Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tuesday December 12

New thread.


MITS said...

Thanks, Steven and Norma. I'm going to try to be there, Norma. It just depends on how things go the next couple of days.

MITS said...

Norma, I'll be working on the Asia Trail, which includes the Giant Pandas. I'll be in my voulunteer garb, so I'll just blend in with the background:):):).

MITS said...

Tai is up the tree and missing the frosty treats.

Anonymous said...

Pictures Don't forget to get a Group Picture Sat. I want to put it on the FeedbLITZ so be sure everyone who is in that one doesn't mind being on the BLITZ that goes Around the world LOL Well it truly does, and as the local group grows or some Travelers appear etc, it will be fun as always for those who aren't there to get a face to put with some of the "Folks" who show up at the BLOG. Be sure your hair and nails are done,LOL AND get a separate shot of all those gauze bandages, so folks can see how dedicated some are!!!

Thanks! Also big thanks for those who have sent some photos this morning. I hope you have all found the link in todays BLITZ telling you where to go to Save Photos with Captions etc you like for your computer.

To see Film Loops Blitzed to this point and the link to where to get the Photos you want go here:


There are some hidden surprises on the link you will go to. Todays Loop info will tell you which photos to run your mouse curser over to see your "secret messages LOL" Double left click to make photos bigger to save or find "Secret notes" on two of the photos in there so far. They are there...well if it works. I surely hope so...works on mine but I have the program. Good Luck

MITS said...

Believe that might be Tian Tian eating the frosty treat.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning!

Looks like they got the eagle cam at BW adjusted....nest looks great!

MITS said...


MITS said...

I'm thinking cam out in KENT is stuck, its 7:00 a.m. and still dark.

MITS said...

Can't get on Maine cam, it was on this a.m.

MITS said...

The eagles at osprey nest are still hanging out.

MITS said...

There is a 12-12-06 update on eagle cam at BW

MITS said...

There is also an update on osprey BW cam with some great recent eagle photos from Bob Quinn.

MITS said...

Norma, the are still in negotiations with the Chinese government to see if Tai-Shan can stay a little longer, but if not, he will leave in July, when he is two years old. They hope to have Mei and Tian mate this spring, or bring a more suitable sperm donor from China for Mei. Has something to do with better blood lines.

MITS said...

Yeah, I see it, Suzanne, finally. Haven't looked in there for a few days.

MITS said...

EAGLE ALERT...............

MITS said...


MITS said...

I'm not sure what that is???

MITS said...

Did she just pick it up?

MITS said...

both are there.................

MITS said...

Aren't they pretty??

MITS said...

No problems, Suz!!!:):)

Anonymous said...

Moving the pictures sounds fine! Going to set up an album for each week for now.

Anonymous said...

LOL Norma has been taking stuttering lessons from me. Except I bet she still has her trash can LOL.

MITS said...

Does Norma have a lunch date???

Anonymous said...

A late Good Morning to all of you I love it when I come on the computer and our eagles are waiting for me in the nest! Whoo Hoo! Received my Feed Blitz alert & have spent some time over there enjoying all the photos you all have taken. The Flickr program Glo has is great! Take a look and see for yourselves.

MITS said...


MITS said...

I have a lunch date also, but, not nearly as excited about it as Norma is about hers. CUL!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL. I'd say Norma has 4 lunch dates!

Anonymous said...

Eagle all gone.

Anonymous said...

I'm just trying to get into this blog
I wouldn't even mind if I stuttered
I had a Good Morning post with comments about Feed Blitz and Flickr but it all disappeared. I didn't have any idea I would lose it so I didn't copy before publishing.
ANYHOW- Good Morning - Love it that I open our Cam and our eagle(s) are right there!

Anonymous said...

OK Mema Jo You are kind of looking like me the other night. Blogger cop steals them, makes you look silly and then gives them back. Who knows where he puts them or when he will give them back But watch out They can and will show up Right Norma

So Mema Jo Does that mean you were able to find the secret note in the boxes ona couple of the Flickr photos ?

Anonymous said...

I have been trying to post my comment for an hour..Wouldn't even care if I stuttered! Did a cold boot-so I will see what happens now.
Good morning to all of you

Anonymous said...

