Monday, December 11, 2006

Midday Pic


Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Land! Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Glad you got to see the eagles, too. Beautiful scene.

Anonymous said...

I'll take pictures from anyone and everyone to put on the momsters site, please.

Email is:


Anonymous said...

Beautiful, beautiful eagle!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads-up Paula.

Steve - just where are you eating lunch in DC today? Thanks for checking on us!

Nilla Bring your comment on over from the other thread about the luncheon

Good Deal, Paula.

MITS said...


MITS said...

NILLABEAN, are you yelling:):):)?

NillaWafer said...

Thanks Steven enjoy this beautiful day. There he set's so majectic and proud.... On the edge where his childern flew off into the clouds.. waitng patiently for his Belle to arrive...

NillaWafer said...


Anonymous said...

NILLA You said Ok Jo usually on Saturdays the gate is open and since the guards know most of us wont be a problem getting in they know we are
However The Saturday after Thanksgiving when I went to get my wreath & then to the nest - The gates were closed. You think because it was Thanksgiving holiday? Maybe we should call just to be certain- well we'll go to the curve if they are closed.

NillaWafer said...

Thelam dear now would i yell??? No just getting everyones attention the time is passing by fast and will be saturday before you know

NillaWafer said...

Now Steven if your reading this maybe just maybe you could make sure we have the ok to get in on saturday morning before going to lunch if the gates are open??

Anonymous said...

I don't want to go but I will be late if I don't. BBL

NillaWafer said...

I dont know if those people in the house will let us go back or not Jo.. Always can try they were nice yesterday so who knows...

NillaWafer said...

I need to go jump in the shower also .. sister be here soon and still in bathrobe.. BBL

Anonymous said...

I am home from my little trip out to see the Eagles. I did see 5 of them and snapped some photos I will try to get them uploaded at some point today. However I came on here now to say

Thank You so very much I went to my email and saw there is a list of images waiting for me. I am in tears because you are so very special to me and are coming through to help

I am working on changing most likely changing Flight times to AZ and getting some extra time off. I will try to leave this weekend instead of next Fri. My Daughter needs some help to get all these finals and concerts pulled off and free her husband to be here with his Dad. I will have access to my email and all of these things and it is a wonderful diversion from this other difficult time for my family. MTBR We are waiting on Surgery time and date now and just trying to plug the rest in.

((((((hugs to you)))))))) I am emotinally very touched to see the email look the way it did as I came home.

Anonymous said...

Glo The good Lord is looking after your daughter by giving her Your strength and presence. He certainly does work in mysterious ways.

All our prayers are with you and the entire family.

Anonymous said...

Saturday's Get Together

You can look at Rumsey Tavern's lunch menu ahead of time if you wish.

Anonymous said...


MITS said...

Yes, Glo, your EAGLE FAMILY is here for you:)!

MITS said...

eagle at BW.

MITS said...

Hey, Doreen, good to hear from you:):):)!

Anonymous said...

I have returned. Hello Doreen
Happy to hear from you - Your little prince was being a devilish little guy early today. The new Gal in Atlanta will get her official name this week.
There is an eagle now on the BlackWater Osprey cam. Doreen, they have brought up the Eagle cam at BW. Just checked and found MT nest in Maine and Kent,WA. Our Florida eagle is still keeping that egg(s) warmed - what they say - January would be hatching?

MITS said...

Eagle working on the nest again at FLA.

MITS said...

Yes, Jo, you are correct.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of working on the nest-- Don't you think Liberty & Belle have a good many sticks in the nest that need to be placed on the sides of the nest before those eggs come?

MITS said...

Yes, I do, they better get their collective butts busy:).

Anonymous said...

Do you mean collective BEAKS?


MITS said...

ROFLMBO!!!! yes, collective, beaks, Jo

Anonymous said...

OK - I am going to drive out to the church and purchase my Christmas cards from the Youth Group. BBL

FYI Mits: The email card you just sent
was beautiful.

MITS said...

Eagle back at BW/osprey nest.

MITS said...

Thanks, Jo:):).

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

So, we have eagles at Maine, FLA and BW.

MITS said...

Never mind eagles flew off up in Maine.

MITS said...

2Eagles at BW/osprey.

Anonymous said...

