Saturday, December 09, 2006

Saturday December 9

New thread.


Anonymous said...

How about them apples? I haven't been first for quite awhile.
I will go over to invite all to
Come On Over!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Steve! You are One Great Guy!

Anonymous said...

1:53pm MT NEST

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Steve.

Way to go, Jo.

NillaWafer said... Here is the link to read about the contest it is open to amateurs, like i said stranger things have happened give it atry and send a photo in...

NillaWafer said...

The editors of Smithsonian invite you to enter the Fourth Annual Smithsonian magazine Photo Contest. We are looking for remarkable images, photographed within the past three years (since January 1, 2004), that relate to five subjects of special interest to our magazine: Americana, The Natural World, People, Travel and Altered Images. The competition is open to amateur photographers, 18 years or older. Please review the rules before entering.

Contest submissions must be uploaded by 2 pm, Eastern Time, Thursday, January 4, 2007. Fifty finalists will be selected, 10 for each of the 5 categories. From these 50 finalists, 5 category winners and a grand prize winner will be selected. The entries of all winners and finalists will be published on the Smithsonian magazine Web site. The entries of the winners and selected finalists will be published in Smithsonian magazine during summer 2007.

Category winners will be awarded $500. The grand prize winner will receive a four-day, three-night Smithsonian Journeys Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta weekend adventure for two from October 5-8, 2007 or the cash equivalent.

NillaWafer said...

There is aplace on the page to enter the contest, i was thinking this would be a great gift donation from us to for our cam if we would be lucky enough to win something..

NillaWafer said...

So hey Todd this is a great opportunity for you also with the talent you have for taking great pictures, maybe he will hear about this if he doesnt read the blog...

NillaWafer said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Nilla...glad to see FL back on line.

NillaWafer said...

Just see top of her head but she peeked out, man the wind must be blowin down there, this cam is alittle like Victorias & Sidneys in Canada bouncin around.

NillaWafer said...

You see her PAULA? Beautiful face, that tree looks like one that might have been burnt by a wildfire down there doesnt it.

NillaWafer said...

Oh lok at her magnificent!!! she is standing up

NillaWafer said...

Our nest is MT... Kent is MT.. Florida is home egg setting... Maine is MT but beautiful with snow

MITS said...


MITS said...

Thanks for the heads- up, JO!!!

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

It is a dead tree in FL. I wouldn't think it was burnt given there are other live trees around.

NillaWafer said...

Well let me see the other day i got to singing and our eagles showed so heres a lil diddy.. sing along girlssssssss lalalala to the tune of "Theres No Place Like Home" Liberty and Belle theres no place like home for the holidaysss... No matter where you might roammmmm.. lalalala The eagle moms are waiting for you to arrive...Flying soaring high in the sky.... down by the river and over the woods .. lalalalala Dont you know the homefires are burning deep in the hearts just to see your 2 sweet hearts...So get in that nest a cuddle n coooooooooo do alittle beak kissin cause were missing you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Apparently, eagles like dead trees to nest in and sit in because their wingspan is so large - so they don't have any difficulty - hitting other branches, leaves and such.

NillaWafer said...

Well Paula sometimes down there the wildfires just take a path and only burn certain areas and not touch others , so who knows any ways great to just see them..

NillaWafer said...

Happy Birthday Cindi , have a Happy Birthdayyyy and all the best to you on this special day!!!

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

Psssstttt Mits remember what i e-mailed and asked you now AM I GONA RECIEVE???????? roflmao

NillaWafer said...

SHOE BOP SHOE BOPPPPPPP.. In the stilllllllllll of the nightttt.. 2 eagles can be seen in the moon lighttttt... the nest is alive....... with feathers ruffin in the wind.. Libertyyyyyyyy sqwakes to Belle......... cmere darlin lets set a spell.. under the moonlighttttttt SHOEBOP SHOEBOP ... wheres that Dana she is great at singin and playin on

NillaWafer said...

