Friday, December 22, 2006

Friday before Christmas

Wet day thread


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MITS said...


MITS said...

Why, thank you Iris...

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Steve and to all the wonderful folks at NCTC

We love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW!

MITS said...

No cam in FLA and KENT..j

MITS said...

Yeah, Pauls, he has been hanging out there all morning...all by his lonesome.

movin said...

Good Morning and Merry Christmas, Everybody.


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Morning, Jim! Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

And Good morning Mits and Iris

Anonymous said...

Wow, Speed-Surfing Jim stopped by!

Anonymous said...

Ho Ho HO to all of you! Merry Christmas!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING PAULA Sorry, I always hit the s instead of the a. I didn't know you worked for MSM?? My husband, son, daughter-in-law ,and, her sisters all went there. Their Dad, Marv Stocker, and his wife Donna are still active there.

MITS said...

Only cam 1 is working at KENT and dawn is breaking.

Anonymous said...

Good Friday Morning Before Christmas to all my Friends in Eagleland

Latest Holiday News From Sharon
Packing up to go home! She is doing better.She will go back next Thursday to get the drain out. Hopefully she will be on the blog sometime later
Best Christmas Present we could ask for

Anonymous said...

Thank you Steve for the New Thread...this rain could be snow..

25 inches of snow in area of airport and in mountains 3 feet. Biggest snow storm to hit since March 2003

Anonymous said...

I wished we could right in red and green ... I put this in those colors for Sharon. WHIPPPPEEEEE SHARON IS COMING HOME SHARON IS COMING HOME YELLING TO THE ROOF TOPS I AM I AM ..... goodie Praise the Lord may HE and angels go with Sharon and stay with her until she is all better and healed up. And Back to Our Eagled Eyed Sharon. Thank you Mema Jo for the up date

Anonymous said...

Steve if your reading these .... Ears Up here....Sharon is coming home ..... experdite that big battery .... put an overniter on it lol .....Oh Steve and NCTC people Happy News for Us here SHARON IS COMING HOME from hospital.....yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

Checked out Buta Buta. Video of her exam yesterday on the site.The has a much better one on their site - it has sound. The update stated that she climbed out of the nest box by herself yesterday. Sure wish I had been watching or that they would give us a video of that event!

Anonymous said...

Signing Off for now. Merry Christmas to all rejoicing in the news from Sharon Lots of answered prayers, and continued prayers for easy speedy full recovery.

If you get bored, there are fairly new pictures and videos on the Soaring thread from the Quad Cities eagles on my name....these I took while on my Wed trip to the post office to mail that "special" card.

(((((((HUGS TO ALL )))))))))

MITS said...

Have a good time, Glo.

Anonymous said...

Safe Journey Glo & Blessed Christmas to you and your family.

I must sign off for a couple hours - some baking to do & shuffling of clutter also! lol

BBL & will probably check in
and out frequently

MITS said...

Just got an update from Lynda in Florida...they are working on the problem, its an internet thing, and, like she said she knows eagles not the internet...She calls the eagle Paige...I like it.

Anonymous said...

I graduated from MSM in 2003.

Anonymous said...

Small world, isn't it! Don't know them, but I probably know someone who does!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Sharon will be at home for Christmas!

MITS said...

Paula, hubby class of 69, son, 99 and D-I-L class of 2000.

Anonymous said...

Safe travels, Glo!

MITS said...

OMG......Frosty is here!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cool, Mits, so they met in college!

Anonymous said...

Eagle still at BW!

I like Frosty, too!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Paula I like your Snowman. I had also liked Rudolph.
Yesterday at 5:36pm I said I was watching a movie. Said guess what?
No one guessed until Nilla came and said Miracle on 34th
Street. I thought nope and movie was over. The "Mits" told you that Rudolph had played on tv. She didn't even know she guessed the answer to my question. Your Rudolph was playing on tv .. fun to watch.
Sorry didn't know you liked it. I also thought someone would guess. Though they didn't and I got caught up in things. I was going to come back in and say Rudolph is on...but too many things happening around here.

Anonymous said...

Well it's so good we can do so many different things in here lol..
Good old Frosty would be melting if he was outside some of our places. Attractive fellow isn't he.

Anonymous said...

Our LIVE feed is UP AGAIN ! (:

MITS said...

Yes, Paula, they met in college and they were married at the chapel in Oct. of 2004.

MITS said...

Thanks, Dana.

Anonymous said...

Kent cam 2 is back up

Anonymous said...

That's Ok, Dana. I was out shopping all last evening!

MITS said...

