Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve 06

New thread.

Happy Christmas to all.


MITS said...


MITS said...

To recap, this a.m.'s activities, Belle and Liberty were in the nest for awhile rearranging sticks.

Chrissy Beahan said...


I see I'm the first one on here, or am I in an alternate universe, SPOOKY !!!!!!!!!!
Hope all is well and NILLABEAN, you BAD BAD girl, 3 in the morning indeed, I think I'll just have words with your Doctor !!!I'll shame you into taking it easy pet, ohhh what a party pooper I am, arn't I pet.
Well just going to finish of peeling the potatoes and get all the veg ready for tomorrow, the turkey is in the oven cooking, the smell the smell oooooooooooooo, lovelyyyyyyyy,,,made two kinds of stuffing, and prepared a mountain of sprouts, HELP we will be eating them at Easter phew !!!
Got to wrap the cats pressies, and if they don't like them, they will be sent back,,,,, the pressies not the cats.
Sorry I had to run then, my cooker was pooping, had to take the bird out, one thing less to worry about.
Well my lovelies, got to go and get back to the salt mines.
Hope you all have a good one this year, perhaps next year, money permitting WE ALL MIGHT GO OUT with Nilla dancing and man hunting,
shhhhhhhhhhh don't let Frank here !!!!!!
God bless
Take care

Anonymous said...

Wow, new Christmas thread! THanks NCTC

Anonymous said...

Morning cabuk and mits!

Anonymous said...

Stopped by to make sure there was a Christmas tree in here today!

MITS said...

Morning Chrissy and Vicky, busy day all around today.

MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Good Christmas Eve Morning
The nest at BW, now that the eagle is in it, looks large. Beautiful - Thanks for the alert Mits. From what I read, Chrissy is saying I had best catch up on the previous blog on Nilla(who went to play the slots due to not going to Bingo). lol Yes, Vicky, your tree is still standing & as Christmasy as ever.

MITS said...

Nilla was a party animal last night, Jo, so was Paula, honestly, what are we going to do with these youngins:):):):)?

MITS said...

Yes, Norma, The UK ladies sounds like, our Thanksgiving. When are you leaving for Sheperdstown?

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

All the pandas just came inside for some treats.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Steve and thank you for the gifts of new threads
Sorry I missed Liberty & Belle this early am hour. Christmas dinner across the pond sounds great - Are you ready to go yet Norma? Greetings Chrissy, Lou and Doreen
Just like all of you - there are many last minute things to do before the evening hours are upon us. I am going to have a house filled with warmth, joy, laughter and 25 bodies--WHOA!!!!
Will peek in later

MITS said...

Short days at KENT...7:54 a.m.sunrise...4:22p.m. sunset.

MITS said...

Dawn is breaking at KENT. Wish we would see the eagles.

Anonymous said...

That would be a very nice Christmas present if we would. What are their names, Mits?

MITS said...

I don't remember, will have to ask.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

I finally got a minute to go over to Glo's Christmas card that you must enlarge in order to thoroughly enjoy. It is on:

wherever you are soaring!

Thank you Glo

MITS said...


belle_wv said...

Good Afternoon (almost) on a Christmas Eve :)

belle_wv said...

Stopped in to look in on everyone and on the nest - looks like Liberty and Belle have been busy housecleaning, too! Dumb question, but is the live feed working and if so where do you link to it? I only see the 30 sec refresh, which is wonderful to see - hoping the nest owners will pop in for a visit...

Busy day for everyone - hopefully as blessed or more so than the toils and efforts put into the preparations for everyone :) My house is almost to a barely presentable level,so hopefully folks coming to visit aren't expecting perfection ... Merry Christmas to all!

Anonymous said...

Belle Click on NCTC EAGLE CAM DAILY (upper left of this blog) & go to the home page. On the right click on Video Feed Info. The link is there.

MITS said...

Belle, live-feed shut down yesterday for some reason, so don't think we will see it again til Tuesday.

MITS said...

Hello, just going passed puter room and dropped in to say...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Anonymous said...

Just peeking in to see how everyone is doing If your not on the blog then I know you are all getting ready for Christmas.

All nest are MT....

Tai: If I had to sleep in a tree, I could never in a million years get as comfortable as our Little Prince..

2:20pm I'm ready!!!!!!! WhooWee!


NillaWafer said...

