Monday, December 04, 2006

Monday December 4

New week thread.


MITS said...

THANK YOU, STEVEN, GOOD MORNING EVERYONE. I just tried to alert the others but could not get onto the post, I'll try again. Must all be watching the eagle in Florida. STEVEN, DO WE KNOW WHAT TIME THE SWITCH WILL BE FLIPPED ON THIS WEDNESDAY

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Its snowing up in MAINE, that would be a great pic if the eagles come into the nest!!!

MITS said...

No problem, Suz, we will give you updates!!! Will you be able to see the nest from work???

MITS said...

Can you see the snow in Maine, Suz?

Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone. Hope your day goes well and quickly LOL...well the next 2 days go quickly actually. This is THE week! I am so excited. I get to go in to work at noon today so have a few minutes to check in now. Also running errands like to the post Office and grocery. Will probably read the BLOGS before I go out the door at noon, and bLOG at ya once again this evening. Make it a Great Day!

MITS said...

Still snowing in Maine...MT nest.

MITS said...

Dawn in Kent...MT nest.

Anonymous said...


Eagle in FL!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Maine nest is gorgeous with that snow!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, beginning to think wvuag is someone we know!

MITS said...

She has been sitting in that nest for a looong time, I e-mailed Lynda to see when we might know about the eggs.

MITS said...

Now she is up and about the nest.

MITS said...

Doing a little preening.

MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, he is quick, Mits. Just saw him again after you.

2 eagles in FL

Anonymous said...

I wonder if incubation becomes more serious after one egg, or do they start is right away?

MITS said...

Good question, PAULA, bet LYNDA would know!

MITS said...

Yes, Norma, we have been watching them this a.m.

Anonymous said...

Moving around darn near half a tree in FL

MITS said...

YIKES, MAINE cam is breaking up.

MITS said...

Never bother a pregnant eagle, she is not happy with him.

Anonymous said...

Just give me that stick, I'll do it myself!

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't think there is an egg in that nest right now...too much activity...remember how they curl their talons in and walk carefully around the egg?

MITS said...

Calm down, honey, I'll fix it!

MITS said...

I think her talons are going to be around his neck in a minute.

Anonymous said...

Big patch of nice soft stuff for the eggs and chicks....

Anonymous said...

2 Days and Counting

Unless Steven knows otherwise....

Anonymous said...

Awwww, love that beaking!

MITS said...

Wind gust are at 12 mph at FLA, little breezy.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Eagle friends just read comments on this page.

Sorry went up street to sister-in-laws Saturday and her 5 steps put me in a set-back.

Then Sunday everyone came around to draw names for Christmas.

Besides busy my leg doesn't like me.

Wow ty Maine is beautiful.
Didn't see George have Kent up now.
Florida is great she wants that nest how she wants it.

Ed has dr. appt. afternoon so won't be in then. Try later.

Don't know who the person is that was # 1 in. I'm beginning not to give a care if they can't tell us. I think they like teasing people.

Crap wrote all this and "forgot I have to SIGN IN !!"

Anonymous said...

Suzanne glad it's not doing here what it's doing in Maine.

Has anyone seen if Buta Buta is trying to walk yet?

Anonymous said...

Norma that person isn't going to talk back to you. They didn't before a ways back. When you ask them almost the same question. You are just the nicest lady Norma for someone not to speak back to you.

Anonymous said...

Good late morning!
Lots of action on here this morning
Need to put up all these active eagle cams - squirrel and snow!

MITS said...

Have to go out for the rest of the afternoon...TTUL!

Anonymous said...

I wonder like someone else said. If they can move the cam so we would be able to see inside the nest in Florida. I haven't seen them move it in that direction if they can.

Anonymous said...

Your probably right Norma "he is probably in construction".

Anonymous said...

EAgle back in Florida

Anonymous said...

Lun Lun is washing Buta Buta and Buta Buta acts like she wants to get away from Mom doing that.

Wow Mom just picked her up "not a stick of buter" anymore.

I bet if there was sound we would be hearing a thing or two. Mom just layed her down. Buta is still wiggling.

Anonymous said...

Okay cam watchers, good morning all.. Hope everyone is having a great Monday, have to blog and run...eating quick lunch...very busy, great weekend, now have lots of special orders to is good, which is great, but this chick is tired...and has too many blisters on her hands. HEY Norma... GO WVU!!!! BBL

Anonymous said...

