it is all for herself.

MITS said...

Hyenas at wavelit....

Anonymous said...

Hi Mits you know I have prayers for Maggie out littlest eagle.

Yes it is acting up. Windows player only stays on a little while for Maine.

MITS said...

Fatty at Petes'

MITS said...

Also, animal with horns at petes'

Anonymous said...

He's in the water

Anonymous said...

It was neat earlier this morning I got to see the "water monitor lizard". He was laying out and they did close ups. He moved around some and lifted his head.

Anonymous said...

Sure it ALOT of bamboo inside for Tai and Mei to eat it is everywhere.

MITS said...

Thank you, Dana.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Is The Reason For The Season

Anonymous said...

Real bad real bad storm on the windows player for Maine.

Anonymous said...

Mits what are they focusing on at Petes Pond interesting

Anonymous said...

I think maybe a turtle in the grassy area in the water?

Anonymous said...

Yep that is what it was that got picture of him in open water. Pretty big fellow.

Anonymous said...

woo fatty is on the move

Anonymous said...

fatty just caught a fish and down it went

NillaWafer said...

Afternoon Everyone... So many in need to prayer this holiday season and you said it right Dana "Jesus IS the reason for the season" Prayers to all in need at this special time of year. Jo i think Charlottesville is right down 81 couple hours if that i have been there before. Dana hope youe meds got str8tined out.. Thelma was you over at the zoo today?? BRB at work

Anonymous said...

Well I haven't seen anything that would make me believe Buta Buta is crawling yet. Has anyone?

Anonymous said...

bb have to fix dinner Ed is hungry

Steve Chase said...


The problem is out on the microwave transmitter and the guy that can fix it was not available today. I'm told that they will fix it in the am. Better we have the problems with this new equipment now than in February and March.

Anonymous said...

Thanks . Steve for the info

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Steve. Yes, much better to work out the bugs earlier than later! That is one benefit of getting the cam up earlier....

Thanks for keeping us updated.

Off to a Christmas party...have a good evening!

MITS said...

I guess the blue screen is in honor of Hannukah, that will be starting in a few days.

MITS said...

Think I'll try to keep blog up, so I don't get kicked out tonight.

Anonymous said...

Well my cam screen is a pretty Green and Blue although occasionally all blue. Nice clear picture with a little mosaic at the top.

Hope everyone's day has gone well. I finished the newsletter just a few minutes ago. it is sent to the queue. Hopefully those who have subscribed will see it sometime tomorrow.

Suppertime for me..Will check in a little later.

Anonymous said...

Steve you got that right. Problems now get them over with. So it runs "smooth as silk" for egg laying, egg watching, egg hatching, and eaglet's. Thank you Steve for keeping us up-to-date.

Anonymous said...

Mei and Tai all done in. They do both look cute sleeping.

Things seem quite at the moment. So I'll bbl

MITS said...

Tai is back to his old sleeping spot, because Mei is in his new favorite sleeping December 13th update on pandas.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mits Are we talking updates for Buta Buta. I got to watch her for a hwile this afternoon. I haven't gotten to see her in a long time. My how she has grown. I guess I should go check.

Anonymous said...

Oh What fun. I might be able to FRAP some of that celebration if I get a heads up on the timing etc. Sounds like a Pinata Panda style for Mom and Dad anyway. If any of you see a time frame for this let me know. Depending on the family situation I will try to FRAPS.

MITS said...

No Glo, the National zoo pandas.

Anonymous said...

OK Mits Then I will have to go read that update now too. BUT The update for Lun Lun and Buta buta talks about the Panda style pinatas for Fri in celebration of the naming of our "Buta Buta "

Anonymous said...

Ok Mits Now I am up to date on Fecal droppings at the Zoo. Oh and lots of other really fun pieces of info too. A panda Probably Tai Shan was kind of snoring as I was reading the update LOL.

Anonymous said...

Glo On Friday at 10 a.m., the baby’s name will be announced. The zoo has set aside 250 spaces for ticket holders to watch the live, televised announcement. They’ll gather in the Coca-Cola World Studio at the zoo’s Action Resource Center for the ceremony. As of Friday, 201 tickets had been sold.
Saw this on Panda Watch

Anonymous said...

Mits For some reason the update on DC Panda News - I think someone already told me all that information. lol

Anonymous said...

OK Mema Jo Thats 9 am my time. I hope my brain will kick in. I should be able to watch and try to Frap then. Thanks

MITS said...

Gee, I wonder who told you? :):):)

Anonymous said...

Glo:It reads as thought the 10 am affair is to be televised - probably CNN station. I would hope then that a video would be on the Panda site. I don't think the celebration is going to be on the site as it is hapening.

Anonymous said...

Yah mema Jo as i was making a sticky note I thought I might have a fat chance of actually catching anything but Yes there will very likely be that video for all to see later anyway. I don't get CNN so I don't think I can ewatch it unless they do something live online I can get on my computer. i will try to remember to look and see if they will do a live broadcast over the internet.

Anonymous said...

Mits, one of the new volunteers on the
Asia Trail told me all about Panda doo-doo.

MITS said...

Fascinating stuff, that panda doo-doo!!!!

NillaWafer said...