Thanks, Dana, looks dreary out in KENT.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Mits I've been watching for Frosty to be on tv too. He isn't in the tv guide yet. We're still kids at heart lol

MITS said...

I wonder if FROSTY has been on already?

Anonymous said...

I am really concerned about the eagles at Kent. No one has said anything about seeing them since the storm.

Anonymous said...

Mits I just found a place where someone wrote for 2006. "That they can't believe the Christmas movie Frosty the Snowman hasn't been shown yet this year".

MITS said...

I'll e-mail Loraine when I get a chance, DANA. After I e-mailed her this a.m. cam 2 went back up.

Anonymous said...

I just searched to see when Frosty was coming on and couldn't find anything for it either! It's a classic!

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW Osprey nest!

MITS said...

FLA. is back up;).

MITS said...

Shoots, got the wax sending it to Illinois.

MITS said...

Hi, NORMABYRD Our live feed is getting herky-jerky:(.

Anonymous said...

Peeking in on you Cake has about 20 more minutes until out of the oven it comes. It's my Sgt Ryan's favorite & he will be here Christmas eve. In fact 25 will be here on the Eve of Christmas. Everyone except 2 granddaughters & 1 grandson..of course that means the littlest angels of my family will be here Christmas Day - and what is Christmas without children.

Anonymous said...

Norma I think that everyone would agree with me when I tell you that you need a beautiful angel pic besides your name - because that is what you are When I read your blogs I just can feel the warmth and love in your words!
I hope you have a special
Merry Christmas

MITS said...

Hubby still has bad cold, hope it clears up by Monday, so Maggie can come. His car is finnally ready, I gave him mine this a.m. I still have wrapping (bagging) to do, but am waiting for cleaning crew to come and at least pick up the dirt, then will do rest of stuff next 2 days. I'm getting really tired. Yes, Glo is very talented on the puter, wish I had half of her and Paulas' skills.

MITS said...

I agree, Jo, Norma needs an angel:):), next to her name.

MITS said...

Norma, Suz has the day off.

MITS said...

I think you are correct, Norma.

MITS said...

Looks like rain at out nest.

MITS said...

All I want for Christmas is a maid and a cook and a chaueffer elf or two to fix the gifts:):):).

MITS said...

Soggy eagle back at BW osprey nest.

Anonymous said...

Hi Norma sweetie.....thanks for what you said about the Santa pic...some others also figured it looks like the one on the old coke a cola bottle....that is what it reminded me of. Good old oldies....I listening to get Christmas country music.
They had the Christmas story on there that was read beautifully by : Johnboy Walton yeah they sure did.

NillaWafer said...

Good Rainy Afternoon Everyone... Sandra didnt make it over to Shepherdstown,just to miserable out and was up all night with cold chills and not feeling well sore throat... feelin yucky... Wonderful news about Sharon coming home !!!!! Well going to go get ready for work (dont feel like it) but i changed days with Eugene to have off yesterday so gota work tonight 4-11pm. BBL LOVE THE SNOWMAN!!!! MY CANDLE STAYS LIT TIL SHARON COMES THRU THE DOOR AND SAYS HONEY'S I AM HOME!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok Nilla hope you get to feeling better FAST!

Anonymous said...

Wow, is that the same eagle at BW?

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better, Nilla, Dana, Sharon, Mauley's girls, Mits' Hubby, and anyone else feeling under the weather!

MITS said...

He's just hanging out today. Nilla, sorry you don't feel well, sounds like what hubby has, he is on his way home now.

MITS said...

2 eagles at BW now, must have been waiting for the wife. osprey nest.

Anonymous said...

Peeking in again
Pumpkin Cake finished - Need to make the cream cheese frosting. It's for Sun so I need to hide it from hubby until then. loluck
Paula I wish I could throw the BW eagle a fish or do something to cheer him up! He looks sooooo lonely.
Perhaps he has lost his mate - remember Lisa said it looks like a totally new pair at the nest this year.
Buta Buta gal is stretching out - maybe we could see a 'climb out of the nest bed' happen. Back to sleep like any 4 mo old baby.
Off to do up the dishes

Anonymous said...

Nilla I guess you're going to try to 'fight it off'. I hope it isn't this intestinal flu - really makes you feel icky! Please use good judgement as far as how late you keep the store open tonight!

Mits I don't have 2 eagles at BW - are they still there??

MITS said...

No, brief visit....

MITS said...

Jo, you have mail....

MITS said...

I wish I had snapped a pic when the other eagle was there at BW, it was a big one.

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess she didn't belong to ole' Lonesome Louie still sitting there.

Anonymous said...