Well I sure didn't know my first comment came through. So you all got 2 Good Mornings!

Anonymous said...

And your tree is back too, Jo!

Anonymous said...

FLICKR Yes, I found 2 photos that were marked that they had 'notes' and I opened them and found the comments. Now is that a cool program or what? It's part of Yahoo so your user name & password on Momsters' can be the same (free)account. I didn't leave any comments as I usually do on the blogs Glo & Paula present - Just got comfortable with the program.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne, did you grab your purse to take with you on the Fire Drill. You got lucky with the weather!

Anonymous said...

Lun Lun is holding Buta Buta and she sure has become an armful.

Anonymous said...

Ho Ho!! Look on the DC Panda cam 1
Tai has his head stuck in a box or bag and is on a hillside rolling down...

Now he is with his mother

Anonymous said...

What a show Must be something good to lick like honey inside that collapsed box - Mei has it over her head..

Anonymous said...

Lunch time for me.. BBL

Safe trip home, Suzanne

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW Eagle nest

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW Eagle nest

is gone now

Anonymous said...

No Glo won't see me ( I hope in gauze). I made it to bed, didn't get back up till late. Whew them pills. I hate taking pain pills makes me out of it and like a drunk. Called told dr. "you said that was mild...wasn't go pediatric like I said they have in past". Waiting to hear from doctor.

Anyhow don't care I am coming in whatever condition at time to the lunch.....

Oh Paula you have mail

Anonymous said...

Wow is our cam ever messing up.

I refresh but still get a mess. Is anyone else???

Anonymous said...

I am off to work. I will bLOG quick info when I get home about 10:30 my time. Hope everyone enjoys their evening.
Yes Dana cam seems to be acting up right now

MITS said...

I come home to see eagle in our nest and BW.

MITS said...

In between the lines looked like both were there for a sec.

MITS said...

Is Belle the one with the feathers that look like silk?

MITS said...

Darn all gone.

MITS said...

Just left at BW nest also.

MITS said...

Bet Mr. Liberty or Miss Belle are up there by the cam messing it up.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Wow their heads are sooo white.

MITS said...

1 flew away at BW and 1 stayed to fix sticks.

MITS said...

Darn...here you go Illinois' Ladies a 100 lbs. of wax!!

MITS said...

EAGLE ALERT..................

MITS said...


MITS said...

Eagles all gone everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Eagle Alert Our Nest

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


MITS said...

All gone again.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Both eagles in Bw eagle nest awesom

Anonymous said...

Both eagles in Bw eagle nest awesom

Anonymous said...

couple of quick in & outs!

MITS said...

Mom just took a few minutes break in FLA.

MITS said...

Tai is up in his corner, and, he looks like he has had one too many, must have had a busy day from what I have read.

Anonymous said...

That was a pretty fly in at Florida nest.

MITS said...

Yes, Dana it was.

NillaWafer said...

Hi Mits are you watching Tai nurse? What a close up sight and Mei just so relaxed, what abig boo boo he is ... Love Him

NillaWafer said...

Oh so precious she has her paw around him huggin him.

NillaWafer said...

Hello where is everyone at?????????

Anonymous said...

Here's the tree Nilla!

Anonymous said...

Mits, thanks for the 100 lbs of wax!!!

NillaWafer said...

I thought everyone was out buying my Christmas Present..lol shucks!!! lol Hey Vicky

Anonymous said...

Jo & Mits can't get into the blog! Cyber cop is back!

Anonymous said...

Jo & Mits can't get into the blog! Cyber cop is back!

Anonymous said...

And Paula is stuttering!

Anonymous said...

As long as my tree stays I'm happy!
Poor Mits, feeling left out in the cold!

Anonymous said...

Jo & Mits can't get into the blog! Cyber cop is back!

And I'm not having too much luck either!

Anonymous said...

Jo & Mits can't get into the blog! Cyber cop is back!

And I'm not having too much luck either!

Anonymous said...

Jo & Mits can't get into the blog! Cyber cop is back!

And I'm not having too much luck either!

Anonymous said...