Your right Paula but hurricane Wilma did destroy the nest and this pair has moved it 4 times , interesting reading there at backgrounds and updates

MITS said...

I answered you sweetie, looks promising, just need to get thru this hectic week and Maggies' MRI on Thursday.

Anonymous said...

Well all I can say is Its been Quite the afternoon MTBR

NillaWafer said...

I wonder if she has layed any more eggs? Has anyone heard? The way that tree is rockin n rollin she wont need to turn the eggs..

NillaWafer said...

Ohhh goodie goodie Thelma ima smilin from eye to ear now.. right Jo!!! GloBug i bet you been out and about and got some great eagle shots huh? Hope soooooooooo

MITS said...

Ok, Glo, give us the update on your personal "EAGLES".

NillaWafer said...

Well my singin didnt git them in the nest musta been alittle off key today..

NillaWafer said...

eye to ear... No ear to ear i am a thinking i should go to bingo

Anonymous said...

Yup, Nilla - and apparently a couple of other hurricanes have gotten their nest too. Guess this pair has been through a lot.

Anonymous said...

What body of water is the Marina in/at/near?

Anonymous said...

Just came back in - with such great lyrics & bee-bopping going on-Who could resist! lol
This is about the time of day that a feeding would usually take place in the nest for Spunkster. Maybe mom & dad haven't broken themselves of that habit!!!

I will be gone until early evening - will check in as soon as I return to read your updates.

MITS said...

Going to see my Maggie...TTUL tonight!!!! All have a good evening!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just came back in - with such great lyrics & bee-bopping going on-Who could resist! lol
This is about the time of day that a feeding would usually take place in the nest for Spunkster. Maybe mom & dad haven't broken themselves of that habit!!!
I hope you have good news & plenty of pictures, Glo
I will be gone until early evening - will check in as soon as I return to read your updates.


Blog isn't being nice to me again as far as posting......... Here I come!

NillaWafer said...

Wonder was that mate that just flew over? Was a big bird

Anonymous said...

Anyone just see that exchange in FL?

NillaWafer said...

I think i am going head out to Ken just got in from work and want him to take me afew places shopping and dinner. Have A Great eveening ya'll .. BBL keep tabs on the eagles and critters

Anonymous said...

Hi all (:

They did say that the tree in Florida had broken off. That is the reason they wasn't able to put the other cam in which goes higher to see down inside the nest.

NillaWafer said...

Hey Dana ... Paula i thought i saw one fly over but was talking and missing it if they exchanged in the nest?

Anonymous said...

lol A little bit ago Tai was in a black round tub just big enough for him to sit in. He was so funny in it. lol

NillaWafer said...

I watched those 2 at 6 am this morning up and he was taking horsey rides on her I really need to git my butt up and out of here ... Ok heave Ho here i go.. hold down the fort Dana i am sure Glo has some great surprises with new pictures she took today. AND EVERYONE ONE GO AND LOOK AT THE CONTEST PAGE IN AN EARLIER MESSAGE UP

Anonymous said...

Yep We have to start at the beginning though and it won't at all be what you think, but I had to get it and share it anyway LOL. I live along the Mississippi Paula

Be patient we know how to do that well on here!!!

Anonymous said...

OK So as I am crossing the 280 Bridge I do in fact see 2 Gorgeous Bald Eagles perched in the tree, but there is absolutely no where to stop. I decide to take my first exit and go hunting for a back road to ,The tree This is what I came upon as I ventured down the road.

If you need me to email the link to you just ask.

Anonymous said...

"Horsey Rides" = "Hanky Panky"

Anonymous said...

Glo I went in to the link you gave. What you find when you go eagle looking gal. If that contest that Nilla spoke about wanted video's "YOU WON ! ". lol I didn't see an eagle perched upon any of those motorcycles lol.

Anonymous said...

That's some view into the Blackwater eagle cam nest isn't it?