Very glad to hear that your business is booming, Megan!
Norma When you read all the comments from you bloggers, you feel like you were right there seeing it all! The wind in FL reminds me of the British Columbia nest of BigSis and Lil'Bro.

Anonymous said...

I am off to work now. I did get some FRAPS of the fL eagles. i will send it out tonight. Enjoy your day with the eagles...How absolutely beautiful!!!!

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta doesn't really fit up under Lun Lun's chin anymore when she holds her. She's a 10 pounder now.

Anonymous said...

I must agree with you Mema Jo. After watching Lun Lun pick Buta up go to the other end on the concret. Then she tried to wash Buta. Sliding Buta on the concrete from one end to the other. Then Lun Lun got into the nest bed and got in every postion I think I have ever seen her in.
We now have a settle Lun Lun with 20 lb Buta Buta nursing. (:

Anonymous said...

Florida eagle is "putting MORE sticks in nest" as if she doesn't have enough. We'll never be able to see the eggs or the eaglets.

Anonymous said...

I am assuming that it is Tai up in the tree on Cam 2. There is a Dec 1 update on the panda page about Tai and his training. I really will not like it when he has to go back to China - I am just thankful we also have Buta Buta to watch. They are really expecting her first steps very soon.

Anonymous said...

Your right Mema Jo that is Tai in the tree. lol

Anonymous said...

Well I need to leave for a few hours.. Headed for Toys-R-Us -- Woopee Do!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,

Hope you all have a wonderful and happy thanksgiving celebration.

Just a quick pop in , in the middle of cooking dinner !!!!

Terrible weather here , we are in the middle of awful rain and gales, winds up to 70--80 miles an hour, thank goodness I havn't lost any roof tiles this time.

Just got in from the hospital, as I have been to the breast clinic, yet again,, but this time got the all clear, all except for one tiny little lump in the right breast that's benign thankfully, so no more opps for me for a while, had 5 already didn't really want another one.
LOU, is also at the hospital to for the very same thing, so I'm worrying about her,, her clinic doesnt have a ONE STOP service and she will have to wait a week for her results, poor love, but I will keep you all posted on her progress.

WELL the kitchen is calling, must go and feed the rabble.
Speak soon my friends.


Anonymous said...

Chrissy great to hear from you. I'll be praying for your roof and for "Lou". It's always hard waiting on results.

So glad you drop in for awhile been missing the UK gals. Send my love to Lou and Doreen and YOU.

Anonymous said...

Norma I don't know about her in Florida but between her nest and the Maine nest "I am sea-sick" lol.

Still putting it down in Maine.

Anonymous said...

Someone's on the ground eating bamboo at DC Zoo.

Anonymous said...

Both eagles in Florida nest now

Anonymous said...

More sticks and some really "big".
Being added to nest in Florida.

Ok I waiting for when it is finished because I am looking then to see where they put the "guard building and guard for their masion".

Anonymous said...

Flying out to get more sticks I'm sure.

You do know Florida has a lot of gated communities and a lot of them also have guards. So I figure they are also adding one for their place too. lol

Anonymous said...

Both Mei and Tai are on the ground eating bamboo. Wander if he is going to "wack" Mom today with bamboo.

Anonymous said...

Ok friends I have things to do to get ready.

Maine snow has stopped.

Mei and Tai 1:52pm EST are wrestling on the concrete area near building.

Buta Buta asleep

BW haven't seen anything yet.

Florida seems to always be action even if they leave they come back.

Haven't seen eagles in Kent nest.

That's my update but it can be quesstioned by anyone on here. Why?
Because I can't lol be everyhwere at once. So someone could have seen something I missed lol hee hee (((hugs)))) tc all

Anonymous said...

Important please read and email a response to me at my home

I have found a Beautiful Adult Eagle Queen size Fleece Throw It will cost me $40 to buy I can use Eagle Cam money from this months check from Cafe Press to re-imburse that expense IF You want to run with this idea.

I am wanting to raffle it off for the Eagle Cam. I need your input on how best to accomplish this. They have 3 left today and I could pick it up tomorrow if you all think this is a good idea.