LOL yeah Jo and Mits and i got to touch a lump of it that day at the zoo the volunteer was showing Much like apiece of fiber No sight of either panda in Washington.. But copied this so make those sticky notes and dont forget to watch this about the panda's..............."Baby Panda's First Year" Premieres January 7
Get exclusive access to the Zoo's panda family in Animal Planet's "Baby Panda's First Year." Follow the first 12 months of Tai Shan's life and be amazed by the instincts of a first-time mother. Don't miss this remarkable story, January 7 at 8 p.m. on Animal Planet

Anonymous said...

I hope you remind me again on Jan 6 my friend.

MITS said...

I'll have to catch it on the re-runs, I'll be out of town.

NillaWafer said...

Oh my i am setting here watching the final of the biggest loser and what a wonderful show, Yes i have tears... sniffff

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to get to be a Big Loser if I don't quite eating these cookies........

MITS said...

LOL!!!, Jo!...I'm going to watch Criminal Minds, be back a little later.

NillaWafer said...

LOL no Jo seriously between 2003 and 2004 i lost over 100 lbs... i went from a size 18-20 to a size 10-12... my whole life my weights been up and down.. Now i packed it back on again but trying to really watch what i eat and lose again... Thats 1 reason i said about the cardiac excerise program.. smile

Anonymous said...

Just talked with Becky. She said eric's dad's day has gone pretty well. Everything is stable right now. has breathing tube etc but is resting comfortably. No info on the stomach biopsy they did yesterday on whatever as they were inserting the feeding tube before surgery. MTBR on that soon I guess.


Anonymous said...

Nilla, as I said before, the cardiac rehab is the place for you to go!
And watch out for those Fried Chicken Dinners!

GLO: So far so good. Still praying for all.

MITS said...

That's good news, Glo.

Anonymous said...


You have mail

Anonymous said...

Well I'm going to settle down early tonight. I hope our cam is back on tomorrow. Rest well all. Will BLOG at you some tomorrow for sure.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Good Night All My Friends
Sweet Dreams of Fixed Eagle Cam

Good Morning Suzanne

Prayers to all in need

Mauley said...

Good night everyone. Mauley is back home. I hve missed you all so much. Dear Daughter has dial up and I just couldn't handle it. Many Many fervent prayers for those in need.I love you all. More Prayers for all in need. God Bless donna.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, Suzanne, you lost your eagle!

Anonymous said...

But you got 100 lbs of wax to work with!

Chrissy Beahan said...


Hope all is well in the Ealge world today !!!

Just a quickie to Wish Sharon well with her trip over to the hospital this morning, and she is in my thoughts ans prayers, God bless girl.
Speak to you soon.

Lots of Love

Anonymous said...

Good morning my eagle frinds.

Someone said Sharon is going over to the hospital. Is that correct??? Why????

Hi Chrissy Doreen and Lulu take care thinking of you gals. Christmas wishings sent your way.

Suzanne mail has been sent out.
I won't be on here but on and off getting ready for drs. appt. I'll come in while I'm getting ready and eating.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning all. Off to coffee and dog treats. I found my newsletter in my Yahoo spam folder AGAIN! . At least they did send them out quickly this time. Be sure to look for yours.

If you aren't subscribed and would like to see a copy, email to

Off to coffee and dog treats.

No overnight news about Jim yet. More info later today. Trusting this means he had a good night and has remained stable

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE, That's odd, did not receive my newsletter???

MITS said...


MITS said...

Suz, on BW eagle nest on the left there is an explanation, what is going on today. Yes, please send me a copy of Glo's newsletter.

Anonymous said...

Mits do you have any clue as to what Chrissy is talking about as far as Sharon's trip to the hospital this morning? Or anyone??

Anonymous said...

Suzanne on the Maine's homepage to get the live video up I have to hit that button about 4 times up comes windows media player. It plays like Mits says about two minutes. Then I just hit the play button on it and it starts again. It is worth it to me I love it when the eagles call to each other.

Anonymous said...

Mits you have mail

Anonymous said...

Dana You have mail

MITS said...

Still going to classes, Norma, just had keepers talk about small-clawed otters and red pandas. Last class tomorrow, more interpretation practice, I have to speak about sloth bears and red pandas. Then we have an open-book quiz. My first date on the trail is sceduled for Jan 10th.

MITS said...

Norma, sorry to hear about your friends' son.

Anonymous said...


MITS said...

Dawn is breaking at KENT.

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo You have mail

Anonymous said...

wax maybe more for IL LOL

Anonymous said...

You know what they say Bald is Beautiful and we are talking BALD EAGLES her

No I am not yelling at you LOL, just emphasizing a point to my message LOL

Anonymous said...

Off to run some errands. BBL

Anonymous said...

Good Morning All my Friends
Just finished reading the blogs after I brought up the nonworking cam. BW's cam is also needing repairs. But baby girl (99 days old today) is sleeping in a new bed of straw.
Glad to have Mauley return!
I have an 11:30 appointment - so I am really popping in and right back out.

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

Just popping in a minute. New video of B uta Buta's exam today on ajc site and she weighs a whoppin 12 lbs!!!! and walked alittle for them!!! ADORABLE..Busy day got a red raspberry pie in the oven for my dad... going down home n give sister a perm... Enjoy this beautiful day... Hugs, Nilla Remember the lunch on Saturday at Clarion Hotel in Shepherdstown,WV 1pm so if you have not said you be attending please leave us know by e-mail or amessage here.... BBL

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...