We should get to see egg/eggs, them eating and what it is and just a bird's eye view so to speak.

Anonymous said...

Paula I guess he wants more eggs !!

Anonymous said...

Dana LOL Tell me about it, and it was a strange back in the middle of nowhere kind of road I was on, and this noise kept getting louder, I am thinking "What the heck am I heading for anyway LOL. Thanks for NOT saying what it is though...need others to find it just like we did for the surprise effect LOL

I am working on a Filmloop for what i DID find next, will p[ost those later. too.

Anonymous said...

Ok Glo waiting to see the film loop.
Don't forget to put on here the link for it. Some might not remember it.

BBL have to fix dinner

Anonymous said...

I will give the link for Loop it will be on the Soaring with the Eagles or trying too that I put the photo on this morning. Time to feed some dogs here and I do in fact have more video to upload too.

Anonymous said...

Eagles at BW Eagle cam

Anonymous said...

Just checking in to make sure the Blogger cop is behaving!

Anonymous said...

Maybe he is being sign of life for 3 hours....

Anonymous said...

BBL, going to work on Christmas decorations

NillaWafer said...

Guess i am the first to return from going out tonight. Just went to dinner and alittle shopping, Our family has a family friend she is 88 years old named Liz and is she a rip snorter,,lol any ways she is moving into a elderly apartment building( she gets around great for her age) and my sisters and i are filling abasket with cleaning supply's just alot of different things dish towels for Christmas, then we are going to go and get her apartment all set up for her. Guess no sight of our eagles today huh? I need the link to Glo's surprise in e-mail also.

NillaWafer said...

Has Sharon been in today? BBL got to bake a cake for dinner tomarrow daughters frying chicken down home. BBL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening everybody. Been spending time today with Andrew and his girlfriend. She is such a sweet gal. I am so grateful. My baby Andrew is plumb nuts about her. Going to visit for a little while longer and then I am going to bed. BBL!

It looks like you all have had a fun day! Happy Birthday Cindi!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I find it really funny that the last post before mine is Nilla asking about me and here I show up. Now you know! :):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh, how I love seeing OUR nest!!

Anonymous said...

Well, just stopping by to see if "the tree" is still here!

Anonymous said...

OK Nilla you have mail.

Anonymous said...

I also just finished loading 3 videos to the Blog from this mornings photo. Just click on glo and go to the Blog about Soaring iwth the eagles or trying too I will upload the Filmloop with some neat photos in a little while also.

Mema Jo I just added the last and longest video since you stopped by. So don't forget to go see it. Vicky I hear it calling your name LOL.

Film Loop is next. .I had a great afternoon LOL.

I hope someone besides Dana well and now Nilla will also go see how it started when i headed down A Strange back road to go eagle Hunting. it is post


NillaWafer said...

Glo Bug if there was a million dollar prize for the best vid's gir you would win for your hard work ans dedication.... totally awsome

NillaWafer said...

HELPPPPPP Dana is stuck on you tube Glo and its your fault...

Anonymous said...

LOL Nilla She isn't really stuck there is she. i remember once when she got stuck in her email...she gets stuck kind of a lot come to think of it LOL ((((hugs )))) Well Help her out!

Anonymous said...

I saw where you went on your back road trip, Glo. Good thing you turned around and got out of there or you would still be stuck in that fast loop-de-loo like Nilla says Dana is stuck in the tube.. lol

Which Tube, Nilla Shall we suction her out?

Anonymous said...

Somehow, if you can reach her, Nilla, tell Dana that in the menu line if the back arrow is green - click on the little down arrow in between the large arrows. Then scroll down to wherever she was before & click herself back to the blog.

Anonymous said...