2nd eagle just came into BW Osprey cam with a fish

MITS said...

the one that was there for sooo long just flew off, but one still at BW/osprey.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha - first eagle took off.

MITS said...

Wonder why the other flew off when dinner arrived.

Anonymous said...

Our nest is MT but looks beautiful in the evening sun, with those white branches and dark nest.

Anonymous said...

Did he have a fish before, Mits? I saw him cleaning his beak and doing the crop thingy....maybe he had some in reserve!

Anonymous said...

Eagle has a nice big fish.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good afternoon, my friends of fine feathers. I hope this finds everyone well.

Glo, our love, prayers and support are with you always. This is the most awesome group of people I have ever met. I know I have been truly blessed with you all!!

Hello, Doreen, glad to see you stop by. We have missed you!

Anonymous said...

eagle alert!!!

MITS said...

Eagle is eating something and very quicky, cause I can't see to much left of the fish, when they do the croppy thing.

MITS said...

EAGLE ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...

Evewry time one gets in our nest the crazy lines start again.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon -
Pretty soon you will need to once again become our

Eagle Eyed Sharon

Anonymous said...

2 eagle alerts!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon -

Pretty soon you will need to once again become our

Eagle Eyed Sharon

Anonymous said...

only 1 now

MITS said...

That was too funny...Belle was sitting on Libertys' head before take-off.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon -

Pretty soon you will need to once again become our

Eagle Eyed Sharon

MITS said...

all gone.

MITS said...

ROFLMBO!!!!! and snorting..Jo, sweetie, what is this mean blog doing to you?????

Anonymous said...

Both Beautiful Eagles - What a fix!

Take your pics!

MITS said...

Little eagle is back at BW/osprey.

Anonymous said...

I will very calmly write a comment & hope to heck it will publish just
I wonder if Nilla was at the Sycamore?
Hey There Sharon - did you get my message earlier.

Mits I give up! I am going out to the Red Lobster......

MITS said...

Take me Take me!!!!

MITS said...

Your ok, Jo, it only posted once, I was getting ready to smack it silly and blogger man got scared.

MITS said...

Mei and Tai are asleep and Tian is eating his bamboo.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You are right, Mema Jo. I AM BACK - EAGLE-EYED SHARON!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, email message or message on here? I think yes to both.

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looks like they are both gone again!

MITS said...

Sharon ?? GMTA, Get My Tail Aligned???????

MITS said...

I bet they are close by.

NillaWafer said...

No Nilla didnt go over to the sycamore tree this afternoon.. started washing windows n put candles in them sister didnt make it over so i just did something around here i needed to get finished going back to work tomarrow..

MITS said...

Darn, sorry, Nilla. Well, at least you will get some things done. Why are you going back to work so soon?

NillaWafer said...

Hi Mits, How is your day going?

MITS said...

I'm fine...How are you doing? You sound a little down.

MITS said...

The eagle in FLA looks like she has been doing alot of turning today...must be moving the egg/eggs around.

MITS said...

All pandas are asleep.

MITS said...

Mei Xiang is up and she is eating bamboo now.

Anonymous said...

I have returned - Sorry, Mits that I didn't hear you hollering to go along before I walked out the door. I'll save these 2 cheesy biscuits & bring them to you on Saturday.
Sharon - I have no idea what GMTA is:
Got more then Africa
Go Monday to Atlanta
Get My Teeth Adjusted lol

I'll go with what Mits guessed it was.

Anonymous said...

Sharon: Do you know if Mauley (Donna) is ok and just too busy with school things to be on the blog?

Anonymous said...

I just realized that I am on here all by myself. I am going to take advantage of that & sneak away for about 2 hours - I know that no one is going to know I have left! BBL

The eagle spirits have surrounded the nest. All is well.

NillaWafer said...

Now Mits theres an offer you cant turn down Red Lobster Cheese Biscuits.. YUM YUM.. will ya share Thelma HUH HUH? I am at daughters going out for abite to eat... Mits my job is not hard i just smile and flirt and take money,,,lol what i do best.... grin

NillaWafer said...

Mits i bet Jo is off eating cookies ?

MITS said...

I miss you, Jo:):):).

MITS said...

I've never been to Red Lobster...

MITS said...

SHARON, I need a new Christmas pic for my name:):):).

Anonymous said...