I'll bb need to nap dr gave me the z-pack and Mucinex started both 20th Wed. That's why I didn't call Sharon at home. I knew if she heard me she would worry. She had enough on her already. My burn is getting much better...that white cream is great.

Anonymous said...

Mits you have mail.

Off to those dishes waiting for me in the sink!

Peek in later

NillaWafer said...

Checking back in before leaving.. Thelma are you watching that Boo Boo Tai Shan he is running and rollin and just havin a good time.. I love to watch him run so cute... Right now feeling ok , but last night i had the chivers and just could not get warm and coughing,, Got to keep the store open Thelma we are really really busy , sales are up many getting stocking Oh look Tai is on the huge log in the big yard he is full of hisself right now... BBL from work

NillaWafer said...

If Sharon happens to wander in when she gets home...Will be callin you later tonight... dont over do it...Missed Ya n Love Ya... Dana you better take care also, How about everyone leave a message of there most memoriable Christmas, weather it be as a child or parent? Okkk off i go out in the miserable weather...Oh and see how much gas grandson used in my car last

MITS said...

Louie is still at BWOsprey.

Anonymous said...

Latest Holiday News From Sharon

Sharon just called Mits about 15 minutes ago and she is on her way
home in holiday traffic. She will probably go back up on Wednesday,
because she has a CT at 8am Thursday.

She's getting there!!!!

MITS said...

Louie left....

Anonymous said...

Eagle Eyed Sharon did say she


MITS said...

Oh dear look at the action going on at BW/osprey nest 2 eagles eating something.

MITS said...

1 just flew off, but one is still eating .

MITS said...

the other one came back think it is Louie.

MITS said...

She is not sharing one morsel with Louie.

Anonymous said...

If I'm not in here when Sharon ( : gets home and she comes in here. Please Please tell her Dana said hi and I'm so happy she is home and things are going in the right direction towards getting better. ty

Anonymous said...

Email message is coming out from the Momster's site concerning Mits' communication with Loraine & Garry at the Kent WA cam. Concerns the sighting of the eagles & that they are still around.

Anonymous said...

Heading home....TTUL!

MITS said...

TTUL, Paula, rain at our nest.

NillaWafer said...

Man i am busier than a rooster in a hen house ... taking aminute to say hey see Sharon has not made it yet going to cal her in about an hour or so... I checked Denver weather and poor Glo is she flying into Denver ? Sharon your candle is lit and waitng for you

MITS said...

Glo is going to Arizona, don't think she had to go thru Denver.

NillaWafer said...

Oh i was not sure if she had to change planes in Denver, glad she isnt going there those poor people stuck in the air port might not get home for Christmas...

MITS said...

Some people in this area cannot get booked til after Christmas also. I hope she didn't have to go thru Denver.

Anonymous said...

Hi Girlfriends


Anonymous said...

Glo, I think, said she had to come home thru Denver but she didn't going out. I think Denver has opened up now.

MITS said...

Hey there, Jo, anxiously awaiting Sharons' arrival.

Anonymous said...

Mits, have you heard from your traveling sisters?

MITS said...

Yes, Jo, I heard from Ceil this a.m....guess where they were pulling into......yep, DENVER! They were only 2 hours behind schedule, and, everything was going great. Said the Amtrak people were very nice and that the man that takes care of their rooms had Christmas lights up on his floor. No eagles, but she said watching the Christmas lights out the windows is really pretty and passing thru Nebraska, there was ice on the trees making it look like a winter wonderland. I'd rather see it from 35,000 feet and get there in 5 hours as opposed to 3 days, but, that is just me.

Anonymous said...

I bet they're having a blast! I don't mind flying either.

NillaWafer said...

You and me both Mits las t time i rode the train to Florida the train hit and killed a man in Ga and we sat on the tracks for 3 hours waitng for the mess to be cleaned up... So 24 hour trip took 27 hours but met alot of nice people had fun...

MITS said...

They have done this once before, about a year and a half ago, but, it was in June. They are having fun, she sounded good.

NillaWafer said...

I guess us 3 are waitng on Sharons return to her online UNLESS Lurkers are here waiting

Anonymous said...

Exactly what I am waiting for. Keep hitting refresh to see if a new comment has been made & then rush to the end to see if it is Sharon. I also keep checking my emails thinking she'll let us know there also.

Where is Sharon
Where is Sharon...?

NillaWafer said...

Where is our girl... The girl were waitng for... Our Sharon.. Our Sharon we adore.... Here sets your 3 friends who love you and holding open the door...

NillaWafer said...

Ok gona give her a call now...Brb

NillaWafer said...

No answer maybe she is resting..

Anonymous said...