Well you know the turth is you are All very welcome to come to visit. The bad thing about where I live and eagles is they come here during the winter months which means the driving can be unpredictable. But if you can get as far as Vicky on the east side of IL, let her take over and she will get you right to my door. Right Vicky

It is wonderful to be able to see so many...but as I said in my tribute last summer i have always loved eagles, BUT i have never loved eagles with names before and the eagles i love with names to go with them live over near you and they are Liberty and Belle and family LOL...especially our 3 little one!!!! grown bigger now for sure.

Anonymous said...

If Dana is stuck for a long period of time on YouTube - tell her that there is a lot of good things to watch over there. lol

Dana - Get back over here

belle_wv said...

Hello to anyone who's out there...

NillaWafer said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Belle How are you ? so good to see your name pop up!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh, Belle, we have missed you!!

belle_wv said...

YEAH!! Hi to Nilla and Glo and Sharon! I've missed you all!

Anonymous said...

I might get them there, eventually, after a scenic trip around your town!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

How is school going, Belle? Have you been watching how nest? How are you feeling?

Anonymous said...

Chtristmas break is coming soon for you I would hope Belle

Anonymous said...

FilmLoop for my trip is now posted. same place as todays videos.

Anonymous said...

LOL Vicky Well in the winter if you are anywhere within a few miles of my house you can see an occasional eagle at least, and you even managed to find the Marina before you fund me..although they aren't there yet, I checked. They are about 15 mins away now instead of 5 LOL.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

This might sounds nuts to you all and that is okay, but I catch myself seeing if I can see the babies in the nest at night!

Anonymous said...

Hi Belle!
I got the good word that you will try your best to make it to lunch this coming Saturday! It will be so good to see you again.

belle_wv said...

Hi Vicky :) Sharon, I'm hanging in there - my students shared cold germs with me, so I have a doozy of a cold at the moment. Yes on holiday break coming up - last day is the 22nd (students last day is the 21st)... I haven't counted the days, but I guess it is still 2 weeks away - then we're off until the 3rd I think it is... 11 days? I sure can use them :) How's everyone?

Anonymous said...

Yes Sharon and I bet I know the spot you look the closest at too! catch myself doing the smae thing although I don't want to see them get chased out so I have mixed emotions about whether or not I would want to see one of them there now.

belle_wv said...

Hi Jo - yepper I'm hoping to get there - surely don't want to miss it!

Anonymous said...

So far, Sharon at night I do look for Spidey BUT whenever I look at the nest I see the launch pad and the 12 o'clock Spunky spot.

Really do miss them & will
never forget them in a million years!

Anonymous said...

Well I have had an awesome day, but the BLOG speaks for itself as far as that is concerned. If you have a chance to click on my name and go to the Soaring with the eagles BLOG I do think you will find something worth clicking over to see.

NillaWafer said...

hi belle

Anonymous said...

yep 12 o'clock Spunky spot

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I really hope they have moved on and progressing in their lives just like they are supposed to. I would have to get a little upset at Liberty and Belle for chasing them off even though I know that is the way nature intends. Too much heart connected there though! I am so grateful for all of this!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Who is going to get the wax?

I am anxious to hear from Mits as to how Maggie is tonight!

Anonymous said...

I was in Church but I read Paula's comment that there was: Eagles at BW Eagle cam
Saturday, December 09, 2006 2:04:02 PM

I sure wish I could have seen that!

belle_wv said...

BOy am I rusty with this blog stuff... I haven't had much chance to check on the nest, but have enjoyed the pics that have been sent and posted. I would have mixed feelings, too, at seeing the 'kids' back at the nest... I can't wait for my chance to have a 'live' sighting of Liberty and Belle...

Anonymous said...

Just rub a little of the wax you just won on that rusty spot. lol

You're not rusty - you on the ball

belle_wv said...

Oh no did i get the wax? I might need some - these legs haven't seen a razor in awhile! LOL

belle_wv said...

LOL Thanks Jo

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was hoping you would get the wax Belle. Welcome back home!! :):):)

NillaWafer said...

i am trying to load a picture hang on

Anonymous said...