Nilla, we were hoping you wouldn't miss all of us, but you busted us so we'll tell the truth -- we're cyber shopping for your present!(wink) After all, Santa said you had been REAL good this year!

Anonymous said...

Jo & Mits can't get into the blog! Cyber cop is back!

And I'm not having too much luck either!

NillaWafer said...

ROFLMAOoooooooo yup i had atime also of getting in, daughter d/l the new google thingie and its different and i am just navigating it with caution..

NillaWafer said...

Ahhhh well Vicky make sure you spell my name correct...lol Just Kiddin Christmas is for giving and i am gona be giving alot of hugs saturday at the lunch...lol maybe alil secret something to wink

Anonymous said...

Paula, where's your eagle???

Nilla, I'm sending hugs to you and you have to pass them around for me Saturday!

NillaWafer said...

Okie Dokie but i might need Jo's Oxygen i get out of breath really quik..lol

Anonymous said...

I'm in
I hope

Anonymous said...

Going to go get MITS..........

Anonymous said...

HELLO!!! Hope I don't stutter.....

NillaWafer said...

The other girl who works here Georgia just came in and asked me to work saturday for her .. Oh No i said i have plans all day and evening.. As at the cemetary where most of my family is buried they are having their luminairies at Rest Haven. I never miss that even when living in Florida i flew up to go. Its beautiful all the graves lit up but i usually get there earlier enough to light my mothers .. smile

Anonymous said...

There's Mema Jo and Floralgirl -- HI from IL

NillaWafer said...

Megannnnnnnnnnnn n Jo hang on to the eagles nest now your in..lol Paula did you get blowed out of the nest??????

Anonymous said...

Talk about needing oxygen - I am laughing so hard I am going to lose my breath........


Tell everyone where Mits & Jo are

Anonymous said...

I do believe Paula got pulled out by the bad guys!

NillaWafer said...

wheres Thelma at she stuck in the cyber space?

Anonymous said...

Hi Megan. Did you find Beth? I know she wasn't lost - but did you get to give her an invite?

Do you have market this Saturday am?
I hope I get to see you and my
at lunch - mainly YOU :) :) :)

NillaWafer said...

Jo give me a call at the store if ya can please... I like to call Dana but afraid she is in a drug induced stuper..lol

NillaWafer said...

I hope her pain pills help her pain she suffers so. Maybe she will see this and call me also.

Anonymous said...

Okay, walked away to help put up Christmas tree..finally! daughter says. Anyway, Jo, I did invite Beth, waiting to hear back from her. I will be selling wreaths Saturday Morning, 9 til noon, by the post office in Shepherdstown. I'll bring your gourds with me to the Clarion Sat.

Anonymous said...

You want to come over and finished up my tree?

Anonymous said...

No way, All we did was get ours in the house and into the stand. Still needs lights and decorations.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Floralgirl, at least now they can have visions of a trimmed tree -- no need to rush in!

Anonymous said...

AND if my tree comes up missing I'll suspect Floralgirl took it!

Anonymous said...

Off to do some cyber shopping, see you all later...12 days til Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Hmm. maybe I could swap my tree with Vicky's, it is all decorated and everything!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening, my friends. How is everybody this evening? What is wrong with Dana? I must have missed something somewhere cause I have not been on here today.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh, what a lovely picture we have on our camera!

Anonymous said...

Let's try it again....

Anonymous said...

No way is our cam going to clear up all by itself - it sure has a big technical difficulty I would say.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I really didn't mean to run everybody off! :P

Anonymous said...

I don't think you did - Megan is cyber shopping. Nilla should be closing the shop - she worked today.

Paula - I'm glad you are back and speaking fluently. lol

Anonymous said...


You need to find your eagle....

Anonymous said...

It looked like that earlier, too, Sharon.

Anonymous said...

Hey, my eagle was returned by the cyber cop!

Only thing that seems to help the problem is a cold reboot...like to put my boot you know where!!!

Anonymous said...

There were 1500 people at those teenagers funeral from Frederick.

Anonymous said...

They have a news report on Fox 5 about putting a guardrail in where they ran off the road...begging the governor of VA for money...

Anonymous said...

Well, break time is over...back to decorating the tree...