If we put up the Jefferson cam maybe we can see her coming!!! lol

It will take her time to get settled in, I'm sure. I also bet that Andrew & Mattie aren't going to let her get away from them.

MITS said...

No telling what the traffic situation is either. I'm doing the same thing, Jo..

MITS said...

Nilla, did you hear on the news, that one of the clouded leopards escaped from its exhibit at the zoo. They got it back, but zoo was in lock-down mode til it was caught.

MITS said...

Tai is sleeping and Mei is eating.

NillaWafer said...

Oh my no i didnt Thelma been so busy here at work,, wow that could have been a very dangerous situation if not caught... Beautiful animals... I dont have the Jefferson cam here at work ... Besides i dont think Sharon will be hangin out the car window screamin im

Anonymous said...

I was only joking about seeing her on the Jefferson cam.... The weather tho does look ok. lol

MITS said...

I just looked at the cam and saw a tow-truck, taking a car up the street, hope it wasn't Sharon...glad you are busy.

MITS said...

Its 56°, with scattered clouds in Bluefield.

MITS said...

Yoo-Hoo, anybody home???

Anonymous said...

I am still here
I was playing a game.. Just finished frosting the cake.. I am getting sleepy for some reason!

NillaWafer said...

I am here things have slowed down abit... waiting on son to bring me a cheeseburger n fries... Watching Identity new game havent decided if i like it or Hope Glo is doing ok on her travels and huggin the baby

NillaWafer said...

Jo have you ever played those Super Granny games on Big Fish games?? We have bought them this old woman goes around collecting kitties of course you make her move by using the arrows in key board... Its fun...

Anonymous said...

Knock Knock, anyone here??

NillaWafer said...


Anonymous said...

Hooray, Sharon's finally reporting!

MITS said...

I'm getting tired also, hubby is going to bed, still not feeling well, I want to finish the laundry tonight, go to store tomorrow and finish wrapping gifts and set up table on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Well Mits, you sound like you have your strategy all layed out! I need to get busy and wrap all my grandsons' presents at least tonight! Having Christmas with them tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

So what's the good word, Nilla

Anonymous said...

Things are counting down now, almost here and gone -- Christmas 2006 that is! That's ok, bring on some new eaglets Liberty and Belle!

MITS said...

Yes, Vicky it sounds good on paper:):):).

MITS said...

Hello, NILLA, What did she say?

NillaWafer said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Nilla.

NillaWafer said...


Anonymous said...

My refresh key is going to break...........

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

YUM YUM dairy Queen has the best cheesburgerssss... No sign of Sharon yet??? She wil be here i promise

MITS said...

We got a drum-roll because her food came thru the door LOL????

NillaWafer said...

No Silly because i thought Sharon ws making an

MITS said...

You crack me up, Louise...

NillaWafer said...

Well she ws having abit of problem with her comp and working on it setting on her bed...

NillaWafer said...

Did you eat Thelma or forget?

NillaWafer said...

I should go read how the clouded leopards made there escape today??? Were they caught in side the zoo Thelma?? My God can you visuize them it running down Conn

Anonymous said...

I'm the one who forgot to eat dinner - just had some toast 2 min ago. I was eating home baked cookies my daughter brought over earlier & killed my appetite for dinner.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello all my precious eagle friends. I am home now with my Mattie by my side. Been a really long day but am so grateful to be home and on the mend. Going to rest a while. Just wanted to let my friends know I am okay. Love you.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, what a beautiful candle. Thanks for putting it in the window for me. Mits your wreath is beautiful. It is so good to be back even if for just seconds at a time.

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Anonymous said...


150 lbs of WAX

Now I know our Eagle Eyed Momster
has returned

NillaWafer said...

Well about time girl... So good to have you back now tak eit easy dont over due and behave yourself.... Love YA

MITS said...


MITS said...

I love it, she is back 5 minutes and gets the wax:):):).

NillaWafer said...


MITS said...

Nilla, did not forget to eat, made leftovers from last night, cause I wanted hubby to eat.

MITS said...

Yes, Nilla, Mook was caught right near where she got out, she's the shy one and didn't travel too far.

NillaWafer said...

Sharon you cant see our loved Buta Buta but go over to for a video of her last exam yesterday...

NillaWafer said...

Oh i am so glad they didnt need to tranqulizer her.. Thelma

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Time for me to call it a blog day..
All is well now that our gal is home.

Good Night All
Sweet Dreams of Pleasant Things

NillaWafer said...

Well now Sharon is home safe and sound i can change my picture when i get home later to something real

NillaWafer said...

Hey Thelma did you see that Rosie ODonnel gave Donald Trump a run for his money talking about I thought it was funny... SHE IS MY HERO....