Sharon For some reason I knew that was exactly what you were waiting for.... loLove

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm that Dana still hasn't come back here. Could be on her way on over to my house LOL.

I have to work tomorrow so I am going to be calling it a night here. Not any time to BLOG or cam watch until tomorrow evening.

Hope your eagle viewing tomorrow is good. They need to get back there and tidy stuff up , they have been out and about most of today for sure!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm that Dana still hasn't come back here. Could be on her way on over to my house LOL.

I have to work tomorrow so I am going to be calling it a night here. Not any time to BLOG or cam watch until tomorrow evening.

Hope your eagle viewing tomorrow is good. They need to get back there and tidy stuff up , they have been out and about most of today for sure!

Sent this once but it didn't post. Maybe Blogger cop got it, Hope it doesn't end up looking like I am stuttering my Good Night all!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm that Dana still hasn't come back here. Could be on her way on over to my house LOL.

I have to work tomorrow so I am going to be calling it a night here. Not any time to BLOG or cam watch until tomorrow evening.

Hope your eagle viewing tomorrow is good. They need to get back there and tidy stuff up , they have been out and about most of today for sure!

Sent this once but it didn't post. Maybe Blogger cop got it, Hope it doesn't end up looking like I am stuttering my Good Night all!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm that Dana still hasn't come back here. Could be on her way on over to my house LOL.

I have to work tomorrow so I am going to be calling it a night here. Not any time to BLOG or cam watch until tomorrow evening.

Hope your eagle viewing tomorrow is good. They need to get back there and tidy stuff up , they have been out and about most of today for sure!

Sent this once but it didn't post. Maybe Blogger cop got it, Hope it doesn't end up looking like I am stuttering my Good Night all!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL Ok just came in from letting dogs out. it looks like i'm stuttering alright. and I'm one of the ones without a trash can!!!

Oh well Good night everyone.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sorry Glo, but you definitely stuttered! :):):)

Anonymous said...

Neat, Glo. I didn't realize you were right on the Mississippi. Does it freeze over much there? I got to see the Mississippi when I was in LaCrosse, Wisconsin last year. We went to a restaurant that was on an island in the middle of the river. Had a really nice view of the river while we ate. On the other side of the river was Minnesota. I was only about 200 miles north of you.

belle_wv said...

Stuttering - good thing I had the stuttering to catch up on - thought I"d missed a bunch of comments while talking to my son and m-i-l

Anonymous said...

Stuttered ain't the word for it

If I do the same thing, I'll die from embarrassment..........Tee Hee

belle_wv said...

Hi Paula :)

It sure is nice to be here :) I won't think about the work I ought to be doing :)

Anonymous said...

HOwdy Belle! Good to see you here.

Anonymous said...

They have a clear pic of an eagle at the BW eagle cam. Look on the left hand side. Was there around 3 today. I didn't see him, but I saw 2 there just as it was turning dark.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sharon, how you doing tonight.

Looks like I missed Glo, hopefully she will see my message.

Anonymous said...

Paula I went to the BW Eagle cam and on the left clicked on eagle and saw the pic that Lisa put there. I hope the two you saw was the good looking eagle couple that visited the osprey nest.

Anonymous said...

Panda cam 1: It could be Tai eating the bamboo - can't tell for certain.

Wonder if our Buta Buta has started to crawl this weekend?

Anonymous said...

I don't know, Jo, It was hard to see them.

I gotta get back to the Christmas decorating...Talk to ya'll tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

At 10 pm you said for us to hang on, Nilla and that you were trying to load a picture.
It is now 10:30 pm - Can we let go?

NillaWafer said...

Ok Dna is helping me i loaded the picture everything went thru and said picture had been loaded but nothing Grrr so dana will be me for awhile i guess ..BBL

NillaWafer said...

Well in the mean time i put a homemade oatmeal cake together for dinner tomarrow.. Jo you have an e-mail heading your way inafew k

belle_wv said...