You caught me red handed

MITS said...

Boy, Jo, Nilla has your number....

Anonymous said...

I have 2 girlfriends, now it's 3 girlfriends, who place snowmen all over their houses at Christmas. They're on the stair steps, kitchen cupboards & tables, every shelf in the place, on beds and even on the toilet paper holder! Good things is that snowmen can stay up as decorations all winter long! Right, Mits

I need to finish decorating the inside of my home..........

MITS said...

You right, Jo, I keep mine up til almost the end of January. I'm going to watch TV and put some more snowmen out, the little buggers are driving me crazy, I think they make snowbabies during the year they are in the attic, just when I think I'm done...more snowmen:):):).

Anonymous said...

Just a quick Hi Got so busy this afternoon I never did get to that nap I really wanted to take. No pictures uploaded from my little trip either, although I only saw like 4 eagles. May do that later, maybe not until tomorrow. I do have the new Loop up and ready though if you don't want to wait for the Feed Blitz in the am...just go have a look.

Eric's Dad's surgery is tomorrow at 3:30 pm. my time...which is central Time Zone. There is no way to get him there in time for the surgery now so he has talked with his dad tonight and will talk to him again in the morning. Then we all wait for the outcome of the surgery and the Post Op Course. Thanking you again for upholding Jim in your prayers especailly tomorrow. Good Night all. Thanks so much for all the fun photos and comments today. it made a lighter spot in what has been a pretty heavy day. ((((hugs))))

Anonymous said...

((((((HUGS, GLO))))))

Anonymous said...

Hope we hear from Dana soon. She had her DR appointment this morning at 11:30 or so. She is really putting forth a fantastic effort to get as many as possible to the luncheon.

Anonymous said...

What did you have at Red Lobster tonight, Jo?

My leftover cheese biscuits went great w/ my leftover lobster and shrimp!

Anonymous said...

I usually get the crab alfredo...Love it. Only a half portion - it is so rich & filling. Did you go to the one in Frederick?

Anonymous said...

Sending positive vibes and healing thoughts to those in need....

Anonymous said...

If you haven't yet seen the eagles, there have been 92 new pictures of them loaded onto the momsters site since the cam came up last Wednesday. Please feel free to save or share any one or all of the pictures on the momsters yahoo group site.

If you would like to join the group, just send me an email. ALL ARE WELCOME IN THE NEST!

Also, you can just click on my name and scroll down to the eaglet momsters blog to view a slideshow of our eagles from Sunday. Or there is a link to it on this blog's main page.

Don't forget to support the momsters efforts to support our webcam. Visit
to purchase items to support the cam or make a donation. Thank you for all of your support!

Anonymous said...

Got to go put up the tree now....

Anonymous said...

Yes, Jo, took Son & GF & Grandson out last Friday night for Son's birthday...ate for 2 nights!

NillaWafer said...

Well hers another thing thats gona blow your mind... I also collected snowmen for years had hundereds of them all shapes sizes ... Yup but when i divorced and moved into a msall aprtment i had a big yard sale .. only have afew now.. Also my sister Linda who died collected snowmen and she had many many.. small world huh??? lol Your rite i got Jo number its 1-301-...-....///lol

Anonymous said...

Nilla, I buy snowmen all the time but give them as gifts. Have you heard from Dana this evening?

NillaWafer said...

No i have not talked to her i know she was going to doctors about having the cysist on the back of her leg drained again... Think i shloud try and call her? She maybe laying down better not..

NillaWafer said...

By the way Jo went to Cracker Barrel for dinner had the roast beef..

Anonymous said...

Hopefully she is resting - I'm sure we'll hear from her first thing in the morning.
I'm going to try to pass by the nest before I come to the Clarion. I think.

Anonymous said...

I am suppose to go to CB next Tuesday with the girls I used to work with. We do it once a month..I love keeping in touch with them. They were my work family for 13 years.

MITS said...

I just love the Crackel Barrel, especially their buttermilk pancakes...I'm hungry...

MITS said...

Yeah, I thought for sure Dana would drop back in...hope she is ok.

NillaWafer said...

And i am sure they miss your smiling face and that cheerful twinkle in your eyes... Bet they always wondered what you were up to when you did

Anonymous said...