I will be waiting for ideas How to conduct this. I personally would want anyone with access to the info about the throw ro be able to purchase tickets towards it. We would need a place to send the money. A PO box that comes with a husband would be best LOL.

But am open to suggestions. I would love to be able to draw the winner when I come in the Spring in front of others there and if it is not a local winner we could use some of the proceeds to package and ship. I would think at like $2 a ticket we could raise $200 minimum on. Send any and all comments to me at home I want your input PLEASE

Anonymous said...

Eagle back in FL

Anonymous said...

Dad just came in w/ another Stick

MITS said...

Hi everyone...temp at Port St. Lucie is 68° and wind gusts are 14mph.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi girls,
Thanks for all your good wishes and prayers,, as I said it's Lou that I'm worrying about at the mo cos she has to wait one week for her results.
Norma pet,,,,
I have had 5 opps for lumps over the past 10 years or so, the last one was the worst one as the lump had detached it's self from the breast and attached itself to one of my ribs, so that was a full opp not just a lump removeal and it was at Christmas to, I saw the specialist [Mr.Siva] on the Thursday morning and he phoned me Friday morning and said GET HERE NOW,,I'M WAITING FOR YOU. So you can imagine I was spooked, but that man has been my saviour, what an angel he is,, well needless to say, radiotherapy and time later, after the New Year, thats when all my problems really started, after I got out of ITU and was allowed home, I got pheumonia and went back in to hospital,let out again, then my liver went pear shapped, back in hospital, let out again then caught secondary pneumonia again back in you know where, and the I didnt pick up, and the Doctor gave me more tests and ERGO ended up with ME, but I'm one of the very luck ones I got through all that, and God is good,and there are a lot worse off than I will ever be, and I'm thankfull for that so as I say I count myself so very lucky.

Well that a potted history of Chrissy really.

Has anyome heard how Nilla and Sharon are, I'm so out of touch, I hope they are getting well, and Nilla is behaveing, bless her.

Well it's my bed time now, and I didnt get much sleep last night so going to cash in on an early night and get some zzzzzzzzzz's

Love to all,,Take care my friend, Speak soon
Lots of Love

MITS said...

WOW!! Chrissy you have been thru the mill, glad things are turning around for you.Good health to you and yours this Christmas and New Years' season:):)!

MITS said...

Eagle popped in than out in FLA.

MITS said...

Both are back at FLA.

Anonymous said...

Well, I am back from the toy store with my purchase. One little girl will be happy this Christmas.
I have more dental work tomorrow afternoon; therefore, I am going to OutBack & eat steak!


Anonymous said...

2 eagles in FL

MITS said...

Have a bloomin onion for me, Jo and throw another shrimp on the barbie....

Anonymous said...

Eagle back in FL

MITS said...

I know this is a family-blog, but I think I just saw the eagle version of french-kissing down in FLA.

Anonymous said...

2 eagles in FL as it is getting darker....

Anonymous said...

OK First thing I did was to check my email when I got home. Does No response mean No interest, or have you not read the Important post I sent while at work today.

I am not at a computer there anymore but requested internet access while others were on their smoke break to let you all know aobut this. If I don't have the info and make the purchase tomorrow I am sure they will be gone. This too is Eagle Country...the right 3 people need to see them and they are out of there. Will check again later. Please don't leave me guessing and hanging here Tell me to forget it in an email iF that is what your response would be. that tells me you saw it and are responding.

Suppertime. I will check in a while, and will also get a couple of Fraps from FL this morning ready for you.

MITS said...

No classes today, Norma, Wednesday and Friday this week and next. I saw Chrissy's post, she has had a tough year. I went for all my stuff today, mammo, bone scan and a ultrasound somewhere that I will keep to myself, this is a family-blog:):):).

MITS said...

Norma, you have wax.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening, my eagle friends! I hope everybody has had a wonderful day. I got to watch a minute or 2 of my Buta Buta, watched Tai for a minute and got to see the eagle laying in the Florida nest.

Anonymous said...

Sharon You have mail.

MITS said...

:):):), Don't know if I feel healthier , Norma, but at least I have a few people off my back bugging me, it has bee 4 years since my last mammo, I have had SO many when I was younger that I just said I have had enough and toke a break, I know stupid on my part, but I get really tired of going to the DRS.

