Saturday, December 23, 2006

Saturday December 23

Too darn warm for Christmas thread.


MITS said...

Well, that was fast, ask and you shall receive, THANK YOU, STEVEN

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Getting light at KENT.

MITS said...

Florida, down again:(:(.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up for New Thread. Thank you Steve.

Good Morning Eagle world

I've been lurking

Check your Mail boxes

MITS said...

Cool, Norma, bet they pay you a Christmas visit:):).

Anonymous said...

Norma I'm sure they will be in the evening sitting where Nilla and I saw them in the sycamore tree. The evening of Sat after we left the luncheon. Belle high up straight above the nest, and Liberty off to left on limb.

MITS said...

Hope "our" 30 second cam stays up, cause I don't think the live feed will come back til Tuesday...JMHO.

Anonymous said...

Morning, Dana & Norma. Glad you got to see Liberty & Belle this morning! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for thinking of us, Steven!

Anonymous said...

Hi Paula I like your snowglobe..Eds 2 daughters and the 1 granddaughter every year go to Bon Ton (I think that is where) and buy themselves one as a keepsake. Neat ( :

I hope everyone enjoy their Mail delivery this morning.

I am trying to finish wrapping Eds gifts. Santa around here still fills the stockings and puts the gift out when all are in bed Christmas eve.

Anonymous said...

Norma Tai has been in that tree for most of the morning. Better he gets it out of his system before dark lol .

MITS said...

Norma, its hard to tell from that angle, and can't tell which yard they are in>

MITS said...

Yes, Dana, it was great:).

Anonymous said...

Hi Jo, Paula ,Dana, And Norma. Hello again, Mits, Grinch threw me out earlier. Had to make breakfast anyway.So glad to see our eagles working on the nest this morning.

MITS said...

Megan, I really thought Grinch was gone:):).

Anonymous said...

I put him away, Megan...must've escaped somehow :)

Eagle pair still at BW - looks like they are finally getting dried out...probably what L&B are doing just out of our sight :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, he's still around, stole my wreath, had to try to switch my pic...

MITS said...

Grinch is a lurker:):).

Anonymous said...

Now I've got no pic... Good grief, I give up!

Anonymous said...

Did you log out and log back in again? Or try a cold reboot on your computer.

MITS said...

BW eagles do look fluffier.

Anonymous said...

Cold reboot usually works, Megan.

Anonymous said...

I tried all of that, BBL, maybe my pic any pic will show up then... Got to wrap, bake, clean, etc.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, cause I am forgetting... thanks to all the Momsters who surprised me with Christmas cards! This is the first year in mnay yrs. that I did not send out cards, just didn't get the time, so I thank all of you who sent one to me. And Mits, that is the most beautiful card you sent, I love it.

MITS said...

Paula, Megan needs a pic, look in your lofty files:):):) I have all these sites with the different gifs, but don't know how to use them, but that can be a NEW YEARS RESOULTION, try to find time to learn more about the puter, yeah, like that is gonna happen.

MITS said...

Your very welcome. Megan:).

Anonymous said...

Ok wrapped while listening to Christmas music XM: Music City Holiday on Diretv.

Going to take another shower.

Sorry Megan the grinch escaped and got your picture..he likes to do that then sit back and laugh.

Hold the fort down....Megan hold Paula helps you get a pic.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Just a quick hello from Nogales AZ. I have only taken about 20 photos so far, and a couple of videos LOL, I am sure I will get more. I did a very quick read through back posts, and not sure I saw Sharon sign in. I do know she had Holiday traffic to deal with though. Hopefully she will get in here at tosme point today. Watch closely during those "wax" moments LOL. I did no thave to fly through Denver coming r going actually. I did get delayed both places, but was only a bout 20 min late getting into Tucson. Much later in and out of Dallas Fort Worth but all is well. And Elia so muc sweeter and cuter in person. Great Day and another Christas Wish coming your way.

Anonymous said...

LOL Read back a little mre and there was . Sharon Hauling in the wax...That gal...I knew it would be wax time that she would appear LOL. TTYL

Anonymous said...

Eagles at BW finally dried out and left...

Megan, are you in under Google or the old blogger? Maybe that is the problem.

Sharon did get on last night to say hello. Glad you had a safe trip.

Anonymous said...