Anonymous said...

It doesn't sit right with me when something tragic, such as these 2 deaths, has to happen before someone addresses a problem. The same is our famous RT 15 that you travel every day, Paula. There has to be a better road design for those darn crossovers.
I guess I have always tried to be proactive and nip it in the bud before it happens.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone be with you in a minute


Anonymous said...

Hi MemaJo thank you for the email I got. Need that lol wink

The blogger cop didn't have me. That's not why I haven't been here. The "pill cop" had me. Took one pill at 1pm today and whew suspose to be a weaker pill. No it made a weaker me.

I can't walk and chew gum at same time but with that pill I couldn't do one thing let lone two.

Merry Christmas Merry Chrismas and a Happy New Year. Going to put tree up tomorrow. Couldn't today would have been in it lol.

Anonymous said...

Anybody out there???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am here Dana. Hope you are feeling better.

I have not even looked at Christmas decorations yet. Can't get into the spirit for some reason but better be doing it soon before Christmas is over!

Anonymous said...

I am still here. I was over playing solitaire when things got quiet on here. Talked to Nilla at the store earlier... she closed at ten..may be coming on shortly. I'm like you Dana - I don't like to be out of control due to medication. I do hope you feel pretty good now!

Anonymous said...

Sharon - I bet Mattie could get a spark under you about the Christmas decorations! Kids and Christmas sure do go together.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I am seeing a much clearer picture on our cam. It must have healed thyself!

Anonymous said...

Sharon maybe this will help you.
I ask Ed after drs appt. yesterday to make sure he plans to take me out to look at Christmas lights this year.
Later still in town we had to get some McDonalds gift certificates.
We were right there by McDonalds. He drives the other direction. After driving for 20 minutes I said, "Ed McDonalds was way back there. Where are we going?" He said, "Well I see you've been looking around". I said, "Well sure I've been looking around". He said, "You wanted to ride around and see Christmas lights so you are." ED IT IS DAYLIGHT OUT !! Crazy man...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Without a doubt. Mattie is a good motivator, that is for sure. Andrew and I have been on line tonight looking at stuff he wants for Christmas and what he wants to get Balei for Christmas. He is going to get her a Build-A-Bear Panda (no I did not have any influence in that, she just loves pandas!) She is a girl after my own heart, that is for sure. :):) He wants Nike's with WVU colors, of course. He got a pair like that last year too.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is so funny, Dana!

Camera is messed up again. Did not heal thyself for long!

Anonymous said...

Dana - that is too funny. Love that guy - he would do anything for you!

Sharon - Funny how sons pick a gal similar to their mom. They really do. And the opposite is true about daughters..my 3 son-in-laws are so like my hubby.

Anonymous said...

What do we do - blame Wheeling???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, I hadn't even thought about that but you are absolutely right! WHOA!

Anonymous said...

I just wish we would be granted one person on the NCTC campus that could control this cam and its operations.

I hate out sourcing.........

Anonymous said...

Oh my. I am going to go get dressed for bed... I'll pop in to say good night in just a little while.
BUT if any of you beat me to it - well then, good night.

Anonymous said...

Well ladies, it's getting way past some folks bedtime here -- including mine, rolling up the sidewalks in Commode town IL -- goodnight eagle buds!

Anonymous said...

Oh Vicky I just woke up 1/2-1 hour ago. What will I do with you to talk to hee hee

Anonymous said...

Ed said anytime I want to go see the nest. He said this while he was driving me during daylight hours to see Christmas lights. That if I want to see the eagle nest, he'll take me anything after dark.

Vicky you have to come talk to this man.

Anonymous said...

Dana, you best put a good movie on to watch - because I am going to call it a night too. Maybe Nilla will come on and keep you up a little late.

Good Night & Sweet Dreams
and pray that our cam clears before morning!

Prayers to you Glo and your family

Good Morning Suzanne - Email Steve if the cam isn't showing a good clear pic

Anonymous said...

Nighters Jo Sweet eagle dreams.

Yes Glo have Eric and family and JIM in prayers.

Keeping Maggie our littlest eagle in prayers too.

Should be hearing something soon about Lulu.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur. I hope everybody has a peaceful and restful night.