Mits Don't tell me you forgot to get something to eat..... Seems recently that I am always hungry. Might need to grab that cookie box again but then the 'scales' are right beside my bed. I think I will just kick them under the bed........

NillaWafer said...

Thelma i cant believe you never been to the Red lobster??? All the fancy food you eat with names like Alfredo Pastawhatzamycallitringadingiloz...

Anonymous said...

Nilla, I think Mits went to get something to eat. Wanna bet?

MITS said...

The pantry is bare....darn...I'll fix some hot chocolate with whipped cream on it

NillaWafer said...

Oh yeah thats very nurishing Thelma have some toast with it...

MITS said...

LOL! Nilla...Rigatoni Puttanesca...rigatoni with chopped tomato and stuff very simple time you go to store look in the spag sauce aisle...your see a jar of it, although I think made of homemade is probably better.

NillaWafer said...

One of the pandas was up eating bamboo might have been Tian Tian

Anonymous said...

Almost 5:30 am in Africa - I have both cams up but nothing moving...

NillaWafer said...

Look the lil devil is up poor Mei just sprawled out on the rocks and he is aggrivating her

NillaWafer said...

they were on cam 2 but went out of view looked like he pulled her ear

NillaWafer said...

Right hand corner of cam 2 panda eating again.... Thelma get down there and man those camera girl.. by the way will it ever be your job?

NillaWafer said...

Jo i had said earlier in another blog that the ngm Petes Pond will be closing Dec15th rainy season starts and animals wont come to the pond nor can anyone drive in its to muddy .. think its back up like in April?

Anonymous said...

Guess we have a couple more days of Pete's.
I wonder what name will be chosen for Buta Buta. Anxious to find out this week.
Mits sent you us a good recipe-Watch out for the black olives

NillaWafer said...

Mei is in the spotlight on camera 1 no sign of the lil terror

NillaWafer said...

vent checked mail Thanks Thelma

MITS said...

No Nilla unless I specifically ask to train for that job. I don't know if I would enjoy sitting there, I'd rather sit here at home and watch them or see them in person, but I don't know maybe some day.

NillaWafer said...

Oh my blogger police stole half my message 1st part should be I love Black Olives have not checked mail

Anonymous said...

Ten thirty at night and the little prince is playing....... Momma Mei!

I may have missed something because Tai is climbing up towards his corner.

NillaWafer said...

Thelma think about it all those camera windows we saw the lady that day.... you be watching and then they come inside they are right next to you can see them... Now thats some real good perks Up close n personal with the keepers .. get me in Oh and Jo for what goes on we cant Like when you showed me the room Tai was born in..

NillaWafer said...

Is he nursing?

Anonymous said...

Mits On Panda cam 1 - what is Mei doing?

MITS said...

I had no idea black olives, were good for you:):). I'll try to get promoted to that job, Nilla. I will have to go thru that room everytime I sign in and get my supplies for the day, so maybe I can get friendly with the cam people.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening, my friends. How is everybody this evening?

My Mattie is with me tonight and already asleep.

Not long before I go to bed. Have to get up at 6:30.

NillaWafer said...

She sure is sleeping in a funny position i thought it was Tai nursing, but sont think so now on cam 1

NillaWafer said...

You hear that Jo our own Lil Mits running the camera down there now thats impressive HUH???LOL

NillaWafer said...

Sharon Hugs aww i think Mattie loves you alot. Does Auntie Sharon spoil her?lol Doesnt matter she can be the daughter you never had right!!! Kids know where they are loved

MITS said...

I just checked cam 1 and it looks like she is sleeping on her side, if that is Mei, it could be Tai, because I don't see him anywhere

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mattie calls me Sissy. Actually she calls me and my sister both Sissy. Before my gastric bypass (weighing 350 pounds) I was called Big Sissy and Beverly was Little Sissy. Now she just calls me Sissy. She is just a special 8-year-old. She is a great problem solver. She is a good kid (as long as she gets her way, of course). :):):)

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night Mits.

Anonymous said...

You can't see Tai - he had climbed on up above her earlier..
I swear Mei had been sleeping while sitting up - I see she has now laid down.

Hi Sharon Loved the email I just got. You are very special to Mattie, I can tell. And I think she is special to you too.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, she sure is. I was there when she was born and that just did something to me! She has always been so precious to me!