NillaWafer said...

Oh thats adorable Sandra... i was coming over in the morning to do it... But now you know how thats wonderful...

NillaWafer said...

Thought we needed a penguin and its huggin everyone...

Anonymous said...

Rain, rain, go away...

Anonymous said...

Cool, Sandra! Glad you found a pic. The other one may have been too large.

Glad all this rain is not snow, Floral.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Sharon made it home safe and sound.

Nilla, hope you are feeling better.

Just finished wrapping for 2 1/2 hours...still not done, but done for tonight! LOL

Anonymous said...

Guess I'm shutting this down for tonight...unless Nilla or Mits sneak back in...

Pleasant dreams, eagle friends.

NillaWafer said...

Well i snuck back in for aminute stopped by KMart for aminute after work.. Iam beat business tonight was fantastic deposite was almost $3000.00 thats alottttttt for 1 day. Any ways yup our Sharon is home safe and getting the rest she needs.. ARENT YA SHARON????? I might play around with a picture for awhile i get on those web site and spend hours looking at things.... Now i am off work until Tuesday at 3 pm... Tomarrow night is BINGOOOOOO .. HOPE I GET TO YELL IT..LOL would be nice...

NillaWafer said...

Okkkkkkkkkkk Duck Ya'lllll splat!!!!!!!!!!! Gotchaaaaaaaaaa

NillaWafer said...

Ok made it to 175 to close the blog down.. Nighty Niters closing out with this picture which is the reason for the season His Birth

Anonymous said...

Good Morning all!!!! Glad you made it home, Sharon. Hope you will be feeling better soon. 2 eagles in BW on the osprey cam, both are eating fish. MT nest at NCTC.

Anonymous said...

Hey, did the Grinch get my pic?

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING ALL Hi Megan, I'm not saying anything, but Jesus, is right above you, maybe He wanted it :):. Been watching the eagles at BW, the one looks like he was in a mud fight his head is almost black.

Anonymous said...

Morning, Mits. Those are some soggy looking eagles.

MITS said...

The eastern shore has some lingering rain, we are starting to clearup here, but they really enjoyed that fish, didn't they, Megan.

Anonymous said...

Yea, I was surprised to see them both eating fish, what a beautiful pair, hope the sun comes out and dries them off.

MITS said...

Our nest looks pretty foggy. The eagles at BW need to fly around to dry off.

MITS said...

Live-feed is up, and looks like sun is peeking out, maybe they will come for a visit now.

Anonymous said...

MOrning, Mits & Megan!

Anonymous said...

Still a pretty pair at BW

MITS said...

Morning, Paula!

Anonymous said...

Sure would love to see Liberty & Belle today.

Anonymous said...

Morning! How's the hubby today?

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Mits & FloralGirl Looks as though the sun wants to shine! I checked out all the cams - some up MT & most of them down. BW: Do you think that is Louie with a mate? Tai is up in his tree! Update says ButaButa was in the big den & was sniffing the bamboo & even chewed on it a little. They are down until Tues.
Nilla was having fun with her pictures last night. I hope next time you sign in Megan that your wreath comes with you! Even hope my tree apears.
Hope Glo is now with her family.
I just cannot spend a lot of time on here today -- I have got to get things ready for tomorrow evening... I keep talking to myself! lol

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Paula
Wrap, Wrap, Wrap Girl!

Anonymous said...

MOrning, Jo!

Anonymous said...

I love snow globes!
I tried to decorate the sycamore - but it just won't work lol (I'm kidding of course)

Paula, are you at work today?

Anonymous said...

Yup, here till 4 today.

MITS said...

Paula, he is still hacking, the fool went out to the mall to infect everyone else, what a guy:):). Don't you get anytime off??? Love the snow globe.

Anonymous said...


MITS said...

My live-feed just shut down:(:(.

Anonymous said...

I love snow globes, too. Mits, I can't believe how much your hubby loves to shop...Hope he found you something nice!

It's the year end crunch...and still behind on other things...trying to get caught up! And I am off Sunday & Monday...going to stay home and enjoy Christmas!

Anonymous said...

My live feed is down, too. :(

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Both are there now!!!!

Anonymous said...

They are working on the nest

Anonymous said...

Can't believe the feed went down just before they flew in!

Anonymous said...

One left

Anonymous said...

Back again

Anonymous said...

Same one gone again

Anonymous said...

Eagles still at BW, preening.

MITS said...

Looking up, maybe a landing next refresh.

MITS said...

Your right, Paula, went down right before they came in...bummer.

MITS said...

YOOOO!, Steven, if you are out thread, please:):):).

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...