Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thursday 14 December

Tech update: Sorry for the continued glitches. The problem is in our production building control room. We're meeting with folks here at 2:00 to get to the bottom of this.

Also, it looks like we will be activating the live feed in short order, not in January as we said earlier.

hang in there. it's so warm here today, and the forecast is for continued 60 degree days--our eagles are probably out soaring in the warm air anyways.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for info Steve OK shop today watch tomorrow. Soar today, Nest tomorrow...its a plan!!!

Thanks for the Heads up Norma

Anonymous said...

Wow, Steve, awesome news about the live feed!

Thanks for keeping us updated!

Anonymous said...

I have returned from appointment. Glad to read the news from Steve - so thankful that he is keeping us informed. Live feed sooner then expected -WOW

Anonymous said...

Link to Buta Buta's exam on
It's on their home page

Anonymous said...

The video on the Panda Cam site shows her first steps

Anonymous said...

cam may be fixed looks pretty good

Anonymous said...

Hmmm false alarm but they are obviously workin on it keeps cahnging

Anonymous said...

cam is looking great. Thanks . Steve and all the helpers. We love to be able to watch this nest so very very much!!!

Anonymous said...


5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...