You have email, GLO

You're so right about those
Wax moments.

Anonymous said...

Megan, you have mail.

MITS said...

Glad to hear from you, Glo...have fun. Wish me luck, I'm off to the grocery store, hubby is back and looks terrible. Waiting to see how he feels tomorrow...we may have to move this Christmas to another house:(:(.

Anonymous said...

Sandra you cute pic is still on your blogger page. Try like Paula said close out everything. Reboot and then re-enter the eagle site.

Grinch let go of Megan's wreath and Sandra's two little snow boy and girl !! YOU MEANIE !!

Anonymous said...

Porter Wagoner is singing Happy Birthday Jesus it is beautiful. Boy Porter sure is getting old.

Anonymous said...

Checking in on Tai and Mei. Tai is out of the tree. Both are up near the building now.

Anonymous said...

Sandra you got you pic back greattttttttttttttttttttt ( :

Anonymous said...

Eagle back at BW

Anonymous said...

Boy Norma and Mema Jo I sure would have like to have kept one of those coke a cola bottle with that Santa picture on it. I'm like you I look at that pic and remember that cola bottle.

Anonymous said...

This may be long but interesting. About Santa Claus and Coke a Cola.

Coca_Cola advertising in 1920 printed ads in periodicals as the Saturday Evening Post. Then in 1930 The Santa Claus picture was used again Coca-Cola advertising. The artis was Fred Mizen that pained a department store Santa Claus in a crows drinking a bottle of Coke. Mizen's Santa Claus picture was used in many ads that Christmas season. For the next 35 years a man name Sundblom pained Santa Cluas Pictues that helped to create the modern appearance of Santa Claus.
I'm not sure if they ever put him on a bottle of Coke a Cola

Anonymous said...


NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

Ok daughter just called and going out with her awhile and later we are going to Bingooooooo.... Sandra maybe i can get over that way tomarrow really nothing much planned an dif its pretty a ride out to the nest perhaps.... Hugs To All, Nilla PS hope all is feeling better i am hackin also Mits but going to share my germs with others as they have done me

Anonymous said...

Couple of Ewwieees out at BW cleaning up the leftovers..... :)

Anonymous said...

On the yahoo momsters site, click on the links page on the left.

NillaWafer said...

Waiting on daughter to pick me up so checked in .. Iris you know you got to keep hubby happy might be abig present in it for Iris go to our momsters site there is abig list of links over there Paula put for ua .. and will give you many also... or just google live animal cams (with animal name your looking for) What abeautiful day this has turned out to be for those finishing up shopping... Glo i bet your having a hoot with Elia... lots of picturesss... I can not believe Thelma is out shopping she hates it... Thelma behave out there in those crowds... Jo if your lurking hugs to you gal... Dana hope your better and Ed is not chasing you around the Ok gona check in on critter cams before i leave... Everyone stay safe and remember HO HO HO is making his way here... Norma he might stop by your house for some refreshments ok.. we know if he stopped at Mits she give him a G&T and he never make the rounds.....HO!!! HO!!! HO!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anything's possible at Christmastime, Iris...not like any of us have anything else to think about..LOL..:):)

NillaWafer said...

Nope Iris just awhile ago i walked from my bathroon to the dinning room and cant remember what for... Its just sometimers... sometimes we remember..... sometimes we Oh Iris if you go to fonz which is Tai Shan site and 1/2 down the page where it says choose a cam ... next to it it look for video of Tai Shan first year...(highlights) ITS WONDERFUL I SAT here last night n watched it 2 times n laughed n cryed.. just love that Boo Boo so much... There are other video clips also... I sat here few nights ago and just read the whole diary for him... With that said you should be busy for quite awhile now...

NillaWafer said...

Anyone watching Tai ? he can get into the most precarious angles in a tree... He is trying to climb down now .. i just hold my breath that he doesnt get wedged in a V wedge in the tree and stuck.. Looks like he is really putting on a show for the zoo visitors...Now he is setting with Mei eating bamboo.. Those tiger cubs are so big now.. saw mom is still caring for them still... Awww check out those Golden Lion Tamarin monkeysss great new habitat for them on cam and babiessss... wonderful picture... Iris if you go to the bottom of the zoo page the animal pictures click on them will take you to the cams...

Anonymous said...