Merry Christmasssss.. Now lets get this straight ok i was such a good girl last night... Came home broke ... lol The band was great they are out of Washington DC AND PLAYED ALOT OF JAZZ AND OLDIES ... WIGGLE WIGGLE.... Was Paula bad last night guess i missed it where she went out... Sharon hope to see afew words from you on here today sometimes... Jo enjoy and treasure all the moments shared with familt later today, as i hope everyone does... Bet Glo is haveing the time of her life with Elia this Christmas... Well yes i had a nice time last night but paid for it with hacking n not sleeping all night again... Not feeling well right now so going back and lay down.. Have acountry ham to stick in the over.... So c u all maybe later... Hugss, Nilla

NillaWafer said...

To OUR UK GALS ... girls we all wish you a very happy wonderful and safe Christmas... Hugs to Chrissy, Doreen, Lou

NillaWafer said...

Mits did you get all your shopping finished?

movin said...


At the urging of a couple of relatives and a CNET review, I am trying the Firefox browser...right now...

The review panned IExplorer7, and Firefox is faster for sure, but I really love the "Full Screen" feature on IE7...I'm much more comfortable with Explorer's layout too. So I might go back sure is fast though! And it's supposed to have better security features. ???????

Well, don't get run down in the road by dashing reindeer, please. Have a Happy Christmas, All.


NillaWafer said...

Merry Christmas To You Jim, Santa's On His way So Be Good!!!!!! Hugs, Nilla

MITS said...

Nilla, is that the red jeep?? Shopping is done, wrapping hubbys' gifts...Hi Jim, what is firefox? Heard of it , don't know what it is?

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Eve!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Eve, again!

Anonymous said...

Santa will be coming soon!

movin said...

I'm back, using Explorer with my much loved "Full Screen" feature this time...

Mits, there are other Internet browsers besides Microsoft's, and one of them is Mozilla "Firefox."

A couple of my relatives (and legions of unrelated peoples) have been telling me how much faster and more secure it is...which is probably true. But I haven't had any security problems with Explorer (I keep it updated regularly), and my AOL browser has as much usable screen left after toolbars as Firefox. That's why I try to get over to Explorer for serious surfing expeditions...the full screen.

I'll probably stay with Explorer ... that way I don't have to buy a new, larger monitor every couple of weeks to cover for added toolbars.

Firefox is a free download, if anyone wants to try it.

I love that new frame on the still camera page here, but the the image, or lens, is still blurred in a couple of vertical bands.

I couldn't get to the video feed at it my machine or is it down?

Merry Christmas,

Anonymous said...

Ok, so where's the pictures from this morning!?

Anonymous said...

Video went down yesterday Jim

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW Eagle cam

Anonymous said...

Pair of eagles there now

Anonymous said...

Glad our UK gals have been able to pop in to say Hello!

Merry Christmas to all our friends from across the pond !

Anonymous said...

If you'll notice, all my Santas are popping up in a row.

Merry Christmas Jim. How's the weather there today? Gorgeous day here in the east, temp is 54°, really doesn't feel like Christmas at all.

Anonymous said...

Little bit of snow for everyone...since it's not going to be a White Christmas here...think it's gonna be a wet one!

Anonymous said...

One eagle left at BW eagle cam

NillaWafer said...

Yup its the red jepp although my sons is Its a headin over to NCTC to see the eagles to leave afew gifts for Liberty & Belle... A big salmon and some soft nesting materials for the Its a moving down the road... Love It Paula

Anonymous said...

Actually, I was a good girl last night...went to candlelit service, then picked up chinese food w/ a couple of friends, ate, had a couple of glasses, then peeked in here and then hit the hay.

Had everyone over for breakfast this morning, waiting on my Mom to get here is quiet for the moment.

NillaWafer said...

Got Jo in the front seat and have her buckled up

Anonymous said...

Skins game is all tied up again.

Howdy, Nilla!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone tried FL cam today? I can't get it.

NillaWafer said...

Just got finished cleaning off my country ham.. the rind n yucky stuff... and sent Ken to grocery store... I cook my hams along time so they just fall off the bone almost... Soak it to get rid of some of the salt but this one doesnt have much salt i dont think.... Ohh Mits how about them Redskins tied up now 31 - 31 2:40 left in the 4th

NillaWafer said...