My computer must be tired, it is taking forever to load this page - maybe it is tryign to tell me something?

Anonymous said...

I looked at the photos over on the Momster site that GLO took today - they are outstanding. She really should have gotten an good eagle fix this afternoon.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur. I hope everybody has a peaceful and restful night.

My Mattie is staying with me tonight but starting tomorrow night, she will be back home. Makes me sad. She is such a precious little girl.

Anonymous said...

Well it is that time of evening...

Good Night All
Sweet Dreams of Liberty & Belle

Stay warm

Nilla I will check my emails before shutting computer down.
Where is Dana?

belle_wv said...

Good night all - computer is telling me it is time to go to bed... so nice getting to talk to you all for a little while!

Anonymous said...

And to all a goodnight! Visions of eagles in our dreams!

NillaWafer said...

Dana is peddlin on getting that picture to work, i am to tired to fool with it any more tonight and told her not to get her sugar all in a tizzy.. Hope Thelma had a nice time with Maggie tonight... Jo sent the mail in 2 peices my brain is really having a rough time tonight.

Anonymous said...

Hummmmmm, wonder what picture won't work???

Anonymous said...

Sounds like some minds have been challenged again -- AND of all things a pic!

NillaWafer said...

My picture i have Vicky but i am working on it..

NillaWafer said...

Ok here goes the picture is showin up so lets see if this works...

NillaWafer said...

Yeeeeeeehaw i did it now can i remember how i did

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE It was good to be with my "MAGGIE", busy again tomorrow, trying to finish decorating that I didn't finish this week, because of eagle watching and zoo stuff.

MITS said...

Cool pic, Nilla.

NillaWafer said...

I knew i could do it Vicky i put things on my space web page all the time, just the 1 i wanted was alittle to big so i settled for this didnt feel like going in and making it smaller..

Anonymous said...

I peeked back in and just in time to say Good Night Mits & glad you had a loving evening.


Seasons Greetings to you too

Nitters all...................

Where's Dana

NillaWafer said...

Thanks Thelma i think it right pretty to.. Niters c u later tomarrow as going down home for dinner and taking the kids to movies to see Charlottes Web.. Nighty Nite...... REMEMBER to tell me or Dan or Jo if your are attending the lunch next saturday because of the reservations to be made i do beleive the number now stands at almost 20 attending!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Just checked pandas and that sure looks like Tai having a midnight snack of

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

AND Good Night Mrs Calibash where ever you are ... who said that all the time??????

Anonymous said...

Good Morning everybody!! Very jealous of those who are sleeping in this morning. Long day yesterday, worked from 5 am til 11:30pm. Getting ready to go to work again. At 30 degrees here this morning, it feels like a heat wave , yesterday was sooo cold for me standing outside. Glad to see lots of people are planning on attending luncheon next Sat., sounds like fun. Got to go make another wreath before loading van for mkt. Must get a Xmas tree after market today, daughter insists. Have a great day all!

Anonymous said...

Eagles have been in our nest this morning !! ( : Hi Liberty and Belle....everyone enjoy..maybe they will still be there when you come in.

Anonymous said...

Megan you have mail.

Anonymous said...

Sorry did I forget to say Good Morning all of Eagle land and lurkers.

Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone. I am off to coffee and dog treats and hour early . My poor neighbors. Nah they don't care, its like a revolving coffee shop overthere. 2 more dogs also stop by but nOT at the same time. We co -ordinate that a little. Have a great day. Thanks for remembering me already dana Glad you made it out of You Tube.

Anonymous said...

Glo it was hard to leave those video's you did in youtube. If you all haven't been in there. YOU ARE TRULY MISSING WONDERS !! Nope not going to tell you. You have to see to believe for yourselves. PS Glo I'm going back there too.Thank you Glo. (: really for all of us.

Anonymous said...