Peeking in
WHoa! Here comes Santa! Great pic Nilla. Wishing you good luck at Bingo.

Iris - my hubby just said - Now, is that all?! Looks as though anything else I will need to do myself.

Paula - 1 hr and 14 minutes and you will be flying up the road!!

NillaWafer said...

Thanks Jo i hope so to but daughter is going along and she usually wins ... They normally have a nice crowd tonight and pay $75.00 - $100.00 a game...I want the bigggun the $1000.00 cover-all last game of the night.. BRB must call son

NillaWafer said...

People are all over the board walks in Ocean City and Bethany Beach and Rehobeth Beach on cam.. looked like surfin going on in the high wavs also.. Hope they have awet suit on...

NillaWafer said...

3:00 pm and our nest is MT no sign of Liberty or Belle, and looks like alot of work needs done on the nest it is a mess..

NillaWafer said...

Yeah Jo you need to really click on the picture to see it bigger maybe ill find another one ....

NillaWafer said...

MT nest'S in BW ... DID YA SEE THE PICTURE OF THOSE 5 EEEWWWIES IN THE NEST... a face a mother Ewwwwwie could love

MITS said...

Oh No, I missed a bamboon show, finally sitting down to eat, yougurt and a diet ice tea, now do ya think with all my missed meals lately, I would lose weight....NOPE! Safeway was not bad at all and I got everything I needed, and if I forgot anything, they are open Christmas Day from 5:30 a.m. til 3:00p.m. Of course all the checkers are saying they are not working, think they might get triple overtime.

MITS said...

Have a good time at BINGO, Louise, I didn't know you were Catholic, TEE-HEE:):):):) Iris I have one of those at home, gives out a grunt and a sigh when he sees me on computer.

Anonymous said...

LOL Mits....he didn't know what he was doing when he originally encouraged you to learn how to use the darn thing! :):)

MITS said...

Nilla, that is Santa, he better watch out, he may get a speeding ticket.

MITS said...

OMG, Tai and Mei have been given something on lids and Tai is trying to wear his...he cracks me up.

NillaWafer said...

Thanks Thelma i am at daughters right now on her comp, waitng for her to get ready... LOL i am not catholic but i can hollar BINGO with the best of them... AND i am looking at a sonogram of the baby my new grandchild... kind of getting excited but waiting til she passes the 3rd month to really be happy... Any ways scooting now Thelma hold down the fort....Thank God i dont have a husband to grunt n

MITS said...

Mei is inside playing with her biscuit bong.

NillaWafer said...

Yeah well Thelma i said if he stops at your house you get him all tooted up on G&T' and those poor kids would get anything.... Byeeee luv yasss

MITS said...

Paula, he so wishes he had never showed me the enter button, it took me about 2 months to get up the courage to send an e-mail or really surf the net, and, them BAM, I just took off.

movin said...


I'm definitely grateful that Sharon is back amongst us and feeling somewhat better for the holidays.

Dana, I don't recall seeing Santa on a glass Coke bottle, maybe on a largish plastic bottle, certainly on the carton. Not this year though... Political??

Enjoy the Christmas celebration...


MITS said...

Hey, Jim, how is sunny California? It was sunny DC today with temps in the 60' it.

Anonymous said...

Heading home for now and to church...yes church! Eyler's Valley Chapel for candlelit service, then dinner and drinks w/ friends...hope to see ya'll later...if not you know I've had a good time! Have a great evening!

MITS said...

That sounds like fun, Paula....

MITS said...

Blog keeps pushing me off....STOP IT!!!

MITS said...

Yep, like Nilla said, that nest is a mess!!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi girls,

Just a quick in and out tonight I'm afraid,on my way to bed,,, but couldn't NOT come on to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year, and hope all is well with you.
Blessed News about Sharon isnt it, and so glad she came be home for Christmas.
Nilla Bean:::::
I know your at your daughters and are out Gamboling by now, but take care Girl, and behave loveyah.
Sorry I havn't been on for a while not since Thanksgiving,, but like Delphia, am having a not too good time at the moment with the M.E.
So when my joints allow, I'll try and do as much typing as I can.
I saw all the photo's of the debauchery at the Christmas Lunch, and think they are just FAB, I really wish I could of been there, but I think the air fare would of broken the piggy bank.
Doreen and Lou are both out tonight, at respective dinners, so I will send you all their very best too.
THIS YEAR I will hold my glass up you to you all and make a toast to my American Girl friends and wish each and everyone of you all the very best for the coming festivities.
God bless all, enjoy, peace and happiness to all my dearest eaglets.
Take care,
Lots of Love

MITS said...


Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Helen pet,
Sorry to hit and run pet ,but there is a lovley crisp clean bed upstairs with my name on it so I'm going to rechage my batteries ready for the onslaught tomorrow, as Christmas preparations and food are a big thing over here, so I've got a lot to do in the morning.
I know this sounds very odd but I have no idea what American Ladies do about all their Christmas preparations you see, I thought that Thanksgiving was your BIG thing of the year you see, please accept my apologies if I've got it all wrong pet, if you would like a typical English Christmas menu, just say and I'll send you one, but it's a long one, goodness knows hoe we all get though all the eating of it but we seem to every year.
WELL my frinds, it's off to bed for this worrying woman, I hope I get it all done in time.
Take care all, Have loads of fun.
God bless

Anonymous said...

Both eagles are in the nest at NCTC!!!!

Chrissy Beahan said...


Just before I got please,
my bad manners have got the best of me once again pet,
Could you please pass on all my best wishes please to all the girls that arnt on tonight and wish them well for me please for this holiday season, I would be so grateful, thank you.

MITS said...

EAGLE ALERT BOTH ARE THERE.............................................

MITS said...

Sure Chrissy, but you really did a fine job of doing it yourself, just now.

MITS said...

Megan that was a fast visit...odd thing they both looked around the same size????

Anonymous said...

Hard to tell, almost dark, foggy..they were not there long.

MITS said...

Anybody Home????????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Sandra. I notice that a couple of hours went by without any comments. Mits just said Hello - but I don't know where she went. Went to a church service this evening - then met my Son his daughter and her daughter! It is Samantha's birthday tomorrow. She was our Christmas present 5 years ago! So off to the toy store for her to pick out her gifts! They are my gals from NY.

MITS said...

Well, I'm getting there, only have to wrap hubbies gifts, who by the way looks and sounds terrible, still may get those hospital masks. My sister(NOT THE LURKER, THE ONE WITH NO COMPUTER), called around 6:15p.m., east coast time, and they were in Reno, Nevada, 7 hours behind schedule, hoping to get to San Francisco around midnight pacific coast time, they still sound in good spirits. Iwould be climbing the train walls by now.

MITS said...

Sounds like fun, Jo, was going to go to Mass tonight, but hubby did not want to go, so hopefully early tomorrow, so I can come home and set table.

Anonymous said...


You got 100 lbs of wax

I was waiting for someone
to win that before I came back on.
Sandra I thought you would get it.

MITS said...

Merry Christmas Illinois Ladies, 100 lbs of wax for you:):):), with my compliments.

MITS said...

I typed slow, hoping I would not get it:):):).

Anonymous said...

Mass was very well attended. Tomorrow they are having a 4:00, 6:00 & 9:00. Then on Christmas day just the one morning mass. Fr said he wished every Saturday night were as crowded as tonight. Our family will be going to the 4:00 tomorrow & then back here to meet all the family for lasagna & stuffed shells! I hope everyone doesn't mind sitting on each others laps. lol

Anonymous said...

I meant sitting on each others laps in my house - not in Mass.

Anonymous said...

I am wondering if NILLA has hit
BINGO yet?

MITS said...


MITS said...

Just got off the phone with, SHARON and she said to say HELLO, she has been really tired today from the long trip home yesterday. So here is hoping she takes her time and rests to get her strength back up.WE LOVE YOU, SHARON

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

I had to test the Pumpkin Pie that is going to be served tomorrow - Yep! Down right delicious!

MITS said...

Yum, pumpkin pie:):):).

Anonymous said...

Straight from Bob Evans' oven. I had ordered 2 of them & then my daughter said she was bringing one that she made - I knew I could cheat & eat a piece tonight. I'll save the whipped cream for tomorrow.

MITS said...

Bob Evans pies always look so good.

MITS said...

I just read that San Francisco, has had its 3rd small earthquake in the last 4 days, thats all my sister needs to hear, that might get her on a plane back home. :):):). If they ever get to San Francisco.

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

I am watching the Lions

MITS said...