I never get the Fla cam up on wknds ? Is it even on the wknds?

NillaWafer said...

Have our nest up and its MT ...

Anonymous said...

FL cam was up yesterday...

Anonymous said...

Eagle at BW is gone...

Anonymous said...

Crap! Betts just fumbled!

Anonymous said...

Wow they guy on the Rams punched it out of his arm, forcing the fumble.

NillaWafer said...

Holdin breath Paulaaaaa.. Oh chit aint lookin gooddddddd

NillaWafer said...

Redskin final time out atl least they held them on that play... 44 yard field goal for rams if they take it...

Anonymous said...

Skins going into OT, Rams missed the FG

MITS said...

I haven't been able to get FLA up since I think Friday can't remember when Lynda wrote about it being Internet problems....Thanks for the explanation, Jim. I have never crossed over to I7, even though my Comcast keeps advertising it at the top of my screen.

MITS said...

The past couple of days Lib and Belle have been making a quick stop before sundown.

Anonymous said...

Skins just lost in OT, eagle at BW eagle cam is eating

Anonymous said...

Ok, I really like this has it all...

Anonymous said...

Got your table all set Mits? How's Hubby today?

MITS said...

Tree, snowman, falling snow, red bow, yep, its all there, Paula.

MITS said...

Are there feathers of the thing the BW's are, maybe a dove.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering that too Mits. Looks like feathers to me...but I wasn't thinking from what they are eating...was thinking about them lining the nest...which, they would be good for that too.

MITS said...

eagle alert....

MITS said...

think the other might be trying to fly in.

Anonymous said...


MITS said...

Eat and decorate..who says they are bird brains......

Anonymous said...

One in the nest

Anonymous said...

Both there now

MITS said...

both are there.

MITS said...

just 1

Anonymous said...

Both now

Anonymous said...

They are working on the nest

MITS said...

Santa, just passed over Sweden and is headed to Norway.

NillaWafer said...

Ho Ho Ho Santa is on his wayyyyyy

NillaWafer said...

Look Look here Santa comes!!!!!

MITS said...

Ya better watch out, Louise:):).

NillaWafer said...

Mits we are partners remember i go down you go down... WOW see it snowing in Denver at the game!!!

NillaWafer said...

Right now i pumpkin pie in oven... Cranberry Orange Bread... Just took out spice cupcakes for the kids...( they love them) Later will put the country ham in on about 300' for awhile then reduce it alittle to bake all night...I rubbed it with ground cloves...

MITS said...

Man, that sounds good...yeah, like Denver needs more snow:).

NillaWafer said...

Wish i could bring ya some ham Thelma who knows i do have your Knock Knock

NillaWafer said...

yes i like this picture more clear and he is heading to your house Thelma...

MITS said...

I like that Santa, going round the world.

NillaWafer said...

Duhhh he is passin by the moon silly... I just icined the cup cakes and put the sprinkles on them.. did i mention i hate doing Always pt to much in the cups then they bake over...

NillaWafer said...

Well its getting night time now i really start coughing... Hows your husband feeling Thelma any better?? Hope Sharon checks in if only to say hello...

NillaWafer said...

Thelma dont worry i have New Years pictures all picked out for us... Not to

NillaWafer said...

wow all my pictures are in sink (sp) to going over at the same time...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am just stopping by for a minute. My computer has an ugly bug that I haven't felt able to fight yet. I am doing okay today, just not even near par. If I don't check back in before, I certainly will in the morning.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Eve everyone!! Santa just passed thru London, hope the UK gals have been nice, not naughty!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am out now. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Sharon, I knew you couldn't resist! Merry Christmas! Glad you are home.

NillaWafer said...

LMAO......Sharon ur bad!!!! i knew you were coming in soon... Ham is in the oven and all my baking is finished for now... WE ALL LOVE YA TO SHARON... Megannnn have you finished preparing for tomarrow??? Hope you have awonderful holiday...

NillaWafer said...

Thelma you have mail..

MITS said...

Ok, yeah, that is the moon.....I see the wax lady was here:):):):).Louise.....santa is watching you...Megan are you watching Santa on NORAD?

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Nilla!!! I am still wrapping!

Anonymous said...

I have been watching the NORAD sight on and off throughout the day, Mits. Santa is moving fast.

MITS said...