MITS said...

Hello, Miss Sharon.

MITS said...

Haven't seen anyone at KENT, but George today.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I just returned home from eating my Steak! It was really good. I must get over to my email and holler at GLO - Have all of you done the same??? She needs your opinion right now or before the sun comes up. Did you see that moon? I wish I could see the Maine nest with that snow in the moonlight - what a pretty Christmas card that would be. Off to send GLO an email...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it! I'm in!!!!! FINALLY

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo Would you run for an office please, anywhere for anything!!! You are so supportive and encouraging. I love your spirit.

Will let you know tomorrow night whether I went shopping or decided to NOT run with the idea. I seriously don't think I will have time to BLOG whether I will be stoppiong to shop Before I leave for work and of course I have to get there while 1 is still available so I will definitely know if I am headed for the shop with cash in hand when I leave for work at * am tomorrow.
I will let you know here on the Blog tomorrow night if we will be able to carry of the Fleece eagle throw or not.

Anonymous said...



I was just about to tell everyone that we needed to find a solution as to how to get you back in here.
How did you do it!
Eagle picture is great.

Anonymous said...

GLO I love your new Thanksgiving picture - Those wide eyes are so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Well, changed the pic again, used my netscape browser and amazingly -- it let me post! Maybe it didn't like the picture I tried to get on??? Whatever, I am here and ain't changing my pic for a while! I was bloggered out for a very long time!!

MITS said...

Vicky....Vicky, who?????? TEE-HEE!!! WELCOME HOME VICKY

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mits! I got disciplined severely by blogger cop, I guess!

Anonymous said...

Looks just like the eagle on the Fleece throw LOL. OK I took pictures. have to reboot the computer to read the card. I will then up load it to somewhere so you can see it. And email it out also. I took several. its Queen size and the eagle is smack in the middle. has a fish in talons...leggings. it is fleece and does have some folds as i just ook it out of the package, but you will be able to see it OK I think. Oh Daphne Loves it. She already thinks its hers!!!! .She is so wrong But I will share. it is machine wash on warm or cold, and tumble dry low! Ok BRB

Anonymous said...

It is getting dark at the Kent nest.. I don't recall seeing our eagle couple for the past few days... Just George.
I guess FL nest has been getting most of our attention lately - at least until Wednesday that is.

Anonymous said...

Ha Glo! Daphne knows it is hers! Maybe she will share it with you!

MITS said...

Can't wait to see the pic, Glo. What do you think caused all your problems, Vicky???

Anonymous said...

Well Mits, I think it was rejecting the pic I had tried to put up! The victorian house didn't cause a problem, but then I changed it to a christmas tree and house scene, so tonight I reloaded an old pic I had used before -- the eagle here-- and wham, let me right in and let me post!

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky glad to see you again. You know alot of places won't let their employees say, "Merry Christmas" it has to be "Happy Holidays". Maybe the blogger cop doesn't like christmas lights.

I say it's his tough luck but if he was keeping you out. I'm glad you figured it out and got IN HERE "WELCOME BACK HOME".

Going to get my mail

MITS said...

Well I never......The blog person must be Mr. Scrogge!!!!!

Anonymous said...

He really could be a grinch

MITS said...

Your right, Dana, I will not be shopping at Nordstroms', went in there to get some gift certificates and their decorations, or lack of them are pathetic. If I am going to do Christmas shopping I want the place to look like Christmas, some of the stores in this particular mall (WESTFIELD SHOPPING MALL MONTGOMERY) have NO DECORATIONS!!!

Anonymous said...

Well Gals, I'll be good and not make any changes, for a while at least! You know me and pics!

Anonymous said...

Well I find it amazing that in America the words Merry Christmas would become offensive!

Anonymous said...

Ok I made a Filmloop on the For the love of eagles page.

Go take a look.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello everybody. Hope all is well this evening!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon!!!!! You o' wax queen!!! Wanna race??

Anonymous said...

Around here the shop owners are all saying "Merry Christmas" this year. They certainly didn't last year though. There has been quite a lot in the news about that, and I think MOST of us want to celebrate Christmas, and have no problem with the word. The rest can have a Happy Holiday. I know several Jewish people who have no problem wishing me a Merry Christmas and I certainly do wish them a Happy Hannuka.