Prayers going up for everybody in need! The power of prayer is an awesome thing!

Anonymous said...

Night Sharon I'm hoping you get into the Christmas spirit. I wasn't either Sharon. After the drs. appt. that did it. So as soon as I clear the med hopefully tomorrow I'm putting my tree up and my big candles in the windows and my light wreath.
I put stuff inside to see from outside. Cause I can't climb on ladders anymore hee hee just do it another way. Change it years ago. I do put red bows outside by steps and on rail the green, red and gold trim. hee hee I use the ramp too longgggggggg to decorate it.

Anonymous said...

Looks like I've missed most of you...but I did get my tree done! Wanted to get it done before the college kid gets home at the end of the week.

Sending healing thoughts to those in need. (And weaker pills to Dana!)

Good night, sleep tight, eagle friends.

Anonymous said...

Ok Home from work Guess its pretty much my turn to close down for the night. Jim has come through the surgery. Lasted 5 1/2 hours. He was in recovery when my daughter called. Will know more tomorrow, but said the surgeons said they were overall please with the way the procedures went. They did though find "something around the sotmach area as they were inserting a feeding tube, that they have taken a biopsy of. Well Good night all. Have staff Meeting first thing int he morning. Not sure if I will get a quick good morning on the BLOG before i leave or not. So I will say Good Night and Good Morning. Will BLOG at ya at some point tomorrow though for sure.

Anonymous said...

This is truly no lie...honestly can anyone help me. I tried put the temp. in here when I hit the Ctrl. and Alt. button at same time my screen is "now side ways". No its not the medication. I am seriou, my scrren is now turn sideways.....any ideas???? I've tried reboot. Even turn machine off and back on. ??????????

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT ALL Fell asleep on couch and just woke up, read blogs from tonight and going to read e-mails than to bed, busy day again tomorrow. GOOD MORNING, SUZANNE

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Well Mits I'm glad you made it in. But tilting head and looking at screen it not something I'm enjoying.
Lord help me what did I do?????

I am cracking up lmbo but it really isn't funny. How do I get out of this mess.

Even my toolbar is tilted at bottom.

Anonymous said...

Is there a "go back button" on the windows XP. If not they need to develope on for people like me lol

This is hard getting the cursor to scroll down.

Anonymous said...


MITS said...

There is a back button, in upper left corner...with yours tilted...would be in the upper right corner...time to call the guys in the PT cruisers.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

What I need Mits is an "undo" button.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe a restet button

MITS said...

That is weird..maybe the wax you just got will help...200 lbs. Nite, Dana.

Anonymous said...

Oh no not me NO WAX already given to Ill. gals

MITS said...

Eagle just arrived up i n Maine.

MITS said...

DANA, you would have loved that, eagle in nest started screaming and the other was screaming when he flew in and she screamed as she took off...1 still in nest...calling out.....just incredible.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Boy if the sound of eagles in the a.m., doesn't get your blood pumping, I don't know what does>

MITS said...

Eagles out of nest, but boy are they loud this a.m. Sounds like construction going on....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Mits and Suzanne. I hope everybody has a lovely day!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning everyone. Bummer about the cam. I hope yousaw the info on the surgery last night. it was 5 1/2 hours long. he was in recovery when I got the call at work. Will get more info later this morning.

Off to coffee and dgo treats as little early today and thent o a Sraff Meeting. Will check back this afternoon. Hope your day is great...I did take a peak at Maine and heard the eagles too. Wonderful Thanks for heads up Mits.

MITS said...

Morning, Glo and Sharon and Suzanne. Yes, Maine was really exciting this a.m., just heard a guy yelling, don't know what they are doing, but they are loud, going to check their site and see if there is any info.

Anonymous said...

Go here


and double left click the first picture with Chudleigh. There is a surprise note hidden there for you

Anonymous said...

Mits and Norma you have mail

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That was great Glo. I can't figure out how to leave a comment though.

MITS said...

Yes, I have the same problem also, Sharon, sometimes it lets me comment and sometimes not..must be a blog guy there too.

MITS said...

Heading out to zoo....man "our" cam has some serious issues.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...