I love watching that, Megan. I'm hanging up Christmas cards, then do some laundry, then repair some Christmas items the I want to put out...heating up the hot glue gun. Don't think I will get to set table tonight, want to get to bed and get up early and go to mass, then come home and start cooking. Poor hubby keeps falling asleep, this virus really has its claws in him.

MITS said...

Giant Panda gave birth to twin cubs yesterday, in Japan.

MITS said...

I really don't feel like going back to work:(:(.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I have stalled and stalled..waiting for hubby to take a shower so I can wrap the rest of his gifts... Doing laundry also, sinkful of dishes still to do... Sorry your husband is still feeling ill, no fun being sick at the holidays. Will you see Maggie tomorrow?

MITS said...

NORAD SANTA is like our blog, won't let me in:(:(.

Anonymous said...

OH, how nasty.. Grinch must be loose, Mits. Santa was just spotted in Uruguay.

MITS said...

Yes. we have warned them that, Jay is sick, guess I'll go to 7-11 tomorrow and get Lysol spray, darn, I hear cards falling off the door that I just put up...I have never be doing anything like this on Christmas Eve, usually I'm just relaxing, but then again my helper is sick. Doiung laundry too, dishes in sink...Megan you and I seem to be in the same boat:):):), to bad its not going to the Bahamas,

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, Santa was just spotted over Novia Scotia! Miracle on 34th St. is on, my favorite Christmas movie.

Anonymous said...

Ahh.. the Bahamas...

MITS said...

YES...he is getting closer....

Mauley said...

Happy Happy Christmas all my dear EAgle Friends. I love you all so very much. Isn't the love of God shown in all of you or what. Dear Sharon, you and I just came back from the altar I always take you with me in my heart. Wednesday night I placed your sweet name on the altar, too. Nilla, Mema Jo, Mits, Glo, Flora Girl, Paula, anyone else out there. Merry Christmas. love donna

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Donna.

MITS said...

Thank you, Donna, God Bless you and a MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family.

MITS said...

Santa is in Chile.

MITS said...

Still a few people on the boardwalk at ocean city.

MITS said...

Santa is heading to Lima, Peru.

MITS said...

back to work, check in later.

MITS said...

The lions are back at wave-lit.

MITS said...

OH-OH, Santa just passed over Medelin, Colombia, hope he did not get hasseled, by local authorities.

MITS said...

HEY, No Problems, Mon, Santa is almost to Jamaica!!

Anonymous said...

Yikes, he just passed Guantanamo, Cuba.

MITS said...

Fly high, santa, we don't want the F16's after you:).

MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Well, it isn't after midnight, why is Santa so early??!

Anonymous said...

Go to the water hole on Wavelit
Lions still there - man what a close up. I had never seen this before, but the tourist are riding in an open vehicle & the camera got a really close pic where you could see the people & they were pretty darn close to the lions.

NillaWafer said...

HO HO HO Hes on his way... Closer N closer he gets...

NillaWafer said...

WOW look at that Lion thanks Jo he looks tired breathing heavy guess its hot there...Huge paws!!!

NillaWafer said...

He4 doesnt have a full main of hair prolley couple years old...Maybehe had been chasing food and didnt get it and is just out of breath?

NillaWafer said...

His face looks like the face in the wizard of Those teeth are bigggggggggg..... well someone is moving the camera

NillaWafer said...

Oh what a yawnnnnn, funny i was yawnin at the same time..

Anonymous said...

Well, I don'twant to second guess NORAD, but I can't believe Santa just flew over Virginia, cause it is not time yet, It is NOT after midnight. Off to bed myself, have a great Christmas everyone!!

Anonymous said...

Lost my picture on Wavelit.
Had a beautiful evening..Church and then everyone here. By 10 pm the last few were out the door to their own homes to prepare for Santa.

MITS said...

The way SANTA is flying, I think he has been into the eggnog.

NillaWafer said...

Didnt lose picture here Jo but the Lion moved out of camera range...Well the hams still in the oven slow baking...Hope i get some decent sleep tonight and not cough all night... Everyone HAVE A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS...GOD BLESS EACH OF YOU FOR ALL THE SPECIAL FAMILY WE HAVE IN THIS BLOG MAY 2007 BRING A HEALTHY NEW EAGLE FAMILY... LAUGHTER AND SOME TEARS FOR US... LOVE ABOUNDS IN THIS BLOG...GOOD NIGHT, HO HO HO , Nilla

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to all!

