Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

I see that the guys have some work to do with the cam. Let's leave it today and enjoy the holiday.

Merry Christmas.


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Buta-Buta cam is up, but she must be somewhere else.

MITS said...

Beautiful eagle at eagle nest atBW.

MITS said...

Both eagles at BW nest and some really new nice pictures from Lisa.

Mauley said...

Merry Christmas Steven, thank you for the new thread. Merry Christmas Mits, my dear Helen. Blessings and prayers to Nilla and family. Are we alone Mits? donna

Mauley said...

Our Church feeds the community on Christmas Day every year. I have cooked about 6 gallons of green beans. We share the cooking. I also make the stuffing, so off to church I go. Hope to catch all of you later. Merry Christmas and prayers for our Eagle Eyed Sharon and Nilla's precious little great neice. God Bless You all. love donna

Anonymous said...

Meery Christmas from Az via one of the gals from IL. OOOps I hear my camera girl calling.. Love, hugs and prayers for all.

Anonymous said...

OH My just read back a few on the bLOG...More prayers going up for that little niece of . Nilla's, continued prayers for Sharon....And well I guess I will just lift up any and all unspoken prayers as well. . Merry Christmas So glad for a spot such as this on the internet, where we can deal with the upsa and downs as well as "our Eagles"...just another one of todays gifts for each of us.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to All
Oh, if all this rain were to have been snow it would have been a White Christmas.

My Prayers are being offered for Aalehia and all her family. We never know what is coming our way, but the Lord does give us the faith and strength to endure all things. Nilla, Children's Hospital is the Best.
((((( HUGS NILLA )))))))

Anonymous said...

Mits had mentioned that the GA Panda cam was up - If you look now, Buta Buta is sleeping but what a Great Shot! She isn't in the nest bed.

DC Panda cam: Tai is up in the tree!

Anonymous said...


Nilla just called me as she passed through Frederick headed down to DC to Children's Hospital. They have Aalehia
on antibiotics & think that she has tonsillitis - They are waiting for the DR report to see exactly what all it is. Nilla & her daughter(I think) are taking clothes & some things down to her Niece who spent the night their with her daughter, Aalehia.
Nilla will get on blog upon her return. She said Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to all my eagle friends and continued prayers for all those in need.

Anonymous said...

Going to go catch up on the blog

Mauley said...

Merry Christmas Iris, love donna.

Mauley said...

Merry Christmas Paula. love donna

Mauley said...

Merry Christmas Glo, Mema Jo, and Mits. love donna

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Mauley! How was the dinner?

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Nilla's niece....and hope things are OK Sharon.

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas day...all is quiet here now, just Mom and me.

Anonymous said...

Amazing...all the shopping and cooking and wrapping and it is over so quickly!

Anonymous said...

Well must bring in this tree, last day for the tree! Hope everyone had a wonderful Merry Christmas, and many prayers for those in need of touches!

MITS said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVENING EVERYONE. Paula, I agree, it went so fast. I'm exhausted. Sounds like Nillas' niece is going to get her tonsils out, if that is the problem. Talked to Sharon, briefly this a.m. and Drs' said as long as she does not have chills and fever things are ok and they will see her and do a catscan to see how the drain is working.

Anonymous said...

Since the live feed was down this weekend, I posted a picture video of Liberty & Belle at the nest on Christmas Eve, on the eagletmomsters blog.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Howdy Mits and Vicky!

Anonymous said...

HOwdy there Paula and Mits! Guess we are the lone rangers here tonight! Made all our rounds and back home again -- long weekend and a lot miles and over so quickly!

Anonymous said...

How was your weather, Vicky? It was cold and rainy here...would've been a nice snow...

Anonymous said...

Great video Paula! Love seeing those two beauties!

Anonymous said...

Temps in the 40's, some rain coming home! And foggy!

Anonymous said...

Silent Night Holy Night

Hi there! I've been checking off and on today. Waiting for you all to come by. All the excitement has happened and it was a wonderful Christmas.

Hopefully Nilla will blog when she returns from the Hospital.

I probably won't stay too long - I also am exhausted. But a nice kind of tired.

Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed it Vicky...I was lucky I got to see them and do that for those that missed them...just happened to be a quiet time last night at that point...

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a nice day, Jo and Vicky...I'm whooped too...going to bed early tonight...stayed up too late last night..and all the excitement of today.

Anonymous said...

Well I had to force myself off of YouTube. Picture video of Christmas eve was very much appreciated as I was sitting at Mass during that time. Thanks.
I started watching your other 2 and then I got caught up in watching Glo's.

Guess I got my eagle fix for the day
from Video Viewing.

MITS said...

Same here, Jo, had to pull myself away, going to straigtening up house tomorrow, just too tired.tonight.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Good night, Mits, Jo and Vicky...I'm headed for lala land...see ya'll tomorrow!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night!

Anonymous said...

Good Night
Peaceful Sleep

Good Morning, Suzanne

Anonymous said...

Goodnight to my momster buddies! Calling it a full day!

Anonymous said...

Ok, checking my pic, then I'm off to lala land --

Anonymous said...

One more try,

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Christmas does come and go so fast. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, had a great one myself, quite sure daughter and nephews are still up next door at their grandmother's, making Christmas last as long as they possibly can, playing their new videogame system and enjoying their limited time together. still up myself and just out of the shower, tired, but grabbing an early morning gingerbread cookie treat before bed. You can only get away with that during the holidays. Hope Nilla's grandneice Aaleiha will be okay, hope Sharon is feeling better soon. 2006 is winding down, new year on the way, hoping it will be a great one for all of us.

Mauley said...

Morning EAgle buddies, Hope everyone had a safe and peaceful Christmas. Just watching TV about the tornado in Fla. Hope and pray that everyone is safe including our precious wildlife. donna

Anonymous said...

Go To Thread Listed at TOP of Home Page.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...