The lions look thin,

MITS said...

I was just going to say it is a good thing the egyptian gees were not around and here they come. gosh they are so loud.

Anonymous said...

That DARN duck is so loud-- Guess he's warning all the others that there are lions resting at the water hole!!

MITS said...

LOL!!! the lions don't seem to be bothered by them.

MITS said...

The lions are beautiful, look young, don't ya think, Jo?

Anonymous said...

They are thin - you can see their ribs. Mits, what is that other noise I hear - like tin cans hitting together or dishes rattling? I know that is not a very good description of the sound, but it's all I can think of.

Anonymous said...

The female looked young.

MITS said...

I will have to listen, turned the sound off, when the noise brothers showed up.

Anonymous said...

They really have large powerful looking front legs on them

MITS said...

Their paws are huge. Such a pretty animal.

MITS said...

one is leaving.

Anonymous said...

Mits - is it too light for it to only be 5am.. I'm asking because I haven't seen 5am for years!

MITS said...

For some reason when our time changed it seemed to get lighter over there.

MITS said...

My clock on my screen and it has been wrong for months now says 2:10a.m.

Anonymous said...

Well I wish he would have given us a royal roar before he left. The other 2 looked younger then this last one. This one's mane looked full grown - the other one's was shorter.

I am going to take an hour break
I need to do a last minute chore
No, I'm not getting another piece of pie............. Be back around 11 to peek in & say good night

MITS said...

Okie-Dokie...if I'm not here, Good Night, Jo.

Anonymous said...

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells... wrapping presents...

MITS said...

Hey there, Megan, having fun???

MITS said...

Your wreath is back.......

NillaWafer said...

I am back and the whole day was completely different than the No Bingo... dinner at Ryans yuck... shooping at Hallmark store and back to daughters... But a bunch of us are heading over to the track for slotssssssssss... Yup i play the frog slot game and they have a band on wknds so i might shake my booty alittle ,,,lol Ok will see you tomarrow Love Nilla

NillaWafer said...

Who knows i might be Rockin Around The Christmas Tree at the Christmas party rock...lalala or fallen in the damn tree more like it...lolllllllll

MITS said...

You better behave yourself, Louise.

NillaWafer said...

Hi Ho Hi Ho its off to play the slots i go... lalalalala Im taking afew bucks if i dont win thats bad luck... I will just grab some man and shake shake our boottaysss on the dance floor ..

NillaWafer said...

Thelam i will stick a few quarters in for

MITS said...

Don't spend too need to start buying things for new grandbaby...

NillaWafer said...

I might as well be 145

MITS said...

???? Not sure I understand the 145, Nilla.

MITS said...

Jo, you have mail....Santa is leaving to make his rounds in about 5 hours and the site I sent you is NORAD tracking him around the world.

NillaWafer said...

Duhh Thelma i was number 145 .. and i tryed to put up another picture but think Santa dis appeared down a chimmeny

NillaWafer said...

Yup his fat arse is stuck some wheres over in Germany... Maybe he will return latr Off to the track Byeeeeeeeeeee

MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

I think the house is empty...

Floral is a wrappin'...

Niila's a trackin'...

Mit's is a nappin'...

And Jo is a snackin'...

Anonymous said...

And I wish all of you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS -- even if it isn't "politically correct!"

Anonymous said...

I am peeking in to say

Good Night All My Friends

NillaWafer said...

Here it is after 3am in the morning and i just got in .. shame on me... Did i win nope.. took Eugene along he works at the store never been there before he had 5 dollars in his pocket put in the machine next to mine and run it up to 1405 so i changed the betting to 5 and he had 1400 he said should i cash it in i said yeah we go and play something else well hells bells he had $70.00 bucks he cashed First timers luck and he would not cash it in and spend it.. Now me thats another story... Any ways had a good time and listened to the band jam... Guess see ya'll later today... Niters

NillaWafer said...

Ok makin sure i have a

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Lib just flew off.

MITS said...

Nilla and Paula, you two party animals, did you have fun last night???

MITS said...


MITS said...

busy busy this a.m.

MITS said...

Belle just took off.

MITS said...

Lib just took off.

MITS said...

Eagle at BW/osprey

MITS said...


MITS said...

Beautiful giraffe at WAVE-LIT...

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Might as well, make it and even 170:).

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...