Wolfing down an english muffin before I run out the door,watching NCTC cam, eagles have beenin the nest for a while.Beautiful shot with the sun shining on them. Have a great day!! 14 days til Xnmas!!

Anonymous said...

AAarrrg!! Where's the trash can? I mean 14 days til Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Well I've taken alot of pics.

Sent them to Momsters and Glo.
You can see them on Momsters go to the end until Paula can get them in order.

Someone else needs to snap a few.
I need a nap bbl

Anonymous said...

Eagel at BW Eagle Cam

MITS said...

EAGLE ALERT..........

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

eagle in our nest!!!

MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

EAGLe Alert!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Anonymous said...

Was 2 missed the pic trying to alert everyone

Anonymous said...

now 2

MITS said...

You could just tell the other was on its way back to the nest with the way she was looking around...really can't tell who is who yet.

MITS said...

something seems to have their attention.

Harbinger said...

My first time back in quite a while and they are both in the nest. Wonderful!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think they just beak to beaked it lol

Glad others came in

Good Morning

Anonymous said...

I took at nap and woke some checked cam no eagles.
Then woke up and seen from bed them come in. Up I jumped. lol

Anonymous said...

Hi Harbinger hows things in Baltimore?

Anonymous said...

Liberty is nearest to us Belle is in the back

MITS said...

Morning Harbinger!!

Anonymous said...

Harbinger I mean't to ask you what area in Baltimore you lived. I lived in Baltimrore 10 yrs.

You might not want to say on here. You can email me at

Anonymous said...

Morning Mits, Paula, and Sharon nice to see you gals. OOppss and lurkers.

Anonymous said...

What a good morning it is!

10:53am OUR nest has our eagle in it

Anonymous said...

Snap those pics while I'm getting me some breakfast. Sure I'm bringing it back in here lol (:
Don't want to miss our eagles.

Anonymous said...

Well before I leave

Hi Mema Jo morning

Anonymous said...

2 now

Anonymous said...

Was that ever at fly in

Was that both of them flying in or was one still in the nest and one flew in????

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back Harbinger!

Anonymous said...

Such a busy beautiful sunny morning for all of you. I just can't help staring at the nest with our Liberty & Belle being home. I am so thankful that they brought the cam up as early this season as they did... We just knew they would be there for us!
Life is good!

Anonymous said...

Gosh they are beautiful!!!!

Anonymous said...

Eagle still at BW, looks like he is eating.

Anonymous said...

The BW eagle is in her nest. Lisa has two pics over on the left in her comments that you may wish to see.
I agree Paula that
Liberty & Belle are too beautiful for words. It is great to get to know them as a couple before they start parenting again.

Harbinger said...

That's OK. I live in NE Baltimore City - just a 30 minute walk to the old Memorial Stadium and about a 30 minute walk to Towson.

I was hesitant to check because I knew there was a chance that Liberty & Belle would decide to nest elsewere, but was I delighted to see them there.

How long have they been back?

Anonymous said...

I am watching Liberty up there at the noon position -

Guess we know now who Spunky got it from lol

Anonymous said...

Back to 1

Harbinger said...

Which is the one left? Does anyne know if it is Liberty or Belle?

Harbinger said...

There's a new Sunday Thread.

MITS said...

Harbinger I was born and raised in South Baltimore, Locust Point, Home of Ft McHenry, my sisters' still live there. I was up in Baltimore last night, love the way the people in the city decorate...have you ever been to the 34th street decorations, I hear they are fantastic.

Anonymous said...

Harbinger I worked at the Va Hospital near where the old stadium was.

I lived Cambridge street Fells Pt.,
Middle River, Edgewood husband left I moved to Dundalk where nurses from hospital lived in apts.

Had family lived off Light Street behind Federal Hill.

Small world isn't it

Anonymous said...

Wow Mits world is small lol

I probably past you and didn't know it lol

Anonymous said...


Copy your comments and come on over with them....

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...