NillaWafer said...

Ok Thelma the receipt sound yummy except for the lil dead fish ok and i aint eatin nuffin my cat wont eat and he is pedigree...LMAO

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, time for bed for me.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my special friends of fine feathers and fur.

Anonymous said...

Time for me to sign off - also..
You headed in, Nilla?

Good Night All my Friends

Good Morning, Suzanne

NillaWafer said...

I know Olives are a aphfreeidisiac (SP) But good Lord at my age i dont need to be gettin all hot n sweaty n wanta do the wild thang Thelma.. My hips could not take On second thought lollll

NillaWafer said...

Yes headin out also monday night and my medical shows are on discovery health.. Nighty nite .. Morning Suz thanks for the christmas ornament and so happy out there some wheres is a tree named lil Nilla....

MITS said...

Boo, I'm back, just looked at our nest and it looks like the sticks at the top have been disturbed, but maybe it is because of the nightime and making it look different...I check in daylight..Night again....Where's Jim?????

NillaWafer said...

Mits did you eat anything??? Surely yu have some soup in the closet or eggs in the frig?? I sent you some mail your get a real laugh out of and i swear its a true story..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


NillaWafer said...

lol Sharon take i was just thinkin few more days an it 4 months no cigarettes... Dec14th and I sure could smoke 1 thats for sure!!!

Anonymous said...

We congratulate Nilla on her miracle of no cigs for almost 4 months! Bravo, bravo, determination pays off!

NillaWafer said...

Please take a moment to thank those camera people in the hide who kept us cativated with the beautiful wildlife of the Pond over as it comes to a close this season:

From NillaWVeaglemom:
Thanks for the memories of Petes Pond this year, the rainy season is upon you as summer ends Remembering Fatty the croc and George &Gracie yes even as nerve racking those 2 could be The baby elephants and so many many other animals other wise would never have seen in natural surroundings. From the United States Of America Thank You So Very Much. Now here in the States we have so many other cams to begin watching as the season begins for our American Bald Eagles Symbols Of Freedom, already eggs are in the nest in Florida, for a list of cams go to My heart belongs to the Shepherdstown, WV Eagles Liberty & Belle they are in the nest alot now bringing sticks and rebuilding it and raised 3 eaglets 2006 season. (link is on beakspeak. Again thanks for providing us with a window to the world of the wild and beautiful African Petes Pond..... See you in August!!!

See i got the eagles in there maybe afew will join us also from all over the world. Its 5:30 and dont know why i am up but going to lay down BBL Good Morning Suzzz

NillaWafer said...

Ohhhh there is a thread to thank them over on Petes Pond i didnt mean here in this sorry

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE have a good one, very windy in Maine today, that will be an interesting one to watch during the height of winter.

MITS said...

Darn, missed them, they will be back.

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

OK, where's DANA????? She never came back on after yesterdays' doctors appt.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning all. Just about coffee and dog treats time here. Saw the montage Nilla I love your idea . I will certainly try. Does anyone know the end date for the contest?

Jim's surgery is 3:30 pm central time. I work til 10 pm tonight. I will BLOG something when I get home as to what i hear over the phone when the kids call me at work.

MITS said...

I'm trying to work on being there this Saturday, Suzanne. You right, Dana always does have a few rough days after Doc's appts.

Anonymous said...

8:23amEST I sure hope I'm on the right blog page.

I got some pics of Liberty and Belle this am.

Took some at BW osprey.

Gals I have to go back to bed. Got good news and not so hot news. So it comes with life. I had to take this new pill for pain. Last night.
Today am I am sort of out and in..aorry don't do good on pain meds not my thing grrrr. Got to lay down before I fall off computer chair. Then I'll be a lunch Sat. wrapped in gauze from head to toe lol lmbo I would like good huh hee ehee ok not good sleepy see you later.

PS still on the job

MITS said...

LOL! was that Dana??? I think it was Dana, sounded a little woozy.

MITS said...

1 just flew the coop at BW.

MITS said...

I was told when they drop the wing like that, they are drying off...maybe he just went fishing???

MITS said...

Yikes, nasty lines at our nest.

MITS said...

OK, better.

MITS said...

Yes, I noticed that, sometimes refresh works and doesn't. I'm just happy to see the nest and Belle and Liberty.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...