After you look at the pictures Please do respond to me. I would probably wait til after the First of Jan to proceed with how to organize the raffle etc. There has beent he suggestion of an auction, but it would probably bring in less, yet would be easier to organize. it would also automatically eliminate those who would easily get a $2 raffle ticket but back out of an Auction fairly soon because they simply don't have the funds to keep bidding. I am sort of an Include Everyone kind of person if I possible can.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't it WalMart that put Merry Christmas back in the store? Jim had sent an email-I think I am right.
Need to go to For The Love of Eagles...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dana I opened your email.

Anonymous said...

Heads up Eaglelanders. Our dear friend Nilla had chest pains all day Sunday. Sunday night was admitted to hospital. They are doing test. Don't know anything more than that yet. I spoke to her and the test are wearing her out. Please keep our "dear eagle friend Nilla in your prayers". thank you all

Anonymous said...

Oh Dana, thanks for the info!! Prayers for our momster Nilla!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Many prayers for our buddy Nilla. We have powerful prayers around here!

Anonymous said...

Oh My OK more prayers for Nilla. Thanks so much Dana

Anonymous said...

Vicky a blue sky background would make the white on your eagle really stand out. Although after having the "blogger police" keeping you out because of your Christmas decorations. I don't know if I would change anything for awhile.

Anonymous said...

Prayers for Nilla for sure.
Thanks so much Dana for alerting us!

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for your reponse and prayers for Nilla. I just wrote what she told me too. I thank you though from the bottom of my heart.

MITS said...

Oh my, "our" poor Nilla, prayers for Nilla. We do alot of praying around here, don't we???? BTW...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Anonymous said...

We sure do Mits but it is nice to know that people care so much to stop and take that time to pray. OOOpppps I better watch out the "blogger police might get me for saying that".

Anonymous said...

I'll bbl

Anonymous said...

Jo Please check your mail.

Also i sent out some pictures of FL eagles to several of you. Please share around to those I may have missed. got to do some stuff aorund the house now. Will check in a little later,

Anonymous said...

Time for Super Nanny!

Anonymous said...

Oh, My, so sorry to hear about Nilla. She is in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Please keep us informed...

Anonymous said...

I got the FeedBlitz notice today. That works really well when you need to get a message out.
The video of the FL couple was really good - especially the ending!

Anonymous said...

I will return before everyone leaves for the evening - Time to pay some bills for the month & find out just how broke I am....... lol not..

MITS said...

Where did everybody go????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just hanging out, waiting for somebody else to blog something. :):):) Mattie is spending the night with me and she is asleep. Such a wonderful little girl that is such a joy to be around.

It is 28° in Bluefield. Felt more like 5° this evening, just bitter cold.

Anonymous said...

Guilty lurker here too!


Anonymous said...

Did anyone check out the new pics at BW? Some good shots in there. One was of a white egret, which I had never seen sit on the cam before.

Anonymous said...

Well, not on the cam, but on the platform.

Anonymous said...

Well stopping back to say Good Night. Early start and long day tomorrow. facility opens have to have everything set to go tomorrow at the close of work day. Who knows what time that will be. Good Night!

Anonymous said...

I'm back BUT not for long since it is that time of the evening. I watched Wavelit last night & saw a herd of 12 zebras and a lot of little baboons running around. But now I am yawning....

Good Night and don't forget to
say your prayers

Good Morning Suzanne

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur. I hope everyone has a peaceful night.

Definitely prayers going up for Nilla, Chrissy and Lou tonight!

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess it's good night then, since everyone else has gone to bed!

Good night, Sleep tight!

MITS said...

Time to head out for the night. Yes, Paula the pics at BW are really good. GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE, TEMP HERE IN BETHESDA, MD IS 27° BRRR!

Anonymous said...

Yep, its lights out for the blog!
Goodnight, sleep tight!

Anonymous said...

Good morning Suzanne! Beautiful moon out there this morning. Thanks for letting us know about Nilla, Dana. Sorry to hear she is having problems again. Keeping her in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, Suzanne. Quit about 10 pm last night, time to get started again. Cold morning out there today, but at least the wind is not blowing. Have a great day everyone. BBL

Anonymous said...

Go Megan, sell those greens!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Top o' the morning to ya, blog buddies!!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...