MITS said...

Jo, I've seen the trucks before, used to wait til they passed every night before I shut down the puter. Glad you had a wonderful evening with your family. husband is still not feeling well, but everyone is still coming here. better go get lysol spray tomorrow. What are your plans for tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

Well, Mits - Time for me to go.
Here's to a Peaceful Christmas with praises to God for the Gift he has given us

Good Night All
Peaceful dreams

MITS said...

And to all a GOOD NIGHT!

Anonymous said...

MITS Tomorrow the NY gals will probably come up - Presents here for Samantha to open. She opened one tonight from her grandfather(my son) - one of those remote control scooters for the Brats (sp) dolls. Don't know who was having the most fun-Samantha, her grandfather or her uncle???? lol

Hi There Paula

MITS said...

Santa must have a hot date, he is in Chicago, or, he can't tell time.

Anonymous said...

Once again ...

Time for me to go.
Here's to a Peaceful Christmas with praises to God for the Gift he has given us

Good Night All
Peaceful dreams

MITS said...

Peace to you, Jo, and congrats on the 150 lb. can of WAX:):):).

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!!

NillaWafer said...

Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Thelma here is our lil Maggie waitin on Santa.. Luv Ya

NillaWafer said...

Oh my God just got a phone call from family my lil great neice Aaleiha ... Mits (the 1 was at the zoo with us) i knew she ahd been not feeling well and Carrie took her to the doctors last night and they said step throat... but she got really sick today and they took her to ER just got a call from step mother that they are flying her to Baltimore she has a groweth on her wind pipe and she cant breath.. and they cant operate in Hagerstown hospitol... Will prolley be in Baltimore tomarrow.... Please pray for her she is 3 years old and will be 4 January3rd..

NillaWafer said...

Just got aphone call they are now taking her to Washington dont know what hospitol yet...

NillaWafer said...

Daughter is going to Hagerstown to hospitol to take Carrie down, my guess is they are flying her out in copter because Carrie cant go with her, that alone is scaryy!!! I know everyone is in bed and i am setting here talking to myself but please bear with me as i cant sleep waiting on phone calls and news.. I had my dawn in the hospitol at Christmas when she was 4 years old with akidney problem and surgery...

NillaWafer said...

2:30am daughter called They are taking the baby by ambulance and Carrie was allowed to ride along but in the front... She is going to Childerns Hospitol In Washington DC... daughter has directions and going down in the morning... Thelma is that near you????

NillaWafer said...

3:30am 1 last message before trying to catch few hours sleep... my daughter said the baby evidently has had this groweth or mass for awhile now.. i knew she was saying she could not turn her head and her throat hurt saturday when i was down there..Daughter told me from what she understands they wont do anything until the doctors know what they are dealing with could even be cancer so please please pray.. As i set here thinking back to this time last Christmas we all were in Fla going to Disney and Aalehia loves Minnie Mouse..

MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my eagle pals! My 2 little sugar plums are still sleeping so I'm sending Christmas cheer far and wide.

Merry Christmas Big Boy, In Between and little Spunky!!

Merry Christmas Liberty and Belle!!

Hope everyone has a grand day!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

NILLA - HUGE PRAYERS ARE GOING UP FOR YOUR GREAT NIECE. You just never know from one minute to the next what life is going to hand us. (((((((((((((NILLA AND ALLEIAH))))))))))))) on this Christmas morning.

Just want you all to know how grateful I am deep in my soul for my buddies on here.

I am feeling kind of okay today. There may be a complication happening but I am going to call my surgeon in Charlottesville and take it from there. I will be so grateful when all of this is over.

Anonymous said...


You're in my prayers, my friend. Mega Hugs to you (((((HUGS)))). Fell better, and try to have a Merry Christmas.

Nilla, holding that little baby in my prayer as well.

AWWW heck ((((HUGS))) hugs all around!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning and MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Hope you all have a wonderful holiday full of family and love( and lots of food, and drink, and...presents.) Keeping Aalehia in my thoughts, Nilla, very scary news about her. They have taken her to a great hospital though, the Doctors will help figure out how to help her, I'm sure. Take care all, and have a wonderful holiday!

Anonymous said...

OOPs, daughter is awake, I hear the tearing of tissue paper...

MITS said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...