Hello all!!! Checking in, just finished making wreaths for tomorrow(actually today now). Glad to see my friend Beth shared her eagle sightings with Paula so she could tell all of you. She said she has seen the adults several times this week, She is really not far from NCTC. Hubby saw a bald eagle Friday near Harper's Ferry as he was driving home from work.LUCKY!!! Off to bed, few hours sleep before getting up for market.
Good Morning all. I hope your sales are wonderful today floralgirl I am so glad you gave Beth that flyer and she has begun to share her own stories of the Eagles we all love in common. Its like having more than one on the spot reporter now. She can probably watch them fledge from her home this year. I think Santa needs to be getting her a wonderful camera
Could you "Please" all click through Both of our sites sometime this weekend The earler the better. This is the last weekend for many places that will guarantee shipping for Christmas without adding extra fees, so the shoppers will be online today and tomorrow. Our sites for Eagle items to benefit the cam project are....
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 221 of 221Zebras on Africam
Actually lots of animals go there
Oh, Thank you Glo for heads up. I got to see the 3 zebras.
There were really 5 zebras. Did you see that large bird fly in to the tree?
LOL No missed the bird...but did enjoy the zebras, seem pretty perky.
Well now, It is about that time of the evening........... I'm going over to play some solitaire before going in to bed. Blog with you all tomorrow.
Good Night
Sweet Dreams .....
Good night all.
Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and furs.
Hello all!!! Checking in, just finished making wreaths for tomorrow(actually today now). Glad to see my friend Beth shared her eagle sightings with Paula so she could tell all of you. She said she has seen the adults several times this week, She is really not far from NCTC. Hubby saw a bald eagle Friday near Harper's Ferry as he was driving home from work.LUCKY!!! Off to bed, few hours sleep before getting up for market.
Good Morning all. I hope your sales are wonderful today floralgirl I am so glad you gave Beth that flyer and she has begun to share her own stories of the Eagles we all love in common. Its like having more than one on the spot reporter now. She can probably watch them fledge from her home this year. I think Santa needs to be getting her a wonderful camera
Could you "Please" all click through Both of our sites sometime this weekend The earler the better. This is the last weekend for many places that will guarantee shipping for Christmas without adding extra fees, so the shoppers will be online today and tomorrow. Our sites for Eagle items to benefit the cam project are....
The code for Free Shipping for $20 order on our Cafe Press site is
Forwarding this info to others also helps us all.
OK Thanks.....off for coffeee and Dog Treats.
Because Blogger Beta won't let me trash the above message i will just add on here, please visit even if your only interest is browsing IT DOES move us up in the search engines. It tells cyberspace there is something there worth seeing. Thanks Again!
Here is wishing you a wonderful birthday from all of your blog buddies!! Love you.
GOOD MORNING ALL...HAPPY BIRTHDAY ACROSS THE BIG POND TO OUR FRIEND, DOREEN> Dawn is breaking out at KENT... A big BOOYAH to WVU for their fantastic win last night. I'm sure all you fans are needing oxygen today.
That's a great sunrise out in Washington state.
GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!! That was one of the most exciting games I have ever seen. Beautiful, hard fought win!
I know I was on the edge of my seat last night watching it, Sharon.
George just made a visit to the nest out in Kent.
New thread is up
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